Example #1
def test_masked_tucker():
    """Test for the masked Tucker decomposition.
    This checks that a mask of 1's is identical to the unmasked case.
    rng = check_random_state(1234)
    tensor = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((3, 3, 3)))
    mask = tl.tensor(np.ones((3, 3, 3)))

    mask_fact = tucker(tensor, rank=(2, 2, 2), mask=mask)
    fact = tucker(tensor, rank=(2, 2, 2))
    diff = tucker_to_tensor(mask_fact) - tucker_to_tensor(fact)
        tl.norm(diff) < 0.001, 'norm 2 of reconstruction higher than 0.001')

    # Mask an outlier value, and check that the decomposition ignores it
    tensor = random_tucker((5, 5, 5), (1, 1, 1), full=True, random_state=1234)
    mask = tl.tensor(np.ones((5, 5, 5)))

    mask_tensor = tl.tensor(tensor)
    mask_tensor = tl.index_update(mask_tensor, tl.index[0, 0, 0], 1.0)
    mask = tl.index_update(mask, tl.index[0, 0, 0], 0)

    # We won't use the SVD decomposition, but check that it at least runs successfully
    mask_fact = tucker(mask_tensor, rank=(1, 1, 1), mask=mask, init="svd")
    mask_fact = tucker(mask_tensor,
                       rank=(1, 1, 1),
    mask_err = tl.norm(tucker_to_tensor(mask_fact) - tensor)

    assert_(mask_err < 0.001, 'norm 2 of reconstruction higher than 0.001')
Example #2
def monotonicity_prox(tensor, decreasing=False):
    This function projects each column of the input array on the set of arrays so that
          x[1] <= x[2] <= ... <= x[n] (decreasing=False)
          x[1] >= x[2] >= ... >= x[n] (decreasing=True)
    is satisfied columnwise.

    tensor : ndarray
    decreasing : If it is True, function returns columnwise
                 monotone decreasing tensor. Otherwise, returned array
                 will be monotone increasing.
                 Default: True

          A tensor of which columns' are monotonic.

    .. [1]: G. Chierchia, E. Chouzenoux, P. L. Combettes, and J.-C. Pesquet
            "The Proximity Operator Repository. User's guide"
    if tl.ndim(tensor) == 1:
        tensor = tl.reshape(tensor, [tl.shape(tensor)[0], 1])
    elif tl.ndim(tensor) > 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Monotonicity prox doesn't support an input which has more than 2 dimensions."
    tensor_mon = tl.copy(tensor)
    if decreasing:
        tensor_mon = tl.flip(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    row, column = tl.shape(tensor_mon)
    cum_sum = tl.cumsum(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    for j in range(column):
        assisted_tensor = tl.zeros([row, row])
        for i in range(row):
            if i == 0:
                assisted_tensor = tl.index_update(
                    assisted_tensor, tl.index[i, i:], cum_sum[i:, j] /
                    tl.tensor(tl.arange(row - i) + 1, **tl.context(tensor)))
                assisted_tensor = tl.index_update(
                    assisted_tensor, tl.index[i, i:],
                    (cum_sum[i:, j] - cum_sum[i - 1, j]) /
                    tl.tensor(tl.arange(row - i) + 1, **tl.context(tensor)))
        tensor_mon = tl.index_update(tensor_mon, tl.index[:, j],
                                     tl.max(assisted_tensor, axis=0))
        for i in reversed(range(row - 1)):
            if tensor_mon[i, j] > tensor_mon[i + 1, j]:
                tensor_mon = tl.index_update(tensor_mon, tl.index[i, j],
                                             tensor_mon[i + 1, j])
    if decreasing:
        tensor_mon = tl.flip(tensor_mon, axis=0)
    return tensor_mon
Example #3
def _pad_by_zeros(tensor_slices):
    """Return zero-padded full tensor.
    I = len(tensor_slices)
    J = max(tensor_slice.shape[0] for tensor_slice in tensor_slices)
    K = tensor_slices[0].shape[1]
    padded = T.zeros((I, J, K), **T.context(tensor_slices[0]))
    for i, tensor_slice in enumerate(tensor_slices):
        J_i = len(tensor_slice)

