Example #1
 def __init__(self, database):
     self.database = database
     self.categories = CategoriesService(database=database)
Example #2
class ItemsService:
    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database
        self.categories = CategoriesService(database=database)

    def get_all(self):
        items = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT I.item_id, I.user_id, I.category_id,'
                    'I.name, I.price, I.created_at,'
                    'C.name AS category_name, U.username AS username '
            'FROM Items I '
            'LEFT JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'INNER JOIN Users U ON I.user_id = U.user_id'

        return items

    def get_template_by_id(self, item_id):
        template = self.database.execute(text(
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.description, '
                    'I.created_at, C.name AS category_name, C.category_id AS category_id, U.user_id, U.username '
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE I.item_id = :item_id'
        ), {'item_id': item_id}).fetchone()

        return template

    def get_all_templates(self):
        templates = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                'C.name AS category_name, U.username '
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '

        return templates

    def templates_count(self):
        count = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Templates'

        return count

    def get_filtered_templates(self, page=1, templates_per_page=16, price_start=None, price_end=None, category=None, search=None):

        query = (
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
        params = {}
        where_clauses = []

        # Build where clause by appending each condition to a list, then joining at the end.

        if category is not None and category > 0:
            # Get a list of category ids to search in
            # We need to do this to show all items that belong to any subcategories
            # eg. When looking at 'Resume' we need to also show items that belong to the subcategory 'CV'
            category_ids = self.categories.get_root_to_children_path(category)
            where_clauses.append('I.category_id IN :category_ids ')
            params['category_ids'] = category_ids

        if price_start:
            where_clauses.append('I.price >= :price_start')
            params['price_start'] = float(price_start)

        if price_end:
            where_clauses.append('I.price <= :price_end')
            params['price_end'] = float(price_end)

        if search:
            where_clauses.append('I.name LIKE :keywords')
            params['keywords'] = '%' + search + '%'

        if len(where_clauses) > 0:
            where_clauses[0] = 'WHERE ' + where_clauses[0]

        final_where_clause = ' AND '.join(where_clauses) + ' '
        query += final_where_clause

        page -= 1
        limit = str((page * templates_per_page) + templates_per_page)
        offset = str(page * templates_per_page)

        # Need to also get the total row count for filtered results for pagination
        count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(T.template_id) ' + query
        count = self.database.execute(text(count_query), params).scalar()

        query = (
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
            'C.name AS category_name, U.username, '
            # Want to calculate average rating for each template
            '(SELECT AVG(R.amount) '
            'FROM Ratings R '
            'WHERE R.template_id = T.template_id) as rating '
        ) + query

        query += (
            'ORDER BY rating DESC '
            'LIMIT ' + limit + ' OFFSET ' + offset

        templates = self.database.execute(text(query), params).fetchall()

        return [templates, int(count)]

    def get_templates_by_user_id(self, user_id):
        templates = self.database.execute(text(
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                'C.name AS category_name '
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'WHERE I.user_id = :user_id'
        ), {'user_id': user_id})

        return templates

    def get_latest_templates(self, limit):
        templates = self.database.execute(text(
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                'U.username, U.user_id '
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'ORDER BY created_at DESC '
            'LIMIT :limit'
        ), {'limit': limit})

        return templates

    def add_template(self, user_id, name, price, description, category, tags=[]):
            item = insert(self.database, 'Items', [
                ('user_id', user_id),
                ('category_id', category),
                ('name', name),
                ('price', price),
                ('created_at', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()),
                ('description', description)

            item_id = item.lastrowid

            template = insert(self.database, 'Templates', [
                ('item_id', item_id),
                ('file_path', '')


            return item_id

    def get_all_services(self):
        services = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT S.service_id, I.item_id, S.end_date, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, U.username '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '

        return services

    def get_services_by_user_id(self, user_id):
        services = self.database.execute(text(
            'SELECT S.service_id, I.item_id, S.end_date, S.ended, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
            '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
            '(SELECT U.username FROM Bids B '
                'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = B.user_id '
                'WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id '
                'ORDER BY B.amount DESC LIMIT 1) AS winner,'
            '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'WHERE I.user_id = :user_id'
        ), {'user_id': user_id}).fetchall()

        return services

    def get_service_by_id(self, item_id):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, S.end_date, I.item_id, I.name, I.price as start_price, I.created_at, '
            'I.description, U.user_id, U.username, '
            '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
            '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE I.item_id = :item_id'

        service = self.database.execute(text(query), {'item_id': item_id}).fetchone()

        return service

    def get_filtered_services(self, page=1, services_per_page=16):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, S.end_date, I.item_id, I.name, I.price as start_price, I.created_at, '
            'U.user_id, U.username, '
            '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
            '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE :current_datetime < S.end_date '
            'ORDER BY S.end_date ASC '
        count_query = (
            'SELECT COUNT(S.service_id)'
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE :current_datetime < S.end_date '

