Example #1
def test_single():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens

    nsource = 1000000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r2 / r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0],
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x,
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(
        -0.5 * r**2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r**2 / r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ', true_k)
    print('ratio = ', nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ', nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    assert max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)) < 4.e-4

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        lens_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_single_lens.dat'))
        source_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_single_source.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "nk_single.yaml"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output',
        print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kappa'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['kappa'] / nk.xi)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['kappa'] - nk.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kappa'] / nk.xi,
Example #2
def test_single():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    kappa = 0.23
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], k=[kappa],  x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',kg.meanlogr - numpy.log(kg.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg.meanlogr, numpy.log(kg.meanr), decimal=3)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_kgt = kappa * gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_kgt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_kgt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_kgt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)))
    assert max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)) < 4.e-4
    assert max(abs(kg.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"kg_single.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg_single.out'),names=True)
        print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['kgamX'])) < 3.e-5
Example #3
def test_pairwise():
    # Test the same profile, but with the pairwise calcualtion:
    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=dx, y=dx, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x+dx, y=y+dx, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
                                verbose=1, pairwise=True)
    ng.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = ng.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)))
    # I don't really understand why this comes out slightly less accurate.
    # I would have thought it would be slightly more accurate because it doesn't use the
    # approximations intrinsic to the tree calculation.
    assert max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-4
    assert max(abs(ng.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng_pairwise.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng_pairwise.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-ng.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['gamX'])) < 3.e-5
Example #4
def test_single():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    ng.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',ng.meanlogr - numpy.log(ng.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng.meanlogr, numpy.log(ng.meanr), decimal=3)

    r = ng.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-4
    assert max(abs(ng.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng_single.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng_single.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-ng.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['gamX'])) < 3.e-5
Example #5
def test_pairwise():
    # Test the same profile, but with the pairwise calcualtion:
    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    kappa = 0.23
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2

    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    k = kappa * numpy.ones(nsource)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=dx, y=dx, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x+dx, y=y+dx, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
                                verbose=1, pairwise=True)
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_kgt = kappa * gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_kgt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_kgt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_kgt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)))
    assert max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)) < 4.e-4
    assert max(abs(kg.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"kg_pairwise.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg_pairwise.out'),names=True)
        print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['kgamX'])) < 3.e-5
def test_single():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around a single lens

    nsource = 1000000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=[0], y=[0], x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    assert max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)) < 4.e-4

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nk_single.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk_single.out'), names=True)
        print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/nk.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-nk.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kappa']/nk.xi, 1., decimal=3)
Example #7
def test_3d():
    # For this one, build a Gaussian cloud around some random point in 3D space and do the
    # correlation function in 3D.
    # Use n(r) = (2pi s^2)^-3/2 exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The 3D Fourier transform is: n~(k) = exp(-s^2 k^2/2)
    # P(k) = <|n~(k)|^2> = exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = 1/2pi^2 int( dk k^2 P(k) j0(kr) )
    #       = 1/(8 pi^3/2) 1/s^3 exp(-r^2/4s^2)
    # And as before, we need to correct for the randoms, so the final xi(r) is
    # xi(r) = 1/(8 pi^3/2) (L/s)^3 exp(-r^2/4s^2) - 1

    xcen = 823  # Mpc maybe?
    ycen = 342
    zcen = -672
    s = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 100000
        nrand = 5 * ngal
        L = 50. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 20000
        nrand = 2 * ngal
        L = 20. * s
        req_factor = 3
    x = numpy.random.normal(xcen, s, (ngal,) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(ycen, s, (ngal,) )
    z = numpy.random.normal(zcen, s, (ngal,) )

    r = numpy.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
    dec = numpy.arcsin(z/r) / treecorr.degrees
    ra = numpy.arctan2(y,x) / treecorr.degrees

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, r=r, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg')
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + xcen
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + ycen
    rz = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + zcen
    rr = numpy.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz)
    rdec = numpy.arcsin(rz/rr) / treecorr.degrees
    rra = numpy.arctan2(ry,rx) / treecorr.degrees
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(ra=rra, dec=rdec, r=rr, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg')
    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    dr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dr.npairs = ',dr.npairs)

    r = dd.meanr
    true_xi = 1./(8.*numpy.pi**1.5) * (L/s)**3 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2) - 1.

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    simple_xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('simple xi = ',simple_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_3d.yaml"] )

        corr2_outfile = os.path.join('output','nn_3d.fits')
        corr2_output = fitsio.read(corr2_outfile)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)

        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['meanR'], dd.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi'], xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['DD'], dd.npairs)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['RR'], rr.npairs * (dd.tot / rr.tot))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['DR'], dr.npairs * (dd.tot / dr.tot))
        header = fitsio.read_header(corr2_outfile, 1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(header['tot'], dd.tot)

    # And repeat with Catalogs that use x,y,z
    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, z=z)
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx, y=ry, z=rz)
    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)
Example #8
def test_direct_count():
    # If the catalogs are small enough, we can do a direct count of the number of pairs
    # to see if comes out right.  This should exactly match the treecorr code if bin_slop=0.

    ngal = 100
    s = 10.
    x1 = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y1 = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x1, y=y1)
    x2 = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y2 = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    cat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=x2, y=y2)

    min_sep = 1.
    max_sep = 50.
    nbins = 50
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=0.)
    dd.process(cat1, cat2)
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    log_min_sep = numpy.log(min_sep)
    log_max_sep = numpy.log(max_sep)
    true_npairs = numpy.zeros(nbins)
    bin_size = (log_max_sep - log_min_sep) / nbins
    for i in range(ngal):
        for j in range(ngal):
            rsq = (x1[i]-x2[j])**2 + (y1[i]-y2[j])**2
            logr = 0.5 * numpy.log(rsq)
            k = int(numpy.floor( (logr-log_min_sep) / bin_size ))
            if k < 0: continue
            if k >= nbins: continue
            true_npairs[k] += 1

    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('diff = ',dd.npairs - true_npairs)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(dd.npairs, true_npairs)

    # Check that running via the corr2 script works correctly.
    file_name1 = os.path.join('data','nn_direct_data1.dat')
    with open(file_name1, 'w') as fid:
        for i in range(ngal):
            fid.write(('%.20f %.20f\n')%(x1[i],y1[i]))
    file_name2 = os.path.join('data','nn_direct_data2.dat')
    with open(file_name2, 'w') as fid:
        for i in range(ngal):
            fid.write(('%.20f %.20f\n')%(x2[i],y2[i]))
    L = 10*s
    nrand = ngal
    rx1 = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    ry1 = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rx2 = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    ry2 = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rcat1 = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx1, y=ry1)
    rcat2 = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx2, y=ry2)
    rand_file_name1 = os.path.join('data','nn_direct_rand1.dat')
    with open(rand_file_name1, 'w') as fid:
        for i in range(nrand):
            fid.write(('%.20f %.20f\n')%(rx1[i],ry1[i]))
    rand_file_name2 = os.path.join('data','nn_direct_rand2.dat')
    with open(rand_file_name2, 'w') as fid:
        for i in range(nrand):
            fid.write(('%.20f %.20f\n')%(rx2[i],ry2[i]))
    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=0.,
    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)

    # First do this via the corr2 function.
    config = treecorr.config.read_config('nn_direct.yaml')
    logger = treecorr.config.setup_logger(0)
    treecorr.corr2(config, logger)
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_direct.out'), names=True,
    print('corr2_output = ',corr2_output)
    print('corr2_output.dtype = ',corr2_output.dtype)
    print('rnom = ',dd.rnom)
    print('       ',corr2_output['R_nom'])
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['R_nom'], dd.rnom, decimal=3)
    print('DD = ',dd.npairs)
    print('      ',corr2_output['DD'])
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['DD'], dd.npairs, decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['npairs'], dd.npairs, decimal=3)
    print('RR = ',rr.npairs)
    print('      ',corr2_output['RR'])
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['RR'], rr.npairs, decimal=3)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    diff_index = numpy.where(numpy.abs(corr2_output['xi']-xi) > 1.e-5)[0]
    print('different at ',diff_index)
    print('xi[diffs] = ',xi[diff_index])
    print('corr2.xi[diffs] = ',corr2_output['xi'][diff_index])
    print('diff[diffs] = ',xi[diff_index] - corr2_output['xi'][diff_index])
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi'], xi, decimal=3)

    # Now calling out to the external corr2 executable.
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_direct.yaml"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_direct.out'), names=True,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi'], xi, decimal=3)

    # Repeat with binslop not precisely 0, since the code flow is different for bin_slop == 0.
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=1.e-16)
    dd.process(cat1, cat2)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(dd.npairs, true_npairs)

    # And again with no top-level recursion
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins, bin_slop=1.e-16,
    dd.process(cat1, cat2)
    numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(dd.npairs, true_npairs)
Example #9
def test_aardvark():

    # Eric Suchyta did a brute force calculation of the Aardvark catalog, so it is useful to
    # compare the output from my code with that.

    file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.params')
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

    direct_file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.direct')
    direct_data = numpy.genfromtxt(direct_file_name)
    direct_xip = direct_data[:, 3]
    direct_xim = direct_data[:, 4]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('direct.xip = ',direct_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - direct_xip
    print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 2.e-7
    print('xip_im = ', gg.xip_im)
    print('max = ', max(abs(gg.xip_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) < 3.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - direct_xim
    print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-7
    print('xim_im = ', gg.xim_im)
    print('max = ', max(abs(gg.xim_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-7

    # However, after some back and forth about the calculation, we concluded that Eric hadn't
    # done the spherical trig correctly to get the shears relative to the great circle joining
    # the two positions.  So let's compare with my own brute force calculation (i.e. using
    # bin_slop = 0):
    # This also has the advantage that the radial bins are done the same way -- uniformly
    # spaced in log of the chord distance, rather than the great circle distance.

    bs0_file_name = os.path.join('data', 'Aardvark.bs0')
    bs0_data = numpy.genfromtxt(bs0_file_name)
    bs0_xip = bs0_data[:, 2]
    bs0_xim = bs0_data[:, 3]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
    print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
    print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
    print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 5.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    # Note: This is the only test of the corr2 executable that we do with nosetests.
    # The other similar tests are blocked out with: if __name__ == '__main__':
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "Aardvark.params"])
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'Aardvark.out'),
    print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
    print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip'])
    print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip)
    print('diff = ', corr2_output['xip'] - gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip,

    print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
    print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim'])
    print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim)
    print('diff = ', corr2_output['xim'] - gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim,

    print('xip_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip_im'])
    print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim_im'])
    print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) < 1.e-7

    # As bin_slop decreases, the agreement should get even better.
    # This test is slow, so only do it if running test_gg.py directly.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        config['bin_slop'] = 0.2
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

        #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

        xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
        print('xip_err = ', xip_err)
        print('max = ', max(abs(xip_err)))
        assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-8

        xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
        print('xim_err = ', xim_err)
        print('max = ', max(abs(xim_err)))
        assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-8
Example #10
def test_gg():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 r^2/r0^2 exp(-r^2/2r0^2)
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2 / r0^2
    # The Fourier transform is: gamma~(k) = -2 pi gamma0 r0^4 k^2 exp(-r0^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|gamma~(k)|^2> = 2 pi gamma0^2 r0^8 k^4 / L^4 exp(-r0^2 k^2)
    # xi+(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #        = pi/16 gamma0^2 (r0/L)^2 exp(-r^2/4r0^2) (r^4 - 16r^2r0^2 + 32r0^4)/r0^4
    # xi-(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J4(kr) )
    #        = pi/16 gamma0^2 (r0/L)^2 exp(-r^2/4r0^2) r^4/r0^4
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be gamma^2, so it needs to be (r0/L)^2.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 1000000
        L = 50. * r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 200000
        L = 50. * r0
        req_factor = 3
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2) / r0**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.) * (x**2 - y**2) / r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.) * (2. * x * y) / r0**2

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x,
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ', gg.meanlogr - numpy.log(gg.meanr))

    r = gg.meanr
    temp = numpy.pi / 16. * gamma0**2 * (r0 / L)**2 * numpy.exp(
        -0.25 * r**2 / r0**2)
    true_xip = temp * (r**4 - 16. * r**2 * r0**2 + 32. * r0**4) / r0**4
    true_xim = temp * r**4 / r0**4

    print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
    print('true_xip = ', true_xip)
    print('ratio = ', gg.xip / true_xip)
    print('diff = ', gg.xip - true_xip)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)) / req_factor < 3.e-7
    print('xip_im = ', gg.xip_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) / req_factor < 2.e-7

    print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
    print('true_xim = ', true_xim)
    print('ratio = ', gg.xim / true_xim)
    print('diff = ', gg.xim - true_xim)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)) / req_factor < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im = ', gg.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) / req_factor < 1.e-7

    # Should also work as a cross-correlation with itself
    gg.process(cat, cat)
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)) / req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) / req_factor < 2.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)) / req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) / req_factor < 1.e-7

    # Check MapSq calculation:
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004MNRAS.352..338J
    # Use Crittenden formulation, since the analytic result is simpler:
    # Map^2(R) = int 1/2 r/R^2 (T+(r/R) xi+(r) + T-(r/R) xi-(r)) dr
    #          = 6 pi gamma0^2 r0^8 R^4 / (L^2 (r0^2+R^2)^5)
    # Mx^2(R)  = int 1/2 r/R^2 (T+(r/R) xi+(r) - T-(r/R) xi-(r)) dr
    #          = 0
    # where T+(s) = (s^4-16s^2+32)/128 exp(-s^2/4)
    #       T-(s) = s^4/128 exp(-s^2/4)
    true_mapsq = 6. * numpy.pi * gamma0**2 * r0**8 * r**4 / (L**2 *
                                                             (r**2 + r0**2)**5)

    mapsq, mapsq_im, mxsq, mxsq_im, varmapsq = gg.calculateMapSq('Crittenden')
    print('mapsq = ', mapsq)
    print('true_mapsq = ', true_mapsq)
    print('ratio = ', mapsq / true_mapsq)
    print('diff = ', mapsq - true_mapsq)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(mapsq - true_mapsq)))
    print('max diff[16:] = ', max(abs(mapsq[16:] - true_mapsq[16:])))
    # It's pretty ratty near the start where the integral is poorly evaluated, but the
    # agreement is pretty good if we skip the first 16 elements.
    # Well, it gets bad again at the end, but those values are small enough that they still
    # pass this test.
    assert max(abs(mapsq[16:] - true_mapsq[16:])) / req_factor < 3.e-8
    print('mxsq = ', mxsq)
    print('max = ', max(abs(mxsq)))
    print('max[16:] = ', max(abs(mxsq[16:])))
    assert max(abs(mxsq[16:])) / req_factor < 3.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'gg.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "gg.params"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'gg.out'),
        print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['xip'] - gg.xip)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip,

        print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['xim'] - gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim,

        print('xip_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip_im'])
        print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) / req_factor < 2.e-7
        print('xim_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim_im'])
        print('max err = ', max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) / req_factor < 1.e-7

        corr2_output2 = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'gg_m2.out'),
        print('mapsq = ', mapsq)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output2['Mapsq'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output2['Mapsq'] / mapsq)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output2['Mapsq'] - mapsq)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output2['Mapsq'] / mapsq,

        print('mxsq = ', mxsq)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output2['Mxsq'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output2['Mxsq'] / mxsq)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output2['Mxsq'] - mxsq)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output2['Mxsq'] / mxsq,

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'gg_out.fits')
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(gg.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], gg.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], gg.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xip'], gg.xip)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xim'], gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xip_im'], gg.xip_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xim_im'], gg.xim_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], gg.weight)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], gg.npairs)
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    # Check the read function
    gg2 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.logr, gg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.meanr, gg.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.meanlogr, gg.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xip, gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xim, gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xip_im, gg.xip_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xim_im, gg.xim_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.varxi, gg.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.weight, gg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.npairs, gg.npairs)

    # Also check the Schneider version.  The math isn't quite as nice here, but it is tractable
    # using a different formula than I used above:
    # Map^2(R) = int k P(k) W(kR) dk
    #          = 576 pi gamma0^2 r0^6/(L^2 R^4) exp(-R^2/2r0^2) (I4(R^2/2r0^2)
    # where I4 is the modified Bessel function with nu=4.
        from scipy.special import iv
        x = 0.5 * r**2 / r0**2
        true_mapsq = 144. * numpy.pi * gamma0**2 * r0**2 / (
            L**2 * x**2) * numpy.exp(-x) * iv(4, x)

        mapsq, mapsq_im, mxsq, mxsq_im, varmapsq = gg.calculateMapSq(
        print('Schneider mapsq = ', mapsq)
        print('true_mapsq = ', true_mapsq)
        print('ratio = ', mapsq / true_mapsq)
        print('diff = ', mapsq - true_mapsq)
        print('max diff = ', max(abs(mapsq - true_mapsq)))
        print('max diff[20:] = ', max(abs(mapsq[20:] - true_mapsq[20:])))
        # This one stays ratty longer, so we need to skip the first 20 and also loosen the
        # test a bit.
        assert max(abs(mapsq[20:] - true_mapsq[20:])) < 7.e-8
        print('mxsq = ', mxsq)
        print('max = ', max(abs(mxsq)))
        print('max[20:] = ', max(abs(mxsq[20:])))
        assert max(abs(mxsq[20:])) < 7.e-8

    except ImportError:
        # Don't require scipy if the user doesn't have it.
            'Skipping tests of Schneider aperture mass, since scipy.special not available.'
Example #11
def test_kg():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    g1 = numpy.zeros((nsource, ))
    g2 = numpy.zeros((nsource, ))
    kl = numpy.random.normal(0.23, 0.05, (nlens, ))
    for x, y, k in zip(xl, yl, kl):
        dx = xs - x
        dy = ys - y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r2 / r0**2) / k
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2 - dy**2) / r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2. * dx * dy) / r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl,
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs,
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r**2 / r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ', kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ', kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ', true_gt)
    print('ratio = ', kg.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ', kg.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(kg.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(kg.xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-3
    assert max(abs(kg.xi_im)) < 4.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        lens_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kg_lens.dat'))
        source_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kg_source.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "kg.params"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'kg.out'),
        print('kg.xi = ', kg.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kgamT'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['kgamT'] / kg.xi)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['kgamT'] - kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kgamT'] / kg.xi,

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kgamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['kgamX'])) < 4.e-3

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output', 'kg_out1.fits')
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(kg.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], kg.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], kg.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamT'], kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamX'], kg.xi_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(kg.varxi))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kg.weight)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kg.npairs)
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    # Check the read function
    kg2 = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.logr, kg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanr, kg.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanlogr, kg.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi, kg.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi_im, kg.xi_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.varxi, kg.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.weight, kg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.npairs, kg.npairs)
Example #12
def test_rperp():
    # Same as above, but using Rperp.

