Example #1
def remove_called_lambdas_and_blocks(comp):
  """Removes any called lambdas and blocks from `comp`.

  This function first resolves any higher-order functions, so that replacing
  called lambdas with blocks and then inlining the block locals cannot result
  in more called lambdas. It then performs this sequence of transformations,
  taking care to inline selections from tuples before inlining the rest of
  the block locals to prevent possible combinatorial growth of the generated

    comp: Instance of `building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock` from which we
      want to remove called lambdas and blocks.

    A transformed version of `comp` which has no called lambdas or blocks, and
    no extraneous selections from tuples.
  py_typecheck.check_type(comp, building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock)
  comp, names_uniquified = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
  comp, fns_resolved = tree_transformations.resolve_higher_order_functions(comp)
  comp, lambdas_replaced = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(
  if fns_resolved or lambdas_replaced:
    comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
  comp, sels_removed = tree_transformations.inline_selections_from_tuple(comp)
  if sels_removed:
    comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
  comp, locals_inlined = tree_transformations.inline_block_locals(comp)
  modified = names_uniquified or fns_resolved or lambdas_replaced or sels_removed or locals_inlined
  return comp, modified
def parse_tff_to_tf(comp):
  comp, _ = tree_transformations.insert_called_tf_identity_at_leaves(comp)
  parser_callable = tree_to_cc_transformations.TFParser()
  comp, _ = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(comp)
  comp, _ = tree_transformations.inline_block_locals(comp)
  comp, _ = tree_transformations.replace_selection_from_tuple_with_element(comp)
  new_comp, transformed = transformation_utils.transform_postorder(
      comp, parser_callable)
  return new_comp, transformed
Example #3
def remove_called_lambdas_and_blocks(comp):
    """Removes any called lambdas and blocks from `comp`.

  This function first resolves any higher-order functions, so that replacing
  called lambdas with blocks and then inlining the block locals cannot result
  in more called lambdas. It then performs this sequence of transformations,
  taking care to inline selections from tuples at appropriate stages to prevent
  possible combinatorial growth of the generated AST.

    comp: Instance of `building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock` from which we
      want to remove called lambdas and blocks.

    A transformed version of `comp` which has no called lambdas or blocks, and
    no extraneous selections from tuples.
    py_typecheck.check_type(comp, building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock)
    comp, names_uniquified = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(
    # TODO(b/162888191): Remove this gating when `resolve_higher_order_functions`
    # is more efficient, or avoided.
    if _contains_higher_order_fns(comp):
        # `resolve_higher_order_functions` can be expensive, so we only call into it
        # when necessary.
        comp, fns_resolved = tree_transformations.resolve_higher_order_functions(
        # We must still inline any functional references. We first inline selections
        # from tuples to prevent the AST from becoming unnecessarly large.
        comp, sels_removed = tree_transformations.inline_selections_from_tuple(
        if sels_removed:
            comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
        comp, locals_inlined = tree_transformations.inline_block_locals(comp)
        fns_resolved = sels_removed or locals_inlined
    comp, lambdas_replaced = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(
    if fns_resolved or lambdas_replaced:
        comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
    comp, sels_removed = tree_transformations.inline_selections_from_tuple(
    if sels_removed:
        comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
    comp, locals_inlined = tree_transformations.inline_block_locals(comp)
    if locals_inlined:
        # Inlining local symbols may reintroduce selection-from-tuple pattern,
        # combinatorially increasing build times in the worst case. We ensure
        # here that remove_called_lambdas_and_blocks respects the postcondition that
        # selections from tuples are always collapsed.
        comp, _ = tree_transformations.inline_selections_from_tuple(comp)
        comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
    modified = names_uniquified or fns_resolved or lambdas_replaced or sels_removed or locals_inlined
    return comp, modified
Example #4
def prepare_for_rebinding(comp):
    """Prepares `comp` for extracting rebound variables.

