Example #1
class GameplayState(GameState):
    """Gamestate implementation for the core gameplay."""
    def __init__(self, mgr, level_info):
        """Initialize the class."""
        self._level_info = level_info

        # The level file specifies programs with groups, where each group
        # contains a list of possible programs, and the number of programs to
        # use from that group. Here we pick the programs that we're going to
        # use from each group - we end up with a data structure looking
        # something like the following:
        # groups = {
        #    'group_name_1': {
        #        'program_name_1': 'program_class_1',
        #        'program_name_2': 'program_class_2',
        #    },
        #    'group_name_2': {
        #        'program_name_3': 'program_class_3'
        #    }
        # }
        groups = {}
        for group_name, group_info in level_info['program_groups'].items():
            # Pick the programs we're going to use for this game.
            groups[group_name] = {
                name: cls
                for (name, cls) in random.sample(group_info['programs'],

        # Now that we've picked which programs to use, we can set up the
        # dependencies between programs.
        depends = {}
        for group_name, group_info in level_info['program_groups'].items():
            group_programs = groups[group_name]

            if 'dependent_on' in group_info:
                program_list = []
                for d in group_info['dependent_on']:
                    dependent_group_programs = groups[d]

                    for program in group_programs.keys():
                        depends[program] = program_list

        # Finally get the flatten the groups into a list of programs
        programs = {}
        for g in groups.values():

        self._terminal = Terminal(programs=programs,
        self._mgr = mgr

    def run(self, events):
        """Run the game."""
        for e in events:
            if e.type == pygame.KEYDOWN:
                if e.key == pygame.K_ESCAPE:
                    self._terminal.paused = True
                    self._mgr.push(menu.PauseMenu(self._mgr, self._terminal))
                    self._terminal.on_keypress(e.key, e.unicode)
            elif e.type == pygame.KEYUP:
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
                self._terminal.on_mouseclick(e.button, e.pos)
            elif e.type == pygame.MOUSEMOTION:
            elif e.type == pygame.ACTIVEEVENT:
                    util.ActiveEvent(e.state, e.gain))

        if not self._terminal.paused:

        # The player is locked out, switch to the Lost gamestate.
        if self._terminal.locked:
            # Push so that we can restart the game if required by just popping
            # again.
            self._mgr.push(LostState(self._mgr, self._terminal))

        # The player has succeeded, switch to the success gamestate.
        if self._terminal.completed():
            # Don't need to return to the game, so replace this gamestate with
            # the success screen.
            self._mgr.replace(SuccessState(self._mgr, self._terminal))

    def draw(self):
        """Draw the game."""
def run_game():

    # Initialize game and create a screen object.

    state = 'none'
    settings = Settings()
    screen = pygame.display.set_mode(
        (settings.screen_width, settings.screen_height))
    pygame.display.set_caption("Cyber Game")

    player = Player(settings, screen)

    terminal = Terminal(settings, screen, '')
    room1 = Room(settings, screen)
        75, 639, 130, 105, '',
        'You are at the Computer. Try to get the safe code from it.', False)
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('help', [
        'Commands:', 'help', 'echo', 'safe code', '',
        'Type in unfamiliar words or phrase to search them (ex. brute force)',
        'Come back here whenever you are stuck'
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('echo', ['echo'])
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('safe code', ['5902'])
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('brute force', [
        'Brute force can be helpful for finding simple password.',
        'Computers can be helpful to speed this up',
        'Common Bad Passwords: 123456, Password, qwerty, abc123'
        'the answer to the life the universe and everything',
        ['Password from part 3: 42'])
        'what is the answer to the life the universe and everything',
        ['Password from part 3: 42'])
    room1.terminals[0].add_response("Hichicker's guide to the Galaxy",
                                    ['Password from part 3: 42'])
                                    ['Linux command to read the given file'])
        'ls', ['Linux command to list everything in the current folder'])
        ['Linux command to chnage directory (you move into a new folder)'])
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('caesar shift', [
        'A cipher where every letter is moved down n letters in the alphabet',
        "For Example: 'abc' rot 3 would become 'def'",
        'Your command line has a caesar shift decoder',
        'just type "shift <text> <n>"'
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('shift', [
        'A cipher where every letter is moved down n letters in the alphabet',
        "For Example: 'abc' rot 3 would become 'def'",
        'Your command line has a caesar shift decoder',
        'just type "shift <text> <n>"'
    room1.terminals[0].add_response('hexadecimal', [
        'Hexidecimal is base 16, meaning that in addition to the',
        'digits 0-9, it also has "digits" A-F, where A = 10,',
        'B=11, etc. As in base ten, each digit to the left has a greater',
        'power of the base. In hexadecimal, 26 would be represented as 1A',
        'where the 1 represents 16 and A represents 1',
        "Type 'hex to dec <hex num>' in your terminal to convert a",
        'hexadecimal number to a base ten number'
        "Three Cups of Tea",
        ['Password from part 4: is the number in the title'])

