def json_delete_instance(request): data = request.json if not data.get('agent_address'): raise HTTPError(400, "Agent address field is missing.") if not data.get('agent_port'): raise HTTPError(400, "Agent port field is missing.") delete_instance(request.db_session, **data) return {'delete': True}
def validate_instance_data(data): # Submited attributes checking. if not data.get('new_agent_address'): raise HTTPError(400, "Agent address is missing.") check_agent_address(data['new_agent_address']) if 'new_agent_port' not in data or data['new_agent_port'] == '': raise HTTPError(400, "Agent port is missing.") check_agent_port(data['new_agent_port']) if 'agent_key' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Agent key field is missing.") if 'groups' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Groups field is missing.") if data['groups'] is not None and type(data['groups']) != list: raise HTTPError(400, "Invalid group list.")
def send_test_email(request): data = request.json email = data.get('email', None) if not email: raise HTTPError(400, "Email field is missing.") notifications_conf = app.config.notifications smtp_host = notifications_conf.smtp_host smtp_port = notifications_conf.smtp_port if not smtp_host: raise HTTPError(500, "SMTP server is not configured") send_mail(smtp_host, smtp_port, 'temBoard notification test', 'This is a test', email) return {'message': 'OK'}
def state_changes(request, name): host_id, instance_id = get_request_ids(request) start, end = parse_start_end(request) key = request.handler.get_argument('key', default=None) if name not in check_specs: raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown check '%s'" % name) query = dedent("""\ COPY ( SELECT array_to_json(coalesce(array_agg(json_build_object( 'datetime', f.datetime, 'state', f.state, 'value', f.value, 'warning', f.warning, 'critical', f.critical )), '{}')) FROM monitoring.get_state_changes(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s) f ) TO STDOUT """) return jsonify( sql_json_query( request, query, host_id, instance_id, name, key, start, end, ))
def group(request, kind, name): if 'GET' == request.method: if not name: raise HTTPError(404) group = get_group(request.db_session, name, kind) data = dict( name=group.group_name, kind=kind, description=group.group_description, ) if kind == 'instance': data['user_groups'] = [ dict(name=g.group_name, description=g.group_description) for g in get_group_list(request.db_session) ] data['in_groups'] = [a.role_group_name for a in group.ari] return data else: # POST data = request.json if not data.get('new_group_name'): raise HTTPError(400, "Missing group name.") check_group_name(data['new_group_name']) if not data.get('description'): raise HTTPError(400, "Missing description") check_group_description(data['description']) if name: # Group update group = get_group(request.db_session, name, kind) if 'instance' == kind: for ari in group.ari: delete_role_group_from_instance_group( request.db_session, ari.role_group_name, group.group_name) group = update_group(request.db_session, group.group_name, kind, data['new_group_name'], data['description']) else: # Group creation group = add_group(request.db_session, data['new_group_name'], data['description'], kind) if 'user_groups' in data and data['user_groups']: for group_name in data['user_groups']: add_role_group_in_instance_group(request.db_session, group_name, group.group_name) return {'ok': True}
def send_test_sms(request): data = request.json phone = data.get('phone', None) if not phone: raise HTTPError(400, "Phone field is missing.") send_sms(app.config.notifications, 'temBoard notification test', [phone]) return {'message': 'OK'}
def check_agent_request(request, hostname, instance): key = request.headers.get('X-Key') if not key: raise HTTPError(401, 'X-Key header missing') if instance['available']: check_agent_key(request.db_session, hostname, instance['data_directory'], instance['port'], key) else: # Case when PostgreSQL instance is not started. check_host_key(request.db_session, hostname, key)
def enable_instance_plugins(db_session, instance, plugins, loaded_plugins): for plugin_name in plugins or []: # 'administration' plugin case: the plugin is not currently # implemented on UI side if plugin_name == 'administration': continue if plugin_name not in loaded_plugins: raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown plugin %s." % plugin_name) add_instance_plugin(db_session, instance.agent_address, instance.agent_port, plugin_name)
def parse_start_end(request): start = request.handler.get_argument('start', default=None) end = request.handler.get_argument('end', default=None) try: if start: start = parse_datetime.parse(start) if end: end = parse_datetime.parse(end) except ValueError: raise HTTPError(406, 'Datetime not valid.') return start, end
def states(request, name): host_id, instance_id = get_request_ids(request) if name not in check_specs: raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown check '%s'" % name) detail = check_state_detail(request.db_session, host_id, instance_id, name) for d in detail: spec = check_specs[name] if 'value_type' in spec: d['value_type'] = spec['value_type'] return jsonify(detail)
