def test_overlapping_gene_5flank(self):
        """Test that we can collect an overlapping gene on its 5' Flank """
        ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/overlapping_genes_flank")
        txs = ds.get_overlapping_transcripts("22", 22222050, 22222050, padding=100)
        self.assertTrue( len(txs) == 1)
        self.assertTrue(txs[0].get_transcript_id() == "ENST00000398822.3")

        txs = ds.get_overlapping_transcripts("22", 22224920, 22224920)
        self.assertTrue(len(txs) == 0)
 def test_hgvs_annotations_IGR(self):
     """Test that the HGVS annotations appear for IGR"""
     ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/test_hgvs_annotations_IGR_")
     m = MutationData()
     m.createAnnotation('variant_type', 'SNP')
     m.createAnnotation('build', 'hg19')
     m.createAnnotation('variant_classification', 'IGR')
     m.createAnnotation('chr', '15')
     m.createAnnotation('start', 30938316)
     m.createAnnotation('end', 30938316)
     m.createAnnotation('ref_allele', 'G')
     m.createAnnotation('alt_allele', 'A')
     m2 = ds.annotate_mutation(m)
     self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_genomic_change', None), 'chr15.hg19:g.30938316G>A')
     self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_coding_DNA_change', None), '')
     self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_protein_change', None), '')
    def test_hgvs_annotations_simple_SNP(self):
        """Test that HGVS annotations appear (incl. protein change) in a mutation, so we believe that the Transcript objects are populated properly."""
        ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/test_hgvs_annotations_")

        # Now for a negative strand
        m = MutationData()
        m.chr = "22"
        m.start = "22221730"
        m.end = "22221730"
        m.ref_allele = "T"
        m.alt_allele = "G" = "hg19"
        m2 = ds.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_genomic_change', None), 'chr22.hg19:g.22221730T>G')
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_coding_DNA_change', None), 'ENST00000215832.6:c.1A>C')
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_protein_change', None), 'ENSP00000215832:p.Met1Leu')
    def test_no_mapping_file(self):
        """Test that we can still create (from scratch) and instantiate a EnsemblDatasource when no protein mapping is specified (i.e. limited HGVS support)"""
        """Test that HGVS annotations appear (incl. protein change) in a mutation, so we believe that the Transcript objects are populated properly."""
        ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/test_hgvs_annotations_no_mapping_", protein_id_mapping_file=None)

        # Now for a negative strand
        m = MutationData()
        m.chr = "22"
        m.start = "22221730"
        m.end = "22221730"
        m.ref_allele = "T"
        m.alt_allele = "G" = "hg19"
        m2 = ds.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_genomic_change', None), 'chr22.hg19:g.22221730T>G')
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_coding_DNA_change', None), 'ENST00000215832.6:c.1A>C')
        self.assertEqual(m2.get('HGVS_protein_change', None), 'unknown_prot_seq_id:p.Met1Leu')
    def test_small_positive_strand_transcript_change(self):
        """Test one location on a transcript and make sure that the transcript change rendered properly """
        ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/small_positive_strand_")

        # Now for a negative strand
        m = MutationData()
        m.chr = "22"
        m.start = "22221730"
        m.end = "22221730"
        m.ref_allele = "T"
        m.alt_allele = "G"
        m2 = ds.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertTrue(m2['transcript_change'] == "c.1A>C", "Incorrect transcript change: " + m2['transcript_change'])

        # positive strand
        m = MutationData()
        m.chr = "3"
        m.start = "178916614"
        m.end = "178916614"
        m.ref_allele = "G"
        m.alt_allele = "T"
        m2 = ds.annotate_mutation(m)
        self.assertTrue(m2['transcript_change'] == "c.1G>T", "Incorrect transcript change: " + m2['transcript_change'])
 def test_overlapping_gene(self):
     """Test that we can collect an overlapping gene """
     ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/overlapping_genes_")
     genes = ds.get_overlapping_genes("22", 22115000, 22120000)
     self.assertTrue(len(set(["MAPK1"]) - genes) == 0)
 def test_overlapping_multiple_genes(self):
     """Test that we can collect multiple overlapping genes """
     ds = TestUtils._create_test_gencode_ds("out/overlapping_genes_multiple_")
     genes = ds.get_overlapping_genes("22", 22080000, 22120000)
     self.assertTrue(len(set(["MAPK1", "YPEL1"]) - genes) ==0 )