def test_autoattribute_typed_variable(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'target.typed_vars.Class.attr2')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:attribute:: Class.attr2',
        '   :module: target.typed_vars',
        '   :type: int',
def test_autoclass_content_init(app):
    app.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
    options = {"members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.autoclass_content', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.autoclass_content',
        '.. py:class:: A()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having no __init__, no __new__',
        '.. py:class:: B()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having __init__(no docstring), no __new__',
        '.. py:class:: C()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   __init__ docstring',
        '.. py:class:: D()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having no __init__, __new__(no docstring)',
        '.. py:class:: E()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   __new__ docstring',
        '.. py:class:: F()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   __init__ docstring',
        '.. py:class:: G()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   __init__ docstring',
        '.. py:class:: H()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   __new__ docstring',
Example #3
def test_autoclass_content_class(app):
    app.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
    options = {"members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.autoclass_content', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.autoclass_content',
        '.. py:class:: A',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having no __init__, no __new__',
        '.. py:class:: B()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having __init__(no docstring), no __new__',
        '.. py:class:: C()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having __init__, no __new__',
        '.. py:class:: D',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having no __init__, __new__(no docstring)',
        '.. py:class:: E',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having no __init__, __new__',
        '.. py:class:: F()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class having both __init__ and __new__',
        '.. py:class:: G()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class inherits __init__ without docstring.',
        '.. py:class:: H()',
        '   :module: target.autoclass_content',
        '   A class inherits __new__ without docstring.',
Example #4
def test_autodoc_type_aliases(app):
    # default
    options = {"members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.annotations', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.annotations',
        '.. py:function:: mult(x: int, y: int) -> int',
        '                 mult(x: float, y: float) -> float',
        '   :module: target.annotations',
        '   docstring',
        '.. py:function:: sum(x: int, y: int) -> int',
        '   :module: target.annotations',
        '   docstring',

    # define aliases
    app.config.autodoc_type_aliases = {'myint': 'myint'}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.annotations', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.annotations',
        '.. py:function:: mult(x: myint, y: myint) -> myint',
        '                 mult(x: float, y: float) -> float',
        '   :module: target.annotations',
        '   docstring',
        '.. py:function:: sum(x: myint, y: myint) -> myint',
        '   :module: target.annotations',
        '   docstring',
Example #5
def test_wrapped_function_contextmanager(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.wrappedfunction.feeling_good')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: feeling_good(x: int, y: int) -> Generator',
        '   :module: target.wrappedfunction',
        "   You'll feel better in this context!",
def test_wrapped_function(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.wrappedfunction.slow_function')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: slow_function(message, timeout)',
        '   :module: target.wrappedfunction',
        '   This function is slow.',
Example #7
def test_callable(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.callable.function')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: function(arg1, arg2, **kwargs)',
        '   :module: target.callable',
        '   A callable object that behaves like a function.',
Example #8
def test_method(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.callable.method')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: method(arg1, arg2)',
        '   :module: target.callable',
        '   docstring of Callable.method().',
Example #9
def test_builtin_function(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'os.umask')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: umask(mask, /)',
        '   :module: os',
        '   Set the current numeric umask and return the previous umask.',
Example #10
def test_methoddescriptor(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', '')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: __add__(self, value, /)',
        '   :module:',
        '   Return self+value.',
Example #11
def test_autodata_typed_variable(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'data', 'target.typed_vars.attr2')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:data:: attr2',
        '   :module: target.typed_vars',
        '   :type: str',
        '   attr2',
Example #12
def test_autodata_novalue(app):
    options = {'no-value': True}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'data', 'target.integer', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:data:: integer',
        '   :module: target',
        '   documentation for the integer',
Example #13
def test_autodata(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'data', 'target.integer')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:data:: integer',
        '   :module: target',
        '   :value: 1',
        '   documentation for the integer',
def test_autoattribute(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'target.Class.attr')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
        '   :module: target',
        "   :value: 'bar'",
        '   should be documented -- süß',
def test_autoattribute_novalue(app):
    options = {'no-value': True}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'attribute', 'target.Class.attr', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:attribute:: Class.attr',
        '   :module: target',
        '   should be documented -- süß',
def test_autodoc_inherit_docstrings(app):
    assert app.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings is True  # default
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method',
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:method:: Derived.inheritedmeth()',
        '   :module: target.inheritance',
        '   Inherited function.',

    # disable autodoc_inherit_docstrings
    app.config.autodoc_inherit_docstrings = False
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'method',
    assert list(actual) == [
        '', '.. py:method:: Derived.inheritedmeth()',
        '   :module: target.inheritance', ''
Example #17
def test_process_docstring(app):
    def on_process_docstring(app, what, name, obj, options, lines):
        lines.append('my docstring')

    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', on_process_docstring)

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.process_docstring.func')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '', '.. py:function:: func()', '   :module: target.process_docstring',
        '', '   my docstring'
def test_between(app):
    app.connect('autodoc-process-docstring', between('---', ['function']))