        tl.index_update(padded, tl.index[i, :J_i], tensor_slice)

    return padded
Example #4
def test_index_update():
    np_tensor = np.random.random((3, 5)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    tensor = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_tensor))
    np_insert = np.random.random((3, 2)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    insert = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_insert))

    np_tensor[:, 1:3] = np_insert
    tensor = tl.index_update(tensor, tl.index[:, 1:3], insert)
    assert_array_equal(np_tensor, tensor)

    np_tensor = np.random.random((3, 5)).astype(dtype=np.float32)
    tensor = tl.tensor(np.copy(np_tensor))
    np_tensor[2, :] = 2
    tensor = tl.index_update(tensor, tl.index[2, :], 2)
    assert_array_equal(np_tensor, tensor)
Example #5
def test_parafac2_to_tensor():
    rng = check_random_state(1234)
    rank = 3

    I = 25
    J = 15
    K = 30

    weights, factors, projections = random_parafac2(shapes=[(J, K)] * I,

    constructed_tensor = parafac2_to_tensor((weights, factors, projections))
    tensor_manual = T.zeros((I, J, K), **T.context(weights))

    for i in range(I):
        Bi = T.dot(projections[i], factors[1])
        for j in range(J):
            for k in range(K):
                for r in range(rank):
                    tensor_manual = tl.index_update(
                        tensor_manual, tl.index[i, j,
                                                k], tensor_manual[i, j, k] +
                        factors[0][i][r] * Bi[j][r] * factors[2][k][r])

    assert_(tl.max(tl.abs(constructed_tensor - tensor_manual)) < 1e-6)
Example #6
def simplex_prox(tensor, parameter):
    Projects the input tensor on the simplex of radius parameter.

    tensor : ndarray
    parameter : float


    .. [1]: Held, Michael, Philip Wolfe, and Harlan P. Crowder.
            "Validation of subgradient optimization."
            Mathematical programming 6.1 (1974): 62-88.
    _, col = tl.shape(tensor)
    tensor = tl.clip(tensor, 0, tl.max(tensor))
    tensor_sort = tl.sort(tensor, axis=0, descending=True)

    to_change = tl.sum(tl.where(
        tensor_sort > (tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0) - parameter), 1.0, 0.0),
    difference = tl.zeros(col)
    for i in range(col):
        if to_change[i] > 0:
            difference = tl.index_update(
                difference, tl.index[i],
                tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0)[int(to_change[i] - 1), i])
    difference = (difference - parameter) / to_change
    return tl.clip(tensor - difference, a_min=0)
Example #7
def _project_tensor_slices(tensor_slices, projections, out=None):
    if out is None:
        rank = projections[0].shape[1]
        num_slices = len(tensor_slices)
        num_cols = tensor_slices[0].shape[1]
        out = T.zeros((num_slices, rank, num_cols),

    for i, (tensor_slice,
            projection) in enumerate(zip(tensor_slices, projections)):
        slice_ = T.dot(T.transpose(projection), tensor_slice)
        out = tl.index_update(out, tl.index[i, :], slice_)
    return out
Example #8
def test_tr_to_tensor():
    # Create ground truth TR factors
    factors = [tl.randn((2, 4, 3)), tl.randn((3, 5, 2)), tl.randn((2, 6, 2))]

    # Create tensor
    tensor = tl.zeros((4, 5, 6))

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(5):
            for k in range(6):
                product = tl.dot(
                    tl.dot(factors[0][:, i, :], factors[1][:, j, :]),
                    factors[2][:, k, :])
                # TODO: add trace to backend instead of this
                tensor = tl.index_update(
                    tensor, tl.index[i, j, k],
                    tl.sum(product * tl.eye(product.shape[0])))

