Example #1
def simplex_prox(tensor, parameter):
    Projects the input tensor on the simplex of radius parameter.

    tensor : ndarray
    parameter : float


    .. [1]: Held, Michael, Philip Wolfe, and Harlan P. Crowder.
            "Validation of subgradient optimization."
            Mathematical programming 6.1 (1974): 62-88.
    _, col = tl.shape(tensor)
    tensor = tl.clip(tensor, 0, tl.max(tensor))
    tensor_sort = tl.sort(tensor, axis=0, descending=True)

    to_change = tl.sum(tl.where(
        tensor_sort > (tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0) - parameter), 1.0, 0.0),
    difference = tl.zeros(col)
    for i in range(col):
        if to_change[i] > 0:
            difference = tl.index_update(
                difference, tl.index[i],
                tl.cumsum(tensor_sort, axis=0)[int(to_change[i] - 1), i])
    difference = (difference - parameter) / to_change
    return tl.clip(tensor - difference, a_min=0)
def test_svd():
    """Test for the SVD functions"""
    tol = 0.1
    tol_orthogonality = 0.01

    for name, svd_fun in T.SVD_FUNS.items():
        sizes = [(100, 100), (100, 5), (10, 10), (10, 4), (5, 100)]
        n_eigenvecs = [90, 4, 5, 4, 5]

        for s, n in zip(sizes, n_eigenvecs):
            matrix = np.random.random(s)
            matrix_backend = T.tensor(matrix)
            fU, fS, fV = svd_fun(matrix_backend, n_eigenvecs=n)
            U, S, V = svd(matrix)
            U, S, V = U[:, :n], S[:n], V[:n, :]

            assert_array_almost_equal(np.abs(S), T.abs(fS), decimal=3,
                err_msg='eigenvals not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

            # True reconstruction error (based on numpy SVD)
            true_rec_error = np.sum((matrix - np.dot(U, S.reshape((-1, 1))*V))**2)
            # Reconstruction error with the backend's SVD
            rec_error = T.sum((matrix_backend - T.dot(fU, T.reshape(fS, (-1, 1))*fV))**2)
            # Check that the two are similar
            assert_(true_rec_error - rec_error <= tol,
                msg='Reconstruction not correct for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

            # Check for orthogonality when relevant
            if name != 'symeig_svd':
                left_orthogonality_error = T.norm(T.dot(T.transpose(fU), fU) - T.eye(n))
                assert_(left_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality,
                    msg='Left eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                            name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))
                right_orthogonality_error = T.norm(T.dot(T.transpose(fU), fU) - T.eye(n))
                assert_(right_orthogonality_error <= tol_orthogonality,
                    msg='Right eigenvecs not orthogonal for "{}" svd fun VS svd and backend="{}, for {} eigenenvecs, and size {}".'.format(
                        name, tl.get_backend(), n, s))

        # Should fail on non-matrices
        with assert_raises(ValueError):
            tensor = T.tensor(np.random.random((3, 3, 3)))

        # Test for singular matrices (some eigenvals will be zero)
        # Rank at most 5
        matrix = T.tensor(np.dot(np.random.random((20, 5)), np.random.random((5, 20))))
        U, S, V = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=n)
        true_rec_error = tl.sum((matrix - tl.dot(U, tl.reshape(S, (-1, 1))*V))**2)
        assert_(true_rec_error <= tol)

        # Test if partial_svd returns the same result for the same setting
        matrix = T.tensor(np.random.random((20, 5)))
        random_state = np.random.RandomState(0)
        U1, S1, V1 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=random_state)
        U2, S2, V2 = tl.partial_svd(matrix, n_eigenvecs=2, random_state=0)
        assert_array_equal(U1, U2)
        assert_array_equal(S1, S2)
        assert_array_equal(V1, V2)
    def __getitem__(self, indices):
        if not isinstance(indices, Iterable):
            indices = [indices]

        output_shape = []
        indexed_factors = []
        factors = self.factors
        weights = self.weights

        for (index, shape) in zip(indices, self.tensorized_shape):
            if isinstance(shape, int):
                # We are indexing a "regular" mode
                factor, *factors = factors

                if isinstance(index, (np.integer, int)):
                    weights = weights * factor[index, :]
                    factor = factor[index, :]

                # We are indexing a tensorized mode

                if index == slice(None) or index == ():
                    # Keeping all indices (:)

                    if isinstance(index, slice):
                        # Since we've already filtered out :, this is a partial slice
                        # Convert into list
                        max_index = math.prod(shape)
                        index = list(range(*index.indices(max_index)))

                    if isinstance(index, Iterable):

                    index = np.unravel_index(index, shape)
                    # Index the whole tensorized shape, resulting in a single factor
                    factor = 1
                    for idx, ff in zip(index, factors[:len(shape)]):
                        factor *= ff[idx, :]

                    if tl.ndim(factor) == 2:
                        weights = weights * factor

                factors = factors[len(shape):]