    nlens = 100
    nsource = 200000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    R0 = 10.
    L = 50. * R0

    # Lenses are randomly located with random shapes.
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -500 < x < 500
    zl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -500 < y < 500
    yl = numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) * 4*L + 10*L  # 5000 < z < 7000
    rl = numpy.sqrt(xl**2 + yl**2 + zl**2)
    g1l = numpy.random.normal(0., 0.1, (nlens,))
    g2l = numpy.random.normal(0., 0.1, (nlens,))
    gl = g1l + 1j * g2l
    gl /= numpy.abs(gl)
    print('Made lenses')

    # For the signal, we'll do a pure quadrupole halo lens signal.  cf. test_haloellip()
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    zs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) * 8*L + 160*L  # 80000 < z < 84000
    rs = numpy.sqrt(xs**2 + ys**2 + zs**2)
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    bin_size = 0.1
    # min_sep is set so the first bin doesn't have 0 pairs.
    # Both this and max_sep need to be larger than what we used for Rlens.
    min_sep = 4.5*R0
    # max_sep can't be too large, since the measured value starts to have shape noise for larger
    # values of separation.  We're not adding any shape noise directly, but the shear from other
    # lenses is effectively a shape noise, and that comes to dominate the measurement above ~4R0.
    max_sep = 14.*R0
    # Because the Rperp values are a lot larger than the Rlens values, use a larger scale radius
    # in the gaussian signal.
    R1 = 4. * R0
    nbins = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log(max_sep/min_sep)/bin_size))
    true_gQ = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_gCr = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_gCi = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_npairs = numpy.zeros((nbins,), dtype=int)
    print('Making shear vectors')
    for x,y,z,r,g in zip(xl,yl,zl,rl,gl):
        dsq = (x-xs)**2 + (y-ys)**2 + (z-zs)**2
        rparsq = (r-rs)**2
        Rperp = numpy.sqrt(dsq - rparsq)
        gammaQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rperp**2/R1**2)

        dx = xs/rs-x/r
        dz = zs/rs-z/r
        expialpha = dx + 1j*dz
        expialpha /= numpy.abs(expialpha)

        gQ = gammaQ * expialpha**4 * numpy.conj(g)
        g1 += gQ.real
        g2 += gQ.imag

        index = numpy.floor( numpy.log(Rperp/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
        mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins)
        numpy.add.at(true_gQ, index[mask], gammaQ[mask])
        numpy.add.at(true_npairs, index[mask], 1)

        gC = gQ * numpy.conj(g)
        numpy.add.at(true_gCr, index[mask], gC[mask].real)
        numpy.add.at(true_gCi, index[mask], -gC[mask].imag)

    true_gQ /= true_npairs
    true_gCr /= true_npairs
    true_gCi /= true_npairs
    print('true_gQ = ',true_gQ)
    print('true_gCr = ',true_gCr)
    print('true_gCi = ',true_gCi)

    # Start with bin_slop == 0.  With only 100 lenses, this still runs very fast.
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, z=zl, g1=gl.real, g2=gl.imag)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, g1=g1, g2=g2)
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                metric='Rperp', bin_slop=0)
    gg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rperp = gg.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rperp**2/R1**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0:')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xim / true_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg.xim - true_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - true_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_gQ)) < 1.e-5
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-5
    print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    print('true_gCr = ',true_gCr)
    print('diff = ',gg.xip - true_gCr)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xip - true_gCr)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_gCr)) < 1.e-5
    print('gg.xip_im = ',gg.xip_im)
    print('true_gCi = ',true_gCi)
    print('diff = ',gg.xip_im - true_gCi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xip_im - true_gCi)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im - true_gCi)) < 1.e-5

    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - theory_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                metric='Rperp', bin_slop=0.5)
    gg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rperp = gg.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rperp**2/R1**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg.npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - theory_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"gg_rperp.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','gg_rperp.out'),names=True)
        print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'], gg.xim, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim_im'], gg.xim_im, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'], gg.xip, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip_im'], gg.xip_im, decimal=6)
def test_ggg():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 r^2/r0^2 exp(-r^2/2r0^2)
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2 / r0^2
    # Rather than go through the bispectrum, I found it easier to just directly do the
    # integral:
    # Gamma0 = int(int( g(x+x1,y+y1) g(x+x2,y+y2) g(x-x1-x2,y-y1-y2) (x1-Iy1)^2/(x1^2+y1^2)
    #                       (x2-Iy2)^2/(x2^2+y2^2) (x1+x2-I(y1+y2))^2/((x1+x2)^2+(y1+y2)^2)))
    # where the positions are measured relative to the centroid (x,y).
    # If we call the positions relative to the centroid:
    #    q1 = x1 + I y1
    #    q2 = x2 + I y2
    #    q3 = -(x1+x2) - I (y1+y2)
    # then the result comes out as
    # Gamma0 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2)
    # The other three are a bit more complicated.
    # Gamma1 = int(int( g(x+x1,y+y1)* g(x+x2,y+y2) g(x-x1-x2,y-y1-y2) (x1+Iy1)^2/(x1^2+y1^2)
    #                       (x2-Iy2)^2/(x2^2+y2^2) (x1+x2-I(y1+y2))^2/((x1+x2)^2+(y1+y2)^2)))
    #        = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2) *
    #             ( |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 - 8/3 r0^2 q1^2 q2* q3*
    #               + 8/9 r0^4 (q1^2 q2*^2 q3*^2)/(|q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2) (2q1^2-q2^2-q3^2) )
    # Gamm2 and Gamma3 are found from cyclic rotations of q1,q2,q3.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 200000
        L = 30.*r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        # Looser tests from nosetests that don't take so long to run.
        ngal = 10000
        L = 10.*r0
        req_factor = 5
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/r0**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2.) * (x**2-y**2)/r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2.) * (2.*x*y)/r0**2

    min_sep = 11.
    max_sep = 15.
    nbins = 3
    min_u = 0.7
    max_u = 1.0
    nubins = 3
    min_v = -0.1
    max_v = 0.3
    nvbins = 4

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    ggg = treecorr.GGGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins,
                                  min_u=min_u, max_u=max_u, min_v=min_v, max_v=max_v,
                                  nubins=nubins, nvbins=nvbins,
                                  sep_units='arcmin', verbose=1)

    # log(<d>) != <logd>, but it should be close:
    #print('meanlogd1 - log(meand1) = ',ggg.meanlogd1 - numpy.log(ggg.meand1))
    #print('meanlogd2 - log(meand2) = ',ggg.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(ggg.meand2))
    #print('meanlogd3 - log(meand3) = ',ggg.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(ggg.meand3))
    #print('meanlogd3 - meanlogd2 - log(meanu) = ',ggg.meanlogd3 - ggg.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(ggg.meanu))
    #print('log(meand1-meand2) - meanlogd3 - log(meanv) = ',numpy.log(ggg.meand1-ggg.meand2) - ggg.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.meanv)))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg.meanlogd1, numpy.log(ggg.meand1), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg.meanlogd2, numpy.log(ggg.meand2), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg.meanlogd3, numpy.log(ggg.meand3), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg.meanlogd3-ggg.meanlogd2, numpy.log(ggg.meanu), decimal=3)
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.meanv)), decimal=3)

    d1 = ggg.meand1
    d2 = ggg.meand2
    d3 = ggg.meand3
    #print('rnom = ',numpy.exp(ggg.logr))
    #print('unom = ',ggg.u)
    #print('vnom = ',ggg.v)
    #print('d1 = ',d1)
    #print('d2 = ',d2)
    #print('d3 = ',d3)

    # For q1,q2,q3, we can choose an orientation where c1 is at the origin, and d2 is horizontal.
    # Then let s be the "complex vector" from c1 to c3, which is just real.
    s = d2
    # And let t be from c1 to c2. t = |t| e^Iphi
    # |t| = d3
    # cos(phi) = (d2^2+d3^2-d1^2)/(2d2 d3)
    # |t| cos(phi) = (d2^2+d3^2-d1^2)/2d2
    # |t| sin(phi) = sqrt(|t|^2 - (|t|cos(phi))^2)
    tx = (d2**2 + d3**2 - d1**2)/(2.*d2)
    ty = numpy.sqrt(d3**2 - tx**2)
    # As arranged, if ty > 0, points 1,2,3 are clockwise, which is negative v.
    # So for bins with positive v, we need to flip the direction of ty.
    ty[ggg.meanv > 0] *= -1.
    t = tx + 1j * ty

    q1 = (s + t)/3.
    q2 = q1 - t
    q3 = q1 - s
    nq1 = numpy.abs(q1)**2
    nq2 = numpy.abs(q2)**2
    nq3 = numpy.abs(q3)**2
    #print('q1 = ',q1)
    #print('q2 = ',q2)
    #print('q3 = ',q3)

    # The L^2 term in the denominator of true_zeta is the area over which the integral is done.
    # Since the centers of the triangles don't go to the edge of the box, we approximate the
    # correct area by subtracting off 2*mean(qi) from L, which should give a slightly better
    # estimate of the correct area to use here.  (We used 2d2 for the kkk calculation, but this
    # is probably a slightly better estimate of the distance the triangles can get to the edges.)
    L = L - 2.*(q1 + q2 + q3)/3.

    # Gamma0 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2)
    true_gam0 = ((-2.*numpy.pi * gamma0**3)/(3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                    numpy.exp(-(nq1+nq2+nq3)/(2.*r0**2)) * (nq1*nq2*nq3) )

    # Gamma1 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2) *
    #             ( |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 - 8/3 r0^2 q1^2 q2* q3*
    #               + 8/9 r0^4 (q1^2 q2*^2 q3*^2)/(|q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2) (2q1^2-q2^2-q3^2) )
    true_gam1 = ((-2.*numpy.pi * gamma0**3)/(3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                    numpy.exp(-(nq1+nq2+nq3)/(2.*r0**2)) *
                    (nq1*nq2*nq3 - 8./3. * r0**2 * q1**2*nq2*nq3/(q2*q3)
                     + (8./9. * r0**4 * (q1**2 * nq2 * nq3)/(nq1 * q2**2 * q3**2) *
                         (2.*q1**2 - q2**2 - q3**2)) ))

    true_gam2 = ((-2.*numpy.pi * gamma0**3)/(3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                    numpy.exp(-(nq1+nq2+nq3)/(2.*r0**2)) *
                    (nq1*nq2*nq3 - 8./3. * r0**2 * nq1*q2**2*nq3/(q1*q3)
                     + (8./9. * r0**4 * (nq1 * q2**2 * nq3)/(q1**2 * nq2 * q3**2) *
                         (2.*q2**2 - q1**2 - q3**2)) ))

    true_gam3 = ((-2.*numpy.pi * gamma0**3)/(3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                    numpy.exp(-(nq1+nq2+nq3)/(2.*r0**2)) *
                    (nq1*nq2*nq3 - 8./3. * r0**2 * nq1*nq2*q3**2/(q1*q2)
                     + (8./9. * r0**4 * (nq1 * nq2 * q3**2)/(q1**2 * q2**2 * nq3) *
                         (2.*q3**2 - q1**2 - q2**2)) ))

    #print('ntri = ',ggg.ntri)
    print('gam0 = ',ggg.gam0)
    print('true_gam0 = ',true_gam0)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam0 / true_gam0)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam0 - true_gam0)
    print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam0 - true_gam0)/true_gam0)))
    # The Gamma0 term is a bit worse than the others.  The accurracy improves as I increase the
    # number of objects, so I think it's just because of the smallish number of galaxies being
    # not super accurate.
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam0 - true_gam0)/true_gam0))/req_factor < 0.2
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam0))/2./req_factor, decimal=1)

    print('gam1 = ',ggg.gam1)
    print('true_gam1 = ',true_gam1)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam1 / true_gam1)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam1 - true_gam1)
    print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam1 - true_gam1)/true_gam1)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam1 - true_gam1)/true_gam1))/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam1))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    #print('gam2 = ',ggg.gam2)
    #print('true_gam2 = ',true_gam2)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam2 / true_gam2)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam2 - true_gam2)
    #print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam2 - true_gam2)/true_gam2)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam2 - true_gam2)/true_gam2))/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam2))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    #print('gam3 = ',ggg.gam3)
    #print('true_gam3 = ',true_gam3)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam3 / true_gam3)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam3 - true_gam3)
    #print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam3 - true_gam3)/true_gam3)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam3 - true_gam3)/true_gam3))/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam3))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr3 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr3_exe = get_script_name('corr3')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr3_exe,"ggg.yaml"] )
        corr3_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ggg.out'), names=True)
        #print('gam0r = ',ggg.gam0.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam0r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam0r']/ggg.gam0r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam0r']-ggg.gam0r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam0r']/ggg.gam0r.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam0i = ',ggg.gam0.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam0i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam0i']/ggg.gam0i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam0i']-ggg.gam0i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam0i']/ggg.gam0i.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam1r = ',ggg.gam1.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam1r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam1r']/ggg.gam1r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam1r']-ggg.gam1r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam1r']/ggg.gam1r.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam1i = ',ggg.gam1.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam1i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam1i']/ggg.gam1i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam1i']-ggg.gam1i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam1i']/ggg.gam1i.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam2r = ',ggg.gam2.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam2r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam2r']/ggg.gam2r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam2r']-ggg.gam2r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam2r']/ggg.gam2r.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam2i = ',ggg.gam2.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam2i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam2i']/ggg.gam2i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam2i']-ggg.gam2i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam2i']/ggg.gam2i.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam3r = ',ggg.gam3.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam3r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam3r']/ggg.gam3r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam3r']-ggg.gam3r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam3r']/ggg.gam3r.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)
        #print('gam3i = ',ggg.gam3.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam3i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam3i']/ggg.gam3i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam3i']-ggg.gam3i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam3i']/ggg.gam3i.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','ggg_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(ggg.logr).flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['u_nom'], ggg.u.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['v_nom'], ggg.v.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand1'], ggg.meand1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd1'], ggg.meanlogd1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand2'], ggg.meand2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd2'], ggg.meanlogd2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand3'], ggg.meand3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd3'], ggg.meanlogd3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanu'], ggg.meanu.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanv'], ggg.meanv.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam0r'], ggg.gam0.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam1r'], ggg.gam1.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam2r'], ggg.gam2.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam3r'], ggg.gam3.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam0i'], ggg.gam0.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam1i'], ggg.gam1.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam2i'], ggg.gam2.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam3i'], ggg.gam3.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_gam'], numpy.sqrt(ggg.vargam.flatten()))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], ggg.weight.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['ntri'], ggg.ntri.flatten())

    # Check the read function
    # Note: These don't need the flatten. The read function should reshape them to the right shape.
    ggg2 = treecorr.GGGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins,
                                   min_u=min_u, max_u=max_u, min_v=min_v, max_v=max_v,
                                   nubins=nubins, nvbins=nvbins,
                                   sep_units='arcmin', verbose=1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.logr, ggg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.u, ggg.u)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.v, ggg.v)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand1, ggg.meand1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd1, ggg.meanlogd1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand2, ggg.meand2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd2, ggg.meanlogd2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand3, ggg.meand3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd3, ggg.meanlogd3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanu, ggg.meanu)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanv, ggg.meanv)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam0, ggg.gam0)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam1, ggg.gam1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam2, ggg.gam2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam3, ggg.gam3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.vargam, ggg.vargam)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.weight, ggg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.ntri, ggg.ntri)
Example #14
def test_spherical():
    # This is the same profile we used for test_single, but put into spherical coords.
    # We do the spherical trig by hand using the obvious formulae, rather than the clever
    # optimizations that are used by the TreeCorr code, thus serving as a useful test of
    # the latter.

    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10. * treecorr.degrees
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2-y**2)/r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2.*x*y)/r2
    r = numpy.sqrt(r2)
    theta = arctan2(y,x)

    ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='deg',
    r1 = numpy.exp(ng.logr) * treecorr.degrees
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r1**2/r0**2)

    # Test this around several central points
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ra0_list = [ 0., 1., 1.3, 232., 0. ]
        dec0_list = [ 0., -0.3, 1.3, -1.4, pi/2.-1.e-6 ]
        ra0_list = [ 232 ]
        dec0_list = [ -1.4 ]
    for ra0, dec0 in zip(ra0_list, dec0_list):

        # Use spherical triangle with A = point, B = (ra0,dec0), C = N. pole
        # a = Pi/2-dec0
        # c = 2*asin(r/2)  (lambert projection)
        # B = Pi/2 - theta

        c = 2.*arcsin(r/2.)
        a = pi/2. - dec0
        B = pi/2. - theta
        B[x<0] *= -1.
        B[B<-pi] += 2.*pi
        B[B>pi] -= 2.*pi

        # Solve the rest of the triangle with spherical trig:
        cosb = cos(a)*cos(c) + sin(a)*sin(c)*cos(B)
        b = arccos(cosb)
        cosA = (cos(a) - cos(b)*cos(c)) / (sin(b)*sin(c))
        #A = arccos(cosA)
        A = numpy.zeros_like(cosA)
        A[abs(cosA)<1] = arccos(cosA[abs(cosA)<1])
        A[cosA<=-1] = pi
        cosC = (cos(c) - cos(a)*cos(b)) / (sin(a)*sin(b))
        #C = arccos(cosC)
        C = numpy.zeros_like(cosC)
        C[abs(cosC)<1] = arccos(cosC[abs(cosC)<1])
        C[cosC<=-1] = pi
        C[x<0] *= -1.

        ra = ra0 - C
        dec = pi/2. - b

        # Rotate shear relative to local west
        # gamma_sph = exp(2i beta) * gamma
        # where beta = pi - (A+B) is the angle between north and "up" in the tangent plane.
        beta = pi - (A+B)
        beta[x>0] *= -1.
        cos2beta = cos(2.*beta)
        sin2beta = sin(2.*beta)
        g1_sph = g1 * cos2beta - g2 * sin2beta
        g2_sph = g2 * cos2beta + g1 * sin2beta

        lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=[ra0], dec=[dec0], ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')
        source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=g1_sph, g2=g2_sph,
                                      ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')
        ng.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

        print('ra0, dec0 = ',ra0,dec0)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
        print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
        print('ratio = ',ng.xi / true_gt)
        print('diff = ',ng.xi - true_gt)
        print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)))
        # The 3rd and 4th centers are somewhat less accurate.  Not sure why.
        # The math seems to be right, since the last one that gets all the way to the pole
        # works, so I'm not sure what is going on.  It's just a few bins that get a bit less
        # accurate.  Possibly worth investigating further at some point...
        assert max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)) < 2.e-3

