Example #1
def pad_shape_right_with_ones(x, ndims):
    """Maybe add `ndims` ones to `x.shape` on the right.

  If `ndims` is zero, this is a no-op; otherwise, we will create and return a
  new `Tensor` whose shape is that of `x` with `ndims` ones concatenated on the
  right side. If the shape of `x` is known statically, the shape of the return
  value will be as well.

    x: The `Tensor` we'll return a reshaping of.
    ndims: Python `integer` number of ones to pad onto `x.shape`.
    If `ndims` is zero, `x`; otherwise, a `Tensor` whose shape is that of `x`
    with `ndims` ones concatenated on the right side. If possible, returns a
    `Tensor` whose shape is known statically.
    ValueError: if `ndims` is not a Python `integer` greater than or equal to
    if not (isinstance(ndims, int) and ndims >= 0):
        raise ValueError(
            '`ndims` must be a Python `integer` greater than zero. Got: {}'.
    if ndims == 0:
        return x
    x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x)
    original_shape = x.shape
    new_shape = distribution_util.pad(tf.shape(x),
    x = tf.reshape(x, new_shape)
    x.set_shape(original_shape.concatenate([1] * ndims))
    return x
Example #2
def pad_shape_right_with_ones(x, ndims):
  """Maybe add `ndims` ones to `x.shape` on the right.

  If `ndims` is zero, this is a no-op; otherwise, we will create and return a
  new `Tensor` whose shape is that of `x` with `ndims` ones concatenated on the
  right side. If the shape of `x` is known statically, the shape of the return
  value will be as well.

    x: The `Tensor` we'll return a reshaping of.
    ndims: Python `integer` number of ones to pad onto `x.shape`.
    If `ndims` is zero, `x`; otherwise, a `Tensor` whose shape is that of `x`
    with `ndims` ones concatenated on the right side. If possible, returns a
    `Tensor` whose shape is known statically.
    ValueError: if `ndims` is not a Python `integer` greater than or equal to
  if not (isinstance(ndims, int) and ndims >= 0):
    raise ValueError(
        '`ndims` must be a Python `integer` greater than zero. Got: {}'
  if ndims == 0:
    return x
  x = tf.convert_to_tensor(x)
  original_shape = x.shape
  new_shape = distribution_util.pad(
      tf.shape(x), axis=0, back=True, value=1, count=ndims)
  x = tf.reshape(x, new_shape)
  return x
Example #3
 def _embed_l2_regularization():
   """Adds synthetic observations to implement L2 regularization."""
   # `tf.matrix_solve_ls` does not respect the `l2_regularization` argument
   # when `fast_unsafe_numerics` is `False`. This function  adds synthetic
   # observations to the data to implement the regularization instead.
   # Adding observations `sqrt(l2_regularizer) * I` is mathematically
   # equivalent to adding the term
   # `-l2_regularizer ||coefficients||_2**2` to the log-likelihood.
   num_model_coefficients = num_cols(model_matrix)
   batch_shape = tf.shape(model_matrix)[:-2]
   eye = tf.eye(
       num_model_coefficients, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=a.dtype)
   a_ = tf.concat([a, tf.sqrt(l2_regularizer) * eye], axis=-2)
   b_ = distributions_util.pad(
       b, count=num_model_coefficients, axis=-1, back=True)
   # Return l2_regularizer=0 since its now embedded.
   l2_regularizer_ = np.array(0, a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
   return a_, b_, l2_regularizer_
Example #4
def _uniform_correlation_like_matrix(num_rows, batch_shape, dtype, seed):
    """Returns a uniformly random `Tensor` of "correlation-like" matrices.

