def testWrongDimensions(self):
   # The matrix and right-hand sides should have the same number of rows.
   with self.test_session():
     matrix = tf.constant([[1., 0.], [0., 1.]])
     rhs = tf.constant([[1., 0.]])
     with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
       tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix, rhs)
Example #2
def genPerturbations(opt):
	with tf.name_scope("genPerturbations"):
		X = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,0],[opt.batchSize,1])
		Y = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,1],[opt.batchSize,1])
		dX = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.warpScale["pert"] \
		dY = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.warpScale["pert"] \
		O = np.zeros([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		I = np.ones([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		# fit warp parameters to generated displacements
		if opt.warpType == "affine":
			J = np.concatenate([np.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O],axis=-1),
			dXY = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat(1,[dX,dY]),-1)
			dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(J,dXY)
		elif opt.warpType == "homography":
			A = tf.concat([tf.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O,-X*(X+dX),-Y*(X+dX)],axis=-1),
			b = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([X+dX,Y+dY],1),-1)
			dpBatch = tf.matrix_solve_ls(A,b)
			dpBatch -= tf.to_float(tf.reshape([1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0],[1,8,1]))
		dpBatch = tf.reduce_sum(dpBatch,reduction_indices=-1)
		dpMtrxBatch = warp.vec2mtrxBatch(dpBatch,opt)
	return dpBatch
 def testEmpty(self):
   full = np.array([[1., 2.], [3., 4.], [5., 6.]])
   empty0 = np.empty([3, 0])
   empty1 = np.empty([0, 2])
   for fast in [True, False]:
     with self.test_session():
       tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(empty0, empty0, fast=fast).eval()
       self.assertEqual(tf_ans.shape, (0, 0))
       tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(empty0, full, fast=fast).eval()
       self.assertEqual(tf_ans.shape, (0, 2))
       tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(full, empty0, fast=fast).eval()
       self.assertEqual(tf_ans.shape, (2, 0))
       tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(empty1, empty1, fast=fast).eval()
       self.assertEqual(tf_ans.shape, (2, 2))
Example #4
def solve_ls(A, B):
    """functional maps layer.

        A: part descriptors projected onto part shape eigenvectors.
        B: model descriptors projected onto model shape eigenvectors.

        Ct_est: estimated C (transposed), such that CA ~= B

    # transpose input matrices
    At = tf.transpose(A, [0, 2, 1])
    Bt = tf.transpose(B, [0, 2, 1])

    # solve C via least-squares
    Ct_est = tf.matrix_solve_ls(At, Bt)
    C_est = tf.transpose(Ct_est, [0, 2, 1])

    # calculate error for safeguarding
    safeguard_inverse = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.matmul(At, Ct_est) -
                                      Bt) / tf.to_float(

    return C_est, safeguard_inverse
Example #5
def homography(x1s, x2s):
    def ax(p, q):
        return [p[0], p[1], 1, 0, 0, 0, -p[0] * q[0], -p[1] * q[0]]

    def ay(p, q):
        return [0, 0, 0, p[0], p[1], 1, -p[0] * q[1], -p[1] * q[1]]

    p = []
    p.append(ax(x1s[0], x2s[0]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[0], x2s[0]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[1], x2s[1]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[1], x2s[1]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[2], x2s[2]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[2], x2s[2]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[3], x2s[3]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[3], x2s[3]))

    # A is 8x8
    A = tf.stack(p, axis=0)

    m = [[
        x2s[0][0], x2s[0][1], x2s[1][0], x2s[1][1], x2s[2][0], x2s[2][1],
        x2s[3][0], x2s[3][1]

    # P is 8x1
    P = tf.transpose(tf.stack(m, axis=0))

    # here we solve the linear system
    # we transpose the result for convenience
    return tf.transpose(tf.matrix_solve_ls(A, P, fast=True))
  def _verifyRegularized(self, x, y, l2_regularizer):
    for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
      # Test with a single matrix.
      a = x.astype(np_type)
      b = y.astype(np_type)
      np_ans = BatchRegularizedLeastSquares(a, b, l2_regularizer)
      with self.test_session():
        # Test with the batch version of  matrix_solve_ls on regular matrices
        tf_ans = tf.batch_matrix_solve_ls(
            a, b, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, fast=True).eval()
        self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)

        # Test with the simple matrix_solve_ls on regular matrices
        tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
            a, b, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, fast=True).eval()
        self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)

      # Test with a 2x3 batch of matrices.
      a = np.tile(x.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
      b = np.tile(y.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
      np_ans = BatchRegularizedLeastSquares(a, b, l2_regularizer)
      with self.test_session():
        tf_ans = tf.batch_matrix_solve_ls(
            a, b, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, fast=True).eval()
      self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
  def _verifySolve(self, x, y):
    for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
      a = x.astype(np_type)
      b = y.astype(np_type)
      np_ans, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b)
      for fast in [True, False]:
        with self.test_session():
          tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, fast=fast)
          ans = tf_ans.eval()
        self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, tf_ans.get_shape())
        self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, ans.shape)

        # Check residual norm.
        tf_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, ans)
        tf_r_norm = np.sum(tf_r * tf_r)
        np_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, np_ans)
        np_r_norm = np.sum(np_r * np_r)
        self.assertAllClose(np_r_norm, tf_r_norm)

        # Check solution.
        if fast or a.shape[0] >= a.shape[1]:
          # We skip this test for the underdetermined case when using the
          # slow path, because Eigen does not return a minimum norm solution.
          # TODO(rmlarsen): Enable this check for all paths if/when we fix
          # Eigen's solver.
          self.assertAllClose(np_ans, ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
def sup_penalty_surreal(C_est, source_evecs, target_evecs):
    Args: full_source_evecs and full_target_evecs are over batch..
    fmap = tf.matrix_solve_ls(tf.transpose(target_evecs, [0, 2, 1]),
                              tf.transpose(source_evecs, [0, 2, 1]))
    return tf.nn.l2_loss(C_est - fmap)
    def _random_transform(self, batch_size, spatial_rank):
        computes a relative transformation
        mapping <-1..1, -1..1, -1..1> to <-1..1, -1..1, -1..1> (in 3D)
        or <-1..1, -1..1> to <-1..1, -1..1> (in 2D).