    # One more center that can be done very easily.  If the center is the north pole, then all
    # the tangential shears are pure (positive) g1.
    ra0 = 0
    dec0 = pi/2.
    ra = theta
    dec = pi/2. - 2.*arcsin(r/2.)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=[ra0], dec=[dec0], ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=gammat, g2=numpy.zeros_like(gammat),
                                  ra_units='rad', dec_units='rad')
    ng.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)) < 1.e-3
    assert max(abs(ng.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng_spherical.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng_spherical.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-ng.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT']/ng.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['gamX'])) < 3.e-5
Example #15
def test_kkk():
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # B(k1,k2) = <k~(k1) k~(k2) k~(-k1-k2)>
    #          = (2 pi A (s/L)^2)^3 exp(-s^2 (|k1|^2 + |k2|^2 - k1.k2))
    #          = (2 pi A (s/L)^2)^3 exp(-s^2 (|k1|^2 + |k2|^2 + |k3|^2)/2)
    # zeta(r1,r2) = (1/2pi)^4 int(d^2k1 int(d^2k2 exp(ik1.x1) exp(ik2.x2) B(k1,k2) ))
    #             = 2/3 pi A^3 (s/L)^2 exp(-(x1^2 + y1^2 + x2^2 + y2^2 - x1x2 - y1y2)/3s^2)
    #             = 2/3 pi A^3 (s/L)^2 exp(-(d1^2 + d2^2 + d3^2)/6s^2)

    A = 0.05
    s = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 200000
        L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        # Looser tests from nosetests that don't take so long to run.
        ngal = 5000
        L = 10. * s
        req_factor = 5
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2) / s**2
    kappa = A * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.)

    min_sep = 11.
    max_sep = 15.
    nbins = 3
    min_u = 0.7
    max_u = 1.0
    nubins = 3
    min_v = -0.1
    max_v = 0.3
    nvbins = 4

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x,
    kkk = treecorr.KKKCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep,

    # log(<d>) != <logd>, but it should be close:
    #print('meanlogd1 - log(meand1) = ',kkk.meanlogd1 - numpy.log(kkk.meand1))
    #print('meanlogd2 - log(meand2) = ',kkk.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(kkk.meand2))
    #print('meanlogd3 - log(meand3) = ',kkk.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(kkk.meand3))
    #print('meanlogd3 - meanlogd2 - log(meanu) = ',kkk.meanlogd3 - kkk.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(kkk.meanu))
    #print('log(meand1-meand2) - meanlogd3 - log(meanv) = ',numpy.log(kkk.meand1-kkk.meand2) - kkk.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(numpy.abs(kkk.meanv)))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk.meanlogd3 - kkk.meanlogd2,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(numpy.log(kkk.meand1 - kkk.meand2) -

    d1 = kkk.meand1
    d2 = kkk.meand2
    d3 = kkk.meand3
    #print('rnom = ',numpy.exp(kkk.logr))
    #print('unom = ',kkk.u)
    #print('vnom = ',kkk.v)
    #print('d1 = ',d1)
    #print('d2 = ',d2)
    #print('d3 = ',d3)
    # The L^2 term in the denominator of true_zeta is the area over which the integral is done.
    # Since the centers of the triangles don't go to the edge of the box, we approximate the
    # correct area by subtracting off 2d2 from L, which should give a slightly better estimate
    # of the correct area to use here.
    L = L - 2. * d2
    true_zeta = (2. * numpy.pi / 3) * A**3 * (s / L)**2 * numpy.exp(
        -(d1**2 + d2**2 + d3**2) / (6. * s**2))

    #print('ntri = ',kkk.ntri)
    print('zeta = ', kkk.zeta)
    print('true_zeta = ', true_zeta)
    #print('ratio = ',kkk.zeta / true_zeta)
    #print('diff = ',kkk.zeta - true_zeta)
    print('max rel diff = ',
          numpy.max(numpy.abs((kkk.zeta - true_zeta) / true_zeta)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(
        (kkk.zeta - true_zeta) / true_zeta)) / req_factor < 0.1
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(kkk.zeta)) / req_factor,
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_zeta)) / req_factor,

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr3 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kkk_data.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr3_exe = get_script_name('corr3')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr3_exe, "kkk.yaml"])
        corr3_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'kkk.out'),
        #print('zeta = ',kkk.zeta)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['zeta'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['zeta']/kkk.zeta.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['zeta']-kkk.zeta.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['zeta'] /

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'kkk_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['u_nom'], kkk.u.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['v_nom'], kkk.v.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand1'], kkk.meand1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand2'], kkk.meand2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand3'], kkk.meand3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanu'], kkk.meanu.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanv'], kkk.meanv.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['zeta'], kkk.zeta.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kkk.weight.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['ntri'], kkk.ntri.flatten())

    # Check the read function
    # Note: These don't need the flatten. The read function should reshape them to the right shape.
    kkk2 = treecorr.KKKCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.logr, kkk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.u, kkk.u)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.v, kkk.v)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand1, kkk.meand1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd1, kkk.meanlogd1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand2, kkk.meand2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd2, kkk.meanlogd2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand3, kkk.meand3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd3, kkk.meanlogd3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanu, kkk.meanu)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanv, kkk.meanv)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.zeta, kkk.zeta)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.varzeta, kkk.varzeta)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.weight, kkk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.ntri, kkk.ntri)
Example #16
def test_ggg():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 r^2/r0^2 exp(-r^2/2r0^2)
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2 / r0^2
    # Rather than go through the bispectrum, I found it easier to just directly do the
    # integral:
    # Gamma0 = int(int( g(x+x1,y+y1) g(x+x2,y+y2) g(x-x1-x2,y-y1-y2) (x1-Iy1)^2/(x1^2+y1^2)
    #                       (x2-Iy2)^2/(x2^2+y2^2) (x1+x2-I(y1+y2))^2/((x1+x2)^2+(y1+y2)^2)))
    # where the positions are measured relative to the centroid (x,y).
    # If we call the positions relative to the centroid:
    #    q1 = x1 + I y1
    #    q2 = x2 + I y2
    #    q3 = -(x1+x2) - I (y1+y2)
    # then the result comes out as
    # Gamma0 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2)
    # The other three are a bit more complicated.
    # Gamma1 = int(int( g(x+x1,y+y1)* g(x+x2,y+y2) g(x-x1-x2,y-y1-y2) (x1+Iy1)^2/(x1^2+y1^2)
    #                       (x2-Iy2)^2/(x2^2+y2^2) (x1+x2-I(y1+y2))^2/((x1+x2)^2+(y1+y2)^2)))
    #        = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2) *
    #             ( |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 - 8/3 r0^2 q1^2 q2* q3*
    #               + 8/9 r0^4 (q1^2 q2*^2 q3*^2)/(|q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2) (2q1^2-q2^2-q3^2) )
    # Gamm2 and Gamma3 are found from cyclic rotations of q1,q2,q3.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 200000
        L = 30. * r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        # Looser tests from nosetests that don't take so long to run.
        ngal = 10000
        L = 10. * r0
        req_factor = 5
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2) / r0**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.) * (x**2 - y**2) / r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.) * (2. * x * y) / r0**2

    min_sep = 11.
    max_sep = 15.
    nbins = 3
    min_u = 0.7
    max_u = 1.0
    nubins = 3
    min_v = -0.1
    max_v = 0.3
    nvbins = 4

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x,
    ggg = treecorr.GGGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep,

    # log(<d>) != <logd>, but it should be close:
    #print('meanlogd1 - log(meand1) = ',ggg.meanlogd1 - numpy.log(ggg.meand1))
    #print('meanlogd2 - log(meand2) = ',ggg.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(ggg.meand2))
    #print('meanlogd3 - log(meand3) = ',ggg.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(ggg.meand3))
    #print('meanlogd3 - meanlogd2 - log(meanu) = ',ggg.meanlogd3 - ggg.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(ggg.meanu))
    #print('log(meand1-meand2) - meanlogd3 - log(meanv) = ',numpy.log(ggg.meand1-ggg.meand2) - ggg.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.meanv)))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg.meanlogd3 - ggg.meanlogd2,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(numpy.log(ggg.meand1 - ggg.meand2) -

    d1 = ggg.meand1
    d2 = ggg.meand2
    d3 = ggg.meand3
    #print('rnom = ',numpy.exp(ggg.logr))
    #print('unom = ',ggg.u)
    #print('vnom = ',ggg.v)
    #print('d1 = ',d1)
    #print('d2 = ',d2)
    #print('d3 = ',d3)

    # For q1,q2,q3, we can choose an orientation where c1 is at the origin, and d2 is horizontal.
    # Then let s be the "complex vector" from c1 to c3, which is just real.
    s = d2
    # And let t be from c1 to c2. t = |t| e^Iphi
    # |t| = d3
    # cos(phi) = (d2^2+d3^2-d1^2)/(2d2 d3)
    # |t| cos(phi) = (d2^2+d3^2-d1^2)/2d2
    # |t| sin(phi) = sqrt(|t|^2 - (|t|cos(phi))^2)
    tx = (d2**2 + d3**2 - d1**2) / (2. * d2)
    ty = numpy.sqrt(d3**2 - tx**2)
    # As arranged, if ty > 0, points 1,2,3 are clockwise, which is negative v.
    # So for bins with positive v, we need to flip the direction of ty.
    ty[ggg.meanv > 0] *= -1.
    t = tx + 1j * ty

    q1 = (s + t) / 3.
    q2 = q1 - t
    q3 = q1 - s
    nq1 = numpy.abs(q1)**2
    nq2 = numpy.abs(q2)**2
    nq3 = numpy.abs(q3)**2
    #print('q1 = ',q1)
    #print('q2 = ',q2)
    #print('q3 = ',q3)

    # The L^2 term in the denominator of true_zeta is the area over which the integral is done.
    # Since the centers of the triangles don't go to the edge of the box, we approximate the
    # correct area by subtracting off 2*mean(qi) from L, which should give a slightly better
    # estimate of the correct area to use here.  (We used 2d2 for the kkk calculation, but this
    # is probably a slightly better estimate of the distance the triangles can get to the edges.)
    L = L - 2. * (q1 + q2 + q3) / 3.

    # Gamma0 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2)
    true_gam0 = ((-2. * numpy.pi * gamma0**3) / (3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                 numpy.exp(-(nq1 + nq2 + nq3) /
                           (2. * r0**2)) * (nq1 * nq2 * nq3))

    # Gamma1 = -2/3 gamma0^3/L^2r0^4 Pi exp(-(|q1|^2+|q2|^2+|q3|^2)/2r0^2) *
    #             ( |q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2 - 8/3 r0^2 q1^2 q2* q3*
    #               + 8/9 r0^4 (q1^2 q2*^2 q3*^2)/(|q1|^2 |q2|^2 |q3|^2) (2q1^2-q2^2-q3^2) )
    true_gam1 = ((-2. * numpy.pi * gamma0**3) / (3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                 numpy.exp(-(nq1 + nq2 + nq3) / (2. * r0**2)) *
                 (nq1 * nq2 * nq3 - 8. / 3. * r0**2 * q1**2 * nq2 * nq3 /
                  (q2 * q3) + (8. / 9. * r0**4 * (q1**2 * nq2 * nq3) /
                               (nq1 * q2**2 * q3**2) *
                               (2. * q1**2 - q2**2 - q3**2))))

    true_gam2 = ((-2. * numpy.pi * gamma0**3) / (3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                 numpy.exp(-(nq1 + nq2 + nq3) / (2. * r0**2)) *
                 (nq1 * nq2 * nq3 - 8. / 3. * r0**2 * nq1 * q2**2 * nq3 /
                  (q1 * q3) + (8. / 9. * r0**4 * (nq1 * q2**2 * nq3) /
                               (q1**2 * nq2 * q3**2) *
                               (2. * q2**2 - q1**2 - q3**2))))

    true_gam3 = ((-2. * numpy.pi * gamma0**3) / (3. * L**2 * r0**4) *
                 numpy.exp(-(nq1 + nq2 + nq3) / (2. * r0**2)) *
                 (nq1 * nq2 * nq3 - 8. / 3. * r0**2 * nq1 * nq2 * q3**2 /
                  (q1 * q2) + (8. / 9. * r0**4 * (nq1 * nq2 * q3**2) /
                               (q1**2 * q2**2 * nq3) *
                               (2. * q3**2 - q1**2 - q2**2))))

    #print('ntri = ',ggg.ntri)
    print('gam0 = ', ggg.gam0)
    print('true_gam0 = ', true_gam0)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam0 / true_gam0)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam0 - true_gam0)
    print('max rel diff = ',
          numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam0 - true_gam0) / true_gam0)))
    # The Gamma0 term is a bit worse than the others.  The accurracy improves as I increase the
    # number of objects, so I think it's just because of the smallish number of galaxies being
    # not super accurate.
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(
        (ggg.gam0 - true_gam0) / true_gam0)) / req_factor < 0.2
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.gam0)) / 2. / req_factor,
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam0)) / 2. / req_factor,

    print('gam1 = ', ggg.gam1)
    print('true_gam1 = ', true_gam1)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam1 / true_gam1)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam1 - true_gam1)
    print('max rel diff = ',
          numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam1 - true_gam1) / true_gam1)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(
        (ggg.gam1 - true_gam1) / true_gam1)) / req_factor < 0.1
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.gam1)) / req_factor,
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam1)) / req_factor,

    #print('gam2 = ',ggg.gam2)
    #print('true_gam2 = ',true_gam2)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam2 / true_gam2)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam2 - true_gam2)
    #print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam2 - true_gam2)/true_gam2)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(
        (ggg.gam2 - true_gam2) / true_gam2)) / req_factor < 0.1
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.gam2)) / req_factor,
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam2)) / req_factor,

    #print('gam3 = ',ggg.gam3)
    #print('true_gam3 = ',true_gam3)
    #print('ratio = ',ggg.gam3 / true_gam3)
    #print('diff = ',ggg.gam3 - true_gam3)
    #print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((ggg.gam3 - true_gam3)/true_gam3)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs(
        (ggg.gam3 - true_gam3) / true_gam3)) / req_factor < 0.1
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(ggg.gam3)) / req_factor,
        numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_gam3)) / req_factor,

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr3 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'ggg_data.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr3_exe = get_script_name('corr3')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr3_exe, "ggg.yaml"])
        corr3_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'ggg.out'),
        #print('gam0r = ',ggg.gam0.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam0r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam0r']/ggg.gam0r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam0r']-ggg.gam0r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam0r'] /
        #print('gam0i = ',ggg.gam0.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam0i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam0i']/ggg.gam0i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam0i']-ggg.gam0i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam0i'] /
        #print('gam1r = ',ggg.gam1.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam1r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam1r']/ggg.gam1r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam1r']-ggg.gam1r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam1r'] /
        #print('gam1i = ',ggg.gam1.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam1i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam1i']/ggg.gam1i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam1i']-ggg.gam1i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam1i'] /
        #print('gam2r = ',ggg.gam2.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam2r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam2r']/ggg.gam2r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam2r']-ggg.gam2r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam2r'] /
        #print('gam2i = ',ggg.gam2.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam2i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam2i']/ggg.gam2i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam2i']-ggg.gam2i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam2i'] /
        #print('gam3r = ',ggg.gam3.real)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam3r'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam3r']/ggg.gam3r.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam3r']-ggg.gam3r.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam3r'] /
        #print('gam3i = ',ggg.gam3.imag)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['gam3i'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['gam3i']/ggg.gam3i.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['gam3i']-ggg.gam3i.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['gam3i'] /

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output', 'ggg_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['u_nom'], ggg.u.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['v_nom'], ggg.v.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand1'], ggg.meand1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand2'], ggg.meand2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand3'], ggg.meand3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanu'], ggg.meanu.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanv'], ggg.meanv.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam0r'], ggg.gam0.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam1r'], ggg.gam1.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam2r'], ggg.gam2.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam3r'], ggg.gam3.real.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam0i'], ggg.gam0.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam1i'], ggg.gam1.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam2i'], ggg.gam2.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gam3i'], ggg.gam3.imag.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], ggg.weight.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['ntri'], ggg.ntri.flatten())

    # Check the read function
    # Note: These don't need the flatten. The read function should reshape them to the right shape.
    ggg2 = treecorr.GGGCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.logr, ggg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.u, ggg.u)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.v, ggg.v)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand1, ggg.meand1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd1, ggg.meanlogd1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand2, ggg.meand2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd2, ggg.meanlogd2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meand3, ggg.meand3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanlogd3, ggg.meanlogd3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanu, ggg.meanu)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.meanv, ggg.meanv)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam0, ggg.gam0)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam1, ggg.gam1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam2, ggg.gam2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.gam3, ggg.gam3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.vargam, ggg.vargam)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.weight, ggg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ggg2.ntri, ggg.ntri)
def test_kkk():
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # B(k1,k2) = <k~(k1) k~(k2) k~(-k1-k2)>
    #          = (2 pi A (s/L)^2)^3 exp(-s^2 (|k1|^2 + |k2|^2 - k1.k2))
    #          = (2 pi A (s/L)^2)^3 exp(-s^2 (|k1|^2 + |k2|^2 + |k3|^2)/2)
    # zeta(r1,r2) = (1/2pi)^4 int(d^2k1 int(d^2k2 exp(ik1.x1) exp(ik2.x2) B(k1,k2) ))
    #             = 2/3 pi A^3 (s/L)^2 exp(-(x1^2 + y1^2 + x2^2 + y2^2 - x1x2 - y1y2)/3s^2)
    #             = 2/3 pi A^3 (s/L)^2 exp(-(d1^2 + d2^2 + d3^2)/6s^2)

    A = 0.05
    s = 10.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ngal = 200000
        L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        # Looser tests from nosetests that don't take so long to run.
        ngal = 5000
        L = 10. * s
        req_factor = 5
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/s**2
    kappa = A * numpy.exp(-r2/2.)

    min_sep = 11.
    max_sep = 15.
    nbins = 3
    min_u = 0.7
    max_u = 1.0
    nubins = 3
    min_v = -0.1
    max_v = 0.3
    nvbins = 4

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=kappa, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kkk = treecorr.KKKCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins,
                                  min_u=min_u, max_u=max_u, min_v=min_v, max_v=max_v,
                                  nubins=nubins, nvbins=nvbins,
                                  sep_units='arcmin', verbose=1)