    room1.add_terminal(640, 624, 102, 120, '5902', 'Open the Safe.', True)
    room1.terminals[1].add_response('help', [
        'Commands:', 'ls -> examines safe',
        'cat <text name> -> reads the chosen text', '',
        '(Hint) people often choose password numbers from their interests'
        'ls', ['You see two books, book1.txt and book2.txt'])
    room1.terminals[1].add_response('cat book1.txt', [
        "Hichicker's guide to the Galaxy",
        "...the answer to the Life, the Universe, and Everything is..."
    room1.terminals[1].add_response('cat book2.txt', ["Three Cups of Tea"])

    room1.add_terminal(440, 35, 300, 70, 'Password',
                       'Get more info about Brute force and search the desk.',
    room1.terminals[2].add_response('help', [
        'You can use the ls command to see where you are',
        'and cd <filename> to move through files',
        'cd .. will move you up a folder'

    room1.add_terminal(623, 510, 138, 106, '',
                       'Phone. Dial the secret number.', False)
    room1.terminals[3].add_response('help', 'Phone. Dial the secret number.')
    room1.terminals[3].add_response('9', ['mvezmzuzmztyz'])
                                    ['A trapdoor opens from beneath the rug'])

    room1.add_terminal(8, 165, 124, 338, '',
                       'You are at the Sofa. What do you want to do?', False)
        'help', ["You are at the Sofa. What do you want to do?"])
        'search', ["You find a slip of paper with the following text: '7E3'"])
        'search sofa',
        ["You find a slip of paper with the following text: '7E3'"])
        'look', ["You find a slip of paper with the following text: '7E3'"])
        'ls', ["You find a slip of paper with the following text: '7E3'"])
    room1.terminals[4].add_response('sleep', ["You sleep for some time"])
    room1.terminals[4].add_response('sit', ["You sit for some time"])

    room1.add_terminal(465, 639, 161, 125, '',
                       'Get the right station in the Radio.', False)
    room1.terminals[5].add_response('2019', ['Password from part 1: HackCU'])

    room1.add_terminal(140, 215, 136, 240, '', 'Just a carpet. Or is it?',
    room1.terminals[6].add_response('help', ['Just a carpet. Or is it?'])
                                    ['A trapdoor is revealed underneath'])
    room1.terminals[6].add_response('enter', [
        'Good job!', 'You found the back entrance, the one that is often',
        'forgotten about. Remember, no matter how strong your',
        "encryption is, you're still suceptible to a personal password attack"
    room1.terminals[6].add_response('enter trapdoor', [
        'Good job!', 'You found the back entrance, the one that is often',
        'forgotten about. Remember, no matter how strong your',
        "encryption is, you're still suceptible to a personal password attack"
    room1.terminals[6].add_response('enter door', [
        'Good job!', 'You found the back entrance, the one that is often',
        'forgotten about. Remember, no matter how strong your',
        "encryption is, you're still suceptible to a personal password attack"
    room1.terminals[6].add_response('open trapdoor', [
        'Good job!', 'You found the back entrance, the one that is often',
        'forgotten about. Remember, no matter how strong your',
        "encryption is, you're still suceptible to a personal password attack"

    room1.add_terminal(243, 1, 72, 104, 'HackCUvenividivichi423',
                       'Combine the 4 passwords to open the lock', True)
        'help', ['Open the lock with the password you have obtained.'])
    room1.terminals[7].add_response('open door', ['Good job', 'You escaped'])
    room1.terminals[7].add_response('open', ['Good job', 'You escaped'])
    room1.terminals[7].add_response('enter door', ['Good job', 'You escaped'])
    room1.terminals[7].add_response('enter', ['Good job', 'You escaped'])

    # Start the main loop for the game.
    while True:
        check_events(player, terminal, state, room1)

        # Redraw the screen during each pass through the loop.




        state = get_terminal_collision(player, room1)
        if state == -1:
                "No Signal.  Type help in any terminal to get more info.")
