def get_strategy_max_purchase_pct(cls, env: ExecEnv, strategy_id: str) -> float: """ Returns the maximum percentage of our account balance to use on the given strategy. """ setting_str = env.get_setting('max_purchase_pct.' + strategy_id) if setting_str == '': env.warn_main(f'Maximum purchase percent for {strategy_id} not set. Using default value of ' f'{100 * cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_PCT:.0f}%') return cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_PCT else: return float(setting_str)
def get_strategy_max_purchase_usd(cls, env: ExecEnv, strategy_id: str) -> float: """ Returns the maximum amount of money to use on the given strategy. """ setting_str = env.get_setting('max_purchase_usd.' + strategy_id) if setting_str == '': env.warn_main(f'Maximum purchase amount for {strategy_id} not set. ' f'Using default value of ${cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_USD}') return cls.DEFAULT_STRATEGY_MAX_PURCHASE_USD else: return float(setting_str)
def load_pre_reqs(self) -> None: # Initialize log feeds. self.logfeed_data = LogFeed(LogCategory.DATA) self.logfeed_data.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_trading = LogFeed(LogCategory.LIVE_TRADING) self.logfeed_trading.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_optimization = LogFeed(LogCategory.OPTIMIZATION) self.logfeed_optimization.log(LogLevel.ERROR, ' ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_visuals = LogFeed(LogCategory.VISUALS) self.logfeed_visuals.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_api = LogFeed(LogCategory.API) self.logfeed_api.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') # Create time environment for live data collection and trading. live_time_env = TimeEnv( # Create database managers but don't initialize connections. live_redis = RedisManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) live_mongo = MongoManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) # Initialize collector manager to access live_data_collector = PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_data, time_env=live_time_env) # Initialize the live execution environment with program logs. self.live_env = ExecEnv(logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_program) # Setup the live execution environment with live time & data variables. self.live_env.setup_first_time(env_type=EnvType.LIVE, time=live_time_env, data_collector=live_data_collector, mongo=live_mongo, redis=live_redis) # Set Alpaca credentials as environment variables so we don't have to pass them around. live_trading = True if Settings.get_endpoint( self.live_env) == BrokerEndpoint.LIVE else False os.environ['APCA_API_BASE_URL'] = '' \ if live_trading else '' os.environ['APCA_API_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_key_id') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_key_id') os.environ['APCA_API_SECRET_KEY'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_secret_key') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_secret_key') os.environ['POLYGON_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting( 'alpaca.live_key_id')
def fork_live_env(logfeed_process: Optional['LogFeed'] = None) -> 'ExecEnv': """ Returns an execution environment that outputs its logs to the API logfeed and can be used by the calling thread. """ from tc2.env.ExecEnv import ExecEnv if not logfeed_process: logfeed_process = shared.program.logfeed_api live_env = ExecEnv(shared.program.logfeed_program, logfeed_process, creator_env=shared.program.live_env) live_env.fork_new_thread() return live_env
def fork_sim_env_visuals() -> 'ExecEnv': """ Returns an execution environment of type VISUALS_GENERATION that can be used by the calling thread. """ from tc2.env.ExecEnv import ExecEnv from tc2.env.EnvType import EnvType from tc2.env.TimeEnv import TimeEnv from import RedisManager from import MongoManager from import PolygonDataCollector if shared.sim_env_visuals is None: shared.sim_env_visuals = ExecEnv(shared.program.logfeed_program, shared.program.logfeed_visuals) sim_time = TimeEnv( shared.sim_env_visuals.setup_first_time( env_type=EnvType.VISUAL_GENERATION, time=sim_time, data_collector=PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=shared.program.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=shared.program.logfeed_visuals, time_env=sim_time), mongo=MongoManager(shared.program.logfeed_visuals, EnvType.VISUAL_GENERATION), redis=RedisManager(shared.program.logfeed_visuals, EnvType.VISUAL_GENERATION)) return shared.sim_env_visuals # Wipe databases shared.sim_env_visuals.reset_dbs() shared.sim_env_visuals.fork_new_thread(creator_env=shared.sim_env_visuals) return shared.sim_env_visuals
def fork_sim_env_health() -> 'ExecEnv': """ Returns an execution environment of type HEALTH_CHECKING that can be used by the calling thread. """ from tc2.env.ExecEnv import ExecEnv from tc2.env.EnvType import EnvType from tc2.env.TimeEnv import TimeEnv from import RedisManager from import MongoManager from import PolygonDataCollector if shared.sim_env_health is None: shared.sim_env_health = ExecEnv(None, None) sim_time = TimeEnv( shared.sim_env_health.setup_first_time( env_type=EnvType.HEALTH_CHECKING, time=sim_time, data_collector=PolygonDataCollector(logfeed_program=None, logfeed_process=None, time_env=sim_time), mongo=MongoManager(None, EnvType.HEALTH_CHECKING), redis=RedisManager(None, EnvType.HEALTH_CHECKING)) return shared.sim_env_health # Wipe databases shared.sim_env_visuals.reset_dbs() shared.sim_env_health.fork_new_thread(creator_env=shared.sim_env_health) return shared.sim_env_health
def generate_data(cls, live_env: ExecEnv, sim_env: ExecEnv, **kwargs) -> 'RunHistoryData': """ Compiles the program's trade history into a json string usable by the visualization script. :keyword: paper """ # Extract parameters paper: bool = kwargs['paper'] # Load entire run history for the endpoint (live or paper) runs = live_env.redis().get_live_run_history( strategies=DAY_STRATEGY_IDS, paper=paper) # Return the trade data in a neat object return RunHistoryData(runs_data=[run.to_json() for run in runs], last_updated=live_env.time().now())
