def test_input_in_substate() -> None: @inputstep("Input Name", assignee=Assignee.SYSTEM) def input_action(state: State) -> FormGenerator: class SubForm(FormPage): a: int class TestForm(FormPage): sub: SubForm user_input = yield TestForm return user_input.dict() wf = workflow("Workflow with user interaction")( lambda: begin >> input_action >> purestep("process inputs")(Success)) log: List[Tuple[str, Process]] = [] pid = uuid4() p = ProcessStat(pid=pid, workflow=wf, state=Suspend({"sub": { "a": 1, "b": 2 }}), log=wf.steps[1:], current_user="******") result = runwf(p, logstep=store(log)) assert_success(result) assert_state(result, {"sub": {"a": 1, "b": 2}})
def test_focus_state(): @step("Step that works on substate") def substep(): return {"result": "substep"} subwf = focussteps("sub") wf = workflow("Workflow with sub workflow that focuses on sub state")( lambda: subwf(substep) >> done) log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(wf, {"sub": {}}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_complete(result) assert_state(result, {"sub": {"result": "substep"}}) # Test on empty key subwf = focussteps("sub") wf = workflow("Workflow with sub workflow that focuses on sub state")( lambda: subwf(substep) >> done) log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(wf, {}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_complete(result) assert_state(result, {"sub": {"result": "substep"}})
def test_exec_through_all_steps(): log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(sample_workflow, {}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_success(result) assert_state(result, {"steps": [1, 2, 3]})
def test_complete(): wf = workflow("WF")(lambda: init >> done) log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(wf, {"name": "completion"}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_complete(result) assert_state(result, {"name": "completion"})
def test_abort(): wf = workflow("Aborting workflow")(lambda: init >> abort) log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(wf, {"name": "aborting"}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_aborted(result) assert_state(result, {"name": "aborting"})
def test_recover(): log = [] p = ProcessStat( pid=1, workflow=sample_workflow, state=Success({"steps": [4]}), log=sample_workflow.steps[1:], current_user="******", ) result = runwf(p, store(log)) assert_success(result) assert_state(result, {"steps": [4, 2, 3]})
def test_remove_tasks(task): result, process, step_log = run_workflow("task_clean_up_tasks", {}) assert_complete(result) res = extract_state(result) state = { "process_id": res["process_id"], "reporter": "john.doe", "tasks_removed": 1 } assert_state(result, state) processes = ProcessTable.query.all() assert len(processes) == 3 assert sorted(p.workflow for p in processes) == sorted( ["nice and new task", "nice process", "task_clean_up_tasks"])
def test_resume_workflow(waiting_process): with mock.patch("") as m: result, process, step_log = run_workflow("task_resume_workflows", {}) assert_complete(result) # res = extract_state(result) state = { "process_id": res["process_id"], "reporter": "john.doe", "number_of_waiting_processes": 1, "number_of_resumed_pids": 1, "waiting_pids": [str(PID)], "resumed_pids": [str(PID)], } assert_state(result, state) m.assert_called_once()
def test_conditionally_skip_a_step(): @step("Inc N") def inc_n(n=0): return {"n": n + 1} limit_to_10 = conditional(lambda s: s.get("n", 0) < 10) incs = [limit_to_10(inc_n) for _ in range(0, 25)] wf = workflow("Limit the number of increments")( lambda: init >> reduce(lambda acc, e: acc >> e, incs) >> done) log = [] pstat = create_new_process_stat(wf, {}) result = runwf(pstat, store(log)) assert_complete(result) # from ipdb import set_trace; set_trace() assert_state(result, {"n": 10}) assert len([x for x in log if x[1].isskipped()]) == 15, "15 steps should be skipped"