    # log(<d>) != <logd>, but it should be close:
    #print('meanlogd1 - log(meand1) = ',kkk.meanlogd1 - numpy.log(kkk.meand1))
    #print('meanlogd2 - log(meand2) = ',kkk.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(kkk.meand2))
    #print('meanlogd3 - log(meand3) = ',kkk.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(kkk.meand3))
    #print('meanlogd3 - meanlogd2 - log(meanu) = ',kkk.meanlogd3 - kkk.meanlogd2 - numpy.log(kkk.meanu))
    #print('log(meand1-meand2) - meanlogd3 - log(meanv) = ',numpy.log(kkk.meand1-kkk.meand2) - kkk.meanlogd3 - numpy.log(numpy.abs(kkk.meanv)))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk.meanlogd1, numpy.log(kkk.meand1), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk.meanlogd2, numpy.log(kkk.meand2), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk.meanlogd3, numpy.log(kkk.meand3), decimal=3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk.meanlogd3-kkk.meanlogd2, numpy.log(kkk.meanu), decimal=3)
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(kkk.meanv)), decimal=3)

    d1 = kkk.meand1
    d2 = kkk.meand2
    d3 = kkk.meand3
    #print('rnom = ',numpy.exp(kkk.logr))
    #print('unom = ',kkk.u)
    #print('vnom = ',kkk.v)
    #print('d1 = ',d1)
    #print('d2 = ',d2)
    #print('d3 = ',d3)
    # The L^2 term in the denominator of true_zeta is the area over which the integral is done.
    # Since the centers of the triangles don't go to the edge of the box, we approximate the
    # correct area by subtracting off 2d2 from L, which should give a slightly better estimate
    # of the correct area to use here.
    L = L - 2.*d2
    true_zeta = (2.*numpy.pi/3) * A**3 * (s/L)**2 * numpy.exp(-(d1**2+d2**2+d3**2)/(6.*s**2))

    #print('ntri = ',kkk.ntri)
    print('zeta = ',kkk.zeta)
    print('true_zeta = ',true_zeta)
    #print('ratio = ',kkk.zeta / true_zeta)
    #print('diff = ',kkk.zeta - true_zeta)
    print('max rel diff = ',numpy.max(numpy.abs((kkk.zeta - true_zeta)/true_zeta)))
    assert numpy.max(numpy.abs((kkk.zeta - true_zeta)/true_zeta)) / req_factor < 0.1
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(numpy.log(numpy.abs(kkk.zeta)) / req_factor,
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_zeta)) / req_factor, decimal=1)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr3 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr3_exe = get_script_name('corr3')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr3_exe,"kkk.yaml"] )
        corr3_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kkk.out'), names=True)
        #print('zeta = ',kkk.zeta)
        #print('from corr3 output = ',corr3_output['zeta'])
        #print('ratio = ',corr3_output['zeta']/kkk.zeta.flatten())
        #print('diff = ',corr3_output['zeta']-kkk.zeta.flatten())
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr3_output['zeta']/kkk.zeta.flatten(), 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output','kkk_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(kkk.logr).flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['u_nom'], kkk.u.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['v_nom'], kkk.v.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand1'], kkk.meand1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd1'], kkk.meanlogd1.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand2'], kkk.meand2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd2'], kkk.meanlogd2.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meand3'], kkk.meand3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogd3'], kkk.meanlogd3.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanu'], kkk.meanu.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanv'], kkk.meanv.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['zeta'], kkk.zeta.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_zeta'], numpy.sqrt(kkk.varzeta.flatten()))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kkk.weight.flatten())
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['ntri'], kkk.ntri.flatten())

    # Check the read function
    # Note: These don't need the flatten. The read function should reshape them to the right shape.
    kkk2 = treecorr.KKKCorrelation(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, nbins=nbins,
                                   min_u=min_u, max_u=max_u, min_v=min_v, max_v=max_v,
                                   nubins=nubins, nvbins=nvbins,
                                   sep_units='arcmin', verbose=1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.logr, kkk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.u, kkk.u)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.v, kkk.v)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand1, kkk.meand1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd1, kkk.meanlogd1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand2, kkk.meand2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd2, kkk.meanlogd2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meand3, kkk.meand3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanlogd3, kkk.meanlogd3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanu, kkk.meanu)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.meanv, kkk.meanv)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.zeta, kkk.zeta)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.varzeta, kkk.varzeta)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.weight, kkk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kkk2.ntri, kkk.ntri)
Example #18
def test_des_image():
    """Test the whole process with a DES CCD.
    import os
    import fitsio

    image_file = 'y1_test/DECam_00241238_01.fits.fz'
    cat_file = 'y1_test/DECam_00241238_01_psfcat_tb_maxmag_17.0_magcut_3.0_findstars.fits'
    orig_image = galsim.fits.read(image_file)
    psf_file = os.path.join('output','pixel_des_psf.fits')

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # These match what Gary used in fit_des.py
        nstars = None
        scale = 0.15
        size = 41
        # These are faster and good enough for the unit tests.
        nstars = 25
        scale = 0.2
        size = 21
    stamp_size = 51

    # The configuration dict with the right input fields for the file we're using.
    start_sigma = 1.0/2.355  # TODO: Need to make this automatic somehow.
    config = {
        'input' : {
            'images' : image_file,
            'image_hdu' : 1,
            'weight_hdu' : 3,
            'badpix_hdu' : 2,
            'cats' : cat_file,
            'cat_hdu' : 2,
            'x_col' : 'XWIN_IMAGE',
            'y_col' : 'YWIN_IMAGE',
            'sky_col' : 'BACKGROUND',
            'stamp_size' : stamp_size,
            'ra' : 'TELRA',
            'dec' : 'TELDEC',
            'gain' : 'GAINA',
        'output' : {
            'file_name' : psf_file,
        'psf' : {
            'model' : {
                'type' : 'PixelGrid',
                'scale' : scale,
                'size' : size,
                'start_sigma' : start_sigma,
            'interp' : {
                'type' : 'BasisPolynomial',
                'order' : 2,
    if __name__ == '__main__': config['verbose'] = 3

    # These tests are slow, and it's really just doing the same thing three times, so
    # only do the first one when running via nosetests.
    if True:
        # Start by doing things manually:
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            logger = piff.config.setup_logger(2)
            logger = None

        # Largely copied from Gary's fit_des.py, but using the Piff input_handler to
        # read the input files.
        stars, wcs, pointing = piff.Input.process(config['input'], logger=logger)
        if nstars is not None:
            stars = stars[:nstars]

        # Make model, force PSF centering
        model = piff.PixelGrid(scale=scale, size=size, interp=piff.Lanczos(3),
                               force_model_center=True, start_sigma=start_sigma,

        # Interpolator will be zero-order polynomial.
        # Find u, v ranges
        interp = piff.BasisPolynomial(order=2, logger=logger)

        # Make a psf
        psf = piff.SimplePSF(model, interp)
        psf.fit(stars, wcs, pointing, logger=logger)

        # The difference between the images of the fitted stars and the originals should be
        # consistent with noise.  Keep track of how many don't meet that goal.
        n_bad = 0  # chisq/dof > 2
        n_marginal = 0  # chisq/dof > 1.1
        n_good = 0 # chisq/dof <= 1.1
        # Note: The 2 and 1.1 values here are very arbitrary!

        for s in psf.stars:
            fitted = psf.drawStar(s)
            orig_stamp = orig_image[fitted.image.bounds] - s['sky']
            fit_stamp = fitted.image

            x0 = int(s['x']+0.5)
            y0 = int(s['y']+0.5)
            b = galsim.BoundsI(x0-3,x0+3,y0-3,y0+3)
            #print('orig center = ',orig_stamp[b].array)
            #print('flux = ',orig_stamp.array.sum())
            #print('fit center = ',fit_stamp[b].array)
            #print('flux = ',fit_stamp.array.sum())
            flux = fitted.fit.flux
            #print('max diff/flux = ',np.max(np.abs(orig_stamp.array-fit_stamp.array))/flux)
            #np.testing.assert_almost_equal(fit_stamp.array/flux, orig_stamp.array/flux, decimal=2)
            weight = s.weight  # These should be 1/var_pix
            resid = fit_stamp - orig_stamp
            chisq = np.sum(resid.array**2 * weight.array)
            print('chisq = ',chisq)
            print('cf. star.chisq, dof = ',s.fit.chisq, s.fit.dof)
            assert abs(chisq - s.fit.chisq) < 1.e-3 * chisq
            if chisq > 2. * s.fit.dof:
                n_bad += 1
            elif chisq > 1.1 * s.fit.dof:
                n_marginal += 1
                n_good += 1

            # Check the convenience function that an end user would typically use
            offset = s.center_to_offset(s.fit.center)
            image = psf.draw(x=s['x'], y=s['y'], stamp_size=stamp_size,
                             flux=s.fit.flux, offset=offset)
            np.testing.assert_almost_equal(image.array, fit_stamp.array, decimal=4)

        print('n_good, marginal, bad = ',n_good,n_marginal,n_bad)
        # The real counts are 10 and 2.  So this says make sure any updates to the code don't make
        # things much worse.
        assert n_marginal <= 12
        assert n_bad <= 3

    # Use piffify function
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print('start piffify')
        print('read stars')
        stars, wcs, pointing = piff.Input.process(config['input'])
        print('read psf')
        psf = piff.read(psf_file)
        stars = [psf.model.initialize(s) for s in stars]
        flux = stars[0].fit.flux
        offset = stars[0].center_to_offset(stars[0].fit.center)
        fit_stamp = psf.draw(x=stars[0]['x'], y=stars[0]['y'], stamp_size=stamp_size,
                             flux=flux, offset=offset)
        orig_stamp = orig_image[stars[0].image.bounds] - stars[0]['sky']
        # The first star happens to be a good one, so go ahead and test the arrays directly.
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(fit_stamp.array/flux, orig_stamp.array/flux, decimal=2)

    # Test using the piffify executable
    with open('pixel_des.yaml','w') as f:
        f.write(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        if os.path.exists(psf_file):
        piffify_exe = get_script_name('piffify')
        print('start piffify executable')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [piffify_exe, 'pixel_des.yaml'] )
        print('read stars')
        stars, wcs, pointing = piff.Input.process(config['input'])
        print('read psf')
        psf = piff.read(psf_file)
        stars = [psf.model.initialize(s) for s in stars]
        flux = stars[0].fit.flux
        offset = stars[0].center_to_offset(stars[0].fit.center)
        fit_stamp = psf.draw(x=stars[0]['x'], y=stars[0]['y'], stamp_size=stamp_size,
                             flux=flux, offset=offset)
        orig_stamp = orig_image[stars[0].image.bounds] - stars[0]['sky']
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(fit_stamp.array/flux, orig_stamp.array/flux, decimal=2)
Example #19
def test_single_image():
    """Test the whole process with a single image.

    Note: This test is based heavily on test_single_image in test_simple.py.
    import os
    import fitsio

    # Make the image
    image = galsim.Image(2048, 2048, scale=0.2)

    # The (x,y) values will be on a grid 5 x 5 stars with a random sub-pixel offset.
    xvals = np.linspace(50., 1950., 5)
    yvals = np.linspace(50., 1950., 5)
    x_list, y_list = np.meshgrid(xvals, yvals)
    x_list = x_list.flatten()
    y_list = y_list.flatten()
    x_list = x_list + (np.random.rand(len(x_list)) - 0.5)
    y_list = y_list + (np.random.rand(len(x_list)) - 0.5)
    print('x_list = ',x_list)
    print('y_list = ',y_list)
    # Range of fluxes from 100 to 15000
    flux_list = 100. * np.exp(5. * np.random.rand(len(x_list)))
    print('fluxes range from ',np.min(flux_list),np.max(flux_list))

    # Draw a Moffat PSF at each location on the image.
    # Have the truth values vary quadratically across the image.
    beta_fn = lambda x,y: 3.5 - 0.1*(x/1000) + 0.08*(y/1000)**2
    fwhm_fn = lambda x,y: 0.9 + 0.05*(x/1000) - 0.03*(y/1000) + 0.02*(x/1000)*(y/1000)
    e1_fn = lambda x,y: 0.02 - 0.01*(x/1000)
    e2_fn = lambda x,y: -0.03 + 0.02*(x/1000)**2 - 0.01*(y/1000)*2

    for x,y,flux in zip(x_list, y_list, flux_list):
        beta = beta_fn(x,y)
        fwhm = fwhm_fn(x,y)
        e1 = e1_fn(x,y)
        e2 = e2_fn(x,y)
        moffat = galsim.Moffat(fwhm=fwhm, beta=beta, flux=flux).shear(e1=e1, e2=e2)
        bounds = galsim.BoundsI(int(x-31), int(x+32), int(y-31), int(y+32))
        offset = galsim.PositionD( x-int(x)-0.5 , y-int(y)-0.5 )
        moffat.drawImage(image=image[bounds], offset=offset, method='no_pixel')
    print('drew image')

    # Write out the image to a file
    image_file = os.path.join('data','pixel_moffat_image.fits')
    print('wrote image')

    # Write out the catalog to a file
    dtype = [ ('x','f8'), ('y','f8') ]
    data = np.empty(len(x_list), dtype=dtype)
    data['x'] = x_list
    data['y'] = y_list
    cat_file = os.path.join('data','pixel_moffat_cat.fits')
    fitsio.write(cat_file, data, clobber=True)
    print('wrote catalog')

    # Use InputFiles to read these back in
    input = piff.InputFiles(image_file, cat_file, stamp_size=32)
    assert input.image_files == [ image_file ]
    assert input.cat_files == [ cat_file ]
    assert input.x_col == 'x'
    assert input.y_col == 'y'

    # Check image
    assert len(input.images) == 1
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.images[0].array, image.array)

    # Check catalog
    assert len(input.cats) == 1
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.cats[0]['x'], x_list)
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.cats[0]['y'], y_list)

    # Make stars
    orig_stars = input.makeStars()
    assert len(orig_stars) == len(x_list)
    assert orig_stars[0].image.array.shape == (32,32)

    # Make a test star, not at the location of any of the model stars to use for each of the
    # below tests.
    x0 = 1024  # Some random position, not where a star was originally.
    y0 = 133
    beta = beta_fn(x0,y0)
    fwhm = fwhm_fn(x0,y0)
    e1 = e1_fn(x0,y0)
    e2 = e2_fn(x0,y0)
    moffat = galsim.Moffat(fwhm=fwhm, beta=beta).shear(e1=e1, e2=e2)
    target_star = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=x0, y=y0, scale=image.scale)
    test_im = galsim.ImageD(bounds=target_star.image.bounds, scale=image.scale)
    moffat.drawImage(image=test_im, method='no_pixel', use_true_center=False)
    print('made test star')

    # These tests are slow, and it's really just doing the same thing three times, so
    # only do the first one when running via nosetests.
    if True:
        # Process the star data
        model = piff.PixelGrid(0.2, 16, start_sigma=0.9/2.355)
        interp = piff.BasisPolynomial(order=2)
        if __name__ == '__main__':
            logger = piff.config.setup_logger(2)
            logger = None
        pointing = None     # wcs is not Celestial here, so pointing needs to be None.
        psf = piff.SimplePSF(model, interp)
        psf.fit(orig_stars, {0:input.images[0].wcs}, pointing, logger=logger)

        # Check that the interpolation is what it should be
        print('target.flux = ',target_star.fit.flux)
        test_star = psf.drawStar(target_star)
        #print('test_im center = ',test_im[b].array)
        #print('flux = ',test_im.array.sum())
        #print('interp_im center = ',test_star.image[b].array)
        #print('flux = ',test_star.image.array.sum())
        #print('max diff = ',np.max(np.abs(test_star.image.array-test_im.array)))
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)

        # Check the convenience function that an end user would typically use
        image = psf.draw(x=x0, y=y0)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)

        # Round trip through a file
        psf_file = os.path.join('output','pixel_psf.fits')
        psf.write(psf_file, logger)
        psf = piff.read(psf_file, logger)
        assert type(psf.model) is piff.PixelGrid
        assert type(psf.interp) is piff.BasisPolynomial
        test_star = psf.drawStar(target_star)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)

        # Check the convenience function that an end user would typically use
        image = psf.draw(x=x0, y=y0)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)

    # Do the whole thing with the config parser
    config = {
        'input' : {
            'images' : image_file,
            'cats' : cat_file,
            'x_col' : 'x',
            'y_col' : 'y',
            'stamp_size' : 48  # Bigger than we drew, but should still work.
        'output' : {
            'file_name' : psf_file
        'psf' : {
            'model' : {
                'type' : 'PixelGrid',
                'scale' : 0.2,
                'size' : 16,  # Much smaller than the input stamps, but this is plenty here.
                'start_sigma' : 0.9/2.355
            'interp' : {
                'type' : 'BasisPolynomial',
                'order' : 2
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print("Running piffify function")
        psf = piff.read(psf_file)
        test_star = psf.drawStar(target_star)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)

    # Test using the piffify executable
    with open('pixel_moffat.yaml','w') as f:
        f.write(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        print("Running piffify executable")
        if os.path.exists(psf_file):
        piffify_exe = get_script_name('piffify')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [piffify_exe, 'pixel_moffat.yaml'] )
        psf = piff.read(psf_file)
        test_star = psf.drawStar(target_star)
        np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.image.array, test_im.array, decimal=3)
def test_kk():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|kappa~(k)|^2> = 2 pi A^2 (s/L)^4 exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #       = pi A^2 (s/L)^2 exp(-r^2/2s^2/4)
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be kappa^2, so it needs to be (s/L)^2.

    ngal = 1000000
    A = 0.05
    s = 10.
    L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/s**2
    kappa = A * numpy.exp(-r2/2.)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, k=kappa, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kk = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=50., sep_units='arcmin',

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',kk.meanlogr - numpy.log(kk.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk.meanlogr, numpy.log(kk.meanr), decimal=3)

    r = kk.meanr
    true_xi = numpy.pi * A**2 * (s/L)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2)
    print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',kk.xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',kk.xi - true_xi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)) < 5.e-7

    # It should also work as a cross-correlation of this cat with itself
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk.meanlogr, numpy.log(kk.meanr), decimal=3)
    assert max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)) < 5.e-7

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"kk.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kk.out'), names=True)
        print('kk.xi = ',kk.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/kk.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-kk.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/kk.xi, 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output','kk_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(kk.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], kk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], kk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], kk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(kk.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    kk2 = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.logr, kk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanr, kk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanlogr, kk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.xi, kk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.varxi, kk.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.weight, kk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.npairs, kk.npairs)
Example #21
def test_single_image():
    """Test the simple case of one image and one catalog.
    # Make the image
    image = galsim.Image(2048, 2048, scale=0.26)

    # Where to put the stars.  Include some flagged and not used locations.
    x_list = [ 123.12, 345.98, 567.25, 1094.94, 924.15, 1532.74, 1743.11, 888.39, 1033.29, 1409.31 ]
    y_list = [ 345.43, 567.45, 1094.32, 924.29, 1532.92, 1743.83, 888.83, 1033.19, 1409.20, 123.11 ]
    flag_list = [ 0, 0, 12, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
    use_list = [ 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1 ]

