def fit( self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None ): """Train the model. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (str or torch.device): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (int, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (float, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (, optional): Validation data loader. (default: None) callbacks (list, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. (default: None) track (str, optional): Can be set to either 'epoch' or 'batch' and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: 'epoch') """ self.learner = Learner( self, optimizer, criterion, train_loader, device=device, epochs=epochs, val_loader=val_loader, l1_factor=l1_factor, callbacks=callbacks )
class BaseModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self): """This function instantiates all the model layers.""" super(BaseModel, self).__init__() self.learner = None def forward(self, x): """This function defines the forward pass of the model. Args: x: Input. Returns: Model output. """ raise NotImplementedError def summary(self, input_size): """Generates model summary. Args: input_size (tuple): Size of input to the model. """ torchsummary.summary(self, input_size) def fit( self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None ): """Train the model. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (str or torch.device): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (int, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (float, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (, optional): Validation data loader. (default: None) callbacks (list, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. (default: None) track (str, optional): Can be set to either 'epoch' or 'batch' and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: 'epoch') """ self.learner = Learner( self, optimizer, criterion, train_loader, device=device, epochs=epochs, val_loader=val_loader, l1_factor=l1_factor, callbacks=callbacks )
def create_learner(self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None, metrics=None, activate_loss_logits=False, record_train=True): """Create Learner object. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (str or torch.device): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (int, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (float, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (, optional): Validation data loader. (default: None) callbacks (list, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. (default: None) track (str, optional): Can be set to either 'epoch' or 'batch' and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: 'epoch') metrics (list of str, optional): List of names of the metrics for model evaluation. (default: None) """ self.learner = Learner(train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device=device, epochs=epochs, val_loader=val_loader, l1_factor=l1_factor, callbacks=callbacks, metrics=metrics, activate_loss_logits=activate_loss_logits, record_train=record_train) self.learner.set_model(self)
class BaseModel(nn.Module): def __init__(self): """This function instantiates all the model layers.""" super(BaseModel, self).__init__() self.learner = None def forward(self, x): """This function defines the forward pass of the model. Args: x: Input. Returns: Model output. """ raise NotImplementedError def summary(self, input_size): """Generates model summary. Args: input_size (tuple): Size of input to the model. """ model_summary(self, input_size) def create_learner(self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None, metrics=None, activate_loss_logits=False, record_train=True): """Create Learner object. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (str or torch.device): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (int, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (float, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (, optional): Validation data loader. (default: None) callbacks (list, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. (default: None) track (str, optional): Can be set to either 'epoch' or 'batch' and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: 'epoch') metrics (list of str, optional): List of names of the metrics for model evaluation. (default: None) """ self.learner = Learner(train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device=device, epochs=epochs, val_loader=val_loader, l1_factor=l1_factor, callbacks=callbacks, metrics=metrics, activate_loss_logits=activate_loss_logits, record_train=record_train) self.learner.set_model(self) def set_learner(self, learner): """Assign a learner object to the model. Args: learner (Learner): Learner object. """ self.learner = learner self.learner.set_model(self) def fit(self, *args, start_epoch=1, **kwargs): """Train the model. Args: start_epoch (int, optional): Start epoch for training. (default: 1) """ # Check learner if self.learner is None: print('Creating a learner object.') self.create_learner(*args, **kwargs) # Train Model def save_learnable(self, filepath, **kwargs): """Save the learnable model. Args: filepath (str): File in which the model will be saved. **kwargs (optional): Additional parameters to save with the model. """ if self.learner is None: raise ValueError('Cannot save un-trained model.') { 'model_state_dict': self.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': self.learner.optimizer.state_dict(), **kwargs }, filepath) def save(self, filepath): """Save the model. Args: filepath (str): File in which the model will be saved. """, filepath) def load(self, filepath): """Load the model. Args: filepath (str): File in which the model is be saved. Returns: Parameters saved inside the checkpoint file. """ checkpoint = torch.load(filepath) self.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) return {k: v for k, v in checkpoint.items() if k != 'model_state_dict'}
