def _ragged_tile_axis(rt_input, axis, repeats, row_splits_dtype):
  """Tile a dimension of a RaggedTensor to match a ragged shape."""
  assert axis > 0  # Outermost dimension may not be ragged.

  if not ragged_tensor.is_ragged(rt_input):
    rt_input = ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(
        rt_input, ragged_rank=1, row_splits_dtype=row_splits_dtype)

  if axis > 1:
    return rt_input.with_values(
        _ragged_tile_axis(rt_input.values, axis - 1, repeats,
    src_row_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits
    src_row_lengths = rt_input.nested_row_lengths()
    splits = src_row_splits[0]

    dst_row_lengths = [repeats]
    for i in range(1, len(src_row_lengths)):
          ragged_util.repeat_ranges(src_row_lengths[i], splits, repeats))
      splits = array_ops.gather(src_row_splits[i], splits)
    dst_values = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(rt_input.flat_values, splits,
    return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_nested_row_lengths(
        dst_values, dst_row_lengths, validate=False)
Example #2
def _ragged_tile_axis(rt_input, axis, repeats, row_splits_dtype):
    """Tile a dimension of a RaggedTensor to match a ragged shape."""
    assert axis > 0  # Outermost dimension may not be ragged.

    if not ragged_tensor.is_ragged(rt_input):
        rt_input = ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_tensor(
            rt_input, ragged_rank=1, row_splits_dtype=row_splits_dtype)

    if axis > 1:
        return rt_input.with_values(
            _ragged_tile_axis(rt_input.values, axis - 1, repeats,
        src_row_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits
        src_row_lengths = rt_input.nested_row_lengths()
        splits = src_row_splits[0]

        dst_row_lengths = [repeats]
        for i in range(1, len(src_row_lengths)):
                ragged_util.repeat_ranges(src_row_lengths[i], splits, repeats))
            splits = array_ops.gather(src_row_splits[i], splits)
        dst_values = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(rt_input.flat_values, splits,
        return ragged_tensor.RaggedTensor.from_nested_row_lengths(
            dst_values, dst_row_lengths, validate=False)
Example #3
def _tile_ragged_values(rt_input, multiples, const_multiples=None):
    """Builds flat_values tensor for a tiled `RaggedTensor`.

  Returns a tensor that repeats the values in
  `rt_input.flat_values` in the
  appropriate pattern to construct a `RaggedTensor` that tiles `rt_input` as
  specified by `multiples`.

    rt_input: The `RaggedTensor` whose values should be repeated.
    multiples: A 1-D integer `tensor`, indicating how many times each dimension
      should be repeated.
    const_multiples: Optional constant value for multiples.  Used to skip tiling
      dimensions where `multiples=1`.

    A `Tensor` with the same type and rank as `rt_input.flat_values`.

  #### Example:
    >>> rt = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])
    >>> _tile_ragged_values(rt, [3, 2])
    [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3]
    ragged_rank = rt_input.ragged_rank
    nested_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits

    # Pointers to the values in `rt_input.flat_values`.
    inner_value_ids = math_ops.range(nested_splits[-1][-1])

    # For each ragged dimension (working from the innermost to outermost),
    # expand `inner_value_ids` as necessary to tile that dimension.
    prev_splits = None
    for axis in range(ragged_rank, 0, -1):
        # Ragged splits for this dimension.
        splits = nested_splits[axis - 1]

        # Adjust splits so they point into `inner_value_ids` (instead of just
        # pointing into the next dimension's values).
        if prev_splits is not None:  # Not the first pass through the loop.
            splits = array_ops.gather(prev_splits * multiples[axis + 1],

        # Repeat each element in this ragged dimension `multiples[axis]` times.
        if const_multiples is None or const_multiples[axis] != 1:
            inner_value_ids = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(
                inner_value_ids, splits, multiples[axis])

        prev_splits = splits

    # Gather the tiled inner values.
    ragged_tiled_values = array_ops.gather(rt_input.flat_values,

    # Tile the flat_values for the uniform dimensions (i.e., for `axis=0` plus
    # `axis=range(ragged_rank, rank)`).
    inner_repeats = array_ops.concat(
        [multiples[:1], multiples[ragged_rank + 1:]], axis=0)
    return array_ops.tile(ragged_tiled_values, inner_repeats)
  def _broadcast_uniform_partitioned_dimension(self, axis, lengths):
    """Broadcasts the partitioned dimension `axis` to match `lengths`."""
    axis_dim_size = self.dimension_size(axis)
    partitioned_sizes = list(self._partitioned_dim_sizes[:axis])

