Example #1
 def testError(self):
   with self.test_session():
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                                  "must be a vector"):
       _ = inplace_ops.inplace_update([[1.]], [[0]], [[10]]).eval()
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                                  "x and v shape doesn't match"):
       _ = inplace_ops.inplace_update([[1.]], [0], [10]).eval()
     with self.assertRaisesRegexp(errors.InvalidArgumentError,
                                  "i and x shape doesn't match"):
       _ = inplace_ops.inplace_update([[1.]], [0, 1], [[10]]).eval()
Example #2
 def testBasicUpdateBool(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
     x = array_ops.ones([7, 3], dtypes.bool)
     y = np.ones([7, 3], dtypes.bool.as_numpy_dtype)
     self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
     x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, [3], array_ops.ones([1, 3],
     y[3, :] = True
     self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
     x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, [-1],
                                    array_ops.zeros([1, 3], dtypes.bool))
     y[-1, :] = False
     self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
     x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, 5, array_ops.zeros([3], dtypes.bool))
     y[5, :] = False
     self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
Example #3
 def testBasicUpdate(self):
   for dtype in [dtypes.float32, dtypes.int32, dtypes.int64]:
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
       x = array_ops.ones([7, 3], dtype)
       y = np.ones([7, 3], dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
       self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
       x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, [3], array_ops.ones([1, 3], dtype))
       y[3, :] = 1
       self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
       x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, [-1],
                                      array_ops.ones([1, 3], dtype) * 2)
       y[-1, :] = 2
       self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
       x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, 5, array_ops.ones([3], dtype) * 7)
       y[5, :] = 7
       self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
Example #4
 def testRandom1D(self):
   with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
     d0 = 100
     x = array_ops.zeros([d0])
     y = np.zeros([d0])
     for _ in xrange(20):
       idx = np.random.choice(d0, d0 // 10, replace=False)
       val = np.random.randint(10, size=(d0 // 10))
       op = np.random.randint(3)
       if op == 0:
         x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, idx, val)
         y[idx] = val
       elif op == 1:
         x = inplace_ops.inplace_add(x, idx, val)
         y[idx] += val
       elif op == 2:
         x = inplace_ops.inplace_sub(x, idx, val)
         y[idx] -= val
       self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
Example #5
 def testRandom(self):
     with self.test_session(use_gpu=True):
         d0, d1, d2 = 100, 3, 5
         x = array_ops.zeros([d0, d1, d2])
         y = np.zeros([d0, d1, d2])
         for _ in xrange(20):
             idx = np.random.choice(d0, d0 // 10, replace=False)
             val = np.random.randint(10, size=(d0 // 10, d1, d2))
             op = np.random.randint(3)
             if op == 0:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx, :] = val
             elif op == 1:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_add(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx, :] += val
             elif op == 2:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_sub(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx, :] -= val
             self.assertAllClose(x.eval(), y)
Example #6
 def testRandom1D(self):
     with test_util.use_gpu():
         d0 = 100
         x = array_ops.zeros([d0])
         y = np.zeros([d0])
         for _ in xrange(20):
             idx = np.random.choice(d0, d0 // 10, replace=False)
             val = np.random.randint(10, size=(d0 // 10))
             op = np.random.randint(3)
             if op == 0:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_update(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx] = val
             elif op == 1:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_add(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx] += val
             elif op == 2:
                 x = inplace_ops.inplace_sub(x, idx, val)
                 y[idx] -= val
             self.assertAllClose(x, y)
Example #7
    def _MaybePadSourceInputs(self, src_inputs, src_paddings):
        p = self.params
        if not p.append_eos_frame:
            return src_inputs, src_paddings