    # Check that TR factors re-assemble to the original tensor
    assert_array_almost_equal(tensor, tr_to_tensor(factors))
Example #9
def _compute_projections(tensor_slices, factors, svd_fun, out=None):
    A, B, C = factors

    if out is None:
        out = [
            T.zeros((tensor_slice.shape[0], C.shape[1]),
            for tensor_slice in tensor_slices

    slice_idxes = range(T.shape(A)[0])
    for projection, i, tensor_slice in zip(out, slice_idxes, tensor_slices):
        a_i = A[i]
        lhs = T.dot(B, T.transpose(a_i * C))
        rhs = T.transpose(tensor_slice)
        U, S, Vh = svd_fun(T.dot(lhs, rhs), n_eigenvecs=A.shape[1])

        out[i] = tl.index_update(projection, tl.index[:],
                                 T.transpose(T.dot(U, Vh)))

    return out
Example #10
def initialize_cp(tensor,
    r"""Initialize factors used in `parafac`.
    The type of initialization is set using `init`. If `init == 'random'` then
    initialize factor matrices using `random_state`. If `init == 'svd'` then
    initialize the `m`th factor matrix using the `rank` left singular vectors
    of the `m`th unfolding of the input tensor.
    tensor : ndarray
    rank : int
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    non_negative : bool, default is False
        if True, non-negative factors are returned
    factors : CPTensor
        An initial cp tensor.
    rng = check_random_state(random_state)

    if init == 'random':
        # factors = [tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((tensor.shape[i], rank)), **tl.context(tensor)) for i in range(tl.ndim(tensor))]
        # kt = CPTensor((None, factors))
        return random_cp(tl.shape(tensor),

    elif init == 'svd':
            svd_fun = tl.SVD_FUNS[svd]
        except KeyError:
            message = 'Got svd={}. However, for the current backend ({}), the possible choices are {}'.format(
                svd, tl.get_backend(), tl.SVD_FUNS)
            raise ValueError(message)

        factors = []
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            U, S, _ = svd_fun(unfold(tensor, mode), n_eigenvecs=rank)

            # Put SVD initialization on the same scaling as the tensor in case normalize_factors=False
            if mode == 0:
                idx = min(rank, tl.shape(S)[0])
                U = tl.index_update(U, tl.index[:, :idx], U[:, :idx] * S[:idx])

            if tensor.shape[mode] < rank:
                # TODO: this is a hack but it seems to do the job for now
                # factor = tl.tensor(np.zeros((U.shape[0], rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
                # factor[:, tensor.shape[mode]:] = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])), **tl.context(tensor))
                # factor[:, :tensor.shape[mode]] = U
                random_part = tl.tensor(
                        (U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])),
                U = tl.concatenate([U, random_part], axis=1)

            factors.append(U[:, :rank])

        kt = CPTensor((None, factors))

    elif isinstance(init, (tuple, list, CPTensor)):
        # TODO: Test this
            kt = CPTensor(init)
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'If initialization method is a mapping, then it must '
                'be possible to convert it to a CPTensor instance')
        raise ValueError(
            'Initialization method "{}" not recognized'.format(init))

    if non_negative:
        kt.factors = [tl.abs(f) for f in kt[1]]

    if normalize_factors:
        kt = cp_normalize(kt)

    return kt
Example #11
def make_svd_non_negative(tensor, U, S, V, nntype):
    """ Use NNDSVD method to transform SVD results into a non-negative form. This
    method leads to more efficient solving with NNMF [1].

    tensor : tensor being decomposed
    U, S, V: SVD factorization results
    nntype : {'nndsvd', 'nndsvda'}
        Whether to fill small values with 0.0 (nndsvd), or the tensor mean (nndsvda, default).

    [1]: Boutsidis & Gallopoulos. Pattern Recognition, 41(4): 1350-1362, 2008.

