Example #1
class JiraUrlPlugin(plugin.URLHandler):
    capabilties = ["url_handler"]
    handler_name = "jira_ticket"
    config = None
    plugin_name = "JiraUrlPlugin"

    def __init__(self):
        self.config = Config()

        if self.config.plugin_get_config(self.plugin_name) is None:
            for key, value in CONFIG_DEFAULTS.iteritems():
                self.config.plugin_set(self.plugin_name, key, value)

        self.match = self.config.plugin_get(self.plugin_name, "match")
        self.jira_url = self.config.plugin_get(self.plugin_name, "jira_url")

    def callback(self, url):
        if not (self.match or self.jira_url):

        for item in re.findall(self.match, url):
            return("%s/%s" % (self.jira_url, item))
Example #2
from terminatorlib.util import err, dbg
from terminatorlib.version import APP_NAME

    gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7')
    from gi.repository import Notify
    # Every plugin you want Terminator to load *must* be listed in 'AVAILABLE'
    # This is inside this try so we only make the plugin available if pynotify
    #  is present on this computer.
    AVAILABLE = ['ActivityWatch', 'InactivityWatch']
except (ImportError, ValueError):
    err('ActivityWatch plugin unavailable as we cannot import Notify')

config = Config()
inactive_period = float(
    config.plugin_get('InactivityWatch', 'inactive_period', 10.0))
watch_interval = int(
    config.plugin_get('InactivityWatch', 'watch_interval', 5000))
hush_period = float(config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'hush_period', 10.0))

class ActivityWatch(plugin.MenuItem):
    """Add custom commands to the terminal menu"""
    capabilities = ['terminal_menu']
    watches = None
    last_notifies = None
    timers = None

    def __init__(self):
        if not self.watches:
Example #3
from terminatorlib.translation import _
from terminatorlib.util import err, dbg
from terminatorlib.version import APP_NAME

    gi.require_version('Notify', '0.7')
    from gi.repository import Notify
    # Every plugin you want Terminator to load *must* be listed in 'AVAILABLE'
    # This is inside this try so we only make the plugin available if pynotify
    #  is present on this computer.
    AVAILABLE = ['ActivityWatch', 'InactivityWatch']
except ImportError:
    err(_('ActivityWatch plugin unavailable: please install python-notify'))

config = Config()
inactive_period = float(config.plugin_get('InactivityWatch', 'inactive_period',
watch_interval = int(config.plugin_get('InactivityWatch', 'watch_interval',
hush_period = float(config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'hush_period',

class ActivityWatch(plugin.MenuItem):
    """Add custom commands to the terminal menu"""
    capabilities = ['terminal_menu']
    watches = None
    last_notifies = None
    timers = None

    def __init__(self):
        if not self.watches:
Example #4
from terminatorlib.translation import _
from terminatorlib.util import err, dbg
from terminatorlib.version import APP_NAME

    from gi.repository import Notify
    # Every plugin you want Terminator to load *must* be listed in 'AVAILABLE'
    # This is inside this try so we only make the plugin available if pynotify
    #  is present on this computer.
    AVAILABLE = ['ActivityWatch', 'InactivityWatch']
except ImportError:
    err(_('ActivityWatch plugin unavailable: please install python-notify'))

config = Config()
inactive_period = float(
    config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'inactive_period', 10.0))
watch_interval = int(config.plugin_get('ActivityWatch', 'watch_interval',

class ActivityWatch(plugin.MenuItem):
    """Add custom commands to the terminal menu"""
    capabilities = ['terminal_menu']
    watches = None
    last_notifies = None
    timers = None

    def __init__(self):
        if not self.watches:
            self.watches = {}
Example #5
# Public License can be found in `/usr/share/common-licenses/GPL-2'.

# Modified by cgw 2011/11/06
# Modified by Technicism 2018/11/19
#   - Support config options to change the search engine.
#   - Embed the license for single file portability.

# See https://github.com/choffee/terminator-plugins for original source.

NAME = 'SearchPlugin'

_spaces = re.compile(" +")

config = Config()
base_uri = config.plugin_get(NAME, 'base_uri', 'https://www.google.com/search?q=%s')
label = config.plugin_get(NAME, 'label', 'Google Search')

class SearchPlugin(plugin.Plugin):
    capabilities = ['terminal_menu']

    def do_search(self, searchMenu):
        """Launch Google search for string"""
        if not self.searchstring:
        uri = base_uri % urllib.quote(self.searchstring.encode("utf-8"))
        gtk.show_uri(None, uri, gtk.gdk.CURRENT_TIME)

    def callback(self, menuitems, menu, terminal):
        """Add our menu item to the menu"""
        self.terminal = terminal