class LRFinder: """Learning rate range test. The learning rate range test increases the learning rate in a pre-training run between two boundaries in a linear or exponential manner. It provides valuable information on how well the network can be trained over a range of learning rates and what is the optimal learning rate. Args: model (torch.nn.Module): Model Instance. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer where the defined learning is assumed to be the lower boundary of the range test. criterion (torch.nn): Loss function. metric (str, optional): Metric to use for finding the best learning rate. Can be either 'loss' or 'accuracy'. (default: 'loss') device (str or torch.device, optional): Device where the computation will take place. If None, uses the same device as `model`. (default: none) memory_cache (bool, optional): If this flag is set to True, state_dict of model and optimizer will be cached in memory. Otherwise, they will be saved to files under the `cache_dir`. (default: True) cache_dir (str, optional): Path for storing temporary files. If no path is specified, system-wide temporary directory is used. Notice that this parameter will be ignored if `memory_cache` is True. (default: None) """ def __init__( self, model, optimizer, criterion, metric='loss', device=None, memory_cache=True, cache_dir=None, ): # Parameter validation # Check if correct 'metric' has been given if not metric in ['loss', 'accuracy']: raise ValueError( f'For "metric" expected one of (loss, accuracy), got {metric}') # Check if the optimizer is already attached to a scheduler self.optimizer = optimizer self._check_for_scheduler() self.model = model self.criterion = criterion self.metric = metric self.history = {'lr': [], 'metric': []} self.best_metric = None self.best_lr = None self.memory_cache = memory_cache self.cache_dir = cache_dir self.learner = None # Save the original state of the model and optimizer so they can be restored if # needed self.model_device = next(self.model.parameters()).device self.state_cacher = StateCacher(memory_cache, cache_dir=cache_dir)'model', self.model.state_dict())'optimizer', self.optimizer.state_dict()) # If device is None, use the same as the model self.device = self.model_device if not device else device def reset(self): """Restores the model and optimizer to their initial states.""" self.model.load_state_dict(self.state_cacher.retrieve('model')) self.optimizer.load_state_dict(self.state_cacher.retrieve('optimizer')) if not self.learner is None: self.learner.reset_history() def _check_for_scheduler(self): """Check if the optimizer has and existing scheduler attached to it.""" for param_group in self.optimizer.param_groups: if 'initial_lr' in param_group: raise RuntimeError( 'Optimizer already has a scheduler attached to it') def _set_learning_rate(self, new_lrs): """Set the given learning rates in the optimizer.""" if not isinstance(new_lrs, list): new_lrs = [new_lrs] * len(self.optimizer.param_groups) if len(new_lrs) != len(self.optimizer.param_groups): raise ValueError( 'Length of new_lrs is not equal to the number of parameter groups in the given optimizer' ) # Set the learning rates to the parameter groups for param_group, new_lr in zip(self.optimizer.param_groups, new_lrs): param_group['lr'] = new_lr def range_test( self, train_loader, iterations, mode='iteration', learner=None, val_loader=None, start_lr=None, end_lr=10, step_mode='exp', smooth_f=0.0, diverge_th=5, ): """Performs the learning rate range test. Args: train_loader ( The training set data loader. iterations (int): The number of iterations/epochs over which the test occurs. If 'mode' is set to 'iteration' then it will correspond to the number of iterations else if mode is set to 'epoch' then it will correspond to the number of epochs. mode (str, optional): After which mode to update the learning rate. Can be either 'iteration' or 'epoch'. (default: 'iteration') learner (Learner, optional): Learner object for the model. (default: None) val_loader (, optional): If None, the range test will only use the training metric. When given a data loader, the model is evaluated after each iteration on that dataset and the evaluation metric is used. Note that in this mode the test takes significantly longer but generally produces more precise results. (default: None) start_lr (float, optional): The starting learning rate for the range test. If None, uses the learning rate from the optimizer. (default: None) end_lr (float, optional): The maximum learning rate to test. (default: 