def processAndClassify(frame): backgroundClass = 3 predictionArray = [] centroidArray = [] # Convert the image into a grayscale image grayScaleInput = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply meanshift on the RGB image meanShiftResult = prePro.meanShift(frame) # Convert the result of the Mean shifted image into Grayscale meanShiftGray = cv2.cvtColor(meanShiftResult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply adaptive thresholding on the resulting greyscale image meanShiftAdapResult = prePro.adapThresh(meanShiftGray) # Draw Contours on the Input image with results from the meanshift contourPlot = prePro.contourDraw(frame, meanShiftAdapResult) # Find the contours on the mean shifted image contours, hierarchy = prePro.contourFindFull(meanShiftAdapResult) # Find the contours on the mean shifted image boundBoxContour = grayScaleInput.copy() frameBoundingBox = frame.copy() # For each contour for cnt in contours: # If the area covered by the contour is greater than 500 pixels if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>20: # Get the bounding box of the contour [x, y, w, h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) # Get the moments of the each contour for computing the centroid of the contour moments = cv2.moments(cnt) if moments['m00']!=0: cx = int(moments['m10']/moments['m00']) # cx = M10/M00 cy = int(moments['m01']/moments['m00']) # cy = M01/M00 centroid = (cx,cy) # cx,cy are the centroid of the contour extendBBox = 10 # Extend it by 10 pixels to avoid missing the key points on the edges roiImage = boundBoxContour[y-extendBBox:y+h+extendBBox, x-extendBBox:x+w+extendBBox] roiImageFiltered = roiImage # Detect the corner key points kp, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDetectCorner(roiImageFiltered) # Use the ORB feature detector and descriptor on the contour kp, des, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDescriptorORB(roiImageFiltered, kp) if np.size(kp)>0: histPoints = tH.histogramContour(des) prediction = tC.classify(np.float32(histPoints)) ## If the predicted class is not the background class then add the prediction to the prediction array and get its centroid if prediction != backgroundClass: cv2.rectangle(frameBoundingBox,(x,y),(x+w,y+h),(0,255,0),2) return contourPlot
def processAndClassify(frame): backgroundClass = 3 predictionArray = [] centroidArray = [] # Convert the image into a grayscale image grayScaleInput = cv2.cvtColor(frame, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply meanshift on the RGB image meanShiftResult = prePro.meanShift(frame) # Convert the result of the Mean shifted image into Grayscale meanShiftGray = cv2.cvtColor(meanShiftResult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply adaptive thresholding on the resulting greyscale image meanShiftAdapResult = prePro.adapThresh(meanShiftGray) # Draw Contours on the Input image with results from the meanshift contourPlot = prePro.contourDraw(frame, meanShiftAdapResult) #cv2.imwrite('contourPlot.png',contourPlot) # Find the contours on the mean shifted image contours, hierarchy = prePro.contourFindFull(meanShiftAdapResult) # Find the contours on the mean shifted image boundBoxContour = grayScaleInput.copy() frameBoundingBox = frame.copy() # For each contour for cnt in contours: # If the area covered by the contour is greater than 500 pixels if cv2.contourArea(cnt) > 20: # Get the bounding box of the contour [x, y, w, h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) # Get the moments of the each contour for computing the centroid of the contour moments = cv2.moments(cnt) if moments['m00'] != 0: cx = int(moments['m10'] / moments['m00']) # cx = M10/M00 cy = int(moments['m01'] / moments['m00']) # cy = M01/M00 centroid = (cx, cy) # cx,cy are the centroid of the contour extendBBox = 10 # Extend it by 10 pixels to avoid missing the key points on the edges roiImage = boundBoxContour[y - extendBBox:y + h + extendBBox, x - extendBBox:x + w + extendBBox] roiImageFiltered = roiImage # Detect