    # Draw a Gaussian PSF at each location on the image.
    sigma = 1.3
    g1 = 0.23
    g2 = -0.17
    psf = galsim.Gaussian(sigma=sigma).shear(g1=g1, g2=g2)
    for x,y,flag,use in zip(x_list, y_list, flag_list, use_list):
        bounds = galsim.BoundsI(int(x-31), int(x+32), int(y-31), int(y+32))
        offset = galsim.PositionD( x-int(x)-0.5 , y-int(y)-0.5 )
        psf.drawImage(image=image[bounds], method='no_pixel', offset=offset)
        # corrupt the ones that are marked as flagged
        if flag:
            print('corrupting star at ',x,y)
            ar = image[bounds].array
            im_max = np.max(ar) * 0.2
            ar[ar > im_max] = im_max

    # Write out the image to a file
    image_file = os.path.join('data','simple_image.fits')

    # Write out the catalog to a file
    dtype = [ ('x','f8'), ('y','f8'), ('flag','i2'), ('use','i2') ]
    data = np.empty(len(x_list), dtype=dtype)
    data['x'] = x_list
    data['y'] = y_list
    data['flag'] = flag_list
    data['use'] = use_list
    cat_file = os.path.join('data','simple_cat.fits')
    fitsio.write(cat_file, data, clobber=True)

    # Use InputFiles to read these back in
    input = piff.InputFiles(image_file, cat_file)
    assert input.image_files == [ image_file ]
    assert input.cat_files == [ cat_file ]
    assert input.x_col == 'x'
    assert input.y_col == 'y'

    # Check image
    assert len(input.images) == 1
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.images[0].array, image.array)

    # Check catalog
    assert len(input.cats) == 1
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.cats[0]['x'], x_list)
    np.testing.assert_equal(input.cats[0]['y'], y_list)

    # Repeat, using flag and use columns this time.
    input = piff.InputFiles(image_file, cat_file, flag_col='flag', use_col='use', stamp_size=48)
    assert input.flag_col == 'flag'
    assert input.use_col == 'use'
    assert len(input.cats[0]) == 7

    # Make star data
    orig_stars = input.makeStars()
    assert len(orig_stars) == 7
    assert orig_stars[0].image.array.shape == (48,48)

    # Process the star data
    model = piff.Gaussian()
    interp = piff.Mean()
    fitted_stars = [ model.fit(star) for star in orig_stars ]
    print('mean = ',interp.mean)

    # Check that the interpolation is what it should be
    target = piff.Star.makeTarget(x=1024, y=123) # Any position would work here.
    true_params = [ sigma, g1, g2 ]
    test_star = interp.interpolate(target)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.fit.params, true_params, decimal=5)

    # Now test running it via the config parser
    psf_file = os.path.join('output','simple_psf.fits')
    config = {
        'input' : {
            'images' : image_file,
            'cats' : cat_file,
            'flag_col' : 'flag',
            'use_col' : 'use',
            'stamp_size' : 48
        'psf' : {
            'model' : { 'type' : 'Gaussian' },
            'interp' : { 'type' : 'Mean' },
        'output' : { 'file_name' : psf_file },
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(verbose=3)
        logger = piff.config.setup_logger(verbose=1)
    orig_stars, wcs, pointing = piff.Input.process(config['input'], logger)

    # Use a SimplePSF to process the stars data this time.
    psf = piff.SimplePSF(model, interp)
    psf.fit(orig_stars, wcs, pointing, logger=logger)
    test_star = psf.interp.interpolate(target)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.fit.params, true_params, decimal=5)

    # Round trip to a file
    psf.write(psf_file, logger)
    psf = piff.read(psf_file, logger)
    assert type(psf.model) is piff.Gaussian
    assert type(psf.interp) is piff.Mean
    test_star = psf.interp.interpolate(target)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.fit.params, true_params, decimal=5)

    # Do the whole thing with the config parser

    piff.piffify(config, logger)
    psf = piff.read(psf_file)
    test_star = psf.interp.interpolate(target)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.fit.params, true_params, decimal=5)

    # Test using the piffify executable
    with open('simple.yaml','w') as f:
        f.write(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))
    piffify_exe = get_script_name('piffify')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [piffify_exe, 'simple.yaml'] )
    psf = piff.read(psf_file)
    test_star = psf.interp.interpolate(target)
    np.testing.assert_almost_equal(test_star.fit.params, true_params, decimal=5)

    # Test that we can make rho statistics
    min_sep = 1
    max_sep = 100
    bin_size = 0.1
    stats = piff.RhoStats(min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, bin_size=bin_size)
    stats.compute(psf, orig_stars)

    rhos = [stats.rho1, stats.rho2, stats.rho3, stats.rho4, stats.rho5]
    for rho in rhos:
        # Test the range of separations
        radius = np.exp(rho.logr)
        # last bin can be one bigger than max_sep
        np.testing.assert_array_less(radius, np.exp(np.log(max_sep) + bin_size))
        np.testing.assert_array_less(min_sep, radius)
        np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(np.diff(rho.logr), bin_size, decimal=5)

        # Test that the max absolute value of each rho isn't crazy
        np.testing.assert_array_less(np.abs(rho.xip), 1)

        # Check that each rho isn't precisely zero. This means the sum of abs > 0
        np.testing.assert_array_less(0, np.sum(np.abs(rho.xip)))

    # Test the plotting and writing
    rho_psf_file = os.path.join('output','simple_psf_rhostats.png')

    # Test that we can make summary shape statistics, using HSM
    shapeStats = piff.ShapeHistogramsStats()
    shapeStats.compute(psf, orig_stars)

    # test their characteristics
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigma, shapeStats.T, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(sigma, shapeStats.T_model, decimal=3)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g1, shapeStats.g1, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g1, shapeStats.g1_model, decimal=3)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g2, shapeStats.g2, decimal=4)
    np.testing.assert_array_almost_equal(g2, shapeStats.g2_model, decimal=3)

    shape_psf_file = os.path.join('output','simple_psf_shapestats.png')

    # Test that we can use the config parser for both RhoStats and ShapeHistogramsStats
    config['output']['stats'] = [
            'type': 'ShapeHistograms',
            'file_name': shape_psf_file
            'type': 'Rho',
            'file_name': rho_psf_file


    # Test using the piffify executable
    with open('simple.yaml','w') as f:
        f.write(yaml.dump(config, default_flow_style=False))
    piffify_exe = get_script_name('piffify')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [piffify_exe, 'simple.yaml'] )
Example #22
def test_nn():
    # Use a simple probability distribution for the galaxies:
    # n(r) = (2pi s^2)^-1 exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: n~(k) = exp(-s^2 k^2/2)
    # P(k) = <|n~(k)|^2> = exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) ) 
    #       = 1/(4 pi s^2) exp(-r^2/4s^2)
    # However, we need to correct for the uniform density background, so the real result
    # is this minus 1/L^2 divided by 1/L^2.  So:
    # xi(r) = 1/4pi (L/s)^2 exp(-r^2/4s^2) - 1

    s = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 1000000
        nrand = 5 * ngal
        L = 50. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 100000
        nrand = 2 * ngal
        L = 20. * s
        req_factor = 3
    x = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',dd.meanlogr - numpy.log(dd.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd.meanlogr, numpy.log(dd.meanr), decimal=3)

    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx,y=ry, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    dr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('dr.npairs = ',dr.npairs)

    r = dd.meanr
    true_xi = 0.25/numpy.pi * (L/s)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2) - 1.

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    # This isn't super accurate.  But the agreement improves as L increase, so I think it is 
    # merely a matter of the finite field and the integrals going to infinity.  (Sort of, since
    # we still have L in there.)
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    simple_xi, simple_varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('simple xi = ',simple_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    # The simple calculation (i.e. dd/rr-1, rather than (dd-2dr+rr)/rr as above) is only 
    # slightly less accurate in this case.  Probably because the mask is simple (a box), so
    # the difference is relatively minor.  The error is slightly higher in this case, but testing
    # that it is everywhere < 0.1 is still appropriate.
    assert max(abs(simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn.out'),names=True)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','nn_out1.fits')
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], dd.npairs)
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output','nn_out2.fits')
    dd.write(out_file_name2, rr)
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], simple_xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(simple_varxi))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DD'], dd.npairs)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['RR'], rr.npairs * (dd.tot / rr.tot))
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    out_file_name3 = os.path.join('output','nn_out3.fits')
    dd.write(out_file_name3, rr, dr)
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name3)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DD'], dd.npairs)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['RR'], rr.npairs * (dd.tot / rr.tot))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DR'], dr.npairs * (dd.tot / dr.tot))
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    # Check the read function
    dd2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.logr, dd.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanr, dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanlogr, dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.npairs, dd.npairs)

    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.logr, dd.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanr, dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanlogr, dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.npairs, dd.npairs)
Example #23
def test_list():
    # Test that we can use a list of files for either data or rand or both.

    nobj = 5000

    ncats = 3
    data_cats = []
    rand_cats = []

    s = 10.
    L = 50. * s

    x = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (nobj,ncats) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (nobj,ncats) )
    data_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=x[:,k],y=y[:,k]) for k in range(ncats) ]
    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample((nobj,ncats))-0.5) * L
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample((nobj,ncats))-0.5) * L
    rand_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=rx[:,k],y=ry[:,k]) for k in range(ncats) ]

    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('xi = ',xi)

    # Now do the same thing with one big catalog for each.
    ddx = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    rrx = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    data_catx = treecorr.Catalog(x=x.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ), y=y.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ))
    rand_catx = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ), y=ry.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ))
    xix, varxix = ddx.calculateXi(rrx)

    print('ddx.npairs = ',ddx.npairs)
    print('rrx.npairs = ',rrx.npairs)
    print('xix = ',xix)
    print('ratio = ',xi/xix)
    print('diff = ',xi-xix)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(xix/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    file_list = []
    rand_file_list = []
    for k in range(ncats):
        file_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_data%d.dat'%k)
        with open(file_name, 'w') as fid:
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(x[i,k],y[i,k]))

        rand_file_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_rand%d.dat'%k)
        with open(rand_file_name, 'w') as fid:
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(rx[i,k],ry[i,k]))

    list_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_data_files.txt')
    with open(list_name, 'w') as fid:
        for file_name in file_list:
    rand_list_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_rand_files.txt')
    with open(rand_list_name, 'w') as fid:
        for file_name in rand_file_list:

    file_namex = os.path.join('data','nn_list_datax.dat')
    with open(file_namex, 'w') as fid:
        for k in range(ncats):
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(x[i,k],y[i,k]))

    rand_file_namex = os.path.join('data','nn_list_randx.dat')
    with open(rand_file_namex, 'w') as fid:
        for k in range(ncats):
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(rx[i,k],ry[i,k]))

    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list1.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list1.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list2.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list2.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list3.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list3.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list4.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list4.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list5.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list5.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list6.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list6.out'),names=True)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)
Example #24
def test_rlens():
    # Similar to test_rlens in test_ng.py, but we give the lenses a shape and do a GG correlation.
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-R^2/2R0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.

    nlens = 100
    nsource = 200000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    R0 = 10.
    L = 50. * R0

    # Lenses are randomly located with random shapes.
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -500 < x < 500
    zl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -500 < y < 500
    yl = numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) * 4*L + 10*L  # 5000 < z < 7000
    rl = numpy.sqrt(xl**2 + yl**2 + zl**2)
    g1l = numpy.random.normal(0., 0.1, (nlens,))
    g2l = numpy.random.normal(0., 0.1, (nlens,))
    gl = g1l + 1j * g2l
    gl /= numpy.abs(gl)
    print('Made lenses')

    # For the signal, we'll do a pure quadrupole halo lens signal.  cf. test_haloellip()
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    zs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) * 8*L + 160*L  # 80000 < z < 84000
    rs = numpy.sqrt(xs**2 + ys**2 + zs**2)
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    bin_size = 0.1
    # min_sep is set so the first bin doesn't have 0 pairs.
    min_sep = 1.3*R0
    # max_sep can't be too large, since the measured value starts to have shape noise for larger
    # values of separation.  We're not adding any shape noise directly, but the shear from other
    # lenses is effectively a shape noise, and that comes to dominate the measurement above ~4R0.
    max_sep = 4.*R0
    nbins = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log(max_sep/min_sep)/bin_size))
    true_gQ = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_gCr = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_gCi = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_npairs = numpy.zeros((nbins,), dtype=int)
    print('Making shear vectors')
    for x,y,z,r,g in zip(xl,yl,zl,rl,gl):
        # Use |r1 x r2| = |r1| |r2| sin(theta)
        xcross = ys * z - zs * y
        ycross = zs * x - xs * z
        zcross = xs * y - ys * x
        sintheta = numpy.sqrt(xcross**2 + ycross**2 + zcross**2) / (rs * r)
        Rlens = 2. * r * numpy.sin(numpy.arcsin(sintheta)/2)

        gammaQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

        # For the alpha angle, approximate that the x,z coords are approx the perpendicular plane.
        # So just normalize back to the unit sphere and do the 2d projection calculation.
        # It's not exactly right, but it should be good enough for this unit test.
        dx = xs/rs-x/r
        dz = zs/rs-z/r
        expialpha = dx + 1j*dz
        expialpha /= numpy.abs(expialpha)

        # In frame where halo is along x axis,
        #   g_source = gammaQ exp(4itheta)
        # In real frame, theta = alpha - phi, and we need to rotate the shear an extra exp(2iphi)
        #   g_source = gammaQ exp(4ialpha) exp(-2iphi)
        gQ = gammaQ * expialpha**4 * numpy.conj(g)
        g1 += gQ.real
        g2 += gQ.imag

        index = numpy.floor( numpy.log(Rlens/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
        mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins)
        numpy.add.at(true_gQ, index[mask], gammaQ[mask])
        numpy.add.at(true_npairs, index[mask], 1)

        # We aren't intentionally making a constant term, but there will be some C signal due to
        # the finite number of pairs being rendered.  So let's figure out how much there is.
        gC = gQ * numpy.conj(g)
        numpy.add.at(true_gCr, index[mask], gC[mask].real)
        numpy.add.at(true_gCi, index[mask], -gC[mask].imag)

    true_gQ /= true_npairs
    true_gCr /= true_npairs
    true_gCi /= true_npairs
    print('true_gQ = ',true_gQ)
    print('true_gCr = ',true_gCr)
    print('true_gCi = ',true_gCi)

    # Start with bin_slop == 0.  With only 100 lenses, this still runs very fast.
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, z=zl, g1=gl.real, g2=gl.imag)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, g1=g1, g2=g2)
    gg0 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0)
    gg0.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rlens = gg0.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0:')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg0.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg0.xim)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg0.xim / true_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg0.xim - true_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0.xim - true_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg0.xim - true_gQ)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg0.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg0.xim_im)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xip = ',gg0.xip)
    print('true_gCr = ',true_gCr)
    print('diff = ',gg0.xip - true_gCr)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0.xip - true_gCr)))
    assert max(abs(gg0.xip - true_gCr)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xip_im = ',gg0.xip_im)
    print('true_gCi = ',true_gCi)
    print('diff = ',gg0.xip_im - true_gCi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0.xip_im - true_gCi)))
    assert max(abs(gg0.xip_im - true_gCi)) < 2.e-6

    print('gg.xim = ',gg0.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg0.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg0.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0.xim - theory_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg0.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    gg1 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0.5)
    gg1.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = gg1.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg1.npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg1.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg1.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg1.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg1.xim - theory_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg1.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg1.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg1.xim_im)) < 7.e-6

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"gg_rlens.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','gg_rlens.out'),names=True)
        print('gg.xim = ',gg1.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg1.xim)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg1.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'], gg1.xim, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim_im'], gg1.xim_im, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'], gg1.xip, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip_im'], gg1.xip_im, decimal=6)

    # Repeat with the sources being given as RA/Dec only.
    ral, decl = treecorr.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(xl,yl,zl)
    ras, decs = treecorr.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(xs,ys,zs)
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ral, dec=decl, ra_units='radians', dec_units='radians', r=rl,
                                g1=gl.real, g2=gl.imag)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ras, dec=decs, ra_units='radians', dec_units='radians',
                                  g1=g1, g2=g2)

    gg0s = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                  metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0)
    gg0s.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rlens = gg0s.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0:')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg0s.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg0s.xim)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg0s.xim / true_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg0s.xim - true_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0s.xim - true_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xim - true_gQ)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg0s.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xim_im)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xip = ',gg0s.xip)
    print('true_gCr = ',true_gCr)
    print('diff = ',gg0s.xip - true_gCr)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0s.xip - true_gCr)))
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xip - true_gCr)) < 2.e-6
    print('gg.xip_im = ',gg0s.xip_im)
    print('true_gCi = ',true_gCi)
    print('diff = ',gg0s.xip_im - true_gCi)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0s.xip_im - true_gCi)))
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xip_im - true_gCi)) < 2.e-6

    print('gg.xim = ',gg0s.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg0s.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg0s.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg0s.xim - theory_gQ)))
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5

    # This should be identical to the 3d version, since going all the way to leaves.
    # (The next test with bin_slop = 1 will be different, since tree creation is different.)
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xim - gg0.xim)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xip - gg0.xip)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xim_im - gg0.xim_im)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg0s.xip_im - gg0.xip_im)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg0s.npairs - gg0.npairs)) < 1.e-7

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    gg1s = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                  metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0.5)
    gg1s.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = gg1s.meanr
    theory_gQ = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('gg.npairs = ',gg1s.npairs)
    print('gg.xim = ',gg1s.xim)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gQ)
    print('ratio = ',gg1s.xim / theory_gQ)
    print('diff = ',gg1s.xim - theory_gQ)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg1s.xim - theory_gQ)))
    # Not quite as accurate as above, since the cells that get used tend to be larger, so more
    # slop happens in the binning.
    assert max(abs(gg1s.xim - theory_gQ)) < 4.e-5
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg1s.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg1s.xim_im)) < 7.e-6
Example #25
def test_ng():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    for x,y in zip(xl,yl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2)
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dy**2)/r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dy)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    ng = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    ng.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = ng.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng.xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-3
    assert max(abs(ng.xi_im)) < 4.e-3

    nrand = nlens * 13
    xr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    yr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rand_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xr, y=yr, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rg = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    rg.process(rand_cat, source_cat)
    print('rg.xi = ',rg.xi)
    xi, xi_im, varxi = ng.calculateXi(rg)
    print('compensated xi = ',xi)
    print('compensated xi_im = ',xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(xi - true_gt)))
    # It turns out this doesn't come out much better.  I think the imprecision is mostly just due
    # to the smallish number of lenses, not to edge effects
    assert max(abs(xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-3
    assert max(abs(xi_im)) < 4.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng.xi)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['gamX'])) < 4.e-3

