Example #1
def model(is_training, resue, num_classes=5):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(
        untie_biases=True, batch_norm=batch_norm, **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=prelu, **common_args)

    inputs = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)

    net = conv2d(inputs, 32, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(
        2, 2), name='conv1', **conv_params)
    net = conv2d(net, 64, name='conv2', **conv_params)
    net = bottleneck_v1(net, num_unit=128, name='block_v1_1', **conv_args)
    net = bottleneck_v1(net, num_unit=256, name='block_v1_2', **conv_args)
    net = bottleneck_v1(net, num_unit=728, name='block_v1_3', **conv_args)

    for i in range(8):
        prefix = 'block_v2_' + str(i + 5)
        net = bottleneck_v2(net, num_unit=728, name=prefix, **kwargs)

    net = bottleneck_v1(net, num_unit=1024, name='block_v1_4', **conv_args)
    net = separable_conv2d(net, 1536, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1),
                           name='sconv1', **kwargs)
    net = separable_conv2d(net, 2048, filter_size=(3, 3), stride=(1, 1),
                           name='sconv2', **kwargs)
    with tf.variable_scope('Logits'):
        net = avg_pool_2d(net, net.get_shape()[1:3], name='AvgPool_1a')
        net = dropout(
            net, is_training, drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob, name='Dropout_1b')
        logits = fully_connected(net, num_classes,
                                 name='logits', **logit_args)
        predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)
    return end_points(is_training)
Example #2
def model(is_training, reuse, dropout_keep_prob=0.5):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(batch_norm=True, activation=prelu, w_init=initz.he_normal(
        scale=1), untie_biases=False, **common_args)
    pool_args = make_args(padding='SAME', **common_args)
    inputs = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)
    with tf.variable_scope('squeezenet', values=[inputs]):
        net = conv2d(inputs, 96, stride=(2, 2), name='conv1', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='maxpool1', **pool_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 16, 64, name='fire2', **conv_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 16, 64, name='fire3', **conv_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 32, 128, name='fire4', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='maxpool4', **pool_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 32, 128, name='fire5', **conv_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 48, 192, name='fire6', **conv_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 48, 192, name='fire7', **conv_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 64, 256, name='fire8', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net,  name='maxpool8', **pool_args)
        net = fire_module(net, 64, 256, name='fire9', **conv_args)
        # Reversed avg and conv layers per 'Network in Network'
        net = dropout(net, drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob,
                      name='dropout6', **common_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 10, filter_size=(1, 1), name='conv10', **conv_args)
        logits = global_avg_pool(net, name='logits', **pool_args)
        predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)
        return end_points(is_training)
Example #3
def model(is_training, reuse):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    fc_args = make_args(activation=relu, **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None, **common_args)

    x = input((None, height * width), **common_args)
    x = fully_connected(x, n_output=100, name='fc1', **fc_args)
    logits = fully_connected(x, n_output=10, name="logits", **logit_args)
    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)

    return end_points(is_training)
Example #4
def model(is_training, reuse):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)

    x = input((None, 7, 7, 512), **common_args)
    # x = batch_norm_tf(x, **common_args)
    x = fully_connected(x, 512, activation=relu, name='fc1', **common_args)
    x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout1', **common_args)
    logits = fully_connected(x,
    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)
    return end_points(is_training)
def model(is_training, reuse):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(batch_norm=None, activation=prelu, **common_args)
    fc_args = make_args(activation=prelu, **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None, **common_args)

    x = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 1), **common_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 32, name='conv1_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 32, name='conv1_2', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='pool1', **common_args)
    x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.25, name='dropout1', **common_args)
    x = fully_connected(x, n_output=128, name='fc1', **fc_args)
    x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout2', **common_args)
    logits = fully_connected(x, n_output=36, name="logits", **logit_args)
    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)

    return end_points(is_training)
Example #6
def model(is_training, reuse):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(activation=relu, **common_args)
    pool_args = make_args(filter_size=(2, 2), **common_args)
    fc_args = make_args(activation=relu, **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None, **common_args)

    x = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)

    x = conv2d(x, 64, name='conv1_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 64, name='conv1_2', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool1', **pool_args)

    x = conv2d(x, 128, name='conv2_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 128, name='conv2_2', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool2', **pool_args)

    x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_2', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_3', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool3', **pool_args)

    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_2', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_3', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool4', **pool_args)

