Example #1
    def __init__(self, config):
        self.__load_templates = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_TEMPLATES") or Provider(config))
        self.__load_plugins = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_PLUGINS") or Plugins(config))
        self.__load_filters = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_FILTERS") or Filters(config))
        prefix_map = config.get("PREFIX_MAP") or {}
        self.__filter_cache = {}
        self.__prefix_map = {}
        for key, value in prefix_map.items():
            if isinstance(value, str):
                self.__prefix_map[key] = util.slice(
                    [int(x) for x in re.split(r"\D+", value)])
                self.__prefix_map[key] = value

        if "STASH" in config:
            self.__stash = config["STASH"]
            predefs = config.get("VARIABLES") or config.get("PRE_DEFINE") or {}
                               int(bool(config.get("DEBUG", 0) & DEBUG_UNDEF)))
            self.__stash = Stash(predefs)

        # compile any template BLOCKS specified as text
        blocks = config.get("BLOCKS") or {}
        b = {}
        for key, block in blocks.items():
            if isinstance(block, str):
                block = self.template(util.Literal(block))
            b[key] = block
        self.__init_blocks = self.__blocks = b

        self.__recursion = config.get("RECURSION", False)
        self.__eval_python = config.get("EVAL_PYTHON", False)
        self.__trim = config.get("TRIM", False)
        self.__blkstack = []
        self.__config = config
        if config.get("EXPOSE_BLOCKS") is not None:
            self.__expose_blocks = config.get("EXPOSE_BLOCKS")
            self.__expose_blocks = False
        self.__debug_format = config.get("DEBUG_FORMAT")
        self.__debug_dirs = config.get("DEBUG", 0) & DEBUG_DIRS
        if config.get("DEBUG") is not None:
            self.__debug = config["DEBUG"] & (DEBUG_CONTEXT | DEBUG_FLAGS)
            self.__debug = self.DEBUG
Example #2
  def testStash(self):
    count = [20]
    def boz():
      count[0] += 10
      return count[0]
    def biz(*args):
      return args and args[0] or "<undef>"
    data = { "foo": 10,
             "bar": { "baz": 20 },
             "baz": lambda: { "boz": boz, "biz": biz },
             "obj": AnObject(name="an object"),
             "hashobj": HashObject(planet="World") }
    stash = Stash(data)
    self.assertEqual(10, stash.get("foo").value())
    self.assertEqual(20, stash.get(["bar", 0, "baz", 0]).value())
    self.assertEqual(20, stash.get("bar.baz").value())
    self.assertEqual(20, stash.get("bar(10).baz").value())
    self.assertEqual(30, stash.get("baz.boz").value())
    self.assertEqual(40, stash.get("baz.boz").value())
    self.assertEqual("<undef>", stash.get("baz.biz").value())
    self.assertEqual("<undef>", stash.get("baz(50).biz").value())  # args are ignored

    stash.set("bar.buz", 100)
    self.assertEqual(100, stash.get("bar.buz").value())

    ttlist = (("default", Template()),
              ("warn", Template({"DEBUG": constants.DEBUG_UNDEF,
                                 "DEBUG_FORMAT": ""})))
    self.Expect(DATA, ttlist, data)
Example #3
class Context:
    """Class defining a context in which a template document is processed.
  This is the runtime processing interface through which templates
  can access the functionality of the Template Toolkit.

    DEBUG = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        self.__load_templates = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_TEMPLATES") or Provider(config))
        self.__load_plugins = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_PLUGINS") or Plugins(config))
        self.__load_filters = util.listify(
            config.get("LOAD_FILTERS") or Filters(config))
        prefix_map = config.get("PREFIX_MAP") or {}
        self.__filter_cache = {}
        self.__prefix_map = {}
        for key, value in prefix_map.items():
            if isinstance(value, str):
                self.__prefix_map[key] = util.slice(
                    [int(x) for x in re.split(r"\D+", value)])
                self.__prefix_map[key] = value

        if "STASH" in config:
            self.__stash = config["STASH"]
            predefs = config.get("VARIABLES") or config.get("PRE_DEFINE") or {}
                               int(bool(config.get("DEBUG", 0) & DEBUG_UNDEF)))
            self.__stash = Stash(predefs)

