def _get_cnn_output(self, inputs, model_name): """ Get conditional probabilities for input maps from the trained CNN model. """ outputs_path = self.cnn_outputs_path # if CNN output is there, load it if os.path.isfile(outputs_path): return np.load(outputs_path) # otherwise get it from CNN model model_path = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)))\ + '/trained_models/' + model_name cnn_model = get_model(model_path) # add color channel axis for network input inputs = np.expand_dims(inputs, axis=1) outputs = cnn_model(inputs), outputs) return outputs
def get_cnn_output(self): """ Get the conditional probabilities from the trained model. """ trained_models_path = self.config.trained_model_path model_path = trained_models_path + self.model_name save_path = '{}/{}_{}_output.npy'.format(model_path, self.width, self.height) if os.path.isfile(save_path) and (not self.force_predict): probs = np.load(save_path) else: if self.cnn_model is None: self.cnn_model = get_model(model_path) # probs has shape (num_channels, width, height) probs = self.cnn_model([None, None, :, :])[0], probs) return probs
def train_with_pars(conf_file, loss_fn, exp_folder, exp_name, **parameters): f = fileinput.input(files=(conf_file), inplace=True) for line in f: write_str = line for par_name in parameters: assign_str = par_name + ' = ' if line.startswith(assign_str): write_str = assign_str + str(parameters[par_name]) + '\n' print(write_str, end='') f.close() print('', end='\n') cf = imp.load_source('config', conf_file) cf.savepath = exp_folder + exp_name cf.config_path = conf_file initiate_training(cf) pred_fn = get_model(exp_folder + exp_name) return test(pred_fn, loss_fn, mode='val')
if not dataset: dataset = 'test' if not show_num: show_num = 10 config_path_root = '/local/home/ful7rng/projects/transition/' if not config_file: config_path = config_path_root + '' else: config_path = config_path_root + config_file + '.py' cf = imp.load_source('config', config_path) trained_models_path = cf.project_folder + '/trained_models/' models_names_ = [trained_models_path+name for name in models_names] models = [get_model(name) for name in models_names_] train_iter, val_iter, test_iter = get_iters(config_path) if dataset == 'train': iter = train_iter elif dataset == 'val': iter = val_iter elif dataset == 'test': iter = test_iter # randomly iterate until any batch for _ in range(np.random.randint(1, iter.get_n_batches(), 1)): inputs, outputs, masks = directions = cf.directions
from sklearn.preprocessing import normalize print(tf.__version__) imported = tf.saved_model.load('./tf_arcface_mobilefacenet/') concrete_func = imported.signatures['serving_default'] print(concrete_func.structured_outputs) print(concrete_func.inputs) img = cv2.imread('./aligned_faces/000/000_0.bmp') img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) input_data = np.asarray(img, np.float32) output = concrete_func(tf.convert_to_tensor(np.expand_dims(input_data, axis=0))) print(output) arcface_mx = get_model('./model/model-y1-test2', mx.cpu()) print('get list file') aligned_faces_dir = '.\\aligned_faces' idx_list, image_idx_list = get_idx_list(aligned_faces_dir) print(idx_list[0], image_idx_list[0]) features = [] total_time = 0 total_time_arcface = 0 features_arcface = [] for image_idx in image_idx_list: idx, img_name = image_idx origin_img = cv2.imread(os.path.join(aligned_faces_dir, idx, img_name)) t = time.time() img = cv2.cvtColor(origin_img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB) f = concrete_func(