    # NNDSVD initialization
    W = tl.zeros_like(U)
    H = tl.zeros_like(V)

    # The leading singular triplet is non-negative
    # so it can be used as is for initialization.
    W = tl.index_update(W, tl.index[:, 0], tl.sqrt(S[0]) * tl.abs(U[:, 0]))
    H = tl.index_update(H, tl.index[0, :], tl.sqrt(S[0]) * tl.abs(V[0, :]))

    for j in range(1, tl.shape(U)[1]):
        x, y = U[:, j], V[j, :]

        # extract positive and negative parts of column vectors
        x_p, y_p = tl.clip(x, a_min=0.0), tl.clip(y, a_min=0.0)
        x_n, y_n = tl.abs(tl.clip(x, a_max=0.0)), tl.abs(tl.clip(y, a_max=0.0))

        # and their norms
        x_p_nrm, y_p_nrm = tl.norm(x_p), tl.norm(y_p)
        x_n_nrm, y_n_nrm = tl.norm(x_n), tl.norm(y_n)

        m_p, m_n = x_p_nrm * y_p_nrm, x_n_nrm * y_n_nrm

        # choose update
        if m_p > m_n:
            u = x_p / x_p_nrm
            v = y_p / y_p_nrm
            sigma = m_p
            u = x_n / x_n_nrm
            v = y_n / y_n_nrm
            sigma = m_n

        lbd = tl.sqrt(S[j] * sigma)
        W = tl.index_update(W, tl.index[:, j], lbd * u)
        H = tl.index_update(H, tl.index[j, :], lbd * v)

    # After this point we no longer need H
    eps = tl.eps(tensor.dtype)

    if nntype == "nndsvd":
        W = soft_thresholding(W, eps)
    elif nntype == "nndsvda":
        avg = tl.mean(tensor)
        W = tl.where(W < eps, tl.ones(tl.shape(W), **tl.context(W)) * avg, W)
        raise ValueError(
            'Invalid nntype parameter: got %r instead of one of %r' %
            (nntype, ('nndsvd', 'nndsvda')))

    return W
Example #12
def initialize_constrained_parafac(tensor, rank, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',
                                   random_state=None, non_negative=None, l1_reg=None,
                                   l2_reg=None, l2_square_reg=None, unimodality=None, normalize=None,
                                   simplex=None, normalized_sparsity=None,
                                   soft_sparsity=None, smoothness=None, monotonicity=None,
    r"""Initialize factors used in `constrained_parafac`.


    The type of initialization is set using `init`. If `init == 'random'` then
    initialize factor matrices with uniform distribution using `random_state`. If `init == 'svd'` then
    initialize the `m`th factor matrix using the `rank` left singular vectors
    of the `m`th unfolding of the input tensor. If init is a previously initialized `cp tensor`, all
    the weights are pulled in the last factor and then the weights are set to "1" for the output tensor.
    Lastly, factors are updated with proximal operator according to the selected constraint(s), so that they satisfy the
    imposed constraints (does not apply to cptensor initialization).

    tensor : ndarray
    rank : int
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    init : {'svd', 'random', cptensor}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    non_negative : bool or dictionary
        This constraint is clipping negative values to '0'. If it is True non-negative constraint is applied to all modes.
    l1_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_square_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    unimodality : bool or dictionary, optional
        If it is True unimodality constraint is applied to all modes.
    normalize : bool or dictionary, optional
        This constraint divides all the values by maximum value of the input array. If it is True normalize constraint
        is applied to all modes.
    simplex : float or list or dictionary, optional
    normalized_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    soft_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    smoothness : float or list or dictionary, optional
    monotonicity : bool or dictionary, optional
    hard_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    factors : CPTensor
        An initial cp tensor.
    n_modes = tl.ndim(tensor)
    rng = tl.check_random_state(random_state)

    if init == 'random':
        weights, factors = random_cp(tl.shape(tensor), rank, normalise_factors=False, **tl.context(tensor))

    elif init == 'svd':
            svd_fun = tl.SVD_FUNS[svd]
        except KeyError:
            message = 'Got svd={}. However, for the current backend ({}), the possible choices are {}'.format(
                svd, tl.get_backend(), tl.SVD_FUNS)
            raise ValueError(message)

        factors = []
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            U, S, _ = svd_fun(unfold(tensor, mode), n_eigenvecs=rank)

