def grad_fn(inputs, variables, unused_outputs, unused_grad_outputs): grad_inputs = [tf.ones_like(t) * (i + 1.) for i, t in enumerate(inputs)] grad_vars = [ tf.ones_like(t) * (i + len(inputs) + 1.) for i, t in enumerate(variables) ] return grad_inputs, grad_vars
def generalised_dice_loss(prediction, ground_truth, weight_map=None, type_weight='Square'): """ Function to calculate the Generalised Dice Loss defined in Sudre, C. et. al. (2017) Generalised Dice overlap as a deep learning loss function for highly unbalanced segmentations. DLMIA 2017 :param prediction: the logits :param ground_truth: the segmentation ground truth :param weight_map: :param type_weight: type of weighting allowed between labels (choice between Square (square of inverse of volume), Simple (inverse of volume) and Uniform (no weighting)) :return: the loss """ ground_truth = tf.to_int64(ground_truth) n_voxels = ground_truth.shape[0].value n_classes = prediction.shape[1].value ids = tf.constant(np.arange(n_voxels), dtype=tf.int64) ids = tf.stack([ids, ground_truth], axis=1) one_hot = tf.SparseTensor(indices=ids, values=tf.ones([n_voxels], dtype=tf.float32), dense_shape=[n_voxels, n_classes]) if weight_map is not None: weight_map_nclasses = tf.reshape( tf.tile(weight_map, [n_classes]), prediction.get_shape()) ref_vol = tf.sparse_reduce_sum( weight_map_nclasses * one_hot, reduction_axes=[0]) intersect = tf.sparse_reduce_sum( weight_map_nclasses * one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0]) seg_vol = tf.reduce_sum( tf.multiply(weight_map_nclasses, prediction), 0) else: ref_vol = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot, reduction_axes=[0]) intersect = tf.sparse_reduce_sum(one_hot * prediction, reduction_axes=[0]) seg_vol = tf.reduce_sum(prediction, 0) if type_weight == 'Square': weights = tf.reciprocal(tf.square(ref_vol)) elif type_weight == 'Simple': weights = tf.reciprocal(ref_vol) elif type_weight == 'Uniform': weights = tf.ones_like(ref_vol) else: raise ValueError("The variable type_weight \"{}\"" "is not defined.".format(type_weight)) new_weights = tf.where(tf.is_inf(weights), tf.zeros_like(weights), weights) weights = tf.where(tf.is_inf(weights), tf.ones_like(weights) * tf.reduce_max(new_weights), weights) generalised_dice_numerator = \ 2 * tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(weights, intersect)) generalised_dice_denominator = \ tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(weights, seg_vol + ref_vol)) generalised_dice_score = \ generalised_dice_numerator / generalised_dice_denominator return 1 - generalised_dice_score
def __init__(self, sess, dataset_name='facades', checkpoint_dir=None): self.sess = sess self.dataset_name = dataset_name self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.real_data = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [BATCH_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, IMAGE_SIZE, 3 + 3], name='input_images') self.real_A = self.real_data[:, :, :, :3] self.real_B = self.real_data[:, :, :, 3:6] self.fake_B = generator(self.real_A, name="generatorA2B") self.fake_A = generator(self.real_B, name="generatorB2A") self.fake_B_fake_A = generator(self.fake_B, reuse=True, name="generatorB2A") self.fake_A_fake_B = generator(self.fake_A, reuse=True, name="generatorA2B") self.DA_real = discriminator(self.real_A, reuse=False, name="descriminatorA") self.DB_real = discriminator(self.real_B, reuse=False, name="descriminatorB") self.DA_fake = discriminator(self.fake_A, reuse=True, name="descriminatorA") self.DB_fake = discriminator(self.fake_B, reuse=True, name="descriminatorB") self.g_loss_a2b = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DB_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(self.DB_fake))) + 100 * tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(self.real_A - self.fake_B_fake_A)) + 100 * tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(self.real_B - self.fake_B)) self.g_loss_b2a = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DA_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(self.DA_fake))) + 100 * tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(self.real_B - self.fake_A_fake_B)) + 100 * tf.reduce_mean( tf.abs(self.real_A - self.fake_A)) self.g_loss = self.g_loss_a2b + self.g_loss_b2a self.d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DB_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.DB_fake))) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DB_real, labels=tf.ones_like(self.DB_real))) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DA_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.DA_fake))) + tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.DA_real, labels=tf.ones_like(self.DA_real))) self.d_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss) self.g_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.g_loss_a2b_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_a2b", self.g_loss_a2b) self.g_loss_b2a_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_b2a", self.g_loss_b2a) self.real_A_sum = tf.summary.image("real_A", self.real_A) self.real_B_sum = tf.summary.image("real_B", self.real_B) self.fake_A_sum = tf.summary.image("fake_A", self.fake_A) self.fake_B_sum = tf.summary.image("fake_B", self.fake_B) self.fake_AB_sum = tf.summary.image("fake_AB", self.fake_A_fake_B) self.fake_BA_sum = tf.summary.image("fake_BA", self.fake_B_fake_A) self.d_sum = tf.summary.merge([self.d_loss_sum]) self.g_sum = tf.summary.merge([self.g_loss_sum, self.g_loss_a2b_sum, self.g_loss_b2a_sum, self.real_A_sum, self.real_B_sum, self.fake_A_sum, self.fake_B_sum, self.fake_AB_sum, self.fake_BA_sum]) training_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in training_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in training_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=5)
def __init__(self, q_values, observations, num_actions, stochastic, eps, softmax, softmax_temp): if softmax: action_dist = Categorical(q_values / softmax_temp) self.action = action_dist.sample() self.action_prob = action_dist.sampled_action_prob() return deterministic_actions = tf.argmax(q_values, axis=1) batch_size = tf.shape(observations)[0] # Special case masked out actions (q_value ~= -inf) so that we don't # even consider them for exploration. random_valid_action_logits = tf.where( tf.equal(q_values, tf.float32.min), tf.ones_like(q_values) * tf.float32.min, tf.ones_like(q_values)) random_actions = tf.squeeze( tf.multinomial(random_valid_action_logits, 1), axis=1) chose_random = tf.random_uniform( tf.stack([batch_size]), minval=0, maxval=1, dtype=tf.float32) < eps stochastic_actions = tf.where(chose_random, random_actions, deterministic_actions) self.action = tf.cond(stochastic, lambda: stochastic_actions, lambda: deterministic_actions) self.action_prob = None
def create_model(self): """Create tensorflow variables and graph.""" self.enc_inp = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="inp%i" % t) for t in range(self.bucket[0])] self.labels = [tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=(None,), name="labels%i" % t) for t in range(self.bucket[1])] self.weights = [tf.ones_like(labels_t, dtype=tf.float32) for labels_t in self.labels] # Decoder input: prepend some "GO" token and drop the final # token of the encoder input self.dec_inp = ([GO_ID * tf.ones_like(self.labels[0], dtype=np.int32, name="GO")] + self.labels[:-1]) single_cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(self.memory_dim) if self.num_layers > 1: self.cell = tf.nn.rnn_cell.MultiRNNCell( [single_cell] * self.num_layers) else: self.cell = single_cell # Sequence to sequence model self.dec_outputs, self.dec_memory = tf.nn.seq2seq.embedding_rnn_seq2seq( self.enc_inp, self.dec_inp, self.cell, len(self.en_chars), len(self.hi_chars), self.embedding_dim)
def add_optimization(learning_rate, beta1, beta2, disc_gen, disc_true, gen_label, disc_label): gen_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( disc_gen, tf.ones_like(disc_gen)), name='gen_loss') disc_g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( disc_gen, tf.zeros_like(disc_gen))) disc_x_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( disc_true, tf.ones_like(disc_true))) disc_loss = tf.add(disc_g_loss, disc_x_loss, name='disc_loss') gen_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=gen_label) disc_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope=disc_label) # print 'gen vars---------------------' # for v in gen_vars: # print # print 'disc vars----------------' # for v in disc_vars: # print gen_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2).minimize(gen_loss, var_list=gen_vars) disc_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=beta1, beta2=beta2).minimize(disc_loss, var_list=disc_vars) return gen_loss, disc_loss, gen_opt, disc_opt
def compute_losses(self, images, wrong_images, fake_images, embeddings): real_logit = self.model.get_discriminator(images, embeddings) wrong_logit = self.model.get_discriminator(wrong_images, embeddings) fake_logit = self.model.get_discriminator(fake_images, embeddings) real_d_loss =\ tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(real_logit, tf.ones_like(real_logit)) real_d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(real_d_loss) wrong_d_loss =\ tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(wrong_logit, tf.zeros_like(wrong_logit)) wrong_d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(wrong_d_loss) fake_d_loss =\ tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(fake_logit, tf.zeros_like(fake_logit)) fake_d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(fake_d_loss) if cfg.TRAIN.B_WRONG: discriminator_loss =\ real_d_loss + (wrong_d_loss + fake_d_loss) / 2. self.log_vars.append(("d_loss_wrong", wrong_d_loss)) else: discriminator_loss = real_d_loss + fake_d_loss self.log_vars.append(("d_loss_real", real_d_loss)) self.log_vars.append(("d_loss_fake", fake_d_loss)) generator_loss = \ tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(fake_logit, tf.ones_like(fake_logit)) generator_loss = tf.reduce_mean(generator_loss) return discriminator_loss, generator_loss
def add_dyprune(weights): crate = config.crate[[:-2]] #hyperpara C rate prune_mask = tf.Variable(tf.ones_like(weights),[:-2]+'mask', trainable=False) #calculate mask mean = tf.divide(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(tf.abs(weights),prune_mask)),tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask)) var = tf.multiply(weights,prune_mask) var = tf.square(var) mean_q = tf.square(mean)*tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask) var = tf.reduce_sum(var) - mean_q var = tf.divide(var,tf.reduce_sum(prune_mask)) var = tf.sqrt(var) t1_lower = (mean+var*crate)*0.25 #hyperpara a t1_upper = (mean+var*crate)*0.45 #hyperpara b indicator_lower1 = tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(weights), tf.ones_like(weights) * t1_lower) indicator_upper1 = tf.greater_equal(tf.abs(weights), tf.ones_like(weights) * t1_upper) indicator_matrix1 = tf.greater_equal(prune_mask, tf.zeros_like(weights)) indicator_matrix1 = tf.logical_and(indicator_matrix1,indicator_lower1) indicator_matrix1 = tf.logical_or(indicator_matrix1,indicator_upper1) indicator_matrix1 = tf.to_float(indicator_matrix1) update = prune_mask.assign(indicator_matrix1) prune_fc = tf.multiply(weights, prune_mask) return prune_fc
def p_zt(self, prev_state, t): """Computes the model p(z_t| z_{t-1}).""" batch_size = tf.shape(prev_state)[0] if t > 0: z_mu_p = prev_state +[t - 1] p_zt = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal( loc=z_mu_p, scale=tf.sqrt(tf.ones_like(z_mu_p) * self.variance)) return p_zt else: # p(z_0) is mixture of two Normals mu_pos = tf.ones([batch_size, self.state_size], dtype=self.dtype) * self.prior_mode_mean mu_neg = tf.ones([batch_size, self.state_size], dtype=self.dtype) * -self.prior_mode_mean z0_pos = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal( loc=mu_pos, scale=tf.sqrt(tf.ones_like(mu_pos) * self.variance)) z0_neg = tf.contrib.distributions.Normal( loc=mu_neg, scale=tf.sqrt(tf.ones_like(mu_neg) * self.variance)) mode_probs = tf.convert_to_tensor([self.mixing_coeff, 1-self.mixing_coeff], dtype=tf.float64) mode_probs = tf.tile(mode_probs[tf.newaxis, tf.newaxis, :], [batch_size, 1, 1]) mode_selection_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Categorical(probs=mode_probs) z0_dist = tf.contrib.distributions.Mixture( cat=mode_selection_dist, components=[z0_pos, z0_neg], validate_args=False) return z0_dist
def build_model(self): if self.y_dim: self.y= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.y_dim], name='y') self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size] + self.image_shape, name='real_images') self.sample_images= tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.sample_size] + self.image_shape, name='sample_images') self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') self.G = self.generator(self.z) self.D = self.discriminator(self.images) self.sampler = self.sampler(self.z) self.D_ = self.discriminator(self.G, reuse=True) self.d_loss_real = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(tf.ones_like(self.D), self.D) self.d_loss_fake = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(tf.zeros_like(self.D_), self.D_) self.g_loss = binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(tf.ones_like(self.D_), self.D_) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def prune_outside_window(keypoints, window, scope=None): """Prunes keypoints that fall outside a given window. This function replaces keypoints that fall outside the given window with nan. See also clip_to_window which clips any keypoints that fall outside the given window. Args: keypoints: a tensor of shape [num_instances, num_keypoints, 2] window: a tensor of shape [4] representing the [y_min, x_min, y_max, x_max] window outside of which the op should prune the keypoints. scope: name scope. Returns: new_keypoints: a tensor of shape [num_instances, num_keypoints, 2] """ with tf.name_scope(scope, 'PruneOutsideWindow'): y, x = tf.split(value=keypoints, num_or_size_splits=2, axis=2) win_y_min, win_x_min, win_y_max, win_x_max = tf.unstack(window) valid_indices = tf.logical_and( tf.logical_and(y >= win_y_min, y <= win_y_max), tf.logical_and(x >= win_x_min, x <= win_x_max)) new_y = tf.where(valid_indices, y, np.nan * tf.ones_like(y)) new_x = tf.where(valid_indices, x, np.nan * tf.ones_like(x)) new_keypoints = tf.concat([new_y, new_x], 2) return new_keypoints
def __init__(self, sess, batch_size=32, image_size=256, lam=0.8, checkpoint_dir=None): self.sess = sess self.batch_size = batch_size self.image_size = image_size self.image_shape = [image_size, image_size, 3] self.lam = lam self.checkpoint_dir = checkpoint_dir self.global_step = tf.Variable(0, trainable=False) self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size] + self.image_shape, name='images') self.images_summary = tf.summary.image("image", self.images) self.d_bns = [batch_norm(name='d_bn{}'.format(i)) for i in range(5)] self.local_d_bns = [batch_norm(name='d_local_bn{}'.format(i)) for i in range(4)] self.g_bns = [batch_norm(name='g_bn{}'.format(i, )) for i in range(15)] self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(self.images, self.image_size) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D))) self.D_summary = tf.summary.histogram("d", self.D) self.d_loss_real_summary = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real) self.masks = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [batch_size] + self.image_shape, name='masks') self.MG = tf.multiply(self.images, self.masks) self.G = self.generator(self.MG) self.MG_summary = tf.summary.image("mg", self.MG) self.G_summary = tf.summary.image("g", self.G) self.D_fake, self.D_fake_logits = self.discriminator(self.G, self.image_size, reuse=True) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.D_fake))) self.D_fake_summary = tf.summary.histogram("d_fake", self.D_fake) self.d_loss_fake_summary = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss_d = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_fake))) self.g_loss_l = tf.reduce_mean(tf.contrib.layers.flatten( tf.multiply(self.G - self.images, self.G - self.images))) self.g_loss = (1 - self.lam) * self.g_loss_d + self.lam * self.g_loss_l self.g_loss_d_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_d", self.g_loss_d) self.g_loss_l_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss_l", self.g_loss_l) self.g_loss_summary = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=10) self.g_summary = tf.summary.merge([ self.G_summary, self.MG_summary, self.D_fake_summary, self.d_loss_fake_summary, self.g_loss_summary, self.g_loss_d_summary, self.g_loss_l_summary]) self.d_summary = tf.summary.merge([ self.images_summary, self.D_summary, self.d_loss_real_summary]) self.writer = tf.summary.FileWriter(os.path.join(self.checkpoint_dir, "logs"), self.sess.graph)
