def get_initial_state(self, inputs): initial_state = K.zeros_like(inputs) initial_state = K.sum(initial_state, axis=(1, 2)) initial_state = K.expand_dims(initial_state) initial_state = K.tile(initial_state, [1, self.units]) # (samples, output_dim) n = K.identity(initial_state) d = K.identity(initial_state) h = K.identity(initial_state) dtype = min_value = np.array([1E38]).astype(dtype).item() a_max = K.identity(initial_state) - min_value h = h + self.cell.recurrent_activation(K.expand_dims(self.cell.initial_attention, axis=0)) return [n, d, h, a_max]
def attach_multibox_head(network, source_layer_names, num_priors=4, num_classes=10, activation='softmax'): heads = [] for idx, layer_name in enumerate(source_layer_names): source_layer = network.get_layer(layer_name).output # Classification clf = Conv2D(num_priors * num_classes, (3, 3), padding='same', name=f'clf_head{idx}_logit')(source_layer) clf = Reshape((-1, num_classes), name=f'clf_head{idx}_reshape')(clf) if activation == 'softmax': clf = Softmax(axis=-1, name=f'clf_head{idx}')(clf) elif activation == 'sigmoid': clf = sigmoid(clf) else: raise ValueError('activation은 {softmax,sigmoid}중에서 되어야 합니다.') # Localization loc = Conv2D(num_priors * 4, (3,3), padding='same', name=f'loc_head{idx}')(source_layer) loc = Reshape((-1,4), name=f'loc_head{idx}_reshape')(loc) head = Concatenate(axis=-1, name=f'head{idx}')([clf, loc]) heads.append(head) if len(heads) > 1: predictions = Concatenate(axis=1, name='predictions')(heads) else: predictions = K.identity(heads[0],name='predictions') return predictions
def __init__(self, input_tensor, losses, input_range=(0, 255), wrt_tensor=None, norm_grads=True): """Creates an optimizer that minimizes weighted loss function. Args: input_tensor: An input tensor of shape: `(samples, channels, image_dims...)` if `image_data_format= channels_first` or `(samples, image_dims..., channels)` if `image_data_format=channels_last`. losses: List of ([Loss](vis.losses#Loss), weight) tuples. input_range: Specifies the input range as a `(min, max)` tuple. This is used to rescale the final optimized input to the given range. (Default value=(0, 255)) wrt_tensor: Short for, with respect to. This instructs the optimizer that the aggregate loss from `losses` should be minimized with respect to `wrt_tensor`. `wrt_tensor` can be any tensor that is part of the model graph. Default value is set to None which means that loss will simply be minimized with respect to `input_tensor`. norm_grads: True to normalize gradients. Normalization avoids very small or large gradients and ensures a smooth gradient gradient descent process. If you want the actual gradient (for example, visualizing attention), set this to false. """ self.input_tensor = input_tensor self.input_range = input_range self.loss_names = [] self.loss_functions = [] self.wrt_tensor = self.input_tensor if wrt_tensor is None else wrt_tensor if self.input_tensor is self.wrt_tensor: self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor = True self.wrt_tensor = K.identity(self.wrt_tensor) else: self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor = False overall_loss = None for loss, weight in losses: # Perf optimization. Don't build loss function with 0 weight. if weight != 0: loss_fn = weight * loss.build_loss() overall_loss = loss_fn if overall_loss is None else overall_loss + loss_fn self.loss_names.append( self.loss_functions.append(loss_fn) # Compute gradient of overall with respect to `wrt` tensor. if self.wrt_tensor_is_input_tensor: grads = K.gradients(overall_loss, self.input_tensor)[0] else: grads = K.gradients(overall_loss, self.wrt_tensor)[0] if norm_grads: grads = K.l2_normalize(grads) # The main function to compute various quantities in optimization loop. self.compute_fn = K.function( [self.input_tensor, K.learning_phase()], self.loss_functions + [overall_loss, grads, self.wrt_tensor])