        per_src_len = tf.reduce_sum(1 - src_paddings, 1)
        per_src_len += 1
        max_src_len = tf.reduce_max(per_src_len)
        input_shape = tf.shape(src_inputs)
        input_len = tf.maximum(input_shape[1], tf.cast(max_src_len, tf.int32))
        pad_steps = input_len - input_shape[1]
        src_inputs = tf.concat([
            tf.zeros(inplace_ops.inplace_update(input_shape, 1, pad_steps),
        ], 1)
        src_paddings = 1 - tf.sequence_mask(
            tf.reshape(per_src_len, [input_shape[0]]), tf.reshape(
                input_len, []), src_paddings.dtype)
        return src_inputs, src_paddings
Example #8
    def FProp(self, theta, batch, state0=None):
        """Encodes source as represented by 'inputs' and 'paddings'.

      theta: A NestedMap object containing weights' values of this
        layer and its children layers.
      batch: A NestedMap with fields:

        - src_inputs - The inputs tensor. It is expected to be of shape [batch,
          time, feature_dim, channels].
        - paddings - The paddings tensor. It is expected to be of shape [batch,
      state0: Recurrent input state. Not supported/ignored by this encoder.

      A NestedMap containing

      - 'encoded': a feature tensor of shape [time, batch, depth]
      - 'padding': a 0/1 tensor of shape [time, batch]
      - 'state': the updated recurrent state
      - '${layer_type}_${layer_index}': The per-layer encoder output. Each one
        is a NestedMap containing 'encoded' and 'padding' similar to regular
        final outputs, except that 'encoded' from conv or conv_lstm layers are
        of shape [time, batch, depth, channels].
        p = self.params
        inputs, paddings = batch.src_inputs, batch.paddings
        outputs = py_utils.NestedMap()
        with tf.name_scope(p.name):
            # Adding specAugmentation.
            if p.use_specaugment and not self.do_eval:
                inputs, paddings = self.specaugment.FProp(
                    theta.specaugment, inputs, paddings)
            # Add a few extra padded timesteps at the end. This is for ensuring the
            # correctness of the conv-layers at the edges.
            if p.pad_steps > 0:
                # inplace_update() is not supported by TPU for now. Since we have done
                # padding on the input_generator, we may avoid this additional padding.
                assert not py_utils.use_tpu()
                inputs_pad = tf.zeros(
                    inplace_ops.inplace_update(tf.shape(inputs), 1,
                                               p.pad_steps), inputs.dtype)
                paddings_pad = tf.ones(
                    inplace_ops.inplace_update(tf.shape(paddings), 1,
                                               p.pad_steps), paddings.dtype)
                inputs = tf.concat([inputs, inputs_pad], 1, name='inputs')
                paddings = tf.concat([paddings, paddings_pad], 1)

            plots = [
                    tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 1, 3, 2]), paddings, 'inputs')

            conv_out = inputs
            out_padding = paddings
            for i, conv_layer in enumerate(self.conv):
                conv_out, out_padding = conv_layer.FProp(
                    theta.conv[i], conv_out, out_padding)
                if p.extra_per_layer_outputs:
                    conv_out *= (1.0 -
                                 out_padding[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis])
                    outputs['conv_%d' % i] = py_utils.NestedMap(
                                             [1, 0, 2, 3]),  # to [t, b, d, c]
                        tf.transpose(conv_out, [0, 1, 3, 2]), out_padding,
                        'conv_%d_out' % i))

            def TransposeFirstTwoDims(t):
                first_dim = tf.shape(t)[0]
                second_dim = tf.shape(t)[1]
                t_new = tf.transpose(
                    tf.reshape(t, [first_dim, second_dim, -1]), [1, 0, 2])
                t_shape_new = tf.concat([[second_dim], [first_dim],
                                         tf.shape(t)[2:]], 0)
                return tf.reshape(t_new, t_shape_new)