def generate_data(cls, live_env: ExecEnv, sim_env: ExecEnv, **kwargs) -> 'SwingSetupData': """ Compiles the symbol's price data into a json string usable by the graphing script. :keyword: symbol """ # Extract parameters symbol: str = kwargs['symbol'] # Get a list of dates with data on file dates_on_file = live_env.mongo().get_dates_on_file( symbol, START_DATE, live_env.time().now()) if len(dates_on_file) < 30: live_env.warn_process( f'Couldn\'t generate SwingSetupData for {symbol} because it only has ' f'{len(dates_on_file)} days of price data stored in mongo') return SwingSetupData._blank_swing_setup_data( symbol, live_env.time().now()) swing_viable_days: List[SwingViableDay] = [] # Create a SwingStrategy so we can test viability strategy = SwingStrategy(env=sim_env, symbols=[symbol]) for day_date in dates_on_file: # TODO Copy day_date's data from the live environment into the simulation environment # TODO Test viability of SwingStrategy on day_date # TODO Feed models on day_date pass # Load all daily aggregate candles for the symbol daily_candles = [ live_env.mongo().load_aggregate_candle(day_date) for day_date in dates_on_file ] # Return the price graph data in a neat object return SwingSetupData(symbol=symbol, daily_candles=[ daily_candle.to_json() for daily_candle in daily_candles if daily_candle is not None ], viable_days=[ viable_day.to_json() for viable_day in swing_viable_days ], last_updated=live_env.time().now())
def run(self) -> None: self.program.logfeed_program.log( LogLevel.INFO, 'Debug task setting up simulation environment') # Set simulation parameters. day_date = date(year=2020, month=3, day=10) # Clone live environment so it can run on this thread. live_env = ExecEnv(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.live_env) live_env.fork_new_thread() # Initialize simulation environment. sim_time_env = TimeEnv( datetime.combine(day_date, time(hour=11, minute=3, second=40))) sim_data_collector = PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=self.program.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.program.logfeed_program, time_env=sim_time_env) sim_redis = RedisManager(self.program.logfeed_program, EnvType.STARTUP_DEBUG_1) sim_mongo = MongoManager(self.program.logfeed_program, EnvType.STARTUP_DEBUG_1) sim_env = ExecEnv(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program) sim_env.setup_first_time(env_type=EnvType.STARTUP_DEBUG_1, time=sim_time_env, data_collector=sim_data_collector, mongo=sim_mongo, redis=sim_redis) # Place the strategy in a simulated environment. strategy = LongShortStrategy(env=sim_env, symbols=['SPY', 'SPXL', 'SPXS']) # Simulate the strategy so its output gets printed to logfeed_optimization. self.program.logfeed_program.log( LogLevel.INFO, 'Creating StrategySimulator for debug task') simulator = StrategySimulator(strategy, live_env, all_symbols=['SPY', 'SPXL', 'SPXS']) self.program.logfeed_program.log( LogLevel.INFO, 'Running simulation of LongShortStrategy') self.program.logfeed_program.log( LogLevel.INFO, f'Completed LongShortStrategy simulation. ' f'Results: {strategy.run_info.to_json()}')
class TC2Program(Loggable): """ The backend program, which is initialized by django startup code. """ # Live execution environment. live_env: ExecEnv # Log feeds. logfeed_data: LogFeed logfeed_trading: LogFeed logfeed_optimization: LogFeed logfeed_api: LogFeed logfeed_visuals: LogFeed # Logic loops (running inside threads). strategy_optimizer: StrategyOptimizer live_day_trader: LiveTrader live_swing_trader: LiveTrader daily_collector: DailyCollector visuals_refresher: VisualsRefresher health_checks_refresher: HealthChecksRefresher # Threads (containing logic loops). day_trading_process: Process swing_trading_process: Process optimizations_process: Process collection_process: Process def __init__(self, logfeed_program): super().__init__(logfeed_program, logfeed_program) def start_program(self) -> None: """ Loads settings and runs program processes in their own threads. This can take several seconds to complete. """ # Log startup. self.warn_main('.........') self.warn_main('........') self.warn_main('.......') self.warn_main('......') self.warn_main('.....') self.warn_main('....') self.warn_main('...') self.warn_main('..') self.warn_main('.') self.warn_main('') self.warn_main('Program starting...') self.warn_main('') self.warn_main('.') self.warn_main('..') self.warn_main('...') self.warn_main('....') self.warn_main('.....') self.warn_main('......') self.warn_main('.......') self.warn_main('........') self.warn_main('.........') # Load pre-reqs first. try: self.info_main('Loading settings from config...') self.load_pre_reqs() self.info_main('Loaded settings') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to load program essentials:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Connect to market data and brokerage account data. try: self.info_main('Connecting to live data streams') self.init_account_data_streams() livestream_updates = AccountDataStream._livestream_updates self.info_main('Connected to alpaca and polygon streams') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to connect to data streams:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Mark data as loading and start a thread to get data and models up to date. try: self.perform_data_catchup() except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to start data catch-up task:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() return # Run data collection in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting data collection process') self.start_daily_collection(livestream_updates) self.info_main('Started data collection process') except Exception: self.error_main('FAILED TO START DATA COLLECTION:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Run live trading in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting trading process') self.start_live_trading(livestream_updates) self.info_main('Started trading process') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to start trading logic:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Run strategy optimization in its own core, if possible - otherwise, in its own thread. try: self.info_main('Starting simulation and evaluation process') self.start_strategy_optimization() self.info_main('Started simulation and evaluation process') except Exception: self.error_main( 'Failed to start strategy parameter optimization logic:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Init manager class and refresher thread for visualization. try: self.info_main( 'Initializing visuals (graphs, charts, etc.) generation components' ) self.init_visualization() self.info_main('Initialized visualization components') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to initialize visualization components:') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() # Init manager class and refresher thread for health checks. try: self.info_main('Initializing health checker') self.init_health_checks() self.info_main('Initialized health checker') except Exception: self.error_main('Failed to initialize health checker') self.warn_main(traceback.format_exc()) self.shutdown() self.info_main('Started successfully!') def load_pre_reqs(self) -> None: # Initialize log feeds. self.logfeed_data = LogFeed(LogCategory.DATA) self.logfeed_data.