10) step_mode (str, optional): One of the available learning rate policies, linear or exponential ('linear', 'exp'). (default: 'exp') smooth_f (float, optional): The metric smoothing factor within the [0, 1] interval. Disabled if set to 0, otherwise the metric is smoothed using exponential smoothing. (default: 0.0) diverge_th (int, optional): The test is stopped when the metric surpasses the threshold: diverge_th * best_metric. To disable, set it to 0. (default: 5) """ # Check if correct 'mode' mode has been given if not mode in ['iteration', 'epoch']: raise ValueError( f'For "mode" expected one of (iteration, epoch), got {mode}') # Reset test results self.history = {'lr': [], 'metric': []} self.best_metric = None self.best_lr = None # Check if the optimizer is already attached to a scheduler self._check_for_scheduler() # Set the starting learning rate if start_lr: self._set_learning_rate(start_lr) # Initialize the proper learning rate policy if step_mode.lower() == 'exp': lr_schedule = ExponentialLR(self.optimizer, end_lr, iterations) elif step_mode.lower() == 'linear': lr_schedule = LinearLR(self.optimizer, end_lr, iterations) else: raise ValueError(f'Expected one of (exp, linear), got {step_mode}') if smooth_f < 0 or smooth_f >= 1: raise ValueError('smooth_f is outside the range [0, 1]') # Set accuracy metric if needed metrics = None if self.metric == 'accuracy': metrics = ['accuracy'] # Get the learner object if not learner is None: self.learner = learner(train_loader, self.optimizer, self.criterion, device=self.device, val_loader=val_loader, metrics=metrics) else: self.learner = Learner(train_loader, self.optimizer, self.criterion, device=self.device, val_loader=val_loader, metrics=metrics) self.learner.set_model(self.model) train_iterator = InfiniteDataLoader(train_loader) pbar = ProgressBar(target=iterations, width=8) if mode == 'iteration': print(mode.title() + 's') for iteration in range(iterations): # Train model if mode == 'epoch': print(f'{mode.title()} {iteration + 1}:') self._train_model(mode, train_iterator) if val_loader: self.learner.validate(verbose=False) # Get metric value metric_value = self._get_metric(val_loader) # Update the learning rate lr_schedule.step() self.history['lr'].append(lr_schedule.get_lr()[0]) # Track the best metric and smooth it if smooth_f is specified if iteration == 0: self.best_metric = metric_value self.best_lr = self.history['lr'][-1] else: if smooth_f > 0: metric_value = smooth_f * metric_value + ( 1 - smooth_f) * self.history['metric'][-1] if ((self.metric == 'loss' and metric_value < self.best_metric) or (self.metric == 'accuracy' and metric_value > self.best_metric)): self.best_metric = metric_value self.best_lr = self.history['lr'][-1] # Check if the metric has diverged; if it has, stop the test self.history['metric'].append(metric_value) metric_value = self._display_metric_value(metric_value) if (diverge_th > 0 and ((self.metric == 'loss' and metric_value > self.best_metric * diverge_th) or (self.metric == 'accuracy' and metric_value < self.best_metric / diverge_th))): if mode == 'iteration': pbar.update(iterations - 1, values=[('lr', self.history['lr'][-1]), (self.metric.title(), metric_value)]) print('\nStopping early, the loss has diverged.') break else: if mode == 'epoch': lr = self.history['lr'][-1] print( f'Learning Rate: {lr:.4f}, {self.metric.title()}: {metric_value:.2f}\n' ) elif mode == 'iteration': pbar.update(iteration, values=[('lr', self.history['lr'][-1]), (self.metric.title(), metric_value)]) metric = self._display_metric_value(self.best_metric) if mode == 'epoch': print( f'Learning Rate: {self.best_lr:.4f}, {self.metric.title()}: {metric:.2f}\n' ) elif mode == 'iteration': pbar.add(1, values=[('lr', self.best_lr), (self.metric.title(), metric)]) print('Learning rate search finished.') def _train_model(self, mode, train_iterator): if mode == 'iteration': self.learner.model.train() data, targets = train_iterator.get_batch() loss = self.learner.train_batch((data, targets)) self.learner.update_training_history(loss) elif mode == 'epoch': self.learner.train_epoch() def _get_metric(self, validation=None): if self.metric == 'loss': if validation: return self.learner.val_losses[-1] return self.learner.train_losses[-1] elif self.metric == 'accuracy': if validation: return self.learner.val_metrics[0][-1] / 100 return self.learner.train_metrics[0][-1] / 100 def _display_metric_value(self, value): if self.metric == 'accuracy': return value * 100 return value def plot(self, log_lr=True, show_lr=None): """Plots the learning rate range test. Args: skip_start (int, optional): Number of batches to trim from the start. (default: 10) skip_end (int, optional): Number of batches to trim from the end. (default: 5) log_lr (bool, optional): True to plot the learning rate in a logarithmic scale; otherwise, plotted in a linear scale. (default: True) show_lr (float, optional): Is set, will add vertical line to visualize specified learning rate. (default: None) """ if show_lr is not None and not isinstance(show_lr, float): raise ValueError("show_lr must be float") # Get the data to plot from the history dictionary. lrs = self.history['lr'] metrics = self.history['metric'] # Plot metric_value as a function of the learning rate plt.plot(lrs, metrics) if log_lr: plt.xscale('log') plt.xlabel('Learning rate') plt.ylabel(self.metric.title()) if show_lr is not None: plt.axvline(x=show_lr, color='red')
