Example #1
def test_process_id_link():
    """Test that a process run can house a LinkByUID object, and that it survives serde."""
    uid = str(uuid4())
    proc_link = LinkByUID(scope='id', id=uid)
    mat_run = MaterialRun("Another cake", process=proc_link)
    copy_material = loads(dumps(mat_run))
    assert dumps(copy_material) == dumps(mat_run)
Example #2
def test_unexpected_serialization():
    """Trying to serialize an unexpected class should throw a TypeError."""
    class DummyClass:
        def __init__(self, foo):
            self.foo = foo

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        dumps(ProcessRun("A process", notes=DummyClass("something")))
Example #3
def test_unexpected_deserialization():
    """Trying to deserialize an unexpected class should throw a TypeError."""
    class DummyClass(DictSerializable):
        typ = 'dummy_class'

        def __init__(self, foo):
            self.foo = foo

    # DummyClass cannot be serialized since dumps will round-robin serialize
    # in the substitute_links method
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        dumps(ProcessRun("A process", notes=DummyClass("something")))
Example #4
def test_process_spec():
    """Tests that the Process Spec/Run connection persists when serializing."""
    # Create the ProcessSpec
    condition1 = Condition(name="a condition on the process in general")
    spec = ProcessSpec(conditions=condition1)

    # Create the ProcessRun with a link to the ProcessSpec from above
    condition2 = Condition(
        name="a condition on this process run in particular")
    process = ProcessRun(conditions=condition2, spec=spec)

    copy_process = loads(dumps(process))
    assert dumps(copy_process.spec) == dumps(spec), \
        "Process spec should be preserved through serialization"
Example #5
def test_attribute_serde():
    """An attribute with a link to an attribute template should be copy-able."""
    prop_tmpl = PropertyTemplate(name='prop_tmpl',
                                 bounds=RealBounds(0, 2, 'm')
    prop = Property(name='prop',
                    value=NominalReal(1, 'm')
    meas_spec = MeasurementSpec("a spec")
    meas = MeasurementRun("a measurement", spec=meas_spec, properties=[prop])
    assert loads(dumps(prop)) == prop
    assert loads(dumps(meas)) == meas
    assert isinstance(prop.template, PropertyTemplate)
Example #6
def test_process_run():
    """Test that a process run can house a material, and that it survives serde."""
    process_run = ProcessRun("Bake a cake", uids={'My_ID': str(17)})
    material_run = MaterialRun("A cake", process=process_run)

    # Check that a bi-directional link is established
    assert material_run.process == process_run
    assert process_run.output_material == material_run

    copy_material = loads(dumps(material_run))
    assert dumps(copy_material) == dumps(material_run)

    assert 'output_material' in repr(process_run)
    assert 'process' in repr(material_run)
Example #7
def test_numpy():
    """Test that ndarrays, Series work as well."""
    assert len(array_like()) < 5  # In case we extend at some point

    if len(array_like()) > 2:  # Test numpy
        import numpy as np
        np_bounds = CategoricalBounds(np.array(["spam", "eggs"], dtype=object))
        np_copy = loads(dumps(np_bounds))
        assert np_copy == np_bounds

    if len(array_like()) > 3:  # Test numpy
        import pandas as pd
        pd_bounds = CategoricalBounds(pd.Series(["spam", "eggs"]))
        pd_copy = loads(dumps(pd_bounds))
        assert pd_copy == pd_bounds
Example #8
def test_measurement_spec():
    """Test the measurement spec/run connection survives ser/de."""
    condition = Condition(name="Temp condition",
                          value=NominalReal(nominal=298, units='kelvin'))
    parameter = Parameter(name="Important parameter")
    spec = MeasurementSpec(name="Precise way to do a measurement",

    # Create a measurement run from this measurement spec
    measurement = MeasurementRun(conditions=condition, spec=spec)

    copy = loads(dumps(measurement))
    assert dumps(copy.spec) == dumps(measurement.spec), \
        "Measurement spec should be preserved if measurement run is serialized"
Example #9
def test_access_data():
    """Demonstrate and test access patterns within the data island."""
    binders = {
        "Polyethylene Glycol 100M": 0.02,
        "Sodium lignosulfonate": 0.004,
        "Polyvinyl Acetate": 0.0001
    powders = {"Al2O3": 0.96}
    island = make_data_island(

