def test_paths(station, sensor, timestamp, expected):
    s = Sensors(TERRAREF_BASE, station, sensor)
    path = s.get_sensor_path(timestamp)
    results = os.path.join(TERRAREF_BASE, expected)
    assert path == results
Example #2
def fullFieldMosaicStitcher(extractor, connector, host, secret_key, resource, rulemap):
    results = {}
    full_field_ready = False

    # full-field queues must have at least this percent of the raw datasets present to trigger
    tolerance_pct = 100
    # full-field queues must have at least this many datasets to trigger
    min_datasets = 200

    # Determine output dataset
    dsname = resource["dataset_info"]["name"]
    sensor = dsname.split(" - ")[0]

    # Map sensor display names to the GeoTIFF stitching target in those sensor datasets,
    # including directory to look for date subfolder to count # of datasets on that date
    if os.path.exists('/projects/arpae/terraref/sites'):
        TERRAREF_BASE = '/projects/arpae/terraref/sites'
    elif os.path.exists('/home/clowder/sites'):
        TERRAREF_BASE = '/home/clowder/sites'
        TERRAREF_BASE = '/home/extractor/sites'

    sensor_lookup = Sensors(TERRAREF_BASE, 'ua-mac')
    stitchable_sensors = {
        sensor_lookup.get_display_name('rgb_geotiff'): {
            "target": "_left.tif",
            "raw_dir": os.path.join(*(sensor_lookup.get_sensor_path('', sensor='stereoTop').split("/")[:-2]))
        sensor_lookup.get_display_name('ir_geotiff'): {
            "target": ".tif",
            "raw_dir": os.path.join(*(sensor_lookup.get_sensor_path('', sensor='flirIrCamera').split("/")[:-2]))
        sensor_lookup.get_display_name('laser3d_heightmap'): {
            "target": "_west.tif",
            "raw_dir": os.path.join(*(sensor_lookup.get_sensor_path('', sensor='scanner3DTop').split("/")[:-2]))
        'scanner3DTop': {
            "target": "_west.tif",
            "raw_dir": os.path.join(*(sensor_lookup.get_sensor_path('', sensor='scanner3DTop').split("/")[:-2]))

    if sensor in stitchable_sensors.keys():
        timestamp = dsname.split(" - ")[1]
        date = timestamp.split("__")[0]
        progress_key = "Full Field -- " + sensor + " - " + date

        # Is there actually a new left geoTIFF to add to the stack?
        target_id = None
        for f in resource['files']:
            if f['filename'].endswith(stitchable_sensors[sensor]["target"]):
                target_id = f['id']
                target_path = f['filepath']
        if not target_id:
            # If not, no need to trigger anything for now.
  "no target geoTIFF found in %s" % dsname)
            for trig_extractor in rulemap["extractors"]:
                results[trig_extractor] = {
                    "process": False,
                    "parameters": {}
            return results"[%s] found target: %s" % (progress_key, target_id))

        # Fetch all existing file IDs that would be fed into this field mosaic
        progress = rule_utils.retrieveProgressFromDB(progress_key)

        # Is current ID already included in the list? If not, add it
        submit_record = False
        if 'ids' in progress:
            ds_count = len(progress['ids'].keys())
            if target_id not in progress['ids'].keys():
                submit_record = True
                ds_count += 1
                # Already seen this geoTIFF, so skip for now.
      "previously logged target geoTIFF from %s" % dsname)
                for trig_extractor in rulemap["extractors"]:
                    results[trig_extractor] = {
                        "process": False,
                        "parameters": {}
            submit_record = True
            ds_count = 1

        if submit_record:
            for trig_extractor in rulemap["extractors"]:
                rule_utils.submitProgressToDB("fullFieldMosaicStitcher", trig_extractor, progress_key, target_id, target_path)

        if ds_count >= min_datasets:
            # Check to see if list of geotiffs is same length as list of raw datasets
            root_dir = stitchable_sensors[sensor]["raw_dir"]
            if len(connector.mounted_paths) > 0:
                for source_path in connector.mounted_paths:
                    if root_dir.startswith(source_path):
                        root_dir = root_dir.replace(source_path, connector.mounted_paths[source_path])
            date_directory = os.path.join(root_dir, date)
            date_directory = ("/"+date_directory if not date_directory.startswith("/") else "")

            raw_file_count = float(subprocess.check_output("ls %s | wc -l" % date_directory,
  "found %s raw files in %s" % (int(raw_file_count), date_directory))

            if raw_file_count == 0:
                raise Exception("problem communicating with file system")
                # If we have enough raw files accounted for and more than min_datasets, trigger
                prog_pct = (len(progress['ids'])/raw_file_count)*100
                if prog_pct >= tolerance_pct:
                    full_field_ready = True
          "found %s/%s necessary geotiffs (%s%%)" % (len(progress['ids']), int(raw_file_count),
        for trig_extractor in rulemap["extractors"]:
            results[trig_extractor] = {
                "process": full_field_ready,
                "parameters": {}
            if full_field_ready:
                results[trig_extractor]["parameters"]["output_dataset"] = "Full Field - "+date

                # Write output ID list to a text file
                output_dir = os.path.dirname(sensor_lookup.get_sensor_path(date, 'fullfield'))
      "writing %s_file_ids.json to %s" % (sensor, output_dir))
                if not os.path.exists(output_dir):
                output_file = os.path.join(output_dir, sensor+"_file_paths.json")

                # Sort IDs by file path before writing to disk
                # TODO: Eventually alternate every other image so we have half complete and half "underneath"
                paths = []
                for fid in progress['ids'].keys():
                with open(output_file, 'w') as out:
                    json.dump(sorted(paths), out)
                results[trig_extractor]["parameters"]["file_paths"] = output_file

        for trig_extractor in rulemap["extractors"]:
            results[trig_extractor] = {
                "process": False,
                "parameters": {}

    return results
alt_out = "/gpfs_scratch/vnir_netcdf"

with open(args.input, 'r') as inp:
    #for date in os.listdir(vnir_raw):
    for date in inp:
        date = date.rstrip()
        date_dir = os.path.join(vnir_raw, date)
        for timestamp in os.listdir(date_dir):
            # e.g. .../ua-mac/raw_data/VNIR/2016-04-05/2016-04-05__00-27-08-740/
            ds_dir = os.path.join(date_dir, timestamp)

            for hyperfile in os.listdir(ds_dir):
                if hyperfile.endswith("_raw"):
                    print("FOUND RAW FILE: %s" % hyperfile)
                    # Found a raw file - do we already have inputs?
                    lv1_out = sensor.get_sensor_path(timestamp)
                    if not os.path.isfile(lv1_out):
                        # Invoke
                        script_path = "/projects/arpae/terraref/shared/extractors/extractors-hyperspectral/hyperspectral/"
                        alt_out_dir = os.path.join(alt_out, date, timestamp)
                        cmd = ["bash", script_path, "-d", "1", "-h", "--new_clb_mth",
                               "-i", os.path.join(ds_dir, hyperfile),
                               "-o", os.path.join(alt_out_dir, os.path.basename(lv1_out))]

                        if not os.path.isdir(alt_out_dir):
                            print(" ".join(cmd))
                            print("ERROR ON: %s" % os.path.join(ds_dir, hyperfile))