        # compile any template BLOCKS specified as text
        blocks = config.get("BLOCKS") or {}
        b = {}
        for key, block in blocks.items():
            if isinstance(block, str):
                block = self.template(util.Literal(block))
            b[key] = block
        self.__init_blocks = self.__blocks = b

        self.__recursion = config.get("RECURSION", False)
        self.__eval_python = config.get("EVAL_PYTHON", False)
        self.__trim = config.get("TRIM", False)
        self.__blkstack = []
        self.__config = config
        if config.get("EXPOSE_BLOCKS") is not None:
            self.__expose_blocks = config.get("EXPOSE_BLOCKS")
            self.__expose_blocks = False
        self.__debug_format = config.get("DEBUG_FORMAT")
        self.__debug_dirs = config.get("DEBUG", 0) & DEBUG_DIRS
        if config.get("DEBUG") is not None:
            self.__debug = config["DEBUG"] & (DEBUG_CONTEXT | DEBUG_FLAGS)
            self.__debug = self.DEBUG

    def config(self):
        return self.__config

    def insert(self, files):
        """Insert the contents of a file without parsing."""
        # TODO: Clean this up; unify the way "files" is passed to this routine.
        files = unscalar(files)
        if is_seq(files):
            files = unscalar_list(files)
            files = [unscalar(files)]
        prefix = providers = text = None
        output = StringIO()

        for file in files:
            prefix, name = split_prefix(file)
            if prefix:
                providers = self.__prefix_map.get(prefix)
                if not providers:
                               "no providers for file prefix '%s'" % prefix)
                providers = self.__prefix_map.get(
                    "default") or self.__load_templates

            for provider in providers:
                    text = provider.load(name, prefix)
                except Exception as e:
                    self.throw(ERROR_FILE, str(e))
                if text is not None:
                self.throw(ERROR_FILE, "%s: not found" % file)

        return output.getvalue()

    def throw(self, error, info=None, output=None):
        """Raises a TemplateException.

    This method may be passed an existing TemplateException object; a
    single value containing an error message which is used to instantiate
    a TemplateException of type 'None'; or a pair of values representing
    the exception type and info from which a TemplateException object is
    instantiated.  e.g.

      context.throw("I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that")
      context.throw('denied', "I'm sorry Dave, I can't do that")

    An optional third parameter can be supplied in the last case which
    is a reference to the current output buffer containing the results
    of processing the template up to the point at which the exception
    was thrown.  The RETURN and STOP directives, for example, use this
    to propagate output back to the user, but it can safely be ignored
    in most cases.
        error = unscalar(error)
        info = unscalar(info)
        if isinstance(error, TemplateException):
            raise error
        elif info is not None:
            raise TemplateException(error, info, output)
            raise TemplateException("None", error or "", output)

    def catch(self, error, output=None):
        """Called by various directives after catching an exception.

    The first parameter contains the errror which may be a sanitized
    reference to a TemplateException object (such as that raised by the
    throw() method above, a plugin object, and so on) or an error message
    raised from somewhere in user code.  The latter are coerced into
    'None' TemplateException objects.  Like throw() above, the current
    output buffer may be passed as an additional parameter.  As exceptions
    are thrown upwards and outwards from nested blocks, the catch() method
    reconstructs the correct output buffer from these fragments, storing
    it in the exception object for passing further onwards and upwards.  #

    Returns a TemplateException object.
        if isinstance(error, TemplateException):
            if output:
            return error
            return TemplateException("None", error, output)

    def view(self, params=None):
        """Create a new View object bound to this context."""
        from template.view import View
        return View(self, unscalar(params))

    def process(self, template, params=None, localize=False):
        """Processes the template named or referenced by the first parameter.

    The optional second parameter may reference a dictionary of variable
    definitions.  These are set before the template is processed by
    calling update() on the stash.  Note that, unless the third parameter
    is true, the context is not localised and these, and any other
    variables set in the template will retain their new values after this
    method returns.  The third parameter is in place so that this method
    can handle INCLUDE calls: the stash will be localized.  # Returns the
    output of processing the template.  Errors are raised as
    TemplateException objects.
        template = util.listify(unscalar(template))
        params = unscalar(params)
        compileds = []
        for name in template:
        if localize:
            self.__stash = self.__stash.clone(params)

        output = StringIO()

