Example #1
def bessel_i1(x, name=None):
  """Computes the Bessel i1 function of `x` element-wise.

  Modified Bessel function of order 1.

  It is preferable to use the numerically stabler function `i1e(x)` instead.

    x: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`. Must be one of the following types: `half`,
      `float32`, `float64`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`, respectively. Has the same type as `x`.

  Equivalent to scipy.special.i1
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'bessel_i1', [x]):
    return math_ops.exp(math_ops.abs(x)) * math_ops.bessel_i1e(x)
def bessel_i1(x, name=None):
  """Computes the Bessel i1 function of `x` element-wise.

  Modified Bessel function of order 1.

  It is preferable to use the numerically stabler function `i1e(x)` instead.

    x: A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`. Must be one of the following types: `half`,
      `float32`, `float64`.
    name: A name for the operation (optional).

    A `Tensor` or `SparseTensor`, respectively. Has the same type as `x`.

  Equivalent to scipy.special.i1
  with ops.name_scope(name, 'bessel_i1', [x]):
    return math_ops.exp(math_ops.abs(x)) * math_ops.bessel_i1e(x)
Example #3
def _BesselI0eGrad(op, grad):
  """Compute gradient of bessel_i0e(x) with respect to its argument."""
  x = op.inputs[0]
  y = op.outputs[0]
  with ops.control_dependencies([grad]):
    return grad * (math_ops.bessel_i1e(x) - math_ops.sign(x) * y)
Example #4
def _BesselI0eGrad(op, grad):
  """Compute gradient of bessel_i0e(x) with respect to its argument."""
  x = op.inputs[0]
  y = op.outputs[0]
  with ops.control_dependencies([grad]):
    return grad * (math_ops.bessel_i1e(x) - math_ops.sign(x) * y)