def build_loss_and_gradients(self, var_list): x_true = list(six.itervalues([0] x_fake = list(six.iterkeys([0] with tf.variable_scope("Disc"): d_true = self.discriminator(x_true) with tf.variable_scope("Disc", reuse=True): d_fake = self.discriminator(x_fake) if self.logging: tf.summary.histogram("discriminator_outputs", tf.concat([d_true, d_fake], axis=0), collections=[self._summary_key]) loss_d = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.ones_like(d_true), logits=d_true) + \ tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.zeros_like(d_fake), logits=d_fake) loss = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=tf.ones_like(d_fake), logits=d_fake) loss_d = tf.reduce_mean(loss_d) loss = tf.reduce_mean(loss) var_list_d = tf.get_collection( tf.GraphKeys.TRAINABLE_VARIABLES, scope="Disc") if var_list is None: var_list = [v for v in tf.trainable_variables() if v not in var_list_d] grads_d = tf.gradients(loss_d, var_list_d) grads = tf.gradients(loss, var_list) grads_and_vars_d = list(zip(grads_d, var_list_d)) grads_and_vars = list(zip(grads, var_list)) return loss, grads_and_vars, loss_d, grads_and_vars_d
def _sample_n(self, n, seed=None): n_draws = tf.cast(self.total_count, dtype=tf.int32) k = self.event_shape_tensor()[0] # broadcast the total_count and logits to same shape n_draws = tf.ones_like( self.logits[..., 0], dtype=n_draws.dtype) * n_draws logits = tf.ones_like( n_draws[..., tf.newaxis], dtype=self.logits.dtype) * self.logits # flatten the total_count and logits flat_logits = tf.reshape(logits, [-1, k]) # [B1B2...Bm, k] flat_ndraws = n * tf.reshape(n_draws, [-1]) # [B1B2...Bm] # computes each total_count and logits situation by map_fn def _sample_single(args): logits, n_draw = args[0], args[1] # [K], [] x = tf.multinomial(logits[tf.newaxis, ...], n_draw, seed) # [1, n*n_draw] x = tf.reshape(x, shape=[n, -1]) # [n, n_draw] x = tf.reduce_sum(tf.one_hot(x, depth=k), axis=-2) # [n, k] return x x = tf.map_fn( _sample_single, [flat_logits, flat_ndraws], dtype=self.dtype) # [B1B2...Bm, n, k] # reshape the results to proper shape x = tf.transpose(x, perm=[1, 0, 2]) final_shape = tf.concat([[n], self.batch_shape_tensor(), [k]], 0) x = tf.reshape(x, final_shape) # [n, B1, B2,..., Bm, k] return x
def build_losses(self, logits_real, logits_fake): """D and G play two-player minimax game with value function V(G,D) min_G max _D V(D, G) = IE_{x ~ p_data} [log D(x)] + IE_{z ~ p_fake} [log (1 - D(G(z)))] Args: logits_real (tf.Tensor): discrim logits from real samples logits_fake (tf.Tensor): discrim logits from fake samples produced by generator """ with tf.name_scope("GAN_loss"): score_real = tf.sigmoid(logits_real) score_fake = tf.sigmoid(logits_fake) tf.summary.histogram('score-real', score_real) tf.summary.histogram('score-fake', score_fake) with tf.name_scope("discrim"): d_loss_pos = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_real, labels=tf.ones_like(logits_real)), name='loss_real') d_loss_neg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(logits_fake)), name='loss_fake') d_pos_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(score_real > 0.5, tf.float32), name='accuracy_real') d_neg_acc = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(score_fake < 0.5, tf.float32), name='accuracy_fake') d_accuracy = tf.add(.5 * d_pos_acc, .5 * d_neg_acc, name='accuracy') self.d_loss = tf.add(.5 * d_loss_pos, .5 * d_loss_neg, name='loss') with tf.name_scope("gen"): self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=logits_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(logits_fake)), name='loss') g_accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(score_fake > 0.5, tf.float32), name='accuracy') add_moving_summary(self.g_loss, self.d_loss, d_accuracy, g_accuracy)
def build_model(self): self.is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training') self.images = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None] + self.image_shape, name='real_images') self.lowres_images = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reshape(self.images, [self.batch_size, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.c_dim]), [2, 4]) self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') self.z_sum = tf.summary.histogram("z", self.z) self.G = self.generator(self.z) self.lowres_G = tf.reduce_mean(tf.reshape(self.G, [self.batch_size, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.c_dim]), [2, 4]) self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(self.images) self.D_, self.D_logits_ = self.discriminator(self.G, reuse=True) self.d_sum = tf.summary.histogram("d", self.D) self.d__sum = tf.summary.histogram("d_", self.D_) self.G_sum = tf.summary.image("G", self.G) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits_, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.D_))) self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits_, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_))) self.d_loss_real_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real) self.d_loss_fake_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.d_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss) t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) # Completion. self.mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, self.image_shape, name='mask') self.lowres_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, self.lowres_shape, name='lowres_mask') self.contextual_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.contrib.layers.flatten( tf.abs(tf.multiply(self.mask, self.G) - tf.multiply(self.mask, self.images))), 1) self.contextual_loss += tf.reduce_sum( tf.contrib.layers.flatten( tf.abs(tf.multiply(self.lowres_mask, self.lowres_G) - tf.multiply(self.lowres_mask, self.lowres_images))), 1) self.perceptual_loss = self.g_loss self.complete_loss = self.contextual_loss + self.lam*self.perceptual_loss self.grad_complete_loss = tf.gradients(self.complete_loss, self.z)
def build_model(self): # some parameters image_dims = [self.input_height, self.input_width, self.c_dim] bs = self.batch_size """ Graph Input """ # images self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [bs] + image_dims, name='real_images') # noises self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [bs, self.z_dim], name='z') """ Loss Function """ # output of D for real images D_real, D_real_logits, _ = self.discriminator(self.inputs, is_training=True, reuse=False) # output of D for fake images G = self.generator(self.z, is_training=True, reuse=False) D_fake, D_fake_logits, _ = self.discriminator(G, is_training=True, reuse=True) # get loss for discriminator d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(self.mse_loss(D_real_logits, tf.ones_like(D_real_logits))) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(self.mse_loss(D_fake_logits, tf.zeros_like(D_fake_logits))) self.d_loss = 0.5*(d_loss_real + d_loss_fake) # get loss for generator self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.mse_loss(D_fake_logits, tf.ones_like(D_fake_logits))) """ Training """ # divide trainable variables into a group for D and a group for G t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] # optimizers with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): self.d_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate, beta1=self.beta1) \ .minimize(self.d_loss, var_list=d_vars) self.g_optim = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(self.learning_rate*5, beta1=self.beta1) \ .minimize(self.g_loss, var_list=g_vars) # weight clipping self.clip_D = [p.assign(tf.clip_by_value(p, -0.01, 0.01)) for p in d_vars] """" Testing """ # for test self.fake_images = self.generator(self.z, is_training=False, reuse=True) """ Summary """ d_loss_real_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_real", d_loss_real) d_loss_fake_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_fake", d_loss_fake) d_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss) g_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) # final summary operations self.g_sum = tf.summary.merge([d_loss_fake_sum, g_loss_sum]) self.d_sum = tf.summary.merge([d_loss_real_sum, d_loss_sum])
def din_fcn_attention(query, facts, attention_size, mask, stag='null', mode='SUM', softmax_stag=1, time_major=False, return_alphas=False, forCnn=False): if isinstance(facts, tuple): # In case of Bi-RNN, concatenate the forward and the backward RNN # outputs. facts = tf.concat(facts, 2) if len(facts.get_shape().as_list()) == 2: facts = tf.expand_dims(facts, 1) if time_major: # (T,B,D) => (B,T,D) facts = tf.array_ops.transpose(facts, [1, 0, 2]) # Trainable parameters mask = tf.equal(mask, tf.ones_like(mask)) # D value - hidden size of the RNN layer facts_size = facts.get_shape().as_list()[-1] print("facts_size %s" % facts_size) querry_size = query.get_shape().as_list()[-1] print("querry_size %s" % querry_size) #tf.truncated_normal_initializer(dtype=tf.float32, stddev=0.36, seed=3) query = tf.layers.dense( query, facts_size, activation=None, kernel_initializer=get_tf_initializer(), name='f1' + stag) query = prelu(query, scope=stag) queries = tf.tile(query, [1, tf.shape(facts)[1]]) queries = tf.reshape(queries, tf.shape(facts)) din_all = tf.concat( [queries, facts, queries - facts, queries * facts], axis=-1) d_layer_1_all = tf.layers.dense( din_all, 80, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, kernel_initializer=get_tf_initializer(), name='f1_att' + stag) d_layer_2_all = tf.layers.dense( d_layer_1_all, 40, activation=tf.nn.sigmoid, kernel_initializer=get_tf_initializer(), name='f2_att' + stag) d_layer_3_all = tf.layers.dense( d_layer_2_all, 1, activation=None, kernel_initializer=get_tf_initializer(), name='f3_att' + stag) d_layer_3_all = tf.reshape(d_layer_3_all, [-1, 1, tf.shape(facts)[1]]) scores = d_layer_3_all # Mask # key_masks = tf.sequence_mask(facts_length, tf.shape(facts)[1]) # [B, T] key_masks = tf.expand_dims(mask, 1) # [B, 1, T] paddings = tf.ones_like(scores) * (-2 ** 32 + 1) if not forCnn: scores = tf.where(key_masks, scores, paddings) # [B, 1, T] # Scale # scores = scores / (facts.get_shape().as_list()[-1] ** 0.5) # Activation if softmax_stag: scores = tf.nn.softmax(scores) # [B, 1, T] # Weighted sum if mode == 'SUM': output = tf.matmul(scores, facts) # [B, 1, H] # output = tf.reshape(output, [-1, tf.shape(facts)[-1]]) else: scores = tf.reshape(scores, [-1, tf.shape(facts)[1]]) output = facts * tf.expand_dims(scores, -1) output = tf.reshape(output, tf.shape(facts)) if return_alphas: return output, scores return output
def __loss__(self): """ Calculate loss :return: """ # regularization ? # self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits, # labels=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d))) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d))) tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_real', self.d_loss_real, collections='D') # self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits_for_g, # labels=tf.zeros_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.zeros_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_fake', self.d_loss_fake, collections='D') self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake tf.summary.scalar('d_loss', self.d_loss, collections='D') if len(self.regularization_values_d) > 0: reg_loss_d = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values_d) self.d_loss += reg_loss_d tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_plus_reg', self.d_loss, collections='D') tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_reg_only', reg_loss_d, collections='D') # Generative loss # g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( # tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.predict_d_logits_for_g, # labels=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) tf.summary.scalar('g_loss', g_loss, collections='G') context_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(tf.squeeze(self.predict_g) - self.labels), name='L2-Loss') tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_context_only', context_loss, collections='G') # print("from inside %f" % self.FLAGS.gen_loss_adversarial) # self.g_loss = self.FLAGS.gen_loss_adversarial * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * context_loss self.g_loss = self.adb_loss_w * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * context_loss tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context', self.g_loss, collections='G') if len(self.regularization_values) > 0: reg_loss_g = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values) self.g_loss += reg_loss_g tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context_plus_reg', self.g_loss, collections='G') tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_reg_only', reg_loss_g, collections='D') tf.summary.scalar('diff-loss', tf.abs(self.d_loss - self.g_loss), collections='G')
def cross_entropy_op(pred, **kwargs): if is_real: target = (1. - softness) * tf.ones_like(pred) else: target = softness * tf.ones_like(pred) entropy = tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=pred, labels=target) return tf.reduce_mean(entropy)
def scale(self, x): """Scale x from -0.5 - 0.5 to 0 - 255.""" x = tf.where(tf.is_nan(x), tf.ones_like(x), x) x = tf.where(tf.is_inf(x), tf.ones_like(x), x) x = tf.clip_by_value(x, -0.5, 0.5) x += 0.5 x = x * 2**self.hparams.n_bits_x return tf.cast(tf.clip_by_value(x, 0, 255), dtype=tf.uint8)
def loss_function(self, batch_logits, neg_logits): batch_xent = tf.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( batch_logits, tf.ones_like(batch_logits)) neg_xent = tf.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( neg_logits, tf.ones_like(neg_logits)) nce_loss_tensor = (tf.reduce_sum(batch_logits) + tf.reduce_sum(neg_logits)) / self.batch_size return nce_loss_tensor
def _logistic_label(X, Y, rPos, rNeg): # dist_to_center = tf.sqrt(tf.square(X) + tf.square(Y)) # L2 metric dist_to_center = tf.abs(X) + tf.abs(Y) # Block metric Z = tf.where(dist_to_center <= rPos, tf.ones_like(X), tf.where(dist_to_center < rNeg, 0.5 * tf.ones_like(X), tf.zeros_like(X))) return Z
def __init__(self, z_dim, img_h, img_w, c_dim, g_learning_rate, d_learning_rate, g_beta1, d_beta1, gf_dim=64, df_dim=64): # initialize batch normalization self.g_bn0 = batch_norm(name='g_bn0') self.g_bn1 = batch_norm(name='g_bn1') self.g_bn2 = batch_norm(name='g_bn2') self.g_bn3 = batch_norm(name='g_bn3') self.d_bn1 = batch_norm(name='d_bn1') self.d_bn2 = batch_norm(name='d_bn2') self.d_bn3 = batch_norm(name='d_bn3') self.z_dim = z_dim self.img_h = img_h self.img_w = img_w self.c_dim = c_dim self.g_learning_rate = g_learning_rate self.d_learning_rate = d_learning_rate self.g_beta1 = g_beta1 self.d_beta1 = d_beta1 self.gf_dim = gf_dim self.df_dim = df_dim # set placeholder self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.z_dim], name='noise') self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, self.img_h, self.img_w, self.c_dim], name='real_data') self.G = self.generator(self.z, reuse=False) self.D_real, self.D_real_logits = self.discriminator(self.x, reuse=False) self.D_fake, self.D_fake_logits = self.discriminator(self.G, reuse=True) # calculate loss self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_real_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_real))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.D_fake))) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=self.D_fake_logits, labels=tf.ones_like(self.D_fake))) # get trainable variables var_list = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [v for v in var_list if'D/')] self.g_vars = [v for v in var_list if'G/')] # set optimizer self.d_opt = optimizer(self.d_loss, self.d_vars, self.d_learning_rate, self.d_beta1) self.g_opt = optimizer(self.g_loss, self.g_vars, self.g_learning_rate, self.g_beta1) # other tensors self.saver = tf.train.Saver() self.sampler = self.sampler(self.z) self.d_features = self.features_discriminator(self.x)