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','ng_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(ng.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], ng.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], ng.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gamT'], ng.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gamX'], ng.xi_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(ng.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], ng.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], ng.npairs)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output','ng_out2.fits')
    ng.write(out_file_name2, rg)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(ng.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], ng.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], ng.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gamT'], xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['gamX'], xi_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], ng.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], ng.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    ng2 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.logr, ng.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.meanr, ng.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.meanlogr, ng.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.xi, ng.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.xi_im, ng.xi_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.varxi, ng.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.weight, ng.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(ng2.npairs, ng.npairs)
Example #26
def test_kk():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use kappa(r) = A exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: kappa~(k) = 2 pi A s^2 exp(-s^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|kappa~(k)|^2> = 2 pi A^2 (s/L)^4 exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #       = pi A^2 (s/L)^2 exp(-r^2/2s^2/4)
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be kappa^2, so it needs to be (s/L)^2.

    ngal = 1000000
    A = 0.05
    s = 10.
    L = 30. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2) / s**2
    kappa = A * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2.)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x,
    kk = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ', kk.meanlogr - numpy.log(kk.meanr))

    r = kk.meanr
    true_xi = numpy.pi * A**2 * (s / L)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25 * r**2 / s**2)
    print('kk.xi = ', kk.xi)
    print('true_xi = ', true_xi)
    print('ratio = ', kk.xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ', kk.xi - true_xi)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)) < 5.e-7

    # It should also work as a cross-correlation of this cat with itself
    kk.process(cat, cat)
    assert max(abs(kk.xi - true_xi)) < 5.e-7

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kk.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "kk.params"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'kk.out'),
        print('kk.xi = ', kk.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xi'] / kk.xi)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['xi'] - kk.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi'] / kk.xi,

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output', 'kk_out.fits')
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(kk.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], kk.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], kk.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], kk.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kk.weight)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kk.npairs)
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    # Check the read function
    kk2 = treecorr.KKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.logr, kk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanr, kk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.meanlogr, kk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.xi, kk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.varxi, kk.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.weight, kk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kk2.npairs, kk.npairs)
Example #27
def test_rlens():
    # Same as above, except use R_lens for separation.
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-R^2/2R0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.

    nlens = 100
    nsource = 200000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    R0 = 10.
    L = 50. * R0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -250 < x < 250
    zl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -250 < y < 250
    yl = numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) * 4*L + 10*L  # 5000 < z < 7000
    rl = numpy.sqrt(xl**2 + yl**2 + zl**2)
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    zs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) * 8*L + 160*L  # 80000 < z < 84000
    rs = numpy.sqrt(xs**2 + ys**2 + zs**2)
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    bin_size = 0.1
    # min_sep is set so the first bin doesn't have 0 pairs.
    min_sep = 1.3*R0
    # max_sep can't be too large, since the measured value starts to have shape noise for larger
    # values of separation.  We're not adding any shape noise directly, but the shear from other
    # lenses is effectively a shape noise, and that comes to dominate the measurement above ~4R0.
    max_sep = 4.*R0
    nbins = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log(max_sep/min_sep)/bin_size))
    true_gt = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_npairs = numpy.zeros((nbins,), dtype=int)
    print('Making shear vectors')
    for x,y,z,r in zip(xl,yl,zl,rl):
        # Use |r1 x r2| = |r1| |r2| sin(theta)
        xcross = ys * z - zs * y
        ycross = zs * x - xs * z
        zcross = xs * y - ys * x
        sintheta = numpy.sqrt(xcross**2 + ycross**2 + zcross**2) / (rs * r)
        Rlens = 2. * r * numpy.sin(numpy.arcsin(sintheta)/2)

        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)
        # For the rotation, approximate that the x,z coords are approx the perpendicular plane.
        # So just normalize back to the unit sphere and do the 2d projection calculation.
        # It's not exactly right, but it should be good enough for this unit test.
        dx = xs/rs-x/r
        dz = zs/rs-z/r
        drsq = dx**2 + dz**2
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dz**2)/drsq
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dz)/drsq
        index = numpy.floor( numpy.log(Rlens/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
        mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins)
        numpy.add.at(true_gt, index[mask], gammat[mask])
        numpy.add.at(true_npairs, index[mask], 1)
    true_gt /= true_npairs

    # Start with bin_slop == 0.  With only 100 lenses, this still runs very fast.
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, z=zl)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, g1=g1, g2=g2)
    ng0 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0)
    ng0.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rlens = ng0.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0:')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng0.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng0.xi)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)) < 2.e-6
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng0.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi_im)) < 1.e-6

    print('ng.xi = ',ng0.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi - theory_gt)) < 4.e-5

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    ng1 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0.5)
    ng1.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = ng1.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng1.npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng1.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng1.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng1.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng1.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng1.xi - theory_gt)) < 5.e-5
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng1.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng1.xi_im)) < 3.e-6

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng_rlens.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng_rlens.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng1.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/ng1.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-ng1.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT'], ng1.xi, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamX'], ng1.xi_im, decimal=6)

    # Repeat with the sources being given as RA/Dec only.
    ral, decl = treecorr.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(xl,yl,zl)
    ras, decs = treecorr.CelestialCoord.xyz_to_radec(xs,ys,zs)
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ral, dec=decl, ra_units='radians', dec_units='radians', r=rl)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ras, dec=decs, ra_units='radians', dec_units='radians',
                                  g1=g1, g2=g2)

    # Again, start with bin_slop == 0.
    # This version should be identical to the 3D version.  When bin_slop != 0, it won't be
    # exactly identical, since the tree construction will have different decisions along the
    # way (since everything is at the same radius here), but the results are consistent.
    ng0s = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                  metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0)
    ng0s.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rlens = ng0s.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results when sources have no radius information, first bin_slop=0')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng0s.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng0s.xi)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0s.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0s.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0s.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0s.xi - true_gt)) < 2.e-6
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng0s.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng0s.xi_im)) < 1.e-6

    print('ng.xi = ',ng0s.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0s.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0s.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0s.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0s.xi - theory_gt)) < 4.e-5

    assert max(abs(ng0s.xi - ng0.xi)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(ng0s.xi_im - ng0.xi_im)) < 1.e-7
    assert max(abs(ng0s.npairs - ng0.npairs)) < 1.e-7

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    ng1s = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                  metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0.5)
    ng1s.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = ng1s.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng1s.npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng1s.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng1s.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng1s.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng1s.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng1s.xi - theory_gt)) < 5.e-5
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng1s.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng1s.xi_im)) < 3.e-6
Example #28
def test_pairwise():
    # Test the same profile, but with the pairwise calcualtion:
    nsource = 1000000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    kappa = 0.23
    r0 = 10.
    L = 5. * r0
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)
    gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r2 / r0**2)
    g1 = -gammat * (x**2 - y**2) / r2
    g2 = -gammat * (2. * x * y) / r2

    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    dx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    k = kappa * numpy.ones(nsource)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=dx,
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x + dx,
                                  y=y + dx,
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_kgt = kappa * gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r**2 / r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ', kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ', kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ', true_kgt)
    print('ratio = ', kg.xi / true_kgt)
    print('diff = ', kg.xi - true_kgt)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)))
    assert max(abs(kg.xi - true_kgt)) < 4.e-4
    assert max(abs(kg.xi_im)) < 3.e-5

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        lens_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kg_pairwise_lens.dat'))
        source_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'kg_pairwise_source.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "kg_pairwise.params"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output',
        print('kg.xi = ', kg.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kgamT'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['kgamT'] / kg.xi)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['kgamT'] - kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kgamT'] / kg.xi,

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kgamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['kgamX'])) < 3.e-5
Example #29
def test_rlens_bkg():
    # Same as above, except limit the sources to be in the background of the lens.

    nlens = 100
    nsource = 200000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    R0 = 10.
    L = 50. * R0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -250 < x < 250
    zl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L  # -250 < y < 250
    yl = numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) * 4*L + 10*L  # 5000 < z < 7000
    rl = numpy.sqrt(xl**2 + yl**2 + zl**2)
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    zs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) * 12*L + 8*L  # 4000 < z < 10000
    rs = numpy.sqrt(xs**2 + ys**2 + zs**2)
    print('xl = ',numpy.min(xl),numpy.max(xl))
    print('yl = ',numpy.min(yl),numpy.max(yl))
    print('zl = ',numpy.min(zl),numpy.max(zl))
    print('xs = ',numpy.min(xs),numpy.max(xs))
    print('ys = ',numpy.min(ys),numpy.max(ys))
    print('zs = ',numpy.min(zs),numpy.max(zs))
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    bin_size = 0.1
    # min_sep is set so the first bin doesn't have 0 pairs.
    min_sep = 1.3*R0
    # max_sep can't be too large, since the measured value starts to have shape noise for larger
    # values of separation.  We're not adding any shape noise directly, but the shear from other
    # lenses is effectively a shape noise, and that comes to dominate the measurement above ~4R0.
    max_sep = 4.*R0
    nbins = int(numpy.ceil(numpy.log(max_sep/min_sep)/bin_size))
    print('Making shear vectors')
    for x,y,z,r in zip(xl,yl,zl,rl):
        # This time, only give the true shear to the background galaxies.
        bkg = (rs > r)

        # Use |r1 x r2| = |r1| |r2| sin(theta)
        xcross = ys[bkg] * z - zs[bkg] * y
        ycross = zs[bkg] * x - xs[bkg] * z
        zcross = xs[bkg] * y - ys[bkg] * x
        sintheta = numpy.sqrt(xcross**2 + ycross**2 + zcross**2) / (rs[bkg] * r)
        Rlens = 2. * r * numpy.sin(numpy.arcsin(sintheta)/2)

        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)
        # For the rotation, approximate that the x,z coords are approx the perpendicular plane.
        # So just normalize back to the unit sphere and do the 2d projection calculation.
        # It's not exactly right, but it should be good enough for this unit test.
        dx = (xs/rs)[bkg]-x/r
        dz = (zs/rs)[bkg]-z/r
        drsq = dx**2 + dz**2

        g1[bkg] += -gammat * (dx**2-dz**2)/drsq
        g2[bkg] += -gammat * (2.*dx*dz)/drsq

    # Slight subtlety in this test vs the previous one.  We need to build up the full g1,g2
    # arrays first before calculating the true_gt value, since we need to include the background
    # galaxies for each lens regardless of whether they had signal or not.
    true_gt = numpy.zeros( (nbins,) )
    true_npairs = numpy.zeros((nbins,), dtype=int)
    for x,y,z,r in zip(xl,yl,zl,rl):
        # Use |r1 x r2| = |r1| |r2| sin(theta)
        xcross = ys * z - zs * y
        ycross = zs * x - xs * z
        zcross = xs * y - ys * x
        sintheta = numpy.sqrt(xcross**2 + ycross**2 + zcross**2) / (rs * r)
        Rlens = 2. * r * numpy.sin(numpy.arcsin(sintheta)/2)
        dx = xs/rs-x/r
        dz = zs/rs-z/r
        drsq = dx**2 + dz**2
        gt = -g1 * (dx**2-dz**2)/drsq - g2 * (2.*dx*dz)/drsq
        bkg = (rs > r)
        index = numpy.floor( numpy.log(Rlens/min_sep) / bin_size).astype(int)
        mask = (index >= 0) & (index < nbins) & bkg
        numpy.add.at(true_gt, index[mask], gt[mask])
        numpy.add.at(true_npairs, index[mask], 1)

    true_gt /= true_npairs

    # Start with bin_slop == 0.  With only 100 lenses, this still runs very fast.
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, z=zl)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, g1=g1, g2=g2)
    ng0 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0, min_rpar=0)
    ng0.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    Rlens = ng0.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0:')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng0.npairs)
    print('true_npairs = ',true_npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng0.xi)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)) < 2.e-6

    print('ng.xi = ',ng0.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng0.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng0.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi - theory_gt)) < 1.e-3
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng0.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi_im)) < 1.e-3

    # Without min_rpar, this should fail.
    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, z=zl)
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, z=zs, g1=g1, g2=g2)
    ng0 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0)
    ng0.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = ng0.meanr

    print('Results without min_rpar')
    print('ng.xi = ',ng0.xi)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng0.xi - true_gt)) > 5.e-3

    # Now use a more normal value for bin_slop.
    ng1 = treecorr.NGCorrelation(bin_size=bin_size, min_sep=min_sep, max_sep=max_sep, verbose=1,
                                 metric='Rlens', bin_slop=0.5, min_rpar=0)
    ng1.process(lens_cat, source_cat)
    Rlens = ng1.meanr
    theory_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*Rlens**2/R0**2)

    print('Results with bin_slop = 0.5')
    print('ng.npairs = ',ng1.npairs)
    print('ng.xi = ',ng1.xi)
    print('theory_gammat = ',theory_gt)
    print('ratio = ',ng1.xi / theory_gt)
    print('diff = ',ng1.xi - theory_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(ng1.xi - theory_gt)))
    assert max(abs(ng1.xi - theory_gt)) < 1.e-3
    print('ng.xi_im = ',ng1.xi_im)
    assert max(abs(ng1.xi_im)) < 1.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"ng_rlens_bkg.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','ng_rlens_bkg.out'),names=True)
        print('ng.xi = ',ng1.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['gamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['gamT']/ng1.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['gamT']-ng1.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamT'], ng1.xi, decimal=6)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['gamX'], ng1.xi_im, decimal=6)
Example #30
def test_spherical():
    # This is the same field we used for test_gg, but put into spherical coords.
    # We do the spherical trig by hand using the obvious formulae, rather than the clever
    # optimizations that are used by the TreeCorr code, thus serving as a useful test of
    # the latter.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10. * treecorr.arcmin
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        nsource = 1000000
        L = 50. * r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        nsource = 200000
        L = 50. * r0
        req_factor = 3
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    r2 = x**2 + y**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2. / r0**2) * (x**2 - y**2) / r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2. / r0**2) * (2. * x * y) / r0**2
    r = numpy.sqrt(r2)
    theta = arctan2(y, x)

    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    r1 = numpy.exp(gg.logr) * treecorr.arcmin
    temp = numpy.pi / 16. * gamma0**2 * (r0 / L)**2 * numpy.exp(
        -0.25 * r1**2 / r0**2)
    true_xip = temp * (r1**4 - 16. * r1**2 * r0**2 + 32. * r0**4) / r0**4
    true_xim = temp * r1**4 / r0**4

    # Test this around several central points
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ra0_list = [0., 1., 1.3, 232., 0.]
        dec0_list = [0., -0.3, 1.3, -1.4, pi / 2. - 1.e-6]
        ra0_list = [232.]
        dec0_list = [-1.4]

    for ra0, dec0 in zip(ra0_list, dec0_list):

        # Use spherical triangle with A = point, B = (ra0,dec0), C = N. pole
        # a = Pi/2-dec0
        # c = 2*asin(r/2)  (lambert projection)
        # B = Pi/2 - theta

        c = 2. * arcsin(r / 2.)
        a = pi / 2. - dec0
        B = pi / 2. - theta
        B[x < 0] *= -1.
        B[B < -pi] += 2. * pi
        B[B > pi] -= 2. * pi

        # Solve the rest of the triangle with spherical trig:
        cosb = cos(a) * cos(c) + sin(a) * sin(c) * cos(B)
        b = arccos(cosb)
        cosA = (cos(a) - cos(b) * cos(c)) / (sin(b) * sin(c))
        #A = arccos(cosA)
        A = numpy.zeros_like(cosA)
        A[abs(cosA) < 1] = arccos(cosA[abs(cosA) < 1])
        A[cosA <= -1] = pi
        cosC = (cos(c) - cos(a) * cos(b)) / (sin(a) * sin(b))
        #C = arccos(cosC)
        C = numpy.zeros_like(cosC)
        C[abs(cosC) < 1] = arccos(cosC[abs(cosC) < 1])
        C[cosC <= -1] = pi
        C[x < 0] *= -1.

        ra = ra0 - C
        dec = pi / 2. - b

        # Rotate shear relative to local west
        # gamma_sph = exp(2i beta) * gamma
        # where beta = pi - (A+B) is the angle between north and "up" in the tangent plane.
        beta = pi - (A + B)
        beta[x > 0] *= -1.
        cos2beta = cos(2. * beta)
        sin2beta = sin(2. * beta)
        g1_sph = g1 * cos2beta - g2 * sin2beta
        g2_sph = g2 * cos2beta + g1 * sin2beta

        cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra,
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,

        print('ra0, dec0 = ', ra0, dec0)
        print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
        print('true_xip = ', true_xip)
        print('ratio = ', gg.xip / true_xip)
        print('diff = ', gg.xip - true_xip)
        print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
        # The 3rd and 4th centers are somewhat less accurate.  Not sure why.
        # The math seems to be right, since the last one that gets all the way to the pole
        # works, so I'm not sure what is going on.  It's just a few bins that get a bit less
        # accurate.  Possibly worth investigating further at some point...
        assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)) / req_factor < 3.e-7

        print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
        print('true_xim = ', true_xim)
        print('ratio = ', gg.xim / true_xim)
        print('diff = ', gg.xim - true_xim)
        print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
        assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)) / req_factor < 2.e-7

    # One more center that can be done very easily.  If the center is the north pole, then all
    # the tangential shears are pure (positive) g1.
    ra0 = 0
    dec0 = pi / 2.
    ra = theta
    dec = pi / 2. - 2. * arcsin(r / 2.)
    gammat = -gamma0 * r2 / r0**2 * numpy.exp(-r2 / 2. / r0**2)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra,

    print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
    print('gg.xip_im = ', gg.xip_im)
    print('true_xip = ', true_xip)
    print('ratio = ', gg.xip / true_xip)
    print('diff = ', gg.xip - true_xip)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)) / req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) / req_factor < 3.e-7

    print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
    print('gg.xim_im = ', gg.xim_im)
    print('true_xim = ', true_xim)
    print('ratio = ', gg.xim / true_xim)
    print('diff = ', gg.xim - true_xim)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)) / req_factor < 2.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) / req_factor < 2.e-7

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'gg_spherical.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "gg_spherical.params"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output',
        print('gg.xip = ', gg.xip)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['xip'] - gg.xip)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip'] / gg.xip,

        print('gg.xim = ', gg.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['xim'] - gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim'] / gg.xim,

        print('xip_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xip_im'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) / req_factor < 3.e-7

        print('xim_im from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['xim_im'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) / req_factor < 2.e-7
Example #31
def test_3d():
    # For this one, build a Gaussian cloud around some random point in 3D space and do the 
    # correlation function in 3D.
    # Use n(r) = (2pi s^2)^-3/2 exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The 3D Fourier transform is: n~(k) = exp(-s^2 k^2/2)
    # P(k) = <|n~(k)|^2> = exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = 1/2pi^2 int( dk k^2 P(k) j0(kr) )
    #       = 1/(8 pi^3/2) 1/s^3 exp(-r^2/4s^2)
    # And as before, we need to correct for the randoms, so the final xi(r) is
    # xi(r) = 1/(8 pi^3/2) (L/s)^3 exp(-r^2/4s^2) - 1

    xcen = 823  # Mpc maybe?
    ycen = 342
    zcen = -672
    s = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 100000
        nrand = 5 * ngal
        L = 50. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 20000
        nrand = 2 * ngal
        L = 20. * s
        req_factor = 3
    x = numpy.random.normal(xcen, s, (ngal,) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(ycen, s, (ngal,) )
    z = numpy.random.normal(zcen, s, (ngal,) )

    r = numpy.sqrt(x*x+y*y+z*z)
    dec = numpy.arcsin(z/r) / treecorr.degrees
    ra = numpy.arctan2(y,x) / treecorr.degrees

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, r=r, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg')
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + xcen
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + ycen
    rz = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L + zcen
    rr = numpy.sqrt(rx*rx+ry*ry+rz*rz)
    rdec = numpy.arcsin(rz/rr) / treecorr.degrees
    rra = numpy.arctan2(ry,rx) / treecorr.degrees
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(ra=rra, dec=rdec, r=rr, ra_units='deg', dec_units='deg')
    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    dr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dr.npairs = ',dr.npairs)

    r = dd.meanr
    true_xi = 1./(8.*numpy.pi**1.5) * (L/s)**3 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2) - 1.

