Example #1
def alpha_from_angle(y_reco, y_true):
    zep, zet, azp, azt = y_reco[:, 1], y_true[:, 1], y_reco[:, 2], y_true[:, 2]
    cosalpha = abs(sin(zep)) * cos(azp) * sin(zet) * cos(azt) + abs(
        sin(zep)) * sin(azp) * sin(zet) * sin(azt) + cos(zep) * cos(zet)
    cosalpha -= tf.math.sign(cosalpha) * eps
    alpha = acos(cosalpha)
    return alpha
Example #2
def energy_angle(y_reco, y_true):
    energy_metric = tfp.stats.percentile(tf.math.abs(tf.subtract(y_true[:, 0], y_reco[:, 0])), [50-34, 50, 50+34]) 
    #for comparison
    classic_stat=tfp.stats.percentile(tf.subtract(y_true[:, 0], y_reco[:, 0]), [25, 75]) 

    alpha= acos(cos_angle(y_reco, y_true))
    angle_resi = 180 / np.pi * alpha #degrees
    angle_metric  = tfp.stats.percentile(angle_resi, [50-34,50,50+34])
    w_angle         = tfp.stats.percentile(angle_resi, [68])

    return energy_metric.numpy(), angle_metric.numpy(), [float(w_energy), float(w_angle)]
def compute_angle_tensor(pts1, pts2):
    """ Compute the angle between pt1 and pt2 with respect to the origin
          pts1: batch_size x 1 x 3 tensor
          pts2: batch_size x 1 x 3 tensor
    b = tf.constant([0.,0.,0.])
    angle_diff = []
    for pt1, pt2 in zip(pts1, pts2):
        ba = tf.subtract(pt1, b)
        bc = tf.subtract(pt2, b)
        cosine_angle = tm.divide(tf.tensordot(ba, bc, 1), tm.multiply(tf.norm(ba), tf.norm(bc)))
        angle = tm.acos(cosine_angle)
        angle_diff.append(tf.cast(angle, tf.float32))
    return tf.stack(angle_diff, axis=0)
Example #4
def angle_loss_fn_batch(y_true, y_pred):
    x_p = math.sin(y_pred[:, 0]) * math.cos(y_pred[:, 1])
    y_p = math.sin(y_pred[:, 0]) * math.sin(y_pred[:, 1])
    z_p = math.cos(y_pred[:, 0])

    x_t = math.sin(y_true[:, 0]) * math.cos(y_true[:, 1])
    y_t = math.sin(y_true[:, 0]) * math.sin(y_true[:, 1])
    z_t = math.cos(y_true[:, 0])

    norm_p = math.sqrt(x_p * x_p + y_p * y_p + z_p * z_p)
    norm_t = math.sqrt(x_t * x_t + y_t * y_t + z_t * z_t)

    dot_pt = x_p * x_t + y_p * y_t + z_p * z_t

    angle_value = dot_pt / (norm_p * norm_t)
    angle_value = tf.clip_by_value(angle_value, -0.99999, 0.99999)

    loss_val = (math.acos(angle_value))

    return loss_val
Example #5
    def angle_loss_fn(self, y_true, y_pred):
        x_p = math.sin(y_pred[:, 0]) * math.cos(y_pred[:, 1])
        y_p = math.sin(y_pred[:, 0]) * math.sin(y_pred[:, 1])
        z_p = math.cos(y_pred[:, 0])

        x_t = math.sin(y_true[:, 0]) * math.cos(y_true[:, 1])
        y_t = math.sin(y_true[:, 0]) * math.sin(y_true[:, 1])
        z_t = math.cos(y_true[:, 0])

        norm_p = math.sqrt(x_p * x_p + y_p * y_p + z_p * z_p)
        norm_t = math.sqrt(x_t * x_t + y_t * y_t + z_t * z_t)

        dot_pt = x_p * x_t + y_p * y_t + z_p * z_t

        angle_value = dot_pt / (norm_p * norm_t)
        angle_value = tf.clip_by_value(angle_value, -0.99999, 0.99999)

        loss_val = (math.acos(angle_value))

        # tf.debugging.check_numerics(
        #     loss_val, "Vse propalo", name=None
        # )
        # print(loss_val.shape)
        return loss_val