def build_model(self): if self.y_dim: self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size, self.y_dim], name='y') else: self.y = None if self.crop: image_dims = [self.output_height, self.output_width, self.c_dim] else: image_dims = [self.input_height, self.input_width, self.c_dim] self.inputs = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [self.batch_size] + image_dims, name='real_images') inputs = self.inputs self.z = tf.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') self.z_sum = histogram_summary("z", self.z) self.G = self.generator(self.z, self.y) self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(inputs, self.y, reuse=False) self.sampler = self.sampler(self.z, self.y) self.D_, self.D_logits_ = self.discriminator(self.G, self.y, reuse=True) self.d_sum = histogram_summary("d", self.D) self.d__sum = histogram_summary("d_", self.D_) self.G_sum = image_summary("G", self.G) def sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, y): try: return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x, labels=y) except: return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x, targets=y) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits, tf.ones_like(self.D))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits_, tf.zeros_like(self.D_))) self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits_, tf.ones_like(self.D_))) self.d_loss_real_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real) self.d_loss_fake_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss_sum = scalar_summary("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.d_loss_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss", self.d_loss) t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def tf_F1_score(actuals, predictions): actuals = tf.reshape(actuals, [-1, 1]) predictions = tf.reshape(predictions, [-1, 1]) ones_like_actuals = tf.ones_like(actuals) zeros_like_actuals = tf.zeros_like(actuals) ones_like_predictions = tf.ones_like(predictions) zeros_like_predictions = tf.zeros_like(predictions) #true-positive tp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, ones_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, ones_like_predictions) ), dtype=tf.float32 ) ) #true-Negative tn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, zeros_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, zeros_like_predictions) ), dtype=tf.float32 ) ) #false-positive fp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, zeros_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, ones_like_predictions) ), dtype=tf.float32 ) ) #false_Neg fn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, ones_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, zeros_like_predictions) ), dtype=tf.float32 ) ) accuracy = (tp_op + tn_op) / (tp_op + tn_op + fp_op + fn_op) prediction = tp_op / (tp_op + fp_op) recall = tp_op / (tp_op + fn_op) f1_score = (2 * (prediction * recall)) / (prediction + recall) return accuracy, [tp_op, tn_op, fp_op, fn_op, f1_score]
def _log_prob(self, x): if self.validate_args: x = distribution_util.embed_check_nonnegative_integer_form(x) else: # For consistency with cdf, we take the floor. x = tf.floor(x) x *= tf.ones_like(self.probs) probs = self.probs * tf.ones_like(x) safe_domain = tf.where(tf.equal(x, 0.), tf.zeros_like(probs), probs) return x * tf.log1p(-safe_domain) + tf.log(probs)
def build_losses(self): """Builds the training losses. Inputs: self.predicted_distributions Outputs: self.batch_losses self.total_loss """ autoregressive_target = self.autoregressive_input # Quantize the target if the output distribution is categorical. if self.hparams.output_distribution.type == "categorical": min_val = self.hparams.output_distribution.min_quantization_value max_val = self.hparams.output_distribution.max_quantization_value num_classes = self.hparams.output_distribution.num_classes clipped_target = tf.keras.backend.clip(autoregressive_target, min_val, max_val) quantized_target = tf.floor( (clipped_target - min_val) / (max_val - min_val) * num_classes) # Deal with the corner case where clipped_target equals max_val by mapping # the label num_classes to num_classes - 1. Essentially, this makes the # final quantized bucket a closed interval while all the other quantized # buckets are half-open intervals. quantized_target = tf.where( quantized_target >= num_classes, tf.ones_like(quantized_target) * (num_classes - 1), quantized_target) autoregressive_target = quantized_target log_prob = self.predicted_distributions.log_prob(autoregressive_target) weights = self.weights if weights is None: weights = tf.ones_like(log_prob) weights_dim = len(weights.shape) per_example_weight = tf.reduce_sum( weights, axis=list(range(1, weights_dim))) per_example_indicator = tf.to_float(tf.greater(per_example_weight, 0)) num_examples = tf.reduce_sum(per_example_indicator) batch_losses = -log_prob * weights losses_ndims = batch_losses.shape.ndims per_example_loss_sum = tf.reduce_sum( batch_losses, axis=list(range(1, losses_ndims))) per_example_loss = tf.where(per_example_weight > 0, per_example_loss_sum / per_example_weight, tf.zeros_like(per_example_weight)) total_loss = tf.reduce_sum(per_example_loss) / num_examples self.autoregressive_target = autoregressive_target self.batch_losses = batch_losses self.per_example_loss = per_example_loss self.num_nonzero_weight_examples = num_examples self.total_loss = total_loss
def __loss__(self): """ Calculate loss :return: """ with tf.variable_scope("discriminator") as scope: self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d))) tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_real', self.d_loss_real, collections='D') scope.reuse_variables() self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.zeros_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_fake', self.d_loss_fake, collections='D') self.d_loss = self.d_loss_fake + self.d_loss_real tf.summary.scalar('d_loss', self.d_loss, collections='D') # if len(self.regularization_values_d) > 0: # reg_loss_d = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values_d) self.reg_loss_d = self.get_weights_regularization(dump=self.FLAGS.dump_debug, collection='D') self.d_loss_no_reg = self.d_loss self.d_loss += self.reg_loss_d if self.FLAGS.dump_debug: tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_plus_reg', self.d_loss, collections='D') tf.summary.scalar('d_loss_reg_only', self.reg_loss_d, collections='D') # Generative loss g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( ops.binary_cross_entropy(preds=self.predict_d_for_g, targets=tf.ones_like(self.predict_d_for_g))) tf.summary.scalar('g_loss', g_loss, collections='G') # Context loss L2 mask_not = tf.cast(tf.logical_not(tf.cast(self.labels['mask'], tf.bool)), tf.float32) real_diff = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(tf.multiply(self.predict_g['real'] - self.labels['real'], mask_not)) imag_diff = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(tf.multiply(self.predict_g['imag'] - self.labels['imag'], mask_not)) self.context_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(real_diff) + tf.square(imag_diff), name='Context_loss_mean') print("You are using L2 loss") tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_context_only', self.context_loss, collections='G') self.g_loss = self.adv_loss_w * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * self.context_loss # self.g_loss = self.FLAGS.gen_loss_adversarial * g_loss + self.FLAGS.gen_loss_context * context_loss tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context', self.g_loss, collections='G') # if len(self.regularization_values) > 0: # reg_loss_g = self.reg_w * tf.reduce_sum(self.regularization_values) self.reg_loss_g = self.get_weights_regularization(dump=self.FLAGS.dump_debug, collection='G') self.g_loss_no_reg = self.g_loss self.g_loss += self.reg_loss_g if self.FLAGS.dump_debug: tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_plus_context_plus_reg', self.g_loss, collections='G') tf.summary.scalar('g_loss_reg_only', self.reg_loss_g, collections='D') tf.summary.scalar('diff-loss', tf.abs(self.d_loss - self.g_loss), collections='G')
def sensitivity(logits, labels): predictions = tf.argmax(logits, axis=-1) actuals = tf.argmax(labels, axis=-1) nodule_actuals = tf.ones_like(actuals) non_nodule_actuals = tf.zeros_like(actuals) nodule_predictions = tf.ones_like(predictions) non_nodule_predictions = tf.zeros_like(predictions) tp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, nodule_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, nodule_predictions) ), tf.float32 ) ) tn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, non_nodule_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, non_nodule_predictions) ), tf.float32 ) ) fp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, non_nodule_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, nodule_predictions) ), tf.float32 ) ) fn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, nodule_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, non_nodule_predictions) ), tf.float32 ) ) false_positive_rate = fp_op / (fp_op + tn_op) recall = tp_op / (tp_op + fn_op) return recall, false_positive_rate
def pad_mask(seqs): mask = tf.where(seqs == 0, tf.zeros_like(seqs), tf.ones_like(seqs)) # 0 idx is padding return tf.cast(tf.expand_dims(mask, axis=1) * tf.expand_dims(mask, axis=2), dtype=tf.bool) # [n, step, step]
def decoder(target, state, params): mask = dtype.tf_to_float(tf.cast(target, tf.bool)) hidden_size = params.hidden_size is_training = ('decoder' not in state) if is_training: target, mask = util.remove_invalid_seq(target, mask) embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else "tgt_embedding" tgt_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) tgt_bias = tf.get_variable("bias", [params.embed_size]) inputs = tf.gather(tgt_emb, target) inputs = tf.nn.bias_add(inputs, tgt_bias) # shift if is_training: inputs = tf.pad(inputs, [[0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 0]]) inputs = inputs[:, :-1, :] else: inputs = tf.cond( tf.reduce_all(tf.equal(target, params.tgt_vocab.pad())), lambda: tf.zeros_like(inputs), lambda: inputs) mask = tf.ones_like(mask) inputs = util.valid_apply_dropout(inputs, params.dropout) with tf.variable_scope("decoder"): init_state = state["decoder_initializer"] if not is_training: init_state = state["decoder"]["state"] returns = rnn.cond_rnn(params.cell, inputs, state["encodes"], hidden_size, init_state=init_state, mask=mask, mem_mask=state["mask"], ln=params.layer_norm, sm=params.swap_memory, one2one=False) (_, hidden_state), (outputs, _), contexts, attentions = returns feature = linear([outputs, contexts, inputs], params.embed_size, ln=params.layer_norm, scope="pre_logits") if 'dev_decode' in state: feature = feature[:, -1, :] feature = tf.tanh(feature) feature = util.valid_apply_dropout(feature, params.dropout) embed_name = "tgt_embedding" if params.shared_target_softmax_embedding \ else "softmax_embedding" embed_name = "embedding" if params.shared_source_target_embedding \ else embed_name softmax_emb = tf.get_variable(embed_name, [params.tgt_vocab.size(), params.embed_size]) feature = tf.reshape(feature, [-1, params.embed_size]) logits = tf.matmul(feature, softmax_emb, False, True) logits = tf.cast(logits, tf.float32) soft_label, normalizer = util.label_smooth(target, util.shape_list(logits)[-1], factor=params.label_smooth) centropy = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits_v2(logits=logits, labels=soft_label) centropy -= normalizer centropy = tf.reshape(centropy, tf.shape(target)) mask = tf.cast(mask, tf.float32) per_sample_loss = tf.reduce_sum(centropy * mask, -1) / tf.reduce_sum( mask, -1) loss = tf.reduce_mean(per_sample_loss) # these mask tricks mainly used to deal with zero shapes, such as [0, 1] loss = tf.cond(tf.equal(tf.shape(target)[0], 0), lambda: tf.constant(0, dtype=tf.float32), lambda: loss) if not is_training: state['decoder']['state'] = hidden_state return loss, logits, state, per_sample_loss
def masked_conv_v2(u, filter_1, filter_2, mask_1, mask_2, conductivity_1, conductivity_2, eps=0.01, filter_banks=None): '''not accurate still around the corner''' # center mask_filter = np.asarray( [[1 / 4., 0., 1 / 4.], [0., 0., 0.], [1 / 4., 0., 1 / 4.]], 'float32') mask_filter = tf.constant(mask_filter.reshape((3, 3, 1, 1))) padded_mask_1 = tf.pad(mask_1, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") boundary_weight = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_mask_1, filter=mask_filter, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') w = 1000. boundary_weight = 1 / 4. + 1 / 4. * tf.sigmoid( w * (boundary_weight - 1.25 / 4.)) + 1 / 4. * tf.sigmoid( w * (boundary_weight - 2.75 / 4.)) boundary_mask = tf.round(mask_1 + 0.1) + tf.round(mask_2 + 0.1) - 1 mat1_mask = (boundary_weight) * boundary_mask * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_1) mat2_mask = (1 - boundary_weight) * boundary_mask * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_2) boundary_d_matrix = mat1_mask + mat2_mask mat1_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_1 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_1) mat2_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_2 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_2) d_matrix = boundary_d_matrix + mat1_d_matrix + mat2_d_matrix d_u = d_matrix * u # surrounding # not accurate only on the boundary, two parts from two different material padded_u_1 = tf.pad(u * tf.round(mask_1 + eps), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") output_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_u_1, filter=filter_1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_u_2 = tf.pad(u * tf.round(mask_2 + eps), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") output_2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_u_2, filter=filter_2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res1 = output_1 * mask_1 + output_2 * mask_2 # accurate only on the boundary, two parts from two different material padded_u_1 = tf.pad(u * mask_1, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") output_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_u_1, filter=filter_1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_u_2 = tf.pad(u * mask_2, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") output_2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_u_2, filter=filter_2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res2 = output_1 + output_2 LU_u = res1 * (tf.round(mask_1-0.1) + tf.round(mask_2-0.1)) + \ res2 * (tf.ones_like(mask_1) - tf.round(mask_1-0.1) - tf.round(mask_2-0.1)) result = d_u + LU_u tmp = { 'result': result, 'res1': res1, 'res2': res2, 'LU_u': LU_u, 'd_matrix': d_matrix, 'd_u': d_u, 'boundary_d_matrix': boundary_d_matrix, 'boundary_weight': boundary_weight, 'mat1_d_matrix': mat1_d_matrix, 'mat2_d_matrix': mat2_d_matrix, } return tmp
def masked_conv_v3(u, filter_1, filter_2, mask_1, mask_2, conductivity_1, conductivity_2, filter_banks): ''' problematic in d_matrix corner and conv_corner :param u: :param filter_1: :param filter_2: :param mask_1: :param mask_2: :param conductivity_1: :param conductivity_2: :param filter_banks: :return: ''' boundary_mask = tf.round(mask_1 + 0.1) + tf.round(mask_2 + 0.1) - 1 boundary_d_matrix = boundary_mask * (-8 / 3. * (conductivity_1 + conductivity_2) / 2.) mat1_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_1 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_1) mat2_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_2 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_2) d_matrix = boundary_d_matrix + mat1_d_matrix + mat2_d_matrix d_u = d_matrix * u # padded_input = tf.pad(u * mask_1, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary # output_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_1_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') # padded_input = tf.pad(u * mask_2, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary # output_2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_2_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') # side_conv_res = output_1 + output_2 padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_1 + 0.1), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_1_side = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_1_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_2 + 0.1), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_2_side = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_2_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res1 = output_1_side * mask_1 + output_2_side * mask_2 padded_input = tf.pad( u * mask_1, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_1_side_refine = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_1_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_input = tf.pad( u * mask_2, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_2_side_refine = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_2_side'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res2 = output_1_side_refine * mask_1 + output_2_side_refine * mask_1 side_conv_res = res1 * (tf.round(mask_1-0.1) + tf.round(mask_2-0.1)) + \ res2 * (tf.ones_like(mask_1) - tf.round(mask_1-0.1) - tf.round(mask_2-0.1)) padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_1 + 0.1), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_1_corner = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_1_corner'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_2 + 0.1), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_2_corner = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_banks['filter_2_corner'], strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') corner_conv_res = output_1_corner + output_2_corner LU_u = corner_conv_res + side_conv_res result = d_u + LU_u tmp = { 'result': result, 'LU_u': LU_u, 'd_matrix': d_matrix, 'res1': res1, 'res2': res2, 'side_conv_res': side_conv_res, 'output_1_side': output_1_side, 'output_2_side': output_2_side, 'output_1_side_refine': output_1_side_refine, 'output_2_side_refine': output_2_side_refine, 'corner_conv_res': corner_conv_res, 'output_1_corner': output_1_corner, 'output_2_corner': output_2_corner, } return tmp
