Example #1
    def evaluate_multiclass(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the multiclass zero-one loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-2 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n, k), where n is the
    number of examples and k is the number of classes, and another rank-2
    `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, k), where m is broadcastable to n, this
    method will return a `Tensor` of shape (n,) where the ith element is:

    maximum_prediction[i] = max(predictions[i, :])
    maximum_weights[i] = [
      weights[i, j] for j in range(k)
      if predictions[i, j] >= maximum_prediction[i]]
    zero_one_loss[i] = sum(maximum_weights[i]) / len(maximum_weights[i])

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n, k), where n is the number of examples
        and k is the number of classes.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, k), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      zero-one losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" and "weights" have different numbers of
        columns (i.e. if the number of classes is inconsistent).
        num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            predictions, name="multiclass predictions")
        weights_num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            weights, name="weights")
        if weights_num_classes != num_classes:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights must have the same number of columns as "
                "predictions ({} vs. {}): did you specify num_classes "
                "correctly when you created your context?".format(
                    weights_num_classes, num_classes))
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        if not dtype.is_floating:
            raise TypeError("multiclass predictions must be floating-point")

        thresholded_predictions = tf.cast(
            predictions >= tf.reduce_max(predictions, axis=1, keepdims=True),
        thresholded_predictions /= tf.reduce_sum(thresholded_predictions,
        return tf.reduce_sum(tf.cast(weights, dtype=dtype) *
Example #2
    def evaluate_multiclass(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the multiclass softmax loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    softmax_loss[i] = sum_j ( weights[i, j] * (
        exp(predictions[i, j]) / sum_k exp(predictions[i, k]) ) )

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n, k), where n is the number of examples
        and k is the number of classes.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, k), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      softmax losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" and "weights" have different numbers of
        columns (i.e. if the number of classes is inconsistent).
        num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            predictions, name="multiclass predictions")
        weights_num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            weights, name="weights")
        if weights_num_classes != num_classes:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights must have the same number of columns as "
                "predictions ({} vs. {}): did you specify num_classes "
                "correctly when you created your context?".format(
                    weights_num_classes, num_classes))
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        if not dtype.is_floating:
            raise TypeError("multiclass predictions must be floating-point")

        maximum_predictions = tf.reduce_max(predictions, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        numerators = tf.exp(predictions - maximum_predictions)
        denominators = tf.reduce_sum(numerators, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        probabilities = numerators / denominators

        weights = tf.cast(weights, dtype=dtype)
        return tf.reduce_sum(weights * probabilities, axis=1)
    def test_get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(self):
        """Tests the "get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor" function."""
        # Trying to get the number of columns from a non-tensor should fail.
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            _ = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor([[1, 2], [3, 4]])

        # Trying to get the number of columns from a rank-1 tensor should fail.
        tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([1, 2, 3, 4])
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            _ = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(tensor)

        # Make sure that we successfully get the number of columns.
        tensor = tf.convert_to_tensor([[1, 2, 3]])
        self.assertEqual(3, helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(tensor))
Example #4
    def evaluate_binary_classification(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the hinge loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    hinge_loss[i] = constant_weights[i] +
      (weights[i, 0] - constant_weights[i]) * max{0, margin + predictions[i]} +
      (weights[i, 1] - constant_weights[i]) * max{0, margin - predictions[i]}

    where constant_weights[i] = min{weights[i, 0], weights[i, 1]} contains the
    minimum weights.