            # Put SVD initialization on the same scaling as the tensor in case normalize_factors=False
            if mode == 0:
                idx = min(rank, tl.shape(S)[0])
                U = tl.index_update(U, tl.index[:, :idx], U[:, :idx] * S[:idx])

            if tensor.shape[mode] < rank:
                random_part = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])),
                U = tl.concatenate([U, random_part], axis=1)

            factors.append(U[:, :rank])

    elif isinstance(init, (tuple, list, CPTensor)):
            weights, factors = CPTensor(init)

            if tl.all(weights == 1):
                weights, factors = CPTensor((None, factors))
                weights_avg = tl.prod(weights) ** (1.0 / tl.shape(weights)[0])
                for i in range(len(factors)):
                    factors[i] = factors[i] * weights_avg
            kt = CPTensor((None, factors))
            return kt
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'If initialization method is a mapping, then it must '
                'be possible to convert it to a CPTensor instance'
        raise ValueError('Initialization method "{}" not recognized'.format(init))

    for i in range(n_modes):
        factors[i] = proximal_operator(factors[i], non_negative=non_negative, l1_reg=l1_reg,
                                       l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg, unimodality=unimodality,
                                       normalize=normalize, simplex=simplex, normalized_sparsity=normalized_sparsity,
                                       soft_sparsity=soft_sparsity, smoothness=smoothness,
                                       monotonicity=monotonicity, hard_sparsity=hard_sparsity, n_const=n_modes, order=i)
    kt = CPTensor((None, factors))
    return kt
Example #13
def initialize_cp(tensor,
    r"""Initialize factors used in `parafac`.

    The type of initialization is set using `init`. If `init == 'random'` then
    initialize factor matrices with uniform distribution using `random_state`. If `init == 'svd'` then
    initialize the `m`th factor matrix using the `rank` left singular vectors
    of the `m`th unfolding of the input tensor. If init is a previously initialized `cp tensor`, all
    the weights are pulled in the last factor and then the weights are set to "1" for the output tensor.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank : int
    init : {'svd', 'random', cptensor}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    non_negative : bool, default is False
        if True, non-negative factors are returned

    factors : CPTensor
        An initial cp tensor.

    rng = tl.check_random_state(random_state)

    if init == 'random':
        kt = random_cp(tl.shape(tensor),

    elif init == 'svd':
            svd_fun = tl.SVD_FUNS[svd]
        except KeyError:
            message = 'Got svd={}. However, for the current backend ({}), the possible choices are {}'.format(
                svd, tl.get_backend(), tl.SVD_FUNS)
            raise ValueError(message)

        factors = []
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            U, S, _ = svd_fun(unfold(tensor, mode), n_eigenvecs=rank)

            # Put SVD initialization on the same scaling as the tensor in case normalize_factors=False
            if mode == 0:
                idx = min(rank, tl.shape(S)[0])
                U = tl.index_update(U, tl.index[:, :idx], U[:, :idx] * S[:idx])

            if tensor.shape[mode] < rank:
                # TODO: this is a hack but it seems to do the job for now
                random_part = tl.tensor(
                        (U.shape[0], rank - tl.shape(tensor)[mode])),
                U = tl.concatenate([U, random_part], axis=1)

            factors.append(U[:, :rank])

        kt = CPTensor((None, factors))

    elif isinstance(init, (tuple, list, CPTensor)):
        # TODO: Test this
            if normalize_factors is True:
                    'It is not recommended to initialize a tensor with normalizing. Consider normalizing the tensor before using this function'

            kt = CPTensor(init)
            weights, factors = kt

            if tl.all(weights == 1):
                kt = CPTensor((None, factors))
                weights_avg = tl.prod(weights)**(1.0 / tl.shape(weights)[0])
                for i in range(len(factors)):
                    factors[i] = factors[i] * weights_avg
                kt = CPTensor((None, factors))
        except ValueError:
            raise ValueError(
                'If initialization method is a mapping, then it must '
                'be possible to convert it to a CPTensor instance')
        raise ValueError(
            'Initialization method "{}" not recognized'.format(init))

    if normalize_factors:
        kt = cp_normalize(kt)

    return kt
Example #14
def hals_nnls(UtM,
    Non Negative Least Squares (NNLS)

    Computes an approximate solution of a nonnegative least
    squares problem (NNLS) with an exact block-coordinate descent scheme.
    M is m by n, U is m by r, V is r by n.
    All matrices are nonnegative componentwise.