def do_dual_max_match(overlap_matrix, low_thres, high_thres, ignore_between=True, gt_max_first=True): ''' overlap_matrix: num_gt * num_anchors ''' with tf.name_scope('dual_max_match', [overlap_matrix]): # first match from anchors' side anchors_to_gt = tf.argmax(overlap_matrix, axis=0) # the matching degree match_values = tf.reduce_max(overlap_matrix, axis=0) #positive_mask = tf.greater(match_values, high_thres) less_mask = tf.less(match_values, low_thres) between_mask = tf.logical_and( tf.less(match_values, high_thres), tf.greater_equal(match_values, low_thres)) negative_mask = less_mask if ignore_between else between_mask ignore_mask = between_mask if ignore_between else less_mask # fill all negative positions with -1, all ignore positions is -2 match_indices = tf.where(negative_mask, -1 * tf.ones_like(anchors_to_gt), anchors_to_gt) match_indices = tf.where(ignore_mask, -2 * tf.ones_like(match_indices), match_indices) # negtive values has no effect in tf.one_hot, that means all zeros along that axis # so all positive match positions in anchors_to_gt_mask is 1, all others are 0 anchors_to_gt_mask = tf.one_hot(tf.clip_by_value( match_indices, -1, tf.cast(tf.shape(overlap_matrix)[0], tf.int64)), tf.shape(overlap_matrix)[0], on_value=1, off_value=0, axis=0, dtype=tf.int32) # match from ground truth's side gt_to_anchors = tf.argmax(overlap_matrix, axis=1) if gt_max_first: # the max match from ground truth's side has higher priority left_gt_to_anchors_mask = tf.one_hot(gt_to_anchors, tf.shape(overlap_matrix)[1], on_value=1, off_value=0, axis=1, dtype=tf.int32) else: # the max match from anchors' side has higher priority # use match result from ground truth's side only when the the matching degree from anchors' side is lower than position threshold left_gt_to_anchors_mask = tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.reduce_max(anchors_to_gt_mask, axis=1, keep_dims=True) < 1, tf.one_hot(gt_to_anchors, tf.shape(overlap_matrix)[1], on_value=True, off_value=False, axis=1, dtype=tf.bool)), tf.int64) # can not use left_gt_to_anchors_mask here, because there are many ground truthes match to one anchor, we should pick the highest one even when we are merging matching from ground truth side left_gt_to_anchors_scores = overlap_matrix * tf.to_float( left_gt_to_anchors_mask) # merge matching results from ground truth's side with the original matching results from anchors' side # then select all the overlap score of those matching pairs selected_scores = tf.gather_nd( overlap_matrix, tf.stack([ tf.where( tf.reduce_max(left_gt_to_anchors_mask, axis=0) > 0, tf.argmax(left_gt_to_anchors_scores, axis=0), anchors_to_gt), tf.range(tf.cast(tf.shape(overlap_matrix)[1], tf.int64)) ], axis=1)) # return the matching results for both foreground anchors and background anchors, also with overlap scores return tf.where( tf.reduce_max(left_gt_to_anchors_mask, axis=0) > 0, tf.argmax(left_gt_to_anchors_scores, axis=0), match_indices), selected_scores
def _trainable_score_fn(context_features, example_features, mode): del context_features, mode input_layer = tf.ones_like(example_features["f1"]) return tf.compat.v1.layers.dense(input_layer, units=1)
def masking(self, inputs, q, k, mask_type='key'): ''' inputs: product from tf.matmul(Q_mh, tf.transpose(K_mh, [0, 2, 1])) inputs.shape = (N, Tq, Tk) q: q.shape = (h*N, Tq, d_model/h) k: k.shape = (h*N, Tk, d_model/h) type: k, key, keys the masking basing on k q, query, queries the masking basing on q f, feature the masking basing on the lower triangular identity matrix Because need to prevent leftward information flow in the decoder to preserve the auto-regressive property, they implement this inside of scaled dot-product attention by masking out all values in the input (minus infinity) of the softmax which correspond to illegal connections. ''' padding_num = -2**32 + 1 if mask_type in ("k", "key", "keys"): # Generate masks masks = tf.sign(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(k), axis=-1)) # shape = (h*N, Tk) masks = tf.expand_dims(masks, 1) # shape = (h*N, 1, Tk) masks = tf.tile(masks, [1, tf.shape(q)[1], 1]) # shape = (h*N, Tq, Tk) # Apply masks to inputs paddings = tf.ones_like(inputs) * padding_num outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(masks, 0), paddings, inputs) # shape = (h*N, Tq, Tk) elif mask_type in ("q", "query", "queries"): # Generate masks masks = tf.sign(tf.reduce_sum(tf.abs(q), axis=-1)) # shape = (h*N, Tq) masks = tf.expand_dims(masks, -1) # shape = (h*N, Tq, 1) masks = tf.tile(masks, [1, 1, tf.shape(k)[1]]) # shape = (h*N, Tq, Tk) # Apply masks to inputs outputs = inputs * masks elif mask_type in ("f", "future"): diag_vals = tf.ones_like(inputs[0, :, :]) # shape = (Tq, Tk) tril = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorLowerTriangular( diag_vals).to_dense() # shape = (Tq, Tk) masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims( tril, 0), [tf.shape(inputs)[0], 1, 1]) # shape = (h*N, Tq, Tk) paddings = tf.ones_like(masks) * padding_num outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(masks, 0), paddings, inputs) else: print("Check if you entered type correctly!") return outputs
def create_model( bert_config, is_training, input_ids, input_mask, input_type_ids, labels, num_labels, use_one_hot_embeddings, tsa, unsup_ratio, global_step, num_train_steps, ): num_sample = input_ids.shape[0].value if is_training: assert num_sample % (1 + 2 * unsup_ratio) == 0 sup_batch_size = num_sample // (1 + 2 * unsup_ratio) unsup_batch_size = sup_batch_size * unsup_ratio else: sup_batch_size = num_sample unsup_batch_size = 0 model = modeling.AlbertModel( config=bert_config, is_training=True, input_ids=input_ids, input_mask=input_mask, token_type_ids=input_type_ids, use_one_hot_embeddings=use_one_hot_embeddings) pooled = model.get_pooled_output() clas_logits = hidden_to_logits( hidden=pooled, is_training=is_training, num_classes=num_labels, scope="classifier") log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax(clas_logits, axis=-1) correct_label_probs = None with tf.variable_scope("sup_loss"): sup_log_probs = log_probs[:sup_batch_size] one_hot_labels = tf.one_hot(labels, depth=num_labels, dtype=tf.float32) tgt_label_prob = one_hot_labels per_example_loss = -tf.reduce_sum(tgt_label_prob * sup_log_probs, axis=-1) loss_mask = tf.ones_like(per_example_loss, dtype=per_example_loss.dtype) correct_label_probs = tf.reduce_sum( one_hot_labels * tf.exp(sup_log_probs), axis=-1) if tsa: tsa_start = 1. / num_labels tsa_threshold = get_tsa_threshold( tsa, global_step, num_train_steps, tsa_start, end=1) larger_than_threshold = tf.greater( correct_label_probs, tsa_threshold) loss_mask = loss_mask * (1 - tf.cast(larger_than_threshold, tf.float32)) else: tsa_threshold = 1 loss_mask = tf.stop_gradient(loss_mask) per_example_loss = per_example_loss * loss_mask sup_loss = (tf.reduce_sum(per_example_loss) / tf.maximum(tf.reduce_sum(loss_mask), 1)) unsup_loss_mask = None if is_training and unsup_ratio > 0: print("pooled:{} ".format(pooled)) print("clas_logits:{} ".format(clas_logits)) print("log_probs:{} ".format(log_probs)) with tf.variable_scope("unsup_loss"): ori_start = sup_batch_size ori_end = ori_start + unsup_batch_size aug_start = sup_batch_size + unsup_batch_size aug_end = aug_start + unsup_batch_size ori_log_probs = log_probs[ori_start : ori_end] aug_log_probs = log_probs[aug_start : aug_end] unsup_loss_mask = 1 if FLAGS.uda_softmax_temp != -1: tgt_ori_log_probs = tf.nn.log_softmax( clas_logits[ori_start : ori_end] / FLAGS.uda_softmax_temp, axis=-1) tgt_ori_log_probs = tf.stop_gradient(tgt_ori_log_probs) else: tgt_ori_log_probs = tf.stop_gradient(ori_log_probs) if FLAGS.uda_confidence_thresh != -1: largest_prob = tf.reduce_max(tf.exp(ori_log_probs), axis=-1) unsup_loss_mask = tf.cast(tf.greater( largest_prob, FLAGS.uda_confidence_thresh), tf.float32) unsup_loss_mask = tf.stop_gradient(unsup_loss_mask) per_example_kl_loss = kl_for_log_probs( tgt_ori_log_probs, aug_log_probs) * unsup_loss_mask unsup_loss = tf.reduce_mean(per_example_kl_loss) else: unsup_loss = 0. return (sup_loss, unsup_loss, clas_logits[:sup_batch_size], per_example_loss, loss_mask, tsa_threshold, unsup_loss_mask, correct_label_probs,pooled)
def recurseKdiag(self, Kdiag): # angle is zero, hence the diagonal stays the same (if scaled relu is used) return self.variance * Kdiag + self.bias_variance * tf.ones_like(Kdiag)
def _multiheadAttention(self, rawKeys, queries, keys, numUnits=None, causality=False, scope="multiheadAttention"): # rawKeys 的作用是为了计算mask时用的,因为keys是加上了position embedding的,其中不存在padding为0的值 numHeads = self.config.model.numHeads #头数,目前设置为8 keepProp = self.config.model.keepProp #dropout数量 if numUnits is None: #若是没传入值,直接去输入数据的最后一维,即embedding size.embeddingSize = 200 numUnits = queries.get_shape().as_list()[-1] # tf.layers.dense可以做多维tensor数据的非线性映射,在计算self-Attention时,一定要对这三个值进行非线性映射, # 其实这一步就是论文中Multi-Head Attention中的对分割后的数据进行权重映射的步骤,我们在这里先映射后分割,原则上是一样的。 # Q, K, V的维度都是[batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_size] Q = tf.layers.dense(queries, numUnits, activation=tf.nn.relu) K = tf.layers.dense(keys, numUnits, activation=tf.nn.relu) V = tf.layers.dense(keys, numUnits, activation=tf.nn.relu) # 将数据按最后一维分割成num_heads个, 然后按照第一维拼接 # Q, K, V 的维度都是[batch_size * numHeads, sequence_length, embedding_size/numHeads] Q_ = tf.concat(tf.split(Q, numHeads, axis=-1), axis=0) K_ = tf.concat(tf.split(K, numHeads, axis=-1), axis=0) V_ = tf.concat(tf.split(V, numHeads, axis=-1), axis=0) # 计算keys和queries之间的点积,维度[batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, key_len], 后两维是queries和keys的序列长度 similary = tf.matmul(Q_, tf.transpose(K_, [0, 2, 1])) # 对计算的点积进行缩放处理,除以向量长度的根号值 scaledSimilary = similary / (K_.get_shape().as_list()[-1]**0.5) # 在我们输入的序列中会存在padding这个样的填充词,这种词应该对最终的结果是毫无帮助的,原则上说当padding都是输入0时, # 计算出来的权重应该也是0,但是在transformer中引入了位置向量,当和位置向量相加之后,其值就不为0了,因此在添加位置向量 # 之前,我们需要将其mask为0。虽然在queries中也存在这样的填充词,但原则上模型的结果之和输入有关,而且在self-Attention中 # queryies = keys,因此只要一方为0,计算出的权重就为0。 # 具体关于key mask的介绍可以看看这里: # 利用tf,tile进行张量扩张, 维度[batch_size * numHeads, keys_len] keys_len = keys 的序列长度 keyMasks = tf.tile(rawKeys, [numHeads, 1]) # 增加一个维度,并进行扩张,得到维度[batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, keys_len] keyMasks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(keyMasks, 1), [1, tf.shape(queries)[1], 1]) # tf.ones_like生成元素全为1,维度和scaledSimilary相同的tensor, 然后得到负无穷大的值 paddings = tf.ones_like(scaledSimilary) * (-2**(32 + 1)) # tf.where(condition, x, y),condition中的元素为bool值,其中对应的True用x中的元素替换,对应的False用y中的元素替换 # 因此condition,x,y的维度是一样的。下面就是keyMasks中的值为0就用paddings中的值替换 maskedSimilary = tf.where( tf.equal(keyMasks, 0), paddings, scaledSimilary) # 维度[batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, key_len] # 在计算当前的词时,只考虑上文,不考虑下文,出现在Transformer Decoder中。在文本分类时,可以只用Transformer Encoder。 # Decoder是生成模型,主要用在语言生成中 if causality: diagVals = tf.ones_like( maskedSimilary[0, :, :]) # [queries_len, keys_len] tril = tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorTriL( diagVals).to_dense() # [queries_len, keys_len] masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims( tril, 0), [tf.shape(maskedSimilary)[0], 1, 1 ]) # [batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, keys_len] paddings = tf.ones_like(masks) * (-2**(32 + 1)) maskedSimilary = tf.where( tf.equal(masks, 0), paddings, maskedSimilary ) # [batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, keys_len] # 通过softmax计算权重系数,维度 [batch_size * numHeads, queries_len, keys_len] weights = tf.nn.softmax(maskedSimilary) # 加权和得到输出值, 维度[batch_size * numHeads, sequence_length, embedding_size/numHeads] outputs = tf.matmul(weights, V_) # 将多头Attention计算的得到的输出重组成最初的维度[batch_size, sequence_length, embedding_size] outputs = tf.concat(tf.split(outputs, numHeads, axis=0), axis=2) outputs = tf.nn.dropout(outputs, keep_prob=keepProp) # 对每个subLayers建立残差连接,即H(x) = F(x) + x outputs += queries # normalization 层 outputs = self._layerNormalization(outputs) return outputs
def build_model(self): self.is_training = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name='is_training') self.images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None] + self.image_shape, name='real_images') self.lowres_images = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reshape(self.images, [ self.batch_size, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.c_dim ]), [2, 4]) self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') self.z_sum = tf.summary.histogram("z", self.z) self.G = self.generator(self.z) self.lowres_G = tf.reduce_mean( tf.reshape(self.G, [ self.batch_size, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.lowres_size, self.lowres, self.c_dim ]), [2, 4]) self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(self.images) self.D_, self.D_logits_ = self.discriminator(self.G, reuse=True) self.d_sum = tf.summary.histogram("d", self.D) self.d__sum = tf.summary.histogram("d_", self.D_) self.G_sum = tf.summary.image("G", self.G) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits, labels=tf.ones_like( self.D))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits_, labels=tf.zeros_like( self.D_))) self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.D_logits_, labels=tf.ones_like( self.D_))) self.d_loss_real_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real) self.d_loss_fake_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.d_loss_sum = tf.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss) t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] self.saver = tf.train.Saver(max_to_keep=1) # Completion. self.mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, self.image_shape, name='mask') self.lowres_mask = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, self.lowres_shape, name='lowres_mask') self.contextual_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.contrib.layers.flatten( tf.abs( tf.multiply(self.mask, self.G) - tf.multiply(self.mask, self.images))), 1) self.contextual_loss += tf.reduce_sum( tf.contrib.layers.flatten( tf.abs( tf.multiply(self.lowres_mask, self.lowres_G) - tf.multiply(self.lowres_mask, self.lowres_images))), 1) self.perceptual_loss = self.g_loss self.complete_loss = self.contextual_loss + self.lam * self.perceptual_loss self.grad_complete_loss = tf.gradients(self.complete_loss, self.z)
def build_model(x, labels=None, reuse=False): if reuse: prefix = 'test_' else: prefix = 'train_' with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=reuse): conv_pointers = [InputLayer(x, name='c_disc_inputs')] for i, v in enumerate(CONVOLUTIONS): if v < 0: strides = (2, 2) v *= -1 else: strides = (1, 1) curr_layer = BatchNormLayer(Conv2d(conv_pointers[-1], CONVOLUTIONS[i], (5, 5), strides=strides, name='c_conv1_%s' % (i)), act=tf.nn.leaky_relu, is_train=True, name='c_batch_norm%s' % (i)) if i < len(CONVOLUTIONS) - 1: # conv_pointers.append(ConcatLayer([curr_layer, conv_pointers[-1]], # 3, name = 'concat_layer%s'%(i))) conv_pointers.append(curr_layer) else: conv_pointers.append(curr_layer) # y_conv = DenseLayer(flat, m.fully_connected_size, act=tf.nn.relu,name = 'hidden_encode') pre_max_pool = Conv2d(conv_pointers[-1], 1, (1, 1), strides=(1, 1), name='c_Final_Conv') _, pm_width, pm_height, _ = pre_max_pool.outputs.get_shape() max_pool_width, max_pool_height = pm_width / DIVIDEND, pm_height / DIVIDEND max_pool = MaxPool2d(pre_max_pool, filter_size=(max_pool_width, max_pool_height), strides=(max_pool_width, max_pool_height), name='c_Final_Pool') if labels is None: return tf.round(tf.sigmoid(max_pool.outputs)) logits = FlattenLayer(max_pool).outputs final_guess = tf.round(tf.sigmoid(logits)) flat_labels = tf.contrib.layers.flatten(labels) cross_entropy = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(labels=flat_labels, logits=logits)) train_step = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(LEARNING_RATE).minimize( cross_entropy) accuracy_summary = tf.summary.scalar( 'Accuracy', tf.reduce_mean( tf.cast(tf.equal(flat_labels, final_guess), tf.float32))) percent_found_summary_round = tf.summary.scalar( 'Percent Found Rounded', tf.reduce_mean(final_guess)) percent_found_summary = tf.summary.scalar( 'Percent Found Nonrounded', tf.reduce_mean(tf.sigmoid(logits))) flat_labels = tf.cast(flat_labels, tf.float64) final_guess = tf.cast(final_guess, tf.float64) TP = tf.count_nonzero(final_guess * flat_labels, dtype=tf.float32) TN = tf.count_nonzero((final_guess - 1) * (flat_labels - 1), dtype=tf.float32) FP = tf.count_nonzero(final_guess * (flat_labels - 1), dtype=tf.float32) FN = tf.count_nonzero((final_guess - 1) * flat_labels, dtype=tf.float32) true_positive = tf.divide(TP, TP + FP) true_negative = tf.divide(TN, TN + FN) # accuracy = tf.divide(TP + TN, TN + FN + TP + FP) # accuracy_summary = tf.summary.scalar('Accuracy', accuracy) true_positive_summary = tf.summary.scalar('True Positive', true_positive) true_negative_summary = tf.summary.scalar('True Negative', true_negative) # resized_label = tf.image.resize_images(labels,size = (BASE_INPUT_SHAPE[0], BASE_INPUT_SHAPE[1])) # resized_output = tf.image.resize_images(tf.sigmoid(max_pool.outputs),size = (BASE_INPUT_SHAPE[0], BASE_INPUT_SHAPE[1])) # tiled_labels = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(resized_label, axis = -1), [1,1,1,3]) # tiled_outputs = tf.tile(resized_output, [1,1,1,3]) image_summary = tf.summary.image( "Example", tf.concat([ tf.sigmoid(max_pool.outputs), tf.expand_dims(labels, axis=-1), tf.ones_like(max_pool.outputs) ], axis=2), max_outputs=MAX_OUTPUTS) #show fake image # image_summary_2 = tf.summary.image("Example_2", x,max_outputs = MAX_OUTPUTS)#show fake image # image_summary_merge = tf.summary.merge([image_summary,image_summary_2]) cross_entropy_summary = tf.summary.scalar('Loss', cross_entropy) real_summary = tf.summary.merge([ cross_entropy_summary, accuracy_summary, percent_found_summary_round, percent_found_summary, true_negative_summary, true_positive_summary ]) return real_summary, image_summary, train_step
