def test_object_instances():
    res = Resource("res1", "foo", attr="value")
    var = Variable("var1", default="foo")

    assert TFObject._instances is None
    assert Resource._instances == [res]
    assert Variable._instances == [var]
def test_object_instances():
    res = Resource('res1', 'foo', attr='value')
    var = Variable('var1', default='foo')

    assert TFObject._instances is None
    assert Resource._instances == [res]
    assert Variable._instances == [var]
def test_getattr():
    res1 = Resource("res1", "foo", attr="value")
    assert == "${}"

    var1 = Variable("var1", default="value")
    assert "{0}".format(var1) == "${var.var1}"
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert, "nope!  vars do not have attrs!"
def test_getattr():
    res1 = Resource('res1', 'foo', attr='value')
    assert == '${}'

    var1 = Variable('var1', default='value')
    assert '{0}'.format(var1) == '${var.var1}'
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert, 'nope!  vars do not have attrs!'
Example #5
def test_compile():

    Resource("res1", "foo", attr="value")
    Resource("res1", "bar", attr="other")
    Variable("var1", default="value")

    assert TFObject.compile() == {
        "resource": {"res1": {"foo": {"attr": "value",}, "bar": {"attr": "other",}},},
        "variable": {"var1": {"default": "value"}},
def test_equality():
    # NamedObject
    p1 = Provider("mysql", host="db")
    p2 = Provider("mysql", host="db")
    v1 = Variable("mysql", host="db")
    assert p1 == p2
    assert p1 != v1

    # TypedObject
    r1 = Resource("aws_security_group", "sg", name="sg")
    r2 = Resource("aws_security_group", "sg", name="sg")
    d1 = Data("aws_security_group", "sg", name="sg")
    assert r1 == r2
    assert r1 != d1

    # Invalid comparisons
    assert r1 != "string"
    assert r1 != 0
def test_provider_context():
    with Provider("aws", region="us-east-1", alias="east1"):
        sg1 = Resource("aws_security_group", "sg", ingress=["foo"])

        # Since thing1 is not an aws_ resource it will not get the provider by default
        thing1 = Resource("some_thing", "foo", bar="baz")

        # var1 is not a typedobject so it will not get a provider either
        var1 = Variable("var1", default="foo")

        with Provider("aws", region="us-west-2", alias="west2"):
            sg2 = Resource("aws_security_group", "sg", ingress=["foo"])

    assert sg1.provider == "aws.east1"
    assert sg2.provider == "aws.west2"

    # thing1's provider is the default interpolation string
    assert thing1.provider == "${}"

    # var1 will raise a AttributeError
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert var1.provider
def test_provider_context():
    with Provider("aws", region="us-east-1", alias="east1"):
        sg1 = Resource('aws_security_group', 'sg', ingress=['foo'])

        # Since thing1 is not an aws_ resource it will not get the provider by default
        thing1 = Resource('some_thing', 'foo', bar='baz')

        # var1 is not a typedobject so it will not get a provider either
        var1 = Variable('var1', default='foo')

        with Provider("aws", region="us-west-2", alias="west2"):
            sg2 = Resource('aws_security_group', 'sg', ingress=['foo'])

    assert sg1.provider == 'aws.east1'
    assert sg2.provider == 'aws.west2'

    # thing1's provider is the default interpolation string
    assert thing1.provider == '${}'

    # var1 will raise a AttributeError
    with pytest.raises(AttributeError):
        assert var1.provider
def test_compile():

    Resource('res1', 'foo', attr='value')
    Resource('res1', 'bar', attr='other')
    Variable('var1', default='value')

    assert TFObject.compile() == {
        'resource': {
            'res1': {
                'foo': {
                    'attr': 'value',
                'bar': {
                    'attr': 'other',
        'variable': {
            'var1': {
                'default': 'value'
Example #10
def test_named_object():
    var = Variable("var1", default="foo")

    assert var._name == "var1"
    assert var._values == {"default": "foo"}
def test_named_object():
    var = Variable('var1', default='foo')

    assert var._name == 'var1'
    assert var._values == {'default': 'foo'}