Example #1
  def call(self, inputs):
    if self.conditional_inputs is None and self.conditional_outputs is None:
      covariance_matrix = self.covariance_fn(inputs, inputs)
      # Tile locations so output has shape [units, batch_size]. Covariance will
      # broadcast to [units, batch_size, batch_size], and we perform
      # shape manipulations to get a random variable over [batch_size, units].
      loc = self.mean_fn(inputs)
      loc = tf.tile(loc[tf.newaxis], [self.units] + [1] * len(loc.shape))
      knn = self.covariance_fn(inputs, inputs)
      knm = self.covariance_fn(inputs, self.conditional_inputs)
      kmm = self.covariance_fn(self.conditional_inputs, self.conditional_inputs)
      kmm = tf.matrix_set_diag(
          kmm, tf.matrix_diag_part(kmm) + tf.keras.backend.epsilon())
      kmm_tril = tf.linalg.cholesky(kmm)
      kmm_tril_operator = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorLowerTriangular(kmm_tril)
      knm_operator = tf.linalg.LinearOperatorFullMatrix(knm)

      # TODO(trandustin): Vectorize linear algebra for multiple outputs. For
      # now, we do each separately and stack to obtain a locations Tensor of
      # shape [units, batch_size].
      loc = []
      for conditional_outputs_unit in tf.unstack(self.conditional_outputs,
        center = conditional_outputs_unit - self.mean_fn(
        loc_unit = knm_operator.matvec(
      loc = tf.stack(loc) + self.mean_fn(inputs)[tf.newaxis]

      covariance_matrix = knn
      covariance_matrix -= knm_operator.matmul(
              kmm_tril_operator.solve(knm, adjoint_arg=True), adjoint=True))

    covariance_matrix = tf.matrix_set_diag(
        tf.matrix_diag_part(covariance_matrix) + tf.keras.backend.epsilon())

    # Form a multivariate normal random variable with batch_shape units and
    # event_shape batch_size. Then make it be independent across the units
    # dimension. Then transpose its dimensions so it is [batch_size, units].
    random_variable = ed.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
        loc=loc, covariance_matrix=covariance_matrix)
    random_variable = ed.Independent(random_variable.distribution,
    bijector = tfp.bijectors.Inline(
        forward_fn=lambda x: tf.transpose(x, [1, 0]),
        inverse_fn=lambda y: tf.transpose(y, [1, 0]),
        forward_event_shape_fn=lambda input_shape: input_shape[::-1],
        forward_event_shape_tensor_fn=lambda input_shape: input_shape[::-1],
        inverse_log_det_jacobian_fn=lambda y: tf.cast(0, y.dtype),
    random_variable = ed.TransformedDistribution(random_variable.distribution,
    return random_variable
Example #2
def variational_sgpr(X,
    """Defines the mean-field variational family for GPR.

        X: (np.ndarray of float32) input training features, with dimension (Nx, D).
        Z: (np.ndarray of float32) inducing points, with dimension (Nz, D).
        ls: (float32) length scale parameter.
        kernel_func: (function) kernel function.
        ridge_factor: (float32) small ridge factor to stabilize Cholesky decomposition
        mfvi_mixture: (float32) Whether to output variational family with a
            mixture of MFVI.
        n_mixture: (int) Number of MFVI mixture component to add.
        name: (str) name for the variational parameter/random variables.
        kwargs: Dict of other keyword variables.
            For compatibility purpose with other variational family.

        q_f, q_sig: (ed.RandomVariable) variational family.
        q_f_mean, q_f_sdev: (tf.Variable) variational parameters for q_f
    X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X, dtype=tf.float32)
    Z = tf.convert_to_tensor(Z, dtype=tf.float32)

    Nx, Nz = X.shape.as_list()[0], Z.shape.as_list()[0]

    # 1. Prepare constants
    # compute matrix constants
    Kxx = kernel_func(X, ls=ls)
    Kxz = kernel_func(X, Z, ls=ls)
    Kzz = kernel_func(Z, ls=ls, ridge_factor=ridge_factor)

    # compute null covariance matrix using Cholesky decomposition
    Kzz_chol_inv = tf.matrix_inverse(tf.cholesky(Kzz))
    Kzz_inv = tf.matmul(Kzz_chol_inv, Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_a=True)

    Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv = tf.matmul(Kxz, Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_b=True)
    Kxz_Kzz_inv = tf.matmul(Kxz, Kzz_inv)
    Sigma_pre = Kxx - tf.matmul(
        Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv, Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_b=True)