def _init_graph(self): #初始化Tensorflow计算图,包括输入数据,变量,模型,损失和优化 self.graph = tf.Graph() with self.graph.as_default(): # 默认使用cpu: tf.set_random_seed(self.random_seed) # 输入数据 self.train_features = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None, None], name="train_features") # None * features_M self.train_labels = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 1], name="train_labels") # None * 1 self.dropout_keep = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None], name="dropout_keep") self.train_phase = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, name="train_phase") # 变量 self.weights = self._initialize_weights() # 模型定义 self.nonzero_embeddings = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.weights['feature_embeddings'], self.train_features) # None * M' * K; M'即fields, K即em_factor #Pair-wise Interation Layer element_wise_product_list = [] for i in range(0, self.fields): for j in range(i+1, self.fields): element_wise_product_list.append(tf.multiply(self.nonzero_embeddings[:,i,:], self.nonzero_embeddings[:,j,:])) #将一个list变为一个tensor,上述list由M'*(M'-1)个None * K的tensor组成 self.element_wise_product = tf.stack(element_wise_product_list) # (M'*(M'-1)) * None * K self.element_wise_product = tf.transpose(self.element_wise_product, perm=[1,0,2], name="element_wise_product") # None * (M'*(M'-1)) * K self.interactions = tf.reduce_sum(self.element_wise_product, 2, name="interactions") # None * (M'*(M'-1)) # _________ 注意力机制部分 _____________ num_interactions = int(self.fields*(self.fields-1)/2) if self.attention: self.attention_mul = tf.reshape(tf.matmul(tf.reshape(self.element_wise_product, shape=[-1, self.em_factor]), \ self.weights['attention_W']), shape=[-1, num_interactions, self.attention_factor]) #上式中第一个reshape的目的size由None * (M'*(M'-1)) * K 变为 (None*(M'*(M'-1))) * K, 因为后面的权重为二维tensor #第一个reshpae再讲size变回None * (M'*(M'-1)) * attention_factor self.attention_exp = tf.exp(tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.weights['attention_p'], tf.nn.relu(self.attention_mul + \ self.weights['attention_b'])), 2, keep_dims=True)) # None * (M'*(M'-1)) * 1 self.attention_sum = tf.reduce_sum(self.attention_exp, 1, keep_dims=True) # None * 1 * 1 self.attention_out = tf.div(self.attention_exp, self.attention_sum, name="attention_out") # None * (M'*(M'-1)) * 1 #attention不使用dropout和bn处理,对该网络的权重使用L2正则化 # _________ 基于注意力机制的池化层 _____________ if self.attention: self.AFM = tf.reduce_sum(tf.multiply(self.attention_out, self.element_wise_product), 1, name="afm") # None * K else: self.AFM = tf.reduce_sum(self.element_wise_product, 1, name="afm") # None * K #对attention后的输出执行BN操作 if self.AFM = self.batch_norm_layer(self.AFM, train_phase=self.train_phase, scope_bn='bn_fm') #对attention后的输出执行dropout操作 self.AFM = tf.nn.dropout(self.AFM, self.dropout_keep[0]) # dropout # ___________ 输出层 ___________________ self.Bilinear = tf.matmul(self.AFM, self.weights['prediction']) # None * 1 #Bilinear = tf.reduce_sum(self.Bilinear, 1, keep_dims=True) # None * 1 self.Feature_bias = tf.reduce_sum(tf.nn.embedding_lookup(self.weights['feature_bias'], self.train_features) , 1) # None * 1 Bias = self.weights['bias'] * tf.ones_like(self.train_labels) # None * 1 self.out = tf.add_n([self.Bilinear, self.Feature_bias, Bias], name="out_afm") # None * 1 # 计算损失 if self.attention and self.lamda_attention > 0: self.loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.subtract(self.train_labels, self.out)) + tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(self.lamda_attention)(self.weights['attention_W']) # regulizer else: self.loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.subtract(self.train_labels, self.out)) if self.lamde_em > 0: self.loss = self.loss + tf.contrib.layers.l2_regularizer(self.lamda_em)(self.weights['feature_embeddings']) # regulizer # 优化方法 if self.optimizer_type == 'AdamOptimizer': self.optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-8).minimize(self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == 'AdagradOptimizer': self.optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, initial_accumulator_value=1e-8).minimize(self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == 'GradientDescentOptimizer': self.optimizer = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate).minimize(self.loss) elif self.optimizer_type == 'MomentumOptimizer': self.optimizer = tf.train.MomentumOptimizer(learning_rate=self.learning_rate, momentum=0.95).minimize(self.loss) # 初始化 self.saver = tf.train.Saver() init = tf.global_variables_initializer() self.sess = tf.Session() # 参数数目 total_parameters = 0 for variable in self.weights.values(): shape = variable.get_shape() # shape is an array of tf.Dimension variable_parameters = 1 for dim in shape: variable_parameters *= dim.value total_parameters += variable_parameters if self.verbose > 0: print ("#params: %d" %total_parameters)
def __init__( self, sequence_length, num_classes, embedding_size, filter_sizes, num_filters, l2_reg_lambda=0.0): # Placeholders for input, output, dropout self.input_x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, sequence_length, embedding_size], name = "input_x") self.input_y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, num_classes], name = "input_y") self.dropout_keep_prob = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, name = "dropout_keep_prob") # Keeping track of l2 regularization loss (optional) l2_loss = tf.constant(0.0) # Embedding layer # self.embedded_chars = [None(batch_size), sequence_size, embedding_size] # self.embedded_chars = [None(batch_size), sequence_size, embedding_size, 1(num_channels)] self.embedded_chars = self.input_x self.embedded_chars_expended = tf.expand_dims(self.embedded_chars, -1) # Create a convolution + maxpool layer for each filter size pooled_outputs = [] for i, filter_size in enumerate(filter_sizes): with tf.name_scope("conv-maxpool-%s" % filter_size): # Convolution layer filter_shape = [filter_size, embedding_size, 1, num_filters] W = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal(filter_shape, stddev=0.1), name="W") b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[num_filters]), name="b") conv = tf.nn.conv2d( self.embedded_chars_expended, W, strides=[1,1,1,1], padding="VALID", name="conv") # Apply nonlinearity h = tf.nn.relu(tf.nn.bias_add(conv, b), name = "relu") # Maxpooling over the outputs pooled = tf.nn.max_pool( h, ksize=[1, sequence_length - filter_size + 1, 1, 1], strides=[1,1,1,1], padding="VALID", name="pool") pooled_outputs.append(pooled) # Combine all the pooled features num_filters_total = num_filters * len(filter_sizes) self.h_pool = tf.concat(pooled_outputs, 3) self.h_pool_flat = tf.reshape(self.h_pool, [-1, num_filters_total]) # Add dropout with tf.name_scope("dropout"): self.h_drop = tf.nn.dropout(self.h_pool_flat, self.dropout_keep_prob) # Final (unnomalized) scores and predictions with tf.name_scope("output"): W = tf.get_variable( "W", shape = [num_filters_total, num_classes], initializer = tf.contrib.layers.xavier_initializer()) b = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[num_classes], name = "b")) l2_loss += tf.nn.l2_loss(W) l2_loss += tf.nn.l2_loss(b) self.scores = tf.nn.xw_plus_b(self.h_drop, W, b, name = "scores") self.predictions = tf.argmax(self.scores, 1, name = "predictions") predictions = self.predictions # Calculate Mean cross-entropy loss with tf.name_scope("loss"): losses = tf.nn.softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits = self.scores, labels = self.input_y) self.loss = tf.reduce_mean(losses) + l2_reg_lambda * l2_loss # Accuracy with tf.name_scope("accuracy"): correct_predictions = tf.equal(self.predictions, tf.argmax(self.input_y, 1)) self.accuracy = tf.reduce_mean(tf.cast(correct_predictions, "float"), name = "accuracy") actuals = tf.argmax(self.input_y, 1) ones_like_actuals = tf.ones_like(actuals) zeros_like_actuals = tf.zeros_like(actuals) ones_like_predictions = tf.ones_like(self.predictions) zeros_like_predictions = tf.zeros_like(self.predictions) tp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, ones_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, ones_like_predictions) ), "float" ) ) tn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, zeros_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, zeros_like_predictions) ), "float" ) ) fp_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, zeros_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, ones_like_predictions) ), "float" ) ) fn_op = tf.reduce_sum( tf.cast( tf.logical_and( tf.equal(actuals, ones_like_actuals), tf.equal(predictions, zeros_like_predictions) ), "float" ) ) tpr = tp_op/(tp_op + fn_op) print(self.predictions) print(self.predictions.shape) print(tf.argmax(self.input_y, 1)) self.recall = tpr self.f1_score = (2 * (self.accuracy * self.recall)) / (self.accuracy + self.recall)
def multihead_attention(queries, keys, num_units = None, num_heads = 8, dropout_rate = 0, is_training = True, causality = False, scope = "multihead_attention", reuse = None): ''' Implement multihead attention Args: queries: [Tensor], A 3-dimensions tensor with shape of [N, T_q, S_q] keys: [Tensor], A 3-dimensions tensor with shape of [N, T_k, S_k] num_units: [Int], Attention size num_heads: [Int], Number of heads dropout_rate: [Float], A ratio of dropout is_training: [Boolean], If true, controller of mechanism for dropout causality: [Boolean], If true, units that reference the future are masked scope: [String], Optional scope for "variable_scope" reuse: [Boolean], If to reuse the weights of a previous layer by the same name Returns: A 3-dimensions tensor with shape of [N, T_q, S] ''' with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse = reuse): if num_units is None: # length of sentence num_units = queries.get_shape().as_list()[-1] # Linear layers in Figure 2(right) # shape = [N, T_q, S] Q = tf.layers.dense(queries, num_units, activation = tf.nn.relu) # shape = [N, T_k, S] K = tf.layers.dense(keys, num_units, activation = tf.nn.relu) # shape = [N, T_k, S] V = tf.layers.dense(keys, num_units, activation = tf.nn.relu) # Split and concat # shape = [N*h, T_q, S/h] Q_ = tf.concat(tf.split(Q, num_heads, axis = 2), axis = 0) # shape = [N*h, T_k, S/h] K_ = tf.concat(tf.split(K, num_heads, axis = 2), axis = 0) # shape = [N*h, T_k, S/h] V_ = tf.concat(tf.split(V, num_heads, axis = 2), axis = 0) # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] outputs = tf.matmul(Q_, tf.transpose(K_, [0, 2, 1])) # Scale outputs = outputs / (K_.get_shape().as_list()[-1] ** 0.5) # Masking # shape = [N, T_k] key_masks = tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(keys, axis = -1))) # shape = [N*h, T_k] key_masks = tf.tile(key_masks, [num_heads, 1]) # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] key_masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(key_masks, 1), [1, tf.shape(queries)[1], 1]) # If key_masks == 0 outputs = [1]*length(outputs) paddings = tf.ones_like(outputs) * (-math.pow(2, 32) + 1) # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(key_masks, 0), paddings, outputs) if causality: # reduce dims : shape = [T_q, T_k] diag_vals = tf.ones_like(outputs[0, :, :]) # shape = [T_q, T_k] # use triangular matrix to ignore the affect from future words # like : [[1,0,0] # [1,2,0] # [1,2,3]] tril = tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorTriL(diag_vals).to_dense() # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tril, 0), [tf.shape(outputs)[0], 1, 1]) paddings = tf.ones_like(masks) * (-math.pow(2, 32) + 1) # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(masks, 0), paddings, outputs) # Output Activation outputs = tf.nn.softmax(outputs) # Query Masking # shape = [N, T_q] query_masks = tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(queries, axis = -1))) # shape = [N*h, T_q] query_masks = tf.tile(query_masks, [num_heads, 1]) # shape = [N*h, T_q, T_k] query_masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(query_masks, -1), [1, 1, tf.shape(keys)[1]]) outputs *= query_masks # Dropouts outputs = tf.layers.dropout(outputs, rate = dropout_rate, training = tf.convert_to_tensor(is_training)) # Weighted sum # shape = [N*h, T_q, S/h] outputs = tf.matmul(outputs, V_) # Restore shape # shape = [N, T_q, S] outputs = tf.concat(tf.split(outputs, num_heads, axis = 0), axis = 2) # Residual connection outputs += queries # Normalize # shape = [N, T_q, S] outputs = normalize(outputs) return outputs
def __call__(self, inputVector, bhPhase=True, trainable=True): print "priornet - " + self._nameScope with tf.variable_scope(self._nameScope, reuse=self._reuse): ratio = np.power( float(self._outputDim) / float(self._inputDim), 1.0 / float(self._hiddenLayerNum)) layerDim = self._inputDim print inputVector.shape hidden = 2.0 * inputVector - 1.0 print "mean prior" for i in range(self._hiddenLayerNum - 1): layerDim = layerDim * ratio hidden = tf.layers.dense(inputs=hidden, units=int(layerDim), activation=None, use_bias=True, trainable=self._trainable) hidden = tf.layers.batch_normalization( hidden, training=self._training, trainable=self._trainable) hidden = tf.layers.dropout(hidden, rate=0.5, training=self._training) if self._coreAct != None: hidden = self._coreAct(hidden) print hidden.shape meanPrior = tf.layers.dense(inputs=hidden, units=self._outputDim, activation=None, use_bias=True, trainable=self._trainable) if self._lastAct != None: meanPrior = self._lastAct(meanPrior) print meanPrior.shape if self._constLogVar == None: print "logVar prior" layerDim = self._inputDim print inputVector.shape hidden = 2.0 * inputVector - 1.0 for i in range(self._hiddenLayerNum - 1): layerDim = layerDim * ratio hidden = tf.layers.dense(inputs=hidden, units=int(layerDim), activation=None, use_bias=True, trainable=self._trainable) hidden = tf.layers.batch_normalization( hidden, training=self._training, trainable=self._trainable) hidden = tf.layers.dropout(hidden, rate=0.5, training=self._training) if self._coreAct != None: hidden = self._coreAct(hidden) print hidden.shape logVarPrior = tf.layers.dense(inputs=hidden, units=self._outputDim, activation=None, use_bias=True, trainable=self._trainable) if self._lastAct != None: logVarPrior = self._lastAct(logVarPrior) print logVarPrior.shape elif self._constLogVar == self._constLogVar: print "logVar prior : constant " + str(self._constLogVar) logVarPrior = self._constLogVar * tf.ones_like(meanPrior) else: logVarPrior = None self._reuse = True self.variables = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES, scope=self._nameScope) self.update_ops = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS, scope=self._nameScope) self.saver = tf.train.Saver(var_list=self.variables) return meanPrior, logVarPrior
def build_model(self): if self.y_dim: self.y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size, self.y_dim], name='y') if self.is_crop: image_dims = [self.output_height, self.output_width, self.c_dim] else: image_dims = [self.input_height, self.input_width, self.c_dim] self.inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.batch_size] + image_dims, name='real_images') self.sample_inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [self.sample_num] + image_dims, name='sample_inputs') inputs = self.inputs sample_inputs = self.sample_inputs ''' Possible way of change z's dimension ''' self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim], name='z') self.z_sum = histogram_summary("z", self.z) if self.y_dim: self.G = self.generator(self.z, self.y) self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(inputs, self.y) self.sampler = self.sampler(self.z, self.y) self.D_, self.D_logits_ = self.discriminator(self.G, self.y, reuse=True) else: self.G = self.generator(self.z) self.D, self.D_logits = self.discriminator(inputs) self.sampler = self.sampler(self.z) self.D_, self.D_logits_ = self.discriminator(self.G, reuse=True) self.d_sum = histogram_summary("d", self.D) self.d__sum = histogram_summary("d_", self.D_) self.G_sum = image_summary("G", self.G) def sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, y): try: return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x, labels=y) except: return tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=x, targets=y) self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits, tf.ones_like(self.D))) self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits_, tf.zeros_like(self.D_))) self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(self.D_logits_, tf.ones_like(self.D_))) self.d_loss_real_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss_real", self.d_loss_real) self.d_loss_fake_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss_fake", self.d_loss_fake) self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real + self.d_loss_fake self.g_loss_sum = scalar_summary("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.d_loss_sum = scalar_summary("d_loss", self.d_loss) t_vars = tf.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'd_' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'g_' in] # Wasserstein-GAN # self.d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(self.D_logits) # self.d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(self.D_logits_) # self.g_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(self.D_logits_) # self.d_loss = self.d_loss_real - self.d_loss_fake self.saver = tf.train.Saver()