    This algorithm is defined in [1], as an accelerated version of the HALS algorithm.

    It features two accelerations: an early stop stopping criterion, and a
    complexity averaging between precomputations and loops, so as to use large
    precomputations several times.

    This function is made for being used repetively inside an
    outer-loop alternating algorithm, for instance for computing nonnegative
    matrix Factorization or tensor factorization.

    UtM: r-by-n array
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and M, used in the update rule
    UtU: r-by-r array
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and U, used in the update rule
    V: r-by-n initialization matrix (mutable)
        Initialized V array
        By default, is initialized with one non-zero entry per column
        corresponding to the closest column of U of the corresponding column of M.
    n_iter_max: Postivie integer
        Upper bound on the number of iterations
        Default: 500
    tol : float in [0,1]
        early stop criterion, while err_k > delta*err_0. Set small for
        almost exact nnls solution, or larger (e.g. 1e-2) for inner loops
        of a PARAFAC computation.
        Default: 10e-8
    sparsity_coefficient: float or None
        The coefficient controling the sparisty level in the objective function.
        If set to None, the problem is solved unconstrained.
        Default: None
    nonzero_rows: boolean
        True if the lines of the V matrix can't be zero,
        False if they can be zero
        Default: False
    exact: If it is True, the algorithm gives a results with high precision but it needs high computational cost.
        If it is False, the algorithm gives an approximate solution
        Default: False

    V: array
        a r-by-n nonnegative matrix \approx argmin_{V >= 0} ||M-UV||_F^2
    rec_error: float
        number of loops authorized by the error stop criterion
    iteration: integer
        final number of update iteration performed
    complexity_ratio: float
        number of loops authorized by the stop criterion

    We solve the following problem :math:`\\min_{V >= 0} ||M-UV||_F^2`

    The matrix V is updated linewise. The update rule for this resolution is::

    .. math::
            V[k,:]_(j+1) = V[k,:]_(j) + (UtM[k,:] - UtU[k,:]\\times V_(j))/UtU[k,k]

    with j the update iteration.

    This problem can also be defined by adding a sparsity coefficient,
    enhancing sparsity in the solution [2]. In this sparse version, the update rule becomes::

    .. math::
            V[k,:]_(j+1) = V[k,:]_(j) + (UtM[k,:] - UtU[k,:]\\times V_(j) - sparsity_coefficient)/UtU[k,k]

    .. [1]: N. Gillis and F. Glineur, Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and
       Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,
       Neural Computation 24 (4): 1085-1105, 2012.

    .. [2] J. Eggert, and E. Korner. "Sparse coding and NMF."
       2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
       (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37541). Vol. 4. IEEE, 2004.


    rank, n_col_M = tl.shape(UtM)
    if V is None:  # checks if V is empty
        V = tl.solve(UtU, UtM)

        V = tl.clip(V, a_min=0, a_max=None)
        # Scaling
        scale = tl.sum(UtM * V) / tl.sum(UtU * tl.dot(V, tl.transpose(V)))
        V = V * scale

    if exact:
        n_iter_max = 50000
        tol = 10e-16
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        rec_error = 0
        for k in range(rank):

            if UtU[k, k]:
                if sparsity_coefficient is not None:  # Modifying the function for sparsification

                    deltaV = tl.where(
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V) -
                         sparsity_coefficient) / UtU[k, k] > -V[k, :],
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V) -
                         sparsity_coefficient) / UtU[k, k], -V[k, :])
                    V = tl.index_update(V, tl.index[k, :], V[k, :] + deltaV)

                else:  # without sparsity

                    deltaV = tl.where(
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V)) / UtU[k, k] >
                        -V[k, :],
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V)) / UtU[k, k],
                        -V[k, :])
                    V = tl.index_update(V, tl.index[k, :], V[k, :] + deltaV)

                rec_error = rec_error + tl.dot(deltaV, tl.transpose(deltaV))