def range_test( self, train_loader, iterations, mode='iteration', learner=None, val_loader=None, start_lr=None, end_lr=10, step_mode='exp', smooth_f=0.0, diverge_th=5, ): """Performs the learning rate range test. Args: train_loader ( The training set data loader. iterations (int): The number of iterations/epochs over which the test occurs. If 'mode' is set to 'iteration' then it will correspond to the number of iterations else if mode is set to 'epoch' then it will correspond to the number of epochs. mode (str, optional): After which mode to update the learning rate. Can be either 'iteration' or 'epoch'. (default: 'iteration') learner (Learner, optional): Learner object for the model. (default: None) val_loader (, optional): If None, the range test will only use the training metric. When given a data loader, the model is evaluated after each iteration on that dataset and the evaluation metric is used. Note that in this mode the test takes significantly longer but generally produces more precise results. (default: None) start_lr (float, optional): The starting learning rate for the range test. If None, uses the learning rate from the optimizer. (default: None) end_lr (float, optional): The maximum learning rate to test. (default: 10) step_mode (str, optional): One of the available learning rate policies, linear or exponential ('linear', 'exp'). (default: 'exp') smooth_f (float, optional): The metric smoothing factor within the [0, 1] interval. Disabled if set to 0, otherwise the metric is smoothed using exponential smoothing. (default: 0.0) diverge_th (int, optional): The test is stopped when the metric surpasses the threshold: diverge_th * best_metric. To disable, set it to 0. (default: 5) """ # Check if correct 'mode' mode has been given if not mode in ['iteration', 'epoch']: raise ValueError( f'For "mode" expected one of (iteration, epoch), got {mode}') # Reset test results self.history = {'lr': [], 'metric': []} self.best_metric = None self.best_lr = None # Check if the optimizer is already attached to a scheduler self._check_for_scheduler() # Set the starting learning rate if start_lr: self._set_learning_rate(start_lr) # Initialize the proper learning rate policy if step_mode.lower() == 'exp': lr_schedule = ExponentialLR(self.optimizer, end_lr, iterations) elif step_mode.lower() == 'linear': lr_schedule = LinearLR(self.optimizer, end_lr, iterations) else: raise ValueError(f'Expected one of (exp, linear), got {step_mode}') if smooth_f < 0 or smooth_f >= 1: raise ValueError('smooth_f is outside the range [0, 1]') # Set accuracy metric if needed metrics = None if self.metric == 'accuracy': metrics = ['accuracy'] # Get the learner object if not learner is None: self.learner = learner(train_loader, self.optimizer, self.criterion, device=self.device, val_loader=val_loader, metrics=metrics) else: self.learner = Learner(train_loader, self.optimizer, self.criterion, device=self.device, val_loader=val_loader, metrics=metrics) self.learner.set_model(self.model) train_iterator = InfiniteDataLoader(train_loader) pbar = ProgressBar(target=iterations, width=8) if mode == 'iteration': print(mode.title() + 's') for iteration in range(iterations): # Train model if mode == 'epoch': print(f'{mode.title()} {iteration + 1}:') self._train_model(mode, train_iterator) if val_loader: self.learner.validate(verbose=False) # Get metric value metric_value = self._get_metric(val_loader) # Update the learning rate lr_schedule.step() self.history['lr'].append(lr_schedule.get_lr()[0]) # Track the best metric and smooth it if smooth_f is specified if iteration == 0: self.best_metric = metric_value self.best_lr = self.history['lr'][-1] else: if smooth_f > 0: metric_value = smooth_f * metric_value + ( 1 - smooth_f) * self.history['metric'][-1] if ((self.metric == 'loss' and metric_value < self.best_metric) or (self.metric == 'accuracy' and metric_value > self.best_metric)): self.best_metric = metric_value self.best_lr = self.history['lr'][-1] # Check if the metric has diverged; if it has, stop the test self.history['metric'].append(metric_value) metric_value = self._display_metric_value(metric_value) if (diverge_th > 0 and ((self.metric == 'loss' and metric_value > self.best_metric * diverge_th) or (self.metric == 'accuracy' and metric_value < self.best_metric / diverge_th))): if mode == 'iteration': pbar.update(iterations - 1, values=[('lr', self.history['lr'][-1]), (self.metric.title(), metric_value)]) print('\nStopping early, the loss has diverged.') break else: if mode == 'epoch': lr = self.history['lr'][-1] print( f'Learning Rate: {lr:.4f}, {self.metric.title()}: {metric_value:.2f}\n' ) elif mode == 'iteration': pbar.update(iteration, values=[('lr', self.history['lr'][-1]), (self.metric.title(), metric_value)]) metric = self._display_metric_value(self.best_metric) if mode == 'epoch': print( f'Learning Rate: {self.best_lr:.4f}, {self.metric.title()}: {metric:.2f}\n' ) elif mode == 'iteration': pbar.add(1, values=[('lr', self.best_lr), (self.metric.title(), metric)]) print('Learning rate search finished.')