        if indexed_factors:
            return self.__class__(weights,
        return tl.sum(weights)
Example #4
def test_sum():
    rng = tl.check_random_state(0)
    tensor = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((5, 6, 7)))
    all_kwargs = [{}, {
        'axis': 1
    }, {
        'axis': 1,
        'keepdims': True
    }, {
        'axis': 1,
        'keepdims': False
    }, {
        'keepdims': True
    }, {
        'keepdims': False
    }, {
        'axis': None,
        'keepdims': True
    }, {
        'axis': (0, 2),
        'keepdims': True
    }, {
        'axis': (0, 2),
        'keepdims': False
    }, {
        'axis': (0, 2)
    for kwargs in all_kwargs:
            tl.to_numpy(tl.sum(tensor, **kwargs)),
            np.sum(tl.to_numpy(tensor), **kwargs),
            rtol=1e-5,  # Single precision
            err_msg=f"Sum not same as numpy with kwargs: {kwargs}")
Example #5
def _parafac2_reconstruction_error(tensor_slices, decomposition):
    squared_error = 0
    for idx, tensor_slice in enumerate(tensor_slices):
        reconstruction = parafac2_to_slice(decomposition, idx, validate=False)
        squared_error += tl.sum((tensor_slice - reconstruction)**2)
    return tl.sqrt(squared_error)
Example #6
    def excluded_value_fraction(self):
        '''Returns the fraction of missing/excluded values in the tensor,
        given the values that are masked in tensor.mask

        excluded_fraction : float
            Fraction of missing/excluded values in the tensor.
        if self.mask is None:
            print("The interaction tensor does not have masked values")
            return 0.0
            fraction = tl.sum(self.mask) / tl.prod(tl.tensor(self.tensor.shape))
            excluded_fraction = 1.0 - fraction.item()
            return excluded_fraction
Example #7
def test_tr_to_tensor():
    # Create ground truth TR factors
    factors = [tl.randn((2, 4, 3)), tl.randn((3, 5, 2)), tl.randn((2, 6, 2))]

    # Create tensor
    tensor = tl.zeros((4, 5, 6))

    for i in range(4):
        for j in range(5):
            for k in range(6):
                product = tl.dot(
                    tl.dot(factors[0][:, i, :], factors[1][:, j, :]),
                    factors[2][:, k, :])
                # TODO: add trace to backend instead of this
                tensor = tl.index_update(
                    tensor, tl.index[i, j, k],
                    tl.sum(product * tl.eye(product.shape[0])))

    # Check that TR factors re-assemble to the original tensor
    assert_array_almost_equal(tensor, tr_to_tensor(factors))
Example #8
    def __getitem__(self, indices):
        if isinstance(indices, int):
            # Select one dimension of one mode
            mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
            weights = self.weights*mixing_factor[indices, :]
            return self.__class__(weights, factors, self.tensorized_row_shape, 
                                    self.tensorized_column_shape, n_matrices=self.n_matrices[1:])

        elif isinstance(indices, slice):
            # Index part of a factor
            mixing_factor, *factors = self.factors
            factors = [mixing_factor[indices], *factors]
            weights = self.weights
            return self.__class__(weights, factors, self.tensorized_row_shape, 
                                    self.tensorized_column_shape, n_matrices=self.n_matrices[1:])
            # Index multiple dimensions
            factors = self.factors
            index_factors = []
            weights = self.weights
            for index in indices:
                if index is Ellipsis:
                    raise ValueError(f'Ellipsis is not yet supported, yet got indices={indices} which contains one.')

                mixing_factor, *factors = factors
                if isinstance(index, int):
                    if factors or index_factors:
                        weights = weights*mixing_factor[index, :]
                        # No factors left
                        return tl.sum(weights*mixing_factor[index, :])

            return self.__class__(weights, index_factors+factors, self.shape, self.tensorized_row_shape, 
                                  self.tensorized_column_shape, n_matrices=self.n_matrices[len(indices):])
def parafac(tensor,
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)

    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that,

        ``tensor = [| factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    non_negative : bool, optional
        Perform non_negative PARAFAC. See :func:`non_negative_parafac`.

    factors : ndarray list
        List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
        (tensor.shape[i], rank)
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] tl.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications",
       SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factor = [tl.qr(factor)[0] for factor in factors]

        if verbose:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))
            if non_negative:
                accum = 1
                # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
                # simplifies to multiplications
                sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
                for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                    if i:
                        accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                        accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)),
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(
                        tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)

            #factor = tl.dot(unfold(tensor, mode), khatri_rao(factors, skip_matrix=mode).conj())
            mttkrp = tl.tenalg.unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, factors, mode)

            if non_negative:
                numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
                denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator
                factor = tl.transpose(

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            # This is ||kruskal_to_tensor(factors)||^2
            factors_norm = tl.sum(
                    tl.stack([tl.dot(tl.transpose(f), f) for f in factors], 0),
            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(mttkrp * factor)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format(
                        rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    if return_errors:
        return factors, rec_errors
        return factors
Example #10
def parafac(tensor,
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)
    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that,

        ``tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    non_negative : bool, optional
        Perform non_negative PARAFAC. See :func:`non_negative_parafac`.
    mask : ndarray
        array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where
        the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note:  if tensor is
        sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or
        True). Allows for missing values [2]_

    KruskalTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)

    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications",
       SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Tomasi, Giorgio, and Rasmus Bro. "PARAFAC and missing values." 
            Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75.2 (2005): 163-180.

    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [
                tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f
                for i, f in enumerate(factors)

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))
            if non_negative:
                accum = 1
                # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
                # simplifies to multiplications
                sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
                for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                    if i:
                        accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                        accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)),
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(
                        tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor * mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor(
                    (None, factors), mask=1 - mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            if non_negative:
                numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
                denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
                factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator
                factor = tl.transpose(

            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(
                    tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype),
                    tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor / (tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factor, axis=0) * weights)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}, variation={}.'.format(
                        rec_errors[-1], rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]))

                if tol and abs(rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]) < tol:
                    if verbose:
                        print('converged in {} iterations.'.format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Example #11
def maxvol(A):
    """ Find the rxr submatrix of maximal volume in A(nxr), n>=r

            We want to decompose matrix A as
                    A = A[:,J] * (A[I,J])^-1 * A[I,:]
            This algorithm helps us find this submatrix A[I,J] from A, which has the largest determinant.
            We greedily find vector of max norm, and subtract its projection from the rest of rows.


