def main(): svcoin = '''\ def init(): sstore(tx.origin, 21*10**9) def sendSVCoins(to, amount): with my_bal = sload(msg.sender): if amount < my_bal: sstore(msg.sender, my_bal - amount) sstore(to, sload(to) + amount) return(1) return(-1) def mySVCoinBalance(): return(sload(msg.sender)) def getSVCoinBalance(address): return(sload(address)) ''' evm = '0x' + serpent.compile(svcoin).encode('hex') fullsig = json.loads(serpent.mk_full_signature(svcoin)) node = TestNode(log=open(os.devnull, 'w'), verbose=False) node.start() rpc = RPC_Client((node.rpchost, node.rpcport), 0) password = os.urandom(32).encode('hex') account = rpc.personal_newAccount(password)['result'] rpc.personal_unlockAccount(account, password, hex(500)) rpc.miner_start(2) balance = 0 while balance < int(MAXGAS, 16): balance = int(rpc.eth_getBalance(account)['result'], 16) txhash = rpc.eth_sendTransaction(sender=account, data=evm, gas=MAXGAS)['result'] while True: response = rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt(txhash) receipt = response.get('result', False) if receipt: blocknumber = receipt.get('blockNumber', False) if blocknumber: address = receipt['contractAddress'] break contract = Contract(address, fullsig, rpc) print 'My balance is', contract.mySVCoinBalance(call=True) receipt = contract.sendSVCoins(2, 10000, send=True, receipt=True) print 'Sent coins to address 2, receipt:' print json.dumps(receipt, indent=4, sort_keys=True) print 'Balance at address 2 is', contract.getSVCoinBalance(2, call=True)
def test_compile_imports(): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: make_tree(test_code, dirname=test_dir) except: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(test_dir, 'foobar')) make_tree(test_code, dirname=test_dir) node = TestNode(log=open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_compile_imports.log'), 'w')) node.start() try: rpc = RPC_Client((node.rpchost, node.rpcport), 0) password = os.urandom(32).encode('hex') coinbase = rpc.personal_newAccount(password)['result'] rpc.personal_unlockAccount(coinbase, password, 10**10) rpc.miner_start(2) gas_price = int(rpc.eth_gasPrice()['result'], 16) balance = 0 print Style.BRIGHT + 'Mining coins...' + Style.RESET_ALL while balance/gas_price < int(MAXGAS, 16): balance = int(rpc.eth_getBalance(coinbase)['result'], 16) time.sleep(1) load_contracts = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_dir), '') subprocess.check_call(['python', load_contracts, '-C', test_dir, '-p', '9696', '-b', '2', '-d', 'test_load_contracts.json', '-s', 'foobar']) db = json.load(open(os.path.join(test_dir, "test_load_contracts.json"))) func1 = db['foo']['fullsig'][0]['name'] prefix = sha3.sha3_256(func1.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()[:8] arg = 8 expected = round((2 * 8**0.5) / (8**0.5 - 1), 6) encoded_arg = hex(arg*2**64)[2:].strip('L').rjust(64, '0') result = rpc.eth_call(sender=coinbase, to=db['foo']['address'], data=('0x' + prefix + encoded_arg), gas=hex(3*10**6))['result'] result = int(result, 16) if result > 2**255: result -= 2**256 #the different internal representations #used in the calculations lead to some difference, #but the answers should be approximately the same. result = round(float(result)/2**64, 6) if result == expected: print 'TEST PASSED' else: print 'TEST FAILED: <expected {}> <result {}>'.format(expected, result) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() finally: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(test_dir, 'foobar')) os.remove(os.path.join(test_dir, '')) os.remove(os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_load_contracts.json'))
from test_node import TestNode from test_link import TestLink from test_graph import TestGraph from test_euler import TestEuler if __name__ == "__main__": test = TestNode() test.test_all() test = TestLink() test.test_all() test = TestGraph() test.test_all() test = TestEuler() test.test_all()
def test_compile_imports(): test_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) try: make_tree(test_code, dirname=test_dir) except: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(test_dir, 'foobar')) make_tree(test_code, dirname=test_dir) node = TestNode( log=open(os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_compile_imports.log'), 'w')) node.start() try: rpc = RPC_Client((node.rpchost, node.rpcport), 0) password = os.urandom(32).encode('hex') coinbase = rpc.personal_newAccount(password)['result'] rpc.personal_unlockAccount(coinbase, password, 10**10) rpc.miner_start(2) gas_price = int(rpc.eth_gasPrice()['result'], 16) balance = 0 print Style.BRIGHT + 'Mining coins...' + Style.RESET_ALL while balance / gas_price < int(MAXGAS, 16): balance = int(rpc.eth_getBalance(coinbase)['result'], 16) time.sleep(1) load_contracts = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(test_dir), '') subprocess.check_call([ 'python', load_contracts, '-C', test_dir, '-p', '9696', '-b', '2', '-d', 'test_load_contracts.json', '-s', 'foobar' ]) db = json.load(open(os.path.join(test_dir, "test_load_contracts.json"))) func1 = db['foo']['fullsig'][0]['name'] prefix = sha3.sha3_256(func1.encode('ascii')).hexdigest()[:8] arg = 8 expected = round((2 * 8**0.5) / (8**0.5 - 1), 6) encoded_arg = hex(arg * 2**64)[2:].strip('L').rjust(64, '0') result = rpc.eth_call(sender=coinbase, to=db['foo']['address'], data=('0x' + prefix + encoded_arg), gas=hex(3 * 10**6))['result'] result = int(result, 16) if result > 2**255: result -= 2**256 #the different internal representations #used in the calculations lead to some difference, #but the answers should be approximately the same. result = round(float(result) / 2**64, 6) if result == expected: print 'TEST PASSED' else: print 'TEST FAILED: <expected {}> <result {}>'.format( expected, result) except Exception as exc: traceback.print_exc() finally: shutil.rmtree(os.path.join(test_dir, 'foobar')) os.remove(os.path.join(test_dir, '')) os.remove(os.path.join(test_dir, 'test_load_contracts.json'))