    You can think of weights[:, 0] as being the per-example costs associated
    with making a positive prediction, and weights[:, 1] as those for a negative

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n,), where n is the number of examples.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, 2), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      hinge losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" is not rank-1, or "weights" is not a rank-2
        `Tensor` with exactly two columns.
        predictions = _convert_to_binary_classification_predictions(
        columns = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(weights, name="weights")
        if columns != 2:
            raise ValueError("weights must have two columns")
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        zero = tf.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)

        positive_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 0], dtype=dtype)
        negative_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 1], dtype=dtype)
        constant_weights = tf.minimum(positive_weights, negative_weights)
        positive_weights -= constant_weights
        negative_weights -= constant_weights

        is_positive = tf.maximum(zero, self._margin + predictions)
        is_negative = tf.maximum(zero, self._margin - predictions)

        return constant_weights + (positive_weights * is_positive +
                                   negative_weights * is_negative)
Example #5
    def evaluate_binary_classification(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the zero-one loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    zero_one_loss[i] = weights[i, 0] * 1{predictions[i] > 0} +
      0.5 * (weights[i, 0] + weights[i, 1]) * 1{predictions[i] == 0} +
      weights[i, 1] * 1{predictions[i] < 0}

    where 1{} is an indicator function.

    You can think of weights[:, 0] as being the per-example costs associated
    with making a positive prediction, and weights[:, 1] as those for a negative

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n,), where n is the number of examples.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, 2), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      zero-one losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" is not rank-1, or "weights" is not a rank-2
        `Tensor` with exactly two columns.
        predictions = _convert_to_binary_classification_predictions(
        columns = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(weights, name="weights")
        if columns != 2:
            raise ValueError("weights must have two columns")
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype

        positive_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 0], dtype=dtype)
        negative_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 1], dtype=dtype)

        sign = tf.sign(predictions)
        return 0.5 * ((positive_weights + negative_weights) + sign *
                      (positive_weights - negative_weights))
Example #6
    def evaluate_binary_classification(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the cross-entropy loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    softmax_cross_entropy_loss[i] = ( constant_weights[i] +
      (weights[i, 0] - constant_weights[i]) * log(1 + exp(predictions[i]) +
      (weights[i, 1] - constant_weights[i]) * log(1 + exp(-predictions[i]) )

    where constant_weights[i] = min{weights[i, 0], weights[i, 1]} contains the
    minimum weights.

    You can think of weights[:, 0] as being the per-example costs associated
    with making a positive prediction, and weights[:, 1] as those for a negative

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n,), where n is the number of examples.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, 2), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      softmax cross-entropy losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" is not rank-1, or "weights" is not a rank-2
        `Tensor` with exactly two columns.
        predictions = _convert_to_binary_classification_predictions(
        columns = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(weights, name="weights")
        if columns != 2:
            raise ValueError("weights must have two columns")
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        zeros = tf.zeros_like(predictions)

        positive_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 0], dtype=dtype)
        negative_weights = tf.cast(weights[:, 1], dtype=dtype)
        constant_weights = tf.minimum(positive_weights, negative_weights)
        positive_weights -= constant_weights
        negative_weights -= constant_weights

        # We use tf.where() instead of tf.abs() and tf.maximum() since, if we
        # didn't, then we would have zero gradients whenever predictions=0, with the
        # consequence that optimization could get "stuck".
        condition = (predictions <= zeros)
        absolute_predictions = tf.where(condition, -predictions, predictions)
        intermediate = tf.math.log(1 + tf.exp(-absolute_predictions))

        # Notice that:
        #   is_positive = log(1 + exp(-|predictions|)) + max{0, predictions}
        #   is_positive =
        #     log(1 + exp(predictions))                   if (predictions <= 0)
        #     log(1 + exp(-predictions)) + predictions    if (predictions >= 0)
        #   is_positive = log(1 + exp(predictions))
        # Likewise:
        #   is_negative = log(1 + exp(-predictions))
        # The reason for representing these in terms of "intermediate" is to improve
        # numerical accuracy.
        is_positive = intermediate + tf.where(condition, zeros, predictions)
        is_negative = intermediate + tf.where(condition, -predictions, zeros)

        return constant_weights + (positive_weights * is_positive +
                                   negative_weights * is_negative)
Example #7
    def evaluate_multiclass(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the multiclass cross-entropy loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    max_weight[i] = max_j weights[i, j]
    softmax_cross_entropy_loss[i] = max_weight[i] - sum_j (
      (max_weight[i] - weights[i, j]) * ( 1 +
        log( exp(predictions[i, j]) / sum_k exp(predictions[i, k]) ) ) )

