from templatebot import Bot from discord import AllowedMentions, Activity, Game from os import environ as env from dotenv import load_dotenv import discord from discord.ext import fancyhelp bot = Bot( name="Coffee", command_prefix=";;", allowed_mentions=AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=True), help_command=fancyhelp.EmbeddedHelpCommand(color=0x2F3136), activity=Game("with logs 📝"), ) bot.VERSION = "2.0.0" bot.load_initial_cogs("cogs.logs", "cogs.mod", "cogs.setup", "") @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx, error): await ctx.send(f"💥 {error}") # Lazy error_handling, will be changed soon!"TOKEN", None))
from templatebot import Bot from discord import AllowedMentions, Activity, Game from os import environ as env from dotenv import load_dotenv import discord from discord.ext import fancyhelp bot = Bot( name="BakeryBot", command_prefix="b!", allowed_mentions=AllowedMentions(everyone=False, roles=False, users=True), help_command=fancyhelp.EmbeddedHelpCommand(color=0x4e5d94), activity=Game("with cakes ЁЯН░"), ) bot.VERSION = "1.0.0" bot.load_initial_cogs("cogs.bakery", "cogs.bake", "") @bot.event async def on_command_error(ctx, error): await ctx.send(f"ЁЯТе {error}")"TOKEN", None))
if not gconf: p = config.get("prefix", "!") else: p = gconf["prefix"] return p # Create the bot itself bot = Bot( name="ToxBot", command_prefix=get_prefix, intents=intents, allowed_mentions=AllowedMentions(replied_user=False, roles=False), help_command=None, ) bot.VERSION = "V1.0.0-alpha" bot.ENV = config.get("env", "prod") bot.config = config bot.db = DatabaseInterface(config, load("static/default.yml")) bot.api = HTTPClient(config["msgsafe"]) bot.times = AverageQueue() # Load the cogs we need bot.load_initial_cogs( "cogs.ui", "cogs.detector", ) # Run the bot