def __init__(self, z_dim, h_dim, learning_rate, scale, generator_output_layer): self.z_dim = z_dim self.h_dim = h_dim self.g_net = Generator(z_dim, h_dim, generator_output_layer) self.d_net = Discriminator(h_dim) = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, []) self.with_text = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None]) self.x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 64, 64, 3]) self.x_w_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 64, 64, 3]) self.z = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, self.z_dim]) # true h self.h = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, h_dim]) # false h self.h_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, h_dim]) # false image self.x_ = self.g_net(self.z, self.h, # true image, true h self.d = self.d_net(self.x, self.h,, reuse=False) # fake image, true h self.d_ = self.d_net(self.x_, self.h, # wrong image, true h self.d_w_ = self.d_net(self.x_w_, self.h, # true image, false h self.d_h_ = self.d_net(self.x, self.h_, # self.g_loss = - tf.reduce_mean(self.d_) #+ tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(self.x - self.x_)) # self.d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(self.d) \ # - ( 1 * tf.reduce_mean(self.d_) + 1 * tf.reduce_mean(self.d_h_) + 1 * tf.reduce_mean(self.d_w_)) / (1 + 1 + 1) self.g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.d_, labels=tf.ones_like(self.d_))) self.d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.d, labels=tf.ones_like(self.d))) \ + (tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.d_, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.d_))) + \ tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.d_w_, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.d_w_))) +\ tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=self.d_h_, labels=tf.zeros_like(self.d_h_))) ) / 3 self.d_opt, self.g_opt = None, None with tf.control_dependencies(tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.UPDATE_OPS)): self.d_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.9)\ .minimize(self.d_loss, var_list=self.d_net.vars) self.g_opt = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.5, beta2=0.9)\ .minimize(self.g_loss, var_list=self.g_net.vars)
def loss_layer(self, feature_map_i, y_true, anchors): ''' calc loss function from a certain scale input: feature_map_i: feature maps of a certain scale. shape: [N, 13, 13, 3*(5 + num_class)] etc. y_true: y_ture from a certain scale. shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 5 + num_class + 1] etc. anchors: shape [9, 2] ''' # size in [h, w] format! don't get messed up! grid_size = tf.shape(feature_map_i)[1:3] # the downscale ratio in height and weight ratio = tf.cast(self.img_size / grid_size, tf.float32) # N: batch_size N = tf.cast(tf.shape(feature_map_i)[0], tf.float32) x_y_offset, pred_boxes, pred_conf_logits, pred_prob_logits = self.reorg_layer( feature_map_i, anchors) ########### # get mask ########### # shape: take 416x416 input image and 13*13 feature_map for example: # [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] object_mask = y_true[..., 4:5] # the calculation of ignore mask if referred from # ignore_mask = tf.TensorArray(tf.float32, size=0, dynamic_size=True) def loop_cond(idx, ignore_mask): return tf.less(idx, tf.cast(N, tf.int32)) def loop_body(idx, ignore_mask): # shape: [13, 13, 3, 4] & [13, 13, 3] ==> [V, 4] # V: num of true gt box of each image in a batch valid_true_boxes = tf.boolean_mask( y_true[idx, ..., 0:4], tf.cast(object_mask[idx, ..., 0], 'bool')) # shape: [13, 13, 3, 4] & [V, 4] ==> [13, 13, 3, V] iou = self.box_iou(pred_boxes[idx], valid_true_boxes) # shape: [13, 13, 3] best_iou = tf.reduce_max(iou, axis=-1) # shape: [13, 13, 3] ignore_mask_tmp = tf.cast(best_iou < 0.5, tf.float32) # finally will be shape: [N, 13, 13, 3] ignore_mask = ignore_mask.write(idx, ignore_mask_tmp) return idx + 1, ignore_mask _, ignore_mask = tf.while_loop(cond=loop_cond, body=loop_body, loop_vars=[0, ignore_mask]) ignore_mask = ignore_mask.stack() # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] ignore_mask = tf.expand_dims(ignore_mask, -1) # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 2] pred_box_xy = pred_boxes[..., 0:2] pred_box_wh = pred_boxes[..., 2:4] # get xy coordinates in one cell from the feature_map # numerical range: 0 ~ 1 # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 2] true_xy = y_true[..., 0:2] / ratio[::-1] - x_y_offset pred_xy = pred_box_xy / ratio[::-1] - x_y_offset # get_tw_th # numerical range: 0 ~ 1 # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 2] true_tw_th = y_true[..., 2:4] / anchors pred_tw_th = pred_box_wh / anchors # for numerical stability true_tw_th = tf.where(condition=tf.equal(true_tw_th, 0), x=tf.ones_like(true_tw_th), y=true_tw_th) pred_tw_th = tf.where(condition=tf.equal(pred_tw_th, 0), x=tf.ones_like(pred_tw_th), y=pred_tw_th) true_tw_th = tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(true_tw_th, 1e-9, 1e9)) pred_tw_th = tf.log(tf.clip_by_value(pred_tw_th, 1e-9, 1e9)) # box size punishment: # box with smaller area has bigger weight. This is taken from the yolo darknet C source code. # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] box_loss_scale = 2. - ( y_true[..., 2:3] / tf.cast(self.img_size[1], tf.float32)) * ( y_true[..., 3:4] / tf.cast(self.img_size[0], tf.float32)) ############ # loss_part ############ # mix_up weight # [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] mix_w = y_true[..., -1:] # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] xy_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(true_xy - pred_xy) * object_mask * box_loss_scale * mix_w) / N wh_loss = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(true_tw_th - pred_tw_th) * object_mask * box_loss_scale * mix_w) / N # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] conf_pos_mask = object_mask conf_neg_mask = (1 - object_mask) * ignore_mask conf_loss_pos = conf_pos_mask * tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=object_mask, logits=pred_conf_logits) conf_loss_neg = conf_neg_mask * tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=object_mask, logits=pred_conf_logits) # TODO: may need to balance the pos-neg by multiplying some weights conf_loss = conf_loss_pos + conf_loss_neg if self.use_focal_loss: alpha = 1.0 gamma = 2.0 # TODO: alpha should be a mask array if needed focal_mask = alpha * tf.pow( tf.abs(object_mask - tf.sigmoid(pred_conf_logits)), gamma) conf_loss *= focal_mask conf_loss = tf.reduce_sum(conf_loss * mix_w) / N # shape: [N, 13, 13, 3, 1] # whether to use label smooth if self.use_label_smooth: delta = 0.01 label_target = ( 1 - delta) * y_true[..., 5:-1] + delta * 1. / self.class_num else: label_target = y_true[..., 5:-1] class_loss = object_mask * tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=label_target, logits=pred_prob_logits) * mix_w class_loss = tf.reduce_sum(class_loss) / N return xy_loss, wh_loss, conf_loss, class_loss
def mask_attn_score(score, memory_sequence_length, score_mask_value=-1e8): score_mask = tf.sequence_mask(memory_sequence_length, maxlen=score.shape[1]) score_mask_values = score_mask_value * tf.ones_like(score) return tf.where(score_mask, score, score_mask_values)
def masked_conv_v1(u, filter_1, filter_2, mask_1, mask_2, conductivity_1, conductivity_2, eps=0.01, filter_banks=None): ''' convolution with two different kernels :param u: input image :param filter_1: :param filter_2: :param mask_1: region where filter_1 is applied, with value (0.5-eps,0.5+eps) on the boundary :param mask_2: region where filter_2 is applied, with value (0.5-eps,0.5+eps) on the boundary :param eps: some numerical consideration :return: ''' boundary_mask = tf.round(mask_1 + 0.1) + tf.round(mask_2 + 0.1) - 1 boundary_d_matrix = boundary_mask * (-8 / 3. * (conductivity_1 + conductivity_2) / 2.) mat1_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_1 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_1) mat2_d_matrix = tf.round(mask_2 - 0.1) * (-8 / 3. * conductivity_2) d_matrix = boundary_d_matrix + mat1_d_matrix + mat2_d_matrix padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_1 + eps), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_input = tf.pad( u * tf.round(mask_2 + eps), [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res1 = output_1 * mask_1 + output_2 * mask_2 padded_input = tf.pad( u * mask_1, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_1 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_1, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') padded_input = tf.pad( u * mask_2, [[0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 1], [0, 0]], "SYMMETRIC") # convolution with symmetric padding at boundary output_2 = tf.nn.conv2d(input=padded_input, filter=filter_2, strides=[1, 1, 1, 1], padding='VALID') res2 = output_1 + output_2 LU_u = res1 * (tf.round(mask_1) + tf.round(mask_2)) + \ res2 * (tf.ones_like(mask_1) - tf.round(mask_1) - tf.round(mask_2)) result = LU_u + (d_matrix * u) tmp = { 'd_matrix': d_matrix, 'LU_u': LU_u, 'result': result, } return tmp
def _build_model(self): # define some placeholders self.real_data = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [ self.batch_size, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim + self.output_c_dim ], name='real_A_and_B') if self.model != 'base': self.real_mixed = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.float32, [ self.batch_size, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim ], name='real_A_and_B_mixed') self.real_A = self.real_data[:, :, :, :self.input_c_dim] self.real_B = self.real_data[:, :, :, self.input_c_dim:self.input_c_dim + self.output_c_dim] self.gaussian_noise = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [ self.batch_size, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim ], name='gaussian_noise') # Generator: A - B - A self.fake_B = self.generator(self.real_A, self.options, False, name="generatorA2B") self.fake_A_ = self.generator(self.fake_B, self.options, False, name="generatorB2A") # Generator: B - A - B self.fake_A = self.generator(self.real_B, self.options, True, name="generatorB2A") self.fake_B_ = self.generator(self.fake_A, self.options, True, name="generatorA2B") # to binary self.real_A_binary = to_binary(self.real_A, 0.5) self.real_B_binary = to_binary(self.real_B, 0.5) self.fake_A_binary = to_binary(self.fake_A, 0.5) self.fake_B_binary = to_binary(self.fake_B, 0.5) self.fake_A__binary = to_binary(self.fake_A_, 0.5) self.fake_B__binary = to_binary(self.fake_B_, 0.5) # Discriminator: Fake self.DB_fake = self.discriminator(self.fake_B + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorB") self.DA_fake = self.discriminator(self.fake_A + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorA") # Discriminator: Real self.DA_real = self.discriminator(self.real_A + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorA") self.DB_real = self.discriminator(self.real_B + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorB") self.fake_A_sample = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [ self.batch_size, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim ], name='fake_A_sample') self.fake_B_sample = tf.compat.v1.placeholder(tf.float32, [ self.batch_size, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim ], name='fake_B_sample') self.DA_fake_sample = self.discriminator(self.fake_A_sample + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorA") self.DB_fake_sample = self.discriminator(self.fake_B_sample + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorB") if self.model != 'base': # Discriminator: All self.DA_real_all = self.discriminator(self.real_mixed + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorA_all") self.DA_fake_sample_all = self.discriminator( self.fake_A_sample + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorA_all") self.DB_real_all = self.discriminator(self.real_mixed + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=False, name="discriminatorB_all") self.DB_fake_sample_all = self.discriminator( self.fake_B_sample + self.gaussian_noise, self.options, reuse=True, name="discriminatorB_all") # Generator loss self.cycle_loss = self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_A, self.fake_A_) \ + self.L1_lambda * abs_criterion(self.real_B, self.fake_B_) self.g_loss_a2b = self.criterionGAN( self.DB_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DB_fake)) + self.cycle_loss self.g_loss_b2a = self.criterionGAN( self.DA_fake, tf.ones_like(self.DA_fake)) + self.cycle_loss self.g_loss = self.g_loss_a2b + self.g_loss_b2a - self.cycle_loss # Discriminator loss self.db_loss_real = self.criterionGAN(self.DB_real, tf.ones_like(self.DB_real)) self.db_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN( self.DB_fake_sample, tf.zeros_like(self.DB_fake_sample)) self.db_loss = (self.db_loss_real + self.db_loss_fake) / 2 self.da_loss_real = self.criterionGAN(self.DA_real, tf.ones_like(self.DA_real)) self.da_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN( self.DA_fake_sample, tf.zeros_like(self.DA_fake_sample)) self.da_loss = (self.da_loss_real + self.da_loss_fake) / 2 self.d_loss = self.da_loss + self.db_loss if self.model != 'base': self.db_all_loss_real = self.criterionGAN( self.DB_real_all, tf.ones_like(self.DB_real_all)) self.db_all_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN( self.DB_fake_sample_all, tf.zeros_like(self.DB_fake_sample_all)) self.db_all_loss = (self.db_all_loss_real + self.db_all_loss_fake) / 2 self.da_all_loss_real = self.criterionGAN( self.DA_real_all, tf.ones_like(self.DA_real_all)) self.da_all_loss_fake = self.criterionGAN( self.DA_fake_sample_all, tf.zeros_like(self.DA_fake_sample_all)) self.da_all_loss = (self.da_all_loss_real + self.da_all_loss_fake) / 2 self.d_all_loss = self.da_all_loss + self.db_all_loss self.D_loss = self.d_loss + self.gamma * self.d_all_loss # Define all summaries self.g_loss_a2b_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "g_loss_a2b", self.g_loss_a2b) self.g_loss_b2a_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "g_loss_b2a", self.g_loss_b2a) self.g_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("g_loss", self.g_loss) self.cycle_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "cycle_loss", self.cycle_loss) self.g_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge([ self.g_loss_a2b_sum, self.g_loss_b2a_sum, self.g_loss_sum, self.cycle_loss_sum ]) self.db_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("db_loss", self.db_loss) self.da_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("da_loss", self.da_loss) self.d_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar("d_loss", self.d_loss) self.db_loss_real_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "db_loss_real", self.db_loss_real) self.db_loss_fake_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "db_loss_fake", self.db_loss_fake) self.da_loss_real_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "da_loss_real", self.da_loss_real) self.da_loss_fake_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "da_loss_fake", self.da_loss_fake) if self.model != 'base': self.d_all_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "d_all_loss", self.d_all_loss) self.D_loss_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.scalar( "D_loss", self.d_loss) self.d_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge([ self.da_loss_sum, self.da_loss_real_sum, self.da_loss_fake_sum, self.db_loss_sum, self.db_loss_real_sum, self.db_loss_fake_sum, self.d_loss_sum, self.d_all_loss_sum, self.D_loss_sum ]) else: self.d_sum = tf.compat.v1.summary.merge([ self.da_loss_sum, self.da_loss_real_sum, self.da_loss_fake_sum, self.db_loss_sum, self.db_loss_real_sum, self.db_loss_fake_sum, self.d_loss_sum ]) # Test self.test_A = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.input_c_dim], name='test_A') self.test_B = tf.compat.v1.placeholder( tf.float32, [None, self.time_step, self.pitch_range, self.output_c_dim], name='test_B') # A - B - A self.testB = self.generator(self.test_A, self.options, True, name="generatorA2B") self.testA_ = self.generator(self.testB, self.options, True, name='generatorB2A') # B - A - B self.testA = self.generator(self.test_B, self.options, True, name="generatorB2A") self.testB_ = self.generator(self.testA, self.options, True, name='generatorA2B') # to binary self.test_A_binary = to_binary(self.test_A, 0.5) self.test_B_binary = to_binary(self.test_B, 0.5) self.testA_binary = to_binary(self.testA, 0.5) self.testB_binary = to_binary(self.testB, 0.5) self.testA__binary = to_binary(self.testA_, 0.5) self.testB__binary = to_binary(self.testB_, 0.5) t_vars = tf.compat.v1.trainable_variables() self.d_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'discriminator' in] self.g_vars = [var for var in t_vars if 'generator' in] for var in t_vars: print(