    The reason this formulation was chosen is that it can be derived from the
    softmax loss using the inequality -log(p) >= 1-p. Indeed, the difference
    between the two losses is entirely due to the slop in this inequality. In
    particular, it satisfies the following properties:

    1. It's shift invariant: adding a constant to every weight will shift the
       loss by the same constant.
    2. It's scale invariant: multiplying every weight by a constant will scale
       the loss by the same constant.
    3. When there are only two classes, it's equivalent to the binary softmax
       cross-entropy loss implemented in evaluate_binary_classification().
    4. When the weights represent an expected misclassification rate (i.e.
       weights[i, j] >= 0, and sum_j weights[i, j] = 1), it's equivalent to the
       usual multiclass softmax cross-entropy misclassification loss.
    5. It's convex in the predictions, and upper bounds the multiclass softmax

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n, k), where n is the number of examples
        and k is the number of classes.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, k), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      softmax cross-entropy losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" and "weights" have different numbers of
        columns (i.e. if the number of classes is inconsistent).
        num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            predictions, name="multiclass predictions")
        weights_num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            weights, name="weights")
        if weights_num_classes != num_classes:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights must have the same number of columns as "
                "predictions ({} vs. {}): did you specify num_classes "
                "correctly when you created your context?".format(
                    weights_num_classes, num_classes))
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        if not dtype.is_floating:
            raise TypeError("multiclass predictions must be floating-point")

        maximum_predictions = tf.reduce_max(predictions, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        numerators = tf.exp(predictions - maximum_predictions)
        denominators = tf.reduce_sum(numerators, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        log_probabilities = tf.math.log(numerators / denominators)

        weights = tf.cast(weights, dtype=dtype)
        maximum_weights = tf.reduce_max(weights, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        return (tf.squeeze(maximum_weights) - tf.reduce_sum(
            (maximum_weights - weights) * (1 + log_probabilities), axis=1))
Example #8
    def evaluate_multiclass(self, predictions, weights):
        """Evaluates the multiclass hinge loss on the given predictions.

    Given a rank-1 `Tensor` of predictions with shape (n,), where n is the
    number of examples, and a rank-2 `Tensor` of weights with shape (m, 2),
    where m is broadcastable to n, this method will return a `Tensor` of shape
    (n,) where the ith element is:

    hinge_loss[i] = weights[i, 0] + sum_{j=0}^{num_classes - 2} (
        (weights[i, j+1] - weights[i, j]) * max_{l=j+1}^{num_classes-1}
        max{0, margin + predictions[i, l] - mean_{k=0}^j predictions[i, k]}

    where we've assumed (without loss of generality) that the weights and
    predictions are ordered in such a way that weights[i, j] <= weights[i, j+1].
    In the implementation, of course, we cannot simply assume this, and actually
    perform a sort.

    This is admittedly a somewhat strange-seeming formulation, and it's
    complicated and expensive to implement. The reason it was chosen is that it
    satisfies the following properties:

    1. It's shift invariant: adding a constant to every weight will shift the
       loss by the same constant.
    2. It's scale invariant: multiplying every weight by a constant will scale
       the loss by the same constant.
    3. When there are only two classes, it's equivalent to the binary hinge loss
       implemented in evaluate_binary_classification().
    4. When the weights represent a misclassification rate (i.e. weights[i, 0] =
       0 and weights[i, j] = 1 for i > 0, assuming the weights are sorted), it's
       equivalent to the usual multiclass hinge misclassification loss.
    5. It's convex in the predictions, and upper bounds the multiclass 0-1 loss
       when margin >= 1.

      predictions: a `Tensor` of shape (n, k), where n is the number of examples
        and k is the number of classes.
      weights: a `Tensor` of shape (m, k), where m is broadcastable to n. This
        `Tensor` is *not* necessarily non-negative.