def test_whitelist(): top_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) whitelist_code = open( os.path.join(top_dir, 'src', 'data and api', '')).read().split('\n') # change the period length of votes so testing is feasible old_period = whitelist_code.index('macro PERIOD: 1800') whitelist_code[old_period] = 'macro PERIOD: 100' whitelist_code = '\n'.join(whitelist_code) # start the geth node node = TestNode(verbose=False) node.start() # create rpc client and initialize accounts rpc = RPC_Client((node.rpchost, node.rpcport), 0) accounts = setup_accounts(rpc, 10, int(MAXGAS, 16), 60 * 60) # compile code print 'compiling and submitting code' evm = '0x' + serpent.compile(whitelist_code).encode('hex') fullsig = json.loads(serpent.mk_full_signature(whitelist_code)) response = rpc.eth_sendTransaction(sender=accounts[0], data=evm, gas=MAXGAS) txhash = response['result'] while True: response = rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt(txhash) receipt = response.get('result', False) if receipt: blocknumber = receipt.get('blockNumber', False) if blocknumber: address = receipt['contractAddress'] break print 'done.' contract = Contract(address, fullsig, rpc) for account in accounts: while True: try: contract.addReporter( 1010101, int(account, 16), send=True, sender=account, receipt=True ) #this option forces blocking until included in a block except AssertionError as exc: error = json.loads(exc.message)['error'] code = error['code'] if code != -32603: raise exc print 'nonce too low for account', account print 'trying again' time.sleep(10) else: break print 'account', account, 'added as reporter' index = contract.repIDToIndex(1010101, int(account, 16), call=True) contract.setRep(1010101, index, 10000 * 2**64, send=True, sender=account, receipt=True) contract.setWhitelist(2, [1, 3, 4, 5], send=True, receipt=True) ballot_hash = contract.propose_replacement(5, 6, call=True) contract.propose_replacement(5, 6, send=True, receipt=True) for account, _ in zip(accounts, range(6)): contract.whitelistVote(ballot_hash, sender=account) last_period = contract.getPeriod() while contract.getPeriod() == last_period: time.sleep(1) if contract.getWhitelist(2) == [1, 3, 4, 6]: print 'TEST PASSED' else: print 'TEST FAILED'
def test_whitelist(): top_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))) whitelist_code = open(os.path.join(top_dir, "src", "data and api", "")).read().split("\n") # change the period length of votes so testing is feasible old_period = whitelist_code.index("macro PERIOD: 1800") whitelist_code[old_period] = "macro PERIOD: 100" whitelist_code = "\n".join(whitelist_code) # start the geth node node = TestNode(verbose=False) node.start() # create rpc client and initialize accounts rpc = RPC_Client((node.rpchost, node.rpcport), 0) accounts = setup_accounts(rpc, 10, int(MAXGAS, 16), 60 * 60) # compile code print "compiling and submitting code" evm = "0x" + serpent.compile(whitelist_code).encode("hex") fullsig = json.loads(serpent.mk_full_signature(whitelist_code)) response = rpc.eth_sendTransaction(sender=accounts[0], data=evm, gas=MAXGAS) txhash = response["result"] while True: response = rpc.eth_getTransactionReceipt(txhash) receipt = response.get("result", False) if receipt: blocknumber = receipt.get("blockNumber", False) if blocknumber: address = receipt["contractAddress"] break print "done." contract = Contract(address, fullsig, rpc) for account in accounts: while True: try: contract.addReporter( 1010101, int(account, 16), send=True, sender=account, receipt=True ) # this option forces blocking until included in a block except AssertionError as exc: error = json.loads(exc.message)["error"] code = error["code"] if code != -32603: raise exc print "nonce too low for account", account print "trying again" time.sleep(10) else: break print "account", account, "added as reporter" index = contract.repIDToIndex(1010101, int(account, 16), call=True) contract.setRep(1010101, index, 10000 * 2 ** 64, send=True, sender=account, receipt=True) contract.setWhitelist(2, [1, 3, 4, 5], send=True, receipt=True) ballot_hash = contract.propose_replacement(5, 6, call=True) contract.propose_replacement(5, 6, send=True, receipt=True) for account, _ in zip(accounts, range(6)): contract.whitelistVote(ballot_hash, sender=account) last_period = contract.getPeriod() while contract.getPeriod() == last_period: time.sleep(1) if contract.getWhitelist(2) == [1, 3, 4, 6]: print "TEST PASSED" else: print "TEST FAILED"