def test_cython_0(a, b, c_result):
    time1 = time()
    c = test_cython4_fpmath.test_0(a, b)
    time2 = time()
    print("Execution time of Cython on float32: ", time2 - time1, "s")
    error = 0
    i = 0
    bigest_error = 0.0
    diff_err = 0.0
    n_0 = c.__len__()
    while (i < n_0) and (error == 0):
        if c[i] != c_result[i]:
            diff_err = numpy.abs(c[i] - c_result[i])
            if  diff_err > bigest_error:
                bigest_error = diff_err
        if diff_err > 5*1e-16:
            error = 1
            i += 1
    if error:
        print("Results doesn't match with biggest error: ", bigest_error)
        print("Results OK, with biggest numerical error:", bigest_error)
def test_cython_0(a, b):
    time1 = time()
    c = test_cython4_fpmath.test_0(a, b)
    time2 = time()
    print("Execution time of Cython on float32: ", time2 - time1, "s")