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_trading = LogFeed(LogCategory.LIVE_TRADING) self.logfeed_trading.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_optimization = LogFeed(LogCategory.OPTIMIZATION) self.logfeed_optimization.log(LogLevel.ERROR, ' ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_visuals = LogFeed(LogCategory.VISUALS) self.logfeed_visuals.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') self.logfeed_api = LogFeed(LogCategory.API) self.logfeed_api.log(LogLevel.ERROR, '. ...PROGRAM RESTARTED...') # Create time environment for live data collection and trading. live_time_env = TimeEnv( # Create database managers but don't initialize connections. live_redis = RedisManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) live_mongo = MongoManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.LIVE) # Initialize collector manager to access live_data_collector = PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_data, time_env=live_time_env) # Initialize the live execution environment with program logs. self.live_env = ExecEnv(logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_program) # Setup the live execution environment with live time & data variables. self.live_env.setup_first_time(env_type=EnvType.LIVE, time=live_time_env, data_collector=live_data_collector, mongo=live_mongo, redis=live_redis) # Set Alpaca credentials as environment variables so we don't have to pass them around. live_trading = True if Settings.get_endpoint( self.live_env) == BrokerEndpoint.LIVE else False os.environ['APCA_API_BASE_URL'] = '' \ if live_trading else '' os.environ['APCA_API_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_key_id') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_key_id') os.environ['APCA_API_SECRET_KEY'] = self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.live_secret_key') \ if live_trading else self.live_env.get_setting('alpaca.paper_secret_key') os.environ['POLYGON_KEY_ID'] = self.live_env.get_setting( 'alpaca.live_key_id') def init_account_data_streams(self) -> None: AccountDataStream.connect_to_streams(symbols=Settings.get_symbols( self.live_env), logfeed_data=self.logfeed_data) def start_daily_collection( self, livestream_updates: 'multiprocessing list') -> None: """ Starts a multiprocessing.Process, which is basically a Thread that can use its own core. Schedules data collection to run (and trigger model feeding) after markets close every day. """ # Daily collector logic loop to schedule daily collection and model feeding. self.daily_collector = DailyCollector(self.live_env, self.logfeed_data) self.collection_process = Process( target=self.daily_collector.start_collection_loop, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.collection_process.start() def perform_data_catchup(self) -> None: """ Fetches historical data off-thread from, if any is missing. """ # Train models on any data that was missed while the bot was offline. catch_up_days = 3 # Retrain models if the bot has insufficient warm-up data. warm_up_days = 27 def catch_up(): self.info_main( 'Trading and simulation disabled while checking for missing recent data...' ) catch_up_start_moment = pytime.monotonic() # Fork data_env for the new thread. catch_up_env = ExecEnv(self.logfeed_program, self.logfeed_data, creator_env=self.live_env) catch_up_env.fork_new_thread() catch_up_env.info_process( 'Performing catch-up task: checking for missing recent data') # Fork model feeder for the new thread. catch_up_model_feeder = ModelFeeder(catch_up_env) # Reset models and go back 31 days if missing [t-31, t-4]. # OR go back 4 days if only missing at most [t-4, t-1]. # Start at t-31 days. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Check that each day [t-31, t-4] has valid data. symbols_reset = [] for _ in range(warm_up_days): # Check the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): # Only check the symbol if it hasn't been reset. if symbol in symbols_reset: continue # Load the day's data and validate it. day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): catch_up_env.info_process( '{} missing price data on {}. Resetting its model data' .format(symbol, day_date)) catch_up_model_feeder.reset_models([symbol]) symbols_reset.append(symbol) # Go back to the latest potential missing day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1 if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Use price data to train models. for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days): # Go through each reset symbol. for symbol in symbols_reset: # Load mongo price data if present. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) # Collect polygon-rest price data if necessary. if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): try: day_data = catch_up_env.data_collector( ).collect_candles_for_day(day_date, symbol) except Exception as e: catch_up_env.error_process( 'Error collecting polygon-rest data:') catch_up_env.warn_process(traceback.format_exc()) collection_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant # Validate data. validation_debugger = [] if day_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( day_data.candles, debug_output=validation_debugger): # Save data catch_up_env.redis().reset_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.mongo().save_symbol_day(day_data) # Use data to train models for symbol on day. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() catch_up_model_feeder.train_models(symbol=symbol, day_date=day_date, day_data=day_data, stable=True) train_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant catch_up_env.info_process( f'Catch-up for {symbol} on {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}: collection took ' f'{collection_time:.2f}s; training took {train_time:.2f}s' ) else: catch_up_env.redis().incr_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.warn_process( f'Couldn\'t collect catch-up data for {symbol} on {day_date}: ' f'{"null" if day_date is None else len(day_data.candles)} candles' ) catch_up_env.warn_process( '\n'.join(validation_debugger)) # Move to the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) # Determine whether or not we have yesterday's cached data for at least one symbol. unstable_data_present = False while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): unstable_data = catch_up_env.redis().get_cached_candles( symbol, day_date) if unstable_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( unstable_data): unstable_data_present = True break if unstable_data_present: msg = f'Valid cached redis data on {day_date:%B %d} found. ' \ f'Models and strategies should function