    # 2. Define variational parameters
    # define free parameters (i.e. mean and full covariance of f_latent)
    m = tf.get_variable(shape=[Nz], name='{}_mean_latent'.format(name))
    s = tf.get_variable(shape=[Nz * (Nz + 1) / 2],
    L = fill_triangular(s, name='{}_cov_latent_chol'.format(name))
    S = tf.matmul(L, L, transpose_b=True, name='{}_cov_latent'.format(name))

    # compute sparse gp variational parameter
    # (i.e. mean and covariance of P(f_obs | f_latent))
    qf_mean = tf.tensordot(Kxz_Kzz_inv,
                           m, [[1], [0]],
    qf_cov = (
        Sigma_pre +
        tf.matmul(Kxz_Kzz_inv, tf.matmul(S, Kxz_Kzz_inv, transpose_b=True)) +
        ridge_factor * tf.eye(Nx, dtype=tf.float32))

    # define variational family
    mixture_par_list = []
    if mfvi_mixture:
        gp_dist = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
            loc=qf_mean, covariance_matrix=qf_cov)
        q_f, mixture_par_list = inference_util.make_mfvi_sgp_mixture_family(
            n_mixture=n_mixture, N=Nx, gp_dist=gp_dist, name=name)
        q_f = ed.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(loc=qf_mean,

    return q_f, qf_mean, qf_cov, mixture_par_list
Example #3
  def call(self, inputs):
    if (not isinstance(inputs, ed.RandomVariable) and
        not isinstance(self.kernel, ed.RandomVariable) and
        not isinstance(self.bias, ed.RandomVariable)):
      return super(DenseDVI, self).call(inputs)
    inputs_mean, inputs_variance, inputs_covariance = get_moments(inputs)
    kernel_mean, kernel_variance, _ = get_moments(self.kernel)
    if self.use_bias:
      bias_mean, _, bias_covariance = get_moments(self.bias)

    # E[outputs] = E[inputs] * E[kernel] + E[bias]
    mean = tf.tensordot(inputs_mean, kernel_mean, [[-1], [0]])
    if self.use_bias:
      mean = tf.nn.bias_add(mean, bias_mean)

    # Cov = E[inputs**2] Cov(kernel) + E[W]^T Cov(inputs) E[W] + Cov(bias)
    # For first term, assume Cov(kernel) = 0 on off-diagonals so we only
    # compute diagonal term.
    covariance_diag = tf.tensordot(inputs_variance + inputs_mean**2,
                                   kernel_variance, [[-1], [0]])
    # Compute quadratic form E[W]^T Cov E[W] from right-to-left. First is
    #  [..., features, features], [features, units] -> [..., features, units].
    cov_w = tf.tensordot(inputs_covariance, kernel_mean, [[-1], [0]])
    # Next is [..., features, units], [features, units] -> [..., units, units].
    w_cov_w = tf.tensordot(cov_w, kernel_mean, [[-2], [0]])
    covariance = w_cov_w
    if self.use_bias:
      covariance += bias_covariance
    covariance = tf.matrix_set_diag(
        covariance, tf.matrix_diag_part(covariance) + covariance_diag)

    if self.activation in (tf.keras.activations.relu, tf.nn.relu):
      # Compute activation's moments with variable names from Wu et al. (2018).
      variance = tf.matrix_diag_part(covariance)
      scale = tf.sqrt(variance)
      mu = mean / (scale + tf.keras.backend.epsilon())
      mean = scale * soft_relu(mu)

      pairwise_variances = (tf.expand_dims(variance, -1) *
                            tf.expand_dims(variance, -2))  # [..., units, units]
      rho = covariance / tf.sqrt(pairwise_variances +
      rho = tf.clip_by_value(rho,
                             -1. / (1. + tf.keras.backend.epsilon()),
                             1. / (1. + tf.keras.backend.epsilon()))
      s = covariance / (rho + tf.keras.backend.epsilon())
      mu1 = tf.expand_dims(mu, -1)  # [..., units, 1]
      mu2 = tf.matrix_transpose(mu1)  # [..., 1, units]
      a = (soft_relu(mu1) * soft_relu(mu2) +
           rho * tfp.distributions.Normal(0., 1.).cdf(mu1) *
           tfp.distributions.Normal(0., 1.).cdf(mu2))
      gh = tf.asinh(rho)
      bar_rho = tf.sqrt(1. - rho**2)
      gr = gh + rho / (1. + bar_rho)
      # Include numerically stable versions of gr and rho when multiplying or
      # dividing them. The sign of gr*rho and rho/gr is always positive.
      safe_gr = tf.abs(gr) + 0.5 * tf.keras.backend.epsilon()
      safe_rho = tf.abs(rho) + tf.keras.backend.epsilon()
      exp_negative_q = gr / (2. * math.pi) * tf.exp(
          -safe_rho / (2. * safe_gr * (1 + bar_rho)) +
          (gh - rho) / (safe_gr * safe_rho) * mu1 * mu2)
      covariance = s * (a + exp_negative_q)
    elif self.activation not in (tf.keras.activations.linear, None):
      raise NotImplementedError('Activation is {}. Deterministic variational '
                                'inference is only available if activation is '
                                'ReLU or None.'.format(self.activation))