        :param batch_size: number of different random transformations
        :param spatial_rank: number of spatial dimensions
        output_corners = get_relative_corners(spatial_rank)
        output_corners = tf.tile([output_corners], [batch_size, 1, 1])

        # make randomised output corners
        random_size = [batch_size, 2**spatial_rank, spatial_rank]
        random_scale = tf.random_uniform(random_size, 1. - self.scale, 1.0)
        source_corners = output_corners * random_scale

        # make homogeneous corners
        batch_ones = tf.ones_like(output_corners[..., 0:1])
        source_corners = tf.concat([source_corners, batch_ones], -1)
        output_corners = tf.concat([output_corners, batch_ones], -1)

        ls_transform = tf.matrix_solve_ls(output_corners, source_corners)
        return tf.transpose(ls_transform, [0, 2, 1])
Example #10
def genPerturbations(opt):
	with tf.name_scope("genPerturbations"):
		X = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,0],[opt.batchSize,1])
		Y = np.tile(opt.canon4pts[:,1],[opt.batchSize,1])
		dX = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.pertScale \
		dY = tf.random_normal([opt.batchSize,4])*opt.pertScale \
		O = np.zeros([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		I = np.ones([opt.batchSize,4],dtype=np.float32)
		# fit warp parameters to generated displacements
		if opt.warpType=="homography":
			A = tf.concat([tf.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O,-X*(X+dX),-Y*(X+dX)],axis=-1),
			b = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([X+dX,Y+dY],1),-1)
			pPert = tf.matrix_solve(A,b)[:,:,0]
			pPert -= tf.to_float([[1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0]])
			if opt.warpType=="translation":
				J = np.concatenate([np.stack([I,O],axis=-1),
			if opt.warpType=="similarity":
				J = np.concatenate([np.stack([X,Y,I,O],axis=-1),
			if opt.warpType=="affine":
				J = np.concatenate([np.stack([X,Y,I,O,O,O],axis=-1),
			dXY = tf.expand_dims(tf.concat([dX,dY],1),-1)
			pPert = tf.matrix_solve_ls(J,dXY)[:,:,0]
	return pPert
    def __init__(self,
              self).__init__(input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, sigma, rho,

        # Redefine training error:
        self.training_error = tf.reduce_mean(
            tf.square(self.y_p - self.y_placeholder)
        ) / 2 + rho * tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(self.c))

        # Redefine optimization algorithm:
        self.train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(eta).minimize(
            self.training_error, var_list=[self.c])

        # LLSQ:
        self.P = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)

        self.llsq_matrix = 2.0 * (
            tf.matmul(self.gaussian_f, self.gaussian_f, transpose_a=True) /
            (2.0 * self.P) + rho * tf.eye(hidden_layer_size))
        self.llsq_rhs = tf.matmul(self.gaussian_f,
                                  tf.expand_dims(self.y_placeholder, 1),
                                  transpose_a=True) / self.P

        self.update_v = self.v.assign(
                tf.matrix_solve_ls(self.llsq_matrix, self.llsq_rhs,
 def _verifySolveBatch(self, x, y):
   # Since numpy.linalg.lsqr does not support batch solves, as opposed
   # to numpy.linalg.solve, we just perform this test for a fixed batch size
   # of 2x3.
   for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
     a = np.tile(x.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
     b = np.tile(y.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
     np_ans = np.empty([2, 3, a.shape[-1], b.shape[-1]])
     for dim1 in range(2):
       for dim2 in range(3):
         np_ans[dim1, dim2, :, :], _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(
             a[dim1, dim2, :, :], b[dim1, dim2, :, :])
     for fast in [True, False]:
       with self.test_session():
         tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, fast=fast).eval()
       self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, tf_ans.shape)
       # Check residual norm.
       tf_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, tf_ans)
       tf_r_norm = np.sum(tf_r * tf_r)
       np_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, np_ans)
       np_r_norm = np.sum(np_r * np_r)
       self.assertAllClose(np_r_norm, tf_r_norm)
       # Check solution.
       if fast or a.shape[-2] >= a.shape[-1]:
         # We skip this test for the underdetermined case when using the
         # slow path, because Eigen does not return a minimum norm solution.
         # TODO(rmlarsen): Enable this check for all paths if/when we fix
         # Eigen's solver.
         self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
Example #13
def homography(x1s, x2s):
    p = []

    # we build matrix A by using only 4 point correspondence. The linear
    # system is solved with the least square method, so here
    # we could even pass more correspondence
    p.append(ax(x1s[0], x2s[0]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[0], x2s[0]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[1], x2s[1]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[1], x2s[1]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[2], x2s[2]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[2], x2s[2]))

    p.append(ax(x1s[3], x2s[3]))
    p.append(ay(x1s[3], x2s[3]))

    # A is 8x8
    A = tf.stack(p, axis=0)

    m = [[
        x2s[0][0], x2s[0][1], x2s[1][0], x2s[1][1], x2s[2][0], x2s[2][1],
        x2s[3][0], x2s[3][1]

    # P is 8x1
    P = tf.transpose(tf.stack(m, axis=0))

    # here we solve the linear system
    # we transpose the result for convenience
    return tf.transpose(tf.matrix_solve_ls(A, P, fast=True))
    def _verifySolve(self, x, y):
        for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
            a = x.astype(np_type)
            b = y.astype(np_type)
            np_ans, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b)
            for fast in [True, False]:
                with self.test_session():
                    tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, fast=fast)
                    ans = tf_ans.eval()
                self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, tf_ans.get_shape())
                self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, ans.shape)

                # Check residual norm.
                tf_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, ans)
                tf_r_norm = np.sum(tf_r * tf_r)
                np_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, np_ans)
                np_r_norm = np.sum(np_r * np_r)
                self.assertAllClose(np_r_norm, tf_r_norm)

                # Check solution.
                if fast or a.shape[0] >= a.shape[1]:
                    # We skip this test for the underdetermined case when using the
                    # slow path, because Eigen does not return a minimum norm solution.
                    # TODO(rmlarsen): Enable this check for all paths if/when we fix
                    # Eigen's solver.
                    self.assertAllClose(np_ans, ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
    def _verifyRegularized(self, x, y, l2_regularizer):
        for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
            # Test with a single matrix.
            a = x.astype(np_type)
            b = y.astype(np_type)
            np_ans = BatchRegularizedLeastSquares(a, b, l2_regularizer)
            with self.test_session():
                # Test with the batch version of  matrix_solve_ls on regular matrices
                tf_ans = tf.batch_matrix_solve_ls(
                    a, b, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, fast=True).eval()
                self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)

