async def execute_order(self, order: Order, session, dry_run=True):
        Execute an order. If doing a dry run, the order isn't placed but simulated (server-side).

            order (Order): The order object to execute.
            session (TastyAPISession): The tastyworks session onto which to execute the order.
            dry_run (bool): Whether to do a test (dry) run.

            bool: Whether the order was successful.
        if not order.check_is_order_executable():
            raise Exception('Order is not executable, most likely due to missing data')

        if not session.is_active():
            raise Exception('The supplied session is not active and valid')

        url = '{}/accounts/{}/orders'.format(
        if dry_run:
            url = f'{url}/dry-run'

        body = _get_execute_order_json(order)

        async with aiohttp.request('POST', url, headers=session.get_request_headers(), json=body) as resp:
            if resp.status == 201:
                return True
            elif resp.status == 400:
                raise Exception('Order execution failed, message: {}'.format(await resp.text()))
                raise Exception('Unknown remote error, status code: {}, message: {}'.format(resp.status, await resp.text()))
    async def execute_order(self, order: Order, session, dry_run=True):
        Execute an order. If doing a dry run, the order isn't placed but simulated (server-side).

            order (Order): The order object to execute.
            dry_run (bool): Whether to do a test (dry) run.

            bool: Whether the order was successful.
        if not order.check_is_order_executable():
            raise Exception(
                'Order is not executable, most likely due to missing data')

        if not session.is_active():
            raise Exception('The supplied session is not active and valid')

        url = '{}/accounts/{}/orders'.format(session.API_url,
        if dry_run:
            url = f'{url}/dry-run'

        body = {
            'source': order.details.source,
            'order-type': order.details.type.value,
            'price': str(order.details.price),
            'price-effect': order.details.price_effect.value,
            'time-in-force': order.details.time_in_force,
            'legs': self._get_legs_request_data(order)

        async with aiohttp.request('POST',
                                   json=body) as resp:
            if resp.status == 201:
                return True
            elif resp.status == 400:
                raise Exception('Order execution failed, message: {}'.format(
                    await resp.text()))
                raise Exception(
                    'Unknown remote error, status code: {}, message: {}'.
                    format(resp.status, await resp.text()))