        params = {
            'current_datetime': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()
        where_clauses = []

        count = self.database.execute(text(count_query), params).scalar()

        page -= 1
        limit = str((page * services_per_page) + services_per_page)
        offset = str(page * services_per_page)

        query += (
            'LIMIT ' + limit + ' OFFSET ' + offset

        services = self.database.execute(text(query), params).fetchall()

        return [services, int(count)]

    def get_pending_services(self):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, '
            '(SELECT bid_id FROM Bids WHERE service_id = S.service_id ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1) as winning_bid_id '
            'FROM Services S '
            'WHERE :current_datetime >= S.end_date AND S.ended = 0'

        services = self.database.execute(text(query), {
            'current_datetime': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()

        return services

    def add_service(self, user_id, name, start_price, description, duration):
            item = insert(self.database, 'Items', [
                ('user_id', user_id),
                ('name', name),
                ('price', start_price),
                ('created_at', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()),
                ('description', description)

            item_id = item.lastrowid
            end_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(days=duration)

            service = insert(self.database, 'Services', [
                ('item_id', item_id),
                ('end_date', end_date.isoformat())


            return item_id

    def mark_service_ended(self, service_id):
            query = (
                'UPDATE Services SET ended = 1 WHERE service_id = :service_id'
            self.database.execute(text(query), {'service_id': service_id})
Example #3
class ItemsService:
    def __init__(self, database):
        self.database = database
        self.categories = CategoriesService(database=database)

    def get_all(self):
        items = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT I.item_id, I.user_id, I.category_id,'
            'I.name, I.price, I.created_at,'
            'C.name AS category_name, U.username AS username '
            'FROM Items I '
            'LEFT JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'INNER JOIN Users U ON I.user_id = U.user_id').fetchall()

        return items

    def get_template_by_id(self, item_id):
        template = self.database.execute(
                'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.description, '
                'I.created_at, C.name AS category_name, C.category_id AS category_id, U.user_id, U.username '
                'FROM Templates T '
                'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
                'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
                'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
                'WHERE I.item_id = :item_id'), {
                    'item_id': item_id

        return template

    def get_all_templates(self):
        templates = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
            'C.name AS category_name, U.username '
            'FROM Templates T '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
            'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id ')

        return templates

    def templates_count(self):
        count = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Templates').scalar()

        return count

    def get_filtered_templates(self,

        query = ('FROM Templates T '
                 'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
                 'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
                 'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id ')
        params = {}
        where_clauses = []

        # Build where clause by appending each condition to a list, then joining at the end.

        if category is not None and category > 0:
            # Get a list of category ids to search in
            # We need to do this to show all items that belong to any subcategories
            # eg. When looking at 'Resume' we need to also show items that belong to the subcategory 'CV'
            category_ids = self.categories.get_root_to_children_path(category)
            where_clauses.append('I.category_id IN :category_ids ')
            params['category_ids'] = category_ids

        if price_start:
            where_clauses.append('I.price >= :price_start')
            params['price_start'] = float(price_start)

        if price_end:
            where_clauses.append('I.price <= :price_end')
            params['price_end'] = float(price_end)

        if search:
            where_clauses.append('I.name LIKE :keywords')
            params['keywords'] = '%' + search + '%'

        if len(where_clauses) > 0:
            where_clauses[0] = 'WHERE ' + where_clauses[0]

        final_where_clause = ' AND '.join(where_clauses) + ' '
        query += final_where_clause

        page -= 1
        limit = str((page * templates_per_page) + templates_per_page)
        offset = str(page * templates_per_page)

        # Need to also get the total row count for filtered results for pagination
        count_query = 'SELECT COUNT(T.template_id) ' + query
        count = self.database.execute(text(count_query), params).scalar()

        query = (
            'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
            'C.name AS category_name, U.username, '
            # Want to calculate average rating for each template
            '(SELECT AVG(R.amount) '
            'FROM Ratings R '
            'WHERE R.template_id = T.template_id) as rating ') + query

        query += ('ORDER BY rating DESC '
                  'LIMIT ' + limit + ' OFFSET ' + offset)

        templates = self.database.execute(text(query), params).fetchall()

        return [templates, int(count)]

    def get_templates_by_user_id(self, user_id):
        templates = self.database.execute(
                'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                'C.name AS category_name '
                'FROM Templates T '
                'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
                'JOIN Categories C ON I.category_id = C.category_id '
                'WHERE I.user_id = :user_id'), {'user_id': user_id})

        return templates

    def get_latest_templates(self, limit):
        templates = self.database.execute(
                'SELECT T.template_id, I.item_id, T.file_path, I.category_id, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                'U.username, U.user_id '
                'FROM Templates T '
                'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = T.item_id '
                'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
                'ORDER BY created_at DESC '
                'LIMIT :limit'), {'limit': limit})