                # Test with the simple matrix_solve_ls on regular matrices
                tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a,
                self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)

            # Test with a 2x3 batch of matrices.
            a = np.tile(x.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
            b = np.tile(y.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
            np_ans = BatchRegularizedLeastSquares(a, b, l2_regularizer)
            with self.test_session():
                tf_ans = tf.batch_matrix_solve_ls(
                    a, b, l2_regularizer=l2_regularizer, fast=True).eval()
            self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
 def _verifySolveBatch(self, x, y):
     # Since numpy.linalg.lsqr does not support batch solves, as opposed
     # to numpy.linalg.solve, we just perform this test for a fixed batch size
     # of 2x3.
     for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
         a = np.tile(x.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
         b = np.tile(y.astype(np_type), [2, 3, 1, 1])
         np_ans = np.empty([2, 3, a.shape[-1], b.shape[-1]])
         for dim1 in range(2):
             for dim2 in range(3):
                 np_ans[dim1, dim2, :, :], _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(
                     a[dim1, dim2, :, :], b[dim1, dim2, :, :])
         for fast in [True, False]:
             with self.test_session():
                 tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, fast=fast).eval()
             self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, tf_ans.shape)
             # Check residual norm.
             tf_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, tf_ans)
             tf_r_norm = np.sum(tf_r * tf_r)
             np_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, np_ans)
             np_r_norm = np.sum(np_r * np_r)
             self.assertAllClose(np_r_norm, tf_r_norm)
             # Check solution.
             if fast or a.shape[-2] >= a.shape[-1]:
                 # We skip this test for the underdetermined case when using the
                 # slow path, because Eigen does not return a minimum norm solution.
                 # TODO(rmlarsen): Enable this check for all paths if/when we fix
                 # Eigen's solver.
                 self.assertAllClose(np_ans, tf_ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
 def testBatchResultSize(self):
   # 3x3x3 matrices, 3x3x1 right-hand sides.
   matrix = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.] * 3).reshape(3, 3, 3)
   rhs = np.array([1., 2., 3.] * 3).reshape(3, 3, 1)
   answer = tf.matrix_solve(matrix, rhs)
   ls_answer = tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix, rhs)
   self.assertEqual(ls_answer.get_shape(), [3, 3, 1])
   self.assertEqual(answer.get_shape(), [3, 3, 1])
Example #18
        def my_body_text_lines(loop_i, tmp_tf_input):

            tp_indices_tf = self.final_group_tf_api(successions_pair,
                                                    sub_graphs_pair, loop_i)
            text_line_boxes_tf = tf.gather(text_proposals_tf, tp_indices_tf)

            X_tf = (text_line_boxes_tf[:, 0] +
                    text_line_boxes_tf[:, 2]) / 2  # 求每一个小框的中心x,y坐标
            Y_tf = (text_line_boxes_tf[:, 1] + text_line_boxes_tf[:, 3]) / 2

            X_tf = tf.reshape(X_tf, [-1, 1])
            ones = tf.ones(shape=tf.shape(X_tf))
            ones = tf.cast(ones, tf.float32)

            X_tf = tf.concat([X_tf, ones], 1)
            Y_tf = tf.reshape(Y_tf, [-1, 1])
            z1 = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
                X_tf, Y_tf)  #求解多个线性方程的最小二乘问题 ---- np.polyfit(X, Y, 1)

            x0_index = tf.argmin(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 0])  # 文本行x坐标最小值
            x1_index = tf.argmax(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 2])  # 文本行x坐标最大值
            x0 = tf.gather(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 0], x0_index)
            x1 = tf.gather(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 2], x1_index)
            offset = (text_line_boxes_tf[0, 2] -
                      text_line_boxes_tf[0, 0]) * 0.5  # 小框宽度的一半

            # 以全部小框的左上角这个点去拟合一条直线,然后计算一下文本行x坐标的极左极右对应的y坐标
            lt_y, rt_y = self.fit_y_tf_api(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 0],
                                           text_line_boxes_tf[:, 1],
                                           x0 + offset, x1 - offset)
            # 以全部小框的左下角这个点去拟合一条直线,然后计算一下文本行x坐标的极左极右对应的y坐标
            lb_y, rb_y = self.fit_y_tf_api(text_line_boxes_tf[:, 0],
                                           text_line_boxes_tf[:, 3],
                                           x0 + offset, x1 - offset)

            tmp_scores = tf.gather(scores_tf, tp_indices_tf)
            score = tf.reduce_mean(tmp_scores)  # 求全部小框得分的均值作为文本行的均值

            height = tf.reduce_mean((text_line_boxes_tf[:, 3] -
                                     text_line_boxes_tf[:, 1]))  # 小框平均高度
            height = tf.add(height, 2.5)

            x0 = tf.reshape(x0, [-1])
            ty = tf.reshape(tf.minimum(lt_y, rt_y), [-1])  # 文本行上端 线段 的y坐标的小值
            x1 = tf.reshape(x1, [-1])
            by = tf.reshape(tf.maximum(lb_y, rb_y), [-1])  # 文本行下端 线段 的y坐标的大值
            score = tf.reshape(score, [-1])  # 文本行得分
            z1_0 = tf.reshape(z1[0], [-1])  # 根据中心点拟合的直线的k,b
            z1_1 = tf.reshape(z1[1], [-1])
            height = tf.reshape(height, [-1])

            text_lines_tf_tmp = tf.concat(
                [x0, ty, x1, by, score, z1_0, z1_1, height], 0)
            result = tf.concat(
                 tf.reshape(text_lines_tf_tmp, shape=[1, 8])], 0)

            return loop_i + 1, result
Example #19
def normal():
    with np.load("notMNIST.npz") as data:
        Data, Target = data["images"], data["labels"]
        posClass = 2
        negClass = 9
        dataIndx = (Target == posClass) + (Target == negClass)
        Data = Data[dataIndx] / 255.
        Target = Target[dataIndx].reshape(-1, 1)
        Target[Target == posClass] = 1
        Target[Target == negClass] = 0
        randIndx = np.arange(len(Data))
        Data, Target = Data[randIndx], Target[randIndx]
        trainData, trainTarget = Data[:3500], Target[:3500]
        validData, validTarget = Data[3500:3600], Target[3500:3600]
        testData, testTarget = Data[3600:], Target[3600:]