    return ed.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(mean, covariance)
Example #4
def variational_sgpr(X,
    """Defines the mean-field variational family for GPR.

        X: (np.ndarray of float32) input training features, with dimension (Nx, D).
        Z: (np.ndarray of float32) inducing points, with dimension (Nz, D).
        ls: (float32) length scale parameter.
        kern_func: (function) kernel function.
        ridge_factor: (float32) small ridge factor to stabilize Cholesky decomposition
        mfvi_mixture: (float32) Whether to output variational family with a
            mixture of MFVI.
        n_mixture: (int) Number of MFVI mixture component to add.

        q_f, q_sig: (ed.RandomVariable) variational family.
        q_f_mean, q_f_sdev: (tf.Variable) variational parameters for q_f
        mixture_par_list: (list of tf.Variable) variational parameters for
            MFVI mixture ('mixture_logits', 'mixture_logits_mfvi_mix',
            'mean_mfvi', 'sdev_mfvi') if mfvi_mixture=True, else [].
    X = tf.convert_to_tensor(X)
    Z = tf.convert_to_tensor(Z)

    Nx, Nz = X.shape.as_list()[0], Z.shape.as_list()[0]

    # 1. Prepare constants
    # compute matrix constants
    Kxx = kern_func(X, ls=ls)
    Kxz = kern_func(X, Z, ls=ls)
    Kzz = kern_func(Z, ls=ls, ridge_factor=ridge_factor)

    # compute null covariance matrix using Cholesky decomposition
    Kzz_chol_inv = tf.matrix_inverse(tf.cholesky(Kzz))
    Kzz_inv = tf.matmul(Kzz_chol_inv, Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_a=True)

    Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv = tf.matmul(Kxz, Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_b=True)
    Kxz_Kzz_inv = tf.matmul(Kxz, Kzz_inv)
    Sigma_pre = Kxx - tf.matmul(
        Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv, Kxz_Kzz_chol_inv, transpose_b=True)

    # 2. Define variational parameters
    # define mean and variance for sigma
    q_sig_mean = tf.get_variable(shape=[], name='q_sig_mean')
    q_sig_sdev = tf.exp(tf.get_variable(shape=[], name='q_sig_sdev'))

    # define free parameters (i.e. mean and full covariance of f_latent)
    m = tf.get_variable(shape=[Nz], name='qf_m')
    s = tf.get_variable(
        shape=[Nz * (Nz + 1) / 2],
        # initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(),
    L = fill_triangular(s, name='qf_chol')
    S = tf.matmul(L, L, transpose_b=True)

    # compute sparse gp variational parameter (i.e. mean and covariance of P(f_obs | f_latent))
    qf_mean = tf.tensordot(Kxz_Kzz_inv, m, [[1], [0]], name='qf_mean')
    qf_cov = (
        Sigma_pre +
        tf.matmul(Kxz_Kzz_inv, tf.matmul(S, Kxz_Kzz_inv, transpose_b=True)) +
        ridge_factor * tf.eye(Nx, dtype=tf.float32))

    # define variational family
    mixture_par_list = []
    if mfvi_mixture:
        gp_dist = tfd.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(
            loc=qf_mean, covariance_matrix=qf_cov)
        q_f, mixture_par_list = inference_util.make_mfvi_sgp_mixture_family(
            n_mixture=n_mixture, N=Nx, gp_dist=gp_dist, name='q_f')
        q_f = ed.MultivariateNormalFullCovariance(loc=qf_mean,
    q_sig = ed.Normal(loc=q_sig_mean, scale=q_sig_sdev, name='q_sig')

    return q_f, q_sig, qf_mean, qf_cov, mixture_par_list