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    simple_xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('simple xi = ',simple_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    assert max(abs(simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_3d.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_3d.out'),names=True)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    # And repeat with Catalogs that use x,y,z
    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, z=z)
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx, y=ry, z=rz)
    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)
Example #32
def test_perp_minmax():
    """This test is based on a bug report from Erika Wagoner where the lowest bins were
    getting spuriously high w(rp) values.  It stemmed from a subtlety about how large
    rp can be compared to minsep.  The maximum rp is more than just rp + s1 + s2.
    So this test checks that when the min and max are expanded a bit, the number of pairs
    doesn't change much in the bins that used to be the min and max.
    # Just use Erika's files for data and rand.
    config = {
        'ra_col' : 1,
        'dec_col' : 2,
        'ra_units' : 'deg',
        'dec_units' : 'deg',
        'r_col' : 3,
        'min_sep' : 20,
        'bin_size' : 0.036652,
        'nbins' : 50,
        'verbose' : 1

    # Speed up for nosetests runs
    if __name__ != "__main__":
        config['nbins'] = 5
        config['bin_size'] = 0.1

    dcat = treecorr.Catalog('data/nn_perp_data.dat', config)

    dd1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
    dd1.process(dcat, metric='Rperp')

    lower_min_sep = config['min_sep'] * numpy.exp(-2.*config['bin_size'])
    more_nbins = config['nbins'] + 4
    dd2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
    dd2.process(dcat, metric='Rperp')

    print('dd1 npairs = ',dd1.npairs)
    print('dd2 npairs = ',dd2.npairs[2:-2])
    # First a basic sanity check.  The values not near the edge should be identical.
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(dd1.npairs[2:-2], dd2.npairs[4:-4])
    # The edge bins may differ slightly from the binning approximations (bin_slop and such),
    # but the differences should be very small.  (When Erika reported the problem, the differences
    # were a few percent, which ended up making a bit difference in the correlation function.)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( dd1.npairs / dd2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # If we're running from the command line, go ahead and finish the calculation
        # This catalog has 10^6 objects, which takes quite a while.  I should really investigate
        # how to speed up the Rperp distance calculation.  Probably by having a faster over-
        # and under-estimate first, and then only do the full calculation when it seems like we
        # will actually need it.
        # Anyway, until then, let's not take forever by using last_row=200000
        rcat = treecorr.Catalog('data/nn_perp_rand.dat', config, last_row=200000)

        rr1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
        rr1.process(rcat, metric='Rperp')
        rr2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
        rr2.process(rcat, metric='Rperp')
        print('rr1 npairs = ',rr1.npairs)
        print('rr2 npairs = ',rr2.npairs[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( rr1.npairs / rr2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

        dr1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
        dr1.process(dcat, rcat, metric='Rperp')
        dr2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
        dr2.process(dcat, rcat, metric='Rperp')
        print('dr1 npairs = ',dr1.npairs)
        print('dr2 npairs = ',dr2.npairs[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( dr1.npairs / dr2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

        xi1, varxi1 = dd1.calculateXi(rr1, dr1)
        xi2, varxi2 = dd2.calculateXi(rr2, dr2)
        print('xi1 = ',xi1)
        print('xi2 = ',xi2[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( xi1 / xi2[2:-2], 1., decimal=2)

        # Check that we get the same result with the corr2 executable.
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_rperp.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_rperp.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
        print('xi = ',xi1)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi1)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi1, 1., decimal=3)
Example #33
def test_nk():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around many lenses.

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens) - 0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource) - 0.5) * L
    k = numpy.zeros((nsource, ))
    for x, y in zip(xl, yl):
        dx = xs - x
        dy = ys - y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        k += kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5 * r2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r2 / r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs,
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ', nk.meanlogr - numpy.log(nk.meanr))

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(
        -0.5 * r**2 / r0**2) * (1. - 0.5 * r**2 / r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ', true_k)
    print('ratio = ', nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ', nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    assert max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)) < 5.e-3

    nrand = nlens * 13
    xr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand) - 0.5) * L
    yr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand) - 0.5) * L
    rand_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xr, y=yr, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    rk.process(rand_cat, source_cat)
    print('rk.xi = ', rk.xi)
    xi, varxi = nk.calculateXi(rk)
    print('compensated xi = ', xi)
    print('true_kappa = ', true_k)
    print('ratio = ', xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ', xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ', max(abs(xi - true_k)))
    # It turns out this doesn't come out much better.  I think the imprecision is mostly just due
    # to the smallish number of lenses, not to edge effects
    assert max(abs(xi - true_k)) < 5.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        lens_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_lens.dat'))
        source_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_source.dat'))
        rand_cat.write(os.path.join('data', 'nk_rand.dat'))
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen([corr2_exe, "nk.yaml"])
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output', 'nk.out'),
        print('nk.xi = ', nk.xi)
        print('xi = ', xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ', corr2_output['kappa'])
        print('ratio = ', corr2_output['kappa'] / xi)
        print('diff = ', corr2_output['kappa'] - xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kappa'] / xi,

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output', 'nk_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(nk.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], nk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(nk.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output', 'nk_out2.fits')
    nk.write(out_file_name2, rk)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(nk.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    nk2 = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1,
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.logr, nk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanr, nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanlogr, nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.xi, nk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.varxi, nk.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.weight, nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.npairs, nk.npairs)
Example #34
def test_nn():
    # Use a simple probability distribution for the galaxies:
    # n(r) = (2pi s^2)^-1 exp(-r^2/2s^2)
    # The Fourier transform is: n~(k) = exp(-s^2 k^2/2)
    # P(k) = <|n~(k)|^2> = exp(-s^2 k^2)
    # xi(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #       = 1/(4 pi s^2) exp(-r^2/4s^2)
    # However, we need to correct for the uniform density background, so the real result
    # is this minus 1/L^2 divided by 1/L^2.  So:
    # xi(r) = 1/4pi (L/s)^2 exp(-r^2/4s^2) - 1

    s = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 1000000
        nrand = 5 * ngal
        L = 50. * s  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 100000
        nrand = 2 * ngal
        L = 20. * s
        req_factor = 3
    x = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (ngal,) )

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',dd.meanlogr - numpy.log(dd.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd.meanlogr, numpy.log(dd.meanr), decimal=3)

    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rand = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx,y=ry, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    dr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    print('dr.npairs = ',dr.npairs)

    r = dd.meanr
    true_xi = 0.25/numpy.pi * (L/s)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/s**2) - 1.

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr,dr)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('true_xi = ',true_xi)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_xi)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    # This isn't super accurate.  But the agreement improves as L increase, so I think it is
    # merely a matter of the finite field and the integrals going to infinity.  (Sort of, since
    # we still have L in there.)
    assert max(abs(xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1
                                      numpy.log(numpy.abs(true_xi))/req_factor, decimal=1)

    simple_xi, simple_varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('simple xi = ',simple_xi)
    print('max rel diff = ',max(abs((simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)))
    # The simple calculation (i.e. dd/rr-1, rather than (dd-2dr+rr)/rr as above) is only
    # slightly less accurate in this case.  Probably because the mask is simple (a box), so
    # the difference is relatively minor.  The error is slightly higher in this case, but testing
    # that it is everywhere < 0.1 is still appropriate.
    assert max(abs(simple_xi - true_xi)/true_xi)/req_factor < 0.1

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn.yaml"] )
        out_file_name = os.path.join('output','nn.out')
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(out_file_name, names=True, skip_header=1)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

        # Check the read function (not at very high accuracy for the ASCII I/O)
        dd2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.logr/dd.logr, 1., decimal=3)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanr/dd.meanr, 1., decimal=3)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanlogr/dd.meanlogr, 1., decimal=3)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.npairs/dd.npairs, 1., decimal=3)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.tot/dd.tot, 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','nn_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], dd.npairs)
    header = fitsio.read_header(out_file_name1, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(header['tot'], dd.tot)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output','nn_out2.fits')
    dd.write(out_file_name2, rr)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], simple_xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(simple_varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DD'], dd.npairs)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['RR'], rr.npairs * (dd.tot / rr.tot))
    header = fitsio.read_header(out_file_name2, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(header['tot'], dd.tot)

    out_file_name3 = os.path.join('output','nn_out3.fits')
    dd.write(out_file_name3, rr, dr)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name3)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(dd.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xi'], xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DD'], dd.npairs)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['RR'], rr.npairs * (dd.tot / rr.tot))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['DR'], dr.npairs * (dd.tot / dr.tot))
    header = fitsio.read_header(out_file_name3, 1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(header['tot'], dd.tot)

    # Check the read function
    dd2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.logr, dd.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanr, dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanlogr, dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.npairs, dd.npairs)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.tot, dd.tot)

    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.logr, dd.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanr, dd.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.meanlogr, dd.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.npairs, dd.npairs)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(dd2.tot, dd.tot)
Example #35
def test_gg():
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2002A%26A...389..729S for the basic formulae I use here.
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 r^2/r0^2 exp(-r^2/2r0^2)
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2 / r0^2
    # The Fourier transform is: gamma~(k) = -2 pi gamma0 r0^4 k^2 exp(-r0^2 k^2/2) / L^2
    # P(k) = (1/2pi) <|gamma~(k)|^2> = 2 pi gamma0^2 r0^8 k^4 / L^4 exp(-r0^2 k^2)
    # xi+(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J0(kr) )
    #        = pi/16 gamma0^2 (r0/L)^2 exp(-r^2/4r0^2) (r^4 - 16r^2r0^2 + 32r0^4)/r0^4
    # xi-(r) = (1/2pi) int( dk k P(k) J4(kr) )
    #        = pi/16 gamma0^2 (r0/L)^2 exp(-r^2/4r0^2) r^4/r0^4
    # Note: I'm not sure I handled the L factors correctly, but the units at the end need
    # to be gamma^2, so it needs to be (r0/L)^2.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        ngal = 1000000
        L = 50.*r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        ngal = 200000
        L = 50.*r0
        req_factor = 3
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(ngal)-0.5) * L
    r2 = (x**2 + y**2)/r0**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2.) * (x**2-y**2)/r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2.) * (2.*x*y)/r0**2

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=x, y=y, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin',

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',gg.meanlogr - numpy.log(gg.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg.meanlogr, numpy.log(gg.meanr), decimal=3)

    r = gg.meanr
    temp = numpy.pi/16. * gamma0**2 * (r0/L)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r**2/r0**2)
    true_xip = temp * (r**4 - 16.*r**2*r0**2 + 32.*r0**4)/r0**4
    true_xim = temp * r**4/r0**4

    print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    print('true_xip = ',true_xip)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xip / true_xip)
    print('diff = ',gg.xip - true_xip)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip))/req_factor < 3.e-7
    print('xip_im = ',gg.xip_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im))/req_factor < 2.e-7

    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('true_xim = ',true_xim)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xim / true_xim)
    print('diff = ',gg.xim - true_xim)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim))/req_factor < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im))/req_factor < 1.e-7

    # Should also work as a cross-correlation with itself
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg.meanlogr, numpy.log(gg.meanr), decimal=3)
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip))/req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im))/req_factor < 2.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim))/req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im))/req_factor < 1.e-7

    # Check MapSq calculation:
    # cf. http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2004MNRAS.352..338J
    # Use Crittenden formulation, since the analytic result is simpler:
    # Map^2(R) = int 1/2 r/R^2 (T+(r/R) xi+(r) + T-(r/R) xi-(r)) dr
    #          = 6 pi gamma0^2 r0^8 R^4 / (L^2 (r0^2+R^2)^5)
    # Mx^2(R)  = int 1/2 r/R^2 (T+(r/R) xi+(r) - T-(r/R) xi-(r)) dr
    #          = 0
    # where T+(s) = (s^4-16s^2+32)/128 exp(-s^2/4)
    #       T-(s) = s^4/128 exp(-s^2/4)
    true_mapsq = 6.*numpy.pi * gamma0**2 * r0**8 * r**4 / (L**2 * (r**2+r0**2)**5)

    mapsq, mapsq_im, mxsq, mxsq_im, varmapsq = gg.calculateMapSq('Crittenden')
    print('mapsq = ',mapsq)
    print('true_mapsq = ',true_mapsq)
    print('ratio = ',mapsq/true_mapsq)
    print('diff = ',mapsq-true_mapsq)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(mapsq - true_mapsq)))
    print('max diff[16:] = ',max(abs(mapsq[16:] - true_mapsq[16:])))
    # It's pretty ratty near the start where the integral is poorly evaluated, but the
    # agreement is pretty good if we skip the first 16 elements.
    # Well, it gets bad again at the end, but those values are small enough that they still
    # pass this test.
    assert max(abs(mapsq[16:]-true_mapsq[16:]))/req_factor < 3.e-8
    print('mxsq = ',mxsq)
    print('max = ',max(abs(mxsq)))
    print('max[16:] = ',max(abs(mxsq[16:])))
    assert max(abs(mxsq[16:]))/req_factor < 3.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"gg.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','gg.out'), names=True)
        print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xip']-gg.xip)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip, 1., decimal=3)

        print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xip_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip_im'])
        print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im']))/req_factor < 2.e-7
        print('xim_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim_im'])
        print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im']))/req_factor < 1.e-7

        corr2_output2 = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','gg_m2.out'), names=True)
        print('mapsq = ',mapsq)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output2['Mapsq'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output2['Mapsq']/mapsq)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output2['Mapsq']-mapsq)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output2['Mapsq']/mapsq, 1., decimal=3)

        print('mxsq = ',mxsq)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output2['Mxsq'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output2['Mxsq']/mxsq)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output2['Mxsq']-mxsq)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output2['Mxsq']/mxsq, 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name = os.path.join('output','gg_out.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(gg.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], gg.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], gg.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xip'], gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xim'], gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xip_im'], gg.xip_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['xim_im'], gg.xim_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma_xi'], numpy.sqrt(gg.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], gg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], gg.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    gg2 = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.logr, gg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.meanr, gg.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.meanlogr, gg.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xip, gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xim, gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xip_im, gg.xip_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.xim_im, gg.xim_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.varxi, gg.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.weight, gg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(gg2.npairs, gg.npairs)

    # Also check the Schneider version.  The math isn't quite as nice here, but it is tractable
    # using a different formula than I used above:
    # Map^2(R) = int k P(k) W(kR) dk
    #          = 576 pi gamma0^2 r0^6/(L^2 R^4) exp(-R^2/2r0^2) (I4(R^2/2r0^2)
    # where I4 is the modified Bessel function with nu=4.
        from scipy.special import iv
        x = 0.5*r**2/r0**2
        true_mapsq = 144.*numpy.pi * gamma0**2 * r0**2 / (L**2 * x**2) * numpy.exp(-x) * iv(4,x)

        mapsq, mapsq_im, mxsq, mxsq_im, varmapsq = gg.calculateMapSq('Schneider')
        print('Schneider mapsq = ',mapsq)
        print('true_mapsq = ',true_mapsq)
        print('ratio = ',mapsq/true_mapsq)
        print('diff = ',mapsq-true_mapsq)
        print('max diff = ',max(abs(mapsq - true_mapsq)))
        print('max diff[20:] = ',max(abs(mapsq[20:] - true_mapsq[20:])))
        # This one stays ratty longer, so we need to skip the first 20 and also loosen the
        # test a bit.
        assert max(abs(mapsq[20:]-true_mapsq[20:])) < 7.e-8
        print('mxsq = ',mxsq)
        print('max = ',max(abs(mxsq)))
        print('max[20:] = ',max(abs(mxsq[20:])))
        assert max(abs(mxsq[20:])) < 7.e-8

    except ImportError:
        # Don't require scipy if the user doesn't have it.
        print('Skipping tests of Schneider aperture mass, since scipy.special not available.')
Example #36
def test_list():
    # Test that we can use a list of files for either data or rand or both.

    nobj = 5000

    ncats = 3
    data_cats = []
    rand_cats = []

    s = 10.
    L = 50. * s

    x = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (nobj,ncats) )
    y = numpy.random.normal(0,s, (nobj,ncats) )
    data_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=x[:,k],y=y[:,k]) for k in range(ncats) ]
    rx = (numpy.random.random_sample((nobj,ncats))-0.5) * L
    ry = (numpy.random.random_sample((nobj,ncats))-0.5) * L
    rand_cats = [ treecorr.Catalog(x=rx[:,k],y=ry[:,k]) for k in range(ncats) ]

    dd = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('dd.npairs = ',dd.npairs)

    rr = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    print('rr.npairs = ',rr.npairs)

    xi, varxi = dd.calculateXi(rr)
    print('xi = ',xi)

    # Now do the same thing with one big catalog for each.
    ddx = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    rrx = treecorr.NNCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., verbose=1)
    data_catx = treecorr.Catalog(x=x.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ), y=y.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ))
    rand_catx = treecorr.Catalog(x=rx.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ), y=ry.reshape( (nobj*ncats,) ))
    xix, varxix = ddx.calculateXi(rrx)

    print('ddx.npairs = ',ddx.npairs)
    print('rrx.npairs = ',rrx.npairs)
    print('xix = ',xix)
    print('ratio = ',xi/xix)
    print('diff = ',xi-xix)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(xix/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    file_list = []
    rand_file_list = []
    for k in range(ncats):
        file_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_data%d.dat'%k)
        with open(file_name, 'w') as fid:
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(x[i,k],y[i,k]))

        rand_file_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_rand%d.dat'%k)
        with open(rand_file_name, 'w') as fid:
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(rx[i,k],ry[i,k]))

    list_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_data_files.txt')
    with open(list_name, 'w') as fid:
        for file_name in file_list:
    rand_list_name = os.path.join('data','nn_list_rand_files.txt')
    with open(rand_list_name, 'w') as fid:
        for file_name in rand_file_list:

    file_namex = os.path.join('data','nn_list_datax.dat')
    with open(file_namex, 'w') as fid:
        for k in range(ncats):
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(x[i,k],y[i,k]))

    rand_file_namex = os.path.join('data','nn_list_randx.dat')
    with open(rand_file_namex, 'w') as fid:
        for k in range(ncats):
            for i in range(nobj):
                fid.write(('%.8f %.8f\n')%(rx[i,k],ry[i,k]))

    # First do this via the corr2 function.
    config = treecorr.config.read_config('nn_list1.yaml')
    logger = treecorr.config.setup_logger(0)
    treecorr.corr2(config, logger)
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list1.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    # Now calling out to the external corr2 executable.
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list1.yaml"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list1.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list2.json"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list2.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_list3.params"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list3.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe, "nn_list4.config", "-f", "yaml"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list4.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe, "nn_list5.config", "-f", "json"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_list5.out'),names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)

    # For this one, the output file is in the current directory, which used to give an error.
    import subprocess
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe, "nn_list6.config", "-f", "params"] )
    output_file = 'nn_list6.out'
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(output_file,names=True,skip_header=1)
    print('xi = ',xi)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi, 1., decimal=2)
    # Move it to the output directory now to keep the current directory clean.
    mv_output_file = os.path.join('output',output_file)
    if os.path.exists(mv_output_file):
    os.rename(output_file, mv_output_file)
Example #37
def test_spherical():
    # This is the same field we used for test_gg, but put into spherical coords.
    # We do the spherical trig by hand using the obvious formulae, rather than the clever
    # optimizations that are used by the TreeCorr code, thus serving as a useful test of
    # the latter.