  A "correlation-like" matrix is a symmetric square matrix with all entries
  between -1 and 1 (inclusive) and 1s on the main diagonal.  Of these,
  the ones that are positive semi-definite are exactly the correlation

    num_rows: Python `int` dimension of the correlation-like matrices.
    batch_shape: `Tensor` or Python `tuple` of `int` shape of the
      batch to return.
    dtype: `dtype` of the `Tensor` to return.
    seed: Random seed.

    matrices: A `Tensor` of shape `batch_shape + [num_rows, num_rows]`
      and dtype `dtype`.  Each entry is in [-1, 1], and each matrix
      along the bottom two dimensions is symmetric and has 1s on the
      main diagonal.
    num_entries = num_rows * (num_rows + 1) / 2
    ones = array_ops.ones(shape=[num_entries], dtype=dtype)
    # It seems wasteful to generate random values for the diagonal since
    # I am going to throw them away, but `fill_triangular` fills the
    # diagonal, so I probably need them.
    # It's not impossible that it would be more efficient to just fill
    # the whole matrix with random values instead of messing with
    # `fill_triangular`.  Then would need to filter almost half out with
    # `matrix_band_part`.
    unifs = uniform.Uniform(-ones, ones).sample(batch_shape, seed=seed)
    tril = util.fill_triangular(unifs)
    symmetric = tril + array_ops.matrix_transpose(tril)
    diagonal_ones = array_ops.ones(shape=util.pad(batch_shape,
    return array_ops.matrix_set_diag(symmetric, diagonal_ones)
Example #5
def auto_correlation(
  """Auto correlation along one axis.

  Given a `1-D` wide sense stationary (WSS) sequence `X`, the auto correlation
  `RXX` may be defined as  (with `E` expectation and `Conj` complex conjugate)

  RXX[m] := E{ W[m] Conj(W[0]) } = E{ W[0] Conj(W[-m]) },
  W[n]   := (X[n] - MU) / S,
  MU     := E{ X[0] },
  S**2   := E{ (X[0] - MU) Conj(X[0] - MU) }.

  This function takes the viewpoint that `x` is (along one axis) a finite
  sub-sequence of a realization of (WSS) `X`, and then uses `x` to produce an
  estimate of `RXX[m]` as follows:

  After extending `x` from length `L` to `inf` by zero padding, the auto
  correlation estimate `rxx[m]` is computed for `m = 0, 1, ..., max_lags` as

  rxx[m] := (L - m)**-1 sum_n w[n + m] Conj(w[n]),
  w[n]   := (x[n] - mu) / s,
  mu     := L**-1 sum_n x[n],
  s**2   := L**-1 sum_n (x[n] - mu) Conj(x[n] - mu)

  The error in this estimate is proportional to `1 / sqrt(len(x) - m)`, so users
  often set `max_lags` small enough so that the entire output is meaningful.

  Note that since `mu` is an imperfect estimate of `E{ X[0] }`, and we divide by
  `len(x) - m` rather than `len(x) - m - 1`, our estimate of auto correlation
  contains a slight bias, which goes to zero as `len(x) - m --> infinity`.

    x:  `float32` or `complex64` `Tensor`.
    axis:  Python `int`. The axis number along which to compute correlation.
      Other dimensions index different batch members.
    max_lags:  Positive `int` tensor.  The maximum value of `m` to consider
      (in equation above).  If `max_lags >= x.shape[axis]`, we effectively
      re-set `max_lags` to `x.shape[axis] - 1`.
    center:  Python `bool`.  If `False`, do not subtract the mean estimate `mu`
      from `x[n]` when forming `w[n]`.
    normalize:  Python `bool`.  If `False`, do not divide by the variance
      estimate `s**2` when forming `w[n]`.
    name:  `String` name to prepend to created ops.

    `rxx`: `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `x`.  `rxx.shape[i] = x.shape[i]` for
      `i != axis`, and `rxx.shape[axis] = max_lags + 1`.

    TypeError:  If `x` is not a supported type.
  # Implementation details:
  # Extend length N / 2 1-D array x to length N by zero padding onto the end.
  # Then, set
  #   F[x]_k := sum_n x_n exp{-i 2 pi k n / N }.
  # It is not hard to see that
  #   F[x]_k Conj(F[x]_k) = F[R]_k, where
  #   R_m := sum_n x_n Conj(x_{(n - m) mod N}).
  # One can also check that R_m / (N / 2 - m) is an unbiased estimate of RXX[m].

