def __init__(self, execution_mode='all', master='', task=0, num_ps_replicas=0, training_worker_session_startup_stagger_secs=5, training_worker_max_startup_secs=60, eval_delay_secs=60, eval_steps=100, num_cores=4, verbose=1, gpu_memory_fraction=1, tf_random_seed=42, keep_checkpoint_max=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000): self.execution_mode = execution_mode self.master = master self.task = task self.num_ps_replicas = num_ps_replicas self.training_worker_session_startup_stagger_secs = ( training_worker_session_startup_stagger_secs) self.training_worker_max_startup_secs = training_worker_max_startup_secs self.eval_delay_secs = eval_delay_secs self.eval_steps = eval_steps gpu_options = GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction) self.tf_config = ConfigProto(log_device_placement=(verbose > 1), inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, gpu_options=gpu_options) self.tf_random_seed = tf_random_seed self.keep_checkpoint_max = keep_checkpoint_max self.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours
def __init__(self, master='', task=0, num_ps_replicas=0, num_cores=4, log_device_placement=False, gpu_memory_fraction=1, cluster_spec=None, tf_random_seed=None, save_summary_steps=100, save_checkpoints_secs=60, keep_checkpoint_max=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000): """Constructor. Args: master: TensorFlow master. Empty string (the default) for local. task: Task id of the replica running the training (default: 0). num_ps_replicas: Number of parameter server tasks to use (default: 0). num_cores: Number of cores to be used (default: 4). log_device_placement: Log the op placement to devices (default: False). gpu_memory_fraction: Fraction of GPU memory used by the process on each GPU uniformly on the same machine. cluster_spec: a tf.train.ClusterSpec object that describes the cluster in the case of distributed computation. If missing, reasonable assumptions are made for the addresses of jobs. tf_random_seed: Random seed for TensorFlow initializers. Setting this value allows consistency between reruns. save_summary_steps: Save summaries every this many steps. save_checkpoints_secs: Save checkpoints every this many seconds. keep_checkpoint_max: The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0, all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent checkpoint files are kept.) keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: Number of hours between each checkpoint to be saved. The default value of 10,000 hours effectively disables the feature. """ self.master = master self.task = task self.num_ps_replicas = num_ps_replicas gpu_options = GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction) self.tf_config = ConfigProto(log_device_placement=log_device_placement, inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, gpu_options=gpu_options) self.cluster_spec = cluster_spec self.tf_random_seed = tf_random_seed self.save_summary_steps = save_summary_steps self.save_checkpoints_secs = save_checkpoints_secs self.keep_checkpoint_max = keep_checkpoint_max self.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours
def __init__(self, tf_master='', num_cores=4, verbose=1, gpu_memory_fraction=1, tf_random_seed=42, keep_checkpoint_max=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000): self.tf_master = tf_master gpu_options = GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction) self.tf_config = ConfigProto(log_device_placement=(verbose > 1), inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, gpu_options=gpu_options) self.tf_random_seed = tf_random_seed self.keep_checkpoint_max = keep_checkpoint_max self.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours
def __init__(self, master=None, task=None, num_ps_replicas=None, num_cores=0, log_device_placement=False, gpu_memory_fraction=1, cluster_spec=None, tf_random_seed=None, save_summary_steps=100, save_checkpoints_secs=600, save_checkpoints_steps=None, keep_checkpoint_max=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000, job_name=None, is_chief=None, evaluation_master=''): """Constructor. If set to None, `master`, `task`, `num_ps_replicas`, `cluster_spec`, `job_name`, and `is_chief` are set based on the TF_CONFIG environment variable, if the pertinent information is present; otherwise, the defaults listed in the Args section apply. The TF_CONFIG environment variable is a JSON object with two relevant attributes: `task` and `cluster_spec`. `cluster_spec` is a JSON serialized version of the Python dict described in `task` has two attributes: `type` and `index`, where `type` can be any of the task types in the cluster_spec. When TF_CONFIG contains said information, the following properties are set on this class: * `job_name` is set to [`task`][`type`] * `task` is set to [`task`][`index`] * `cluster_spec` is parsed from [`cluster`] * 'master' is determined by looking up `job_name` and `task` in the cluster_spec. * `num_ps_replicas` is set by counting the number of nodes listed in the `ps` job of `cluster_spec`. * `is_chief`: true when `job_name` == "master" and `task` == 0. Example: ``` cluster = {'ps': ['host1:2222', 'host2:2222'], 'worker': ['host3:2222', 'host4:2222', 'host5:2222']} os.environ['TF_CONFIG'] = json.dumps({ {'cluster': cluster, 'task': {'type': 'worker', 'index': 1}}}) config = RunConfig() assert config.master == 'host4:2222' assert config.task == 1 assert config.num_ps_replicas == 2 assert config.cluster_spec == server_lib.ClusterSpec(cluster) assert config.job_name == 'worker' assert not config.is_chief ``` Args: master: TensorFlow master. Defaults to empty string for local. task: Task id of the replica running the training (default: 0). num_ps_replicas: Number of parameter server tasks to use (default: 0). num_cores: Number of cores to be used. If 0, the system picks an appropriate number (default: 0). log_device_placement: Log the op placement to devices (default: False). gpu_memory_fraction: Fraction of GPU memory used by the process on each GPU uniformly on the same machine. cluster_spec: a `tf.train.ClusterSpec` object that describes the cluster in the case of distributed computation. If missing, reasonable assumptions are made for the addresses of jobs. tf_random_seed: Random seed for TensorFlow initializers. Setting this value allows consistency between reruns. save_summary_steps: Save summaries every this many steps. save_checkpoints_secs: Save checkpoints every this many seconds. Can not be specified with `save_checkpoints_steps`. save_checkpoints_steps: Save checkpoints every this many steps. Can not be specified with `save_checkpoints_secs`. keep_checkpoint_max: The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0, all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent checkpoint files are kept.) keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: Number of hours between each checkpoint to be saved. The default value of 10,000 hours effectively disables the feature. job_name: the type of task, e.g., 'ps', 'worker', etc. The `job_name` must exist in the ``. is_chief: whether or not this task (as identified by the other parameters) should be the chief task. evaluation_master: the master on which to perform evaluation. Raises: ValueError: if num_ps_replicas and cluster_spec are set (cluster_spec may come from the TF_CONFIG environment variable). """ # If not explicitly specified in the constructor and the TF_CONFIG # environment variable is present, load cluster_spec from TF_CONFIG. config = json.loads(os.environ.get('TF_CONFIG') or '{}') environment = config.get('environment', 'local') if not cluster_spec and 'cluster' in config: cluster_spec = ClusterSpec(config['cluster']) self.cluster_spec = cluster_spec # Set job_name and task. If explicitly specified, use those values, # otherwise, if the TF_CONFIG environment variable is present, use that. # Otherwise, use the respective default (None / 0). task_env = config.get('task', {}) self._job_name = job_name or task_env.get('type') or None self.task = task if task is not None else task_env.get('index') or 0 self.master = (master or _get_master(self.cluster_spec, self.job_name, self.task) or '') if num_ps_replicas is not None and self.cluster_spec: raise ValueError( 'Cannot specify both num_ps_replicas and cluster_spec. ' 'Note: cluster_spec may have been set in the TF_CONFIG ' 'environment variable.') self.num_ps_replicas = num_ps_replicas or _count_ps( self.cluster_spec) or 0 # Set is_chief. # TODO(b/32117298): cleanup environment-specific logic for setting is_chief # once the environments have been further unified. self._is_chief = is_chief if self._is_chief is None: if not self._job_name: self._is_chief = (self.task == 0) elif config and environment == 'cloud': # When the TF_CONFIG environment variable is set, we can set the # default of is_chief to 0 when job_name is "master" and task is 0. self._is_chief = (self._job_name == 'master' and self.task == 0) else: # Legacy behavior is that is_chief is None if task == 0. self._is_chief = (self._job_name == 'worker' and self.task == 0) # Enforce that is_chief is only applicable to workers or masters # (Cloud ML) with task == 0. if self._is_chief: if self.task != 0: raise ValueError( 'Task is %d, but only task 0 may be chief. Please check is_chief ' 'and task, which may have been set in TF_CONFIG environment ' 'variable.' % (self.task, )) if self._job_name not in (None, 'master', 'worker'): raise ValueError( 'job_name is \'%s\', but only masters or workers may be chiefs. ' 'Please check is_chief and job_name, which may have been set in ' 'TF_CONFIG environment variable.' % (self._job_name, )) elif self._is_chief is False: if environment == 'cloud': if self._job_name == 'master' and self.task == 0: raise ValueError( 'Master task 0 must be chief for cloud. Please check is_chief, ' 'job_name, and task, which may have been set in TF_CONFIG ' 'environment variable.') else: if self._job_name == 'worker' and self.task == 0: raise ValueError( 'Worker task 0 must be chief. Please check is_chief, job_name, ' 'and task, which may have been set in TF_CONFIG environment ' 'variable.') self.evaluation_master = evaluation_master or '' gpu_options = GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction) self.tf_config = ConfigProto(log_device_placement=log_device_placement, inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, gpu_options=gpu_options) self.tf_random_seed = tf_random_seed self.save_summary_steps = save_summary_steps self.save_checkpoints_secs = save_checkpoints_secs self.save_checkpoints_steps = save_checkpoints_steps self.keep_checkpoint_max = keep_checkpoint_max self.keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours
def __init__(self, master=None, num_cores=0, log_device_placement=False, gpu_memory_fraction=1, tf_random_seed=None, save_summary_steps=100, save_checkpoints_secs=600, save_checkpoints_steps=None, keep_checkpoint_max=5, keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours=10000, evaluation_master=''): """Constructor. Note that the superclass `ClusterConfig` may set properties like `cluster_spec`, `is_chief`, `master` (if `None` in the args), `num_ps_replicas`, `task_id`, and `task_type` based on the `TF_CONFIG` environment variable. See `ClusterConfig` for more details. Args: master: TensorFlow master. Defaults to empty string for local. num_cores: Number of cores to be used. If 0, the system picks an appropriate number (default: 0). log_device_placement: Log the op placement to devices (default: False). gpu_memory_fraction: Fraction of GPU memory used by the process on each GPU uniformly on the same machine. tf_random_seed: Random seed for TensorFlow initializers. Setting this value allows consistency between reruns. save_summary_steps: Save summaries every this many steps. save_checkpoints_secs: Save checkpoints every this many seconds. Can not be specified with `save_checkpoints_steps`. save_checkpoints_steps: Save checkpoints every this many steps. Can not be specified with `save_checkpoints_secs`. keep_checkpoint_max: The maximum number of recent checkpoint files to keep. As new files are created, older files are deleted. If None or 0, all checkpoint files are kept. Defaults to 5 (that is, the 5 most recent checkpoint files are kept.) keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours: Number of hours between each checkpoint to be saved. The default value of 10,000 hours effectively disables the feature. evaluation_master: the master on which to perform evaluation. """ super(RunConfig, self).__init__(master=master, evaluation_master=evaluation_master) gpu_options = GPUOptions( per_process_gpu_memory_fraction=gpu_memory_fraction) self._tf_config = ConfigProto( log_device_placement=log_device_placement, inter_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, intra_op_parallelism_threads=num_cores, gpu_options=gpu_options) self._tf_random_seed = tf_random_seed self._save_summary_steps = save_summary_steps self._save_checkpoints_secs = save_checkpoints_secs self._save_checkpoints_steps = save_checkpoints_steps # TODO(weiho): Remove these after ModelFn refactoring, when users can # create Scaffold and Saver in their model_fn to set these. self._keep_checkpoint_max = keep_checkpoint_max self._keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours = keep_checkpoint_every_n_hours