normally' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg) else: msg = f'No valid redis data cached on {day_date:%b %d}. Models that need yesterday\'s data will ' \ f'fail, causing some strategies to fail.' catch_up_env.warn_main(msg) catch_up_env.warn_process(msg) # Allow processes to resume now that data_collector is not busy. catch_up_env.mark_data_as_loaded() msg = f'Trading and strategy optimization enabled (catch up task took ' \ f'{(pytime.monotonic() - catch_up_start_moment) / 3600:.2f} hrs)' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg) data_load_thread = Thread(target=catch_up) data_load_thread.start() def start_live_trading(self, livestream_updates: 'multiprocessing list') -> None: """ Runs live day- and swing-trading in their own Processes. """ self.live_day_trader = LiveTrader(creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_trading=self.logfeed_trading, day_trader=True) self.day_trading_process = Process(target=self.live_day_trader.start, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.day_trading_process.start() self.live_swing_trader = LiveTrader( creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_trading=self.logfeed_trading, day_trader=False) self.swing_trading_process = Process( target=self.live_swing_trader.start, args=(livestream_updates, )) self.swing_trading_process.start() def start_strategy_optimization(self) -> None: """ Runs strategy optimization in its own Process. """ self.strategy_optimizer = StrategyOptimizer( creator_env=self.live_env, logfeed_optimization=self.logfeed_optimization) self.optimizations_process = Process( target=self.strategy_optimizer.start) self.optimizations_process.start() def init_visualization(self) -> None: """ Schedules visuals to update continuously. The user can also update visuals manually using the webpanel. """ # Schedule visuals to continuously update in the background. self.visuals_refresher = VisualsRefresher( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_visuals, symbols=Settings.get_symbols(self.live_env), live_time_env=self.live_env.time()) self.visuals_refresher.start() def init_health_checks(self) -> None: """ Schedules health checks (e.g. data checks, analysis model checks) to run at night. The user can also run checks manually using the webpanel. """ # Schedule health checks to run every night. self.health_checks_refresher = HealthChecksRefresher( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_program, symbols=Settings.get_symbols(self.live_env), live_time_env=self.live_env.time()) self.health_checks_refresher.start() def shutdown(self) -> None: self.info_main('Shutting down...') try: # Stop thread that runs health checks. self.health_checks_refresher.stop() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop thread that generates visuals. self.visuals_refresher.stop() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop collection process. self.daily_collector.stop() self.collection_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Close account/market websocket connections. AccountDataStream.shutdown() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop evaluations process. self.strategy_optimizer.stop() self.optimizations_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop day trading process. self.live_day_trader.stop() self.day_trading_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() try: # Stop swing trading process. self.live_swing_trader.stop() self.swing_trading_process.terminate() except Exception: traceback.print_exc() self.info_main('Shutdown complete')
def catch_up(): self.info_main( 'Trading and simulation disabled while checking for missing recent data...' ) catch_up_start_moment = pytime.monotonic() # Fork data_env for the new thread. catch_up_env = ExecEnv(self.logfeed_program, self.logfeed_data, creator_env=self.live_env) catch_up_env.fork_new_thread() catch_up_env.info_process( 'Performing catch-up task: checking for missing recent data') # Fork model feeder for the new thread. catch_up_model_feeder = ModelFeeder(catch_up_env) # Reset models and go back 31 days if missing [t-31, t-4]. # OR go back 4 days if only missing at most [t-4, t-1]. # Start at t-31 days. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Check that each day [t-31, t-4] has valid data. symbols_reset = [] for _ in range(warm_up_days): # Check the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): # Only check the symbol if it hasn't been reset. if symbol in symbols_reset: continue # Load the day's data and validate it. day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): catch_up_env.info_process( '{} missing price data on {}. Resetting its model data' .format(symbol, day_date)) catch_up_model_feeder.reset_models([symbol]) symbols_reset.append(symbol) # Go back to the latest potential missing day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().now().date() while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days + 1 if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days + 1): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) # Use price data to train models. for _ in range(warm_up_days + catch_up_days if len(symbols_reset) != 0 else catch_up_days): # Go through each reset symbol. for symbol in symbols_reset: # Load mongo price data if present. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() day_data = catch_up_env.mongo().load_symbol_day( symbol, day_date) # Collect polygon-rest price data if necessary. if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): try: day_data = catch_up_env.data_collector( ).collect_candles_for_day(day_date, symbol) except Exception as e: catch_up_env.error_process( 'Error collecting polygon-rest data:') catch_up_env.warn_process(traceback.format_exc()) collection_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant # Validate data. validation_debugger = [] if day_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( day_data.candles, debug_output=validation_debugger): # Save data catch_up_env.redis().reset_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.mongo().save_symbol_day(day_data) # Use data to train models for symbol on day. start_instant = pytime.monotonic() catch_up_model_feeder.train_models(symbol=symbol, day_date=day_date, day_data=day_data, stable=True) train_time = pytime.monotonic() - start_instant catch_up_env.info_process( f'Catch-up for {symbol} on {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}: collection took ' f'{collection_time:.2f}s; training took {train_time:.2f}s' ) else: catch_up_env.redis().incr_day_difficulty( symbol, day_date) catch_up_env.warn_process( f'Couldn\'t collect catch-up data for {symbol} on {day_date}: ' f'{"null" if day_date is None else