the corner key points kp, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDetectCorner( roiImageFiltered) # Use the ORB feature detector and descriptor on the contour kp, des, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDescriptorORB( roiImageFiltered, kp) if np.size(kp) > 0: histPoints = tH.histogramContour(des) prediction = tC.classify(np.float32(histPoints)) ## If the predicted class is not the background class then add the prediction to the prediction array and get its centroid if prediction != backgroundClass: cv2.rectangle(frameBoundingBox, (x, y), (x + w, y + h), (0, 255, 0), 2) return predictionArray, centr
def processAndClassify(frame,codeBookCenters, svm): objects = ['waterkettle', 'milkcarton', 'trashcan', 'coffeemug', 'kettleBackground','milkcartonBackground','trashcanBackground', 'mugBackground', 'Background']; backgroundClass = 10 predictionArray = [] centroidArray = [] labels = [] # Convert the image into a grayscale image framecopy = frame.copy() grayScaleInput = cv2.cvtColor(framecopy, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply meanshift on the RGB image meanShiftResult = prePro.meanShift(np.uint8(framecopy)) #plt.imshow(meanShiftResult) # Convert the result of the Mean shifted image into Grayscale meanShiftGray = cv2.cvtColor(meanShiftResult, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY) # Apply adaptive thresholding on the resulting greyscale image meanShiftAdapResult = prePro.adapThresh(meanShiftGray) # kernel = np.ones((5,5),np.uint8) # opening = cv2.dilate(meanShiftAdapResult,kernel,iterations=1) # Draw Contours on the Input image with results from the meanshift # Find the contours on the mean shifted image contours, hierarchy = prePro.contourFindFull(meanShiftAdapResult) ## Use Histogram equalabs #boundingBoxContour = opening boundBoxContour = grayScaleInput.copy() #boundBoxContour = cv2.equalizeHist(grayScaleInput.copy()) count = 0 # For each contour for cnt in contours: # If the area covered by the contour is greater than 500 pixels if cv2.contourArea(cnt)>500: # Get the bounding box of the contour [x, y, w, h] = cv2.boundingRect(cnt) # Get the moments of the each contour for computing the centroid of the contour moments = cv2.moments(cnt) if moments['m00']!=0: cx = int(moments['m10']/moments['m00']) # cx = M10/M00 cy = int(moments['m01']/moments['m00']) # cy = M01/M00 centroid = (cx,cy) # cx,cy are the centroid of the contour extendBBox20 = 20 extendBBox10 = 10 left = 0 right = 0 top = 0 bottom = 0 # #Extend it by 10 pixels to avoid missing the key points on the edges if x-extendBBox20 > 0: left = x-extendBBox20 elif x-extendBBox10 > 0: left = x-extendBBox10 else: left = x if y-extendBBox20 > 0: top = y-extendBBox20 elif y-extendBBox10 > 0: top = y-extendBBox10 else: top = y if x+w+extendBBox20 < boundBoxContour.shape[0]: right = x+w+extendBBox20 elif x+w+extendBBox10 < boundBoxContour.shape[0]: right = x+w+extendBBox10 else: right = x+w if y+h+extendBBox20 < boundBoxContour.shape[1]: bottom = y+h+extendBBox20 elif y+h+extendBBox10 < boundBoxContour.shape[1]: bottom = y+h+extendBBox10 else: bottom = y+h roiImage = boundBoxContour[top:bottom,left:right] #roiImage = boundBoxContour[y-extendBBox:y+h+extendBBox, x-extendBBox:x+w+extendBBox] #roiImageFiltered = cv2.equalizeHist(roiImage) roiImageFiltered = roiImage count +=1 # Detect the corner key points kp, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDetectCorner(roiImageFiltered) # Use the ORB feature detector and descriptor on the contour kp, des, roiKeyPointImage = detDes.featureDescriptorORB(roiImageFiltered, kp) if np.size(kp)>0: histPoints = tH.histogramContour(des,codeBookCenters) prediction = tC.classify(histPoints, svm) #print prediction ## If the predicted class is not the background class then add the prediction to the prediction array and get its centroid if prediction < backgroundClass: predictionArray.append(prediction) centroidArray.append(centroid) labels.append(objects[]) return predictionArray, centroidArray,labels