Example #1
    def athome(cls, host: H, subdir: str) -> linux.Path[H]:
        Create a new workdir below the users home.

        Should be used inside the :meth:`~tbot.machine.linux.LinuxMachine.workdir`
        method, like this::

            class MyMachine(...):

                def workdir(self) -> "linux.Path[MyMachine]":
                    return linux.Workdir.athome(self, "tbot-work")

        :param linux.LinuxMachine host: Host for which this workdir should be
        :param str subdir: Name of the subdirectory in $HOME which should be
            used as a workdir.
        :rtype: linux.Path
        :returns: A tbot-path to the workdir
        home = host.exec0("echo", linux.Env("HOME")).strip("\n")
        p = linux.Path(host, home) / subdir

        if not hasattr(host, "_wd_path"):
            if not p.is_dir():
                host.exec0("mkdir", "-p", p)

            setattr(host, "_wd_path", p)

        return typing.cast(linux.Path[H], getattr(host, "_wd_path"))
Example #2
def selftest_machine_shell(
    m: typing.Union[linux.LinuxMachine, board.UBootMachine]
) -> None:
    # Capabilities
    cap = []
    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxMachine):
        if m.shell == linux.shell.Bash:
            cap.extend(["printf", "jobs", "control"])
        if m.shell == linux.shell.Ash:
            cap.extend(["printf", "control"])

    tbot.log.message("Testing command output ...")
    out = m.exec0("echo", "Hello World")
    assert out == "Hello World\n", repr(out)

    out = m.exec0("echo", "$?", "!#")
    assert out == "$? !#\n", repr(out)

    if "printf" in cap:
        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello World")
        assert out == "Hello World", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

        out = m.exec0("printf", "Hello\nWorld")
        assert out == "Hello\nWorld", repr(out)

    s = "_".join(map(lambda i: f"{i:02}", range(80)))
    out = m.exec0("echo", s)
    assert out == f"{s}\n", repr(out)

    tbot.log.message("Testing return codes ...")
    assert m.test("true")
    assert not m.test("false")

    if isinstance(m, linux.LinuxMachine):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")
        value = "12\nfoo !? # true; exit\n"
        m.exec0("export", f"TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR={value}")
        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST_ENV_VAR")
        assert out == value, repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing redirection (and weird paths) ...")
        f = m.workdir / ".redir test.txt"
        if f.exists():
            m.exec0("rm", f)

        m.exec0("echo", "Some data\nAnd some more", stdout=f)

        out = m.exec0("cat", f)
        assert out == "Some data\nAnd some more\n", repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing formatting ...")
        tmp = linux.Path(m, "/tmp/f o/bar")
        out = m.exec0("echo", linux.F("{}:{}:{}", tmp, linux.Pipe, "foo"))
        assert out == "/tmp/f o/bar:|:foo\n", repr(out)

        m.exec0("export", linux.F("NEWPATH={}:{}", tmp, linux.Env("PATH"), quote=False))
        out = m.env("NEWPATH")
        assert out != "/tmp/f o/bar:${PATH}", repr(out)

        if "jobs" in cap:
            t1 = time.monotonic()
            out = m.exec0(
                "sleep", "10", linux.Background, "echo", "Hello World"
            t2 = time.monotonic()

            assert re.match(r"\[\d+\] \d+\nHello World", out), repr(out)
            assert (
                t2 - t1
            ) < 9.0, (
                f"Command took {t2 - t1}s (max 9s). Sleep was not sent to background"

        if "control" in cap:
            out = m.exec0(
                "false", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse, "echo", "BAR"
            assert out == "BAR", repr(out)

            out = m.exec0(
                "true", linux.AndThen, "echo", "FOO", linux.OrElse, "echo", "BAR"
            assert out == "FOO", repr(out)

        tbot.log.message("Testing subshell ...")
        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

        with m.subshell():
            m.exec0("export", "SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR=123")
            out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
            assert out == "123", repr(out)

        out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR")
        assert out == "", repr(out)

        with m.subshell(
            "env", "SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR2=1337", "bash", "--norc", shell=linux.shell.Bash
            out = m.env("SUBSHELL_TEST_VAR2")
            assert out == "1337", repr(out)

    if isinstance(m, board.UBootMachine):
        tbot.log.message("Testing env vars ...")
        m.exec0("setenv", "TBOT_TEST", "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet")
        out = m.exec0("printenv", "TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "TBOT_TEST=Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet\n", repr(out)

        out = m.env("TBOT_TEST")
        assert out == "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet", repr(out)
Example #3
def selftest_user(lab: typing.Optional[linux.LabHost] = None, ) -> None:
    with lab or tbot.acquire_lab() as lh:
        lh.exec0("echo", linux.Env("USER"))