def dump_pcap_on_host(self, pcapfile, timeout=5): """ Does tcpdump to a pcap file for "n" seconds on the host veth device corresponding to the eth0 interface inside the docker container. """ veth_index = "cat /sys/class/net/eth0/iflink")[1].strip() veth = self.run_from_root( "grep -l " + veth_index + " /sys/class/net/veth*/ifindex")[1].split("/")[4] run_cmd("timeout " + str(timeout) + " tcpdump -nn -A -i " + veth + " -w test/trn_func_tests/output/" + self.ip + "_" + pcapfile + "_dump.pcap >/dev/null 2>&1 &")
def local(self, cmd): ret_value = None"[LOCAL {}]: running: {}".format(, cmd)) try: out = run_cmd(cmd) ret_value = (out[0], out[1]) if (ret_value[0] != 0): logger.error("[LOCAL {}]: {}".format(, ret_value[1])) logger.debug( "[LOCAL {}]: running\n command:\n {}, \n exit_code: {},\n output:\n {}" .format(, cmd, ret_value[0], ret_value[1])) return ret_value except Exception as e: logger.error("[LOCAL {}]: {}".format(, str(e))) return None
def run_from_root(self, cmd): ret_value = run_cmd(cmd) logger.debug( "[DROPLET {}]: running from root\n command:\n {}, \n exit_code: {},\n output:\n {}" .format(, cmd, ret_value[0], ret_value[1])) return ret_value