def _tree_train_op_fn(loss):
      """Returns the op to optimize the loss."""
      if dnn_to_tree_distillation_param:
        loss_weight, loss_fn = dnn_to_tree_distillation_param
        weight_tensor = head_lib._weight_tensor(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
            features, head.weight_column_name)
        dnn_logits_fixed = array_ops.stop_gradient(dnn_logits)

        if loss_fn is None:
          # we create the loss_fn similar to the head loss_fn for
          # multi_class_head used previously as the default one.
          n_classes = 2 if head.logits_dimension == 1 else head.logits_dimension
          loss_fn = distillation_loss.create_dnn_to_tree_cross_entropy_loss_fn(

        dnn_to_tree_distillation_loss = loss_weight * loss_fn(
            dnn_logits_fixed, tree_logits, weight_tensor)
        loss += dnn_to_tree_distillation_loss

      update_op = gbdt_model.train(loss, predictions_dict, labels)
      with ops.control_dependencies(
          [update_op]), (ops.colocate_with(global_step)):
        update_op = state_ops.assign_add(global_step, 1).op
        return update_op
        def _tree_train_op_fn(loss):
            """Returns the op to optimize the loss."""
            if dnn_to_tree_distillation_param:
                loss_weight, loss_fn = dnn_to_tree_distillation_param
                weight_tensor = head_lib._weight_tensor(  # pylint: disable=protected-access
                    features, head.weight_column_name)
                dnn_logits_fixed = array_ops.stop_gradient(dnn_logits)

                if loss_fn is None:
                    # we create the loss_fn similar to the head loss_fn for
                    # multi_class_head used previously as the default one.
                    n_classes = 2 if head.logits_dimension == 1 else head.logits_dimension
                    loss_fn = distillation_loss.create_dnn_to_tree_cross_entropy_loss_fn(

                dnn_to_tree_distillation_loss = loss_weight * loss_fn(
                    dnn_logits_fixed, tree_logits, weight_tensor)
                loss += dnn_to_tree_distillation_loss

            update_op = gbdt_model.train(loss, predictions_dict, labels)
            with ops.control_dependencies(
                [update_op]), (ops.colocate_with(global_step)):
                update_op = state_ops.assign_add(global_step, 1).op
                return update_op