Example #1
    def on_packet_recvchallenge(self, data):
        if chr(data[0]) != 'n':
            return self.protocol_error("Handshake 'n' packet expected")

        self.peer_distr_version_ = (data[1], data[2])
        self.peer_flags_ = util.u32(data, 3)
        challenge = util.u32(data, 7)
        self.peer_name_ = data[11:].decode("latin1")


        self.state_ = self.RECV_CHALLENGE_ACK
        return True
    def on_packet_challengereply(self, data):
        if data[0] != ord('r'):
            return self.protocol_error(
                "Unexpected packet (expecting CHALLENGE_REPLY) %s" % data)

        peers_challenge = util.u32(data, 1)
        peer_digest = data[5:]
        LOG.info("challengereply: peer's challenge %s", peers_challenge)

        my_cookie = self.get_node().node_opts_.cookie_
        if not self.check_digest(digest=peer_digest,
            return self.protocol_error(
                "Disallowed node connection (check the cookie)")

        self._send_challenge_ack(peers_challenge, my_cookie)
        self.packet_len_size_ = 4
        self.state_ = self.CONNECTED

        # TODO: start timer with node_opts_.network_tick_time_

        LOG.info("Incoming established with %s", self.peer_name_)
        return True
Example #3
def binary_to_term(data: bytes, options: dict = None) -> (any, bytes):
    """ Strip 131 header and unpack if the data was compressed.

        :param data: The incoming encoded data with the 131 byte
        :param options:
               * "atom": "str" | "bytes" | "Atom" (default "Atom").
                 Returns atoms as strings, as bytes or as atom.Atom objects.
               * "byte_string": "str" | "bytes" (default "str").
                 Returns 8-bit strings as Python str or bytes.
        :raises PyCodecError: when the tag is not 131, when compressed
            data is incomplete or corrupted
        :returns: Remaining unconsumed bytes
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    if data[0] != ETF_VERSION_TAG:
        raise PyCodecError("Unsupported external term version")

    if data[1] == TAG_COMPRESSED:
        do = decompressobj()
        decomp_size = util.u32(data, 2)
        decomp = do.decompress(data[6:]) + do.flush()
        if len(decomp) != decomp_size:
            # Data corruption?
            raise PyCodecError("Compressed size mismatch with actual")

        return binary_to_term_2(decomp, options)

    return binary_to_term_2(data[1:], options)
    def on_packet_recvname(self, data) -> bool:
        """ Handle RECV_NAME command, the first packet in a new connection. """
        if data[0] != ord('n'):
            return self.protocol_error(
                "Unexpected packet (expecting RECV_NAME)")

        # Read peer distribution version and compare to ours
        peer_max_min = (data[1], data[2])
        if dist_protocol.dist_version_check(peer_max_min):
            return self.protocol_error(
                "Dist protocol version have: %s got: %s" %
                (str(dist_protocol.DIST_VSN_PAIR), str(peer_max_min)))
        self.peer_distr_version_ = peer_max_min

        self.peer_flags_ = util.u32(data[3:7])
        self.peer_name_ = data[7:].decode("latin1")
        LOG.info("RECV_NAME: %s %s", self.peer_distr_version_, self.peer_name_)

        # Report

        self.my_challenge_ = int(random.random() * 0x7fffffff)

        self.state_ = self.WAIT_CHALLENGE_REPLY

        return True
Example #5
    def on_packet_recvname(self, data: bytes) -> bytes:
        """ Handle RECV_NAME command, the first packet in a new connection. """
        if not data.startswith(b'n'):
            self.protocol_error("Unexpected packet (expecting RECV_NAME)")
            # raise

        # Read peer dist_proto version and compare to ours
        peer_max_min = (data[1], data[2])
        #if version.dist_version_check(peer_max_min):
        if not version.check_valid_dist_version(peer_max_min):
                "Dist protocol version have: %s got: %s" %
                (str(version.DIST_VSN_PAIR), str(peer_max_min)))
            # raise

        self.peer_distr_version_ = peer_max_min
        self.peer_flags_ = util.u32(data[3:7])
        self.peer_name_ = data[7:].decode("latin1")
        LOG.info("RECV_NAME: %s %s", self.peer_distr_version_, self.peer_name_)

        # Report

        self.my_challenge_ = int(random.random() * 0x7fffffff)

        self.state_ = self.WAIT_CHALLENGE_REPLY

        return b''  # assume everything is consumed
Example #6
    def _data_received_inner(self) -> bool:
        if len(self.unconsumed_data_) < self.packet_len_size_:
            # Not ready yet, keep reading
            return False

        # Dist protocol switches from 2 byte packet length to 4 at some point
        if self.packet_len_size_ == 2:
            pkt_size = util.u16(self.unconsumed_data_, 0)
            offset = 2
            pkt_size = util.u32(self.unconsumed_data_, 0)
            offset = 4

        if len(self.unconsumed_data_) < self.packet_len_size_ + pkt_size:
            # Length is already visible but the data is not here yet
            return False