def train(): fcscnn = get_model() fcscnn_test = test.get_model() raw_list_temp, fix_list_temp = get_all_training_list() learning_rate = 0.002 momentum = 0.9 max_grad_norm = 5000 # optmzr = mx.optimizer.SGD(momentum = momentum, learning_rate = learning_rate, wd = 0.0002) optmzr = mx.optimizer.Adam(learning_rate=learning_rate, beta1=0.9, beta2=0.999, epsilon=1e-07, decay_factor=0.99999999) # optmzr = mx.optimizer.RMSProp(gamma1=0.95, gamma2=0.9) # optmzr = mx.optimizer.SGLD(learning_rate = learning_rate, wd = 0.0002, rescale_grad = 1.0, clip_gradient = 10.0) # optmzr = mx.optimizer.AdaDelta(rho=0.9, epsilon=1e-05, wd = 0.0002) # optmzr = mx.optimizer.AdaGrad(eps=1e-07) # optmzr = mx.optimizer.ccSGD(momentum=0.9, rescale_grad=1.0, clip_gradient=-1.0) updater = mx.optimizer.get_updater(optmzr) arg_dict_params = mx.nd.load('.\\params\\saving\\arg_dict.params') aux_dict_params = mx.nd.load('.\\params\\saving\\aux_dict.params') for arg in fcscnn.arg_dict: for param in arg_dict_params: if arg == param: if fcscnn.arg_dict[arg].shape != arg_dict_params[param].shape: print arg + ' is wrong' continue fcscnn.arg_dict[arg][:] = arg_dict_params[param].asnumpy() print 'using old ' + arg for aux in fcscnn.aux_dict: for param in aux_dict_params: if aux == param: if fcscnn.aux_dict[aux].shape != aux_dict_params[param].shape: print aux + ' is wrong' continue fcscnn.aux_dict[aux][:] = aux_dict_params[param].asnumpy() print 'using old ' + aux # params = mx.nd.load('.\\params\\vgg19.params') # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_0_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv1_1_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_1_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv1_2_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_2_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv2_1_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_3_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv2_2_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_4_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv3_1_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_5_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv3_2_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_6_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv3_3_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_lcl_7_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv3_4_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_glb_0_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv1_1_weight'].asnumpy() # fcscnn.arg_dict['conv_glb_1_weight'][:] = params['arg:conv1_2_weight'].asnumpy() for k in range(0, num_epoch): raw_list, fix_list, _ = shuffle_list(raw_list_temp, fix_list_temp) for i in range(0,int(1980/40)): raw_list_patch = raw_list[i*40 : (i+1)*40] # 40张图, 40*32, 共10个minibatch,每个minibatch含有128个regions fix_list_patch = fix_list[i*40 : (i+1)*40] # 40张fix map # lcl_region_list has 40*32=1280 regions lcl_region_list, glb_region_list, fix_region_list = get_shuffled_regions(raw_list_patch, fix_list_patch) print 'this batch has ' + str(len(lcl_region_list)) + ' patches' if len(lcl_region_list) < 1280: print 'jump over this 10 batch for not enough valid patches...' continue for j in range(0,10): batch_lcl = np.empty((128, 3, 48, 48)) batch_glb = np.empty((128, 3, 48, 48)) batch_fix = np.empty((128, 1, 8, 8)) for idx in range(0,128): batch_lcl[idx] = lcl_region_list[j*128+idx] batch_glb[idx] = glb_region_list[j*128+idx] batch_fix[idx] = fix_region_list[j*128+idx] # print np.max(batch_lcl) # print np.min(batch_lcl) # print np.max(batch_glb) # print np.min(batch_glb) fcscnn.data_lcl[:] = batch_lcl fcscnn.data_glb[:] = batch_glb fcscnn.label[:] = batch_fix fcscnn.exc.forward(is_train = True) fcscnn.exc.backward() print 'max: '+str(np.max(fcscnn.exc.outputs[0].asnumpy()))+'...'+str((np.max(batch_fix))) print 'mea: '+str(np.mean(fcscnn.exc.outputs[0].asnumpy()))+'...'+str((np.mean(batch_fix))) print 'min: '+str(np.min(fcscnn.exc.outputs[0].asnumpy()))+'...'