Example #1
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

if tf.version.VERSION.startswith('2.'):
    tf = tf.compat.v1

input0 = tf.get_variable('input0', [1024, 512],
input1 = tf.get_variable('input1', [512, 512],

op = antares.make_op(
    'temp0[K, N] = input0[N, K] + 100; output0[N, M] +=! temp0[K, N] * input1[K, M] where K in 10',
        'input0': input0,
        'input1': input1
    }).tune(step=100, use_cache=True, timeout=600).emit()

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    print('The result of tensor `%s` is:\n%s' % (op, sess.run(op)))
Example #2
  return tf.get_variable(name, shape, tf.float32, initializer=tf.truncated_normal_initializer(stddev=0.001), trainable=True)

input_tensor = tf.get_variable('input_tensor', [64, 3, 227, 227], tf.float32, initializer=tf.initializers.ones(tf.float32), trainable=False)

output_logits = antares.make_op(ir=f'''
  conv_0[N, F, HO, WO] +=! input_tensor[N, C, HO * 4 + KH, WO * 4 + KW] * const_0_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 55, WO in 55;
  mpool_0[N, C, HO, WO ] >=! conv_0[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 27, WO in 27, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  conv_1[N, F, HO, WO] +=! mpool_0[N, C, -2 + HO + KH, -2 + WO + KW].when([-2 + HO + KH >= 0, -2 + HO + KH < 27, -2 + WO + KW >= 0, -2 + WO + KW < 27], 0.0) * const_1_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 27, WO in 27;
  mpool_1[N, C, HO, WO ] >=! conv_1[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 13, WO in 13, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  conv_2[N, F, HO, WO] +=! mpool_1[N, C, -1 + HO + KH, -1 + WO + KW].when([-1 + HO + KH >= 0, -1 + HO + KH < 13, -1 + WO + KW >= 0, -1 + WO + KW < 13], 0.0) * const_2_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 13, WO in 13;
  conv_3[N, F, HO, WO] +=! conv_2[N, C, -1 + HO + KH, -1 + WO + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]).when([-1 + HO + KH >= 0, -1 + HO + KH < 13, -1 + WO + KW >= 0, -1 + WO + KW < 13], 0.0) * const_3_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 13, WO in 13;
  mpool_2[N, C, HO, WO] >=! conv_3[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 6, WO in 6, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  reshape_0[N0, N1] = mpool_2[N0, N1 // 36 % 256, N1 // 6 % 6, N1 % 6] where N1 in 9216;
  dense_0[N, M] +=! reshape_0[N, K] * const_5_[K, M];
  dense_1[N, M] +=! dense_0[N, K].call(`max`, [0.0]) * const_6_[K, M];
  dense_2[N, M] +=! dense_1[N, K].call(`max`, [0.0]) * const_7_[K, M];
''', feed_dict={
  'input_tensor': input_tensor,
  'const_0_': create_param('const_0_', [11, 11, 3, 64]),
  'const_1_': create_param('const_1_', [5, 5, 64, 192]),
  'const_2_': create_param('const_2_', [3, 3, 192, 384]),
  'const_3_': create_param('const_3_', [3, 3, 384, 256]),
  'const_4_': create_param('const_4_', [3, 3, 256, 256]),
  'const_5_': create_param('const_5_', [9216, 4096]),
  'const_6_': create_param('const_6_', [4096, 4096]),
  'const_7_': create_param('const_7_', [4096, 1000]),

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
Example #3
import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

if tf.version.VERSION.startswith('2.'):
    tf = tf.compat.v1

input0 = tf.get_variable('input0', [1024 * 512],
input1 = tf.get_variable('input1', [1024 * 512],

op = antares.make_op(
    'output0[N] = input0[N] + input1[N]; output1[N] = input0[N].call(`exp`); output2[N] = input1[N] + output1[N];',
    extra_outputs=['output0', 'output1', 'output2'],
        'input0': input0,
        'input1': input1
    }).tune(step=100, use_cache=True, timeout=600).emit()

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    print('The result of tensor `%s` is:\n%s' % (op, sess.run(op)))
Example #4
tf_out = tf.nn.relu(tf_out)
tf_out = tf.add(tf.matmul(tf_out, w1), b1)
tf_out = tf.nn.relu(tf_out)
tf_out = tf.add(tf.matmul(tf_out, w2), b2)

out = x
out = antares.make_op(ir='''
  data_0[N, M] +=!  data[N, K] * weight_0[K, M];
  data_0_bias[N, K] = data_0[N, K] + bias_0[K];
  data_1[N, K] =   data_0_bias[N, K].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  data_2[N, M] +=!  data_1[N, K] * weight_1[K, M];
  data_2_bias[N, K] = data_2[N, K] + bias_1[K];
  data_3[N, K] =   data_2_bias[N, K].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  data_4[N, M] +=!  data_3[N, K] * weight_2[K, M];
  data_5[N, K] =   (data_4[N, K] + bias_2[K]);
                          'data': x,
                          'weight_0': w0,
                          'weight_1': w1,
                          'weight_2': w2,
                          'bias_0': b0,
                          'bias_1': b1,
                          'bias_2': b2
                      }).tune(step=200, use_cache=True, timeout=600).emit()