        #packet = self.unconsumed_data_[offset:]

        packet = self.unconsumed_data_[offset:(offset + pkt_size)]
        self.unconsumed_data_ = self.unconsumed_data_[(offset + pkt_size):]

        # Try to consume some data, remember the unconsumed tail
        # Loop while the data is consumed, stop when not consumed anymore

        LOG.debug("unconsumed: %s, state=%s", self.unconsumed_data_,
        return True
Example #7
    def on_incoming_data(self, data: bytes) -> Union[bytes, None]:
        if len(data) < self.packet_len_size_:
            # Not ready yet, keep reading
            return data

        # Dist protocol switches from 2 byte packet length to 4 at some point
        if self.packet_len_size_ == 2:
            pkt_size = util.u16(data, 0)
            offset = 2
            pkt_size = util.u32(data, 0)
            offset = 4

        if len(data) < self.packet_len_size_ + pkt_size:
            # Length is already visible but the data is not here yet
            return data

        packet = data[offset:(offset + pkt_size)]

        if self.on_packet(packet):
            return data[(offset + pkt_size):]

        # Protocol error has occured and instead we return None to request
        # connection close
        return None
Example #8
def binary_to_term(data: bytes, options: dict = None) -> (any, bytes):
    """ Strip 131 header and unpack if the data was compressed.

        :param data: The incoming encoded data with the 131 byte
        :param options:
               * "atom": "str" | "bytes" | "Atom" | "StrictAtom" (default
                 "Atom"). Returns atoms as strings, as bytes or as atom.Atom
               * "byte_string": "str" | "bytes" | "int_list" (default "str").
                 Returns 8-bit strings as Python str or bytes or list of integers.
               * "decode_hook" : callable. Python function called for each
                 decoded term.
        :raises PyCodecError: when the tag is not 131, when compressed
            data is incomplete or corrupted
        :returns: Remaining unconsumed bytes
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    if data[0] != ETF_VERSION_TAG:
        raise PyCodecError("Unsupported external term version")

    if data[1] == TAG_COMPRESSED:
        do = decompressobj()
        decomp_size = util.u32(data, 2)
        decode_data = do.decompress(data[6:]) + do.flush()
        if len(decode_data) != decomp_size:
            # Data corruption?
            raise PyCodecError("Compressed size mismatch with actual")
        decode_data = data[1:]

    decode_hook = options.get('decode_hook', {})
    val, rem = binary_to_term_2(decode_data, options)
    type_name_ref = type(val).__name__
    if type_name_ref in decode_hook:
        return decode_hook.get(type_name_ref)(val), rem
        return val, rem
Example #9
def binary_to_term_2(data: bytes, options: dict = None) -> (any, bytes):
    """ Proceed decoding after leading tag has been checked and removed.

        Erlang lists are decoded into ``term.List`` object, whose ``elements_``
        field contains the data, ``tail_`` field has the optional tail and a
        helper function exists to assist with extracting an unicode string.

        Atoms are decoded to :py:class:`~Term.atom.Atom` or optionally to bytes
        or to strings.
        Pids are decoded into :py:class:`~Term.pid.Pid`.
        Refs decoded to and :py:class:`~Term.reference.Reference`.
        Maps are decoded into Python ``dict``.
        Binaries are decoded into ``bytes``
        object and bitstrings into a pair of ``(bytes, last_byte_bits:int)``.

        :param options: dict(str, _);
                * "atom": "str" | "bytes" | "Atom"; default "Atom".
                  Returns atoms as strings, as bytes or as atom.Atom class objects
               * "byte_string": "str" | "bytes" (default "str").
                 Returns 8-bit strings as Python str or bytes.
        :param data: Bytes containing encoded term without 131 header
        :rtype: Tuple[Value, Tail: bytes]
        :return: The function consumes as much data as
            possible and returns the tail. Tail can be used again to parse
            another term if there was any.
        :raises PyCodecError(str): on various errors
    if options is None:
        options = {}

    create_atom_fn = _get_create_atom_fn(options.get("atom", "Atom"))
    create_str_fn = _get_create_str_fn(options.get("byte_string", "str"))

    tag = data[0]

    if tag in [TAG_ATOM_EXT, TAG_ATOM_UTF8_EXT]:
        len_data = len(data)
        if len_data < 3:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for an atom name")

        len_expected = util.u16(data, 1) + 3
        if len_expected > len_data:
            return incomplete_data("decoding text for an atom")

        name = data[3:len_expected]
        enc = 'latin-1' if tag == TAG_ATOM_EXT else 'utf8'
        return _bytes_to_atom(name, enc, create_atom_fn), data[len_expected:]

        len_data = len(data)
        if len_data < 2:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a small-atom name")

        len_expected = data[1] + 2
        name = data[2:len_expected]

        enc = 'latin-1' if tag == TAG_SMALL_ATOM_EXT else 'utf8'
        return _bytes_to_atom(name, enc, create_atom_fn), data[len_expected:]

    if tag == TAG_NIL_EXT:
        return [], data[1:]

    if tag == TAG_STRING_EXT:
        len_data = len(data)
        if len_data < 3:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a string")

        len_expected = util.u16(data, 1) + 3

        if len_expected > len_data:
            return incomplete_data()

        return create_str_fn(data[3:len_expected]), data[len_expected:]

    if tag == TAG_LIST_EXT:
        if len(data) < 5:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a list")
        len_expected = util.u32(data, 1)
        result_l = []
        tail = data[5:]
        while len_expected > 0:
            term1, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            len_expected -= 1