            # Now the conv-lstm part.
            conv_lstm_out = conv_out
            conv_lstm_out_padding = out_padding
            for i, (rnn, cnn) in enumerate(
                    zip(self.conv_lstm_rnn, self.conv_lstm_cnn)):
                conv_lstm_in = conv_lstm_out
                # Move time dimension to be the first.
                conv_lstm_in = TransposeFirstTwoDims(conv_lstm_in)
                conv_lstm_in = tf.expand_dims(conv_lstm_in, 2)
                conv_lstm_in_padding = tf.expand_dims(
                    tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out_padding), 2)
                lstm_out = rnn.FProp(theta.conv_lstm_rnn[i], conv_lstm_in,
                # Move time dimension to be the second.
                cnn_in = TransposeFirstTwoDims(lstm_out)
                cnn_in = tf.squeeze(cnn_in, 2)
                cnn_in_padding = conv_lstm_out_padding
                cnn_out, cnn_out_padding = cnn.FProp(theta.conv_lstm_cnn[i],
                                                     cnn_in, cnn_in_padding)
                conv_lstm_out, conv_lstm_out_padding = cnn_out, cnn_out_padding
                if p.extra_per_layer_outputs:
                    conv_lstm_out *= (
                        1.0 -
                        conv_lstm_out_padding[:, :, tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis])
                    outputs['conv_lstm_%d' % i] = py_utils.NestedMap(
                                             [1, 0, 2, 3]),  # to [t, b, d, c]
                        conv_lstm_out, conv_lstm_out_padding,
                        'conv_lstm_%d_out' % i))

            # Need to do a reshape before starting the rnn layers.
            conv_lstm_out = py_utils.HasRank(conv_lstm_out, 4)
            conv_lstm_out_shape = tf.shape(conv_lstm_out)
            new_shape = tf.concat([conv_lstm_out_shape[:2], [-1]], 0)
            conv_lstm_out = tf.reshape(conv_lstm_out, new_shape)
            if self._first_lstm_input_dim_pad:
                conv_lstm_out = tf.pad(
                    [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, self._first_lstm_input_dim_pad]])

            conv_lstm_out = py_utils.HasShape(
                conv_lstm_out, [-1, -1, self._first_lstm_input_dim])

            # Transpose to move the time dimension to be the first.
            rnn_in = tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out, [1, 0, 2])
            rnn_padding = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out_padding),
            # rnn_in is of shape [time, batch, depth]
            # rnn_padding is of shape [time, batch, 1]

            # Now the rnn layers.
            num_skips = 0
            for i in range(p.num_lstm_layers):
                rnn_out = self.rnn[i].FProp(theta.rnn[i], rnn_in, rnn_padding)
                residual_index = i - p.residual_start + 1
                if p.residual_start > 0 and residual_index >= 0:
                    if residual_index % p.residual_stride == 0:
                        residual_in = rnn_in
                    if residual_index % p.residual_stride == p.residual_stride - 1:
                        # Highway skip connection.
                        if p.highway_skip:
                            rnn_out = self.highway_skip[num_skips].FProp(
                                theta.highway_skip[num_skips], residual_in,
                            num_skips += 1
                            # Residual skip connection.
                            rnn_out += py_utils.HasShape(
                                residual_in, tf.shape(rnn_out))
                if p.project_lstm_output and (i < p.num_lstm_layers - 1):
                    # Projection layers.
                    rnn_out = self.proj[i].FProp(theta.proj[i], rnn_out,
                if i == p.num_lstm_layers - 1:
                    rnn_out *= (1.0 - rnn_padding)
                if p.extra_per_layer_outputs:
                    rnn_out *= (1.0 - rnn_padding)
                    outputs['rnn_%d' % i] = py_utils.NestedMap(
                        encoded=rnn_out, padding=tf.squeeze(rnn_padding, [2]))
                # Stacking layer connection.
                if p.layer_index_before_stacking == i:
                    # Stacking layer expects input tensor shape as [batch, time, feature].
                    # So transpose the tensors before and after the layer.
                    rnn_out, rnn_padding = self.stacking.FProp(
                        tf.transpose(rnn_out, [1, 0, 2]),
                        tf.transpose(rnn_padding, [1, 0, 2]))
                    rnn_out = tf.transpose(rnn_out, [1, 0, 2])
                    rnn_padding = tf.transpose(rnn_padding, [1, 0, 2])

