def test_curl():
    x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x1 x2 x3')
    X = [x1 * x2**3, x2 - cos(x3), x3**3 - x1]
    arg = [x1, x2, x3]

    j = Arraypy(3)
    k0 = TensorArray(j, (1))
    k0[0] = x1 * x2**3
    k0[1] = x2 - cos(x3)
    k0[2] = x3**3 - x1

    k1 = Arraypy([1, 3, 1]).to_tensor(1)
    k1[1] = x1 * x2**3
    k1[2] = x2 - cos(x3)
    k1[3] = x3**3 - x1

    v0 = TensorArray(j, (1))
    v0[0] = x1
    v0[1] = x2
    v0[2] = x3

    v1 = Arraypy([1, 3, 1]).to_tensor(1)
    v1[1] = x1
    v1[2] = x2
    v1[3] = x3

    s0 = TensorArray(j, (1))
    s0[0] = -sin(x3)
    s0[1] = 1
    s0[2] = -3 * x1 * x2**2

    s1 = Arraypy([1, 3, 1]).to_tensor(1)
    s1[1] = -sin(x3)
    s1[2] = 1
    s1[3] = -3 * x1 * x2**2

    assert curl(X, arg) == [-sin(x3), 1, -3 * x1 * x2**2]
    assert isinstance(curl(X, arg), list)

    assert curl(X, arg, 'a') == list2arraypy([-sin(x3), 1, -3 * x1 * x2**2])
    assert isinstance(curl(X, arg, 'a'), Arraypy)

    assert curl(X, arg, 't') == s0
    assert isinstance(curl(X, arg, 't'), TensorArray)
    assert curl(X, arg, 't').type_pq == (1, 0)

    assert curl(k0, arg) == s0
    assert isinstance(curl(k0, arg), TensorArray)
    assert curl(X, arg, 't').type_pq == (1, 0)

    assert curl(k0, arg, 'a') == list2arraypy([-sin(x3), 1, -3 * x1 * x2**2])
    assert isinstance(curl(k0, arg, 'a'), Arraypy)

    assert curl(k0, arg, 't') == s0
    assert isinstance(curl(k0, arg, 't'), TensorArray)
    assert curl(X, arg, 't').type_pq == (1, 0)

    assert curl(k1, v1, 't') == s1
    assert isinstance(curl(k1, v1, 't'), TensorArray)
    assert curl(k1, v1, 't').type_pq == (1, 0)
Example #2
def asymmetric(in_arr):
    Creates the asymmetric form of input tensor.
    Input: Arraypy or TensorArray with equal axes (array shapes).
    Output: asymmetric array. Output type - Arraypy or TensorArray, depends of input


    >>> from tensor_analysis.arraypy import list2arraypy
    >>> from tensor_analysis.tensor_methods import asymmetric
    >>> a = list2arraypy(list(range(9)), (3,3))
    >>> b = asymmetric(a)
    >>> print (b)
    0  -1  -2  
    1  0  -1  
    2  1  0 
    if not isinstance(in_arr, Arraypy):
        raise TypeError('Input must be Arraypy or TensorArray type')

    flag = 0
    for j in range(in_arr.rank):
        if (in_arr.shape[0] != in_arr.shape[j]):
            raise ValueError('Different size of arrays axes')

    # forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy( [(a,
    # b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
    arg = [(in_arr.start_index[i], in_arr.end_index[i])
           for i in range(in_arr.rank)]

    # if in_arr TensorArray, then res_arr will be TensorArray, else it will be
    # Arraypy
    if isinstance(in_arr, TensorArray):
        res_arr = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), in_arr.ind_char)
        res_arr = Arraypy(arg)

    signs = [0 for i in range(factorial(in_arr.rank))]
    temp_i = 0
    for p in permutations(range(in_arr.rank)):
        signs[temp_i] = perm_parity(list(p))
        temp_i += 1

    index = [in_arr.start_index[i] for i in range(in_arr.rank)]

    for i in range(len(in_arr)):
        perm = list(permutations(index))
        perm_number = 0
        for temp_index in perm:
            res_arr[tuple(index)] += signs[perm_number] * \
            perm_number += 1

        res_arr[tuple(index)] /= factorial(in_arr.rank)
        res_arr[tuple(index)] = simplify(res_arr[tuple(index)])

        index = in_arr.next_index(index)

    return res_arr
def test_df_var_tnsr0():
    x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x1 x2 x3')
    f = x1**2 * x2 + sin(x2 * x3 - x2)
    var_tnsr0 = TensorArray(Arraypy(3), (1))
    var_tnsr0[0] = x1
    var_tnsr0[1] = x2
    var_tnsr0[2] = x3

    assert df(f, var_tnsr0) == [
        2 * x1 * x2, x1**2 + (x3 - 1) * cos(x2 * x3 - x2), x2 *
        cos(x2 * x3 - x2)]
    assert isinstance(df(f, var_tnsr0), list)

    assert df(f, var_tnsr0, 'l') == [
        2 * x1 * x2, x1**2 + (x3 - 1) * cos(x2 * x3 - x2), x2 *
        cos(x2 * x3 - x2)]
    assert isinstance(df(f, var_tnsr0, 'l'), list)

    assert df(f, var_tnsr0, 'a') == list2arraypy(
        [2 * x1 * x2, x1**2 + (x3 - 1) * cos(x2 * x3 - x2), x2 *
         cos(x2 * x3 - x2)])
    assert isinstance(df(f, var_tnsr0, 'a'), Arraypy)

    assert df(f, var_tnsr0, 't') == list2tensor(
        [2 * x1 * x2, x1**2 + (x3 - 1) * cos(x2 * x3 - x2), x2 *
         cos(x2 * x3 - x2)])
    assert isinstance(df(f, var_tnsr0, 't'), TensorArray)
    assert df(f, var_tnsr0, 't').type_pq == (0, 1)
def test_lie_w():

    x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x1, x2, x3')

    X = [x1 * x2**3, x2 - cos(x3), x3**3 - x1]

    arr = Arraypy((3, 3))
    y = TensorArray(arr, (-1, -1))
    y1 = TensorArray(arr, (-1, -1))

    y[0, 1] = x3
    y[0, 2] = -x2
    y[1, 0] = -x3
    y[1, 2] = x1
    y[2, 0] = x2
    y[2, 1] = -x1

    y1[0, 1] = x2**3 * x3 + x3**3 + x3
    y1[0, 2] = -x2**4 - 3 * x2 * x3**2 - x2 + x3 * sin(x3) + cos(x3)
    y1[1, 0] = -x2**3 * x3 - x3**3 - x3
    y1[1, 2] = -2 * x1 * x2**3 + 3 * x1 * x3**2 + x1
    y1[2, 0] = x2**4 + 3 * x2 * x3**2 + x2 - x3 * sin(x3) - cos(x3)
    y1[2, 1] = 2 * x1 * x2**3 - 3 * x1 * x3**2 - x1

    assert lie_w(y, X, [x1, x2, x3]) == y1
    assert isinstance(lie_w(y, X, [x1, x2, x3]), TensorArray)
    assert lie_w(y, X, [x1, x2, x3]).type_pq == (0, 2)

    omega = TensorArray(arr, (-1, -1))
    omega[0, 1] = x2
    omega[1, 0] = -x2
    omega[0, 2] = -x1
    omega[2, 0] = x1

    ten = TensorArray(arr, (-1, -1))
    ten[0, 1] = x2**4 + 2 * x2 - cos(x3)
    ten[0, 2] = -2 * x1 * x2**3 - 3 * x1 * x3**2 + x2 * sin(x3)
    ten[1, 0] = -x2**4 - 2 * x2 + cos(x3)
    ten[1, 2] = -3 * x1**2 * x2**2
    ten[2, 0] = 2 * x1 * x2**3 + 3 * x1 * x3**2 - x2 * sin(x3)
    ten[2, 1] = 3 * x1**2 * x2**2

    assert lie_w(omega, X, [x1, x2, x3]) == ten
    assert isinstance(lie_w(omega, X, [x1, x2, x3]), TensorArray)
    assert lie_w(omega, X, [x1, x2, x3]).type_pq == (0, 2)
Example #5
def test_calculation():
    # Arraypy
    list_of_ones = [1 for i in range(9)]
    list_of_nines = [9 for i in range(9)]
    shape = (3, 3)

    a = list2arraypy(list_of_ones, shape)
    b = list2arraypy(list_of_nines, shape)

    if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
        c = a + b
        for i in c:
            assert i == 10

        c = b - a
        for i in c:
            assert i == 8

        c = a + b
        idx = c.start_index
        for i in range(len(c)):
            assert c[idx] == 10
            idx = c.next_index(idx)

        idx = c.start_index
        c = b - a
        for i in range(len(c)):
            assert c[idx] == 8
            idx = c.next_index(idx)

    # TensorArray
    x0, x1, y0, y1 = symbols('X[0], X[1], Y[0], Y[1]')
    tensor1 = TensorArray(Arraypy(2, 'X'), 1)
    tensor2 = TensorArray(Arraypy(2, 'Y'), -1)
    assert tensor1.rank == tensor2.rank == 1

    res_tensor = tensor_product(tensor1, tensor2)
    assert len(res_tensor) == 4
    assert res_tensor.rank == 2
    assert res_tensor[0, 0] == x0 * y0
    assert res_tensor[0, 1] == x0 * y1
    assert res_tensor[1, 0] == x1 * y0
    assert res_tensor[1, 1] == x1 * y1
Example #6
def test_tensor_initiation():
    base_shape = (2, 2, 2)
    tensor_base = Arraypy(base_shape)
    index_character = (1, -1, 1)
    tensor = TensorArray(tensor_base, index_character)

    assert tensor.ind_char == index_character
    assert tensor.shape == base_shape
    assert tensor.type_pq == (2, 1)
    assert tensor.rank == 3
Example #7
def test_tensor_converting():
    arr_tensor = TensorArray(Arraypy((2, 2)), (1, 1))

    arr_list = arr_tensor.to_list()
    assert (isinstance(arr_list, list))

    arr_arraypy = arr_tensor.to_arraypy()
    assert (isinstance(arr_arraypy, Arraypy))

    arr_matrix = arr_tensor.to_matrix()
    assert (isinstance(arr_matrix, Matrix))
Example #8
def tensor_product(first_tensor, second_tensor):
    """Returns tensor product. Rank of resulted tensor is a summary rank of two


    >>> from tensor_analysis.arraypy import Arraypy, TensorArray
    >>> from tensor_analysis.tensor_methods import tensor_product
    >>> a = TensorArray( Arraypy ('1..2', 'X'), 1)
    >>> b = TensorArray( Arraypy ('1..2', 'Y'), -1)
    >>> c = tensor_product(a, b)
    >>> print (c)
    X[1]*Y[1] X[1]*Y[2]
    X[2]*Y[1] X[2]*Y[2]

    >>> print(c.start_index)
    (1, 1)
    >>> print(c.end_index)
    (2, 2)
    >>> print(c.rank)
    >>> print(c.ind_char)
    (1, -1)


    if not isinstance(first_tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('first attribute must be TensorArray')
    if not isinstance(second_tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('second attribute must be TensorArray')

    # forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy(
    # [(a, b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
    arg = [(first_tensor.start_index[i], first_tensor.end_index[i])
           for i in range(first_tensor._rank)]
    arg = arg + [(second_tensor.start_index[i], second_tensor.end_index[i])
                 for i in range(second_tensor._rank)]

    # index charater of resulted tensor will be a concatination of two
    # index characters
    res = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg),
                      first_tensor.ind_char + second_tensor.ind_char)

    # loop over current tensor
    for i in first_tensor.index_list:
        # loop over second_tensor tensor
        for j in second_tensor.index_list:
            res[i + j] = first_tensor[i] * second_tensor[j]

    return res
def test_dw():
    x1, x2, x3 = symbols('x1 x2 x3')

    y = TensorArray(Arraypy((3, 3)), (-1, -1))
    y1 = TensorArray(Arraypy((3, 3, 3)), (-1, -1, -1))

    y[0, 1] = x3
    y[0, 2] = -x2
    y[1, 0] = -x3
    y[1, 2] = x1
    y[2, 0] = x2
    y[2, 1] = -x1

    y1[0, 1, 2] = 3
    y1[0, 2, 1] = -3
    y1[1, 0, 2] = -3
    y1[1, 2, 0] = 3
    y1[2, 0, 1] = 3
    y1[2, 1, 0] = -3

    assert dw(y, [x1, x2, x3]) == y1
    assert isinstance(dw(y, [x1, x2, x3]), TensorArray)
    assert dw(y, [x1, x2, x3]).type_pq == (0, 3)  
Example #10
def change_basis(tensor, transformation_matrix, old_to_new=True):

    Changes basis of input TensorArray with help of transformation
    matrix from old to new (if corresponding argument is True) or from
    new to old (if False).

    if not isinstance(tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('First argument must be of TensorArray type')
    if not isinstance(transformation_matrix, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('Transformation matrix must be of TensorArray type')
    if transformation_matrix.rank != 2:
        raise ValueError('Transformation matrix must be of rank == 2')
    if transformation_matrix.ind_char != (1, -1):
        raise ValueError('Transformation matrix valency must be (1, -1)')

    temp_matrix = transformation_matrix.to_matrix().inv()
    inv_transformation_matrix = copy(transformation_matrix)
    # This is a strange way to transfer data from Matrix to TensorArray bellow.
    # But it's neccecery because TensorArray might have different index range.
    index = transformation_matrix.start_index
    for i in temp_matrix:
        inv_transformation_matrix[index] = i
        index = inv_transformation_matrix.next_index(index)
    # for testing reasons
    # inv_transformation_matrix = TensorArray(Arraypy((2,2), 'B'), (-1, 1))

    # forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy( [(a,
    # b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
    arg = [(tensor.start_index[i], tensor.end_index[i])
           for i in range(tensor.rank)]
    temp_tensor = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), tensor.ind_char)
    result_tensor = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), tensor.ind_char)

    # lists, that represents where is upper index and where is low
    upper_idx_position = [
        i for i in range(len(tensor.ind_char)) if tensor.ind_char[i] == 1
    low_idx_position = [
        i for i in range(len(tensor.ind_char)) if tensor.ind_char[i] == -1

    # summ over upper indicies
    for idx in tensor.index_list:
        for i in upper_idx_position:
            for j in range(tensor.start_index[i], tensor.end_index[i] + 1):
                # forming index for multiplied tensor element
                # resulted index will be e.g. (1, j, 1).
                temp_idx = copy(idx)
                temp_idx[i] = j

                temp_tensor[idx] += transformation_matrix[
                    (idx[i], j)] * tensor[tuple(temp_idx)]

    # summ over low indicies
    for idx in tensor.index_list:
        for i in low_idx_position:
            for j in range(tensor.start_index[i], tensor.end_index[i] + 1):
                # forming index for multiplied tensor element
                # resulted index will be e.g. (1, j, 1).
                temp_idx = copy(idx)
                temp_idx[i] = j

                result_tensor[idx] += temp_tensor[tuple(
                    temp_idx)] * inv_transformation_matrix[(idx[i], j)]

    # expanding for more clear view. Should I do this?
    for idx in result_tensor.index_list:
        result_tensor[idx] = expand(result_tensor[idx])

    return result_tensor
Example #11
def raise_index(tensor, metric_tensor, *index_numbers_to_raise):
    """Raising one lower index of the tensor.
    The index count starts from 1.

    >>> from sympy import symbols, sin
    >>> from tensor_analysis.arraypy import list2tensor
    >>> from tensor_analysis.tensor_methods import raise_index
    >>> x, y, z, w, r, phi = symbols('x y z w r phi')
    >>> A = list2tensor([1, 0, 0, 0, r**2, 0, 0, 0, (r**2)*sin(phi)], (3, 3) ,(-1, -1))
    >>> print(A)
    1  0  0
    0  r**2  0
    0  0  r**2*sin(phi)

    >>> T = list2tensor([w, x, 0, y, z, 0, 0, y**2, x*y*w], (3, 3) ,(1, -1))
    >>> print(T)
    w  x  0
    y  z  0
    0  y**2  w*x*y

    >>> S = raise_index(T, A, 2)
    >>> print(S)
    w  x/r**2  0
    y  z/r**2  0
    0  y**2/r**2  w*x*y/(r**2*sin(phi))

    >>> print(S.ind_char)
    (1, 1)

    index_numbers_to_raise = list(index_numbers_to_raise)
    for i in range(len(index_numbers_to_raise)):
        index_numbers_to_raise[i] -= 1

    if not isinstance(tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('Input tensor must be of TensorArray type')

    if not isinstance(metric_tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('Metric tensor must be of TensorArray type')

    if not metric_tensor.rank == 2:
        raise ValueError('Metric tensor rank must be equal to 2')

    if not metric_tensor.ind_char == (-1, -1):
        raise ValueError('Metric tensor must be covariant')

    for index_number in index_numbers_to_raise:
        if tensor.ind_char[index_number] == 1:
            raise ValueError('Index number should point on lower index')

    # forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy( [(a,
    # b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
    arg = [(tensor.start_index[i], tensor.end_index[i])
           for i in range(tensor.rank)]
    new_ind_char = [i for i in tensor.ind_char]
    for i in index_numbers_to_raise:
        new_ind_char[i] = 1
    result_tensor = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), new_ind_char)

    # finding contravariant reversed matrix
    matrix_reversed_metric_tensor = metric_tensor.to_matrix().inv()
    reversed_metric_tensor = copy(metric_tensor)

    # This is a strange way to transfer data from Matrix to TensorArray bellow.
    # But it's neccecery because TensorArray might have different index range.
    index = reversed_metric_tensor.start_index
    for i in matrix_reversed_metric_tensor:
        reversed_metric_tensor[index] = i
        index = reversed_metric_tensor.next_index(index)

    for index_number in index_numbers_to_raise:
        # loop over all tensor elements
        for cur_index in tensor.index_list:
            # loop over dimension pointed in index_number_to_low
            for j in range(tensor.start_index[index_number],
                           tensor.end_index[index_number] + 1):
                # forming indexes
                metric_tensor_index = (j, cur_index[index_number])
                temp_index = [i for i in cur_index]
                temp_index[index_number] = j
                result_tensor[cur_index] += tensor[tuple(
                    temp_index)] * reversed_metric_tensor[metric_tensor_index]
        tensor = copy(result_tensor)

    return result_tensor
Example #12
def lower_index(tensor, metric_tensor, *index_numbers_to_low):
    """Lowering one upper index of the tensor.
    The index count starts from 1.

    >>> from sympy import symbols, sin
    >>> from tensor_analysis.arraypy import list2tensor
    >>> from tensor_analysis.tensor_methods import lower_index
    >>> x, y, z, w, r, phi = symbols('x y z w r phi')
    >>> A = list2tensor([1, 0, 0, 0, r**2, 0, 0, 0, (r**2)*sin(phi)], (3, 3) ,(-1, -1))
    >>> print(A)
    1  0  0
    0  r**2  0
    0  0  r**2*sin(phi)

    >>> T = list2tensor([w, x, 0, y, z, 0, 0, y**2, x*y*w], (3, 3) ,(1, -1))
    >>> print(T)
    w  x  0
    y  z  0
    0  y**2  w*x*y

    >>> S1 = lower_index(T, A, 1)
    >>> print(S1)
    w  x  0
    r**2*y  r**2*z  0
    0  r**2*y**2*sin(phi)  r**2*w*x*y*sin(phi)

    >>> print(S1.ind_char)
    (-1, -1)

    index_numbers_to_low = list(index_numbers_to_low)
    for i in range(len(index_numbers_to_low)):
        index_numbers_to_low[i] -= 1

    if not isinstance(tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('Input tensor must be of TensorArray type')

    if not isinstance(metric_tensor, TensorArray):
        raise TypeError('Metric tensor must be of TensorArray type')

    if not metric_tensor.rank == 2:
        raise ValueError('Metric tensor rank must be equal to 2')

    if not metric_tensor.ind_char == (-1, -1):
        raise ValueError('Metric tensor must be covariant')

    for index_number in index_numbers_to_low:
        if tensor.ind_char[index_number] == -1:
            raise ValueError('Index number should point on upper index')

    # forming list of tuples for Arraypy constructor of type a = Arraypy( [(a,
    # b), (c, d), ... , (y, z)] )
    arg = [(tensor.start_index[i], tensor.end_index[i])
           for i in range(tensor.rank)]
    new_ind_char = [i for i in tensor.ind_char]
    for i in index_numbers_to_low:
        new_ind_char[i] = -1
    result_tensor = TensorArray(Arraypy(arg), new_ind_char)

    for index_number in index_numbers_to_low:
        # loop over all tensor elements
        for cur_index in tensor.index_list:
            # loop over dimension pointed in index_number_to_low
            for j in range(tensor.start_index[index_number],
                           tensor.end_index[index_number] + 1):
                # forming indexes
                metric_tensor_index = (j, cur_index[index_number])
                temp_index = [i for i in cur_index]
                temp_index[index_number] = j
                result_tensor[cur_index] += tensor[tuple(
                    temp_index)] * metric_tensor[metric_tensor_index]
        tensor = copy(result_tensor)

    return result_tensor