Example #1
def arcosh(x):
    max_value = tf.reduce_max(x)
    if x.dtype == tf.float32:
        max_value = tf.cond(max_value < 1.0+1e-7, lambda: 1.0+1e-7, lambda: max_value)
        result = tf.acosh(tf.clip_by_value(x, clip_value_min=1.0+1e-7, clip_value_max=max_value)) #1e38
    elif x.dtype == tf.float64:
        max_value = tf.cond(max_value < 1.0+1e-16, lambda: 1.0+1e-16, lambda: max_value)
        result = tf.acosh(tf.clip_by_value(x, clip_value_min=1.0+1e-16, clip_value_max=max_value))
        raise ValueError('invalid dtype!')
    return result
Example #2
def make_event(xarr):
    """Generate event kinematics"""
    shat, jac, x1, x2 = get_x1x2(xarr)

    mV = tf.sqrt(shat * x1 * x2)
    mV2 = mV*mV
    ecmo2 = mV/2
    zeros = tf.zeros_like(ecmo2, dtype=DTYPE)

    p0 = tf.stack([ecmo2, zeros, zeros, ecmo2])
    p1 = tf.stack([ecmo2, zeros, zeros,-ecmo2])

    pV = p0 + p1
    YV = 0.5 * tf.math.log(tf.abs((pV[0] + pV[3])/(pV[0] - pV[3])))
    pVt2 = tf.square(pV[1]) + tf.square(pV[2])
    phi = 2 * np.pi * xarr[:, 3]
    ptmax = 0.5 * mV2 / (tf.sqrt(mV2 + pVt2) - (pV[1]*tf.cos(phi) + pV[2]*tf.sin(phi)))
    pta = ptmax * xarr[:, 2]
    pt = tf.stack([zeros, pta*tf.cos(phi), pta*tf.sin(phi), zeros])
    Delta = (mV2 + 2 * (pV[1]*pt[1] + pV[2]*pt[2]))/2.0/pta/tf.sqrt(mV2 + pVt2)
    y = YV - tf.acosh(Delta)
    kallenF = 2.0 * ptmax/tf.sqrt(mV2 + pVt2)/tf.abs(tf.sinh(YV-y))

    p2 = tf.stack([pta*tf.cosh(y), pta*tf.cos(phi), pta*tf.sin(phi),pta*tf.sinh(y)])
    p3 = pV - p2

    psw = 1 / (8*np.pi)* kallenF # psw
    psw *= jac # jac for tau, y
    flux = 1 / (2 * mV2) # flux

    return psw, flux, p0, p1, p2, p3, x1, x2
Example #3
def Poincare_dis(a, b):
    L2_a = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a), 1)
    L2_b = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(b), 1)

    theta = 2 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(a - b), 1) / ((1 - L2_a) * (1 - L2_b))
    distance = tf.reduce_mean(tf.acosh(1.0 + theta))
    return distance
Example #4
def sample_gauss_pd(shape, oversample=5, radius=0.85):
    # rejection sample in Poincaré disk
    d = shape[1]
    n_samples = tf.reduce_prod(shape) * oversample
    phi = tf.random_uniform([n_samples]) * np.pi
    p = tf.random_uniform([n_samples])
    r = tf.acosh(1 + p *
                 (tf.cosh(radius - 1e-5) - 1))  # support (-3sigma, 3sigma)
    unif_samples = tf.stack(
        [tf.sinh(r) * tf.cos(phi),
         tf.sinh(r) * tf.sin(phi)], axis=1)