        return templates

    def add_template(self,
            item = insert(self.database, 'Items',
                          [('user_id', user_id), ('category_id', category),
                           ('name', name), ('price', price),
                           ('created_at', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()),
                           ('description', description)])

            item_id = item.lastrowid

            template = insert(self.database, 'Templates',
                              [('item_id', item_id), ('file_path', '')])


            return item_id

    def get_all_services(self):
        services = self.database.execute(
            'SELECT S.service_id, I.item_id, S.end_date, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, U.username '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id ')

        return services

    def get_services_by_user_id(self, user_id):
        services = self.database.execute(
                'SELECT S.service_id, I.item_id, S.end_date, S.ended, I.name, I.price, I.created_at, '
                '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
                '(SELECT U.username FROM Bids B '
                'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = B.user_id '
                'WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id '
                'ORDER BY B.amount DESC LIMIT 1) AS winner,'
                '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
                'FROM Services S '
                'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
                'WHERE I.user_id = :user_id'), {
                    'user_id': user_id

        return services

    def get_service_by_id(self, item_id):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, S.end_date, I.item_id, I.name, I.price as start_price, I.created_at, '
            'I.description, U.user_id, U.username, '
            '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
            '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE I.item_id = :item_id')

        service = self.database.execute(text(query), {
            'item_id': item_id

        return service

    def get_filtered_services(self, page=1, services_per_page=16):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, S.end_date, I.item_id, I.name, I.price as start_price, I.created_at, '
            'U.user_id, U.username, '
            '(SELECT MAX(B.amount) FROM Bids B WHERE B.service_id = S.service_id) AS highest_bid, '
            '(SELECT COUNT(*) FROM Bids B Where B.service_id = S.service_id) AS bids '
            'FROM Services S '
            'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
            'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
            'WHERE :current_datetime < S.end_date '
            'ORDER BY S.end_date ASC ')
        count_query = ('SELECT COUNT(S.service_id)'
                       'FROM Services S '
                       'JOIN Items I ON I.item_id = S.item_id '
                       'JOIN Users U ON U.user_id = I.user_id '
                       'WHERE :current_datetime < S.end_date ')

        params = {'current_datetime': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()}
        where_clauses = []

        count = self.database.execute(text(count_query), params).scalar()

        page -= 1
        limit = str((page * services_per_page) + services_per_page)
        offset = str(page * services_per_page)

        query += ('LIMIT ' + limit + ' OFFSET ' + offset)

        services = self.database.execute(text(query), params).fetchall()

        return [services, int(count)]

    def get_pending_services(self):
        query = (
            'SELECT S.service_id, '
            '(SELECT bid_id FROM Bids WHERE service_id = S.service_id ORDER BY amount DESC LIMIT 1) as winning_bid_id '
            'FROM Services S '
            'WHERE :current_datetime >= S.end_date AND S.ended = 0')

        services = self.database.execute(
            text(query), {
                'current_datetime': datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()

        return services

    def add_service(self, user_id, name, start_price, description, duration):
            item = insert(self.database, 'Items',
                          [('user_id', user_id), ('name', name),
                           ('price', start_price),
                           ('created_at', datetime.datetime.now().isoformat()),
                           ('description', description)])

            item_id = item.lastrowid
            end_date = datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(

            service = insert(self.database, 'Services',
                             [('item_id', item_id),
                              ('end_date', end_date.isoformat())])


            return item_id

    def mark_service_ended(self, service_id):
            query = (
                'UPDATE Services SET ended = 1 WHERE service_id = :service_id')
            self.database.execute(text(query), {'service_id': service_id})
Example #4
 def __init__(self, database):
     self.database = database
     self.categories = CategoriesService(database=database)
from flask import abort, Blueprint, flash, request, render_template, redirect, session
from templatesandmoe.modules.core.pagination import Pagination
from templatesandmoe import db_session
from templatesandmoe.modules.items.service import ItemsService
from templatesandmoe.modules.categories.service import CategoriesService
from templatesandmoe.modules.ratings.service import RatingsService
from templatesandmoe.modules.auctions.service import AuctionsService
from templatesandmoe.modules.tags.service import TagsService

itemsModule = Blueprint('items', __name__)
items = ItemsService(database=db_session)
categories = CategoriesService(database=db_session)
ratings = RatingsService(database=db_session)
auctions = AuctionsService(database=db_session)
tags = TagsService(database=db_session)
    Show all templates

@itemsModule.route('/templates/', defaults={'page': 1, 'category': 0})
def all_templates(category, page):
    price_start = request.args.get('price-start')
    price_end = request.args.get('price-end')
    search = request.args.get('search')

    templates, count = items.get_filtered_templates(page=page,