def attach_multibox_head(network, source_layer_names, num_priors=4, num_classes=11, activation='softmax'): # 10->11 heads = [] batch_size = 64 # OpenCV에서 인식을못해서 하드코딩한다 reshape를 인식못한다 for idx, layer_name in enumerate(source_layer_names): source_layer = network.get_layer(layer_name).output # OpenCV Loading Error # "Can't create layer \"loc_head2_reshape_2/Shape\" of type \"Shape\"" # 조치 : class개수를 10에서 11로 바꿔줌 w = source_layer.get_shape().as_list()[1] h = source_layer.get_shape().as_list()[2] print("w : ", w) print("h : ", h) print("num_priors : ", num_priors) # Classification clf = Conv2D(num_priors * num_classes, (3, 3), padding='same', name=f'clf_head{idx}_logit')(source_layer) print("clf shape입니다 : ", clf.shape) clf = tf.reshape(clf, shape=(batch_size, w * h * num_priors, num_classes), name=f'clf_head{idx}_reshape') # clf = Reshape((w*h*num_priors, num_classes), name=f'clf_head{idx}_reshape')(clf) # (-1, num_classes) # w*h*num_priors print("clf의 reshape 후입니다 : ", clf.shape) if activation == 'softmax': clf = Softmax(axis=-1, name=f'clf_head{idx}')(clf) elif activation == 'sigmoid': clf = sigmoid(clf) else: raise ValueError('activation은 {softmax,sigmoid}중에서 되어야 합니다.') # Localization loc = Conv2D(num_priors * 4, (3, 3), padding='same', name=f'loc_head{idx}')(source_layer) print("loc의 shape입니다 : ", loc.shape) loc = tf.reshape(loc, shape=(batch_size, w * h * num_priors, 4), name='loc_head{}_reshape'.format(idx)) # loc = Reshape((w*h*num_priors, 4), name=f'loc_head{idx}_reshape')(loc) #Reshape((-1, 4), print("loc의 reshape 후입니다 : ", loc.shape) head = Concatenate(axis=-1, name=f'head{idx}')([clf, loc]) heads.append(head) if len(heads) > 1: predictions = Concatenate(axis=1, name='predictions')(heads) else: predictions = K.identity(heads[0], name='predictions') return predictions
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): identityInput = K.identity(inputs) stacks = K.array_ops.unstack(inputs, axis=1) ### [b,n] tempList = [] for oneTimeStepTensor in stacks: ### [b,1] bTensor = self.dense0(oneTimeStepTensor) bTensor = K.relu(bTensor) bTensor = self.dense1(bTensor) tempList.append(bTensor) ### [b,t,1] stackedTensor = K.array_ops.stack(tempList, axis=1) softMaxTensor = K.softmax(stackedTensor, axis=1) ###[b,t,1] weightEdTensor = K.math_ops.multiply(identityInput, softMaxTensor) unstack = K.array_ops.unstack(weightEdTensor, axis=1) temp1List = [] for oneTensor in unstack: temp1List.append(oneTensor) return K.math_ops.add_n(temp1List)
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): batchTensor = tf.stop_gradient( tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=self.iniEmbeddingMatrix, ids=inputs)) # print(batchTensor.shape) # print(positionTensor.shape) denseTrans = self.denseTrans(batchTensor) thisTransformer = K.identity(denseTrans) for i in range(self._transformerLayers): thisTransformer = self.transformerList[i](thisTransformer, training=training) flattenTensor = self.flat(thisTransformer) dense0Tensor = self.dense0(flattenTensor) bn0Tensor = self.bn0(dense0Tensor, training=training) actT = self.pRelu(bn0Tensor) dropTensor = self.dropout(actT, training=training) dense1Tensor = self.dense1(dropTensor) return tf.nn.sigmoid(dense1Tensor)
def call(self, inputs, training=None, mask=None): sentence = inputs[0] position = inputs[1] batchTensor = tf.stop_gradient(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(params=self.iniEmbeddingMatrix, ids=sentence)) batchTensor = K.stop_gradient(K.math_ops.multiply(batchTensor,K.math_ops.sqrt(self.dModel))) positionTensor = self.positionEmbeddingMatrix(position) positionTensor = K.math_ops.multiply(positionTensor,K.stop_gradient(K.math_ops.sqrt(self.dModel))) # print(batchTensor.shape) # print(positionTensor.shape) eDropTensor = self.embeddingDrop(K.math_ops.multiply(K.math_ops.add(batchTensor,positionTensor), K.stop_gradient(tf.convert_to_tensor(1. / 2.,dtype=tf.float32))), training = training) denseTrans = self.denseTrans(eDropTensor) thisTransformer = K.identity(denseTrans) for i in range(self._transformerLayers): thisTransformer = self.transformerList[i](thisTransformer,training=training) flattenTensor = self.flat(thisTransformer) dense1Tensor = self.dense1(flattenTensor) return tf.nn.softmax(dense1Tensor,axis=-1)
def call(self, inputs, **kwargs): return [ K.identity(self.bias_context), K.identity(self.bias_relative), ]