    # zero mean, unit sigma in half plane
    mean = tf.constant(np.array([[0.0, 0.0]]), tf.float32)
    sigma = 1.0

    p_samples = gauss_prob_pd(unif_samples, mean, sigma)
    # accept in proportion to highest
    max_value = tf.reduce_max(p_samples)
    accepted = tf.squeeze(
        tf.where(tf.random_uniform([n_samples]) < (p_samples / max_value)), 1)
    # select the samples - make sure it's enough
    u = tf.boolean_mask(unif_samples[:, 0], accepted)
    v = tf.boolean_mask(unif_samples[:, 1], accepted)
    # transform samples using cayley mapping z = (w-i)/(w+i) - project to unit disk
    disk_samples = tf.stack([u, v], axis=1)
    idx = tf.cast(tf.range(tf.reduce_prod(shape) / 2), tf.int32)
    return tf.reshape(tf.gather(disk_samples, idx), shape)
Example #5
 def poincare_dist(self, u, v):
     uu, uv, vv = tf.norm(u, axis=-1)**2, tf.norm(
         u - v, axis=-1)**2, tf.norm(v, axis=-1)**2
     alpha, beta = tf.maximum(1. - uu,
                              self.eps), tf.maximum(1. - vv, self.eps)
     gamma = tf.maximum(1. + 2. * uv / alpha / beta, 1 + self.eps)
     return tf.acosh(gamma)
Example #6
    def loss(y_true, y_pred, r=r, t=t):

        u_emb = y_pred[:, 0]
        samples_emb = y_pred[:, 1:]

        inner_uv = minkowski_dot(u_emb, samples_emb)
        inner_uv = -inner_uv - 1. + 1e-7
        inner_uv = K.maximum(inner_uv, K.epsilon())  # clip to avoid nan

        d_uv = tf.acosh(1. + inner_uv)
        d_uv_sq = K.square(d_uv)

        r_sq = K.square(r)
        # r_sq = K.stop_gradient( K.mean(d_uv_sq) )

        out_uv = (r_sq - d_uv_sq) / t

        pos_out_uv = out_uv[:, 0]
        neg_out_uv = out_uv[:, 1:]

        pos_p_uv = tf.nn.sigmoid(pos_out_uv)
        neg_p_uv = 1 - tf.nn.sigmoid(neg_out_uv)

        pos_p_uv = K.clip(pos_p_uv, min_value=1e-7, max_value=1 - 1e-7)
        neg_p_uv = K.clip(neg_p_uv, min_value=1e-7, max_value=1 - 1e-7)

        return -K.mean(K.log(pos_p_uv) + K.sum(K.log(neg_p_uv), axis=-1))
 def dists(self, u, v):
     uu, uv, vv = tf.norm(u)**2, tf.matmul(u,
                                           tf.transpose(v)), tf.norm(v)**2
     alpha, beta = tf.maximum(1 - uu,
                              self.eps), tf.maximum(1 - vv, self.eps)
     gamma = tf.maximum(1 + 2 * (uu + vv - 2 * uv) / alpha / beta,
                        1 + self.eps)
     return tf.acosh(gamma)
Example #8
 def distance(self, u, v):
     sq_u_norm = tf.reduce_sum(u * u, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
     sq_v_norm = tf.reduce_sum(v * v, axis=-1, keepdims=True)
     sq_u_norm = tf.clip_by_value(sq_u_norm, clip_value_min=0.0, clip_value_max=self.max_norm)
     sq_v_norm = tf.clip_by_value(sq_v_norm, clip_value_min=0.0, clip_value_max=self.max_norm)
     sq_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(u - v, 2), axis=-1, keepdims=True)
     distance = tf.acosh(1 + self.eps + (sq_dist / ((1 - sq_u_norm) * (1 - sq_v_norm)) * 2))
     return distance
Example #9
    def _hyperbolic_distance(self, q, a, eps=1e-16):
        def _square_norm(x):
            return tf.square(tf.norm(x, keepdims=True, axis=1))

        z = _square_norm(q - a)
        q1 = 1.0 - _square_norm(q)
        a1 = 1.0 - _square_norm(a)
        return tf.acosh(1.0 + 2.0 * z /
                        (q1 * a1 + eps))  # to avoid zero division
Example #10
def _sigmoids(x, value_at_1, sigmoid):
  """Returns 1 when `x` == 0, between 0 and 1 otherwise.
    x: A scalar or numpy array.
    value_at_1: A float between 0 and 1 specifying the output when `x` == 1.
    sigmoid: String, choice of sigmoid type.
    A numpy array with values between 0.0 and 1.0.
    ValueError: If not 0 < `value_at_1` < 1, except for `linear`, `cosine` and
      `quadratic` sigmoids which allow `value_at_1` == 0.
    ValueError: If `sigmoid` is of an unknown type.
  if sigmoid in ('cosine', 'linear', 'quadratic'):
    if not 0 <= value_at_1 < 1:
      raise ValueError('`value_at_1` must be nonnegative and smaller than 1, '
                       'got {}.'.format(value_at_1))
    if not 0 < value_at_1 < 1:
      raise ValueError('`value_at_1` must be strictly between 0 and 1, '
                       'got {}.'.format(value_at_1))