    A: matrix
            The matrix to find maximal volume

    row_idx: list of int
            is the list or rows of A forming the matrix with maximal volume,
    A_inv: matrix
            is the inverse of the matrix with maximal volume.

    S. A. Goreinov, I. V. Oseledets, D. V. Savostyanov, E. E. Tyrtyshnikov, N. L. Zamarashkin.
    How to find a good submatrix.Goreinov, S. A., et al.
    Matrix Methods: Theory, Algorithms and Applications: Dedicated to the Memory of Gene Golub. 2010. 247-256.

    Ali Çivril, Malik Magdon-Ismail
    On selecting a maximum volume sub-matrix of a matrix and related problems
    Theoretical Computer Science. Volume 410, Issues 47–49, 6 November 2009, Pages 4801-4811

    (n, r) = tl.shape(A)

    # The index of row of the submatrix
    row_idx = tl.zeros(r)

    # Rest of rows / unselected rows
    rest_of_rows = tl.tensor(list(range(n)),dtype= tl.int64)

    # Find r rows iteratively
    i = 0
    A_new = A
    while i < r:
        mask = list(range(tl.shape(A_new)[0]))
        # Compute the square of norm of each row
        rows_norms = tl.sum(A_new ** 2, axis=1)

        # If there is only one row of A left, let's just return it. MxNet is not robust about this case.
        if tl.shape(rows_norms) == ():
            row_idx[i] = rest_of_rows

        # If a row is 0, we delete it.
        if any(rows_norms == 0):
            zero_idx = tl.argmin(rows_norms,axis=0)
            rest_of_rows = rest_of_rows[mask]
            A_new = A_new[mask,:]

        # Find the row of max norm
        max_row_idx = tl.argmax(rows_norms, axis=0)
        max_row = A[rest_of_rows[max_row_idx], :]

        # Compute the projection of max_row to other rows
        # projection a to b is computed as: <a,b> / sqrt(|a|*|b|)
        projection = tl.dot(A_new, tl.transpose(max_row))
        normalization = tl.sqrt(rows_norms[max_row_idx] * rows_norms)
        # make sure normalization vector is of the same shape of projection (causing bugs for MxNet)
        normalization = tl.reshape(normalization, tl.shape(projection))
        projection = projection/normalization

        # Subtract the projection from A_new:  b <- b - a * projection
        A_new = A_new - A_new * tl.reshape(projection, (tl.shape(A_new)[0], 1))

        # Delete the selected row
        A_new = A_new[mask,:]

        # update the row_idx and rest_of_rows
        row_idx[i] = rest_of_rows[max_row_idx]
        rest_of_rows = rest_of_rows[mask]
        i = i + 1

    row_idx = tl.tensor(row_idx, dtype=tl.int64)
    inverse = tl.solve(A[row_idx,:],
                 tl.eye(tl.shape(A[row_idx,:])[0], **tl.context(A)))
    row_idx = tl.to_numpy(row_idx)

    return row_idx, inverse
Example #12
def error_calc(tensor, norm_tensor, weights, factors, sparsity, mask, mttkrp=None):
    r""" Perform the error calculation. Different forms are used here depending upon 
    the available information. If `mttkrp=None` or masking is being performed, then the
    full tensor must be constructed. Otherwise, the mttkrp is used to reduce the calculation cost.

    tensor : tensor
    norm_tensor : float
        The l2 norm of tensor.
    weights : tensor
        The current CP weights
    factors : tensor
        The current CP factors
    sparsity : float or int
        Whether we allow for a sparse component
    mask : bool
        Whether masking is being performed.
    mttkrp : tensor or None
        The mttkrp product, if available.

    unnorml_rec_error : float
        The unnormalized reconstruction error.
    tensor : tensor
        The tensor, in case it has been updated by masking.
    norm_tensor: float
        The tensor norm, in case it has been updated by masking.

    # If we have to update the mask we already have to build the full tensor
    if (mask is not None) or (mttkrp is None):
        low_rank_component = cp_to_tensor((weights, factors))

        # Update the tensor based on the mask
        if mask is not None:
            tensor = tensor*mask + low_rank_component*(1-mask)
            norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

        if sparsity:
            sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor - low_rank_component, sparsity)
            sparse_component = 0.0
        unnorml_rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - low_rank_component - sparse_component, 2)
        if sparsity:
            low_rank_component = cp_to_tensor((weights, factors))
            sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor - low_rank_component, sparsity)
            unnorml_rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - low_rank_component - sparse_component, 2)
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp*factors[-1], axis=0)*weights)
            unnorml_rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2*iprod))

    return unnorml_rec_error, tensor, norm_tensor
Example #13
def non_negative_parafac_hals(tensor,
    Non-negative CP decomposition via HALS

    Uses Hierarchical ALS (Alternating Least Squares) which updates each factor column-wise (one column at a time while keeping all other columns fixed), see [1]_

    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
          Default: 1e-8
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    sparsity_coefficients: array of float (of length the number of modes)
        The sparsity coefficients on each factor.
        If set to None, the algorithm is computed without sparsity
        Default: None,
    fixed_modes: array of integers (between 0 and the number of modes)
        Has to be set not to update a factor, 0 and 1 for U and V respectively
        Default: None
    nn_modes: None, 'all' or array of integers (between 0 and the number of modes)
        Used to specify which modes to impose non-negativity constraints on.
        If 'all', then non-negativity is imposed on all modes.
        Default: 'all'
    exact: If it is True, the algorithm gives a results with high precision but it needs high computational cost.
        If it is False, the algorithm gives an approximate solution
        Default: False
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    verbose: boolean
        Indicates whether the algorithm prints the successive
        reconstruction errors or not
        Default: False
    return_errors: boolean
        Indicates whether the algorithm should return all reconstruction errors
        and computation time of each iteration or not
        Default: False
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
        Stopping criterion for ALS, works if `tol` is not None.
        If 'rec_error',  ALS stops at current iteration if ``(previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol``.
        If 'abs_rec_error', ALS terminates when `|previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol`.
    sparsity : float or int
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}

    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
    errors: list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithm.