len(day_data.candles)} candles' ) catch_up_env.warn_process( '\n'.join(validation_debugger)) # Move to the next day. day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) # Determine whether or not we have yesterday's cached data for at least one symbol. unstable_data_present = False while not catch_up_env.time().is_mkt_day(day_date): day_date = catch_up_env.time().get_prev_mkt_day(day_date) for symbol in Settings.get_symbols(catch_up_env): unstable_data = catch_up_env.redis().get_cached_candles( symbol, day_date) if unstable_data is not None and SymbolDay.validate_candles( unstable_data): unstable_data_present = True break if unstable_data_present: msg = f'Valid cached redis data on {day_date:%B %d} found. ' \ f'Models and strategies should function normally' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg) else: msg = f'No valid redis data cached on {day_date:%b %d}. Models that need yesterday\'s data will ' \ f'fail, causing some strategies to fail.' catch_up_env.warn_main(msg) catch_up_env.warn_process(msg) # Allow processes to resume now that data_collector is not busy. catch_up_env.mark_data_as_loaded() msg = f'Trading and strategy optimization enabled (catch up task took ' \ f'{(pytime.monotonic() - catch_up_start_moment) / 3600:.2f} hrs)' catch_up_env.info_main(msg) catch_up_env.info_process(msg)
def run(self) -> None: # Set symbol and date we need data for. symbols = ['SPY', 'SPXL', 'SPXS'] start_date = date(year=2020, month=4, day=1) days_to_dump = 5 # Clone live environment so it can run on this thread. live_env = ExecEnv(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.live_env) live_env.fork_new_thread() data_collector = PolygonDataCollector(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program, live_env.time()) # Go through each symbol. for symbol in symbols: # Go through the first 5 market days starting with start_date. day_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) for i in range(days_to_dump): # Get the next market day. day_date = live_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) # Load price data. print(f'Fetching {symbol} data for {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}') day_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol, day_date) # Get fresh data from, if necessary. if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): try: day_data = data_collector.collect_candles_for_day( day_date, symbol) except Exception as e: live_env.error_process( 'Error collecting polygon-rest data:') live_env.warn_process(traceback.format_exc()) # Validate the data. if day_data is None or not SymbolDay.validate_candles( day_data.candles): print( F'COULD NOT COMPILE DEBUG PRICE DATA FOR {symbol} ON {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}' ) continue # Convert the data into json. data_dict = day_data.to_json() # Dump the data into a text file. if not os.path.exists('debug_data'): os.mkdir('debug_data') with open(f'debug_data/{symbol}_{day_date:%m-%d-%Y}.txt', 'w+') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data_dict)) print( f'Dumped data to TC2_data/debug_data/{symbol}_{day_date:%m-%d-%Y}' )
def generate_data(cls, live_env: ExecEnv, sim_env: ExecEnv, **kwargs) -> 'PriceGraphData': """ Compiles the symbol's price data into a json string usable by the graphing script. :keyword: symbol """ # Extract parameters symbol: str = kwargs['symbol'] # Format price data so it can be made into a graph json_array = [] day_date = START_DATE end_date = ( - timedelta(days=1)).date() valid_days = 0 invalid_days = 0 while day_date <= end_date: day_date = day_date + timedelta(days=1) # Skip days on which markets are closed if not live_env.time().is_open( datetime.combine(day_date, OPEN_TIME)): continue # Denote missing data with price=0, valid_minutes=0 day_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol, day_date) if day_data is None or len(day_data.candles) == 0: invalid_days += 1 json_array.append({ "date": "{}/{}/{}".format(day_date.month,, day_date.year), "price": "0", "valid_minutes": "0" }) continue valid_days += 1 # Find the open price and the number of minutes with at least 5 candles open_price = day_data.candles[0].open valid_mins = 0 candles_in_min = 0 last_min = day_data.candles[0].moment.replace( second=0) - timedelta(minutes=1) for candle in day_data.candles: if candle.moment.replace( second=0) >= last_min + timedelta(seconds=1): if candles_in_min >= MIN_CANDLES_PER_MIN: valid_mins += 1 last_min = candle.moment.replace(second=0) candles_in_min = 0 else: candles_in_min += 1 # Create a json object (data point) corresponding to the day json_array.append({ "date": "{}/{}/{}".format(day_date.month,, day_date.year), "price": str(open_price), "valid_minutes": str(valid_mins) }) # Return the price graph data in a neat object return PriceGraphData(symbol=symbol, valid_days=valid_days, total_days=valid_days + invalid_days, data=json.dumps(json_array), last_updated=live_env.time().now())
def optimize_strategy(self, strategy: AbstractStrategy, symbol: str) -> None: """ Runs simulations from START_DATE thru two days ago. Tries hundreds of model scoring systems and picks the highest performing one. """ self.info_process( f'Optimizing {strategy.__class__.__name__}\'s weights using symbol: {symbol}' ) end_date = self.time().now() - timedelta(days=2) dates_on_file = self.mongo().get_dates_on_file(symbol, START_DATE, end_date) start_index = OPTIMIZATION_WARMUP_DAYS if len(dates_on_file) < start_index + 3: self.warn_process( f'Insufficient historical data ({len(dates_on_file)} days) for {symbol}' ) return evaluation = None # Initialize objects that make up a kind of container for this evaluation sim_time_env = TimeEnv( datetime.combine(dates_on_file[start_index - 1], OPEN_TIME)) sim_env = ExecEnv(self.logfeed_program, self.logfeed_process) sim_env.setup_first_time(env_type=EnvType.OPTIMIZATION, time=sim_time_env, data_collector=PolygonDataCollector( logfeed_program=self.logfeed_program, logfeed_process=self.logfeed_process, time_env=sim_time_env), mongo=MongoManager(self.logfeed_program, EnvType.OPTIMIZATION), redis=RedisManager(self.logfeed_process, EnvType.OPTIMIZATION)) # Create a ModelFeeder for the simulated environment sim_model_feeder = ModelFeeder(sim_env) # Place the strategy in the simulated environment strategy = self._clone_strategy(strategy, sim_env) # Copy data we need from live environment into simulated environment data_copy_error = candle_util.init_simulation_data( live_env=self, sim_env=sim_env, symbols=[strategy.get_symbol()], days=start_index - 2, end_date=dates_on_file[start_index - 1], model_feeder=sim_model_feeder) if data_copy_error is not None: self.warn_process(data_copy_error) return for day_to_eval in dates_on_file[start_index:len(dates_on_file) - 2]: # Cancel simulations part-way through if a stop has been requested if not self.running: return # Copy day's data into the simulated environment but don't train analysis models data_copy_error = candle_util.init_simulation_data( live_env=self, sim_env=sim_env, symbols=[strategy.get_symbol()], days=2, end_date=dates_on_file[start_index - 1], model_feeder=sim_model_feeder, skip_last_day_training=True) if data_copy_error is not None: self.warn_process(data_copy_error) self.warn_process( f'Optimization of {strategy.