    # read the density value
    assert(island.measurements[0].properties[0].value == NominalReal(1.0, ''))
    # read the bulk modulus value
    assert(island.measurements[0].properties[1].value == NormalReal(300.0, 3.0, ''))
    # read the firing temperature
    assert(island.process.conditions[0].value == UniformReal(749.5, 750.5, 'degC'))
    assert(island.process.parameters[0].value == DiscreteCategorical({"hot": 1.0}))

    # read the quantity of alumina
    quantities = island.process.ingredients[0].material.process.conditions[0].value.quantities
        keyfilter(lambda x: x == "Al2O3", quantities).values()
    )[0] == 0.96)

    # check that the serialization results in the correct number of objects in the preface
    # (note that neither measurements nor ingredients are serialized)
    assert(len(json.loads(dumps(island))["context"]) == 26)
Example #10
def test_dict_serialization():
    """Test that a dictionary can be serialized and then deserialized as a taurus object."""
    process = ProcessRun("A process")
    mat = MaterialRun("A material", process=process)
    meas = MeasurementRun("A measurement", material=mat)
    copy = loads(dumps(meas.as_dict()))
    assert copy == meas
Example #11
def test_sac():
    """Make S&C table and assert that it can be serialized."""
    sac = make_strehlow_objects(import_table())
    sac_tbl = make_strehlow_table(sac)

    # Check that all shapes of records serialize and deserialize
    for comp in sac:
        assert je.loads(je.dumps(comp)) == comp

    # Look at each different combination of Value types in a S&C record
    smaller = minimal_subset(sac_tbl['content'])
    # Make sure that the diversity of value types isn't lost, e.g. something is being None'd
    assert len(smaller) == 162

    # Make sure there's no migration with repeated serialization
    for row in sac_tbl:
        assert je.dumps(je.loads(je.dumps(row))) == je.dumps(row)
Example #12
def test_material_soft_link():
    """Test that a measurement run can link to a material run, and that it survives serde."""
    dye = MaterialRun("rhodamine",
                      file_links=FileLink(filename='a.csv', url='/a/path'))
    assert dye.measurements == [], "default value of .measurements should be an empty list"

    # The .measurements member should not be settable
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        dye.measurements = [MeasurementRun()]

    absorbance = MeasurementRun(name="Absorbance",
                                uids={'id': str(uuid4())},
                                    Property(name='Abs at 500 nm',
                                             value=NominalReal(0.1, ''))
    assert absorbance.material is None, "Measurements should have None as the material by default"
    absorbance.material = dye
    assert absorbance.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement"
    assert dye.measurements == [
    ], "Soft-link from material to measurement not created"

    fluorescence = MeasurementRun(name="Fluorescence",
                                  uids={'id': str(uuid4())},
                                      Property(name='PL counts at 550 nm',
                                               value=NominalReal(30000, ''))

    assert fluorescence.material == dye, "Material not set correctly for measurement"
    assert dye.measurements == [absorbance, fluorescence], \
        "Soft-link from material to measurements not created"

    assert loads(dumps(absorbance)) == absorbance, \
        "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized"
    assert loads(dumps(fluorescence)) == fluorescence, \
        "Measurement should remain unchanged when serialized"

    assert 'measurements' in repr(dye)
    assert 'material' in repr(fluorescence)
    assert 'material' in repr(absorbance)