+str((np.min(batch_fix))) norm = 0 for name in fcscnn.grd_dict: l2_norm = mx.nd.norm(fcscnn.grd_dict[name] / 128.0).asscalar() norm = norm + l2_norm * l2_norm norm = math.sqrt(norm) print str(i) + 'th batch pack end at ' + str(i*40+j*4) + 'th pic with grad norm: ' + str(norm) + ' ,epoch ' + str(k) + ', at ' + str(datetime.utcnow()) for idx in range(0, len(fcscnn.arg_name_list)): name = fcscnn.arg_name_list[idx] # fcscnn.grd_dict[name] \\= 64.0 if norm > max_grad_norm: fcscnn.grd_dict[name][:] = fcscnn.grd_dict[name] * (max_grad_norm / norm) updater(index = idx, weight = fcscnn.arg_dict[name], grad = fcscnn.grd_dict[name])#, state = fcscnn.aux_dict[name]) fcscnn.grd_dict[name][:] = 0 # ================================================================================'.\\params\\saving\\arg_dict.params', fcscnn.arg_dict)'.\\params\\saving\\grd_dict.params', fcscnn.grd_dict)'.\\params\\saving\\aux_dict.params', fcscnn.aux_dict) # test ... if j%2 == 0: rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, 1980) raw_img = raw_list[rand_idx] fix_img = fix_list[rand_idx] print 'testing on ' + str(i) + 'th img :' + raw_img test.test(raw_img, fix_img, fcscnn_test, k , i, j)
return args if __name__ == '__main__': """ python <path_to_image> 1. Loads an image with opencv. 2. Preprocesses it for VGG19 and converts to a pytorch variable. 3. Makes a forward pass to find the category index with the highest score, and computes intermediate activations. Makes the visualization. """ #args = get_args() image-path = "imgs/women2.jpg" use_cuda = True opt = TestOptions().parse() models = test.get_model() # Can work with any model, but it assumes that the model has a # feature method, and a classifier method, # as in the VGG models in torchvision. grad_cam = GradCam(model = models, \ target_layer_names = ["7"], use_cuda=use_cuda) img = cv2.imread(image_path, 1) img = np.float32(cv2.resize(img, (128, 64))) / 255 input = preprocess_image(img) # If None, returns the map for the highest scoring category. # Otherwise, targets the requested index. target_index = None mask = grad_cam(input, target_index)
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from test import get_model,get_mnist_test_data import time X_test = get_mnist_test_data() model = get_model() # Get 25 random numbers between 0 and 28000 random_idx = np.random.random_integers(0,28000,size=25) # Predict for the randomly selected 25 images y_test = np.argmax(model.predict(X_test[random_idx],verbose=0),axis=1) # A function to generate a grid of the 25 images with their corresponding predicted values def generate_grid(): plt.figure() for i in range(25): plt.subplot(5,5,i) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(X_test[random_idx[i],0,:,:],cmap=cm.binary) plt.text(3,5,str(y_test[i]),fontsize=15,bbox={'alpha':0.3,'pad':9}) # Display the images with their predicted values at intervals of 5 seconds for i in range(25): plt.figure() plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(X_test[random_idx[i],0,:,:],cmap=cm.binary) plt.text(3,4,str(y_test[i]),fontsize=40,bbox={'alpha':0.5,'pad':10})
import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import as cm from test import get_model, get_mnist_test_data import time X_test = get_mnist_test_data() model = get_model() # Get 25 random numbers between 0 and 28000 random_idx = np.random.random_integers(0, 28000, size=25) # Predict for the randomly selected 25 images y_test = np.argmax(model.predict(X_test[random_idx], verbose=0), axis=1) # A function to generate a grid of the 25 images with their corresponding predicted values def generate_grid(): plt.figure() for i in range(25): plt.subplot(5, 5, i) plt.axis('off') plt.imshow(X_test[random_idx[i], 0, :, :], cmap=cm.binary) plt.text(3, 5, str(y_test[i]), fontsize=15, bbox={ 'alpha': 0.3, 'pad': 9 })