  if sigmoid == 'gaussian':
    scale = tf.sqrt(-2 * tf.log(value_at_1))
    return tf.exp(-0.5 * (x * scale) ** 2)

  elif sigmoid == 'hyperbolic':
    scale = tf.acosh(1 / value_at_1)
    return 1 / tf.cosh(x * scale)

  elif sigmoid == 'long_tail':
    scale = tf.sqrt(1 / value_at_1 - 1)
    return 1 / ((x * scale) ** 2 + 1)

  elif sigmoid == 'cosine':
    scale = tf.acos(2 * value_at_1 - 1) / np.pi
    scaled_x = x * scale
    return tf.where(abs(scaled_x) < 1,
                    (1 + tf.cos(np.pi * scaled_x)) / 2, 0.0 * scaled_x)

  elif sigmoid == 'linear':
    scale = 1.0 - value_at_1
    scaled_x = x * scale
    return tf.where(abs(scaled_x) < 1, 1 - scaled_x, 0.0 * scaled_x)

  elif sigmoid == 'quadratic':
    scale = tf.sqrt(1.0 - value_at_1)
    scaled_x = x * scale
    return tf.where(abs(scaled_x) < 1, 1 - scaled_x ** 2, 0.0 * scaled_x)

  elif sigmoid == 'tanh_squared':
    scale = tf.arctanh(tf.sqrt(1 - value_at_1))
    return 1 - tf.tanh(x * scale) ** 2

    raise ValueError('Unknown sigmoid type {!r}.'.format(sigmoid))
def logarithmic_map(p, x):
    assert len(p.shape) == len(x.shape)

    alpha = -minkowski_dot(p, x)

    alpha = K.maximum(alpha, 1 + K.epsilon())

    return tf.acosh(alpha) * (x - alpha * p) / \
     K.maximum(K.sqrt(K.maximum(alpha ** 2 - 1., 0.)),
Example #12
def tf_my_poincare_list_distance(mat_x, mat_y):
    # input: [nodes, features]
    norm_x_sq = tf.norm(mat_x, axis=1)**2
    norm_y_sq = tf.norm(mat_y, axis=1)**2
    dif_xy = tf.norm(mat_x - mat_y, axis=1)**2
    demoninator = tf.multiply(1 - norm_x_sq, 1 - norm_y_sq)
    res = tf.clip_by_value(1 + 2 * dif_xy / demoninator,
    return tf.acosh(res)
Example #13
def tf_logarithm(base, other):
    Return the logarithm of `other` in the tangent space of `base`.
    mdp = tf_mink_dot_matrix(base, other)
    dist = tf.acosh(-mdp)
    proj = other + (mdp * base)
    norm = tf.sqrt(tf_mink_dot_matrix(proj, proj))
    proj *= dist / norm
    return proj
Example #14
 def distance(self, u, v):
     sq_u_norm = tf.clip_by_value(
         tf.reduce_sum(u * u, axis=-1),
     sq_v_norm = tf.clip_by_value(
         tf.reduce_sum(v * v, axis=-1),
     sq_dist = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow(u - v, 2), axis=-1)
     return tf.acosh(1 + (sq_dist / ((1 - sq_u_norm) * (1 - sq_v_norm))) * 2)
def tf_elementwise_hyperbolic_distance(x, y):
    creates a vector of euclidean distances D(i,j) = ||x[i,:] - y[j,:]||
    :param x: first set of vectors of shape (ndata1, ndim)
    :param y: second set of vectors of shape (ndata2, ndim)
    :return: A numpy array of shape (ndata1, ndata2) of pairwise squared distances
    ynorm_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y), axis=1)
    xnorm_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x), axis=1)
    euclidean_dist_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x - y), axis=1)
    denom = tf.multiply(1 - xnorm_sq, 1 - ynorm_sq)
    hyp_dist = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * tf.divide(euclidean_dist_sq, denom))
    return hyp_dist
Example #16
def elementwise_distance(examples, labels):
    creates a matrix of euclidean distances D(i,j) = ||x[i,:] - y[j,:]||
    :param examples: first set of vectors of shape (ndata1, ndim)
    :param labels: second set of vectors of shape (ndata2, ndim)
    :return: A numpy array of shape (ndata1, ndata2) of pairwise squared distances
    xnorm_sq = tf.square(tf.norm(examples, axis=1))
    ynorm_sq = tf.square(tf.norm(labels, axis=1))
    euclidean_dist_sq = tf.square(tf.norm(examples - labels, axis=1))
    denom = tf.multiply(1 - xnorm_sq, 1 - ynorm_sq)
    hyp_dist = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * tf.divide(euclidean_dist_sq, denom))
    return hyp_dist
Example #17
    def loss(y_true, y_pred, sigma=sigma):

