Example #1
def _ParseExample(extracts: types.Extracts,
                  materialize_columns: bool = True) -> None:
    """Feature extraction from serialized tf.Example."""
    # Deserialize the example.
    example = tf.train.Example()
    except:  # pylint: disable=bare-except
        logging.warning('Could not parse tf.Example from the input source.')

    features = {}
    if constants.FEATURES_PREDICTIONS_LABELS_KEY in extracts:
        features = extracts[constants.FEATURES_PREDICTIONS_LABELS_KEY].features

    for name in example.features.feature:
        if materialize_columns or name not in features:
            key = util.compound_key(['features', name])
            value = example.features.feature[name]
            if value.HasField('bytes_list'):
                values = list(v for v in value.bytes_list.value)
            elif value.HasField('float_list'):
                values = list(v for v in value.float_list.value)
            elif value.HasField('int64_list'):
                values = list(v for v in value.int64_list.value)
            if materialize_columns:
                extracts[key] = types.MaterializedColumn(name=key,
            if name not in features:
                features[name] = {encoding.NODE_SUFFIX: np.array([values])}
Example #2
def _AugmentExtracts(data: Dict[str, Any], prefix: str, excludes: List[bytes],
                     extracts: types.Extracts) -> None:
    """Augments the Extracts with FeaturesPredictionsLabels.

    data: Data dictionary returned by PredictExtractor.
    prefix: Prefix to use in column naming (e.g. 'features', 'labels', etc).
    excludes: List of strings containing features, predictions, or labels to
      exclude from materialization.
    extracts: The Extracts to be augmented. This is mutated in-place.

    TypeError: If the FeaturesPredictionsLabels is corrupt.
    for name, val in data.items():
        if excludes is not None and name in excludes:
        # If data originated from FeaturesPredictionsLabels, then the value will be
        # stored under a 'node' key.
        if isinstance(val, dict) and encoding.NODE_SUFFIX in val:
            val = val.get(encoding.NODE_SUFFIX)

        if name in (prefix, util.KEY_SEPARATOR + prefix):
            col_name = prefix
        elif prefix not in ('features', 'predictions', 'labels'):
            # Names used by additional extracts should be properly escaped already so
            # avoid escaping the name a second time by manually combining the prefix.
            col_name = prefix + util.KEY_SEPARATOR + name
            col_name = util.compound_key([prefix, name])

        if isinstance(val, tf.compat.v1.SparseTensorValue):
            extracts[col_name] = types.MaterializedColumn(name=col_name,

        elif isinstance(val, np.ndarray) or isinstance(val, list):
            # Only support first dim for now
            val = val[0] if len(val) > 0 else []  # pylint: disable=g-explicit-length-test
            extracts[col_name] = types.MaterializedColumn(name=col_name,

            raise TypeError(
                'Dictionary item with key %s, value %s had unexpected type %s'
                % (name, val, type(val)))
Example #3
 def testCompoundKey(self):
     self.assertEqual('a_b', util.compound_key(['a_b']))
     self.assertEqual('a__b', util.compound_key(['a', 'b']))
     self.assertEqual('a__b____c__d', util.compound_key(['a', 'b__c', 'd']))