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.process_docstring.func')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: func()',
        '   :module: target.process_docstring',
        '   second line',
Example #19
def test_autodata_type_comment(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'data', 'target.typed_vars.attr3')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:data:: attr3',
        '   :module: target.typed_vars',
        '   :type: str',
        "   :value: ''",
        '   attr3',
Example #20
def test_cfunction(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'time.asctime')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: asctime([tuple]) -> string',
        '   :module: time',
        "   Convert a time tuple to a string, e.g. 'Sat Jun 06 16:26:11 1998'.",
        '   When the time tuple is not present, current time as returned by localtime()',
        '   is used.',
Example #21
def test_singledispatch(app):
    options = {}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.singledispatch.func', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: func(arg, kwarg=None)',
        '                 func(arg: int, kwarg=None)',
        '                 func(arg: str, kwarg=None)',
        '   :module: target.singledispatch',
        '   A function for general use.',
def test_show_inheritance_for_subclass_of_generic_type(app):
    options = {'show-inheritance': True}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.classes.Quux', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:class:: Quux(iterable=(), /)',
        '   :module: target.classes',
        '   Bases: :class:`List`\\ [:obj:`Union`\\ [:class:`int`, :class:`float`]]',
        '   A subclass of List[Union[int, float]]',
Example #23
def test_autoclass_content_and_docstring_signature_class(app):
    app.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
    options = {"members": None, "undoc-members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.docstring_signature', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '', '.. py:module:: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: A(foo, bar)', '   :module: target.docstring_signature',
        '', '', '.. py:class:: B(foo, bar)',
        '   :module: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: C(foo, bar)', '   :module: target.docstring_signature',
        '', '', '.. py:class:: D()', '   :module: target.docstring_signature',
Example #24
def test_autodoc_typehints_signature(app):
    options = {"members": None, "undoc-members": True}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.typehints', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.typehints',
        '.. py:class:: Math(s: str, o: object = None)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.decr(a: int, b: int = 1) -> int',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: str, b: int) -> None',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.incr(a: int, b: int = 1) -> int',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.nothing() -> None',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: complex_func(arg1: str, arg2: List[int], arg3: Tuple[int, '
        'Union[str, Unknown]] = None, *args: str, **kwargs: str) -> None',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: decr(a: int, b: int = 1) -> int',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: incr(a: int, b: int = 1) -> int',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: missing_attr(c, a: str, b: Optional[str] = None) -> str',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: tuple_args(x: Tuple[int, Union[int, str]]) -> Tuple[int, int]',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
def test_classes(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Foo')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: Foo()',
        '   :module: target.classes',

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Bar')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: Bar(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.classes',

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'function', 'target.classes.Baz')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:function:: Baz(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.classes',
def test_decorators(app):
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Baz')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:class:: Baz(name=None, age=None)',
        '   :module: target.decorator',

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Qux')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:class:: Qux(name=None, age=None)',
        '   :module: target.decorator',

    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'class', 'target.decorator.Quux')
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:class:: Quux(name=None, age=None)',
        '   :module: target.decorator',
Example #27
def test_autodoc_typehints_none(app):
    options = {"members": None, "undoc-members": True}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.typehints', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.typehints',
        '.. py:class:: Math(s, o=None)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.decr(a, b=1)',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method::, b)',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.incr(a, b=1)',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.nothing()',
        '      :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: complex_func(arg1, arg2, arg3=None, *args, **kwargs)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: decr(a, b=1)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: incr(a, b=1)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: missing_attr(c, a, b=None)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
        '.. py:function:: tuple_args(x)',
        '   :module: target.typehints',
def test_private_members(app):
    app.config.autoclass_content = 'class'
    options = {"members": None, "private-members": "_public_function"}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.private', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.private',
        '.. py:function:: _public_function(name)',
        '   :module: target.private',
        '   public_function is a docstring().',
        '   :meta public:',
def test_autoclass_content_and_docstring_signature_init(app):
    app.config.autoclass_content = 'init'
    options = {"members": None, "undoc-members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.docstring_signature', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '', '.. py:module:: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: A(foo, bar)', '   :module: target.docstring_signature',
        '', '', '.. py:class:: B(foo, bar, baz)',
        '   :module: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: C(foo, bar, baz)',
        '   :module: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: D(foo, bar, baz)',
        '   :module: target.docstring_signature', '', '',
        '.. py:class:: E(foo: int, bar: int, baz: int) -> None',
        '              E(foo: str, bar: str, baz: str) -> None',
        '   :module: target.docstring_signature', ''
Example #30
def test_autodoc_typehints_none_for_overload(app):
    options = {"members": None}
    actual = do_autodoc(app, 'module', 'target.overload', options)
    assert list(actual) == [
        '.. py:module:: target.overload',
        '.. py:class:: Bar(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.overload',
        '   docstring',
        '.. py:class:: Baz(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.overload',
        '   docstring',
        '.. py:class:: Foo(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.overload',
        '   docstring',
        '.. py:class:: Math()',
        '   :module: target.overload',
        '   docstring',
        '   .. py:method:: Math.sum(x, y)',
        '      :module: target.overload',
        '      docstring',
        '.. py:function:: sum(x, y)',
        '   :module: target.overload',
        '   docstring',