                # Safety procedure, if columns aren't allow to be zero
                if nonzero_rows and tl.all(V[k, :] == 0):
                    V[k, :] = tl.eps(V.dtype) * tl.max(V)

            elif nonzero_rows:
                raise ValueError("Column " + str(k) +
                                 " of U is zero with nonzero condition")

            if normalize:
                norm = tl.norm(V[k, :])
                if norm != 0:
                    V[k, :] /= norm
                    sqrt_n = 1 / n_col_M**(1 / 2)
                    V[k, :] = [sqrt_n for i in range(n_col_M)]
        if iteration == 0:
            rec_error0 = rec_error

        numerator = tl.shape(V)[0] * tl.shape(V)[1] + tl.shape(V)[1] * rank
        denominator = tl.shape(V)[0] * rank + tl.shape(V)[0]
        complexity_ratio = 1 + (numerator / denominator)
        if exact:
            if rec_error < tol * rec_error0:
            if rec_error < tol * rec_error0 or iteration > 1 + 0.5 * complexity_ratio:
    return V, rec_error, iteration, complexity_ratio
Example #15
def unimodality_prox(tensor):
    This function projects each column of the input array on the set of arrays so that
          x[1] <= x[2] <= x[j] >= x[j+1]... >= x[n]
    is satisfied columnwise.

    tensor : ndarray

         A tensor of which columns' distribution are unimodal.

    .. [1]: Bro, R., & Sidiropoulos, N. D. (1998). Least squares algorithms under
            unimodality and non‐negativity constraints. Journal of Chemometrics:
            A Journal of the Chemometrics Society, 12(4), 223-247.
    if tl.ndim(tensor) == 1:
        tensor = tl.vec_to_tensor(tensor, [tl.shape(tensor)[0], 1])
    elif tl.ndim(tensor) > 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "Unimodality prox doesn't support an input which has more than 2 dimensions."

    tensor_unimodal = tl.copy(tensor)
    monotone_increasing = tl.tensor(monotonicity_prox(tensor),
    monotone_decreasing = tl.tensor(monotonicity_prox(tensor, decreasing=True),
    # Next line finds mutual peak points
    values = tl.tensor(
        tl.to_numpy((tensor - monotone_decreasing >= 0)) * tl.to_numpy(
            (tensor - monotone_increasing >= 0)), **tl.context(tensor))

    sum_inc = tl.where(values == 1,
                       tl.cumsum(tl.abs(tensor - monotone_increasing), axis=0),
                       tl.tensor(0, **tl.context(tensor)))
    sum_inc = tl.where(values == 1,
                       sum_inc - tl.abs(tensor - monotone_increasing),
                       tl.tensor(0, **tl.context(tensor)))
    sum_dec = tl.where(
        tl.flip(values, axis=0) == 1,
            tl.flip(tensor, axis=0) - tl.flip(monotone_decreasing, axis=0)),
                  axis=0), tl.tensor(0, **tl.context(tensor)))
    sum_dec = tl.where(
        tl.flip(values, axis=0) == 1, sum_dec -
        tl.abs(tl.flip(tensor, axis=0) - tl.flip(monotone_decreasing, axis=0)),
        tl.tensor(0, **tl.context(tensor)))

    difference = tl.where(values == 1, sum_inc + tl.flip(sum_dec, axis=0),
                          tl.max(sum_inc + tl.flip(sum_dec, axis=0)))
    min_indice = tl.argmin(tl.tensor(difference), axis=0)

    for i in range(len(min_indice)):
        tensor_unimodal = tl.index_update(
            tensor_unimodal, tl.index[:int(min_indice[i]), i],
            monotone_increasing[:int(min_indice[i]), i])
        tensor_unimodal = tl.index_update(
            tensor_unimodal, tl.index[int(min_indice[i] + 1):, i],
            monotone_decreasing[int(min_indice[i] + 1):, i])
    return tensor_unimodal
Example #16
def active_set_nnls(Utm, UtU, x=None, n_iter_max=100, tol=10e-8):
     Active set algorithm for non-negative least square solution.