    subbed = substitute_links(dye)
    assert 'measurements' in repr(subbed)
Example #13
def test_json_serde():
    """Test that values can be ser/de using our custom json loads/dumps."""
    # Enums are only used in the context of another class --
    # it is not possible to deserialize to enum with the current
    # serialization strategy (plain string) without this context.
    original = Property(name="foo", origin=Origin.MEASURED)
    copy = loads(dumps(original))
    assert original == copy
Example #14
def test_uid_deser():
    """Test that uids continue to be a CaseInsensitiveDict after deserialization."""
    material = MaterialRun("Input material", tags="input", uids={'Sample ID': '500-B'})
    ingredient = IngredientRun(material=material)
    ingredient_copy = loads(dumps(ingredient))
    assert isinstance(ingredient_copy.uids, CaseInsensitiveDict)
    assert ingredient_copy.material == material
    assert ingredient_copy.material.uids['sample id'] == material.uids['Sample ID']
Example #15
def test_source():
    """Test that source can be set, serialized, and deserialized."""
    source = PerformedSource(performed_by="Marie Curie",
    measurement = MeasurementRun(name="Polonium", source=source)
    assert loads(dumps(measurement)).source.performed_by == "Marie Curie"

    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        MeasurementRun(name="Polonium", source="Marie Curie on 1898-07-01")
Example #16
def test_link_by_uid():
    """Test that linking works."""
    root = MaterialRun(name='root', process=ProcessRun(name='root proc'))
    leaf = MaterialRun(name='leaf', process=ProcessRun(name='leaf proc'))
    IngredientRun(process=root.process, material=leaf)
    IngredientRun(process=root.process, material=LinkByUID.from_entity(leaf))

    copy = loads(dumps(root))
    assert copy.process.ingredients[0].material == copy.process.ingredients[
Example #17
def test_ingredient_spec():
    """Tests that a process can house an ingredient, and that pairing survives serialization."""
    # Create a ProcessSpec
    proc_spec = ProcessSpec(name="a process spec", tags=["tag1", "tag2"])
    IngredientSpec(name='Input', material=MaterialSpec(name='Raw'), process=proc_spec)

    # Make copies of both specs
    proc_spec_copy = loads(dumps(proc_spec))

    assert proc_spec_copy == proc_spec, "Full structure wasn't preserved across serialization"
Example #18
def test_material_spec():
    """Test that Process/Material Spec link survives serialization."""
    # Create a ProcessSpec
    proc_spec = ProcessSpec(name="a process spec", tags=["tag1", "tag2"])

    # Create MaterialSpec without a ProcessSpec
    prop = Property(
        name="The material is a solid",
    mat_spec = MaterialSpec(name="a material spec", properties=PropertyAndConditions(prop))
    assert mat_spec.process is None, \
        "MaterialSpec should be initialized with no ProcessSpec, by default"

    # Assign a ProcessSpec to mat_spec, first ensuring that the type is enforced
    with pytest.raises(TypeError):
        mat_spec.process = 17
    mat_spec.process = proc_spec

    # Assert circular links
    assert dumps(proc_spec.output_material.process) == dumps(proc_spec), \
        "ProcessSpec should link to MaterialSpec that links back to itself"

    assert dumps(mat_spec.process.output_material) == dumps(mat_spec), \
        "MaterialSpec should link to ProcessSpec that links back to itself"

    # Make copies of both specs
    mat_spec_copy = loads(dumps(mat_spec))
    proc_spec_copy = loads(dumps(proc_spec))

    assert proc_spec_copy.output_material == mat_spec, \
        "Serialization should preserve link from ProcessSpec to MaterialSpec"

    assert mat_spec_copy.process == proc_spec, \
        "Serialization should preserve link from MaterialSpec to ProcessSpec"
Example #19
def test_serialize():
    """Serializing a nested object should be identical to individually serializing each piece."""
    condition = Condition(name="A condition", value=NominalReal(7, ''))
    parameter = Parameter(name="A parameter", value=NormalReal(mean=17, std=1, units=''))
    input_material = MaterialRun(tags="input")
    process = ProcessRun(tags="A tag on a process run")
    ingredient = IngredientRun(material=input_material, process=process)
    material = MaterialRun(tags=["A tag on a material"], process=process)
    measurement = MeasurementRun(tags="A tag on a measurement", conditions=condition,
                                 parameters=parameter, material=material)

    # serialize the root of the tree
    native_object = json.loads(dumps(measurement))
    # ingredients don't get serialized on the process
    assert(len(native_object["context"]) == 5)
    assert(native_object["object"]["type"] == LinkByUID.typ)