            # save current component
                component = self.__stash.get("component")
                component = None
            for name, compiled in list(zip(template, compileds)):
                if not callable(compiled):
                    element = compiled
                    element = {
                        "name": isinstance(name, str) and name or "",
                        "modtime": time.time()
                if isinstance(component, Document):
                    # FIXME: This block is not exercised by any test.
                    elt = Accessor(element)
                    elt["caller"] = component.name
                    elt["callers"] = getattr(component, "callers", [])
                self.__stash.set("component", element)
                if not localize:
                    # merge any local blocks defined in the Template::Document
                    # info our local BLOCKS cache
                    if isinstance(compiled, Document):
                        tblocks = compiled.blocks()
                        if tblocks:
                if callable(compiled):
                    tmpout = compiled(self)
                elif util.can(compiled, "process"):
                    tmpout = compiled.process(self)
                               "invalid template reference: %s" % compiled)
                if self.__trim:
                    tmpout = tmpout.strip()
                # pop last item from callers
                if isinstance(component, Document):
            self.__stash.set("component", component)
            if localize:
                # ensure stash is delocalised before dying
                self.__stash = self.__stash.declone()

        return output.getvalue()

    def include(self, template, params=None):
        """Similar to process() above but processing the template in a local

    Any variables passed by dictionary as the second parameter will be set
    before the template is processed and then revert to their original
    values before the method returns.  Similarly, any changes made to
    non-global variables within the template will persist only until the
    template is processed.

    Returns the output of processing the template.  Errors are raised as
    TemplateException objects.
        return self.process(template, params, True)

    def localise(self, *args):
        """The localise() method creates a local copy of the current stash,
    allowing the existing state of variables to be saved and later
    restored via delocalise().

    A dictionary may be passed containing local variable definitions
    which should be added to the cloned namespace.  These values
    persist until delocalisation.
        self.__stash = self.__stash.clone(*args)
        return self.__stash

    def delocalise(self):
        self.__stash = self.__stash.declone()

    def plugin(self, name, args=None):
        """Calls on each of the LOAD_PLUGINS providers in turn to fetch()
    (i.e. load and instantiate) a plugin of the specified name.

    Additional parameters passed are propagated to the plugin's
    constructor.  Returns a reference to a new plugin object or other
    object.  On error, a TemplateException is raiased.
        args = unscalar_list(args)
        for provider in self.__load_plugins:
            plugin = provider.fetch(name, args, self)
            if plugin:
                return plugin
        self.throw(ERROR_PLUGIN, "%s: plugin not found" % name)

    def filter(self, name, args=None, alias=None):
        """Similar to plugin() above, but querying the LOAD_FILTERS providers
    to return filter instances.

    An alias may be provided which is used to save the returned filter
    in a local cache.
        name = unscalar(name)
        args = unscalar_list(args or [])
        filter = None
        if not args and isinstance(name, str):
            filter = self.__filter_cache.get(name)
            if filter:
                return filter
        for provider in self.__load_filters:
            filter = provider.fetch(name, args, self)
            if filter:
                if alias:
                    self.__filter_cache[alias] = filter
                return filter
        self.throw("%s: filter not found" % name)

    def reset(self, blocks=None):
        """Reset the state of the internal BLOCKS hash to clear any BLOCK
    definitions imported via the PROCESS directive.  Any original BLOCKS
    definitions passed to the constructor will be restored.
        self.__blkstack = []
        self.__blocks = self.__init_blocks.copy()

    def template(self, name):
        """General purpose method to fetch a template and return it in compiled

    In the usual case, the name parameter will be a simple string
    containing the name of a template (e.g. 'header').  It may also be
    a template.document.Document object (or sub-class) or a callable
    object.  These are considered to be compiled templates and are
    returned intact.  Finally, it may be a file-like object with a
    read() method.

    Templates may be cached at one of 3 different levels.  The
    internal BLOCKS member is a local cache which holds references to
    all template blocks used or imported via PROCESS since the
    context's reset() method was last called.  This is checked first
    and if the template is not found, the method then walks down the
    BLOCKSTACK list.  This contains references to the block definition
    tables in any enclosing Documents that we're visiting (e.g. we've
    been called via an INCLUDE and we want to access a BLOCK defined
    in the template that INCLUDE'd us).  If nothing is defined, then
    we iterate through the LOAD_TEMPLATES providers list as a 'chain
    of responsibility' (see Design Patterns) asking each object to
    fetch() the template if it can.