    if lengths.shape.ndims == 0:
      lengths = array_ops.where(
          math_ops.equal(axis_dim_size, 1), lengths, axis_dim_size)
      repeats = array_ops.where(math_ops.equal(axis_dim_size, 1), lengths, 1)
      splits = array_ops.stack([0, self.num_slices_in_dimension(axis)])
      splits = math_ops.range(
          array_ops.size(lengths, out_type=self.dim_size_dtype) + 1)
      repeats = lengths


    for dim_size in self._partitioned_dim_sizes[axis + 1:]:
      if dim_size.shape.ndims == 0:
        splits *= dim_size
            ragged_util.repeat_ranges(dim_size, splits, repeats))
        splits = array_ops.gather(
            ragged_util.lengths_to_splits(dim_size), splits)
    inner_sizes = self._inner_dim_sizes
    return RaggedTensorDynamicShape(partitioned_sizes, inner_sizes)
Example #5
    def _broadcast_uniform_partitioned_dimension(self, axis, lengths):
        """Broadcasts the partitioned dimension `axis` to match `lengths`."""
        axis_dim_size = self.dimension_size(axis)
        partitioned_sizes = list(self._partitioned_dim_sizes[:axis])

        if lengths.shape.ndims == 0:
            lengths = array_ops.where(math_ops.equal(axis_dim_size, 1),
                                      lengths, axis_dim_size)
            repeats = array_ops.where(math_ops.equal(axis_dim_size, 1),
                                      lengths, 1)
            splits = array_ops.stack([0, self.num_slices_in_dimension(axis)])
            splits = math_ops.range(
                array_ops.size(lengths, out_type=self.dim_size_dtype) + 1)
            repeats = lengths


        for dim_size in self._partitioned_dim_sizes[axis + 1:]:
            if dim_size.shape.ndims == 0:
                splits *= dim_size
                    ragged_util.repeat_ranges(dim_size, splits, repeats))
                splits = array_ops.gather(
                    ragged_util.lengths_to_splits(dim_size), splits)
        inner_sizes = self._inner_dim_sizes
        return RaggedTensorDynamicShape(partitioned_sizes, inner_sizes)
def _tile_ragged_values(rt_input, multiples, const_multiples=None):
  """Builds flat_values tensor for a tiled `RaggedTensor`.

  Returns a tensor that repeats the values in
  `rt_input.flat_values` in the
  appropriate pattern to construct a `RaggedTensor` that tiles `rt_input` as
  specified by `multiples`.

    rt_input: The `RaggedTensor` whose values should be repeated.
    multiples: A 1-D integer `tensor`, indicating how many times each dimension
      should be repeated.
    const_multiples: Optional constant value for multiples.  Used to skip tiling
      dimensions where `multiples=1`.

    A `Tensor` with the same type and rank as `rt_input.flat_values`.

  #### Example:
    >>> rt = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])
    >>> _tile_ragged_values(rt, [3, 2])
    [1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3, 1, 2, 1, 2, 3, 3]
  ragged_rank = rt_input.ragged_rank
  nested_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits

  # Pointers to the values in `rt_input.flat_values`.
  inner_value_ids = math_ops.range(nested_splits[-1][-1])

  # For each ragged dimension (working from the innermost to outermost),
  # expand `inner_value_ids` as necessary to tile that dimension.
  prev_splits = None
  for axis in range(ragged_rank, 0, -1):
    # Ragged splits for this dimension.
    splits = nested_splits[axis - 1]

    # Adjust splits so they point into `inner_value_ids` (instead of just
    # pointing into the next dimension's values).
    if prev_splits is not None:  # Not the first pass through the loop.
      splits = array_ops.gather(prev_splits * multiples[axis + 1], splits)

    # Repeat each element in this ragged dimension `multiples[axis]` times.
    if const_multiples is None or const_multiples[axis] != 1:
      inner_value_ids = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(inner_value_ids, splits,

    prev_splits = splits

  # Gather the tiled inner values.
  ragged_tiled_values = array_ops.gather(rt_input.flat_values, inner_value_ids)

  # Tile the flat_values for the uniform dimensions (i.e., for `axis=0` plus
  # `axis=range(ragged_rank, rank)`).
  inner_repeats = array_ops.concat([multiples[:1], multiples[ragged_rank + 1:]],
  return array_ops.tile(ragged_tiled_values, inner_repeats)
Example #7
def _tile_ragged_splits(rt_input, multiples, const_multiples=None):
  """Builds nested_split tensors for a tiled `RaggedTensor`.

  Returns a list of split tensors that can be used to construct the
  `RaggedTensor` that tiles `rt_input` as specified by `multiples`.

    rt_input: The `RaggedTensor` that is being tiled.
    multiples: A 1-D integer `tensor`, indicating how many times each dimension
      should be repeated.
    const_multiples: Optional constant value for multiples.  Used to skip tiling
      dimensions where `multiples=1`.

