def lr_finder( model: tf.keras.Model, optimizer: tf.keras.optimizers.Optimizer, loss_fn: tf.keras.losses.Loss, dataset, learn_rates: LrGenerator, losses: SmoothedLoss, ) -> Lr: # To run the lr finder directly before training, we need to reset # the initial weights. Here, I do it with building, storing and resetting.[0].shape) weights = model.get_weights() for lr, (source, target) in zip(learn_rates(), dataset): tf.keras.backend.set_value(, lr) loss = train_step(model, optimizer, loss_fn, source, target).numpy() if losses.no_progress: break losses.update(loss) model.set_weights(weights) return Lr(learn_rates, losses)
def train(train_x_y, model:tf.keras.Model, val_xy=None, epochs=10, input_dim=None): ''' TF高阶API :param train_x_y: 训练集 :param model: 模型实例 :param epochs: 迭代次数 :return: ''' if input_dim:, input_dim)) print(model.summary()) # 为训练选择优化器和损失函数 model.compile(optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(lr=1e-3), loss=tf.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=False), metrics=['binary_accuracy']) # 训练 #, epochs=epochs, validation_data=val_xy, validation_freq=5), epochs=epochs) return model
def add_spectral_norm_for_model(model: tf.keras.Model): if model.built: raise ValueError("Can't add spectral norm on built layer!") original_build = # Very Very Evil HACK def new_build(self, input_shape): original_build(input_shape) for sub_layer in self.layers: add_spectral_norm(sub_layer) = types.MethodType(new_build, model)
def export_saved_model(model: tf.keras.Model, input_shape: Tuple[int, int, int, int, int], export_path: str = '/tmp/movinet/', causal: bool = False, bundle_input_init_states_fn: bool = True, checkpoint_path: Optional[str] = None) -> None: """Exports a MoViNet model to a saved model. Args: model: the tf.keras.Model to export. input_shape: The 5D spatiotemporal input shape of size [batch_size, num_frames, image_height, image_width, num_channels]. Set the field or a shape position in the field to None for dynamic input. export_path: Export path to save the saved_model file. causal: Run the model in causal mode. bundle_input_init_states_fn: Add init_states as a function signature to the saved model. This is not necessary if the input shape is static (e.g., for TF Lite). checkpoint_path: Checkpoint path to load. Leave blank to keep the model's initialization. """ # Use dimensions of 1 except the channels to export faster, # since we only really need the last dimension to build and get the output # states. These dimensions can be set to `None` once the model is built. input_shape_concrete = [1 if s is None else s for s in input_shape] # Compile model to generate some internal Keras variables. model.compile() if checkpoint_path: checkpoint = tf.train.Checkpoint(model=model) status = checkpoint.restore(checkpoint_path) status.assert_existing_objects_matched() if causal: # Call the model once to get the output states. Call again with `states` # input to ensure that the inputs with the `states` argument is built # with the full output state shapes. input_image = tf.ones(input_shape_concrete) _, states = model({ **model.init_states(input_shape_concrete), 'image': input_image }) _ = model({**states, 'image': input_image}) # Create a function to explicitly set the names of the outputs def predict(inputs): outputs, states = model(inputs) return {**states, 'logits': outputs} specs = { name: tf.TensorSpec(spec.shape, name=name, dtype=spec.dtype) for name, spec in model.initial_state_specs(input_shape).items() } specs['image'] = tf.TensorSpec(input_shape, dtype=model.dtype, name='image') predict_fn = tf.function(predict, jit_compile=True) predict_fn = predict_fn.get_concrete_function(specs) init_states_fn = tf.function(model.init_states, jit_compile=True) init_states_fn = init_states_fn.get_concrete_function( tf.TensorSpec([5], dtype=tf.int32)) if bundle_input_init_states_fn: signatures = {'call': predict_fn, 'init_states': init_states_fn} else: signatures = predict_fn tf.keras.models.save_model(model, export_path, signatures=signatures) else: _ = model(tf.ones(input_shape_concrete)) tf.keras.models.save_model(model, export_path)