    # serialize all of the nodes
    native_batch = json.loads(dumps([material, process, measurement, ingredient]))
    assert(len(native_batch["context"]) == 5)
    assert(len(native_batch["object"]) == 4)
    assert(all(x["type"] == LinkByUID.typ for x in native_batch["object"]))
def test_measurement_example():
    """Simple driver to populate flex_measurements.json and validate that it has contents."""
    num_measurements = 4
    results = make_demo_measurements(num_measurements, extra_tags={"demo"})

    with open("flex_measurements.json", "w") as f:
        f.write(dumps(results, indent=2))

    with open("flex_measurements.json", "r") as f:
        copy = load(f)

    assert len(copy) == len(results)
    assert all("demo" in x.tags for x in copy)
    assert all("my_id" in x.uids for x in copy)
Example #21
def test_many_ingredients():
    """Test that ingredients remain connected to processes when round-robined through json."""
    proc = ProcessRun("foo", spec=ProcessSpec("sfoo"))
    expected = []
    for i in range(10):
        mat = MaterialRun(name=str(i), spec=MaterialSpec("s{}".format(i)))
        i_spec = IngredientSpec(name="i{}".format(i), material=mat.spec, process=proc.spec)
        IngredientRun(process=proc, material=mat, spec=i_spec)

    reloaded = loads(dumps(proc))
    assert len(list(reloaded.ingredients)) == 10
    names = [x.name for x in reloaded.ingredients]
    assert sorted(names) == sorted(expected)
Example #22
def test_ingredient_run():
    """Tests that a process can house an ingredient, and that pairing survives serialization."""
    # Create a ProcessSpec
    proc_run = ProcessRun(name="a process spec", tags=["tag1", "tag2"])
    ingred_run = IngredientRun(material=MaterialRun(name='Raw'),

    # Make copies of both specs
    proc_run_copy = loads(dumps(proc_run))

    assert proc_run_copy == proc_run, "Full structure wasn't preserved across serialization"

    assert 'process' in repr(ingred_run)
    assert 'ingredients' in repr(proc_run)
Example #23
def test_material_run():
    Test the ability to create a MaterialRun that is linked to a MaterialSpec.

    Make sure all enumerated values are respected, and check consistency after
    serializing and deserializing.
    # Define a property, and make sure that an inappropriate value for origin throws ValueError
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        prop = Property(name="A property",
                        origin="bad origin",
                        value=NominalReal(17, units=''))

    # Create a MaterialSpec with a property
    prop = Property(name="A property",
                    value=NominalReal(17, units=''))
    mat_spec = MaterialSpec(name="a specification for a material",
                            notes="Funny lookin'")

    # Make sure that when property is serialized, origin (an enumeration) is serialized as a string
    copy_prop = json.loads(dumps(mat_spec))
    copy_origin = copy_prop["context"][0]["properties"][0]['property'][
    assert isinstance(copy_origin, str)

    # Create a MaterialRun, and make sure an inappropriate value for sample_type throws ValueError
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mat = MaterialRun(spec=mat_spec, sample_type="imaginary")
    mat = MaterialRun(spec=mat_spec, sample_type="virtual")

    # ensure that serialization does not change the MaterialRun
    copy = loads(dumps(mat))
    assert dumps(copy) == dumps(mat), \
        "Material run is modified by serialization or deserialization"
Example #24
def test_serde():
    """Test that an object with a case-insensitive dict can be serialized properly."""
    process = ProcessRun("A process", uids={'Foo': str(17)})
    process_copy = loads(dumps(process))
    assert process == process_copy
    assert process_copy.uids['foo'] == process_copy.uids['Foo']
Example #25
def test_json():
    """Check that we can json ser/de round-robin."""
    empirical = EmpiricalFormula("Al94.5Si5.5")
    copy = loads(dumps(empirical))
    assert (copy == empirical)
Example #26
def test_material_id_link():
    """Check that a measurement can be linked to a material that is a LinkByUID."""
    mat = LinkByUID('id', str(uuid4()))
    meas = MeasurementRun(material=mat)
    assert meas.material == mat
    assert loads(dumps(meas)) == meas
Example #27
def test_json():
    """Test that json serialization round robins to the identity."""
    template = PropertyTemplate(name="foo", bounds=RealBounds(0, 1, ""))
    copy = loads(dumps(template))
    assert copy == template
Example #28
 def test_for_loss(obj):
     assert(obj == loads(dumps(obj)))
Example #29
    import os.path
    import json