      A `Tensor` of shape (n,) and dtype=predictions.dtype, containing the
      hinge losses for each example.

      TypeError: if "predictions" is not a floating-point `Tensor`, or "weights"
        is not a `Tensor`.
      ValueError: if "predictions" and "weights" have different numbers of
        columns (i.e. if the number of classes is inconsistent).
        num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            predictions, name="multiclass predictions")
        weights_num_classes = helpers.get_num_columns_of_2d_tensor(
            weights, name="weights")
        if weights_num_classes != num_classes:
            raise ValueError(
                "weights must have the same number of columns as "
                "predictions ({} vs. {}): did you specify num_classes "
                "correctly when you created your context?".format(
                    weights_num_classes, num_classes))
        dtype = predictions.dtype.base_dtype
        if not dtype.is_floating:
            raise TypeError("multiclass predictions must be floating-point")
        zero = tf.zeros(1, dtype=dtype)

        weights_rows = tf.shape(weights)[0]
        predictions_rows = tf.shape(predictions)[0]

        # We start out by finding a permutation for each row that will cause the
        # weights to be nondecreasing.
        weights_permutation = tf.argsort(weights, axis=1)
        # This won't work if predictions_rows isn't divisible by weights_rows
        # (tf.stack() below will fail), but we require weights to be broadcastable
        # to predictions (usually, weights_rows will either be 1, or equal to
        # predictions_rows).
        predictions_permutation = tf.tile(weights_permutation,
                                          [predictions_rows / weights_rows, 1])

        # First we create a Tensor of shape [weights_rows, num_classes, 2], for
        # which:
        #   weights_indices[i, j, 0] = i
        #   weights_indices[i, j, 1] = weights_permutation[j]
        # Next, we use gather_nd to re-organize the weights such that:
        #   new_weights[i, j] = old_weights[i, weights_permutation[j]]
        weights_iota = tf.range(weights_rows)
        weights_iota = tf.expand_dims(weights_iota, axis=-1)
        weights_iota = tf.tile(weights_iota, [1, num_classes])
        weights_indices = tf.stack([weights_iota, weights_permutation], axis=2)
        weights = tf.gather_nd(tf.cast(weights, dtype=dtype), weights_indices)

        # Next we create a Tensor of shape [predictions_rows, num_classes, 2], for
        # which:
        #   predictions_indices[i, j, 0] = i
        #   predictions_indices[i, j, 1] = predictions_permutation[j]
        # Next, we use gather_nd to re-organize the predictions such that:
        #   new_predictions[i, j] = old_predictions[i, predictions_permutation[j]]
        predictions_iota = tf.range(predictions_rows)
        predictions_iota = tf.expand_dims(predictions_iota, axis=-1)
        predictions_iota = tf.tile(predictions_iota, [1, num_classes])
        predictions_indices = tf.stack(
            [predictions_iota, predictions_permutation], axis=2)
        predictions = tf.gather_nd(predictions, predictions_indices)

        # At this point, every row of weights and predictions has been sorted in
        # such a way that the weights are nondecreasing. We wish to calculate the
        # following:
        #   result[i] = weights[i, 0] + \sum_{j=0}^{num_classes - 2} (
        #     (weights[i, j+1] - weights[i, j]) * max_{l=j+1}^{num_classes-1}
        #     max{0, margin + predictions[i, l] - mean_{k=0}^j predictions[i, k]}
        #   )
        # Notice that the innermost max is a hinge.
        result = weights[:, 0]
        for ii in xrange(num_classes - 1):
            scale = weights[:, ii + 1] - weights[:, ii]
            # The "included" predictions are those in the above max over l, and the
            # "excluded" predictions are those in the above mean over k.
            included = predictions[:, (ii + 1):num_classes]
            included = tf.reduce_max(included, axis=1)
            excluded = predictions[:, 0:(ii + 1)]
            excluded = tf.reduce_mean(excluded, axis=1)
            result += scale * tf.maximum(zero,
                                         self._margin + included - excluded)

        return result