    .. [1]: N. Gillis and F. Glineur, Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and
       Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,
       Neural Computation 24 (4): 1085-1105, 2012.

    weights, factors = initialize_nn_cp(tensor,

    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    n_modes = tl.ndim(tensor)
    if sparsity_coefficients is None or isinstance(sparsity_coefficients,
        sparsity_coefficients = [sparsity_coefficients] * n_modes

    if fixed_modes is None:
        fixed_modes = []

    if nn_modes == 'all':
        nn_modes = set(range(n_modes))
    elif nn_modes is None:
        nn_modes = set()

    # Avoiding errors
    for fixed_value in fixed_modes:
        sparsity_coefficients[fixed_value] = None

    for mode in range(n_modes):
        if sparsity_coefficients[mode] is not None:
                "Sparsity coefficient is ignored in unconstrained modes.")
    # Generating the mode update sequence
    modes = [mode for mode in range(n_modes) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    # initialisation - declare local varaibles
    rec_errors = []

    # Iteratation
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        # One pass of least squares on each updated mode
        for mode in modes:

            # Computing Hadamard of cross-products
            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(tl.ones((rank, rank)),
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(
                        tl.transpose(factor), factor)

            pseudo_inverse = tl.reshape(weights,
                                        (-1, 1)) * pseudo_inverse * tl.reshape(
                                            weights, (1, -1))
            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (weights, factors), mode)

            if mode in nn_modes:
                # Call the hals resolution with nnls, optimizing the current mode
                nn_factor, _, _, _ = hals_nnls(
                factors[mode] = tl.transpose(nn_factor)
                factor = tl.solve(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse),
                factors[mode] = tl.transpose(factor)
            if normalize_factors and mode != modes[-1]:
                weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors))
        if tol:
            factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factors[-1], axis=0))
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor
            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]

                if verbose:
                        "iteration {}, reconstruction error: {}, decrease = {}"
                        .format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")

                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))
        if normalize_factors:
            weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors))
    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))
    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Example #14
def constrained_parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, n_iter_max_inner=10,
                        init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',
                        tol_outer=1e-8, tol_inner=1e-6, random_state=None,
                        verbose=0, return_errors=False,
                        fixed_modes=None, non_negative=None, l1_reg=None,
                        l2_reg=None, l2_square_reg=None, unimodality=None, normalize=None,
                        simplex=None, normalized_sparsity=None, soft_sparsity=None,
                        smoothness=None, monotonicity=None, hard_sparsity=None):
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating optimization of
    alternating direction method of multipliers (AO-ADMM):

    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that::

        tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |],

    where factors are either penalized or constrained according to the user-defined constraint.

    In order to compute the factors efficiently, the ADMM algorithm
    introduces an auxilliary factor which is called factor_aux in the function.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration for outer loop
    n_iter_max_inner : int
        Number of iteration for inner loop
    init : {'svd', 'random', cptensor}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol_outer : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-8) Relative reconstruction error tolerance for outer loop. The
        algorithm is considered to have found a local minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol_outer`.
    tol_inner : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Absolute reconstruction error tolerance for factor update during inner loop, i.e. ADMM optimization.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    non_negative : bool or dictionary
        This constraint is clipping negative values to '0'. If it is True non-negative constraint is applied to all modes.
    l1_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    l2_square_reg : float or list or dictionary, optional
    unimodality : bool or dictionary, optional
        If it is True unimodality constraint is applied to all modes.
    normalize : bool or dictionary, optional
        This constraint divides all the values by maximum value of the input array. If it is True normalize constraint
        is applied to all modes.
    simplex : float or list or dictionary, optional
    normalized_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    soft_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    smoothness : float or list or dictionary, optional
    monotonicity : bool or dictionary, optional
    hard_sparsity : float or list or dictionary, optional
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
       Stopping criterion if `tol` is not None.
       If 'rec_error',  algorithm stops at current iteration if ``(previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol``.
       If 'abs_rec_error', algorithm terminates when `|previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol`.
    fixed_modes : list, default is None
        A list of modes for which the initial value is not modified.
        The last mode cannot be fixed due to error computation.

    CPTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications", SIAM
           REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Huang, Kejun, Nicholas D. Sidiropoulos, and Athanasios P. Liavas.
           "A flexible and efficient algorithmic framework for constrained matrix and tensor factorization." IEEE
           Transactions on Signal Processing 64.19 (2016): 5052-5065.
    rank = validate_cp_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank)
    _, _ = validate_constraints(non_negative=non_negative, l1_reg=l1_reg, l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize, simplex=simplex,
                                normalized_sparsity=normalized_sparsity, soft_sparsity=soft_sparsity,
                                smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity, hard_sparsity=hard_sparsity,

    weights, factors = initialize_constrained_parafac(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
                                                      random_state=random_state, non_negative=non_negative,
                                                      l1_reg=l1_reg, l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                                      unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize,
                                                      smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity,

    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    if fixed_modes is None:
        fixed_modes = []

    if tl.ndim(tensor) - 1 in fixed_modes:
        warnings.warn('You asked for fixing the last mode, which is not supported.\n '
                      'The last mode will not be fixed. Consider using tl.moveaxis()')
        fixed_modes.remove(tl.ndim(tensor) - 1)
    modes_list = [mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes]

    # ADMM inits
    dual_variables = []
    factors_aux = []
    for i in range(len(factors)):

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in modes_list:
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse * tl.dot(tl.transpose(factor), factor)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            factors[mode], factors_aux[mode], dual_variables[mode] = admm(mttkrp, pseudo_inverse, factors[mode], dual_variables[mode],
                                                                          n_iter_max=n_iter_max_inner, n_const=tl.ndim(tensor),
                                                                          order=mode, non_negative=non_negative, l1_reg=l1_reg,
                                                                          l2_reg=l2_reg, l2_square_reg=l2_square_reg,
                                                                          unimodality=unimodality, normalize=normalize,
                                                                          simplex=simplex, normalized_sparsity=normalized_sparsity,
                                                                          smoothness=smoothness, monotonicity=monotonicity,
                                                                          hard_sparsity=hard_sparsity, tol=tol_inner)

        factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))
        iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factors[-1], axis=0) * weights)
        rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor ** 2 + factors_norm ** 2 - 2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor
        constraint_error = 0
        for mode in modes_list:
            constraint_error += tl.norm(factors[mode] - tl.transpose(factors_aux[mode])) / tl.norm(factors[mode])
        if tol_outer:

            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]

                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {}, reconstruction error: {}, decrease = {}".format(iteration,

                if constraint_error < tol_outer:
                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol_outer
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol_outer
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")

                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))

                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Example #15
def test_sum_keepdims():
    rng = tl.check_random_state(0)
    random_matrix = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((10, 20)))

    summed_matrix1 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=0)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix1) == (20, )
    summed_matrix2 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=0, keepdims=False)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix2) == (20, )
    summed_matrix3 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix3) == (1, 20)

    summed_matrix4 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=1)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix4) == (10, )
    summed_matrix5 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=1, keepdims=False)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix5) == (10, )
    summed_matrix6 = tl.sum(random_matrix, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    assert tl.shape(summed_matrix6) == (10, 1)

    # Third order tensor
    random_tensor = tl.tensor(rng.random_sample((10, 20, 30)))

    summed_tensor1 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=0)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor1) == (20, 30)
    summed_tensor2 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=0, keepdims=False)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor2) == (20, 30)
    summed_tensor3 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=0, keepdims=True)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor3) == (1, 20, 30)

    summed_tensor4 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=1)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor4) == (10, 30)
    summed_tensor5 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=1, keepdims=False)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor5) == (10, 30)
    summed_tensor6 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=1, keepdims=True)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor6) == (10, 1, 30)

    summed_tensor7 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=2)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor7) == (10, 20)
    summed_tensor8 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=2, keepdims=False)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor8) == (10, 20)
    summed_tensor9 = tl.sum(random_tensor, axis=2, keepdims=True)
    assert tl.shape(summed_tensor9) == (10, 20, 1)
Example #16
def hals_nnls(UtM,
    Non Negative Least Squares (NNLS)

    Computes an approximate solution of a nonnegative least
    squares problem (NNLS) with an exact block-coordinate descent scheme.
    M is m by n, U is m by r, V is r by n.
    All matrices are nonnegative componentwise.

    This algorithm is defined in [1], as an accelerated version of the HALS algorithm.

    It features two accelerations: an early stop stopping criterion, and a
    complexity averaging between precomputations and loops, so as to use large
    precomputations several times.

    This function is made for being used repetively inside an
    outer-loop alternating algorithm, for instance for computing nonnegative
    matrix Factorization or tensor factorization.

    UtM: r-by-n array
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and M, used in the update rule
    UtU: r-by-r array
        Pre-computed product of the transposed of U and U, used in the update rule
    V: r-by-n initialization matrix (mutable)
        Initialized V array
        By default, is initialized with one non-zero entry per column
        corresponding to the closest column of U of the corresponding column of M.
    n_iter_max: Postivie integer
        Upper bound on the number of iterations
        Default: 500
    tol : float in [0,1]
        early stop criterion, while err_k > delta*err_0. Set small for
        almost exact nnls solution, or larger (e.g. 1e-2) for inner loops
        of a PARAFAC computation.
        Default: 10e-8
    sparsity_coefficient: float or None
        The coefficient controling the sparisty level in the objective function.
        If set to None, the problem is solved unconstrained.
        Default: None
    nonzero_rows: boolean
        True if the lines of the V matrix can't be zero,
        False if they can be zero
        Default: False
    exact: If it is True, the algorithm gives a results with high precision but it needs high computational cost.
        If it is False, the algorithm gives an approximate solution
        Default: False

    V: array
        a r-by-n nonnegative matrix \approx argmin_{V >= 0} ||M-UV||_F^2
    rec_error: float
        number of loops authorized by the error stop criterion
    iteration: integer
        final number of update iteration performed
    complexity_ratio: float
        number of loops authorized by the stop criterion

    We solve the following problem :math:`\\min_{V >= 0} ||M-UV||_F^2`

    The matrix V is updated linewise. The update rule for this resolution is::

    .. math::
            V[k,:]_(j+1) = V[k,:]_(j) + (UtM[k,:] - UtU[k,:]\\times V_(j))/UtU[k,k]

    with j the update iteration.