  # Since F[x] is the DFT of x, this leads us to a zero-padding and FFT/IFFT
  # based version of estimating RXX.
  # Note that this is a special case of the Wiener-Khinchin Theorem.
  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")

    # Rotate dimensions of x in order to put axis at the rightmost dim.
    # FFT op requires this.
    rank = util.prefer_static_rank(x)
    if axis < 0:
      axis = rank + axis
    shift = rank - 1 - axis
    # Suppose x.shape[axis] = T, so there are T "time" steps.
    #   ==> x_rotated.shape = B + [T],
    # where B is x_rotated's batch shape.
    x_rotated = util.rotate_transpose(x, shift)

    if center:
      x_rotated -= math_ops.reduce_mean(x_rotated, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

    # x_len = N / 2 from above explanation.  The length of x along axis.
    # Get a value for x_len that works in all cases.
    x_len = util.prefer_static_shape(x_rotated)[-1]

    # TODO (langmore) Investigate whether this zero padding helps or hurts.  At id:595 gh:596
    # the moment is is necessary so that all FFT implementations work.
    # Zero pad to the next power of 2 greater than 2 * x_len, which equals
    # 2**(ceil(Log_2(2 * x_len))).  Note: Log_2(X) = Log_e(X) / Log_e(2).
    x_len_float64 = math_ops.cast(x_len, np.float64)
    target_length = math_ops.pow(
        math_ops.ceil(math_ops.log(x_len_float64 * 2) / np.log(2.)))
    pad_length = math_ops.cast(target_length - x_len_float64, np.int32)

    # We should have:
    # x_rotated_pad.shape = x_rotated.shape[:-1] + [T + pad_length]
    #                     = B + [T + pad_length]
    x_rotated_pad = util.pad(x_rotated, axis=-1, back=True, count=pad_length)

    dtype = x.dtype
    if not dtype.is_complex:
      if not dtype.is_floating:
        raise TypeError("Argument x must have either float or complex dtype"
                        " found: {}".format(dtype))
      x_rotated_pad = math_ops.complex(x_rotated_pad,

    # Autocorrelation is IFFT of power-spectral density (up to some scaling).
    fft_x_rotated_pad = spectral_ops.fft(x_rotated_pad)
    spectral_density = fft_x_rotated_pad * math_ops.conj(fft_x_rotated_pad)
    # shifted_product is R[m] from above detailed explanation.
    # It is the inner product sum_n X[n] * Conj(X[n - m]).
    shifted_product = spectral_ops.ifft(spectral_density)

    # Cast back to real-valued if x was real to begin with.
    shifted_product = math_ops.cast(shifted_product, dtype)

    # Figure out if we can deduce the final static shape, and set max_lags.
    # Use x_rotated as a reference, because it has the time dimension in the far
    # right, and was created before we performed all sorts of crazy shape
    # manipulations.
    know_static_shape = True
    if not x_rotated.shape.is_fully_defined():
      know_static_shape = False
    if max_lags is None:
      max_lags = x_len - 1
      max_lags = ops.convert_to_tensor(max_lags, name="max_lags")
      max_lags_ = tensor_util.constant_value(max_lags)
      if max_lags_ is None or not know_static_shape:
        know_static_shape = False
        max_lags = math_ops.minimum(x_len - 1, max_lags)
        max_lags = min(x_len - 1, max_lags_)

    # Chop off the padding.
    # We allow users to provide a huge max_lags, but cut it off here.
    # shifted_product_chopped.shape = x_rotated.shape[:-1] + [max_lags]
    shifted_product_chopped = shifted_product[..., :max_lags + 1]

    # If possible, set shape.
    if know_static_shape:
      chopped_shape = x_rotated.shape.as_list()
      chopped_shape[-1] = min(x_len, max_lags + 1)

    # Recall R[m] is a sum of N / 2 - m nonzero terms x[n] Conj(x[n - m]).  The
    # other terms were zeros arising only due to zero padding.
    # `denominator = (N / 2 - m)` (defined below) is the proper term to
    # divide by by to make this an unbiased estimate of the expectation
    # E[X[n] Conj(X[n - m])].
    x_len = math_ops.cast(x_len, dtype.real_dtype)
    max_lags = math_ops.cast(max_lags, dtype.real_dtype)
    denominator = x_len - math_ops.range(0., max_lags + 1.)
    denominator = math_ops.cast(denominator, dtype)
    shifted_product_rotated = shifted_product_chopped / denominator

    if normalize:
      shifted_product_rotated /= shifted_product_rotated[..., :1]

    # Transpose dimensions back to those of x.
    return util.rotate_transpose(shifted_product_rotated, -shift)
def auto_correlation(
  """Auto correlation along one axis.