    A list of 1-D integer `Tensor`s (one for each ragged dimension in

  #### Example:

  >>> rt = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])
  >>> _tile_ragged_splits(rt, [3, 2])
  [<tf.Tensor: shape=(7,), dtype=int64,
  numpy=array([ 0,  4,  6, 10, 12, 16, 18])>]
  ragged_rank = rt_input.ragged_rank
  nested_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits

  # projected_splits[src_axis, dst_axis] contains the split points that divide
  # the rows from src_axis in the list of dst_axis values.  E.g.,
  # projected_splits[i, i] = nested_splits[i], and
  # projected_splits[i, i+1] = gather(nested_splits[i+1], nested_splits[i]).
  projected_splits = [{i: nested_splits[i]} for i in range(ragged_rank)]
  for src_axis in range(ragged_rank):
    for dst_axis in range(src_axis + 1, ragged_rank - 1):
      projected_splits[src_axis][dst_axis] = array_ops.gather(
          nested_splits[dst_axis], projected_splits[src_axis][dst_axis - 1])

  # For each ragged dimension: nested_splits[axis] -> result_splits[axis].
  result_splits = []
  for axis in range(ragged_rank):
    # Get the length of each row for the input tensor for this dimension.
    input_lengths = nested_splits[axis][1:] - nested_splits[axis][:-1]

    # Multiply those lengths by the `multiples` of dimension axis+1, since
    # each value will be repeated that number of times.
    output_lengths = input_lengths * multiples[axis + 1]

    # Repeat ranges of the row lengths as necessary for them to be tiled in
    # each ragged dimension `d < axis`.  (Start with dimension d=axis-1, and
    # work our way up to dimension d=0.)
    repeats = 1
    for d in range(axis - 1, -1, -1):
      if const_multiples is None or const_multiples[d + 1] != 1:
        splits = projected_splits[d][axis - 1] * repeats
        output_lengths = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(output_lengths, splits,
                                                   multiples[d + 1])
      repeats *= multiples[d + 1]

    # Tile splits for the outermost (uniform) dimension.
    output_lengths = array_ops.tile(output_lengths, multiples[:1])

    # Convert to splits.

  return result_splits
def _tile_ragged_splits(rt_input, multiples, const_multiples=None):
  """Builds nested_split tensors for a tiled `RaggedTensor`.

  Returns a list of split tensors that can be used to construct the
  `RaggedTensor` that tiles `rt_input` as specified by `multiples`.

    rt_input: The `RaggedTensor` that is being tiled.
    multiples: A 1-D integer `tensor`, indicating how many times each dimension
      should be repeated.
    const_multiples: Optional constant value for multiples.  Used to skip tiling
      dimensions where `multiples=1`.

    A list of 1-D integer `Tensor`s (one for each ragged dimension in

  #### Example:
    >>> rt = tf.ragged.constant([[1, 2], [3]])
    >>> _tile_ragged_splits(rt, [3, 2])
    [0, 4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 18]
  ragged_rank = rt_input.ragged_rank
  nested_splits = rt_input.nested_row_splits

  # projected_splits[src_axis, dst_axis] contains the split points that divide
  # the rows from src_axis in the list of dst_axis values.  E.g.,
  # projected_splits[i, i] = nested_splits[i], and
  # projected_splits[i, i+1] = gather(nested_splits[i+1], nested_splits[i]).
  projected_splits = [{i: nested_splits[i]} for i in range(ragged_rank)]
  for src_axis in range(ragged_rank):
    for dst_axis in range(src_axis + 1, ragged_rank - 1):
      projected_splits[src_axis][dst_axis] = array_ops.gather(
          projected_splits[src_axis][dst_axis - 1])

  # For each ragged dimension: nested_splits[axis] -> result_splits[axis].
  result_splits = []
  for axis in range(ragged_rank):
    # Get the length of each row for the input tensor for this dimension.
    input_lengths = nested_splits[axis][1:] - nested_splits[axis][:-1]

    # Multiply those lengths by the `multiples` of dimension axis+1, since
    # each value will be repeated that number of times.
    output_lengths = input_lengths * multiples[axis + 1]

    # Repeat ranges of the row lengths as necessary for them to be tiled in
    # each ragged dimension `d < axis`.  (Start with dimension d=axis-1, and
    # work our way up to dimension d=0.)
    repeats = 1
    for d in range(axis - 1, -1, -1):
      if const_multiples is None or const_multiples[d + 1] != 1:
        splits = projected_splits[d][axis - 1] * repeats
        output_lengths = ragged_util.repeat_ranges(output_lengths, splits,
                                                   multiples[d + 1])
      repeats *= multiples[d + 1]

    # Tile splits for the outermost (uniform) dimension.
    output_lengths = array_ops.tile(output_lengths, multiples[:1])

    # Convert to splits.

  return result_splits