    This problem can also be defined by adding a sparsity coefficient,
    enhancing sparsity in the solution [2]. In this sparse version, the update rule becomes::

    .. math::
            V[k,:]_(j+1) = V[k,:]_(j) + (UtM[k,:] - UtU[k,:]\\times V_(j) - sparsity_coefficient)/UtU[k,k]

    .. [1]: N. Gillis and F. Glineur, Accelerated Multiplicative Updates and
       Hierarchical ALS Algorithms for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization,
       Neural Computation 24 (4): 1085-1105, 2012.

    .. [2] J. Eggert, and E. Korner. "Sparse coding and NMF."
       2004 IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks
       (IEEE Cat. No. 04CH37541). Vol. 4. IEEE, 2004.


    rank, n_col_M = tl.shape(UtM)
    if V is None:  # checks if V is empty
        V = tl.solve(UtU, UtM)

        V = tl.clip(V, a_min=0, a_max=None)
        # Scaling
        scale = tl.sum(UtM * V) / tl.sum(UtU * tl.dot(V, tl.transpose(V)))
        V = V * scale

    if exact:
        n_iter_max = 50000
        tol = 10e-16
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        rec_error = 0
        for k in range(rank):

            if UtU[k, k]:
                if sparsity_coefficient is not None:  # Modifying the function for sparsification

                    deltaV = tl.where(
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V) -
                         sparsity_coefficient) / UtU[k, k] > -V[k, :],
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V) -
                         sparsity_coefficient) / UtU[k, k], -V[k, :])
                    V = tl.index_update(V, tl.index[k, :], V[k, :] + deltaV)

                else:  # without sparsity

                    deltaV = tl.where(
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V)) / UtU[k, k] >
                        -V[k, :],
                        (UtM[k, :] - tl.dot(UtU[k, :], V)) / UtU[k, k],
                        -V[k, :])
                    V = tl.index_update(V, tl.index[k, :], V[k, :] + deltaV)

                rec_error = rec_error + tl.dot(deltaV, tl.transpose(deltaV))

                # Safety procedure, if columns aren't allow to be zero
                if nonzero_rows and tl.all(V[k, :] == 0):
                    V[k, :] = tl.eps(V.dtype) * tl.max(V)

            elif nonzero_rows:
                raise ValueError("Column " + str(k) +
                                 " of U is zero with nonzero condition")

            if normalize:
                norm = tl.norm(V[k, :])
                if norm != 0:
                    V[k, :] /= norm
                    sqrt_n = 1 / n_col_M**(1 / 2)
                    V[k, :] = [sqrt_n for i in range(n_col_M)]
        if iteration == 0:
            rec_error0 = rec_error

        numerator = tl.shape(V)[0] * tl.shape(V)[1] + tl.shape(V)[1] * rank
        denominator = tl.shape(V)[0] * rank + tl.shape(V)[0]
        complexity_ratio = 1 + (numerator / denominator)
        if exact:
            if rec_error < tol * rec_error0:
            if rec_error < tol * rec_error0 or iteration > 1 + 0.5 * complexity_ratio:
    return V, rec_error, iteration, complexity_ratio
Example #17
def non_negative_parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',
                         tol=10e-7, random_state=None, verbose=0, normalize_factors=False,
                         return_errors=False, mask=None, orthogonalise=False, cvg_criterion='abs_rec_error'):
    Non-negative CP decomposition

    Uses multiplicative updates, see [2]_

    This is the same as parafac(non_negative=True).

    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity

    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``

    .. [2] Amnon Shashua and Tamir Hazan,
       "Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision",
       In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
       pp 792-799, ICML, 2005
    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            for i, f in enumerate(factors):
                if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank:
                    factors[i] = tl.abs(tl.qr(f)[0])

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            accum = 1
            # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
            # simplifies to multiplications
            sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
            for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                if i:
                    accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                    accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor*mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor((None, factors), mask=1-mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
            denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator
            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype), 
                                   tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor/(tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp*factor, axis=0)*weights)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2*iprod)) / norm_tensor
            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]
                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {}, reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}".format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag =  rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")
                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Example #18
def parafac(tensor, rank, n_iter_max=100, init='svd', svd='numpy_svd',\
            normalize_factors=False, orthogonalise=False,\
            tol=1e-8, random_state=None,\
            verbose=0, return_errors=False,\
            sparsity = None,\
            l2_reg = 0,  mask=None,\
            cvg_criterion = 'abs_rec_error'):
    """CANDECOMP/PARAFAC decomposition via alternating least squares (ALS)
    Computes a rank-`rank` decomposition of `tensor` [1]_ such that,

        ``tensor = [|weights; factors[0], ..., factors[-1] |]``.

    tensor : ndarray
    rank  : int
        Number of components.
    n_iter_max : int
        Maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
        Type of factor matrix initialization. See `initialize_factors`.
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    normalize_factors : if True, aggregate the weights of each factor in a 1D-tensor
        of shape (rank, ), which will contain the norms of the factors
    tol : float, optional
        (Default: 1e-6) Relative reconstruction error tolerance. The
        algorithm is considered to have found the global minimum when the
        reconstruction error is less than `tol`.
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        Level of verbosity
    return_errors : bool, optional
        Activate return of iteration errors
    mask : ndarray
        array of booleans with the same shape as ``tensor`` should be 0 where
        the values are missing and 1 everywhere else. Note:  if tensor is
        sparse, then mask should also be sparse with a fill value of 1 (or
        True). Allows for missing values [2]_
    cvg_criterion : {'abs_rec_error', 'rec_error'}, optional
       Stopping criterion for ALS, works if `tol` is not None. 
       If 'rec_error',  ALS stops at current iteration if (previous rec_error - current rec_error) < tol.
       If 'abs_rec_error', ALS terminates when |previous rec_error - current rec_error| < tol.
    sparsity : float or int
        If `sparsity` is not None, we approximate tensor as a sum of low_rank_component and sparse_component, where low_rank_component = kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors)). `sparsity` denotes desired fraction or number of non-zero elements in the sparse_component of the `tensor`.