     Computes an approximate non-negative solution for Ux=m linear system.

     Utm : vectorized ndarray
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and m
     UtU : ndarray
        Pre-computed Kronecker product of the transposed of U and U
     x : init
        Default: None
     n_iter_max : int
         Maximum number of iteration
         Default: 100
     tol : float
         Early stopping criterion

     x : ndarray

     This function solves following problem:
     .. math::
             \\min_{x} ||Ux - m||^2

     According to [1], non-negativity-constrained least square estimation problem becomes:
     .. math::
             x' = (Utm) - (UTU)\\times x

     [1] : Bro, R., & De Jong, S. (1997). A fast non‐negativity‐constrained
           least squares algorithm. Journal of Chemometrics: A Journal of
           the Chemometrics Society, 11(5), 393-401.
    if tl.get_backend() == 'tensorflow':
        raise ValueError(
            "Active set is not supported with the tensorflow backend. Consider using fista method with tensorflow."

    if x is None:
        x_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(UtU)[1], **tl.context(UtU))
        x_vec = tl.base.tensor_to_vec(x)

    x_gradient = Utm - tl.dot(UtU, x_vec)
    passive_set = x_vec > 0
    active_set = x_vec <= 0
    support_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(x_vec), **tl.context(x_vec))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):

        if iteration > 0 or tl.all(x_vec == 0):
            indice = tl.argmax(x_gradient)
            passive_set = tl.index_update(passive_set, tl.index[indice], True)
            active_set = tl.index_update(active_set, tl.index[indice], False)
        # To avoid singularity error when initial x exists
            passive_solution = tl.solve(UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set],
            indice_list = []
            for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                if passive_set[i]:
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(
                        support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                        passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                  tl.index[int(i)], 0)
        # Start from zeros if solve is not achieved
            x_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(UtU)[1])
            support_vec = tl.zeros(tl.shape(x_vec), **tl.context(x_vec))
            passive_set = x_vec > 0
            active_set = x_vec <= 0
            if tl.any(active_set):
                indice = tl.argmax(x_gradient)
                passive_set = tl.index_update(passive_set, tl.index[indice],
                active_set = tl.index_update(active_set, tl.index[indice],
            passive_solution = tl.solve(UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set],
            indice_list = []
            for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                if passive_set[i]:
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(
                        support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                        passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                    support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                  tl.index[int(i)], 0)

        # update support vector if it is necessary
        if tl.min(support_vec[passive_set]) <= 0:
            for i in range(len(passive_set)):
                alpha = tl.min(
                    x_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0] /
                    (x_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0] -
                     support_vec[passive_set][support_vec[passive_set] <= 0]))
                update = alpha * (support_vec - x_vec)
                x_vec = x_vec + update
                passive_set = x_vec > 0
                active_set = x_vec <= 0
                passive_solution = tl.solve(
                    UtU[passive_set, :][:, passive_set], Utm[passive_set])
                indice_list = []
                for i in range(tl.shape(support_vec)[0]):
                    if passive_set[i]:
                        support_vec = tl.index_update(
                            support_vec, tl.index[int(i)],
                            passive_solution[len(indice_list) - 1])
                        support_vec = tl.index_update(support_vec,
                                                      tl.index[int(i)], 0)

                if tl.any(passive_set) != True or tl.min(
                        support_vec[passive_set]) > 0:
        # set x to s
        x_vec = tl.clip(support_vec, 0, tl.max(support_vec))

        # gradient update
        x_gradient = Utm - tl.dot(UtU, x_vec)

        if tl.any(active_set) != True or tl.max(x_gradient[active_set]) <= tol:

    return x_vec