  Currently, this means replacing all called lambdas and inlining all blocks.
  This does not necessarly guarantee that the resulting computation has no
  called lambdas, it merely reduces a level of indirection here. This reduction
  has proved sufficient for identifying variables which are about to be rebound
  in the top-level lambda, necessarily when compiler components factor work out
  from a single function into multiple functions. Since this function makes no
  guarantees about sufficiency, it is the responsibility of the caller to
  ensure that no unbound variables are introduced during the rebinding.

    comp: Instance of `building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock` from which all
      occurrences of a given variable need to be extracted and rebound.

    Another instance of `building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock` which has
    had all called lambdas replaced by blocks, all blocks inlined and all
    selections from tuples collapsed.
    # TODO(b/146430051): Follow up here and consider removing or enforcing more
    # strict output invariants when `remove_called_lambdas_and_blocks` is moved
    # in here.
    py_typecheck.check_type(comp, building_blocks.ComputationBuildingBlock)
    comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
    comp, _ = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(comp)
    block_inliner = tree_transformations.InlineBlock(comp)
    selection_replacer = tree_transformations.ReplaceSelectionFromTuple()
    transforms = [block_inliner, selection_replacer]
    symbol_tree = transformation_utils.SymbolTree(

    def _transform_fn(comp, symbol_tree):
        """Transform function chaining inlining and collapsing selections."""
        modified = False
        for transform in transforms:
            if transform.global_transform:
                comp, transform_modified = transform.transform(
                    comp, symbol_tree)
                comp, transform_modified = transform.transform(comp)
            modified = modified or transform_modified
        return comp, modified

    return transformation_utils.transform_postorder_with_symbol_bindings(
        comp, _transform_fn, symbol_tree)
Example #5
    def _remove_functional_symbol_bindings(comp):
        """Removes symbol bindings which contain functional types."""

        comp, refs_renamed = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(
        comp, lambdas_replaced = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(
        comp, selections_inlined = tree_transformations.inline_selections_from_tuple(
        if selections_inlined:
            comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
        comp, functions_inlined = _inline_functions(comp)
        comp, locals_removed = tree_transformations.remove_unused_block_locals(

        modified = (refs_renamed or lambdas_replaced or selections_inlined
                    or functions_inlined or locals_removed)
        return comp, modified
Example #6
def _force_align_intrinsics_to_top_level_lambda(comp, uri):
    """Forcefully aligns `comp` by the intrinsics for the given `uri`.

  This function transforms `comp` by extracting, grouping, and potentially
  merging all the intrinsics for the given `uri`. The result of this
  transformation should contain exactly one instance of the intrinsic for the
  given `uri` that is bound only by the `parameter_name` of `comp`.

    comp: The `building_blocks.Lambda` to align.
    uri: A Python `list` of URI of intrinsics.

    A new computation with the transformation applied or the original `comp`.
    py_typecheck.check_type(comp, building_blocks.Lambda)
    py_typecheck.check_type(uri, list)
    for x in uri:
        py_typecheck.check_type(x, str)

    comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
    if not _can_extract_intrinsics_to_top_level_lambda(comp, uri):
        comp, _ = tree_transformations.replace_called_lambda_with_block(comp)
    comp = _inline_block_variables_required_to_align_intrinsics(comp, uri)
    comp, modified = _extract_intrinsics_to_top_level_lambda(comp, uri)
    if modified:
        if len(uri) > 1:
            comp, _ = _group_by_intrinsics_in_top_level_lambda(comp)
        modified = False
        for intrinsic_uri in uri:
            comp, transform_modified = transformations.dedupe_and_merge_tuple_intrinsics(
                comp, intrinsic_uri)
            if transform_modified:
                # Required because merging called intrinsics invokes building block
                # factories that do not name references uniquely.
                comp, _ = tree_transformations.uniquify_reference_names(comp)
            modified = modified or transform_modified
        if modified:
            # Required because merging called intrinsics will nest the called
            # intrinsics such that they can no longer be split.
            comp, _ = _extract_intrinsics_to_top_level_lambda(comp, uri)
    return comp