        source_node_embedding = y_pred[:, 0]
        target_nodes_embedding = y_pred[:, 1:]

        inner_uv = minkowski_dot(source_node_embedding, target_nodes_embedding)
        inner_uv = -inner_uv
        inner_uv = K.maximum(inner_uv, 1. + K.epsilon())

        d_uv = tf.acosh(inner_uv)
        minus_d_uv_sq = -0.5 * K.square(d_uv / sigma)

        return K.mean(
                labels=y_true[:, 0, 0], logits=minus_d_uv_sq))
def tf_pairwise_hyperbolic_distance(x, y):
    creates a matrix of euclidean distances D(i,j) = ||x[i,:] - y[j,:]||
    :param x: first set of vectors of shape (ndata1, ndim)
    :param y: second set of vectors of shape (ndata2, ndim)
    :return: A numpy array of shape (ndata1, ndata2) of pairwise squared distances
    xnorm_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(x), axis=1)
    ynorm_sq = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y), axis=1)
    # use the multiplied out version of the l2 norm to simplify broadcasting ||x-y||^2 = ||x||^2 + ||y||^2 - 2xy.T
    euclidean_dist = xnorm_sq[:, None] + ynorm_sq[None, :] - 2 * tf.matmul(
        x, y, transpose_b=True)
    denom = (1 - xnorm_sq[:, None]) * (1 - ynorm_sq[None, :])
    hyp_dist = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * tf.divide(euclidean_dist, denom))
    return hyp_dist
Example #19
def pairwise_distance(examples, samples):
    creates a matrix of euclidean distances D(i,j) = ||x[i,:] - y[j,:]||
    :param examples: first set of vectors of shape (ndata1, ndim)
    :param samples: second set of vectors of shape (ndata2, ndim)
    :return: A numpy array of shape (ndata1, ndata2) of pairwise squared distances
    xnorm_sq = tf.square(tf.norm(examples, axis=1))
    ynorm_sq = tf.square(tf.norm(samples, axis=1))
    # use the multiplied out version of the l2 norm to simplify broadcasting ||x-y||^2 = ||x||^2 + ||y||^2 - 2xy.T
    euclidean_dist_sq = xnorm_sq[:, None] + ynorm_sq[None, :] - 2 * tf.matmul(
        examples, samples, transpose_b=True)
    denom = (1 - xnorm_sq[:, None]) * (1 - ynorm_sq[None, :])
    hyp_dist = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * tf.divide(euclidean_dist_sq, denom))
    return hyp_dist
def tf_vec_distance(x, y):
    The hyperbolic distance in the Poincare ball with curvature = -1
    :param x: A 1D tensor of shape (1, ndim)
    :param y: A tensor of shape (nsamples, ndim)
    :return: A tensor of shape (1, nsamples)
    if len(y.shape) > 1:
        norm_square = tf.square(tf.norm(x - y, axis=1))
        denom2 = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(y, axis=1))
        norm_square = tf.square(tf.norm(x - y, axis=0))
        denom2 = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(y, axis=0))
    denom1 = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(x, axis=0))
    arg = 1 + 2 * norm_square / (denom1 * denom2)
    return tf.acosh(arg)
Example #21
def tf_distance(x, y):
    The distance between two vectors
    :param x: shape (1, ndims)
    :param y: shape (1,ndims)
    :return: a scalar hyperbolic distance
    norm_square = tf.square(tf.norm(x - y, axis=0))
    print norm_square
    denom1 = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(x, axis=0))
    print denom1
    denom2 = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(y, axis=0))
    print denom2
    arg = 1 + 2 * norm_square / (denom1 * denom2)
    print arg
    return tf.acosh(arg)
def hyperbolic_distance(n1, n2, embeddings, eps):
        distance: hyperbolic distance between two nodes
    v1 = embeddings[n1, :]
    v2 = embeddings[n2, :]
    norm1 = tf.norm(v1)
    norm2 = tf.norm(v2)
    v1 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(norm1, 1), lambda: v1 / norm1 - eps,
                 lambda: v1)
    v2 = tf.cond(tf.greater_equal(norm2, 1), lambda: v2 / norm2 - eps,
                 lambda: v2)