                        tf.transpose(rnn_out, [1, 0, 2]),
                        tf.transpose(rnn_padding, [1, 0, 2]),
                        'rnn_%d_out' % i))
                rnn_in = rnn_out
            final_out = rnn_in


            outputs['encoded'] = final_out
            outputs['padding'] = tf.squeeze(rnn_padding, [2])
            outputs['state'] = py_utils.NestedMap()
            return outputs
Example #9
    def FProp(self, theta, batch, state0=None):
        """Encodes source as represented by 'inputs' and 'paddings'.

      theta: A NestedMap object containing weights' values of this
        layer and its children layers.
      batch: A NestedMap with fields:
        src_inputs - The inputs tensor. It is expected to be of shape [batch,
            time, feature_dim, channels].
        paddings - The paddings tensor. It is expected to be of shape [batch,
      state0: Recurrent input state. Not supported/ignored by this encoder.

      A NestedMap containing:
      - 'encoded': a feature tensor of shape [time, batch, depth]
      - 'padding': a 0/1 tensor of shape [time, batch]
      - 'state': the updated recurrent state
        p = self.params
        inputs, paddings = batch.src_inputs, batch.paddings
        with tf.name_scope(p.name):
            # Add a few extra padded timesteps at the end. This is for ensuring the
            # correctness of the conv-layers at the edges.
            if p.pad_steps > 0:
                # inplace_update() is not supported by TPU for now. Since we have done
                # padding on the input_generator, we may avoid this additional padding.
                assert not py_utils.use_tpu()
                inputs_pad = tf.zeros(
                    inplace_ops.inplace_update(tf.shape(inputs), 1,
                                               p.pad_steps), inputs.dtype)
                paddings_pad = tf.ones(
                    inplace_ops.inplace_update(tf.shape(paddings), 1,
                                               p.pad_steps), paddings.dtype)
                inputs = tf.concat([inputs, inputs_pad], 1, name='inputs')
                paddings = tf.concat([paddings, paddings_pad], 1)

            def ReshapeForPlot(tensor, padding, name):
                """Transposes and flattens channels to [batch, dim, seq_len] shape."""
                # Flatten any dimensions beyond the third into the third.
                batch_size = tf.shape(tensor)[0]
                max_len = tf.shape(tensor)[1]
                plot_tensor = tf.reshape(tensor, [batch_size, max_len, -1])
                plot_tensor = tf.transpose(plot_tensor, [0, 2, 1], name=name)
                return (plot_tensor, summary_utils.SequenceLength(padding))

            plots = [
                ReshapeForPlot(tf.transpose(inputs, [0, 1, 3, 2]), paddings,

            conv_out = inputs
            out_padding = paddings
            for i, conv_layer in enumerate(self.conv):
                conv_out, out_padding = conv_layer.FProp(
                    theta.conv[i], conv_out, out_padding)
                    ReshapeForPlot(tf.transpose(conv_out, [0, 1, 3, 2]),
                                   out_padding, 'conv_%d_out' % i))

            def TransposeFirstTwoDims(t):
                first_dim = tf.shape(t)[0]
                second_dim = tf.shape(t)[1]
                t_new = tf.transpose(
                    tf.reshape(t, [first_dim, second_dim, -1]), [1, 0, 2])
                t_shape_new = tf.concat([[second_dim], [first_dim],
                                         tf.shape(t)[2:]], 0)
                return tf.reshape(t_new, t_shape_new)

            # Now the conv-lstm part.
            conv_lstm_out = conv_out
            conv_lstm_out_padding = out_padding
            for i, (rnn, cnn) in enumerate(
                    zip(self.conv_lstm_rnn, self.conv_lstm_cnn)):
                conv_lstm_in = conv_lstm_out
                # Move time dimension to be the first.
                conv_lstm_in = TransposeFirstTwoDims(conv_lstm_in)
                conv_lstm_in = tf.expand_dims(conv_lstm_in, 2)
                conv_lstm_in_padding = tf.expand_dims(
                    tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out_padding), 2)
                lstm_out = rnn.FProp(theta.conv_lstm_rnn[i], conv_lstm_in,
                # Move time dimension to be the second.
                cnn_in = TransposeFirstTwoDims(lstm_out)
                cnn_in = tf.squeeze(cnn_in, 2)
                cnn_in_padding = conv_lstm_out_padding
                cnn_out, cnn_out_padding = cnn.FProp(theta.conv_lstm_cnn[i],
                                                     cnn_in, cnn_in_padding)
                conv_lstm_out, conv_lstm_out_padding = cnn_out, cnn_out_padding
                    ReshapeForPlot(conv_lstm_out, conv_lstm_out_padding,
                                   'conv_lstm_%d_out' % i))

            # Need to do a reshape before starting the rnn layers.
            conv_lstm_out = py_utils.HasRank(conv_lstm_out, 4)
            conv_lstm_out_shape = tf.shape(conv_lstm_out)
            new_shape = tf.concat([conv_lstm_out_shape[:2], [-1]], 0)
            conv_lstm_out = tf.reshape(conv_lstm_out, new_shape)
            if self._first_lstm_input_dim_pad:
                conv_lstm_out = tf.pad(
                    [[0, 0], [0, 0], [0, self._first_lstm_input_dim_pad]])

            conv_lstm_out = py_utils.HasShape(
                conv_lstm_out, [-1, -1, self._first_lstm_input_dim])

            # Transpose to move the time dimension to be the first.
            rnn_in = tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out, [1, 0, 2])
            rnn_padding = tf.expand_dims(tf.transpose(conv_lstm_out_padding),
            # rnn_in is of shape [time, batch, depth]
            # rnn_padding is of shape [time, batch, 1]

            # Now the rnn layers.
            num_skips = 0
            for i in range(p.num_lstm_layers):
                rnn_out = self.rnn[i].FProp(theta.rnn[i], rnn_in, rnn_padding)
                residual_index = i - p.residual_start + 1
                if p.residual_start > 0 and residual_index >= 0:
                    if residual_index % p.residual_stride == 0:
                        residual_in = rnn_in
                    if residual_index % p.residual_stride == p.residual_stride - 1:
                        # Highway skip connection.
                        if p.highway_skip:
                            rnn_out = self.highway_skip[num_skips].FProp(
                                theta.highway_skip[num_skips], residual_in,
                            num_skips += 1
                            # Residual skip connection.
                            rnn_out += py_utils.HasShape(
                                residual_in, tf.shape(rnn_out))
                if p.project_lstm_output and (i < p.num_lstm_layers - 1):
                    # Projection layers.
                    rnn_out = self.proj[i].FProp(theta.proj[i], rnn_out,
                if i == p.num_lstm_layers - 1:
                    rnn_out *= (1.0 - rnn_padding)
                    ReshapeForPlot(tf.transpose(rnn_out, [1, 0, 2]),
                                   tf.transpose(rnn_padding, [1, 0, 2]),
                                   'rnn_%d_out' % i))
                rnn_in = rnn_out
            final_out = rnn_in

            if self.cluster.add_summary:
                fig = plot.MatplotlibFigureSummary('encoder_example',
                                                            len(plots) * 3.5))

                # Order layers from bottom to top.
                for tensor, seq_len in plots:
                    fig.AddSubplot([tensor, seq_len],

            rnn_padding = tf.squeeze(rnn_padding, [2])
            return py_utils.NestedMap(encoded=final_out,