    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_1', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_2', **conv_args)
    x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_3', **conv_args)
    x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool5', **pool_args)

    x = fully_connected(x, n_output=4096, name='fc6', **fc_args)
    x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout1', **common_args)

    x = fully_connected(x, n_output=4096, name='fc7', **fc_args)
    x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout2', **common_args)

    logits = fully_connected(x, n_output=1000, name="logits", **logit_args)
    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)

    return end_points(is_training)
Example #7
def model(is_training, reuse, flexi_inputs=False):
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(activation=relu, **common_args)
    pool_args = make_args(filter_size=(2, 2), **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None, **common_args)

    if flexi_inputs:
        inputs_shape = (None, None, None, 3)
        inputs_shape = (None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3)

    net_inputs = input(inputs_shape, **common_args)
    x = net_inputs
    with tf.variable_scope('vgg_16', reuse=reuse):
        mean_rgb = tf.get_variable(name='mean_rgb',
        x = x - mean_rgb
        with tf.variable_scope('conv1'):
            x = conv2d(x, 64, name='conv1_1', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 64, name='conv1_2', **conv_args)
            x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool1', **pool_args)

        with tf.variable_scope('conv2'):
            x = conv2d(x, 128, name='conv2_1', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 128, name='conv2_2', **conv_args)
            x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool2', **pool_args)

        with tf.variable_scope('conv3'):
            x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_1', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_2', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 256, name='conv3_3', **conv_args)
            x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool3', **pool_args)

        with tf.variable_scope('conv4'):
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_1', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_2', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv4_3', **conv_args)
            x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool4', **pool_args)

        with tf.variable_scope('conv5'):
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_1', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_2', **conv_args)
            x = conv2d(x, 512, name='conv5_3', **conv_args)
            x = max_pool(x, name='maxpool5', **pool_args)

        x = conv2d(x,
                   filter_size=(7, 7),
        x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout6', **common_args)

        x = conv2d(x, 4096, name='fc7', filter_size=(1, 1), **conv_args)
        x = dropout(x, drop_p=0.5, name='dropout7', **common_args)

        x = conv2d(x, 1000, name='fc8', filter_size=(1, 1), **logit_args)

    if flexi_inputs:
        logits = alias(x, name='logits', **common_args)
        logits = squeeze(x, axis=[1, 2], name='logits', **common_args)

    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)
    return end_points(is_training)
Example #8
def vgg_16(is_training, reuse,
    """Oxford Net VGG 16-Layers version D Example.

    Note: All the fully_connected layers have been transformed to conv2d layers.
          To use in classification mode, resize input to 224x224.

      inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels].
      num_classes: number of predicted classes.
      is_training: whether or not the model is being trained.
      dropout_keep_prob: the probability that activations are kept in the dropout
        layers during training.
      spatial_squeeze: whether or not should squeeze the spatial dimensions of the
        outputs. Useful to remove unnecessary dimensions for classification.
      name: Optional name for the variables.

      the last op containing the log predictions and end_points dict.
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(batch_norm=True, activation=prelu, w_init=initz.he_normal(
        scale=1), untie_biases=False, **common_args)
    logit_args = make_args(
        activation=None, w_init=initz.he_normal(scale=1), **common_args)
    pred_args = make_args(
        activation=prelu, w_init=initz.he_normal(scale=1), **common_args)
    pool_args = make_args(padding='SAME', **common_args)
    inputs = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)
    with tf.variable_scope(name, 'vgg_16', [inputs]):
        net = repeat(inputs, 2, conv2d,
                     64, filter_size=(3, 3), name='conv1', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='pool1', **pool_args)
        net = repeat(net, 2, conv2d, 128, filter_size=(
            3, 3), name='conv2', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='pool2', **pool_args)
        net = repeat(net, 3, conv2d, 256, filter_size=(
            3, 3), name='conv3', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='pool3', **pool_args)
        net = repeat(net, 3, conv2d, 512, filter_size=(
            3, 3), name='conv4', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='pool4', **pool_args)
        net = repeat(net, 3, conv2d, 512, filter_size=(
            3, 3), name='conv5', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, name='pool5', **pool_args)
        # Use conv2d instead of fully_connected layers.
        net = conv2d(net, 4096, filter_size=(7, 7), name='fc6', **conv_args)
        net = dropout(net, drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training,
                      name='dropout6', **common_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 4096, filter_size=(1, 1), name='fc7', **conv_args)
        net = dropout(net, drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob, is_training=is_training,
                      name='dropout7', **common_args)
        logits = conv2d(net, num_classes, filter_size=(1, 1),
                        name='logits', **logit_args)
        # Convert end_points_collection into a end_point dict.
        if spatial_squeeze:
            logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [1, 2], name='logits/squeezed')
        predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **pred_args)
        return end_points(is_training)
Example #9
def model(is_training, reuse, inputs=None):
    common_trainable_args = common_layer_args(is_training,
    common_frozen_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse, trainable=False)
    conv_args = make_conv_args(activation=relu, **common_frozen_args)
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None, **common_trainable_args)