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    print('[Tensorflow Result]')
Example #5
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

from _common import *

x = create_variable([1024, 3072], dtype=tf.float32)

    tf.reduce_sum(x, axis=1),
    antares.make_op('output0[N] +=! input0[N, M]', [x]),
Example #6
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

from _common import *

x = create_variable([1024], dtype=tf.int32)

    tf.one_hot(x, depth=128),
        'output0[N, F] = const(1.0).when([input0[N] == F], 0.0) where F in 128',
Example #7
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares
import os

x = tf.random.uniform([1024, 512])
y = tf.random.uniform([1024, 512])

op = antares.make_op('output0[N, M] = input0[N, M] * input1[N, M] + 1234', [x, y], server_addr=os.environ.get('ANTARES_ADDR', 'localhost:8880'))

with tf.Session() as sess:
  sess.run([op] * 100)

Example #8
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

if tf.version.VERSION.startswith('2.'):
    tf = tf.compat.v1

x = tf.get_variable('x', [128, 1024],
y = tf.get_variable('y', [1024, 1024],

op = antares.make_op(ir='dot_0[N, M] +=! data[N, K] * weight[K, M]',
                         'data': x,
                         'weight': y
                     }).tune(step=100, use_cache=True, timeout=600).emit()

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    print('The result of tensor `%s` is:\n%s' % (op, sess.run(op)))
Example #9
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

from _common import *

x = create_variable([1024, 64], dtype=tf.float32)

    tf.broadcast_to(tf.reshape(x, [1024, 64, 1]), shape=[1024, 64, 16]),
    antares.make_op('output0[N, M, K] = input0[N, M] where K in 16', [x]),
Example #10
layer_output_norm = antares.make_op(ir=f'''
  merged_layer_local[R, B, S1, N1, H1] +=! input_tensor[B, S1, N, H] * qkv_weight[R, N, H, N1, H1];
  merged_layer_trans[R, B, N1, S1, H1] = merged_layer_local[R, B, S1, N1, H1] + qkv_bias[R, N1, H1];
  attention_scores[B, N1, S1, S2] +=! merged_layer_trans[0, B, N1, S1, H1] * merged_layer_trans[1, B, N1, S2, H1] / const({H}).cast(`float32`);
    softmax_1_temp0[B, N1] >=! attention_scores[B, N1, S1, S2];
    softmax_1_temp1[B, N1] +=! (attention_scores[B, N1, S1, S2] - softmax_1_temp0[B, N1]).call(`exp`);
  attention_probs[B, N1, S1, S2] = (attention_scores[B, N1, S1, S2] - softmax_1_temp0[B, N1]).call(`exp`) / softmax_1_temp1[B, N1];
  context_layer_trans[B, S1, N1, H1] +=! attention_probs[B, N1, S1, S2] * merged_layer_trans[2, B, N1, S2, H1];
  attention_local[B, S1, N2, H2] +=! context_layer_trans[B, S1, N1, H1] * attention_weight[N1, H1, N2, H2];
  attention_output[B, S1, N2, H2] = attention_local[B, S1, N2, H2] + attention_bias[N2, H2];
  layer_norm_1_src[B, S1, N2, H2] = attention_output[B, S1, N2, H2] + input_tensor[B, S1, N2, H2];
    layer_norm_1_temp0[B, S1] += layer_norm_1_src[B, S1, N2, H2];
    layer_norm_1_temp1[B, S1] += layer_norm_1_src[B, S1, N2, H2] * layer_norm_1_src[B, S1, N2, H2];
  attention_output_norm[B, S1, N2, H2] = (layer_norm_1_src[B, S1, N2, H2] * {N * H} - layer_norm_1_temp0[B, S1]) * (layer_norm_1_temp0[B, S1] * {N * H} - layer_norm_1_temp1[B, S1] * layer_norm_1_temp1[B, S1]).call(`max`, [1e-8]).call(`rsqrt`);
  intermediate_local[B, S1, I] +=! attention_output_norm[B, S1, N2, H2] * intermediate_weight[N2, H2, I];
  intermediate[B, S1, I] = intermediate_local[B, S1, I] + intermediate_bias[I];
  intermediate_gelu[B, S1, I] = 0.5 * (1.0 + (0.79788456 * (intermediate[B, S1, I] + 0.044715 * intermediate[B, S1, I] * intermediate[B, S1, I] * intermediate[B, S1, I])).call(`tanh`));
  layer_output_local[B, S1, N2, H2] +=! intermediate_gelu[B, S1, I] * output_weight[I, N2, H2];
  layer_output[B, S1, N2, H2] = layer_output_local[B, S1, N2, H2] + output_bias[N2, H2];
  layer_norm_2_src[B, S1, N2, H2] = layer_output[B, S1, N2, H2] + attention_output_norm[B, S1, N2, H2];
    layer_norm_2_temp0[B, S1] += layer_norm_2_src[B, S1, N2, H2];
    layer_norm_2_temp1[B, S1] += layer_norm_2_src[B, S1, N2, H2] * layer_norm_2_src[B, S1, N2, H2];
  layer_output_norm[B, S1, N2, H2] = (layer_norm_2_src[B, S1, N2, H2] * {N * H} - layer_norm_2_temp0[B, S1]) * (layer_norm_2_temp0[B, S1] * {N * H} - layer_norm_2_temp1[B, S1] * layer_norm_2_temp1[B, S1]).call(`max`, [1e-8]).call(`rsqrt`);
                                                     [3, N, H, N, H]),
                                        create_param('qkv_bias', [3, N, H]),
                                                     [N, H, N, H]),
                                        create_param('attention_bias', [N, H]),
                                                     [N, H, I]),
                                        create_param('intermediate_bias', [I]),
                                                     [I, N, H]),
                                        create_param('output_bias', [N, H]),
Example #11
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

