Example #1
def kron(nodes: Sequence[BaseNode]) -> BaseNode:
    """Kronecker product of the given nodes.

  Kronecker products of nodes is the same as the outer product, but the order
  of the axes is different. The first half of edges of all of the nodes will
  appear first half of edges in the resulting node, and the second half ot the
  edges in each node will be in the second half of the resulting node.

  For example, if I had two nodes  :math:`X_{ab}`,  :math:`Y_{cdef}`, and 
  :math:`Z_{gh}`, then the resulting node would have the edges ordered 
  The kronecker product is designed such that the kron of many operators is
  itself an operator. 

    nodes: A sequence of `BaseNode` objects.

    A `Node` that is the kronecker product of the given inputs. The first
    half of the edges of this node would represent the "input" edges of the
    operator and the last half of edges are the "output" edges of the
    input_edges = []
    output_edges = []
    for node in nodes:
        order = len(node.shape)
        if order % 2 != 0:
            raise ValueError(f"All operator tensors must have an even order. "
                             f"Found tensor with order {order}")
        input_edges += node.edges[:order // 2]
        output_edges += node.edges[order // 2:]
    result = outer_product_final_nodes(nodes, input_edges + output_edges)
    return result
Example #2
  def outer_product_final_nodes(self, edge_order: List[network_components.Edge]
                               ) -> network_components.BaseNode:
    """Get the outer product of the final nodes.

    For example, if after all contractions, there were 3 nodes remaining with
    shapes :math:`(2, 3)`, :math:`(4, 5, 6)`, and :math:`(7)`
    respectively, the newly returned node will have shape 
    :math:`(2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7)`.

      edge_order: Edge order for the final node.

      The outer product of the remaining nodes.

      ValueError: If any of the remaining nodes are not fully contracted.
    return network_components.outer_product_final_nodes(self.nodes_set,
Example #3
def ncon(
    tensors: Sequence[Union[network_components.BaseNode, Tensor]],
    network_structure: Sequence[Sequence],
    con_order: Optional[Sequence] = None,
    out_order: Optional[Sequence] = None,
    backend: Optional[Text] = None
) -> Union[network_components.BaseNode, Tensor]:
    r"""Contracts a list of tensors or nodes according to a tensor network 

    The network is provided as a list of lists, one for each
    tensor, specifying labels for the edges connected to that tensor.

    If a contraction order `con_order` and an output order `out_order`
    are both provided, the edge labels can be anything.
    Otherwise (`con_order == None or out_order == None`), the edge labels 
    must be nonzero integers and edges will be contracted in ascending order.
    Negative integers denote the (dangling) indices of the output tensor,
    which will be in descending order, e.g. [-1,-2,-3,...].

    For example, matrix multiplication:

    A = np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
    B = np.array([[1.0, 1.0], [0.0, 1.0]])
    ncon([A,B], [(-1, 1), (1, -2)])

    Matrix trace:

    A = np.array([[1.0, 2.0], [3.0, 4.0]])
    ncon([A], [(1, 1)]) # 5.0

    Note: The reason `0` is not allowed as an edge label without manually
    specifying the contraction order is to maintain compatibility with the
    [original NCON implementation](https://arxiv.org/abs/1402.0939). However,
    the use of `0` in `con_order` to denote outer products is not (currently) 
    supported in this implementation.

      tensors: List of `Tensor`s or `BaseNode`s.
      network_structure: List of lists specifying the tensor network
      con_order: List of edge labels specifying the contraction order.
      out_order: List of edge labels specifying the output order.
      backend: String specifying the backend to use. Defaults to 

      The result of the contraction. The result is returned as a `Node`
        if all elements of `tensors` are `BaseNode` objects, else
        it is returned as a `Tensor` object.
    if backend and (backend not in backend_factory._BACKENDS):
        raise ValueError("Backend '{}' does not exist".format(backend))
    if backend is None:
        backend = config.default_backend

    are_nodes = [isinstance(t, network_components.BaseNode) for t in tensors]
    nodes = {t for t in tensors if isinstance(t, network_components.BaseNode)}
    if not all([n.backend.name == backend for n in nodes]):
        raise ValueError(
            "Some nodes have backends different from '{}'".format(backend))

