def main(): try: random.seed(42) ins_size = 20 step = 4 label_option = 100 #training data trainDS = trainds.read_data_sets(ins_size, step, label_option); classifier = skflow.TensorFlowDNNClassifier( hidden_units =[500,1000,500], n_classes = label_option, batch_size = 200000, steps = 1, learning_rate = 0.01), np.argmax(trainDS.train.labels, axis = 1)) data_filename = 'skflow.txt' start_time = time.time() number = np.zeros((41,4)) index = -1 for det in range(1,8): if (det!=6): num_n = 6 else: num_n = 5 for n in range(0,num_n): index = index + 1 temp = np.zeros((3,1)) for angle in range(1,4): filename = '../../images/detector_' + str(det) + '_no_' + str(n) \ + '_angle_' + str(angle) + '.jpg' elapse_time = (time.time()-start_time) if(elapse_time >= 1): remain_time = elapse_time/(index*3+angle-1)*41*3-elapse_time print 'Processing .. ' + filename \ + time.strftime(" %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapse_time)) \ + ' has past. ' + 'Remaining time: ' \ + time.strftime(" %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(remain_time)) else: print 'Processing .. ' + filename \ + time.strftime(" %H:%M:%S", time.gmtime(elapse_time)) \ + ' has past' img = io.imread(filename) testDS = testds.read_data_sets(img, ins_size, step) batch_num = testDS.test.ylength batch_size = testDS.test.xlength y = classifier.predict(testDS.test.images) temp[angle-1] = np.sum(y) number[index,1] = np.mean(y) number[index,2] = np.std(y) manual_count = np.array([1,27,40,79,122,160,1,18,28,42,121,223,0,11,24,46,\ 142,173,3,19,23,76,191,197,0,15,24,45,91,152,0,\ 16,27,34,88,0,9,12,69,104,123]) number[:,0] = manual_count.T number.tofile(data_filename,sep=" ") sess = tf.Session(); _y = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None], name="y") p = tf.reshape(tf.to_float(_y),[batch_num, batch_size]) test_result = tf.reshape(p, [1, batch_num, batch_size, 1]) _test_label = tf.image_summary("Test Label", test_result, max_images=1) merged_image = tf.merge_summary([_test_label]) writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter("/tmp/neuralnetwork_logs", \ sess.graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True)) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() feed = {_y:y} result_image =[merged_image, test_result], feed_dict=feed) writer.add_summary(result_image[0]) sess.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Shutdown requested... exiting" except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(0)
def main(): try: ins_size = 20 step = 4 label_option = 100 sess = tf.Session() #training data trainDS = trainds.read_data_sets(ins_size, step,label_option); #testing data testfile = '../../images/detector_2_no_5_angle_2.jpg' img = io.imread(testfile) testDS = testds.read_data_sets(img, ins_size, step) batch_num = testDS.test.ylength batch_size = testDS.test.xlength # Create the model x = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, shape=[None, ins_size**2*3], name = "x_input") y_ = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, label_option], name="y_input") batch_index = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, shape = [], name = "batch_index") W = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([(ins_size**2*3),label_option]), name = "weights") b = tf.Variable(tf.zeros([label_option]), name = "bias") p_train = tf.Variable(tf.ones([batch_num,batch_size]), name = "probability") p_test = tf.Variable(tf.ones([batch_num,batch_size]), name = "probability") with tf.name_scope("Wx_b") as scope: y = tf.nn.softmax(tf.matmul(x, W) + b) #Add summary ops to collect data w_hist = tf.histogram_summary("weights", W) b_hist = tf.histogram_summary("biases", b) y_hist = tf.histogram_summary("y", y) # Define loss and optimizer with tf.name_scope("xent") as scope: cross_entropy = -tf.reduce_sum(y_*tf.log(y)) ce_summ = tf.scalar_summary("cross entropy", cross_entropy) with tf.name_scope("train") as scope: p_train_batch = tf.reshape(tf.to_float(tf.argmax(y_,1)),[1, batch_size]) update_op_train = tf.scatter_update(p_train, tf.expand_dims(batch_index%batch_num, 0),p_train_batch) train_step = tf.train.GradientDescentOptimizer(0.00001).minimize(cross_entropy) with tf.name_scope("test") as scope: p_test_batch = tf.reshape(tf.to_float(tf.argmax(y,1)),[1, batch_size]) update_op_test = tf.scatter_update(p_test, tf.expand_dims(batch_index, 0),p_test_batch) #tf.expand_dims(p_test_batch, 0)) #Image Summary: train_label = tf.reshape(p_train, [1, batch_num, batch_size, 1]) test_image = tf.reshape(tf.convert_to_tensor(img, dtype=tf.float32), \ [1, img.shape[0], img.shape[1], 3]) test_result = tf.reshape(p_test, [1, batch_num, batch_size, 1]) _train_label = tf.image_summary("Train Label", train_label, max_images=1) _test_image = tf.image_summary("Test Image", test_image, max_images=1) _test_label = tf.image_summary("Test Label", test_result, max_images=1) merged_train = tf.merge_summary([ \ w_hist, b_hist, y_hist, ce_summ]) merged_image = tf.merge_summary([ \ _train_label, _test_image, _test_label]) writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter("/tmp/neuralnetwork_logs", \ sess.graph.as_graph_def(add_shapes=True)) init = tf.initialize_all_variables() #train for i in range(batch_num*1000): batch_xs, batch_ys = trainDS.train.next_batch(batch_size) feed = {x: batch_xs, y_: batch_ys, batch_index: i}[update_op_train, train_step], feed_dict=feed) if i % 100 == 0: # Record summary data if i % 1000 == 0: print i result =[merged_train, \ update_op_train, train_step], feed_dict=feed) writer.add_summary(result[0], i) else:[update_op_train, train_step], feed_dict=feed),[W,b])) #test for i in range(batch_num): batch_xs = testDS.test.next_batch(batch_size) feed = {x: batch_xs, batch_index: i, y_: np.ones((batch_size, label_option))} result =, feed_dict=feed) result_image = writer.add_summary(result_image, batch_num) sess.close() except KeyboardInterrupt: print "Shutdown requested... exiting" except Exception: traceback.print_exc(file=sys.stdout) sys.exit(0)