    imported_table = import_table(FULL_TABLE)
    full_compounds = make_strehlow_objects(imported_table)
    full_table = make_strehlow_table(full_compounds)
    small_table = minimal_subset(full_table['content'])
    todo = set(_fingerprint(x) for x in small_table)
    print('Total number of prototypes: {}'.format(len(small_table)))

    reduced_list = []
    for (raw, clean) in zip(imported_table, full_table['content']):
        fp = _fingerprint(clean)
        if fp in todo:
            if not todo:

    with open(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), SMALL_TABLE), 'w') as f:
        json.dump(reduced_list, f, indent=2)

    print("\n\nJSON -- Training table")
    import taurus.json as je
    print(json.dumps(json.loads(je.dumps(full_table))[1], indent=2))

    print("\n\nCSV -- Display table")
    display = make_display_table(full_table)
    for row in display:
        print(','.join(map(lambda x: str(x), row)))
Example #30
def test_cake():
    """Create cake, serialize, deserialize."""
    cake = make_cake()

    def test_for_loss(obj):
        assert(obj == loads(dumps(obj)))
    recursive_foreach(cake, test_for_loss)

    # And verify equality was working in the first place
    cake2 = loads(dumps(cake))
    cake2.name = "It's a trap!"
    assert(cake2 != cake)
    cake2.name = cake.name
    assert(cake == cake2)
    cake2.uids['new'] = "It's a trap!"
    assert(cake2 != cake)

    # Check that all the objects show up
    tot_count = 0

    def increment(dummy):
        nonlocal tot_count
        tot_count += 1

    recursive_foreach(cake, increment)
    assert tot_count == 130

    # And make sure nothing was lost
    tot_count = 0
    recursive_foreach(loads(dumps(complete_material_history(cake))), increment)
    assert tot_count == 130

    # Check that no UIDs collide
    uid_seen = dict()

    def check_ids(obj):
        nonlocal uid_seen
        for scope in obj.uids:
            lbl = '{}::{}'.format(scope, obj.uids[scope])
            if lbl in uid_seen:
                assert uid_seen[lbl] == id(obj)
            uid_seen[lbl] = id(obj)
    recursive_foreach(cake, check_ids)

    queue = [cake]
    seen = set()
    while queue:
        obj = queue.pop()
        if obj in seen:


        if isinstance(obj, MaterialSpec):
            if obj.process is not None:
                assert obj.process.output_material == obj
        elif isinstance(obj, MaterialRun):
            if obj.process is not None:
                assert obj.process.output_material == obj
            if obj.measurements:
                for msr in obj.measurements:
                    assert msr.material == obj
            if obj.spec is not None:
                if obj.process is not None:
                    assert obj.spec.process == obj.process.spec
        elif isinstance(obj, ProcessRun):
            if obj.ingredients:
            if obj.output_material is not None:
                assert obj.output_material.process == obj
                if obj.spec is not None:
                    assert obj.spec.output_material == obj.output_material.spec
        elif isinstance(obj, ProcessSpec):
            if obj.ingredients:
            if obj.output_material is not None:
                assert obj.output_material.process == obj
        elif isinstance(obj, MeasurementSpec):
            pass  # Doesn't link
        elif isinstance(obj, MeasurementRun):
            if obj.spec:
        elif isinstance(obj, IngredientSpec):
            if obj.material:
        elif isinstance(obj, IngredientRun):
            if obj.spec:
                if obj.material and isinstance(obj.material, MaterialRun):
                    assert obj.spec.material == obj.material.spec
            if obj.material: