Example #1
def get_pos_enc(pos_id_q, pos_id_k, d_model, dropout, is_training,
                clamp_len=-1, dtype=tf.float32):
  """Create inputs related to relative position encoding."""
  pos_id_q = tf.cast(pos_id_q, dtype)
  pos_id_k = tf.cast(pos_id_k, dtype)
  if clamp_len > 0:
    pos_id_q = tf.clamp(pos_id_q, -clamp_len, clamp_len)
    pos_id_k = tf.clamp(pos_id_k, -clamp_len, clamp_len)

  d_model_half = d_model // 2
  freq_seq = tf.cast(tf.range(0, d_model_half, 1.0), dtype=dtype)
  inv_freq = 1 / (10000 ** (freq_seq / d_model_half))

  sinusoid_q = tf.einsum("...i,d->...id", pos_id_q, inv_freq)
  sinusoid_k = tf.einsum("...i,d->...id", pos_id_k, inv_freq)

  sin_enc_q = tf.sin(sinusoid_q)
  cos_enc_q = tf.cos(sinusoid_q)
  sin_enc_q = dropout_op(sin_enc_q, dropout, training=is_training)
  cos_enc_q = dropout_op(cos_enc_q, dropout, training=is_training)

  sin_enc_k = tf.sin(sinusoid_k)
  cos_enc_k = tf.cos(sinusoid_k)

  enc_q_1 = tf.concat([sin_enc_q, sin_enc_q], axis=-1)
  enc_k_1 = tf.concat([cos_enc_k, sin_enc_k], axis=-1)

  enc_q_2 = tf.concat([cos_enc_q, cos_enc_q], axis=-1)
  enc_k_2 = tf.concat([-sin_enc_k, cos_enc_k], axis=-1)

  return [enc_q_1, enc_q_2, enc_k_1, enc_k_2]
def get_filters(R, filter_size, P=None, n_rings=None):
    """Perform single-frequency DFT on each ring of a polar-resampled patch"""
    k = filter_size
    filters = {}
    N = n_samples(k)
    from scipy.linalg import dft
    for m, r in R.items():
        rsh = r.get_shape().as_list()
        # Get the basis matrices
        weights = get_interpolation_weights(k, m, n_rings=n_rings)
        DFT = dft(N)[m, :]
        LPF = np.dot(DFT, weights).T

        cosine = np.real(LPF).astype(np.float32)
        sine = np.imag(LPF).astype(np.float32)
        # Reshape for multiplication with radial profile
        cosine = tf.constant(cosine)
        sine = tf.constant(sine)
        # Project taps on to rotational basis
        r = tf.reshape(r, tf.stack([rsh[0], rsh[1] * rsh[2]]))
        ucos = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(cosine, r), tf.stack([k, k, rsh[1], rsh[2]]))
        usin = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(sine, r), tf.stack([k, k, rsh[1], rsh[2]]))
        if P is not None:
            # Rotate basis matrices
            ucos_ = tf.cos(P[m]) * ucos + tf.sin(P[m]) * usin
            usin = -tf.sin(P[m]) * ucos + tf.cos(P[m]) * usin
            ucos = ucos_
        filters[m] = (ucos, usin)
    return filters
Example #3
    def _compute_sdf(self, x, translations, blend_terms, points):
        """Compute signed distances between query points and hyperplanes."""
        n_parts = tf.shape(x)[1]
        n_planes = tf.shape(x)[2]
        norm_logit = x[..., 0:self._dims - 1]
        offset = (-(tf.nn.sigmoid(x[..., self._dims - 1:self._dims]) *
                    self._offset_scale + self._offset_lbound))
        blend_planes = (
            tf.nn.sigmoid(blend_terms[..., :n_parts]) * self._blend_scale +

        # Norm of the boundary line
        norm_rad = tf.tanh(norm_logit) * np.pi  # [..., (azimuth, altitude)]
        if self._dims == 3:
            norm = tf.stack([
                tf.sin(norm_rad[..., 1]) * tf.cos(norm_rad[..., 0]),
                tf.sin(norm_rad[..., 1]) * tf.sin(norm_rad[..., 0]),
                tf.cos(norm_rad[..., 1])
            norm = tf.concat([tf.cos(norm_rad), tf.sin(norm_rad)], axis=-1)

        # Calculate signed distances to hyperplanes.
        points = (tf.expand_dims(points, axis=1) -
                  tf.expand_dims(translations, axis=2))
        points = tf.expand_dims(points, axis=2)
        points = tf.tile(points, [1, 1, n_planes, 1, 1])
        signed_dis = tf.matmul(points, tf.expand_dims(norm, axis=-1))
        signed_dis = signed_dis + tf.expand_dims(offset, axis=-2)

        return signed_dis, translations, blend_planes, offset
Example #4
def tf_rotation_around_grid_centroid(view_params, shapenet_viewer=False):
    #This function returns a rotation matrix around a center with y-axis being the up vector, and a scale matrix.
    #It first rotates the matrix by the azimuth angle (theta) around y, then around X-axis by elevation angle (gamma)
    #return a rotation matrix in homogenous coordinate
    #The default Open GL camera is to looking towards the negative Z direction
    #This function is suitable when the silhoutte projection is done along the Z direction

    batch_size = tf.shape(
    )[0]  # shape: (batch_size * 6) 6: azimuth, elevation, scale, translation_x ~ z

    azimuth = tf.reshape(view_params[:, 0], (batch_size, 1, 1))
    elevation = tf.reshape(view_params[:, 1], (batch_size, 1, 1))

    # azimuth = azimuth
    # why this is necessary?
    if shapenet_viewer == False:
        azimuth = (azimuth - tf.constant(math.pi * 0.5))

    #Because tensorflow does not allow tensor item replacement
    #A new matrix needs to be created from scratch by concatenating different vectors into rows and stacking them up
    #Batch Rotation Y matrixes
    ones = tf.ones_like(azimuth)  # shape: (batch_size * 1 * 1)
    zeros = tf.zeros_like(azimuth)
    batch_Rot_Y = tf.concat([
        tf.concat([tf.cos(azimuth), zeros, -tf.sin(azimuth), zeros], axis=2),
        tf.concat([zeros, ones, zeros, zeros], axis=2),
        tf.concat([tf.sin(azimuth), zeros,
                   tf.cos(azimuth), zeros], axis=2),
        tf.concat([zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis=2)

    #Batch Rotation Z matrixes  Why you rotates the matrix around X-axis? It is different to your annotation before
    batch_Rot_Z = tf.concat([
                   tf.sin(elevation), zeros, zeros], axis=2),
                   tf.cos(elevation), zeros, zeros],
        tf.concat([zeros, zeros, ones, zeros], axis=2),
        tf.concat([zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis=2)

    transformation_matrix = tf.matmul(batch_Rot_Z, batch_Rot_Y)
    if tf.shape(view_params)[1] == 2:
        return transformation_matrix
        #Batch Scale matrixes:
        scale = tf.reshape(view_params[:, 2], (batch_size, 1, 1))
        batch_Scale = tf.concat([
            tf.concat([scale, zeros, zeros, zeros], axis=2),
            tf.concat([zeros, scale, zeros, zeros], axis=2),
            tf.concat([zeros, zeros, scale, zeros], axis=2),
            tf.concat([zeros, zeros, zeros, ones], axis=2)
    return transformation_matrix, batch_Scale
def generate_heatmap_target_sigmas_rotation(heatmap_size, landmarks, sigmas, rotation, scale=1.0, normalize=False, data_format='channels_first'):
    Generates heatmap images for the given parameters.
    :param heatmap_size: The image size of a single heatmap.
    :param landmarks: The list of landmarks. For each landmark, a heatmap on the given coordinate will be generated. If landmark.is_valid is False, then the heatmap will be empty.
    :param sigmas: The sigmas for the individual heatmaps. May be either fixed, or trainable.
    :param rotation: The rotation of the heatmap. May be either fixed, or trainable.
    :param scale: The scale factor for each heatmap. Each pixel value will be multiplied by this value.
    :param normalize: If true, each heatmap value will be multiplied by the normalization factor of the gaussian.
    :param data_format: The data format of the resulting tensor of heatmap images.
    :return: The tensor of heatmap images.
    landmarks_shape = landmarks.get_shape().as_list()
    sigmas_shape = sigmas.get_shape().as_list()
    batch_size = landmarks_shape[0]
    num_landmarks = landmarks_shape[1]
    dim = landmarks_shape[2] - 1
    assert dim == 2, 'Currently only dim == 2 is supported.'
    assert len(heatmap_size) == dim, 'Dimensions do not match.'
    assert sigmas_shape[0] == num_landmarks, 'Number of sigmas does not match.'

    rotation_matrix = tf.stack([tf.stack([tf.cos(rotation), -tf.sin(rotation)], axis=-1), tf.stack([tf.sin(rotation), tf.cos(rotation)], axis=-1)], axis=-1)
    rotation_matrix_t = tf.stack([tf.stack([tf.cos(rotation), tf.sin(rotation)], axis=-1), tf.stack([-tf.sin(rotation), tf.cos(rotation)], axis=-1)], axis=-1)
    det_covariances = tf.reduce_prod(sigmas, axis=-1)
    sigmas_inv_eye = tf.eye(dim, dim, batch_shape=[num_landmarks]) * tf.expand_dims(1.0 / sigmas, -1)
    inv_covariances = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(rotation_matrix, sigmas_inv_eye), rotation_matrix_t)

    if data_format == 'channels_first':
        heatmap_axis = 1
        landmarks_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 1:], [batch_size, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim + [dim])
        is_valid_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 0], [batch_size, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim)
        det_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(det_covariances, [1, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim)
        inv_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(inv_covariances, [1, num_landmarks] + [1] * dim + [dim, dim])
        heatmap_axis = dim + 1
        landmarks_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 1:], [batch_size] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks, dim])
        is_valid_reshaped = tf.reshape(landmarks[..., 0], [batch_size] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks])
        det_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(det_covariances, [1] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks])
        inv_covariances_reshaped = tf.reshape(inv_covariances, [1] + [1] * dim + [num_landmarks, dim, dim])

    aranges = [np.arange(s) for s in heatmap_size]
    grid = tf.meshgrid(*aranges, indexing='ij')

    grid_stacked = tf.stack(grid, axis=dim)
    grid_stacked = tf.cast(grid_stacked, tf.float32)
    grid_stacked = tf.stack([grid_stacked] * batch_size, axis=0)
    grid_stacked = tf.stack([grid_stacked] * num_landmarks, axis=heatmap_axis)

    if normalize:
        scale /= tf.sqrt(tf.pow(2 * np.pi, dim) * det_covariances_reshaped)

    x_minus_mu = grid_stacked - landmarks_reshaped
    exp_factor = tf.reduce_sum(tf.reduce_sum(tf.expand_dims(x_minus_mu, -1) * inv_covariances_reshaped * tf.expand_dims(x_minus_mu, -2), axis=-1), axis=-1)
    heatmap = scale * tf.exp(-0.5 * exp_factor)
    heatmap_or_zeros = tf.where((is_valid_reshaped + tf.zeros_like(heatmap)) > 0, heatmap, tf.zeros_like(heatmap))

    return heatmap_or_zeros
Example #6
def fingauss(kfield, R, kx, ky, kz, nc, bs):
    kny = 1 * np.pi * nc / bs
    kx = tf.reshape(kx, [-1, 1, 1]) * nc / bs
    ky = tf.reshape(ky, [1, -1, 1]) * nc / bs
    kz = tf.reshape(kz, [1, 1, -1]) * nc / bs
    kk = tf.sqrt((2 * kny / np.pi * tf.sin(kx * np.pi / (2 * kny)))**2 +
                 (2 * kny / np.pi * tf.sin(ky * np.pi / (2 * kny)))**2 +
                 (2 * kny / np.pi * tf.sin(kz * np.pi / (2 * kny)))**2)
    wts = tf.exp(-0.5 * R**2 * kk**2)
    return kfield * tf.cast(wts, kfield.dtype)
Example #7
def _get_rot_mat_z_hom(angle):
    """ Returns a 3D rotation matrix in homogeneous coords. """
    one_vec = tf.ones_like(angle)
    zero_vec = one_vec * 0.0
    trafo_matrix = _stitch_mat_from_vecs([
        tf.cos(angle), -tf.sin(angle), zero_vec, zero_vec,
        tf.cos(angle), zero_vec, zero_vec, zero_vec, zero_vec, one_vec,
        zero_vec, zero_vec, zero_vec, zero_vec, one_vec
    return trafo_matrix
Example #8
def Question2(optim):

    x_data = np.load('x_hw.npy')
    y_data = np.load('y_hw.npy')
    #Uncomment to plot the raw data Answer to question 1
    #Initialize the waves to separate values or else they will train symmetrically
    A1 = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1]))
    f1 = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1]))
    A2 = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([1]))
    f2 = tf.Variable(tf.ones([1]))
    #This could be a more efficent method for the hypothesis, but it's so small who cares.
    #FASTER: y = add(multiply(A1,sin(multiply(f1,x_data))), multiply(A2,sin(multiply(f2,x_data))))
    #Answer to Question 2
    y = A1*tf.sin(f1*x_data) + A2*tf.sin(f2*x_data)
    loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(y - y_data))
    #Could realistically get away with a training step as large as .2 or higher, 
    #but I'll do this to show I understand the danger of large training steps.
    #FASTER: optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(0.2)
    optimizer = optim
    train_step = optimizer.minimize(loss)
    session = tf.InteractiveSession()
    #Tensorboard setup
    tf.summary.scalar("LOSS", loss)
    merged = tf.summary.merge_all()
    writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('./logs/2/train')
    #FASTER: optimizer = N= 200
    N= 10000
    for k in range(N):
        writer.add_summary(s, k)
        if k%200 == 0:
            print("k =",k, "A1 =", session.run(A1[0]), "A2 =", session.run(A2[0]),"f1 =", session.run(f1[0]), "f2 =", session.run(f2[0]), "loss =",session.run(loss) )
    AA1,ff1,AA2,ff2 = session.run([A1,f1,A2,f2])
    AA1 = AA1[0]
    AA2 = AA2[0]
    ff1 = ff1[0]
    ff2 = ff2[0]
    MSE = mean_squared_error(AA1*np.sin(ff1*x_data) + AA2*np.sin(ff2*x_data),y_data)
    return MSE
Example #9
def euler2mat(z, y, x):
    """Converts euler angles to rotation matrix
   TODO: remove the dimension for 'N' (deprecated for converting all source
         poses altogether)
   Reference: https://github.com/pulkitag/pycaffe-utils/blob/master/rot_utils.py#L174
      z: rotation angle along z axis (in radians) -- size = [B, N]
      y: rotation angle along y axis (in radians) -- size = [B, N]
      x: rotation angle along x axis (in radians) -- size = [B, N]
      Rotation matrix corresponding to the euler angles -- size = [B, N, 3, 3]
    B = tf.shape(z)[0]
    N = 1
    z = tf.clip_by_value(z, -np.pi, np.pi)
    y = tf.clip_by_value(y, -np.pi, np.pi)
    x = tf.clip_by_value(x, -np.pi, np.pi)

    # Expand to B x N x 1 x 1
    z = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(z, -1), -1)
    y = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(y, -1), -1)
    x = tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(x, -1), -1)

    zeros = tf.zeros([B, N, 1, 1])
    ones = tf.ones([B, N, 1, 1])

    cosz = tf.cos(z)
    sinz = tf.sin(z)
    rotz_1 = tf.concat([cosz, -sinz, zeros], axis=3)
    rotz_2 = tf.concat([sinz, cosz, zeros], axis=3)
    rotz_3 = tf.concat([zeros, zeros, ones], axis=3)
    zmat = tf.concat([rotz_1, rotz_2, rotz_3], axis=2)

    cosy = tf.cos(y)
    siny = tf.sin(y)
    roty_1 = tf.concat([cosy, zeros, siny], axis=3)
    roty_2 = tf.concat([zeros, ones, zeros], axis=3)
    roty_3 = tf.concat([-siny, zeros, cosy], axis=3)
    ymat = tf.concat([roty_1, roty_2, roty_3], axis=2)

    cosx = tf.cos(x)
    sinx = tf.sin(x)
    rotx_1 = tf.concat([ones, zeros, zeros], axis=3)
    rotx_2 = tf.concat([zeros, cosx, -sinx], axis=3)
    rotx_3 = tf.concat([zeros, sinx, cosx], axis=3)
    xmat = tf.concat([rotx_1, rotx_2, rotx_3], axis=2)

    rotMat = tf.matmul(tf.matmul(xmat, ymat), zmat)
    return rotMat
Example #10
def oscillator_bank(frequency_envelopes: tf.Tensor,
                    amplitude_envelopes: tf.Tensor,
                    sample_rate: int = 16000) -> tf.Tensor:
    """Generates audio from sample-wise frequencies for a bank of oscillators.

    frequency_envelopes: Sample-wise oscillator frequencies (Hz). Shape
      [batch_size, n_samples, n_sinusoids].
    amplitude_envelopes: Sample-wise oscillator amplitude. Shape [batch_size,
      n_samples, n_sinusoids].
    sample_rate: Sample rate in samples per a second.

    wav: Sample-wise audio. Shape [batch_size, n_samples, n_sinusoids].
    frequency_envelopes = tf_float32(frequency_envelopes)
    amplitude_envelopes = tf_float32(amplitude_envelopes)

    # Don't exceed Nyquist.
    amplitude_envelopes = remove_above_nyquist(frequency_envelopes,

    # Change Hz to radians per sample.
    omegas = frequency_envelopes * (2.0 * np.pi)  # rad / sec
    omegas = omegas / float(sample_rate)  # rad / sample

    # Accumulate phase and synthesize.
    phases = cumsum(omegas, axis=1)
    wavs = tf.sin(phases)
    harmonic_audio = amplitude_envelopes * wavs  # [mb, n_samples, n_sinusoids]
    audio = tf.reduce_sum(harmonic_audio, axis=-1)  # [mb, n_samples]
    return audio
def unstacked_matrix_from_angles(rx, ry, rz, name=None):
  """Create an unstacked rotation matrix from rotation angles.

    rx: A tf.Tensor of rotation angles abound x, of any shape.
    ry: A tf.Tensor of rotation angles abound y (of the same shape as x).
    rz: A tf.Tensor of rotation angles abound z (of the same shape as x).
    name: A string, name for the op.

    A 3-tuple of 3-tuple of tf.Tensors of the same shape as x, representing the
    respective rotation matrix. The small 3x3 dimensions are unstacked into a
    tuple to avoid tensors with small dimensions, which bloat the TPU HBM
    memory. Unstacking is one of the recommended methods for resolving the
  with tf.name_scope(name, 'BuildUnstackedRotationMatrix', [rx, ry, rz]):
    angles = [-rx, -ry, -rz]
    sx, sy, sz = [tf.sin(a) for a in angles]
    cx, cy, cz = [tf.cos(a) for a in angles]
    m00 = cy * cz
    m10 = (sx * sy * cz) - (cx * sz)
    m20 = (cx * sy * cz) + (sx * sz)
    m01 = cy * sz
    m11 = (sx * sy * sz) + (cx * cz)
    m21 = (cx * sy * sz) - (sx * cz)
    m02 = -sy
    m12 = sx * cy
    m22 = cx * cy
    return ((m00, m01, m02), (m10, m11, m12), (m20, m21, m22))
Example #12
def get_pos_enc_gpu(rel_pos_id,
    """Create inputs related to relative position encoding."""
    rel_pos_id = tf.cast(rel_pos_id, dtype)
    if clamp_len > 0:
        rel_pos_id = tf.clamp(rel_pos_id, -clamp_len, clamp_len)

    d_model_half = d_model // 2
    freq_seq = tf.cast(tf.range(0, d_model_half, 1.0), dtype=dtype)
    inv_freq = 1 / (10000**(freq_seq / d_model_half))

    sinusoid = tf.einsum("...i,d->...id", rel_pos_id, inv_freq)
    print((rel_pos_id).get_shape(), (inv_freq).get_shape(),
          "==get_pos_enc shape==", sinusoid.get_shape())
    sin_enc = tf.sin(sinusoid)
    cos_enc = tf.cos(sinusoid)
    sin_enc = dropout_op(sin_enc, dropout, training=is_training)
    cos_enc = dropout_op(cos_enc, dropout, training=is_training)
    pos_enc = tf.concat([sin_enc, cos_enc], axis=-1)

    return pos_enc
Example #13
def test_MpiAdam():
    a = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(3).astype('float32'))
    b = tf.Variable(np.random.randn(2,5).astype('float32'))
    loss = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a)) + tf.reduce_sum(tf.sin(b))

    stepsize = 1e-2
    update_op = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(stepsize).minimize(loss)
    do_update = U.function([], loss, updates=[update_op])

    for i in range(10):


    var_list = [a,b]
    lossandgrad = U.function([], [loss, U.flatgrad(loss, var_list)], updates=[update_op])
    adam = MpiAdam(var_list)

    for i in range(10):
        l,g = lossandgrad()
        adam.update(g, stepsize)
Example #14
def positional_embedding(pos_seq, inv_freq, bsz=None):
    sinusoid_inp = tf.einsum('i,j->ij', pos_seq, inv_freq)
    pos_emb = tf.concat([tf.sin(sinusoid_inp), tf.cos(sinusoid_inp)], -1)
    if bsz is not None:
        return tf.tile(pos_emb[:, None, :], [1, bsz, 1])
        return pos_emb[:, None, :]
    def testIntegratedGradientsGetMask(self):
        with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
            x = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, 3], dtype=tf.float32)
            y = 5 * x[:, 0] + x[:, 0] * x[:, 1] + tf.sin(x[:, 2])
            with tf.Session() as sess:
                # Calculate the value of `y` at the baseline.
                x_baseline_val = np.array([[0.5, 0.8, 1.0]], dtype=np.float)
                y_baseline_val = sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: x_baseline_val})

                # Calculate the value of `y` at the input.
                x_input_val = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]], dtype=np.float)
                y_input_val = sess.run(y, feed_dict={x: x_input_val})

                # Due to mathematical properties of the integrated gradients,
                # the expected IG value is equal to the difference between
                # the `y` value at the input and the `y` value at the baseline.
                expected_val = y_input_val[0] - y_baseline_val[0]

                # Calculate the integrated gradients attribution of the input.
                ig = integrated_gradients.IntegratedGradients(
                    graph, sess, y[0], x)
                mask = ig.GetMask(x_value=x_input_val[0],

                # Verify the result.
                self.assertAlmostEqual(expected_val, mask.sum(), places=3)
Example #16
    def _get_rot_mat(self, ux_b, uy_b, uz_b):
        """ Returns a rotation matrix from axis and (encoded) angle."""
        with tf.name_scope('get_rot_mat'):
            u_norm = tf.sqrt(
                tf.square(ux_b) + tf.square(uy_b) + tf.square(uz_b) + 1e-8)
            theta = u_norm

            # some tmp vars
            st_b = tf.sin(theta)
            ct_b = tf.cos(theta)
            one_ct_b = 1.0 - tf.cos(theta)

            st = st_b[:, 0]
            ct = ct_b[:, 0]
            one_ct = one_ct_b[:, 0]
            norm_fac = 1.0 / u_norm[:, 0]
            ux = ux_b[:, 0] * norm_fac
            uy = uy_b[:, 0] * norm_fac
            uz = uz_b[:, 0] * norm_fac

            trafo_matrix = self._stitch_mat_from_vecs([
                ct + ux * ux * one_ct, ux * uy * one_ct - uz * st,
                ux * uz * one_ct + uy * st, uy * ux * one_ct + uz * st,
                ct + uy * uy * one_ct, uy * uz * one_ct - ux * st,
                uz * ux * one_ct - uy * st, uz * uy * one_ct + ux * st,
                ct + uz * uz * one_ct

            return trafo_matrix
Example #17
def get_timing_signal_1d_given_position(channels,
    """Get sinusoids of diff frequencies, with timing position given.

  Adapted from add_timing_signal_1d_given_position in

    channels: scalar, size of timing embeddings to create. The number of
        different timescales is equal to channels / 2.
    position: a Tensor with shape [batch, seq_len]
    min_timescale: a float
    max_timescale: a float

    a Tensor of timing signals [batch, seq_len, channels]
    num_timescales = channels // 2
    log_timescale_increment = (
        math.log(float(max_timescale) / float(min_timescale)) /
        (tf.to_float(num_timescales) - 1))
    inv_timescales = min_timescale * tf.exp(
        tf.to_float(tf.range(num_timescales)) * -log_timescale_increment)
    scaled_time = (tf.expand_dims(tf.to_float(position), 2) *
                   tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(inv_timescales, 0), 0))
    signal = tf.concat([tf.sin(scaled_time), tf.cos(scaled_time)], axis=2)
    signal = tf.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, tf.mod(channels, 2)]])
    return signal
Example #18
    def __call__(self, inputs, start_index=None):
        dtype = inputs.dtype
        inputs_shape = tf.shape(inputs)
        batch_size = inputs_shape[0]
        length = inputs_shape[1]
        channels = inputs_shape[2]
        if start_index is None:
            start_index = tf.zeros((batch_size, 1), tf.int32)

        position = tf.expand_dims(tf.range(length), 0)
        position = tf.tile(position, [batch_size, 1]) + start_index
        position = tf.cast(position, dtype)
        num_timescales = channels // 2
        log_timescale_increment = (
            math.log(_MAX_TIMESCALE / _MIN_TIMESCALE) /
            tf.maximum(tf.cast(num_timescales, dtype) - 1, 1))
        inv_timescales = _MIN_TIMESCALE * tf.exp(
            tf.cast(tf.range(num_timescales), dtype) *
        scaled_time = tf.expand_dims(position, 2) * tf.reshape(
            inv_timescales, [1, 1, -1])
        signal = tf.concat([tf.sin(scaled_time), tf.cos(scaled_time)], axis=2)
        signal = tf.pad(signal, [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, tf.mod(channels, 2)]])
        signal = tf.reshape(signal, [-1, length, channels])
        return inputs + signal
Example #19
    def setUp(self):
        with tf.Graph().as_default() as graph:
            x = tf.placeholder(shape=[None, 3], dtype=tf.float32)
            contrib = [5 * x[:, 0], x[:, 1] * x[:, 1], tf.sin(x[:, 2])]
            y = contrib[0] + contrib[1] + contrib[2]
            sess = tf.Session(graph=graph)
            self.sess_spy = mock.MagicMock(wraps=sess)

            self.x_baseline_val = np.array([[0.5, 0.8, 1.0]], dtype=float)
            self.x_input_val = np.array([[1.0, 2.0, 3.0]], dtype=float)

            # Calculate the value of `contrib` at the baseline and input. `y` is
            # the sum of contrib and each variable is independent, so the expected
            # contribution is equal to the difference between the baseline and input
            # contribution for each.
            contrib_baseline_val = sess.run(contrib,
                                            feed_dict={x: self.x_baseline_val})
            contrib_input_val = sess.run(contrib,
                                         feed_dict={x: self.x_input_val})
            self.expected_val = np.array(contrib_input_val) - np.array(
            self.expected_val = self.expected_val.flatten()

            self.ig_instance = integrated_gradients.IntegratedGradients(
                graph, self.sess_spy, y, x)
Example #20
def rodrigues(r):
  Rodrigues' rotation formula that turns axis-angle tensor into rotation
  matrix in a batch-ed manner.

  r: Axis-angle rotation tensor of shape [batch_size, 1, 3].

  Rotation matrix of shape [batch_size, 3, 3].

    theta = tf.norm(r + tf.random_normal(r.shape, 0, 1e-8, dtype=tf.float64),
                    axis=(1, 2),
    # avoid divide by zero
    r_hat = r / theta
    cos = tf.cos(theta)
    z_stick = tf.zeros(theta.get_shape().as_list()[0], dtype=tf.float64)
    m = tf.stack(
        (z_stick, -r_hat[:, 0, 2], r_hat[:, 0, 1], r_hat[:, 0, 2], z_stick,
         -r_hat[:, 0, 0], -r_hat[:, 0, 1], r_hat[:, 0, 0], z_stick),
    m = tf.reshape(m, (-1, 3, 3))
    i_cube = tf.expand_dims(tf.eye(3, dtype=tf.float64), axis=0) + tf.zeros(
        (theta.get_shape().as_list()[0], 3, 3), dtype=tf.float64)
    A = tf.transpose(r_hat, (0, 2, 1))
    B = r_hat
    dot = tf.matmul(A, B)
    R = cos * i_cube + (1 - cos) * dot + tf.sin(theta) * m
    return R
    def rotation_matrix(self, plane):
        i = plane.first_axis
        j = plane.second_axis
        theta = plane.theta

        cos_theta = theta
        sin_thesta = tf.stop_gradient(tf.sin(tf.acos(theta)))
        # rotation = np.eye(self.dim).tolist()
        # rotation[i][i] = cos_theta
        # rotation[i][j] = -sin_thesta
        # rotation[j][i] = sin_thesta
        # rotation[j][j] = cos_theta
        # rotation = tf.stack(rotation)

        idx = []
        values = []
        for k in range(self.dim):
            idx.append([k, k])
            if k == i or k == j:
        idx.append([i, j])
        idx.append([j, i])

        rotation = tf.SparseTensor(idx,
                                   dense_shape=[self.dim, self.dim])

        return rotation
Example #22
def create_2x2_rotation_matrix(radians):
    """Creates a 2D rotation matrix.

  For an angle a this is
  [[cos(a), -sin(a)],
   [sin(a),  cos(a)]]

    radians: rotation angle in radians.

    2-D Tensor with 2x2 elements, the rotation matrix.
    rotation = [[tf.cos(radians), -tf.sin(radians)],
                [tf.sin(radians), tf.cos(radians)]]
    rotation = tf.convert_to_tensor(rotation, name="rotation_matrix")
    return rotation
Example #23
def gpt(y, h, normalize=False):
    # implementation of Eq.(9)

    if normalize:
        h = gproj(y, h)

    [u, unorm] = unit(h)
    return (u * tf.cos(unorm) - y * tf.sin(unorm)) * unorm
Example #24
def gexp(y, h, normalize=False):
    # implementation of Eq.(7)
    if normalize:
        y, _ = unit(y)
        h = gproj(y, h)

    u, hnorm = unit(h)
    return y * tf.cos(hnorm) + u * tf.sin(hnorm)
Example #25
def get_random_rotation(max_angle, rotation_center, image_width):
        max_angle: an integer, angle in degrees.
        rotation_center: a float tensor with shape [1, 2].
        image_width: a float tensor with shape [].
        a float tensor with shape [2, 2].

    PI = 3.141592653589793
    max_angle_radians = max_angle * (PI/180.0)

    # x-coordinate of the rotation center
    cx = rotation_center[0, 1]

    # relative distance between centers
    distance_to_image_center = tf.abs(cx - 0.5 * image_width)
    distance_to_image_center /= image_width

    # if the center is too near to the borders then
    # reduce the maximal rotation angle
    decay = (0.6 - 2.0 * distance_to_image_center)/0.6
    decay = tf.maximum(decay, 0.0)
    max_angle_radians *= decay

    # decay is in [0, 1] range,
    # decay = 1 if cx = 0.5 * image_width,
    # decay = 0 if cx = 0.2 * image_width

    # get a random angle
    theta = tf.random_uniform(
        [], minval=-max_angle_radians,

    rotation = tf.stack([
        tf.cos(theta), tf.sin(theta),
        -tf.sin(theta), tf.cos(theta)
    ], axis=0)
    rotation = tf.reshape(rotation, [2, 2])

    return rotation
Example #26
def geometric_transform(pose_tensor,
    """Convers paramer tensor into an affine or similarity transform.

    pose_tensor: [..., 6] tensor.
    similarity: bool.
    nonlinear: bool; applies nonlinearities to pose params if True.
    as_matrix: bool; convers the transform to a matrix if True.

    [..., 3, 3] tensor if `as_matrix` else [..., 6] tensor.

    scale_x, scale_y, theta, shear, trans_x, trans_y = tf.split(
        pose_tensor, 6, -1)

    if nonlinear:
        scale_x, scale_y = (tf.nn.sigmoid(i) + 1e-2
                            for i in (scale_x, scale_y))

        trans_x, trans_y, shear = (tf.nn.tanh(i * 5.)
                                   for i in (trans_x, trans_y, shear))

        theta *= 2. * math.pi

        scale_x, scale_y = (abs(i) + 1e-2 for i in (scale_x, scale_y))

    c, s = tf.cos(theta), tf.sin(theta)

    if similarity:
        scale = scale_x
        pose = [scale * c, -scale * s, trans_x, scale * s, scale * c, trans_y]

        pose = [
            scale_x * c + shear * scale_y * s,
            -scale_x * s + shear * scale_y * c, trans_x, scale_y * s,
            scale_y * c, trans_y

    pose = tf.concat(pose, -1)

    # convert to a matrix
    if as_matrix:
        shape = pose.shape[:-1].as_list()
        shape += [2, 3]
        pose = tf.reshape(pose, shape)
        zeros = tf.zeros_like(pose[Ellipsis, :1, 0])
        last = tf.stack([zeros, zeros, zeros + 1], -1)
        pose = tf.concat([pose, last], -2)

    return pose
def random_vector_on_sphere(batch, limits):
    """Randomly sample a point on a unit sphere within a range."""
    min_y, max_y = limits[0][0], limits[0][1]
    min_theta, max_theta = limits[1][0], limits[1][1]
    y = tf.random_uniform([batch, 1], minval=min_y, maxval=max_y)
    theta = tf.random_uniform([batch, 1], minval=min_theta, maxval=max_theta)
    cos_phi = tf.sqrt(1 - tf.square(y))
    x = cos_phi * tf.cos(theta)
    z = -cos_phi * tf.sin(theta)
    return tf.concat([x, y, z], -1)
Example #28
def position_encoding(inputs):
    T = tf.shape(inputs)[1]
    repr_dim = inputs.get_shape()[-1].value
    pos = tf.reshape(tf.range(0.0, tf.to_float(T), dtype=tf.float32), [-1, 1])
    i = np.arange(0, repr_dim, 2, np.float32)
    denom = np.reshape(np.power(10000.0, i / repr_dim), [1, -1])
    enc = tf.expand_dims(
            [tf.sin(pos / denom), tf.cos(pos / denom)], 1), 0)
    return tf.tile(enc, [tf.shape(inputs)[0], 1, 1])
Example #29
 def lookup_all(self, h, r, t):
     re_head = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.re_ent_embeds, h)
     re_tail = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.re_ent_embeds, t)
     im_head = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.im_ent_embeds, h)
     im_tail = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.im_ent_embeds, t)
     relation = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.rel_embeds, r)
     phase_relation = relation / (self.embedding_range / self.pi)
     re_relation = tf.cos(phase_relation)
     im_relation = tf.sin(phase_relation)
     return re_head, re_relation, re_tail, im_head, im_relation, im_tail
Example #30
File: ops.py Project: tdao38/PrGAN
def rot_matrix(s):
    i = tf.cast((s+1)*4.5, 'int32')
    vp = tf.constant([0, np.pi/4.0, np.pi/2.0, 3*np.pi/4.0, np.pi, 5*np.pi/4.0, 3*np.pi/2.0, 7*np.pi/4.0, np.pi/2.0])
    hp = tf.constant([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, np.pi/2.0])

    theta = tf.gather(vp, i)
    phi = tf.gather(hp, i)

    #theta = (s[0] + 1.0) * np.pi
    #phi = s[1] * np.pi/2.0

    sin_theta = tf.sin(theta)
    cos_theta = tf.cos(theta)
    sin_phi = tf.sin(phi)
    cos_phi = tf.cos(phi)

    ry = [[cos_theta, 0, sin_theta], [0, 1, 0], [-sin_theta, 0, cos_theta]]
    rx = [[1, 0, 0], [0, cos_phi, -sin_phi], [0, sin_phi, cos_phi]]

    return tf.matmul(rx, ry)