    KruskalTensor : (weight, factors)
        * weights : 1D array of shape (rank, )
            all ones if normalize_factors is False (default), 
            weights of the (normalized) factors otherwise
        * factors : List of factors of the CP decomposition element `i` is of shape
            (tensor.shape[i], rank)
        * sparse_component : nD array of shape tensor.shape. Returns only if `sparsity` is not None.

    errors : list
        A list of reconstruction errors at each iteration of the algorithms.

    .. [1] T.G.Kolda and B.W.Bader, "Tensor Decompositions and Applications",
       SIAM REVIEW, vol. 51, n. 3, pp. 455-500, 2009.
    .. [2] Tomasi, Giorgio, and Rasmus Bro. "PARAFAC and missing values." 
            Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems 75.2 (2005): 163-180.

    epsilon = 10e-12

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    factors = initialize_factors(tensor, rank, init=init, svd=svd,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)
    weights = tl.ones(rank, **tl.context(tensor))
    Id = tl.eye(rank, **tl.context(tensor))*l2_reg

    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = tl.zeros_like(tensor)
        if isinstance(sparsity, float):
            sparsity = int(sparsity * np.prod(tensor.shape))
            sparsity = int(sparsity)
    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            factors = [tl.qr(f)[0] if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank else f for i, f in enumerate(factors)]

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)):
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            pseudo_inverse = tl.tensor(np.ones((rank, rank)), **tl.context(tensor))
            for i, factor in enumerate(factors):
                if i != mode:
                    pseudo_inverse = pseudo_inverse*tl.dot(tl.conj(tl.transpose(factor)), factor)
            pseudo_inverse += Id

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor*mask + tl.kruskal_to_tensor((None, factors), mask=1-mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)
            factor = tl.transpose(tl.solve(tl.conj(tl.transpose(pseudo_inverse)),

            if normalize_factors:
                weights = tl.norm(factor, order=2, axis=0)
                weights = tl.where(tl.abs(weights) <= tl.eps(tensor.dtype), 
                                   tl.ones(tl.shape(weights), **tl.context(factors[0])),
                factor = factor/(tl.reshape(weights, (1, -1)))

            factors[mode] = factor

        if tol:
            if sparsity:
                low_rank_component = kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors))
                sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor - low_rank_component, sparsity)
                unnorml_rec_error = tl.norm(tensor - low_rank_component - sparse_component, 2)
                # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
                factors_norm = kruskal_norm((weights, factors))

                # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
                # inner product <tensor, factorization>
                iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp*factor, axis=0)*weights)
                unnorml_rec_error = tl.sqrt(tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 - 2*iprod))
            rec_error = unnorml_rec_error / norm_tensor

            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]
                if verbose:
                    print("iteration {},  reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}, unnormalized = {}".format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease, unnorml_rec_error))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag =  rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")
                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(iteration))
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    kruskal_tensor = KruskalTensor((weights, factors))
    if sparsity:
        sparse_component = sparsify_tensor(tensor -\
                                           kruskal_to_tensor((weights, factors)),\
        kruskal_tensor = (kruskal_tensor, sparse_component)

    if return_errors:
        return kruskal_tensor, rec_errors
        return kruskal_tensor
Example #19
def non_negative_parafac(tensor,
    Non-negative CP decomposition
    Uses multiplicative updates, see [2]_
    This is the same as parafac(non_negative=True).
    tensor : ndarray
    rank   : int
            number of components
    n_iter_max : int
                 maximum number of iteration
    init : {'svd', 'random'}, optional
    svd : str, default is 'numpy_svd'
        function to use to compute the SVD, acceptable values in tensorly.SVD_FUNS
    tol : float, optional
          tolerance: the algorithm stops when the variation in
          the reconstruction error is less than the tolerance
    random_state : {None, int, np.random.RandomState}
    verbose : int, optional
        level of verbosity
    fixed_modes : list, default is []
        A list of modes for which the initial value is not modified.
        The last mode cannot be fixed due to error computation.
    factors : ndarray list
            list of positive factors of the CP decomposition
            element `i` is of shape ``(tensor.shape[i], rank)``
    .. [2] Amnon Shashua and Tamir Hazan,
       "Non-negative tensor factorization with applications to statistics and computer vision",
       In Proceedings of the International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML),
       pp 792-799, ICML, 2005
    epsilon = 10e-12
    rank = validate_cp_rank(tl.shape(tensor), rank=rank)

    if mask is not None and init == "svd":
        message = "Masking occurs after initialization. Therefore, random initialization is recommended."
        warnings.warn(message, Warning)

    if orthogonalise and not isinstance(orthogonalise, int):
        orthogonalise = n_iter_max

    weights, factors = initialize_cp(tensor,
    rec_errors = []
    norm_tensor = tl.norm(tensor, 2)