    trainData = trainData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    validData = validData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    testData = testData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    trainTarget = trainTarget.astype(np.float32)
    X = tf.Variable(trainData)
    Y = tf.Variable(trainTarget)

    start = time.time()
    weight = tf.matrix_solve_ls(X, Y, l2_regularizer=0.0, fast=True)
    end = time.time()
    time_ms = (end - start) * 1000.0

    prediction = tf.matmul(trainData, weight)
    #squared_diff_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((prediction - Y), 2))
    #training_MSE_loss = squared_diff_sum / (2.0*500.0)
    training_MSE_loss = tf.scalar_mul(
        0.5, tf.reduce_mean(tf.pow(tf.subtract(prediction, Y), 2)))
    validation_pred = tf.matmul(validData, weight)
    val_acc_count = 0.0
    sess = tf.Session()

    for i in list(range(0, len(validTarget))):
                               0.5)) and validTarget[i] > 0.5:
            val_acc_count += 1
                              0.5)) and validTarget[i] < 0.5:
            val_acc_count += 1

    test_pred = tf.matmul(testData, weight)
    test_acc_count = 0.0
    for i in list(range(0, len(testTarget))):
        if[i], 0.5)) and testTarget[i] > 0.5:
            test_acc_count += 1
        elif[i], 0.5)) and testTarget[i] < 0.5:
            test_acc_count += 1

    return training_MSE_loss, val_acc_count / 100.0, test_acc_count / 145.0, time_ms
Example #20
    def newton_type_update_batched_global(self, lhs, rhs, psd):
        delta_batched_t = tf.squeeze(tf.matrix_solve_ls(
            tf.expand_dims(rhs, axis=-1),
            fast=psd and pkg_constants.CHOLESKY_LSTSQS),
        nr_update_batched = tf.transpose(delta_batched_t)

        return nr_update_batched
Example #21
 def testBatchResultSize(self):
     # 3x3x3 matrices, 3x3x1 right-hand sides.
     matrix = np.array([1., 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., 7., 8., 9.] * 3).reshape(
         3, 3, 3)
     rhs = np.array([1., 2., 3.] * 3).reshape(3, 3, 1)
     answer = tf.matrix_solve(matrix, rhs)
     ls_answer = tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix, rhs)
     self.assertEqual(ls_answer.get_shape(), [3, 3, 1])
     self.assertEqual(answer.get_shape(), [3, 3, 1])
 def _solve_w_mean(self, new_z_mean, M):
     """Minimise the conditional KL-divergence between z wrt w."""
     w_matrix = tf.matmul(M, M, transpose_b=True)
     w_rhs = tf.einsum('bmc,sbc->bms', M, new_z_mean)
     w_mean = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
         matrix=w_matrix, rhs=w_rhs,
         l2_regularizer=self._obs_noise_stddev ** 2 / self._w_prior_stddev ** 2)
     w_mean = tf.einsum('bms->sbm', w_mean)
     return w_mean
Example #23
def get_filter_matrix_conj(
        Y, inverse_power, correlation_matrix, correlation_vector,
        K, delay, mode='solve'):
    dyn_shape = tf.shape(Y)
    D = dyn_shape[0]

    correlation_vector = tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D * D * K, 1))
    selector = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(
        tf.range(D * D * K), (D, K, D)
    ), (1, 0, 2)), (-1,))
    inv_selector = tf.reshape(tf.transpose(tf.reshape(
        tf.range(D * D * K), (K, D, D)
    ), (1, 0, 2)), (-1,))

    correlation_vector = tf.gather(correlation_vector, inv_selector)

    # Idea is to solve matrix inversion independently for each block matrix.
    # This should still be faster and more stable than np.linalg.inv().
    # print(np.linalg.cond(correlation_matrix))

    if mode == 'inv':
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            inv_correlation_matrix = tf.matrix_inverse(correlation_matrix)
        stacked_filter_conj = tf.einsum(
            inv_correlation_matrix, tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D, D * K))
        stacked_filter_conj = tf.reshape(stacked_filter_conj, (D * D * K, 1))
    elif mode == 'solve':
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'):
            stacked_filter_conj = tf.reshape(
                    tf.tile(correlation_matrix[None, ...], [D, 1, 1]),
                    tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D, D * K, 1))
                (D * D * K, 1)
    elif mode == 'solve_ls':
        g = tf.get_default_graph()
        with tf.device('/cpu:0'), g.gradient_override_map(
                {"MatrixSolveLs": "CustomMatrixSolveLs"}):
            stacked_filter_conj = tf.reshape(
                    tf.tile(correlation_matrix[None, ...], [D, 1, 1]),
                    tf.reshape(correlation_vector, (D, D * K, 1)), fast=False
                (D * D * K, 1)
        raise ValueError
    stacked_filter_conj = tf.gather(stacked_filter_conj, selector)

    filter_matrix_conj = tf.transpose(
        tf.reshape(stacked_filter_conj, (K, D, D)),
        (0, 2, 1)
    return filter_matrix_conj
Example #24
def embedding_inversion(gru_embedding, name, batch_size):
    with tf.variable_scope("embedding_inversion"):
        gru_embedding = tf.log(gru_embedding+1e-10) - tf.log(1-gru_embedding+1e-10)
        image_embedding_weight = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_by_name(name+"/weights")
        image_embedding_bias = tf.contrib.framework.get_variables_by_name(name+"/biases")        
        embedding_inverse_tensor = tf.matrix_solve_ls(tf.transpose(tf.tile(image_embedding_weight,
                                                    [batch_size, 1, 1]), [0, 2, 1]), 
                                                    tf.expand_dims(tf.subtract(gru_embedding,image_embedding_bias), 2), 
                                                    fast=True, l2_regularizer=1e-5)    
    return tf.squeeze(embedding_inverse_tensor), image_embedding_weight
Example #25
def solve(A, y):
  t_A = tf.placeholder(dtype=floatX, shape=A.shape)
  t_y = tf.placeholder(dtype=floatX, shape=y.shape)
  t_x = tf.matrix_solve_ls(t_A, t_y, l2_regularizer=1e-3)