class BaseModel(nn.Module): """This is the parent class for all the models that are to be created using ``TensorNet``.""" def __init__(self): """This function instantiates all the model layers.""" super(BaseModel, self).__init__() self.learner = None def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: """This function defines the forward pass of the model. Args: x (torch.Tensor): Input. Returns: (*torch.Tensor*): Model output. """ raise NotImplementedError def summary(self, input_size: Tuple[int]): """Generates model summary. Args: input_size (tuple): Size of input to the model. """ model_summary(self, input_size) def create_learner(self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None, metrics=None, activate_loss_logits=False, record_train=True): """Create Learner object. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (:obj:`str` or :obj:`torch.device`): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (:obj:`int`, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (:obj:`float`, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (:obj:``, optional): Validation data loader. callbacks (:obj:`list`, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. track (:obj:`str`, optional): Can be set to either `'epoch'` or `'batch'` and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: *'epoch'*) metrics (:obj:`list`, optional): List of names of the metrics for model evaluation. """ self.learner = Learner(train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device=device, epochs=epochs, val_loader=val_loader, l1_factor=l1_factor, callbacks=callbacks, metrics=metrics, activate_loss_logits=activate_loss_logits, record_train=record_train) self.learner.set_model(self) def set_learner(self, learner: Learner): """Assign a learner object to the model. Args: learner (:obj:`Learner`): Learner object. """ self.learner = learner self.learner.set_model(self) def fit( self, train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device='cpu', epochs=1, l1_factor=0.0, val_loader=None, callbacks=None, metrics=None, activate_loss_logits=False, record_train=True, start_epoch=1, ): """Train the model. Args: train_loader ( Training data loader. optimizer (torch.optim): Optimizer for the model. criterion (torch.nn): Loss Function. device (:obj:`str` or :obj:`torch.device`): Device where the data will be loaded. epochs (:obj:`int`, optional): Numbers of epochs to train the model. (default: 1) l1_factor (:obj:`float`, optional): L1 regularization factor. (default: 0) val_loader (:obj:``, optional): Validation data loader. callbacks (:obj:`list`, optional): List of callbacks to be used during training. track (:obj:`str`, optional): Can be set to either `'epoch'` or `'batch'` and will store the changes in loss and accuracy for each batch or the entire epoch respectively. (default: *'epoch'*) metrics (:obj:`list`, optional): List of names of the metrics for model evaluation. start_epoch (:obj:`int`, optional): Starting epoch number to display during training. (default: 1) """ # Create learner object self.create_learner( train_loader, optimizer, criterion, device=device, epochs=epochs, l1_factor=l1_factor, val_loader=val_loader, callbacks=callbacks, metrics=metrics, activate_loss_logits=activate_loss_logits, record_train=record_train, ) # Train Model def save(self, filepath: str, **kwargs): """Save the model. Args: filepath (str): File in which the model will be saved. **kwargs: Additional parameters to save with the model. """ if self.learner is None: raise ValueError('Cannot save un-trained model.') { 'model_state_dict': self.state_dict(), 'optimizer_state_dict': self.learner.optimizer.state_dict(), **kwargs }, filepath) def load(self, filepath: str) -> dict: """Load the model and return the additional parameters saved in in the checkpoint file. Args: filepath (str): File in which the model is be saved. Returns: (*dict*): Parameters saved inside the checkpoint file. """ checkpoint = torch.load(filepath) self.load_state_dict(checkpoint['model_state_dict']) return {k: v for k, v in checkpoint.items() if k != 'model_state_dict'}