def collector(request): data = request.json try: # Ignore legacy multi-instance. instance = data['instances'][0] hostinfo = data['hostinfo'] hostname = hostinfo['hostname'] port = instance['port'] metrics_data = data['data'] n_cpu = hostinfo['cpu_count'] if 'max_connections' in instance: data['data']['max_connections'] = instance['max_connections'] except (KeyError, IndexError) as e: logger.exception(str(e)) raise HTTPError(409, "Not valid data") check_agent_request(request, hostname, instance) # Update the inventory host = merge_agent_info(request.db_session, hostinfo, instance) # Send the write SQL commands to the database because the metrics are # inserted with queries not the orm. Tables must be there. request.db_session.commit() insert_availability( request.db_session, host, data, logger, hostname, port) insert_metrics( request.db_session, host, metrics_data, logger, hostname, port) # ALERTING PART host_id = get_host_id(request.db_session, hostname) instance_id = get_instance_id(request.db_session, host_id, port) populate_host_checks(request.db_session, host_id, instance_id, dict(n_cpu=n_cpu)) request.db_session.commit() # Create new task for checking preprocessed values task_options = build_check_task_options( request, host_id, instance_id, get_instance_checks(request.db_session, instance_id), ) request.handler.application.temboard_app.scheduler.schedule_task( 'check_data_worker', options=task_options, expire=0, ) return {'done': True}
def data_metric(request, metric_name): key = request.handler.get_argument('key', default=None) host_id, instance_id = get_request_ids(request) start, end = parse_start_end(request) try: data = get_metric_data_csv( request.db_session, metric_name, start, end, host_id=host_id, instance_id=instance_id, key=key, ) except IndexError: raise HTTPError(404, 'Unknown metric.') return csvify(data=data)
def json_user(request, username): if 'GET' == request.method: if username is None: raise HTTPError(500, "Username is missing") role = get_role(request.db_session, username) groups = get_group_list(request.db_session) return { 'role_name': role.role_name, 'role_email': role.role_email, 'role_phone': role.role_phone, 'is_active': role.is_active, 'is_admin': role.is_admin, 'in_groups': [group.group_name for group in role.groups], 'groups': [{ 'name': group.group_name, 'description': group.group_description } for group in groups] } elif 'POST' == request.method: # update data = request.json role = get_role(request.db_session, username) validate_user_data(data, role) h_passwd = handle_password(data) # First step is to remove user from the groups he belongs to. role_groups = get_groups_by_role(request.db_session, role.role_name) if role_groups: for role_group in role_groups: delete_role_from_group(request.db_session, role.role_name, role_group.group_name) role = update_role( request.db_session, role.role_name, data['new_username'], h_passwd, data['email'], data['is_active'], data['is_admin'], data['phone']) add_user_to_groups(request, data, role) return {"message": "OK"}
def delete_group_handler(request, kind): name = request.json.get('group_name') if not name: raise HTTPError(400) delete_group(request.db_session, name, kind) return {'delete': True}
def checks(request): host_id, instance_id = get_request_ids(request) if 'GET' == request.method: data = checks_info(request.db_session, host_id, instance_id) for datum in data: spec = check_specs[datum['name']] if 'value_type' in spec: datum['value_type'] = spec['value_type'] return jsonify(data) else: post = tornado.escape.json_decode(request.body) if 'checks' not in post or type(post.get('checks')) is not list: raise HTTPError(400, "Post data not valid.") for row in post['checks']: if row.get('name') not in check_specs: raise HTTPError(404, "Unknown check '%s'" % row.get('name')) for row in post['checks']: # Find the check from its name check = request.db_session.query(Check).filter( == str(row.get('name')), Check.host_id == host_id, Check.instance_id == instance_id).first() enabled_before = check.enabled if u'enabled' in row: enabled_after = bool(row.get(u'enabled')) check.enabled = enabled_after # detect any change from enabled to disabled is_getting_disabled = enabled_before and not enabled_after if u'warning' in row: warning = row.get(u'warning') if type(warning) not in (int, float): raise HTTPError(400, "Post data not valid.") check.warning = warning if u'critical' in row: critical = row.get(u'critical') if type(critical) not in (int, float): raise HTTPError(400, "Post data not valid.") check.critical = critical if u'description' in row: check.description = row.get(u'description') request.db_session.merge(check) if is_getting_disabled: cs = request.db_session.query(CheckState).filter( CheckState.check_id == check.check_id, ) for i in cs: i.state = str('UNDEF') request.db_session.merge(i) request.db_session.execute( "SELECT monitoring.append_state_changes(:d, :i," ":s, :k, :v, :w, :c)", { 'd': datetime.utcnow(), 'i': check.check_id, 's': 'UNDEF', 'k': i.key, 'v': None, 'w': check.warning, 'c': check.critical }) request.db_session.commit() return {}
def validate_instance_data(data): # Submited attributes checking. if not data.get('new_agent_address'): raise HTTPError(400, "Agent address is missing.") check_agent_address(data['new_agent_address']) if 'new_agent_port' not in data or data['new_agent_port'] == '': raise HTTPError(400, "Agent port is missing.") check_agent_port(data['new_agent_port']) if 'agent_key' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Agent key field is missing.") if 'hostname' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Hostname field is missing.") if 'cpu' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "CPU field is missing.") if 'memory_size' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Memory size field is missing.") if 'pg_port' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "PostgreSQL port field is missing.") if 'pg_version' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "PostgreSQL version field is missing.") if 'pg_data' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "PostgreSQL data directory field is missing.") if 'groups' not in data: raise HTTPError(400, "Groups field is missing.") if data['groups'] is not None and type(data['groups']) != list: raise HTTPError(400, "Invalid group list.")
def delete_user(request): data = request.json if not data.get('username'): raise HTTPError(400, "Username field is missing.") delete_role(request.db_session, data['username']) return {'delete': True}