  S = tf.Session()

  rez =, feed_dict={t_A:A, t_y:y})
  return rez
Example #26
 def random_transform(self,batch_size):
     if self._transform is None:
         corners = [[[-1.,-1.,-1.],[-1.,-1.,1.],[-1.,1.,-1.],[-1.,1.,1.],[1.,-1.,-1.],[1.,-1.,1.],[1.,1.,-1.],[1.,1.,1.]]]
         corners = tf.tile(corners,[batch_size,1,1])
         corners2 = corners * \
         corners_homog = tf.concat([corners,tf.ones([batch_size,8,1])],2)
         corners2_homog = tf.concat([corners2,tf.ones([batch_size,8,1])],2)
         _transform = tf.matrix_solve_ls(corners_homog,corners2_homog)
         self._transform = tf.transpose(_transform,[0,2,1])
     return self._transform
    def solve_ls(self, A, B):
        # Transpose input matrices
        At = tf.transpose(A, [0, 2, 1])
        Bt = tf.transpose(B, [0, 2, 1])

        # Solve C via least-squares
        Ct_est = tf.matrix_solve_ls(At, Bt)
        #Ct_est = tf.matrix_solve_ls(At, Bt, l2_regularizer = 0.000001)
        C_est = tf.transpose(Ct_est, [0, 2, 1], name='C_est')

        return C_est
Example #28
 def random_transform(self,batch_size):
     if self._transform is None:
         corners = [[[-1.,-1.,-1.],[-1.,-1.,1.],[-1.,1.,-1.],[-1.,1.,1.],[1.,-1.,-1.],[1.,-1.,1.],[1.,1.,-1.],[1.,1.,1.]]]
         corners = tf.tile(corners,[batch_size,1,1])
         corners2 = corners * \
         corners_homog = tf.concat([corners,tf.ones([batch_size,8,1])],2)
         corners2_homog = tf.concat([corners2,tf.ones([batch_size,8,1])],2)
         _transform = tf.matrix_solve_ls(corners_homog,corners2_homog)
         self._transform = tf.transpose(_transform,[0,2,1])
     return self._transform
Example #29
    def newton_type_update_full_global(self, lhs, rhs, psd):
        delta_t = tf.squeeze(
                # (full_data_model.hessians + tf.transpose(full_data_model.hessians, perm=[0, 2, 1])) / 2,  # symmetrization, don't need this with closed forms
                tf.expand_dims(rhs, axis=-1),
                fast=psd and pkg_constants.CHOLESKY_LSTSQS),
        nr_update_full = tf.transpose(delta_t)

        return nr_update_full
    def _propagate_solution(self, args):
        """Perform least squares to get A- and B-matrices and propagate forward
            args: Various arguments and specifications
        # Define X- and Y-matrices
        X = tf.concat([self.g_vals[:, :-1], self.u[:, :(args.seq_length - 1)]],
        Y = self.g_vals[:, 1:]

        # Solve for A and B using least-squares
        self.K = tf.matrix_solve_ls(X, Y, l2_regularizer=args.l2_regularizer)
        self.A = self.K[:, :args.latent_dim]
        self.B = self.K[:, args.latent_dim:]

        # Perform least squares to find A-inverse
        self.A_inv = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
            Y - tf.matmul(self.u[:, :(args.seq_length - 1)], self.B),
            self.g_vals[:, :-1],

        # Get predicted code at final time step
        self.z_t = self.g_vals[:, -1]

        # Create recursive predictions for z
        z_t = tf.expand_dims(self.z_t, axis=1)
        z_vals = [z_t]
        for t in range(args.seq_length - 2, -1, -1):
            u = self.u[:, t]
            u = tf.expand_dims(u, axis=1)
            z_t = tf.matmul(z_t - tf.matmul(u, self.B), self.A_inv)
        self.z_vals_reshape = tf.stack(z_vals, axis=1)

        # Flip order
        self.z_vals_reshape = tf.squeeze(tf.reverse(self.z_vals_reshape, [1]))

        # Reshape predicted z-values
        self.z_vals = tf.reshape(
            [args.batch_size * args.seq_length, args.latent_dim])
Example #31
    def solve(self, A, B):
        Solve a system of linear equations.

        Finds X such that:
            A X = B.

        :param A: [BxMxM] TensorFlow Tensor.
        :param B: [BxMxN] TensorFlow Tensor.
        :return: X: [BxMxN] TensorFlow Tensor.
        return tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix=A, rhs=B)
Example #32
def _validation(embedding, batch_size, weight_name, bias_name):
    with tf.variable_scope("embedding_inversion"):
        embedding = tf.log(embedding) - tf.log(1 - embedding)
        embedding_bias = tf.contrib.framework.\
        embedding_weight = tf.contrib.framework.\
        embedding_inverse_tensor = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
            tf.transpose(tf.tile(embedding_weight, [batch_size, 1, 1]),
                         [0, 2, 1]),
            tf.expand_dims(tf.subtract(embedding, embedding_bias), 2))
    return tf.squeeze(embedding_inverse_tensor)
Example #33
def normal():
    with np.load("notMNIST.npz") as data:
        Data, Target = data["images"], data["labels"]
        posClass = 2
        negClass = 9
        dataIndx = (Target == posClass) + (Target == negClass)
        Data = Data[dataIndx] / 255.
        Target = Target[dataIndx].reshape(-1, 1)
        Target[Target == posClass] = 1
        Target[Target == negClass] = 0
        randIndx = np.arange(len(Data))
        Data, Target = Data[randIndx], Target[randIndx]
        trainData, trainTarget = Data[:3500], Target[:3500]
        validData, validTarget = Data[3500:3600], Target[3500:3600]
        testData, testTarget = Data[3600:], Target[3600:]

    trainData = trainData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    validData = validData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    testData = testData.reshape((-1, 28 * 28)).astype(np.float32)
    trainTarget_cp = copy.deepcopy(trainTarget)
    trainTarget = trainTarget.astype(np.float32)
    X = tf.Variable(trainData)
    Y = tf.Variable(trainTarget)

    weight = tf.matrix_solve_ls(X, Y, l2_regularizer=0.0, fast=True)

    prediction = tf.matmul(trainData, weight)
    #squared_diff_sum = tf.reduce_sum(tf.pow((prediction - Y), 2))
    #training_MSE_loss = squared_diff_sum / (2.0*500.0)

    sess = tf.Session()

    valid_pred = tf.matmul(validData, weight)
    correct_num = tf.cast(tf.less(tf.abs(valid_pred - validTarget), 0.5),
    valid_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_num, tf.float32))

    test_pred = tf.matmul(testData, weight)
    correct_num = tf.cast(tf.less(tf.abs(test_pred - testTarget), 0.5),
    test_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_num, tf.float32))

    train_pred = tf.matmul(trainData, weight)
    correct_num = tf.cast(tf.less(tf.abs(train_pred - trainTarget), 0.5),
    train_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_num, tf.float32))