__class__.__name__} on ' f'{symbol} failed because the program is missing data on {day_to_eval:%Y-%m-%d}' ) # Move the perspective to the historical day sim_env.time().set_moment( datetime.combine(day_to_eval, strategy.times_active().get_start_time())) # Create a new strategy for this run strategy = self._clone_strategy(strategy, sim_env) # Run evaluation on the day # TODO Change this to run an optimization simulation next_evaluation = StrategyEvaluator(strategy).evaluate() # Merge the results with all the evaluations from previous days if evaluation is None: evaluation = next_evaluation evaluation._calculate_metrics() else: evaluation.combine(next_evaluation) # Print results after evaluating each day if evaluation is not None: self.warn_process( 'Evaluation results of {0} for {1}:\n\t total days = {2}, viable days: {3}, pct days entered = {4}%, ' 'avg profit = {5}, \n\tmedian profit = {6}, win ratio = {7}, entry-attempt ratio = {8}' .format(strategy.__class__.__name__, symbol, evaluation.days_evaluated, evaluation.days_viable, (100 * evaluation.days_entered / evaluation.days_evaluated), evaluation.avg_profit, evaluation.med_profit, evaluation.win_ratio, evaluation.entry_ratio)) return
def generate_data(cls, live_env: ExecEnv, sim_env: ExecEnv, **kwargs) -> 'Breakout1SetupData': """ Compiles the symbol's price data into a json string usable by the graphing script. :keyword: symbol """ # Extract parameters symbol: str = kwargs['symbol'] check_moment: datetime = kwargs['check_moment'] live_env.info_process( f'Generating breakout1 setup visual for {symbol} ' f'at {check_moment.strftime(DATE_TIME_FORMAT)}') # Set simulated environment's time to check_moment sim_env.time().set_moment(check_moment) # Copy data we need from live environment into simulated environment data_copy_error = candle_util.init_simulation_data( live_env=live_env, sim_env=sim_env, symbols=[symbol], days=9,, model_feeder=ModelFeeder(sim_env), skip_last_day_training=True) if data_copy_error is not None: live_env.warn_process(data_copy_error) return Breakout1SetupData._blank_breakout1_setup_data( symbol=symbol, check_moment=check_moment, last_updated=live_env.time().now()) # Create a Breakout1Model so we can test viability model = Breakout1Model(env=sim_env, model_type=AnalysisModelType.BREAKOUT1_MODEL) model_data = model.calculate_output(symbol) # Return the price graph data in a neat object day_minute_candles = aggregate_minute_candles( sim_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol=symbol, live_env.info_process('Generated breakout1 setup visual') return Breakout1SetupData( symbol=symbol, check_moment=check_moment, day_data=[candle.to_json() for candle in day_minute_candles], model_data=model_data.to_json(), last_updated=live_env.time().now())
def get_endpoint(cls, env: ExecEnv) -> BrokerEndpoint: """ Returns the alpaca endpoint being used for live trading: LIVE or PAPER. """ return BrokerEndpoint.LIVE if env.get_setting('alpaca.endpoint').lower() == 'live' else BrokerEndpoint.PAPER
def get_symbols(cls, env: ExecEnv) -> List[str]: """ Returns the list of symbols being watched by the program. """ return [symbol.upper().strip() for symbol in env.get_setting('symbols').split(',')]
def run(self) -> None: # Set data parameters. start_date = date(year=2002, month=1, day=1) end_date = self.program.live_env.time().now().today() - timedelta( days=1) # Clone live environment so it can run on this thread. live_env = ExecEnv(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.live_env) live_env.fork_new_thread() data_collector = PolygonDataCollector(self.program.logfeed_program, self.program.logfeed_program, live_env.time()) # Clear the data file. filename = 'debug_data/spy_ai_data.txt' try: if not os.path.exists('debug_data'): os.mkdir('debug_data') with open(filename, 'w+') as file: file.write('') os.remove(filename) except Exception as e: print(f'Error deleting file: "{filename}"') pass # Go through the data we have on file. day_date = start_date - timedelta(days=1) while day_date < end_date: # Get the next market day. day_date = self.program.live_env.time().get_next_mkt_day(day_date) # Load price data. print(f'Fetching SPY data for {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}') day_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day('SPY', day_date) # Get fresh data from, if necessary. if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): try: day_data = data_collector.collect_candles_for_day( day_date, 'SPY') except Exception as e: live_env.error_process( 'Error collecting polygon-rest data:') live_env.warn_process(traceback.format_exc()) # Validate the data. if day_data is None or not SymbolDay.validate_candles( day_data.candles): print( F'COULD NOT COMPILE PRICE DATA FOR SPY ON {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}' ) continue # Convert candles into sentences. # # Convert the data into json. data_dict = day_data.to_json() # Append the data to the txt file. with open(f'debug_data/spy_ai_data.txt', 'a+') as f: f.write(json.dumps(data_dict)) print(f'Dumped data to TC2_data/{filename}')
def generate_data(cls, live_env: ExecEnv, sim_env: ExecEnv, **kwargs) -> 'AbstractVisualizationData': """ Compiles the symbol's price data into a json string usable by the visualization script. :keyword: symbol: str """ # Extract parameters symbol: str = kwargs['symbol'] # Format price data so it can be made into a graph day_date = ( - timedelta(days=1)).date() pct_spreads = [] while len(pct_spreads) < 31: day_date = day_date - timedelta(days=1) # Skip days on which markets are closed if not live_env.time().is_open( datetime.combine(day_date, OPEN_TIME)): continue # Load data for the day day_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol, day_date) # Calculate the day's price spread (difference between highest and lowest price) highest_price = max([ for candle in day_data.candles]) lowest_price = min([ for candle in day_data.candles]) pct_spreads.append(100 * (highest_price - lowest_price) / lowest_price) # Calculate median pct_spread median_spread = 0 if len(pct_spreads) == 0 else statistics.median( pct_spreads) # Sum up frequencies of spreads in each bin bins_dict = { '<0.4%': 0, '0.4% - 0.8%': 0, '0.8% - 1.2%': 0, '1.2% - 1.6%': 0, '1.6% - 2.1%': 0, '>2.1%': 0 } for spread in pct_spreads: if spread < 0.4: bins_dict['<0.4%'] += 1 elif spread < 0.8: bins_dict['0.4% - 0.8%'] += 1 elif spread < 1.2: bins_dict['0.8% - 1.2%'] += 1 elif spread < 1.6: bins_dict['1.2% - 1.6%'] += 1 elif spread < 2.1: bins_dict['1.6% - 2.1%'] += 1 else: bins_dict['>2.1%'] += 1 # Add json object to data array for each bin data = [] for bin_name, frequency in bins_dict.items(): data.append({'name': bin_name, 'frequency': str(frequency)}) # Say whether the symbol is volatile enough to percentage and string volatility_str = 'volatile' if median_spread >= 0.008 else 'not volatile' # Return the price graph data in a neat object return DaySpreadData(symbol, f'{median_spread:.1f}', volatility_str, json.dumps(data))