    Returns the compiled template, or raises a TemplateException on error.
        if isinstance(name, Document) or callable(name):
            return name
        shortname = name
        prefix = providers = None
        if isinstance(name, str):
            for block in [self.__blocks] + self.__blkstack:
                template = block.get(name)
                if template:
                    return template
            prefix, shortname = split_prefix(shortname)
            if prefix:
                providers = self.__prefix_map.get(prefix)
                if not providers:
                        "no providers for template prefix '%s'" % prefix)
        providers = (providers or self.__prefix_map.get("default")
                     or self.__load_templates)

        blockname = ""
        while shortname:
            for provider in providers:
                    template = provider.fetch(shortname, prefix)
                except Exception as e:
                    if isinstance(
                            e, TemplateException) and e.type() == ERROR_FILE:
                        self.throw(ERROR_FILE, str(e))

                if template is None:

                if blockname:
                    template = template.blocks().get(blockname)
                    if template:
                        return template
                    return template
            if not isinstance(shortname, str) or not self.__expose_blocks:
            match = re.search(r"/([^/]+)$", shortname)
            if not match:
            shortname = shortname[:match.start()] + shortname[match.end():]
            if blockname:
                blockname = "%s/%s" % (match.group(1), blockname)
                blockname = match.group(1)

        # TODO: This is the error thrown when a template has syntax
        # errors.  Confusing!  Is this what the Perl version does?
        self.throw(ERROR_FILE, "%s: not found" % name)

    def stash(self):
        """Simple accessor for the local stash object."""
        return self.__stash

    def define_vmethod(self, *args):
        """Passes all args on to stash.define_vmethod."""

    def visit(self, document, blocks):
        """Each template.document.Document calls the visit() method on the
    context before processing itself.

    It passes the dictionary of named BLOCKs defined within the document,
    allowing them to be added to the internal BLKSTACK list which is
    subsequently used by template() to resolve templates.  from a
        self.__blkstack.insert(0, blocks)

    def leave(self):
        """The leave() method is called when the document has finished processing

    This removes the entry from the BLKSTACK list that was added visit()
    above.  For persistence of BLOCK definitions, the process() method
    (i.e. the PROCESS directive) does some extra magic to copy BLOCKs into
    a shared hash.

    def define_block(self, name, block):
        """Adds a new BLOCK definition to the local BLOCKS cache.

    block may be specified as a callable or template.document.Document
    object or as text which is compiled into a template.  Returns a true
    value ('block' or the compiled block reference) if successful, or
    raises a TemplateException on failure.
        # NOTE: This function is entirely untested by the test suite.
        if isinstance(block, str):
            block = self.template(util.Literal(block))
        self.__blocks[name] = block

    def define_filter(self, name, filter, dynamic=False):
        """Adds a new FILTER definition to the local FILTER_CACHE."""
        if dynamic:
            filter = util.dynamic_filter(filter)
        for provider in self.__load_filters:
                provider.store(name, filter)
                return 1
            except Exception as e:
                self.throw(ERROR_FILTER, e)
                   "FILTER providers declined to store filter %s" % name)

    def eval_python(self):
        return self.__eval_python

    def trim(self):
        return self.__trim

    def load_templates(self):
        return self.__load_templates

    def load_plugins(self):
        return self.__load_plugins

    def load_filters(self):
        return self.__load_filters

    def recursion(self):
        return self.__recursion
Example #4
  def testStash(self):
    count = [20]
    def boz():
      count[0] += 10
      return count[0]
    def biz(*args):
      return args and args[0] or "<undef>"
    data = { "foo": 10,
             "bar": { "baz": 20 },
             "baz": lambda: { "boz": boz, "biz": biz },
             "obj": AnObject(name="an object"),
             "hashobj": HashObject(planet="World") }
    stash = Stash(data)
    self.assertEquals(10, stash.get("foo").value())
    self.assertEquals(20, stash.get(["bar", 0, "baz", 0]).value())
    self.assertEquals(20, stash.get("bar.baz").value())
    self.assertEquals(20, stash.get("bar(10).baz").value())
    self.assertEquals(30, stash.get("baz.boz").value())
    self.assertEquals(40, stash.get("baz.boz").value())
    self.assertEquals("<undef>", stash.get("baz.biz").value())
    self.assertEquals("<undef>", stash.get("baz(50).biz").value())  # args are ignored

    stash.set("bar.buz", 100)
    self.assertEquals(100, stash.get("bar.buz").value())

    ttlist = (("default", Template()),
              ("warn", Template({"DEBUG": constants.DEBUG_UNDEF,
                                 "DEBUG_FORMAT": ""})))
    self.Expect(DATA, ttlist, data)