Example #34
    def _ir_solver(self, a, b, hu1, hu2):
        x = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a,
        for i in range(3):
            rec = tf.matmul(a, x)
            r_e = tf.subtract(rec, b)
            w = self._loss_function(r_e, hu1, hu2, w_gradient=True)
            wa = tf.matmul(w, a)
            wb = tf.matmul(w, b)
            x = tf.matrix_solve_ls(wa,

        rec_f = tf.matmul(a, x)
        err_f = tf.abs(tf.subtract(rec_f, b))
        error = self._loss_function(err_f, hu1, hu2)
        return x, error
Example #35
    def solve(self, A, B):
        Solve a system of linear equations.

        Finds X such that:
            A X = B.

        :param A: [BxMxM] TensorFlow Tensor.
        :param B: [BxMxN] TensorFlow Tensor.
        :return: X: [BxMxN] TensorFlow Tensor.
        A = tf.Print(A, [A], summarize=20)
        B = tf.Print(B, [B], summarize=20)
        return tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix=A, rhs=B)
Example #36
    def solve_w_mean(self, memory_sample: tf.Tensor,
                     z: tf.Tensor) -> tf.Tensor:
        if self.use_addressing_matrix:
            raise NotImplementedError

        w_matrix = tf.matmul(memory_sample, memory_sample, transpose_b=True)
        w_rhs = tf.einsum("bmc,ebc->bme", memory_sample, z)
        l2_regularizer = tf.square(
            self._observational_noise_stddev) + tf.square(self._w_prior_stddev)
        w_mean = tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix=w_matrix,
        w_mean = tf.transpose(w_mean, perm=[2, 0, 1], name="w_mean")
        return w_mean
Example #37
def solve_ls(A, B):
    # Transpose input matrices
    At = tf.transpose(A, [0, 2, 1])
    Bt = tf.transpose(B, [0, 2, 1])

    # Solve C via least-squares
    Ct_est = tf.matrix_solve_ls(At, Bt)
    #Ct_est = tf.matrix_solve_ls(At, Bt, l2_regularizer = 0.000001)
    C_est = tf.transpose(Ct_est, [0, 2, 1], name='C_est')

    # Calculate error for safeguarding
    safeguard_inverse = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.matmul(At, Ct_est) - Bt)
    safeguard_inverse /= tf.to_float(tf.reduce_prod(tf.shape(A)))

    return C_est, safeguard_inverse
Example #38
def Phase_ini(g_y, B, M, N, y_abs, g_H):
    delta = M / N
    yy = np.reshape(np.reshape(y_abs, -1), [B, M])
    yy_ = yy**2
    ymean = np.mean(yy_, 1, keepdims=True)
    yy1 = yy_ / ymean
    Ta = (yy1 - 1) / (yy1 + np.sqrt(delta) - 1)
    Tb = Ta * ymean
    g_2 = np.reshape(g_H, [B, M, N])
    x2_M_c = np.zeros([B, 2 * N])

    for i in range(B):

        def fn(xin):
            return np.matmul((g_2[i, :, :].conj().T),
                             Tb[i, :] * np.matmul(g_2[i, :, :], xin)) / M

        AA = LinearOperator((N, N), matvec=fn)
        [eig_v, xin2] = eigs(AA, 1, which='LR', maxiter=1e3)
        abs2_y = tf.concat([yy[i], yy[i]], 0) / np.sqrt(2)
        xin2r = np.vstack((np.real(xin2), np.imag(xin2)))
        Hr = np.vstack(
            (np.hstack((np.real(g_2[i, :, :]), -np.imag(g_2[i, :, :]))),
             np.hstack((np.imag(g_2[i, :, :]), np.real(g_2[i, :, :])))))
        u11 = np.matmul(Hr, xin2r)
        u_var_c = np.sqrt(np.square(u11[0:M, :]) +
                          np.square(u11[M:2 * M, :])) / np.sqrt(2)
        u_var_r = tf.concat([u_var_c, u_var_c], 0)
        u = tf.multiply(u_var_r[:, 0], abs2_y[:])
        l = tf.multiply(u_var_r[:, 0], u_var_r[:, 0])
        s = tf.divide(tf.norm(u, axis=0, ord=2), tf.norm(l, axis=0, ord=2))
        x2 = tf.multiply(xin2r, s)

        for iteration in range(3):
            z_ob = tf.matmul(Hr, x2)
            zhat_var_c = tf.sqrt(
                tf.square(z_ob[0:M, :]) +
                tf.square(z_ob[M:2 * M, :])) / np.sqrt(2)
            zhat_var_r = tf.concat([zhat_var_c, zhat_var_c], 0)
            z_abs = tf.expand_dims(
                tf.multiply(abs2_y[:], tf.divide(z_ob[:, 0],
                                                 zhat_var_r[:, 0])), -1)
            x2 = tf.matrix_solve_ls(matrix=Hr, rhs=z_abs)

        with tf.Session() as sess:
            x2_M_c[i, :] =[:, 0])

    return x2_M_c
Example #39
def ica_reg(X, Y, alpha=1.0, lamda=1.0, ica_obj=tf_ica_obj):
    p, n = X.shape
    p_, r = Y.shape
    if p != p_:
        raise ValueError('X and Y must have the same number of rows.')

    pca = PCA(whiten=True)
    X_w = pca.fit_transform(X.T).T
    D = pca.components_
    P = np.eye(p) - np.ones(p)/p
    Y_tilde = tf.constant(np.linalg.pinv(, dtype=tf.float32)
    #D_inv = tf.constant(np.linalg.pinv(pca.components_), dtype=tf.float32)

    W = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[p, p])
    #B = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[p, r])
    #b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[r])
    B = tf.matmul(W, Y_tilde)
    B_err = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[p, r])