    distance = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(v1 - v2)) /
                        ((1 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(v1))) *
                         (1 - tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(v2)))))
    return distance
Example #23
def hyperbolic_ball(x, y, eps=1e-8):
    """ Poincare Distance Function.
    z = x - y
    z = tf.norm(z, ord='euclidean', keep_dims=True, axis=1)
    z = tf.square(z)
    x_d = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(x, ord='euclidean', keep_dims=True, axis=1))
    y_d = 1 - tf.square(tf.norm(y, ord='euclidean', keep_dims=True, axis=1))

    x_d = tf.maximum(x_d, eps)
    y_d = tf.maximum(y_d, eps)

    d = x_d * y_d
    z = z / d
    z = (2 * z) + 1

    z = tf.maximum(z, 1 + eps)

    arcosh = tf.acosh(z)
    arcosh = tf.squeeze(arcosh, axis=1)
    return arcosh
Example #24
def dist_pd(x, y):
    x_norm = tf.norm(x, 2, axis=1)
    y_norm = tf.norm(y, 2, axis=1)
    d_xy = tf.norm(x - y, 2, axis=1)
    return tf.acosh(1 + 2 * d_xy**2 / ((1 - x_norm**2) * (1 - y_norm**2)))
Example #25
import tensorflow as tf

sess = tf.InteractiveSession()

t = tf.constant([1.8, 2.2])

target = tf.acosh(t).eval()

print target
Example #26
def arccosh(x):
    return tf.acosh(x)
Example #27
 def arccosh(self, x):
     return tf.acosh(x)
def _tf_arccosh(x):
    return tf.acosh(x)
Example #29
 def execute_acosh(self):
     return tf.acosh(self.a, name="acosh" + str(self.node_num))
	return 1 + 2 * np.dot(u - v, u - v) / ((1 - np.dot(u,u)) * (1 - np.dot(v,v)))

def dot_product(x, y):
	return tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(x,y))

u = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
v = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)

u_instance = np.random.rand(10)#np.array([1.0,2.0, 3643])
v_instance = np.random.rand(10)#np.array([3.0,4.0, 5.15])

print 'u:', u_instance
print 'v:', v_instance

dist_poincare = tf.acosh(1 + 2 * dot_product(u-v, u - v) / ((1 - dot_product(u,u))*(1 - dot_product(v,v))))

numerator = (1 + 2 * dot_product(u,v) + dot_product(v,v)) * u + (1 - dot_product(u,u)) * v
denominator = 1 + 2 * dot_product(u,v) + dot_product(u,u) * dot_product(v,v)
mobius_addition = tf.divide(numerator, denominator)

gradient_poincare_distance_u, gradient_poincare_distance_v = tf.gradients(ys = dist_poincare, xs = [u,v])

with tf.Session() as sess:
	print 'Gradients:'
	print sess.run(gradient_poincare_distance_u, feed_dict = {
		u: u_instance, 
		v: v_instance
	print sess.run(gradient_poincare_distance_v, feed_dict = {