Example #1
def pytest_configure(config):
    # Add customer marks to ini to remove warnings
    from test import test_map as tm

    test_map = tm.get_test_map()
    vals = []
    for k in test_map:
        vals = vals + test_map[k]
    keys = np.unique(np.array(vals))
    for k in keys:
        config.addinivalue_line("markers", k.replace("-", "_"))
Example #2
def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items):
    # Map HDL project names to tests as markers
    from test import test_map as tm

    test_map = tm.get_test_map()
    test_map_keys = test_map.keys()

    for item in items:
        if item.originalname:
            for key in test_map_keys:
                if key in item.originalname:
                    for marker in test_map[key]:
                        item.add_marker(marker.replace("-", "_"))
Example #3
def pytest_configure(config):
    # Add customer marks to ini to remove warnings
    from test import test_map as tm

    test_map = tm.get_test_map()
    vals = []
    for k in test_map:
        vals = vals + test_map[k]
    keys = np.unique(np.array(vals))
    for k in keys:
        config.addinivalue_line("markers", k.replace("-", "_"))

    # Add custom marks to ini for OBS channels
        "obs_required: mark tests that require observation data paths")