    W_ortho = tf_orthogonalize(W)
    B_err_null = tf.matmul(B, tf.matrix_solve_ls(B, B_err))

    #A = tf.matmul(D_inv, tf.transpose(W))
    #Y_hat = tf.matmul(A, B) + tf.tile(tf.reshape(b, [1, r]), [p, 1])
    J_ica = ica_obj(W, tf.constant(X_w, dtype=tf.float32)) 
    #J_regression = 0.5*tf_l2_norm(Y - Y_hat)
    J_sparse = tf_l1_norm(B + B_err)

    #J = J_ica + alpha*J_regression + lamda*J_sparse
    J = J_ica + lamda*J_sparse

    with tf.Session() as sess:
        bd_opt = BoldDriverOptimizer(sess, J, [W, B_err], \
                [gen_orthonormal(p), np.zeros_like(Y)], \
                [W_ortho, B_err_null])
        while not bd_opt.converged:
        _W, _B_err = bd_opt.x
        feed_dict = {W: _W, B_err: _B_err}
        _B = (B + B_err).eval(feed_dict=feed_dict)
        print([J_ica, J_sparse], feed_dict=feed_dict))

    S =

    return S, _W, _B
Example #40
    def random_transform(self, batch_size):
        if self._transform is None:
            corners_ = self.get_corners()

            _batch_ones = tf.ones([batch_size, len(corners_[0]), 1])

            corners = tf.tile(corners_, [batch_size, 1, 1])
            random_size = [batch_size, len(corners_[0]), len(corners_[0][0])]
            random_scale = tf.random_uniform(random_size, 0, self.scale)
            corners2 = corners * (1 - random_scale)
            corners_homog = tf.concat([corners, _batch_ones], 2)
            corners2_homog = tf.concat([corners2, _batch_ones], 2)

            _transform = tf.matrix_solve_ls(corners_homog, corners2_homog)
            self._transform = tf.transpose(_transform, [0, 2, 1])

        return self._transform
Example #41
def newton_solver(con, var):
    # shape info
    var_shp = [x.get_shape() for x in var]

    # derivatives
    g = flatify(con)
    G = jacobian(g, var)

    # can be non-square so use least squares
    U = squeeze(tf.matrix_solve_ls(T(G), -g[:, None], fast=False))

    # updates
    diffs = unpack(U, var_shp)

    # operators
    upds = increment(var, diffs)

    return upds
  def _verifySolve(self, x, y):
    for np_type in [np.float32, np.float64]:
      a = x.astype(np_type)
      b = y.astype(np_type)
      np_ans, _, _, _ = np.linalg.lstsq(a, b)
      for fast in [True, False]:
        with self.test_session():
          tf_ans = tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, fast=fast)
          ans = tf_ans.eval()
        self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, tf_ans.get_shape())
        self.assertEqual(np_ans.shape, ans.shape)

        # Check residual norm.
        tf_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, ans)
        tf_r_norm = np.sum(tf_r * tf_r)
        np_r = b - BatchMatMul(a, np_ans)
        np_r_norm = np.sum(np_r * np_r)
        self.assertAllClose(np_r_norm, tf_r_norm)

        # Check solution.
        self.assertAllClose(np_ans, ans, atol=1e-5, rtol=1e-5)
Example #43
def constrained_gradient_descent(obj, con, var, step=0.1):
    # shape info
    var_shp = [x.get_shape() for x in var]

    # derivatives
    g = flatify(con)
    F = jacobian(obj, var)
    G = jacobian(g, var)

    # constrained gradient descent
    L = tf.matrix_solve(
        tf.matmul(T(G), G),
       -tf.matmul(T(G), F)
    Ugd = step*squeeze(F + tf.matmul(G, L))

    # correction step (zangwill-garcia)
    # can be non-square so use least squares
    Ugz = squeeze(tf.matrix_solve_ls(
        tf.concat([T(G), Ugd[None, :]], 0),
       -tf.concat([g[:, None], [[0.0]]], 0),

    # updates
    gd_diffs = unpack(Ugd, var_shp)
    gz_diffs = unpack(Ugz, var_shp)

    # operators
    gd_upds = increment(var, gd_diffs)
    gz_upds = increment(var, gz_diffs)

    # slope
    gain = tf.squeeze(tf.matmul(Ugd[None, :], F))

    return gd_upds, gz_upds, gain
Example #44
def fit_one_step(
  """Runs one step of Fisher scoring.

    model_matrix: (Batch of) `float`-like, matrix-shaped `Tensor` where each row
      represents a sample's features.
    response: (Batch of) vector-shaped `Tensor` where each element represents a
      sample's observed response (to the corresponding row of features). Must
      have same `dtype` as `model_matrix`.
    model: `tfp.glm.ExponentialFamily`-like instance used to construct the
      negative log-likelihood loss, gradient, and expected Hessian (i.e., the
      Fisher information matrix).
    model_coefficients_start: Optional (batch of) vector-shaped `Tensor`
      representing the initial model coefficients, one for each column in
      `model_matrix`. Must have same `dtype` as `model_matrix`.
      Default value: Zeros.
    predicted_linear_response_start: Optional `Tensor` with `shape`, `dtype`
      matching `response`; represents `offset` shifted initial linear
      predictions based on `model_coefficients_start`.
      Default value: `offset` if `model_coefficients is None`, and
      `tf.linalg.matvec(model_matrix, model_coefficients_start) + offset`
    l2_regularizer: Optional scalar `Tensor` representing L2 regularization
      penalty, i.e.,
      `loss(w) = sum{-log p(y[i]|x[i],w) : i=1..n} + l2_regularizer ||w||_2^2`.
      Default value: `None` (i.e., no L2 regularization).
    dispersion: Optional (batch of) `Tensor` representing `response` dispersion,
      i.e., as in, `p(y|theta) := exp((y theta - A(theta)) / dispersion)`.
      Must broadcast with rows of `model_matrix`.
      Default value: `None` (i.e., "no dispersion").
    offset: Optional `Tensor` representing constant shift applied to
      `predicted_linear_response`.  Must broadcast to `response`.
      Default value: `None` (i.e., `tf.zeros_like(response)`).
    learning_rate: Optional (batch of) scalar `Tensor` used to dampen iterative
      progress. Typically only needed if optimization diverges, should be no
      larger than `1` and typically very close to `1`.
      Default value: `None` (i.e., `1`).
    fast_unsafe_numerics: Optional Python `bool` indicating if solve should be
      based on Cholesky or QR decomposition.
      Default value: `True` (i.e., "prefer speed via Cholesky decomposition").
    name: Python `str` used as name prefix to ops created by this function.
      Default value: `"fit_one_step"`.