    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10. * treecorr.arcmin
    if __name__ == "__main__":
        nsource = 1000000
        L = 50.*r0  # Not infinity, so this introduces some error.  Our integrals were to infinity.
        req_factor = 1
        nsource = 200000
        L = 50.*r0
        req_factor = 3
    x = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    y = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    r2 = x**2 + y**2
    g1 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2./r0**2) * (x**2-y**2)/r0**2
    g2 = -gamma0 * numpy.exp(-r2/2./r0**2) * (2.*x*y)/r0**2
    r = numpy.sqrt(r2)
    theta = arctan2(y,x)

    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin',
    r1 = numpy.exp(gg.logr) * treecorr.arcmin
    temp = numpy.pi/16. * gamma0**2 * (r0/L)**2 * numpy.exp(-0.25*r1**2/r0**2)
    true_xip = temp * (r1**4 - 16.*r1**2*r0**2 + 32.*r0**4)/r0**4
    true_xim = temp * r1**4/r0**4

    # Test this around several central points
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        ra0_list = [ 0., 1., 1.3, 232., 0. ]
        dec0_list = [ 0., -0.3, 1.3, -1.4, pi/2.-1.e-6 ]
        ra0_list = [ 232.]
        dec0_list = [ -1.4 ]

    for ra0, dec0 in zip(ra0_list, dec0_list):

        # Use spherical triangle with A = point, B = (ra0,dec0), C = N. pole
        # a = Pi/2-dec0
        # c = 2*asin(r/2)  (lambert projection)
        # B = Pi/2 - theta

        c = 2.*arcsin(r/2.)
        a = pi/2. - dec0
        B = pi/2. - theta
        B[x<0] *= -1.
        B[B<-pi] += 2.*pi
        B[B>pi] -= 2.*pi

        # Solve the rest of the triangle with spherical trig:
        cosb = cos(a)*cos(c) + sin(a)*sin(c)*cos(B)
        b = arccos(cosb)
        cosA = (cos(a) - cos(b)*cos(c)) / (sin(b)*sin(c))
        #A = arccos(cosA)
        A = numpy.zeros_like(cosA)
        A[abs(cosA)<1] = arccos(cosA[abs(cosA)<1])
        A[cosA<=-1] = pi
        cosC = (cos(c) - cos(a)*cos(b)) / (sin(a)*sin(b))
        #C = arccos(cosC)
        C = numpy.zeros_like(cosC)
        C[abs(cosC)<1] = arccos(cosC[abs(cosC)<1])
        C[cosC<=-1] = pi
        C[x<0] *= -1.

        ra = ra0 - C
        dec = pi/2. - b

        # Rotate shear relative to local west
        # gamma_sph = exp(2i beta) * gamma
        # where beta = pi - (A+B) is the angle between north and "up" in the tangent plane.
        beta = pi - (A+B)
        beta[x>0] *= -1.
        cos2beta = cos(2.*beta)
        sin2beta = sin(2.*beta)
        g1_sph = g1 * cos2beta - g2 * sin2beta
        g2_sph = g2 * cos2beta + g1 * sin2beta

        cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=g1_sph, g2=g2_sph, ra_units='rad',
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=100., sep_units='arcmin',

        print('ra0, dec0 = ',ra0,dec0)
        print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        print('true_xip = ',true_xip)
        print('ratio = ',gg.xip / true_xip)
        print('diff = ',gg.xip - true_xip)
        print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
        # The 3rd and 4th centers are somewhat less accurate.  Not sure why.
        # The math seems to be right, since the last one that gets all the way to the pole
        # works, so I'm not sure what is going on.  It's just a few bins that get a bit less
        # accurate.  Possibly worth investigating further at some point...
        assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip))/req_factor < 3.e-7

        print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
        print('true_xim = ',true_xim)
        print('ratio = ',gg.xim / true_xim)
        print('diff = ',gg.xim - true_xim)
        print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
        assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim))/req_factor < 2.e-7

    # One more center that can be done very easily.  If the center is the north pole, then all
    # the tangential shears are pure (positive) g1.
    ra0 = 0
    dec0 = pi/2.
    ra = theta
    dec = pi/2. - 2.*arcsin(r/2.)
    gammat = -gamma0 * r2/r0**2 * numpy.exp(-r2/2./r0**2)

    cat = treecorr.Catalog(ra=ra, dec=dec, g1=gammat, g2=numpy.zeros_like(gammat), ra_units='rad',

    print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    print('gg.xip_im = ',gg.xip_im)
    print('true_xip = ',true_xip)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xip / true_xip)
    print('diff = ',gg.xip - true_xip)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip - true_xip))/req_factor < 3.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im))/req_factor < 3.e-7

    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('gg.xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    print('true_xim = ',true_xim)
    print('ratio = ',gg.xim / true_xim)
    print('diff = ',gg.xim - true_xim)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim - true_xim))/req_factor < 2.e-7
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im))/req_factor < 2.e-7

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"gg_spherical.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','gg_spherical.out'), names=True)
        print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xip']-gg.xip)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip, 1., decimal=3)

        print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg.xim)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xip_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip_im'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im']))/req_factor < 3.e-7

        print('xim_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim_im'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im']))/req_factor < 2.e-7
Example #38
def test_kg():
    # Use gamma_t(r) = gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) around a bunch of foreground lenses.
    # i.e. gamma(r) = -gamma0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (x+iy)^2/r^2

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    gamma0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    g1 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    g2 = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    kl = numpy.random.normal(0.23, 0.05, (nlens,) )
    for x,y,k in zip(xl,yl,kl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        gammat = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) / k
        g1 += -gammat * (dx**2-dy**2)/r2
        g2 += -gammat * (2.*dx*dy)/r2

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, k=kl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, g1=g1, g2=g2, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    kg = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    kg.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    r = kg.meanr
    true_gt = gamma0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
    print('kg.xi_im = ',kg.xi_im)
    print('true_gammat = ',true_gt)
    print('ratio = ',kg.xi / true_gt)
    print('diff = ',kg.xi - true_gt)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(kg.xi - true_gt)))
    assert max(abs(kg.xi - true_gt)) < 4.e-3
    assert max(abs(kg.xi_im)) < 4.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"kg.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','kg.out'),names=True)
        print('kg.xi = ',kg.xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamT'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['kgamT']-kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kgamT']/kg.xi, 1., decimal=3)

        print('xi_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kgamX'])
        assert max(abs(corr2_output['kgamX'])) < 4.e-3

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','kg_out1.fits')
        import fitsio
        data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(kg.logr))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], kg.meanr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], kg.meanlogr)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamT'], kg.xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kgamX'], kg.xi_im)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(kg.varxi))
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], kg.weight)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], kg.npairs)
    except ImportError:
        print('Unable to import fitsio.  Skipping fits tests.')

    # Check the read function
    kg2 = treecorr.KGCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.logr, kg.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanr, kg.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.meanlogr, kg.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi, kg.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.xi_im, kg.xi_im)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.varxi, kg.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.weight, kg.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(kg2.npairs, kg.npairs)
Example #39
def test_aardvark():

    # Eric Suchyta did a brute force calculation of the Aardvark catalog, so it is useful to
    # compare the output from my code with that.

    file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.fit')
    config = treecorr.read_config('Aardvark.yaml')
    cat1 = treecorr.Catalog(file_name, config)
    gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

    direct_file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.direct')
    direct_data = numpy.genfromtxt(direct_file_name)
    direct_xip = direct_data[:,3]
    direct_xim = direct_data[:,4]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('direct.xip = ',direct_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - direct_xip
    print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 2.e-7
    print('xip_im = ',gg.xip_im)
    print('max = ',max(abs(gg.xip_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xip_im)) < 3.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - direct_xim
    print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-7
    print('xim_im = ',gg.xim_im)
    print('max = ',max(abs(gg.xim_im)))
    assert max(abs(gg.xim_im)) < 1.e-7

    # However, after some back and forth about the calculation, we concluded that Eric hadn't
    # done the spherical trig correctly to get the shears relative to the great circle joining
    # the two positions.  So let's compare with my own brute force calculation (i.e. using
    # bin_slop = 0):
    # This also has the advantage that the radial bins are done the same way -- uniformly
    # spaced in log of the chord distance, rather than the great circle distance.

    bs0_file_name = os.path.join('data','Aardvark.bs0')
    bs0_data = numpy.genfromtxt(bs0_file_name)
    bs0_xip = bs0_data[:,2]
    bs0_xim = bs0_data[:,3]

    #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

    xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
    print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
    assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-7

    xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
    print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
    print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
    assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 5.e-8

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    # Note: This is the only test of the corr2 executable that we do with nosetests.
    # The other similar tests are blocked out with: if __name__ == '__main__':
    import subprocess
    corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
    p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"Aardvark.yaml"] )
    corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','Aardvark.out'), names=True)
    print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xip']-gg.xip)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xip']/gg.xip, 1., decimal=3)

    print('gg.xim = ',gg.xim)
    print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim'])
    print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim)
    print('diff = ',corr2_output['xim']-gg.xim)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xim']/gg.xim, 1., decimal=3)

    print('xip_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xip_im'])
    print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xip_im'])) < 3.e-7
    print('xim_im from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xim_im'])
    print('max err = ',max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])))
    assert max(abs(corr2_output['xim_im'])) < 1.e-7

    # As bin_slop decreases, the agreement should get even better.
    # This test is slow, so only do it if running test_gg.py directly.
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        config['bin_slop'] = 0.2
        gg = treecorr.GGCorrelation(config)

        #print('gg.xip = ',gg.xip)
        #print('bs0.xip = ',bs0_xip)

        xip_err = gg.xip - bs0_xip
        print('xip_err = ',xip_err)
        print('max = ',max(abs(xip_err)))
        assert max(abs(xip_err)) < 1.e-8

        xim_err = gg.xim - bs0_xim
        print('xim_err = ',xim_err)
        print('max = ',max(abs(xim_err)))
        assert max(abs(xim_err)) < 1.e-8
def test_nk():
    # Use kappa(r) = kappa0 exp(-r^2/2r0^2) (1-r^2/2r0^2) around many lenses.

    nlens = 1000
    nsource = 100000
    kappa0 = 0.05
    r0 = 10.
    L = 50. * r0
    xl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    yl = (numpy.random.random_sample(nlens)-0.5) * L
    xs = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    ys = (numpy.random.random_sample(nsource)-0.5) * L
    k = numpy.zeros( (nsource,) )
    for x,y in zip(xl,yl):
        dx = xs-x
        dy = ys-y
        r2 = dx**2 + dy**2
        k += kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r2/r0**2)

    lens_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xl, y=yl, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    source_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xs, y=ys, k=k, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    nk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    nk.process(lens_cat, source_cat)

    # log(<R>) != <logR>, but it should be close:
    print('meanlogr - log(meanr) = ',nk.meanlogr - numpy.log(nk.meanr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk.meanlogr, numpy.log(nk.meanr), decimal=3)

    r = nk.meanr
    true_k = kappa0 * numpy.exp(-0.5*r**2/r0**2) * (1.-0.5*r**2/r0**2)

    print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',nk.xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',nk.xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)))
    assert max(abs(nk.xi - true_k)) < 5.e-3

    nrand = nlens * 13
    xr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    yr = (numpy.random.random_sample(nrand)-0.5) * L
    rand_cat = treecorr.Catalog(x=xr, y=yr, x_units='arcmin', y_units='arcmin')
    rk = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin',
    rk.process(rand_cat, source_cat)
    print('rk.xi = ',rk.xi)
    xi, varxi = nk.calculateXi(rk)
    print('compensated xi = ',xi)
    print('true_kappa = ',true_k)
    print('ratio = ',xi / true_k)
    print('diff = ',xi - true_k)
    print('max diff = ',max(abs(xi - true_k)))
    # It turns out this doesn't come out much better.  I think the imprecision is mostly just due
    # to the smallish number of lenses, not to edge effects
    assert max(abs(xi - true_k)) < 5.e-3

    # Check that we get the same result using the corr2 executable:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nk.yaml"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nk.out'), names=True)
        print('nk.xi = ',nk.xi)
        print('xi = ',xi)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['kappa'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['kappa']/xi)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['kappa']-xi)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['kappa']/xi, 1., decimal=3)

    # Check the fits write option
    out_file_name1 = os.path.join('output','nk_out1.fits')
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name1)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(nk.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], nk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(nk.varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    out_file_name2 = os.path.join('output','nk_out2.fits')
    nk.write(out_file_name2, rk)
    data = fitsio.read(out_file_name2)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['R_nom'], numpy.exp(nk.logr))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanR'], nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['meanlogR'], nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['kappa'], xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['sigma'], numpy.sqrt(varxi))
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['weight'], nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(data['npairs'], nk.npairs)

    # Check the read function
    nk2 = treecorr.NKCorrelation(bin_size=0.1, min_sep=1., max_sep=25., sep_units='arcmin')
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.logr, nk.logr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanr, nk.meanr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.meanlogr, nk.meanlogr)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.xi, nk.xi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.varxi, nk.varxi)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.weight, nk.weight)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(nk2.npairs, nk.npairs)
Example #41
def test_perp_minmax():
    """This test is based on a bug report from Erika Wagoner where the lowest bins were 
    getting spuriously high w(rp) values.  It stemmed from a subtlety about how large
    rp can be compared to minsep.  The maximum rp is more than just rp + s1 + s2.
    So this test checks that when the min and max are expanded a bit, the number of pairs
    doesn't change much in the bins that used to be the min and max.
    # Just use Erika's files for data and rand.  
    config = {
        'ra_col' : 1,
        'dec_col' : 2,
        'ra_units' : 'deg',
        'dec_units' : 'deg',
        'r_col' : 3,
        'min_sep' : 40,
        'bin_size' : 0.036652,
        'nbins' : 50,
        'verbose' : 1

    # Speed up for nosetests runs
    if __name__ != "__main__":
        config['nbins'] = 5
        config['min_sep'] = 20
        config['bin_size'] = 0.1

    dcat = treecorr.Catalog('data/nn_perp_data.dat', config)

    dd1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
    dd1.process(dcat, metric='Rperp')

    lower_min_sep = config['min_sep'] * numpy.exp(-2.*config['bin_size'])
    more_nbins = config['nbins'] + 4
    dd2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
    dd2.process(dcat, metric='Rperp')

    print('dd1 npairs = ',dd1.npairs)
    print('dd2 npairs = ',dd2.npairs[2:-2])
    # First a basic sanity check.  The values not near the edge should be identical.
    numpy.testing.assert_equal(dd1.npairs[2:-2], dd2.npairs[4:-4])
    # The edge bins may differ slightly from the binning approximations (bin_slop and such),
    # but the differences should be very small.  (When Erika reported the problem, the differences
    # were a few percent, which ended up making a bit difference in the correlation function.)
    numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( dd1.npairs / dd2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

    if __name__ == '__main__':
        # If we're running from the command line, go ahead and finish the calculation
        # This catalog has 10^6 objects, which takes quite a while.  I should really investigate
        # how to speed up the Rperp distance calculation.  Probably by having a faster over-
        # and under-estimate first, and then only do the full calculation when it seems like we
        # will actually need it.  
        # Anyway, until then, let's not take forever by using last_row=200000
        rcat = treecorr.Catalog('data/nn_perp_rand.dat', config, last_row=200000)

        rr1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
        rr1.process(rcat, metric='Rperp')
        rr2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
        rr2.process(rcat, metric='Rperp')
        print('rr1 npairs = ',rr1.npairs)
        print('rr2 npairs = ',rr2.npairs[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( rr1.npairs / rr2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

        dr1 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config)
        dr1.process(dcat, rcat, metric='Rperp')
        dr2 = treecorr.NNCorrelation(config, min_sep=lower_min_sep, nbins=more_nbins)
        dr2.process(dcat, rcat, metric='Rperp')
        print('dr1 npairs = ',dr1.npairs)
        print('dr2 npairs = ',dr2.npairs[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( dr1.npairs / dr2.npairs[2:-2], 1., decimal=4)

        xi1, varxi1 = dd1.calculateXi(rr1, dr1)
        xi2, varxi2 = dd2.calculateXi(rr2, dr2)
        print('xi1 = ',xi1)
        print('xi2 = ',xi2[2:-2])
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal( xi1 / xi2[2:-2], 1., decimal=2)

        # Check that we get the same result with the corr2 executable.
        import subprocess
        corr2_exe = get_script_name('corr2')
        p = subprocess.Popen( [corr2_exe,"nn_rperp.params"] )
        corr2_output = numpy.genfromtxt(os.path.join('output','nn_rperp.out'),names=True)
        print('xi = ',xi1)
        print('from corr2 output = ',corr2_output['xi'])
        print('ratio = ',corr2_output['xi']/xi1)
        print('diff = ',corr2_output['xi']-xi1)
        numpy.testing.assert_almost_equal(corr2_output['xi']/xi1, 1., decimal=3)