from _common import *

x = create_variable([64, 224, 224, 3], dtype=tf.float32)

    tf.transpose(x, [0, 3, 1, 2]),
    antares.make_op('output0[N, C, H, W] = input0[N, H, W, C]', [x]),
Example #12
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

if tf.version.VERSION.startswith('2.'):
    tf = tf.compat.v1

from _common import *

x = create_variable([1024, 64])
y = create_variable([1024, 64])

    tf.add(x, y),
    antares.make_op('output0[N, M] = input0[N, M] + input1[N, M]', [x, y]),
Example #13
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares

from _common import *

x = create_variable([1024, 64])
y = create_variable([64, 4096])

  tf.matmul(x, y),
  antares.make_op('output0[N, M] +=! input0[N, K] * input1[K, M]', [x, y]),

Example #14
#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import antares
import os

x = tf.random.uniform([1024, 512])

op = antares.make_op('reduce_sum_0[N] +=! data[N, M]', {'data': x},

with tf.Session() as sess:
    print('The result of tensor `%s` is:\n%s' %
          (op._output_names[0], sess.run(op)))
    sess.run([op] * 100)
Example #15
reshape_0 = tf.reshape(mpool_2, [input_tensor.shape[0], -1])
dense_0 = tf.matmul(reshape_0, feed_dict['const_5_'])
dense_1 = tf.matmul(tf.nn.relu(dense_0), feed_dict['const_6_'])
dense_2 = tf.matmul(tf.nn.relu(dense_1), feed_dict['const_7_'])
output_logits_tf = dense_2

output_logits = antares.make_op(ir=f'''
  conv_0[N, F, HO, WO] +=! input_tensor[N, C, HO * 4 + KH, WO * 4 + KW] * const_0_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 55, WO in 55;
  mpool_0[N, C, HO, WO] >=! conv_0[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 27, WO in 27, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  conv_1[N, F, HO, WO] +=! mpool_0[N, C, -2 + HO + KH, -2 + WO + KW].when([-2 + HO + KH >= 0, -2 + HO + KH < 27, -2 + WO + KW >= 0, -2 + WO + KW < 27], 0.0) * const_1_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 27, WO in 27;
  mpool_1[N, C, HO, WO] >=! conv_1[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 13, WO in 13, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  conv_2[N, F, HO, WO] +=! mpool_1[N, C, -1 + HO + KH, -1 + WO + KW].when([-1 + HO + KH >= 0, -1 + HO + KH < 13, -1 + WO + KW >= 0, -1 + WO + KW < 13], 0.0) * const_2_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 13, WO in 13;
  conv_2_relu[N, F, HO, WO] = conv_2[N, F, HO, WO].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  conv_3[N, F, HO, WO] +=! conv_2_relu[N, C, -1 + HO + KH, -1 + WO + KW].when([-1 + HO + KH >= 0, -1 + HO + KH < 13, -1 + WO + KW >= 0, -1 + WO + KW < 13], 0.0) * const_3_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 13, WO in 13;
  conv_3_relu[N, F, HO, WO] = conv_3[N, F, HO, WO].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  conv_4[N, F, HO, WO] +=! conv_3_relu[N, C, -1 + HO + KH, -1 + WO + KW].when([-1 + HO + KH >= 0, -1 + HO + KH < 13, -1 + WO + KW >= 0, -1 + WO + KW < 13], 0.0) * const_4_[KH, KW, C, F] where HO in 13, WO in 13;
  mpool_2[N, C, HO, WO] >=! conv_4[N, C, HO * 2 + KH, WO * 2 + KW].call(`max`, [0.0]) where HO in 6, WO in 6, KH in 3, KW in 3;
  reshape_0[N0, N1] = mpool_2[N0, N1 // 36 % 256, N1 // 6 % 6, N1 % 6] where N1 in 9216;
  dense_0[N, M] +=! reshape_0[N, K] * const_5_[K, M];
  dense_0_relu[N, M] = dense_0[N, M].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  dense_1[N, M] +=! dense_0_relu[N, K] * const_6_[K, M];
  dense_1_relu[N, M] = dense_1[N, M].call(`max`, [0.0]);
  dense_2[N, M] +=! dense_1_relu[N, K] * const_7_[K, M];

config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
with tf.Session(config=config) as sess:
    print('Result from Antares = %s' % sess.run([output_logits]))