        # Read list tail and set it
        list_tail, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
        if list_tail == NIL:
            return result_l, tail
        return (result_l, list_tail), tail

    if tag == TAG_SMALL_TUPLE_EXT:
        if len(data) < 2:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a small tuple")
        len_expected = data[1]
        result_t = []
        tail = data[2:]
        while len_expected > 0:
            term1, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            len_expected -= 1

        return tuple(result_t), tail

    if tag == TAG_LARGE_TUPLE_EXT:
        if len(data) < 5:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a large tuple")
        len_expected = util.u32(data, 1)
        result_lt = []
        tail = data[5:]
        while len_expected > 0:
            term1, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            len_expected -= 1

        return tuple(result_lt), tail

    if tag == TAG_SMALL_INT:
        if len(data) < 2:
            return incomplete_data("decoding a 8-bit small uint")
        return data[1], data[2:]

    if tag == TAG_INT:
        if len(data) < 5:
            return incomplete_data("decoding a 32-bit int")
        return util.i32(data, 1), data[5:]

    if tag == TAG_PID_EXT:
        node, tail = binary_to_term_2(data[1:])
        id1 = util.u32(tail, 0)
        serial = util.u32(tail, 4)
        creation = tail[8]

        assert isinstance(node, Atom)
        pid = Pid(node_name=node.text_,
        return pid, tail[9:]

    if tag == TAG_NEW_REF_EXT:
        if len(data) < 2:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a new-ref")
        term_len = util.u16(data, 1)
        node, tail = binary_to_term_2(data[3:])
        creation = tail[0]
        id_len = 4 * term_len
        id1 = tail[1:id_len + 1]

        ref = Reference(node_name=node.text_, creation=creation, refid=id1)
        return ref, tail[id_len + 1:]

    if tag == TAG_MAP_EXT:
        if len(data) < 5:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a map")
        len_expected = util.u32(data, 1)
        result_m = {}
        tail = data[5:]
        while len_expected > 0:
            term1, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            term2, tail = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            result_m[term1] = term2
            len_expected -= 1

        return result_m, tail

    if tag == TAG_BINARY_EXT:
        len_data = len(data)
        if len_data < 5:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a binary")
        len_expected = util.u32(data, 1) + 5
        if len_expected > len_data:
            return incomplete_data("decoding data for a binary")

        # Returned as Python `bytes`
        return data[5:len_expected], data[len_expected:]

    if tag == TAG_BIT_BINARY_EXT:
        len_data = len(data)
        if len_data < 6:
            return incomplete_data("decoding length for a bit-binary")
        len_expected = util.u32(data, 1) + 6
        lbb = data[5]
        if len_expected > len_data:
            return incomplete_data("decoding data for a bit-binary")

        # Returned as tuple `(bytes, last_byte_bits:int)`
        return (data[6:len_expected], lbb), data[len_expected:]

    if tag == TAG_NEW_FLOAT_EXT:
        (result_f, ) = struct.unpack(">d", data[1:9])
        return result_f, data[9:]

    if tag == TAG_SMALL_BIG_EXT:
        nbytes = data[1]
        # Data is encoded little-endian as bytes (least significant first)
        in_bytes = data[3:(3 + nbytes)]
        # NOTE: int.from_bytes is Python 3.2+
        result_bi = int.from_bytes(in_bytes, byteorder='little')
        if data[2] != 0:
            result_bi = -result_bi
        return result_bi, data[3 + nbytes:]

    if tag == TAG_LARGE_BIG_EXT:
        nbytes = util.u32(data, 1)
        # Data is encoded little-endian as bytes (least significant first)
        in_bytes = data[6:(6 + nbytes)]
        # NOTE: int.from_bytes is Python 3.2+
        result_lbi = int.from_bytes(in_bytes, byteorder='little')
        if data[5] != 0:
            result_lbi = -result_lbi
        return result_lbi, data[6 + nbytes:]

    if tag == TAG_NEW_FUN_EXT:
        # size = util.u32(data, 1)
        arity = data[5]
        uniq = data[6:22]
        index = util.u32(data, 22)
        num_free = util.u32(data, 26)
        (mod, tail) = binary_to_term_2(data[30:])
        (old_index, tail) = binary_to_term_2(tail)
        (old_uniq, tail) = binary_to_term_2(tail)
        (pid, tail) = binary_to_term_2(tail)

        free_vars = []
        while num_free > 0:
            (v, tail) = binary_to_term_2(tail)
            num_free -= 1

        return Fun(mod=mod,
                   free=free_vars), tail

    raise PyCodecError("Unknown tag %d" % data[0])