  Given a `1-D` wide sense stationary (WSS) sequence `X`, the auto correlation
  `RXX` may be defined as  (with `E` expectation and `Conj` complex conjugate)

  RXX[m] := E{ W[m] Conj(W[0]) } = E{ W[0] Conj(W[-m]) },
  W[n]   := (X[n] - MU) / S,
  MU     := E{ X[0] },
  S**2   := E{ (X[0] - MU) Conj(X[0] - MU) }.

  This function takes the viewpoint that `x` is (along one axis) a finite
  sub-sequence of a realization of (WSS) `X`, and then uses `x` to produce an
  estimate of `RXX[m]` as follows:

  After extending `x` from length `L` to `inf` by zero padding, the auto
  correlation estimate `rxx[m]` is computed for `m = 0, 1, ..., max_lags` as

  rxx[m] := (L - m)**-1 sum_n w[n + m] Conj(w[n]),
  w[n]   := (x[n] - mu) / s,
  mu     := L**-1 sum_n x[n],
  s**2   := L**-1 sum_n (x[n] - mu) Conj(x[n] - mu)

  The error in this estimate is proportional to `1 / sqrt(len(x) - m)`, so users
  often set `max_lags` small enough so that the entire output is meaningful.

  Note that since `mu` is an imperfect estimate of `E{ X[0] }`, and we divide by
  `len(x) - m` rather than `len(x) - m - 1`, our estimate of auto correlation
  contains a slight bias, which goes to zero as `len(x) - m --> infinity`.

    x:  `float32` or `complex64` `Tensor`.
    axis:  Python `int`. The axis number along which to compute correlation.
      Other dimensions index different batch members.
    max_lags:  Positive `int` tensor.  The maximum value of `m` to consider
      (in equation above).  If `max_lags >= x.shape[axis]`, we effectively
      re-set `max_lags` to `x.shape[axis] - 1`.
    center:  Python `bool`.  If `False`, do not subtract the mean estimate `mu`
      from `x[n]` when forming `w[n]`.
    normalize:  Python `bool`.  If `False`, do not divide by the variance
      estimate `s**2` when forming `w[n]`.
    name:  `String` name to prepend to created ops.

    `rxx`: `Tensor` of same `dtype` as `x`.  `rxx.shape[i] = x.shape[i]` for
      `i != axis`, and `rxx.shape[axis] = max_lags + 1`.

    TypeError:  If `x` is not a supported type.
  # Implementation details:
  # Extend length N / 2 1-D array x to length N by zero padding onto the end.
  # Then, set
  #   F[x]_k := sum_n x_n exp{-i 2 pi k n / N }.
  # It is not hard to see that
  #   F[x]_k Conj(F[x]_k) = F[R]_k, where
  #   R_m := sum_n x_n Conj(x_{(n - m) mod N}).
  # One can also check that R_m / (N / 2 - m) is an unbiased estimate of RXX[m].

  # Since F[x] is the DFT of x, this leads us to a zero-padding and FFT/IFFT
  # based version of estimating RXX.
  # Note that this is a special case of the Wiener-Khinchin Theorem.
  with ops.name_scope(name, values=[x]):
    x = ops.convert_to_tensor(x, name="x")

    # Rotate dimensions of x in order to put axis at the rightmost dim.
    # FFT op requires this.
    rank = util.prefer_static_rank(x)
    if axis < 0:
      axis = rank + axis
    shift = rank - 1 - axis
    # Suppose x.shape[axis] = T, so there are T "time" steps.
    #   ==> x_rotated.shape = B + [T],
    # where B is x_rotated's batch shape.
    x_rotated = util.rotate_transpose(x, shift)

    if center:
      x_rotated -= math_ops.reduce_mean(x_rotated, axis=-1, keepdims=True)

