def main(): app = App(framerate=float("inf")) app.t0 = perf_counter() app.frames = 0 app.pos = 0 @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): app.pos = (app.pos + 1) % (app.screen.w * app.screen.h) x = app.pos % app.screen.w y = app.pos // app.screen.w app.screen.clear() app.screen.print(" " * 5, x, y, bg=AQUA) app.screen.update() app.frames += 1 app.t1 = perf_counter() @app.on("after_stop") def on_after_stop(): tpf = (app.t1 - app.t0) / app.frames print("Terminal: {} ({}x{})\n".format(app.backend.terminal_name, app.screen.w, app.screen.h)) print("Avg time per frame: {:.4f}\n".format(tpf)) print("Avg framerate: {:.2f}\n".format(1 / tpf)) app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True) @app.on("start") def on_start(): app.mouse = None app.key = None app.dirty = False redraw(app) @app.on("resize") def on_resize(): redraw(app) @app.on("key") def on_key(k): app.key = k app.dirty = True @app.on("mouse") def on_mouse(m): app.mouse = m app.dirty = True @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): if app.dirty: redraw(app) app.dirty = False app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True) frame_num = 0 size_text = "" @app.on("start") def start(): app.screen.show_cursor = True app.screen.print("App start, waiting 1 second.", 0, 0) app.screen.update() sleep(1) @app.on("frame") def frame(): nonlocal frame_num app.screen.clear() app.screen.print(f"Frame: {frame_num}", 0, 0) app.screen.print("Press 'q' to quit.", 0, 1) app.screen.print(size_text, 0, 2) app.screen.update() frame_num += 1 @app.on("resize") def resize(): nonlocal size_text size_text = f"Resized to {app.screen.w}x{app.screen.h}" @app.on("key") def key(k): if k == "q": app.stop() @app.on("mouse") def mouse(m): app.screen.cursor_pos = (m.x, m.y) @app.on("before_stop") def before_stop(): # Terminal is not reset; we can use the screen. app.screen.clear() app.screen.print("Before stop", 0, 0) app.screen.update() sleep(0.5) @app.on("after_stop") def after_stop(): # Terminal is reset; we can print normally. print("After stop") # the following two method calls are equivalent to calling app.start() # this does not block # you could run code concurrently with the App here, but you should not # interact with its attributes outside of event listeners due to potential # concurrency issues. app.await_stop() # this blocks print("Exited")
def main(): app = App() @app.on("key") def on_key(k): app.screen.clear() app.screen.print(repr(k), 1, 1) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App() @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): app.screen.print("Goodbye", 0, 0) # this should be overwritten completely app.screen.print("こんにちは世界", 0, 0) # double-width characters app.screen.print( " (Hello World)") # this should follow the previous printout app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App() @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): clock_time = time.strftime("%H:%M:%S", time.gmtime()) app.screen.print("Clock: " + clock_time, 1, 1) try: app.backend.window_title = clock_time except: app.screen.print("Terminal does not support setting window title", 1, 2, fg=Color.rgb(1,0,0)) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True, framerate=60) app.mouse_x = 0 app.mouse_y = 0 app.mouse_px = 0 app.mouse_py = 0 app.particles = [] @app.on("mouse") def on_mouse(m): app.mouse_x = m.x app.mouse_y = m.y @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): dx = app.mouse_x - app.mouse_px dy = app.mouse_y - app.mouse_py l = math.sqrt(dx**2 + dy**2) d = math.atan2(dy, dx) j = min(45, int(l)) * 2 for i in range(j): f = i / j ll = l * random.uniform(0.25, 0.5) dd = d + random.uniform(-0.2, 0.2) vx = ll * math.cos(dd) vy = ll * math.sin(dd) app.particles.append( Particle(app.mouse_px + dx * f, app.mouse_py + dy * f, vx, vy)) app.screen.clear() for i, p in enumerate(app.particles): col = Color.hsl(i / len(app.particles), 1.0, 0.5) app.screen.print(" ", int(p.x), int(p.y), bg=col) p.update() if p.x < 0 or p.y < 0 or p.x >= app.screen.w or p.y >= app.screen.h: app.particles.remove(p) app.screen.update() app.mouse_px = app.mouse_x app.mouse_py = app.mouse_y app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True) in_buffer = [] @app.input.on("raw_input") def on_raw(data): in_buffer.append(data) def print_escape(line, x, y): app.screen.print_pos = (x, y) for ch in line: fg = COL_FG bg = None cat = category(ch) if "C" in cat: fg = COL_CTRL elif "N" in cat: fg = COL_NUM elif "P" in cat: fg = COL_PUNC elif "Z" in cat: bg = COL_SEP app.screen.print(repr(ch).lstrip("'").rstrip("'"), fg=fg, bg=bg) @app.on("frame") @app.on("resize") def update(): max_lines = app.screen.h n_lines = min(max_lines, len(in_buffer)) lines = in_buffer[-n_lines:] app.screen.clear() for i, line in enumerate(lines): print_escape(line, 0, i) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App() @app.on("start") def on_start(): app.screen.print("Resize the terminal.", 1, 1, fg=Color.rgb(0, 1, 0)) app.screen.update() @app.on("resize") def on_resize(): app.screen.clear() app.screen.fill(0, 0, app.screen.w, app.screen.h, bg=Color(0, 255, 0)) app.screen.fill(1, 1, app.screen.w - 2, app.screen.h - 2, bg=Color(0, 0, 0)) app.screen.print("{} x {}".format(app.screen.w, app.screen.h), 2, 2) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(framerate=60) @app.on("start") def on_start(): app.buffer = Buffer(16, 4) app.buffer.clear(bg=Color.rgb(0.2, 0, 0), fg=Color.rgb(1, 0.5, 0.5)) app.buffer.print("Hello world") @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): t = time() app.screen.clear() app.screen.blit( app.buffer, round(app.screen.w / 2 + sin(t * 3) * 16) - app.buffer.w // 2, round(app.screen.h / 2 + cos(t * 1) * 4) - app.buffer.h // 2) app.screen.print( "Update time: {:.2f}ms".format(app.screen._update_duration * 1000), 0, 0) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App(mouse=True, framerate=60) app.screen.show_cursor = True w = 0 h = 0 buf = None c_x = 0 c_y = 0 show_help = True @app.on("start") @app.on("resize") def make_buffers(): nonlocal w, h, buf w = app.screen.w h = app.screen.h * 2 buf = [P(**props["air"]) for y in range(w) for x in range(h)] @app.on("frame") def on_frame(): app.screen.clear() app.screen.cursor_pos = (c_x, c_y) P.update(buf, w, h) P.draw(app.screen, buf, w, h) if show_help: app.screen.print(helptext, 1, 1, fg=Color.rgb(1, 1, 1)) app.screen.update() def interact(place): nonlocal show_help show_help = False x = c_x y = c_y * 2 if x >= 0 and x < w and y >= 0 and y < h: if place: buf[y * w + x] = P(color=Color.hsl(perf_counter() * 0.25, 1, 0.5), **props["sand"]) else: buf[y * w + x] = P(**props["air"]) @app.on("mouse") def on_mouse(m): nonlocal c_x, c_y c_x = m.x c_y = m.y if m.left: interact(True) if m.right: interact(False) @app.on("key") def on_key(k): nonlocal c_x, c_y if k == "left": c_x = max(0, c_x - 1) if k == "right": c_x = min(w - 1, c_x + 1) if k == "up": c_y = max(0, c_y - 1) if k == "down": c_y = min(w - 1, c_y + 1) if k == "z": interact(True) if k == "x": interact(False) app.start() app.await_stop()
def main(): app = App() inner_buffer = Buffer(0, 0) outer_pad = 1 inner_w = 0 inner_h = 0 @app.on("start") @app.on("resize") @app.on("frame") def update(): nonlocal inner_w, inner_h app.screen.clear() inner_buffer.clear() # compute inner dimensions of box inner_w = app.screen.w - outer_pad * 2 - 2 inner_h = app.screen.h - outer_pad * 2 - 2 inner_buffer.resize(inner_w, inner_h) # draw a box with a title draw_box(app.screen, outer_pad, outer_pad, inner_w + 2, inner_h + 2, chars=BOX_CHARS_LIGHT_DOUBLE_TOP) title = "Hello drawing" app.screen.print(title, app.screen.w // 2 - len(title) // 2, outer_pad) # draw spinners inner_buffer.print("Inner header ", 0, 0) draw_spinner(inner_buffer, *inner_buffer.print_pos, freq=2, fg=GREEN) inner_buffer.print(" ") draw_spinner(inner_buffer, *inner_buffer.print_pos, freq=2, fg=GREY, frames=SPINNER_PIPE) inner_buffer.print(" ") draw_spinner(inner_buffer, *inner_buffer.print_pos, freq=2, fg=GREY, frames=SPINNER_CLOCK) inner_buffer.print(" ") draw_spinner(inner_buffer, *inner_buffer.print_pos, freq=2, t=math.sin(time.perf_counter()), fg=YELLOW, frames=SPINNER_MOON) inner_buffer.print(" ") draw_spinner(inner_buffer, *inner_buffer.print_pos, freq=1, fg=WHITE, frames=SPINNER_DOTS) # draw a horizontal line along x=2 within the box draw_hline(inner_buffer, 2, fg=GREY) # print some word-wrapped text inside the box inner_buffer.print(wrap_text(LIPSUM, inner_w), 0, 3, fg=YELLOW) # progress bar draw_progress(inner_buffer, 0, inner_buffer.print_pos[1] + 2, w=inner_buffer.w // 3, progress=math.sin(time.perf_counter()) * 0.5 + 0.5, fg=BRIGHT_YELLOW, bg=GREY, **PROGRESS_SMOOTH) # draw a color bitmap at 2x vertical resolution draw_colormap_2x(inner_buffer, SMILEY, 2, inner_buffer.h - 3 - 2, w=7, h=7) # copy box contents to screen app.screen.blit(inner_buffer, outer_pad + 1, outer_pad + 1) app.screen.update() app.start() app.await_stop()