A simple program that will import your tests and run them all!
Be sure you include tests for your other modules like cells and player!

Usage: python3 test_all.py

import subprocess
from test_game import run_tests as test_game
from test_grid import run_tests as test_grid
from test_parser import run_tests as test_parser

print("### Running unit tests! ###")


# Run the e2e script
        cnt = 1 - cnt

    for state in game_states:
        move, situation = state[0], tuple(state[1:])
        strategy_record_scr[situation] += score(move, win_flag)
        strategy_record_tot[situation] += 1
	for state in game_states:
		move, choices, KNOWNS, HMAID, deck, drop = state
		situation = tuple(state[1:])
		strategy_loaded[(str(choices),str(KNOWNS),HMAID,str(deck))][drop] = strategy_record_scr[situation]/strategy_record_tot[situation]

    if games_count % 100000 == 0:
        num_games = 10000.
        scoringA, scoringB = test_game(
            int(num_games), strategy_loaded, "eps-greedy")

        print "=" * 30
        print "after #", games_count, "games..."
        print "length of dict =", len(strategy_loaded.keys())
        print "-" * 20
        print "A is the first player:"
        for win_flag in scoringA:
            print win_flag, scoringA[win_flag] / num_games
        print "-" * 20
        print "B is the first player:"
        for win_flag in scoringB:
            print win_flag, scoringB[win_flag] / num_games

# see strategy sheet after several games
#print '\n','='*20,'\n','strategy_record... '