def _apply_transposed(self, is_train, x): w_init = get_keras_initialization(self.w_init) r_init = None if self.recurrent_init is None else get_keras_initialization( self.recurrent_init) x_size = x.shape.as_list()[-1] if x_size is None: raise ValueError("Last dimension must be defined (have shape %s)" % str(x.shape)) if self._kind == "GRU": cell = cudnn_rnn_ops.CudnnGRU(self.n_layers, self.n_units, x_size, input_mode="linear_input") elif self._kind == "LSTM": cell = cudnn_rnn_ops.CudnnLSTM(self.n_layers, self.n_units, x_size, input_mode="linear_input") else: raise ValueError() n_params = cell.params_size().eval() weights, biases = cell.params_to_canonical(tf.zeros([n_params])) def init(shape, dtype=None, partition_info=None): # This a bit hacky, since the api for these models is akward. We have to compute the shape of # the weights / biases by calling `cell.params_to_canonical` with a unused tensor, and then # use .eval() to actually get the shape. Then we can apply the user-requested initialzers if self._kind == "LSTM": is_recurrent = [ False, False, False, False, True, True, True, True ] is_forget_bias = [ False, True, False, False, False, True, False, False ] else: is_recurrent = [False, False, False, True, True, True] is_forget_bias = [False] * 6 init_biases = [ tf.constant(self.lstm_bias / 2.0, tf.float32, (self.n_units, )) if z else tf.zeros(self.n_units) for z in is_forget_bias ] init_weights = [] for w, r in zip(weights, is_recurrent): if r and r_init is not None: init_weights.append( tf.reshape( r_init((self.n_units, self.n_units), w.dtype), tf.shape(w))) else: init_weights.append(w_init(tf.shape(w).eval(), w.dtype)) out = cell.canonical_to_params(init_weights, init_biases) out.set_shape((n_params, )) return out parameters = tf.get_variable("gru_parameters", n_params, tf.float32, initializer=init) if self.keep_recurrent < 1: # Not super well test, try to figure out which indices in `parameters` are recurrent weights and drop them # this is implementing drop-connect for the recurrent weights is_recurrent = weights[:len(weights) // 2] + [ tf.ones_like(w) for w in weights[len(weights) // 2:] ] recurrent_mask = cell.canonical_to_params( is_recurrent, biases) # ones at recurrent weights recurrent_mask = 1 - recurrent_mask * ( 1 - self.keep_recurrent ) # ones are non-recurrent param, keep_prob elsewhere parameters = tf.cond( is_train, lambda: tf.floor( tf.random_uniform( (n_params, )) + recurrent_mask) * parameters, lambda: parameters) if self._kind == "LSTM": if self.learn_initial_states: raise NotImplementedError() else: initial_state_h = tf.zeros( (self.n_layers, tf.shape(x)[1], self.n_units), tf.float32) initial_state_c = tf.zeros( (self.n_layers, tf.shape(x)[1], self.n_units), tf.float32) out = cell(x, initial_state_h, initial_state_c, parameters, True) else: if self.learn_initial_states: initial_state = tf.get_variable("initial_state", self.n_units, tf.float32, tf.zeros_initializer()) initial_state = tf.tile( tf.expand_dims(tf.expand_dims(initial_state, 0), 0), [self.n_layers, tf.shape(x)[1], 1]) else: initial_state = tf.zeros( (self.n_layers, tf.shape(x)[1], self.n_units), tf.float32) out = cell(x, initial_state, parameters, True) return out
def main(layers): np.random.seed(seed) tf.set_random_seed(seed) # We load the original dataset data = np.load(original_file) # ========================================================================= # Parameters of the complete system # ========================================================================= # We obtain the features and the targets X = data[ :, range(data.shape[ 1 ] - 1) ] y = data[ :, data.shape[ 1 ] - 1 ] data_size = X.shape[ 0 ] size_train = data_size - n_size_test total_training_data = size_train X_train = X[0 : size_train, : ] y_train = np.vstack(y[ 0 : size_train ]) X_test = X[size_train : data_size, : ] y_test = np.vstack(y[ size_train : data_size ]) # Normalize the values meanXTrain = np.mean(X_train, axis = 0) stdXTrain = np.std(X_train, axis = 0) meanyTrain = np.mean(y_train) stdyTrain = np.std(y_train) X_train = (X_train - meanXTrain) / stdXTrain y_train = (y_train - meanyTrain) / stdyTrain X_test = (X_test - meanXTrain) / stdXTrain std_targets = stdyTrain mean_targets = meanyTrain # Create the model dim_data = X_train.shape[ 1 ] # Placeholders for data and number of samples x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [ None, dim_data ]) y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [ None, 1 ]) n_samples = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [ 1 ])[ 0 ] n_layers_nn = n_layers_gen = n_layers_disc = layers if n_layers_nn == 2: total_weights = n_units_nn * (dim_data + n_units_nn) + n_units_nn # Number of weights for the 2 hidden layers case else: total_weights = (dim_data + 1) * n_units_nn # Total number of weights used generator = create_generator(n_units_gen, noise_comps_gen, total_weights, n_layers_gen) discriminator = create_discriminator(n_units_disc, total_weights, n_layers_disc) main_NN = create_main_NN(n_units_nn, n_layers_nn) weights = compute_output_generator(generator, tf.shape(x)[ 0 ], n_samples, noise_comps_gen) # Obtain the moments of the weights and pass the values through the disc mean_w , var_w = tf.nn.moments(weights, axes = [0, 1]) mean_w = tf.stop_gradient(mean_w) var_w = tf.stop_gradient(var_w) # Normalize real weights norm_weights = (weights - mean_w) / tf.sqrt(var_w) # Generate samples of a normal distribution with the moments of the weights w_gaussian = tf.random_normal(shape = tf.shape(weights), mean = 0, stddev = 1, seed = seed) # Obtain the T(z,x) for the real and the sampled weights T_real = compute_output_discriminator(discriminator, norm_weights, layers) T_sampled = compute_output_discriminator(discriminator, w_gaussian, layers) # Calculate the cross entropy loss for the discriminator d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=T_real, labels=tf.ones_like(T_real))) d_loss_sampled = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits(logits=T_sampled, labels=tf.zeros_like(T_sampled))) cross_entropy_per_point = (d_loss_real + d_loss_sampled) / 2.0 # Obtain the KL and ELBO logr = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum(norm_weights**2 + tf.log(var_w) + np.log(2.0 * np.pi), [ 2 ]) logz = -0.5 * tf.reduce_sum((weights)**2 / tf.exp(main_NN['log_vars_prior']) + main_NN['log_vars_prior'] + np.log(2.0 * np.pi), [ 2 ]) KL = T_real + logr - logz res_train, error, log_prob_data, results_mean, results_std = compute_outputs_main_NN(main_NN, x, y_, mean_targets, std_targets, weights, \ n_samples, dim_data) # Make the estimates of the ELBO for the primary classifier ELBO = (tf.reduce_sum(res_train) - tf.reduce_mean(KL) * tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[ 0 ], tf.float32) / \ tf.cast(total_training_data, tf.float32)) * tf.cast(total_training_data, tf.float32) / tf.cast(tf.shape(x)[ 0 ], tf.float32) neg_ELBO = -ELBO main_loss = neg_ELBO mean_ELBO = ELBO # KL y res_train have shape batch_size x n_samples mean_KL = tf.reduce_mean(KL) # Create the variable lists to be updated vars_primal = get_variables_generator(generator) + get_variables_main_NN(main_NN) vars_dual = get_variables_discriminator(discriminator) train_step_primal = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(primal_rate).minimize(main_loss, var_list = vars_primal) train_step_dual = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(dual_rate).minimize(cross_entropy_per_point, var_list = vars_dual) config = tf.ConfigProto(intra_op_parallelism_threads=1, inter_op_parallelism_threads=1, \ allow_soft_placement=True, device_count = {'CPU': 1}) with tf.Session(config = config) as sess: total_ini = time.time() # Change the value of alpha to begin exploring using the second value given for epoch in range(n_epochs): L = 0.0 ce_estimate = 0.0 kl = 0.0 for i_batch in range(int(np.ceil(size_train / n_batch))): ini = time.clock() ini_ref = time.time() ini_train = time.clock() last_point = np.minimum(n_batch * (i_batch + 1), size_train) batch = [ X_train[ i_batch * n_batch : last_point, : ] , y_train[ i_batch * n_batch : last_point, ] ], feed_dict={x: batch[ 0 ], y_: batch[ 1 ], n_samples: n_samples_train}), feed_dict={x: batch[ 0 ], y_: batch[ 1 ], n_samples: n_samples_train}) L_tmp, kl_tmp, ce_estimate_tmp =[ mean_ELBO, mean_KL, cross_entropy_per_point] , feed_dict={x: batch[ 0 ], y_: batch[ 1 ], n_samples: n_samples_train}) L += L_tmp kl += kl_tmp ce_estimate += ce_estimate_tmp fini_train = time.clock() if i_batch % n_batches_to_report == 0 and not (i_batch == 0 and epoch == 0): sys.stdout.write('\n') ini_test = time.time() ################################################### # CRPS by the ensemble method for each test value # ################################################### # crps_raw = np.empty(len(labels)) # for i in range(len(labels)): crps_raw[i] = crps_ensemble(labels[i,0], results[i,:]) # mean_crps_ensemble = np.mean(crps_raw) # np.savetxt('results_AADM/' + str(alpha) + 'raw_CRPS_' + str(split) + ".txt", crps_raw) # np.savetxt('results_AADM/' + str(alpha) + 'mean_CRPS_' + str(split) + ".txt", [ mean_crps ]) ########################################### # Exact CRPS for the mixture of gaussians # ########################################### # np.savetxt('results_AADM/' + str(alpha) + 'raw_exact_CRPS_' + str(split) + ".txt", crps_exact) # np.savetxt('results_AADM/' + str(alpha) + 'mean_exact_CRPS_' + str(split) + ".txt", [ mean_crps_exact ]) # We do the test evaluation for the error metrics SE = 0.0 LL = 0.0 mean_crps_exact = 0.0 n_batches_to_process = int(np.ceil(X_test.shape[ 0 ] / n_batch)) for i in range(n_batches_to_process): last_point = np.minimum(n_batch * (i + 1), X_test.shape[ 0 ]) batch = [ X_test[ i * n_batch : last_point, : ] , y_test[ i * n_batch : last_point, ] ] SE_tmp, LL_tmp, labels, res_mean, res_std =[ error, log_prob_data, y_, results_mean, results_std ], \ feed_dict={x: batch[0], y_: batch[1], n_samples: n_samples_test}) SE += SE_tmp LL += LL_tmp # Exact CRPS shape_quad = res_mean.shape res_var = res_std ** 2 crps_exact = np.empty([ shape_quad[0] ]) for i in range(shape_quad[0]): means_vec = res_mean[i, :] vars_vec = res_var[i, :] means_diff = np.empty([shape_quad[1], shape_quad[1]]) vars_sum = np.empty([shape_quad[1], shape_quad[1]]) ru, cu = np.triu_indices(means_vec.size,1) rl, cl = np.tril_indices(means_vec.size,1) means_diff[ru, cu] = means_vec[ru] - means_vec[cu] means_diff[rl, cl] = means_vec[rl] - means_vec[cl] vars_sum[ru, cu] = vars_vec[ru] + vars_vec[cu] vars_sum[rl, cl] = vars_vec[rl] + vars_vec[cl] # Term only depending on the means and vars fixed_term = 1 / 2 * np.mean(aux_crps(means_diff, vars_sum)) # Term that depends on the real value of the data dev_mean = labels[i, 0] - means_vec data_term = np.mean(aux_crps(dev_mean, vars_vec)) crps_exact[i] = data_term - fixed_term mean_crps_exact += np.mean(crps_exact) RMSE = np.sqrt(SE / float(X_test.shape[ 0 ])) TestLL = (LL / float(X_test.shape[ 0 ])) mean_CRPS = (mean_crps_exact / float(X_test.shape[ 0 ]) ) fini_test = time.time() fini = time.clock() fini_ref = time.time() total_fini = time.time() with open("results_AADM_airlines/res_avb_airlines.txt", "a") as res_file: string = ('AVB batch %g datetime %s epoch %d ELBO %g CROSS-ENT %g KL %g real_time %g cpu_time %g ' + \ 'train_time %g test_time %g total_time %g LL %g RMSE %g CRPS_exact %g ') % (i_batch, str(, epoch, \ L / n_batches_to_report, ce_estimate / n_batches_to_report, kl / n_batches_to_report, (fini_ref - \ ini_ref), (fini - ini), (fini_train - ini_train), (fini_test - ini_test), (total_fini - total_ini), TestLL, \ RMSE, mean_CRPS) res_file.write(string + "\n") print(string) sys.stdout.flush() L = 0.0 ce_estimate = 0.0 kl = 0.0
def custom_loss(y_true, y_pred): mask_shape = tf.shape(y_true)[:4] cell_x = tf.to_float( tf.reshape(tf.tile(tf.range(GRID_W), [GRID_H]), (1, GRID_H, GRID_W, 1, 1))) cell_y = tf.transpose(cell_x, (0, 2, 1, 3, 4)) cell_grid = tf.tile(tf.concat([cell_x, cell_y], -1), [BATCH_SIZE, 1, 1, 5, 1]) coord_mask = tf.zeros(mask_shape) conf_mask = tf.zeros(mask_shape) class_mask = tf.zeros(mask_shape) seen = tf.Variable(0.) total_AP = tf.Variable(0.) """ Adjust prediction """ ### adjust x and y pred_box_xy = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., :2]) + cell_grid ### adjust w and h pred_box_wh = tf.exp(y_pred[..., 2:4]) * np.reshape( ANCHORS, [1, 1, 1, BOX, 2]) ### adjust confidence pred_box_conf = tf.sigmoid(y_pred[..., 4]) ### adjust class probabilities pred_box_class = y_pred[..., 5:] """ Adjust ground truth """ ### adjust x and y true_box_xy = y_true[..., 0:2] # relative position to the containing cell ### adjust w and h true_box_wh = y_true[ ..., 2:4] # number of cells accross, horizontally and vertically ### adjust confidence true_wh_half = true_box_wh / 2. true_mins = true_box_xy - true_wh_half true_maxes = true_box_xy + true_wh_half pred_wh_half = pred_box_wh / 2. pred_mins = pred_box_xy - pred_wh_half pred_maxes = pred_box_xy + pred_wh_half intersect_mins = tf.maximum(pred_mins, true_mins) intersect_maxes = tf.minimum(pred_maxes, true_maxes) intersect_wh = tf.maximum(intersect_maxes - intersect_mins, 0.) intersect_areas = intersect_wh[..., 0] * intersect_wh[..., 1] true_areas = true_box_wh[..., 0] * true_box_wh[..., 1] pred_areas = pred_box_wh[..., 0] * pred_box_wh[..., 1] union_areas = pred_areas + true_areas - intersect_areas iou_scores = tf.truediv(intersect_areas, union_areas) true_box_conf = iou_scores * y_true[..., 4] ### adjust class probabilities true_box_class = tf.to_int32(y_true[..., 5]) """ Determine the masks """ ### coordinate mask: simply the position of the ground truth boxes (the predictors) coord_mask = tf.expand_dims(y_true[..., 4], axis=-1) * COORD_SCALE ### confidence mask: penelize predictors + penalize boxes with low IOU # penalize the confidence of the boxes, which have IOU with some ground truth box < 0.6 true_xy = true_boxes[..., 0:2] true_wh = true_boxes[..., 2:4] true_wh_half = true_wh / 2. true_mins = true_xy - true_wh_half true_maxes = true_xy + true_wh_half pred_xy = tf.expand_dims(pred_box_xy, 4) pred_wh = tf.expand_dims(pred_box_wh, 4) pred_wh_half = pred_wh / 2. pred_mins = pred_xy - pred_wh_half pred_maxes = pred_xy + pred_wh_half intersect_mins = tf.maximum(pred_mins, true_mins) intersect_maxes = tf.minimum(pred_maxes, true_maxes) intersect_wh = tf.maximum(intersect_maxes - intersect_mins, 0.) intersect_areas = intersect_wh[..., 0] * intersect_wh[..., 1] true_areas = true_wh[..., 0] * true_wh[..., 1] pred_areas = pred_wh[..., 0] * pred_wh[..., 1] union_areas = pred_areas + true_areas - intersect_areas iou_scores = tf.truediv(intersect_areas, union_areas) best_ious = tf.reduce_max(iou_scores, axis=4) conf_mask = conf_mask + tf.to_float( best_ious < 0.6) * (1 - y_true[..., 4]) * NO_OBJECT_SCALE # penalize the confidence of the boxes, which are reponsible for corresponding ground truth box conf_mask = conf_mask + y_true[..., 4] * OBJECT_SCALE ### class mask: simply the position of the ground truth boxes (the predictors) class_mask = y_true[..., 4] * tf.gather(CLASS_WEIGHTS, true_box_class) * CLASS_SCALE """ Warm-up training """ no_boxes_mask = tf.to_float(coord_mask < COORD_SCALE / 2.) seen = tf.assign_add(seen, 1.) true_box_xy, true_box_wh, coord_mask = tf.cond( tf.less(seen, WARM_UP_BATCHES), lambda: [ true_box_xy + (0.5 + cell_grid) * no_boxes_mask, true_box_wh + tf.ones_like(true_box_wh) * np.reshape( ANCHORS, [1, 1, 1, BOX, 2]) * no_boxes_mask, tf.ones_like(coord_mask) ], lambda: [true_box_xy, true_box_wh, coord_mask]) """ Finalize the loss """ nb_coord_box = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(coord_mask > 0.0)) nb_conf_box = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(conf_mask > 0.0)) nb_class_box = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(class_mask > 0.0)) loss_xy = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(true_box_xy - pred_box_xy) * coord_mask) / (nb_coord_box + 1e-6) / 2. loss_wh = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(true_box_wh - pred_box_wh) * coord_mask) / (nb_coord_box + 1e-6) / 2. loss_conf = tf.reduce_sum( tf.square(true_box_conf - pred_box_conf) * conf_mask) / (nb_conf_box + 1e-6) / 2. loss_class = tf.nn.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy_with_logits( labels=true_box_class, logits=pred_box_class) loss_class = tf.reduce_sum(loss_class * class_mask) / (nb_class_box + 1e-6) loss = loss_xy + loss_wh + loss_conf + loss_class # nb_true_box = tf.reduce_sum(y_true[..., 4]) # nb_pred_box = tf.reduce_sum(tf.to_float(true_box_conf > 0.5)) # total_AP = tf.assign_add(total_AP, nb_pred_box/nb_true_box) # loss = tf.Print(loss, [loss_xy, loss_wh, loss_conf, loss_class, loss, total_AP/seen], message='DEBUG', summarize=1000) return loss