def run(self) -> None: # Clone live environment, connecting this thread to real data. live_env = ExecEnv(self.program.logfeed_optimization, self.program.logfeed_optimization, self.program.live_env) live_env.fork_new_thread() # Experiment settings. MAX_TRIALS_PER_DAY = 250 # max number of periods to evaluate per historical day EVAL_PERIOD_LEN = 3 * 60 # number of seconds over which to track profits EVAL_FLOOR_PERIOD_LEN = 7 * 60 # number of seconds over which to track killswitch floor # Load dates on which we have all the needed data. experiment_start_date = date(2018, 6, 1) spy_dates = live_env.mongo().get_dates_on_file( symbol='SPY', start_date=experiment_start_date, end_date=live_env.time().now().date()) spxl_dates = live_env.mongo().get_dates_on_file( symbol='SPXL', start_date=experiment_start_date, end_date=live_env.time().now().date()) spxl_dates = [ day_date for day_date in spxl_dates if day_date in spy_dates ] # narrow spxl to spy dates spy_dates = [ day_date for day_date in spy_dates if day_date in spxl_dates ] # narrow spy to spxl dates spxs_dates = live_env.mongo().get_dates_on_file( symbol='SPXS', start_date=experiment_start_date, end_date=live_env.time().now().date()) spxs_dates = [ day_date for day_date in spxs_dates if day_date in spy_dates ] # narrow spxs to spy=sxpl dates spy_dates = [ day_date for day_date in spy_dates if day_date in spxs_dates ] # narrow spy to spxs<=sxpl dates spxl_dates = [ day_date for day_date in spxl_dates if day_date in spy_dates ] # narrow spxl to spy<=sxpl dates assert len(spy_dates) == len(spxl_dates) == len(spxs_dates) # Init statistics on the experiment. spxl_blr_setup_vals = [] spxs_blr_setup_vals = [] spxl_blr_10_vals = [] spxs_blr_10_vals = [] spxl_blr_25_vals = [] spxs_blr_25_vals = [] spxl_profits = [] spxl_floors = [] spxs_profits = [] spxs_floors = [] oscillation_model = OscillationModel(live_env, AnalysisModelType.OSCILLATION) trend_model = LSFavorModel(live_env, AnalysisModelType.LS_FAVOR) # Simulate the days on which SPY, SPXL, and SPXS jointly have data. live_env.info_process( f'Beginning BLR simulations over {len(spxs_dates)} dates') for day_date in spxs_dates: # Load data for experiment. live_env.info_process( f'Running trials on {day_date:%m-%d-%Y} (successful trials: {len(spxl_profits)})' ) spy_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol='SPY', day=day_date) spxl_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol='SPXL', day=day_date) spxs_data = live_env.mongo().load_symbol_day(symbol='SPXS', day=day_date) # Validate data. data_is_valid = True for day_data in [spy_data, spxl_data, spxs_data]: if not SymbolDay.validate_candles(day_data.candles): data_is_valid = False break if not data_is_valid: live_env.info_process(f'Invalid data on {day_date:%m-%d-%Y}') continue # Init time windows variables. start_moment = datetime.combine( day_date, OPEN_TIME) + timedelta(seconds=int(30 * 60)) end_moment = datetime.combine(day_date, CLOSE_TIME) - timedelta( seconds=int(EVAL_PERIOD_LEN + 15 * 60)) # Go thru time windows on each day. day_trials = 0 while start_moment < end_moment and day_trials < MAX_TRIALS_PER_DAY: try: # Move to the next time window. start_moment += timedelta(seconds=random.randint(30, 120)) blr_setup_period = ContinuousTimeInterval( (start_moment - timedelta(seconds=3 * 60)).time(), start_moment.time()) blr_10_period = ContinuousTimeInterval( (start_moment - timedelta(seconds=10 * 60)).time(), start_moment.time()) blr_25_period = ContinuousTimeInterval( (start_moment - timedelta(seconds=25 * 60)).time(), start_moment.time()) eval_period = ContinuousTimeInterval( start_moment.time(), (start_moment + timedelta(seconds=EVAL_PERIOD_LEN)).time()) eval_floor_period = ContinuousTimeInterval( start_moment.time(), (start_moment + timedelta(seconds=EVAL_FLOOR_PERIOD_LEN)).time()) # Ignore non-oscillatory periods. oscillation_val = oscillation_model.get_oscillation_val( candles_in_period(blr_setup_period, spy_data.candles, spy_data.day_date)) if oscillation_val < 0.6: continue # Calculate BLR trendline indicators. spxl_blr_setup_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_setup_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date))) spxs_blr_setup_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_setup_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date))) spxl_blr_10_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_10_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date))) spxs_blr_10_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_10_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date))) spxl_blr_25_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_25_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date))) spxs_blr_25_val = trend_model.get_blr_strength( BoundedLinearRegressions( candles_in_period(blr_25_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date))) # Calculate maximum profits during evaluation period. spxl_buy_price = candles_in_period( blr_setup_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date)[-1].close spxs_buy_price = candles_in_period( blr_setup_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date)[-1].close spxl_eval_candles = candles_in_period( eval_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date) spxs_eval_candles = candles_in_period( eval_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date) spxl_eval_floor_candles = candles_in_period( eval_floor_period, spxl_data.candles, spxl_data.day_date) spxs_eval_floor_candles = candles_in_period( eval_floor_period, spxs_data.candles, spxs_data.day_date) spxl_profit_pct = (max([ candle.high * 0.3 + * 0.7 for candle in spxl_eval_candles ]) - spxl_buy_price) / spxl_buy_price spxs_profit_pct = (max([ candle.high * 0.3 + * 0.7 for candle in spxs_eval_candles ]) - spxs_buy_price) / spxs_buy_price spxl_floor_pct = (spxl_buy_price - min([ candle.low * 0.3 + * 0.7 for candle in spxl_eval_floor_candles ])) / spxl_buy_price spxs_floor_pct = (spxs_buy_price - min([ candle.low * 0.3 + * 0.7 for candle in spxs_eval_floor_candles ])) / spxs_buy_price # Record trial stats. spxl_blr_setup_vals.append(spxl_blr_setup_val) spxs_blr_setup_vals.append(spxs_blr_setup_val) spxl_blr_10_vals.append(spxl_blr_10_val) spxs_blr_10_vals.append(spxs_blr_10_val) spxl_blr_25_vals.append(spxl_blr_25_val) spxs_blr_25_vals.append(spxs_blr_25_val) spxl_profits.append(spxl_profit_pct) spxl_floors.append(spxl_floor_pct) spxs_profits.append(spxs_profit_pct) spxs_floors.append(spxs_floor_pct) day_trials += 1 # Print experiment stats every 100 trials. if len(spxl_blr_setup_vals ) > 0 and len(spxl_blr_setup_vals) % 100 != 0: continue live_env.info_process('\n\n') def print_immediate_profit(val_lists, profits_list, threshold, symbol, trend_name): # Get indices corresponding to vals that are above all thresholds. indices = [i for i in range(len(val_lists[0]))] for j in range(len(val_lists)): indices = [ i for i in indices if val_lists[j][i] >= threshold ] if len(indices) > 3: profits = [profits_list[i] for i in indices] profit_mean, profit_med, profit_stdev = ( mean(profits), median(profits), stdev(profits)) immediate_profit = profit_med live_env.info_process( f'Immediate {symbol} profit (< 3 mins) when {trend_name} strength >= ' f'{100 * threshold}%: ' f'{100 * immediate_profit:.2f}% (n={len(profits)})' ) def print_profit_ratio(val_lists, spxl_profits_list, spxs_profits_list, threshold, trend_name): # Get indices corresponding to vals that are above all thresholds. indices = [i for i in range(len(val_lists[0]))] for j in range(len(val_lists)): indices = [ i for i in indices if val_lists[j][i] >= threshold ] if len(indices) > 3: profit_ratios = [ spxl_profits_list[i] / max(0.0002, spxs_profits_list[i]) for i in indices ] ratios_mean, ratios_med, ratios_stdev = ( mean(profit_ratios), median(profit_ratios), stdev(profit_ratios)) live_env.info_process( f'Immediate profit ratio (SPXL:SPXS) when {trend_name} strength >= ' f'{100 * threshold}%: ' f'{ratios_med:.2f}:1 (n={len(profit_ratios)})') # TODO NEXT: Implement a -1.65% killswitch in the strategy. # TODO NEXT: What pct of oscillation range is expected profit? def print_killswitch_floor(val_lists, floors_list, threshold, symbol, trend_name): # Get indices corresponding to vals that are above all thresholds. indices = [i for i in range(len(val_lists[0]))] for j in range(len(val_lists)): indices = [ i for i in indices if val_lists[j][i] >= threshold ] if len(indices) > 3: floors = [-floors_list[i] for i in indices] floor_mean, floor_med, floor_stdev = ( mean(floors), median(floors), stdev(floors)) killswitch_floor = floor_med - 1.5 * floor_stdev live_env.info_process( f'{symbol} killswitch activation (-1.5 stdev floor) when {trend_name} strength >= ' f'{100 * threshold}%: ' f'{100 * killswitch_floor:.2f}% (n={len(floors)})' ) """ # Print immediate profits when BLR strength >= 70%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_6_vals], spxl_profits, 0.7, 'SPXL', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_6_vals], spxs_profits, 0.7, 'SPXS', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, 0.7, 'SPXL', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_10_vals], spxs_profits, 0.7, 'SPXS', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, 0.7, 'SPXL', 'BLR-25') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_25_vals], spxs_profits, 0.7, 'SPXS', 'BLR-25') # Print immediate profits when BLR strength >= 85%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_6_vals], spxl_profits, 0.85, 'SPXL', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_6_vals], spxs_profits, 0.85, 'SPXS', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, 0.85, 'SPXL', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_10_vals], spxs_profits, 0.85, 'SPXS', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, 0.85, 'SPXL', 'BLR-25') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_25_vals], spxs_profits, 0.85, 'SPXS', 'BLR-25') # Print immediate profits when BLR strength >= 95%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_6_vals], spxl_profits, 0.95, 'SPXL', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_6_vals], spxs_profits, 0.95, 'SPXS', 'BLR-6') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, 0.95, 'SPXL', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_10_vals], spxs_profits, 0.95, 'SPXS', 'BLR-10') print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, 0.95, 'SPXL', 'BLR-25') print_immediate_profit([spxs_blr_25_vals], spxs_profits, 0.95, 'SPXS', 'BLR-25') # Print SPXL immediate profit when second 2 BLR strengths >= 90%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_10_vals, spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, 0.9, 'SPXL', 'BLR-10-25') # Print SPXL immediate profit when all BLR strengths >= 30%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_6_vals, spxl_blr_10_vals, spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, 0.3, 'SPXL', 'BLR-6-10-25') """ # Print SPXL:SPXS profit ratio when BLR strength >= 60%. print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_setup_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.6, 'BLR-3') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.6, 'BLR-10') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.6, 'BLR-25') # Print SPXL:SPXS profit ratio when BLR strength >= 85%. print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_setup_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.85, 'BLR-3') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.85, 'BLR-10') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.85, 'BLR-25') # Print SPXL:SPXS profit ratio when BLR strength >= 95%. print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_setup_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.95, 'BLR-3') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_10_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.95, 'BLR-10') print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.95, 'BLR-25') # Print SPXL:SPXS profit ratio when long BLR strengths >= 60%. print_profit_ratio([spxl_blr_10_vals, spxl_blr_25_vals], spxl_profits, spxs_profits, 0.6, 'BLR-10-25') # Print expected min profit when osc_val >= 60%. print_immediate_profit([spxl_blr_setup_vals], [ min(spxl_profits[i], spxs_profits[i]) for i in range(len(spxl_profits)) ], 0, '', 'oscillating... N/A') # Print killswitch floor when osc_val >= 60%. print_killswitch_floor([spxl_blr_setup_vals], [ max(spxl_floors[i], spxs_floors[i]) for i in range(len(spxl_floors)) ], 0, '', 'oscillating... N/A') except Exception as e: # live_env.warn_process(f'BLR Experiment error: {traceback.format_exc()}') continue