    # x_len = N / 2 from above explanation.  The length of x along axis.
    # Get a value for x_len that works in all cases.
    x_len = util.prefer_static_shape(x_rotated)[-1]

    # TODO(langmore) Investigate whether this zero padding helps or hurts.  At
    # the moment is is necessary so that all FFT implementations work.
    # Zero pad to the next power of 2 greater than 2 * x_len, which equals
    # 2**(ceil(Log_2(2 * x_len))).  Note: Log_2(X) = Log_e(X) / Log_e(2).
    x_len_float64 = math_ops.cast(x_len, np.float64)
    target_length = math_ops.pow(
        math_ops.ceil(math_ops.log(x_len_float64 * 2) / np.log(2.)))
    pad_length = math_ops.cast(target_length - x_len_float64, np.int32)

    # We should have:
    # x_rotated_pad.shape = x_rotated.shape[:-1] + [T + pad_length]
    #                     = B + [T + pad_length]
    x_rotated_pad = util.pad(x_rotated, axis=-1, back=True, count=pad_length)

    dtype = x.dtype
    if not dtype.is_complex:
      if not dtype.is_floating:
        raise TypeError("Argument x must have either float or complex dtype"
                        " found: {}".format(dtype))
      x_rotated_pad = math_ops.complex(x_rotated_pad,

    # Autocorrelation is IFFT of power-spectral density (up to some scaling).
    fft_x_rotated_pad = spectral_ops.fft(x_rotated_pad)
    spectral_density = fft_x_rotated_pad * math_ops.conj(fft_x_rotated_pad)
    # shifted_product is R[m] from above detailed explanation.
    # It is the inner product sum_n X[n] * Conj(X[n - m]).
    shifted_product = spectral_ops.ifft(spectral_density)

    # Cast back to real-valued if x was real to begin with.
    shifted_product = math_ops.cast(shifted_product, dtype)

    # Figure out if we can deduce the final static shape, and set max_lags.
    # Use x_rotated as a reference, because it has the time dimension in the far
    # right, and was created before we performed all sorts of crazy shape
    # manipulations.
    know_static_shape = True
    if not x_rotated.shape.is_fully_defined():
      know_static_shape = False
    if max_lags is None:
      max_lags = x_len - 1
      max_lags = ops.convert_to_tensor(max_lags, name="max_lags")
      max_lags_ = tensor_util.constant_value(max_lags)
      if max_lags_ is None or not know_static_shape:
        know_static_shape = False
        max_lags = math_ops.minimum(x_len - 1, max_lags)
        max_lags = min(x_len - 1, max_lags_)

    # Chop off the padding.
    # We allow users to provide a huge max_lags, but cut it off here.
    # shifted_product_chopped.shape = x_rotated.shape[:-1] + [max_lags]
    shifted_product_chopped = shifted_product[..., :max_lags + 1]

    # If possible, set shape.
    if know_static_shape:
      chopped_shape = x_rotated.shape.as_list()
      chopped_shape[-1] = min(x_len, max_lags + 1)

    # Recall R[m] is a sum of N / 2 - m nonzero terms x[n] Conj(x[n - m]).  The
    # other terms were zeros arising only due to zero padding.
    # `denominator = (N / 2 - m)` (defined below) is the proper term to
    # divide by by to make this an unbiased estimate of the expectation
    # E[X[n] Conj(X[n - m])].
    x_len = math_ops.cast(x_len, dtype.real_dtype)
    max_lags = math_ops.cast(max_lags, dtype.real_dtype)
    denominator = x_len - math_ops.range(0., max_lags + 1.)
    denominator = math_ops.cast(denominator, dtype)
    shifted_product_rotated = shifted_product_chopped / denominator

    if normalize:
      shifted_product_rotated /= shifted_product_rotated[..., :1]

    # Transpose dimensions back to those of x.
    return util.rotate_transpose(shifted_product_rotated, -shift)