    _tensors = []
    for t in tensors:
        if isinstance(t, network_components.BaseNode):

    nodes, con_edges, out_edges = ncon_network(_tensors,

    nodes = set(nodes)  # we don't need the ordering here

    # Reverse the list so we can pop from the end: O(1).
    con_edges = con_edges[::-1]
    while con_edges:
        nodes_to_contract = con_edges[-1].get_nodes()
        edges_to_contract = network_components.get_shared_edges(

        # Eat up all parallel edges that are adjacent in the ordering.
        adjacent_parallel_edges = set()
        for edge in reversed(con_edges):
            if edge in edges_to_contract:
        con_edges = con_edges[:-len(adjacent_parallel_edges)]

        # In an optimal ordering, all edges connecting a given pair of nodes are
        # adjacent in con_order. If this is not the case, warn the user.
        leftovers = edges_to_contract - adjacent_parallel_edges
        if leftovers:
                "Suboptimal ordering detected. Edges {} are not adjacent in the "
                "contraction order to edges {}, connecting nodes {}. Deviating from "
                "the specified ordering!".format(
                    list(map(str, leftovers)),
                    list(map(str, adjacent_parallel_edges)),
                    list(map(str, nodes_to_contract))))
            con_edges = [e for e in con_edges if e not in edges_to_contract]

        if set(nodes_to_contract) == nodes:
            # This contraction produces the final output, so order the edges
            # here to avoid transposes in some cases.
            contraction_output_order = out_edges
            contraction_output_order = None

        nodes = nodes - set(nodes_to_contract)

    # TODO: More efficient ordering of products based on out_edges
    res_node = network_components.outer_product_final_nodes(nodes, out_edges)
    if all(are_nodes):
        return res_node
    return res_node.tensor
Example #4
def _jittable_ncon(tensors, network_structure, con_order, out_order, backend):
    """Jittable Ncon function.

    tensors: List of tensors.
    network_structure: List of list of integers that descripes the network
    con_order: Order of the contraction.
    out_order: Order of the final axis order.
    backend: A backend object.
    The final tensor after contraction.
    nodes, con_edges, out_edges = ncon_network(tensors,

    nodes = set(nodes)  # we don't need the ordering here

    # Reverse the list so we can pop from the end: O(1).
    con_edges = con_edges[::-1]
    while con_edges:
        nodes_to_contract = con_edges[-1].get_nodes()
        edges_to_contract = network_components.get_shared_edges(

        # Eat up all parallel edges that are adjacent in the ordering.
        adjacent_parallel_edges = set()
        for edge in reversed(con_edges):
            if edge in edges_to_contract:
        con_edges = con_edges[:-len(adjacent_parallel_edges)]

        # In an optimal ordering, all edges connecting a given pair of nodes are
        # adjacent in con_order. If this is not the case, warn the user.
        leftovers = edges_to_contract - adjacent_parallel_edges
        if leftovers:
                "Suboptimal ordering detected. Edges {} are not adjacent in the "
                "contraction order to edges {}, connecting nodes {}. Deviating from "
                "the specified ordering!".format(
                    list(map(str, leftovers)),
                    list(map(str, adjacent_parallel_edges)),
                    list(map(str, nodes_to_contract))))
            con_edges = [e for e in con_edges if e not in edges_to_contract]

        if set(nodes_to_contract) == nodes:
            # This contraction produces the final output, so order the edges
            # here to avoid transposes in some cases.
            contraction_output_order = out_edges
            contraction_output_order = None

        nodes = nodes - set(nodes_to_contract)
    # TODO: More efficient ordering of products based on out_edges
    res_node = network_components.outer_product_final_nodes(nodes, out_edges)
    return res_node.tensor