    if tl.ndim(tensor) - 1 in fixed_modes:
            'You asked for fixing the last mode, which is not supported while tol is fixed.\n The last mode will not be fixed. Consider using tl.moveaxis()'
        fixed_modes.remove(tl.ndim(tensor) - 1)
    modes_list = [
        mode for mode in range(tl.ndim(tensor)) if mode not in fixed_modes

    for iteration in range(n_iter_max):
        if orthogonalise and iteration <= orthogonalise:
            for i, f in enumerate(factors):
                if min(tl.shape(f)) >= rank:
                    factors[i] = tl.abs(tl.qr(f)[0])

        if verbose > 1:
            print("Starting iteration", iteration + 1)
        for mode in modes_list:
            if verbose > 1:
                print("Mode", mode, "of", tl.ndim(tensor))

            accum = 1
            # khatri_rao(factors).tl.dot(khatri_rao(factors))
            # simplifies to multiplications
            sub_indices = [i for i in range(len(factors)) if i != mode]
            for i, e in enumerate(sub_indices):
                if i:
                    accum *= tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])
                    accum = tl.dot(tl.transpose(factors[e]), factors[e])

            if mask is not None:
                tensor = tensor * mask + tl.cp_to_tensor(
                    (None, factors), mask=1 - mask)

            mttkrp = unfolding_dot_khatri_rao(tensor, (None, factors), mode)

            numerator = tl.clip(mttkrp, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            denominator = tl.dot(factors[mode], accum)
            denominator = tl.clip(denominator, a_min=epsilon, a_max=None)
            factor = factors[mode] * numerator / denominator

            factors[mode] = factor

        if normalize_factors:
            weights, factors = cp_normalize((weights, factors))

        if tol:
            # ||tensor - rec||^2 = ||tensor||^2 + ||rec||^2 - 2*<tensor, rec>
            factors_norm = cp_norm((weights, factors))

            # mttkrp and factor for the last mode. This is equivalent to the
            # inner product <tensor, factorization>
            iprod = tl.sum(tl.sum(mttkrp * factor, axis=0) * weights)
            rec_error = tl.sqrt(
                tl.abs(norm_tensor**2 + factors_norm**2 -
                       2 * iprod)) / norm_tensor
            if iteration >= 1:
                rec_error_decrease = rec_errors[-2] - rec_errors[-1]

                if verbose:
                        "iteration {}, reconstraction error: {}, decrease = {}"
                        .format(iteration, rec_error, rec_error_decrease))

                if cvg_criterion == 'abs_rec_error':
                    stop_flag = abs(rec_error_decrease) < tol
                elif cvg_criterion == 'rec_error':
                    stop_flag = rec_error_decrease < tol
                    raise TypeError("Unknown convergence criterion")

                if stop_flag:
                    if verbose:
                        print("PARAFAC converged after {} iterations".format(
                if verbose:
                    print('reconstruction error={}'.format(rec_errors[-1]))

    cp_tensor = CPTensor((weights, factors))

    if return_errors:
        return cp_tensor, rec_errors
        return cp_tensor
Example #20
def tl_gcp_fg_est(M,
    """Estimate the GCP objective function and gradient via a subsample
    (Analogous to tt_gcp_fg_est.m)

    M : CPTensor
    f : Function handle
        elementwise loss of the form f(x,m)
    g : Function handle
        Elementwise intermediate gradient of the form g(x,m)
    subs : ndarray
    xvals : ndarray
    weights : ndarray
    computeF : boolean
        Include computation of the loss function. Default is true.
    computeG : boolean
        Include computation of the gradient.
    vectorG : boolean
        Reshape gradient matrices into a single vector.
    lambdaCheck : boolean
        Ensure lambda = [1,1,...,1]
    crng : ndarray
        Range for correction/adjust when nonzeros may be included in the "zero" sample
        Used in semi-stratified sampling (**COMING SOON**)

    F : scalar
        Loss function value
    G : ndarray(s)
        If vectorG = False, G is a list of matrices where G[k] is the same size as the k-th factor matrix
        Otherwise, G is the gradient in vector form

    d = len(M[1])
    shp = tl.shape(M)
    sz = 1
    for i in tl.shape(M):
        sz *= i
    F = None
    G = []

    # lambda check
    if lambdaCheck:
        if not tl.all(M[0]):
            print("Lambda weights are not all '1's.")
            # TODO: overload the normalize function to distribute weights into factors ala MATLAB
    # Compute model values and exploded Zk matrices
    mvals, Zexp = gcp_fg_est_helper(M[1], subs)

    # Compute function values
    if computeF:
        fVec = f(xvals, mvals)
        if crng is not None:
            # TODO: Semi-stratified sampling adjustment to fVec
            print("Semi-stratified sampling not yet implemented.")
        F = tl.sum(weights * fVec)
    if not computeG:
        return [F, G]

    # Compute sample y values
    yvals = weights * g(xvals, mvals)
    if crng is not None:
        # TODO: Semi-stratified sampling adjustment to fVec
        print("Semi-stratified sampling not yet implemented.")

    # Compute function and gradient
    G = []
    nsamps = tl.shape(subs)[0]
    for k in range(d):
        # Construct Y matrices based on sample. Row of element is row index to accumulate in the gradient
        # Column indices are corresponding samples. They are in order b/c they match vector of samples
        # to be multiplied on the right
        s = sparse.COO((subs[:, k], np.arange(nsamps)),
                       shape=(shp[k], nsamps))
        tempData = sparse.matmul(s, Zexp[k])

    # If indicated, convert G to a single vector
    if vectorG:
        G = factors2vec(G)

    # If not computing F, set F to be the gradient
    if not computeF:
        F = G

    return [F, G]