def symbols_to_logits_fn(ids, i, cache): """Generate logits for next potential IDs. Args: ids: Current decoded sequences. int tensor with shape [batch_size * beam_size, i + 1]. i: Loop index. cache: dictionary of values storing the encoder output, encoder-decoder attention bias, and previous decoder attention values. Returns: Tuple of (logits with shape [batch_size * beam_size, vocab_size], updated cache values) """ # Set decoder input to the last generated IDs decoder_input = ids[:, -1:] # Preprocess decoder input by getting embeddings and adding timing signal. # decoder_input = self.embedding_softmax_layer(decoder_input) source_decoder_input = decoder_input decoder_input = self.embedding_lookup(decoder_input) embedding_mask = tf.cast(tf.not_equal(source_decoder_input, 0), self.embedding_lookup.embeddings.dtype) decoder_input *= tf.expand_dims(embedding_mask, -1) if self._padded_decode: timing_signal_shape = timing_signal.shape.as_list() decoder_input += tf.slice(timing_signal, [i, 0], [1, timing_signal_shape[1]]) bias_shape = decoder_self_attention_bias.shape.as_list() self_attention_bias = tf.slice( decoder_self_attention_bias, [0, 0, i, 0], [bias_shape[0], bias_shape[1], 1, bias_shape[3]]) else: decoder_input += timing_signal[i:i + 1] self_attention_bias = decoder_self_attention_bias[:, :, i:i + 1, :i + 1] decoder_shape = tf_utils.get_shape_list(decoder_input, expected_rank=3) batch_size = decoder_shape[0] decoder_length = decoder_shape[1] attention_bias = cache.get("encoder_decoder_attention_bias") attention_bias = tf.where(attention_bias < 0, tf.zeros_like(attention_bias), tf.ones_like(attention_bias)) attention_bias = tf.squeeze(attention_bias, axis=[1]) attention_mask = tf.tile(attention_bias, [1, decoder_length, 1]) self_attention_bias = tf.where(self_attention_bias < 0, tf.zeros_like(self_attention_bias), tf.ones_like(self_attention_bias)) self_attention_bias = tf.squeeze(self_attention_bias, axis=[1]) self_attention_mask = tf.tile(self_attention_bias, [batch_size, 1, 1]) decoder_outputs = self.decoder_layer( decoder_input, cache.get("encoder_outputs"), memory_mask=self_attention_mask, target_mask=attention_mask, cache=cache, decode_loop_step=i if self._padded_decode else None) logits = self._embedding_linear(self.embedding_lookup.embeddings, decoder_outputs) logits = tf.squeeze(logits, axis=[1]) return logits, cache
print("---------00000000000000000-----") # use 2.0.8 keara, otherwise, get_session() will fail due to graph is empty. don't know why. session = keras.backend.get_session() print("---------1111111111111111111111111111--------") print(device_A + ",,,,,,," + device_B) with tf.device(device_A): ipa = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, 1)) ip1 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 1)) ip3 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 3)) ip4 = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 4)) ip3x = tf.placeholder(dtype=tf.float32, shape=(None, None, None, 3)) baby = load_model('') baby_place = tf.concat([- 512 * tf.ones_like(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4]), 128 * tf.ones_like(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4]), 128 * tf.ones_like(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4])], axis=3) baby_yuv = RGB2YUV(ip4[:, :, :, 0:3]) baby_alpha = tf.where(x=tf.zeros_like(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4]), y=tf.ones_like(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4]), condition=tf.less(ip4[:, :, :, 3:4], 128)) baby_hint = baby_alpha * baby_yuv + (1 - baby_alpha) * baby_place baby_op = YUV2RGB(baby(tf.concat([ip1, baby_hint], axis=3))) baby_finder = tf.add(baby_op, baby_op, name="baby_finder") girder = load_model('') gird_op = (1 - girder([1 - ip1 / 255.0, ip4, 1 - ip3 / 255.0])) * 255.0 gird_finder = tf.add(gird_op, gird_op, name="gird_finder") reader = load_model('') features = reader(ip3 / 255.0) featuresx = reader(ip3x / 255.0) head = load_model('')
def main(argv=None): import os os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES'] = FLAGS.gpu_list try: os.makedirs(FLAGS.output_dir) except OSError as e: if e.errno != 17: raise """ if FLAGS.use_vacab and os.path.exists("./vocab.txt"): bk_tree = BKTree(levenshtein, list_words('./vocab.txt')) # bk_tree = bktree.Tree() """ with tf.get_default_graph().as_default(): input_images = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, 3], name='input_images') input_feature_map = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, None, None, 32], name='input_feature_map') input_transform_matrix = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, 6], name='input_transform_matrix') input_box_mask = [] input_box_mask.append(tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='input_box_masks_0')) input_box_widths = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape=[None], name='input_box_widths') input_seq_len = input_box_widths[tf.argmax(input_box_widths, 0)] * tf.ones_like(input_box_widths) global_step = tf.get_variable('global_step', [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0), trainable=False) shared_feature, f_score, f_geometry = detect_part.model(input_images) pad_rois = roi_rotate_part.roi_rotate_tensor_pad(input_feature_map, input_transform_matrix, input_box_mask, input_box_widths) recognition_logits = recognize_part.build_graph(pad_rois, input_box_widths) _, dense_decode = recognize_part.decode(recognition_logits, input_box_widths) variable_averages = tf.train.ExponentialMovingAverage(0.997, global_step) saver = tf.train.Saver(variable_averages.variables_to_restore()) with tf.Session(config=tf.ConfigProto(allow_soft_placement=True)) as sess: ckpt_state = tf.train.get_checkpoint_state(FLAGS.checkpoint_path) model_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.checkpoint_path, os.path.basename(ckpt_state.model_checkpoint_path)) print('Restore from {}'.format(model_path)) saver.restore(sess, model_path) im_fn_list = get_images() df = pd.DataFrame() for iteration, im_fn in enumerate(im_fn_list): if iteration%50 == 0: print(iteration,os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0]) else : print(iteration,os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0][-6:], end =" ") im = cv2.imread(im_fn)[:, :, ::-1] start_time = time.time() im_resized, (ratio_h, ratio_w) = resize_image(im) # im_resized_d, (ratio_h_d, ratio_w_d) = resize_image_detection(im) timer = {'detect': 0, 'restore': 0, 'nms': 0, 'recog': 0} start = time.time() shared_feature_map, score, geometry =[shared_feature, f_score, f_geometry], feed_dict={input_images: [im_resized]}) boxes, timer = detect(score_map=score, geo_map=geometry, timer=timer) timer['detect'] = time.time() - start start = time.time() # reset for recognition if boxes is not None and boxes.shape[0] != 0: res_file_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'res_' + '{}.txt'.format(os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0])) input_roi_boxes = boxes[:, :8].reshape(-1, 8) recog_decode_list = [] # Here avoid too many text area leading to OOM for batch_index in range(input_roi_boxes.shape[0] // 32 + 1): # test roi batch size is 32 start_slice_index = batch_index * 32 end_slice_index = (batch_index + 1) * 32 if input_roi_boxes.shape[0] >= (batch_index + 1) * 32 else input_roi_boxes.shape[0] tmp_roi_boxes = input_roi_boxes[start_slice_index:end_slice_index] boxes_masks = [0] * tmp_roi_boxes.shape[0] transform_matrixes, box_widths = get_project_matrix_and_width(tmp_roi_boxes) # max_box_widths = max_width * np.ones(boxes_masks.shape[0]) # seq_len # Run end to end recog_decode =, feed_dict={input_feature_map: shared_feature_map, input_transform_matrix: transform_matrixes, input_box_mask[0]: boxes_masks, input_box_widths: box_widths}) recog_decode_list.extend([r for r in recog_decode]) timer['recog'] = time.time() - start # Preparing for draw boxes boxes = boxes[:, :8].reshape((-1, 4, 2)) boxes[:, :, 0] /= ratio_w boxes[:, :, 1] /= ratio_h if len(recog_decode_list) != boxes.shape[0]: print("detection and recognition result are not equal!") exit(-1) with open(res_file_path, 'w') as f: for i, box in enumerate(boxes): # to avoid submitting errors box = sort_poly(box.astype(np.int32)) if np.linalg.norm(box[0] - box[1]) < 5 or np.linalg.norm(box[3]-box[0]) < 5: continue recognition_result = ground_truth_to_word(recog_decode_list[i]) """ if FLAGS.use_vacab: fix_result = bktree_search(bk_tree, recognition_result.upper()) if len(fix_result) != 0: recognition_result = fix_result[0][1] """ f.write('{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{},{}\r\n'.format( #im_fn, os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0][-6:], box[0, 0], box[0, 1], box[1, 0], box[1, 1], box[2, 0], box[2, 1], box[3, 0], box[3, 1], recognition_result )) df = df.append({'f_name': os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0][-6:], 'box_0_0': box[0, 0], 'box_0_1': box[0, 1], 'box_1_0': box[1, 0], 'box_1_1': box[1, 1], 'box_2_0': box[2, 0], 'box_2_1': box[2, 1], 'box_3_0': box[3, 0], 'box_3_1': box[3, 1], 'rec_txt': recognition_result}, ignore_index=True) df.to_csv('/content/file1.csv') #print(box.astype(np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))) # Draw bounding box cv2.polylines(im[:, :, ::-1], [box.astype(np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))], True, color=(255, 255, 0), thickness=1) # Draw recognition results area text_area = box.copy() text_area[2, 1] = text_area[1, 1] text_area[3, 1] = text_area[0, 1] text_area[0, 1] = text_area[0, 1] - 15 text_area[1, 1] = text_area[1, 1] - 15 cv2.fillPoly(im[:, :, ::-1], [text_area.astype(np.int32).reshape((-1, 1, 2))], color=(0, 255, 0)) im_txt = cv2.putText(im[:, :, ::-1], recognition_result, (box[0, 0], box[0, 1]), font, 0.5, (0, 0, 255), 1) else: res_file = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, 'res_' + '{}.txt'.format( os.path.basename(im_fn).split('.')[0])) f = open(res_file, "w") im_txt = None f.close() #print('{} : detect {:.0f}ms, restore {:.0f}ms, nms {:.0f}ms, recog {:.0f}ms'.format( # im_fn, # timer['detect']*1000, # timer['restore']*1000, # timer['nms']*1000, # timer['recog']*1000)) duration = time.time() - start_time #print('[timing] {}'.format(duration)) if FLAGS.write_images: img_path = os.path.join(FLAGS.output_dir, os.path.basename(im_fn))
def multihead_attention(queries, keys, num_units=None, num_heads=8, dropout=0, causality=False, scope="multihead_attention", reuse=None): '''Applies multihead attention. Args: queries: A 3d tensor with shape of [N, T_q, C_q]. keys: A 3d tensor with shape of [N, T_k, C_k]. num_units: A scalar. Attention size. dropout_rate: A floating point number. is_training: Boolean. Controller of mechanism for dropout. causality: Boolean. If true, units that reference the future are masked. num_heads: An int. Number of heads. scope: Optional scope for `variable_scope`. reuse: Boolean, whether to reuse the weights of a previous layer by the same name. Returns A 3d tensor with shape of (N, T_q, C) ''' with tf.variable_scope(scope, reuse=reuse): print("use multihead_attention") # Set the fall back option for num_units if num_units is None: num_units = queries.get_shape().as_list()[-1] # Linear projections Q = tf.layers.dense(queries, num_units, activation=tf.nn.relu) # (N, T_q, C) K = tf.layers.dense(keys, num_units, activation=tf.nn.relu) # (N, T_k, C) V = tf.layers.dense(keys, num_units, activation=tf.nn.relu) # (N, T_k, C) # Split and concat Q_ = tf.concat(tf.split(Q, num_heads, axis=2), axis=0) # (h*N, T_q, C/h) K_ = tf.concat(tf.split(K, num_heads, axis=2), axis=0) # (h*N, T_k, C/h) V_ = tf.concat(tf.split(V, num_heads, axis=2), axis=0) # (h*N, T_k, C/h) # Multiplication outputs = tf.matmul(Q_, tf.transpose(K_, [0, 2, 1])) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) # Scale outputs = outputs / (K_.get_shape().as_list()[-1] ** 0.5) # Key Masking key_masks = tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(keys, axis=-1))) # (N, T_k) key_masks = tf.tile(key_masks, [num_heads, 1]) # (h*N, T_k) key_masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(key_masks, 1), [1, tf.shape(queries)[1], 1]) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) paddings = tf.ones_like(outputs) * (-2 ** 32 + 1) outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(key_masks, 0), paddings, outputs) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) # Causality = Future blinding if causality: diag_vals = tf.ones_like(outputs[0, :, :]) # (T_q, T_k) tril = tf.contrib.linalg.LinearOperatorTriL(diag_vals).to_dense() # (T_q, T_k) masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(tril, 0), [tf.shape(outputs)[0], 1, 1]) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) paddings = tf.ones_like(masks) * (-2 ** 32 + 1) outputs = tf.where(tf.equal(masks, 0), paddings, outputs) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) # Activation outputs = tf.nn.softmax(outputs) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) # Query Masking query_masks = tf.sign(tf.abs(tf.reduce_sum(queries, axis=-1))) # (N, T_q) query_masks = tf.tile(query_masks, [num_heads, 1]) # (h*N, T_q) query_masks = tf.tile(tf.expand_dims(query_masks, -1), [1, 1, tf.shape(keys)[1]]) # (h*N, T_q, T_k) outputs *= query_masks # broadcasting. (N, T_q, C) # Dropouts outputs = tf.nn.dropout(outputs,dropout) # Weighted sum outputs = tf.matmul(outputs, V_) # ( h*N, T_q, C/h) # Restore shape outputs = tf.concat(tf.split(outputs, num_heads, axis=0), axis=2) # (N, T_q, C) # Residual connection outputs += queries # Normalize outputs = normalize(outputs) # (N, T_q, C) return outputs
def get_losses(d_out_real, d_out_fake, x_real_onehot, x_fake_onehot_appr, gen_o, discriminator, config): batch_size = config['batch_size'] gan_type = config['gan_type'] if gan_type == 'standard': # the non-satuating GAN loss d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_real, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_real))) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(d_out_fake))) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_fake))) elif gan_type == 'JS': # the vanilla GAN loss d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_real, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_real))) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(d_out_fake))) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = -d_loss_fake elif gan_type == 'KL': # the GAN loss implicitly minimizing KL-divergence d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_real, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_real))) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_fake, labels=tf.zeros_like(d_out_fake))) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-d_out_fake) elif gan_type == 'hinge': # the hinge loss d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1.0 - d_out_real)) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.nn.relu(1.0 + d_out_fake)) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(d_out_fake) elif gan_type == 'tv': # the total variation distance d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.tanh(d_out_fake) - tf.tanh(d_out_real)) g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(-tf.tanh(d_out_fake)) elif gan_type == 'wgan-gp': # WGAN-GP d_loss = tf.reduce_mean(d_out_fake) - tf.reduce_mean(d_out_real) GP = gradient_penalty(discriminator, x_real_onehot, x_fake_onehot_appr, config) d_loss += GP g_loss = -tf.reduce_mean(d_out_fake) elif gan_type == 'LS': # LS-GAN d_loss_real = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(d_out_real, 1.0)) d_loss_fake = tf.reduce_mean(tf.square(d_out_fake)) d_loss = d_loss_real + d_loss_fake g_loss = tf.reduce_mean(tf.squared_difference(d_out_fake, 1.0)) elif gan_type == 'RSGAN': # relativistic standard GAN d_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_real - d_out_fake, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_real))) g_loss = tf.reduce_mean( tf.nn.sigmoid_cross_entropy_with_logits( logits=d_out_fake - d_out_real, labels=tf.ones_like(d_out_fake))) else: raise NotImplementedError("Divergence '%s' is not implemented" % gan_type) log_pg = tf.reduce_mean(tf.log(gen_o + EPS)) # [1], measures the log p_g(x) return log_pg, g_loss, d_loss