    common_args = common_frozen_args
    # move this down to train only a few layers
    common_args = common_trainable_args
    if inputs is None:
        net = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)
        net = inputs
    with tf.variable_scope('resnet_v1_50', reuse=reuse):
        mean_rgb = tf.get_variable(name='mean_rgb',
        net = net - mean_rgb
        net = conv2d_same(net,
                          filter_size=(7, 7),
                          stride=(2, 2),
        net = max_pool(net,
                       filter_size=(3, 3),
                       stride=(2, 2),

        with tf.variable_scope('block1') as sc:
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_1'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 256, 64, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_2'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 256, 64, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_3'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 256, 64, 2, **common_args)
            net = collect_named_outputs(common_args['outputs_collections'],
                                        sc.name, net)

        with tf.variable_scope('block2') as sc:
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_1'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 512, 128, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_2'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 512, 128, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_3'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 512, 128, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_4'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 512, 128, 2, **common_args)
            net = collect_named_outputs(common_args['outputs_collections'],
                                        sc.name, net)

        with tf.variable_scope('block3') as sc:
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_1'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_2'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_3'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_4'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_5'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_6'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 1024, 256, 2, **common_args)
            net = collect_named_outputs(common_args['outputs_collections'],
                                        sc.name, net)

        with tf.variable_scope('block4') as sc:
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_1'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 2048, 512, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_2'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 2048, 512, 1, **common_args)
            with tf.variable_scope('unit_3'):
                net = bottleneck(net, 2048, 512, 1, **common_args)
            net = collect_named_outputs(common_args['outputs_collections'],
                                        sc.name, net)

        net = tf.reduce_mean(net, [1, 2], name='pool5', keep_dims=True)
        net = conv2d(net,
                     filter_size=(1, 1),
        logits = squeeze(net, axis=[1, 2], name='logits', **common_args)

    predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **common_args)
    return end_points(common_args['is_training'])
Example #10
def alexnet_v2(is_training,
    """AlexNet version 2.

    Described in: http://arxiv.org/pdf/1404.5997v2.pdf
    Parameters from:

    Note: All the fully_connected layers have been transformed to conv2d layers.
          To use in classification mode, resize input to 224x224. To use in fully
          convolutional mode, set spatial_squeeze to false.
          The LRN layers have been removed and change the initializers from
          random_normal_initializer to xavier_initializer.

      inputs: a tensor of size [batch_size, height, width, channels].
      num_classes: number of predicted classes.
      is_training: whether or not the model is being trained.
      dropout_keep_prob: the probability that activations are kept in the dropout
        layers during training.
      spatial_squeeze: whether or not should squeeze the spatial dimensions of the
        outputs. Useful to remove unnecessary dimensions for classification.
      scope: Optional scope for the variables.

      the last op containing the log predictions and end_points dict.
    common_args = common_layer_args(is_training, reuse)
    conv_args = make_args(batch_norm=True,
    logit_args = make_args(activation=None,
    pred_args = make_args(activation=prelu,
    pool_args = make_args(padding='SAME', **common_args)

    inputs = input((None, crop_size[1], crop_size[0], 3), **common_args)
    with tf.variable_scope(scope, 'alexnet_v2', [inputs]):
        net = conv2d(inputs,
                     filter_size=(11, 11),
                     stride=(4, 4),
        net = max_pool(net, stride=(2, 2), scope='pool1', **pool_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 192, filter_size=(5, 5), scope='conv2', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, stride=(2, 2), scope='pool2', **pool_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 384, scope='conv3', **conv_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 384, scope='conv4', **conv_args)
        net = conv2d(net, 256, scope='conv5', **conv_args)
        net = max_pool(net, stride=(2, 2), scope='pool5', **pool_args)

        # Use conv2d instead of fully_connected layers.
        net = conv2d(net, 4096, filter_size=(5, 5), scope='fc6', **conv_args)
        net = dropout(net,
                      drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob,
        net = conv2d(net, 4096, filter_size=(1, 1), scope='fc7', **conv_args)
        net = dropout(net,
                      drop_p=1 - dropout_keep_prob,
        logits = conv2d(net,
                        filter_size=(1, 1),

        if spatial_squeeze:
            logits = tf.squeeze(logits, [1, 2], name='fc8/squeezed')
        predictions = softmax(logits, name='predictions', **pred_args)
        return end_points(is_training)