    model_coefficients: (Batch of) vector-shaped `Tensor`; represents the
      next estimate of the model coefficients, one for each column in
    predicted_linear_response: `response`-shaped `Tensor` representing linear
      predictions based on new `model_coefficients`, i.e.,
      `tf.linalg.matvec(model_matrix, model_coefficients_next) + offset`.
  graph_deps = [model_matrix, response, model_coefficients_start,
                predicted_linear_response_start, dispersion, learning_rate]
  with tf.name_scope(name, 'fit_one_step', graph_deps):

    ] = prepare_args(

    # Compute: mean, grad(mean, predicted_linear_response_start), and variance.
    mean, variance, grad_mean = model(predicted_linear_response_start)

    # If either `grad_mean` or `variance is non-finite or zero, then we'll
    # replace it with a value such that the row is zeroed out. Although this
    # procedure may seem circuitous, it is necessary to ensure this algorithm is
    # itself differentiable.
    is_valid = (tf.is_finite(grad_mean) & tf.not_equal(grad_mean, 0.) &
                tf.is_finite(variance) & (variance > 0.))
    def mask_if_invalid(x, mask):
      mask = tf.fill(tf.shape(x), value=np.array(mask, x.dtype.as_numpy_dtype))
      return tf.where(is_valid, x, mask)

    # Run one step of iteratively reweighted least-squares.
    # Compute "`z`", the adjusted predicted linear response.
    # z = predicted_linear_response_start
    #     + learning_rate * (response - mean) / grad_mean
    z = (response - mean) / mask_if_invalid(grad_mean, 1.)
    # TODO(jvdillon): Rather than use learning rate, we should consider using
    # backtracking line search.
    if learning_rate is not None:
      z *= learning_rate[..., tf.newaxis]
    z += predicted_linear_response_start

    # Compute "`w`", the per-sample weight.
    if dispersion is not None:
      # For convenience, we'll now scale the variance by the dispersion factor.
      variance *= dispersion
    w = (mask_if_invalid(grad_mean, 0.) *
         tf.rsqrt(mask_if_invalid(variance, np.inf)))

    a = model_matrix * w[..., tf.newaxis]
    b = z * w
    # Solve `min{ || A @ model_coefficients - b ||_2**2 : model_coefficients }`
    # where `@` denotes `matmul`.

    if l2_regularizer is None:
      l2_regularizer = np.array(0, a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
      l2_regularizer_ = distribution_util.maybe_get_static_value(
          l2_regularizer, a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
      if l2_regularizer_ is not None:
        l2_regularizer = l2_regularizer_

    def _embed_l2_regularization():
      """Adds synthetic observations to implement L2 regularization."""
      # `tf.matrix_solve_ls` does not respect the `l2_regularization` argument
      # when `fast_unsafe_numerics` is `False`. This function  adds synthetic
      # observations to the data to implement the regularization instead.
      # Adding observations `sqrt(l2_regularizer) * I` is mathematically
      # equivalent to adding the term
      # `-l2_regularizer ||coefficients||_2**2` to the log-likelihood.
      num_model_coefficients = num_cols(model_matrix)
      batch_shape = tf.shape(model_matrix)[:-2]
      eye = tf.eye(
          num_model_coefficients, batch_shape=batch_shape, dtype=a.dtype)
      a_ = tf.concat([a, tf.sqrt(l2_regularizer) * eye], axis=-2)
      b_ = distribution_util.pad(
          b, count=num_model_coefficients, axis=-1, back=True)
      # Return l2_regularizer=0 since its now embedded.
      l2_regularizer_ = np.array(0, a.dtype.as_numpy_dtype)
      return a_, b_, l2_regularizer_

    a, b, l2_regularizer = tf.contrib.framework.smart_cond(
                          l2_regularizer > 0.]),
        lambda: (a, b, l2_regularizer))

    model_coefficients_next = tf.matrix_solve_ls(
        a, b[..., tf.newaxis],
    model_coefficients_next = model_coefficients_next[..., 0]

    # TODO(b/79122261): The approach used in `matrix_solve_ls` could be made
    # faster by avoiding explicitly forming Q and instead keeping the
    # factorization in 'implicit' form with stacked (rescaled) Householder
    # vectors underneath the 'R' and then applying the (accumulated)
    # reflectors in the appropriate order to apply Q'. However, we don't
    # presently do this because we lack core TF functionality. For reference,
    # the vanilla QR approach is:
    #   q, r = tf.linalg.qr(a)
    #   c = tf.matmul(q, b, adjoint_a=True)
    #   model_coefficients_next = tf.matrix_triangular_solve(
    #       r, c, lower=False, name='model_coefficients_next')

    predicted_linear_response_next = calculate_linear_predictor(

    return model_coefficients_next, predicted_linear_response_next
Example #45
 def test_MatrixSolveLs(self):
     t = tf.matrix_solve_ls(*self.random((3, 3), (3, 1)))
Example #46
      for extra in [(), (2,), (3,)] + [(3, 2)] * (size < 10):
        shape = extra + (size, size)
        name = '%s_%s' % (dtype.__name__, '_'.join(map(str, shape)))
        _AddTest(MatrixUnaryFunctorGradientTest, 'MatrixInverseGradient', name,
                 _GetMatrixUnaryFunctorGradientTest(tf.matrix_inverse, dtype,
        _AddTest(MatrixUnaryFunctorGradientTest, 'MatrixDeterminantGradient',
                                                    dtype, shape))

  # Tests for gradients of matrix_solve_ls
  for dtype in np.float32, np.float64:
    for rows in 2, 5, 10:
      for cols in 2, 5, 10:
        for l2_regularization in 0.0, 0.001, 1.0:
          shape = (rows, cols)
          name = '%s_%s_%s' % (dtype.__name__, '_'.join(map(str, shape)),
                  lambda a, b, l=l2_regularization: tf.matrix_solve_ls(a, b, l),
